Orbit Easy Dial 96876 24 Ra (2) 1final

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Users Manual

Models 96954, 96956, 96874, 96876 PN 96876-24 rA

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Congratulations on selecting your new Easy Table of Contents
Dial™ timer! With Orbit’s exclusive Easy-Set
Logic™, simple programming and setup are Section 1: Get to know your timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
combined with the latest timer technology Section 2: Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
and versatility.
Section 3: Programming with Easy-Set Logic™ . . . . . . 9
Your new timer provides convenience and Section 4: Additional Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
flexibility, letting you run a fully automatic,
a semi-automatic, or a manual watering Section 5: Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
program for all your watering needs.
Although this timer is so easy to program
that you likely will not need instructions, we
recommend that you read this manual fully
before installation so that you understand all
of the advanced features.

2 3
Section 1: Get to know your timer
Buttons Function Dial Position Function
A Dial
ENTER To confirm a new setting AUTO Set program is running automatically
B Digital Display

C Battery Compartment
C set clock Set clock time
MANUAL To water manually
set date Year, Month, and Day
clear To clear a setting
start time Set time to begin watering
PROGRAM To move between programs: A and B
A run time Set watering duration for each station
To advance to the next setting/watering
ARROW [  ] station or move to other programs/
settings how often Set frequency of watering days

To go back to the previous setting/ off Turn all stations/functions off

ARROW [  ] watering station or move to other
To pause operation for 24-72 hours
due to rain or other factors

+ To increase a numeric setting

– To decrease a numeric setting

4 5
Section 2: Installation 3. Connect Valve Wires to Timer If more than one valve is connected to a station the timer will
• Strip 12 mm of the plastic insulation off the end of be permanently damaged.
Required Tools
each wire for both the timer wires and the valve If the distance between the sprinkler timer and valves is
• Phillips Screwdriver wires. under 210 m, use Orbit® sprinkler wire or 20 gauge (AWG)
• Wire Strippers • Connect one wire from each valve (it doesn’t plastic jacketed thermostat wire to connect the sprinkler
timer to the valves. If the distance is over 210 m, use 16 gauge
1. Select a Location matter which wire) to a single “Common”
sprinkler wire (usually white). (AWG) wire.
When choosing a location for your timer, consider the
• Connect the remaining wire from each valve to a Important: All wires should be joined together using wire
separate colored sprinkler wire. nuts, solder, and/or vinyl tape. In wet environments like a
• Choose a location near an electrical outlet. valve box it is recommended to use Orbit Grease Caps or
See figure 3 Speed Seals to prevent corrosion of the connection and for
• Ensure operating temperatures are not below 0°
Celsius or above 70° Celsius. protection from water infiltration.

• Locate the timer where there is easy access to

Wire Nut Wiring Electric Valves
Figure 1: Use Mounting Template (included)
sprinkler wire (from valves). Strip 12 mm of plastic insulation off the end of each
2. Mount the Timer Wire To Timer individual wire. Each valve has two wires. One wire (it
doesn’t matter which one) is to be connected as the
• Use the mounting template (included) to mark the Keyhole common. The other valve wire is to be connected to
mounting screw location on the wall. See figure 1 3 mm
the specific station wire that will control that valve.
• Install a No. 8 screw into wall in the upper The common wires for all the valves can be connected
template location. Leave the screw head together to one common wire going to the controller.
No. 8 Screw
protruding 3mm from wall. Use expanding anchors To avoid electrical hazards and damage to the timer,
Figure 3:
(included) in plaster or masonry, if necessary, for Valve only one valve should be connected to each station. See
Wiring Electric Valves
a secure hold. Figure 4
 lip the timer over protruding screw (using Pre-formed
mounting holes
Important: The wire can be buried in the ground; however,
keyhole slot in back of timer). See figure 2 Note: The maximum loading for each station/pump is 250mA for more protection wires can be pulled through PVC pipe
(one valve), the maximum loading for the timer is 500mA. and buried underground. Be careful to avoid burying the
 rive a No. 8 screw through one of the two pre-
wires in locations where they could be damaged by digging
formed holes located in lower corners of the
Figure 2: Hang timer on screw using keyhole or trenching in the future.
cabinet. See figure 2
6 7
Only connect one valve to Your timer is equipped with the simple “push-in” Section 3: Programming with Tip: To increase or decrease more rapidly, hold down
each terminal (station) or terminals for easy connection. Connect common wire either the [+] or [-] buttons until the display goes into
damage will occur to the common terminal. Connect remaining wires to Easy-Set Logic™ rapid advance mode.
Station 1 corresponding terminal locations. A note about multiple programs
• Press the [   ] buttons to set am/pm.
4. Connect Electrical Transformer Power Your sprinkler timer provides the flexibility of using 2
• Turn dial to accept time.
Connect power connector to the timer. Insert the independent programs (A, B). The programs are where
Strip wire 2. Set Date
transformer into an 120V electrical outlet. See Figure 5 you store all of your sprinkler settings. Each program
Push in consists of a group of stations set to specific start • Turn dial to [SET DATE].
5. Activate Battery times and run times. Multiple programs allow you to
One Lithium CR2032 battery (included) is required run different valves on different days with different •P
 ress the PROGRAM button to select which
to retain the program in memory during power loss. run times. While many applications only require one program you’d like to set.
Figure 4 Annual replacement is recommended. program (A), using multiple programs (A, B) can be  ress the [   ] buttons to select which stations
useful for drip areas, newly planted lawn, or rotary you’d like to set
Remove the plastic strip to activate the pre-installed
sprinkler stations. Using programs to group stations
battery. (See page 12 for battery replacement) • Y/M/D will appear (blinking letter indicates selection).
with similar water needs will maximize irrigation
Note: The battery alone will not operate the valves in efficiency. •P
 ress the [+/–] buttons to set the correct year,
your sprinkler system. The sprinkler timer has a built-in then press [ENTER] or [   ].
Primary programming can be accomplished in just a
transformer that must be connected to an AC voltage source.
few basic steps. • Press the [+/–] buttons to set the correct month,
then press [ENTER].
24VAC SENSOR COM 1 2 3 4 5 6

Primary Programming
• Press the [+/–] buttons to set the correct date.
Press the [RESET] to clear any previous factory
programming • Turn dial to accept date.
Push tab
upward to 24VAC SENSOR COM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Set Clock 3. Start time
release wire
Remove plastic • Turn dial to [SET CLOCK]. • Turn dial to [START TIME].
strip to activate
battery • Press the [+/–] buttons to set the current time of day. • Press the [+/–] buttons to select time you’d like
your watering to begin. (time will adjust in 1
minute increments)
Figure 5
8 9
The display will show 4. Run Time Odd or Even Days
• Turn the dial to [RUN TIME]. • Use the [   ] buttons to move to the ODD or
EVEN day
- Press [+] or [ENTER]
• Selecting a different option or pressing clear will
Days of the Week erase the previous selection.
• Your dial should be set to [HOW OFTEN]. Example: Odd: 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.
Please note that [START TIME] is the time of day that - Press the PROGRAM button to select which Example: Even: 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.
• Press the PROGRAM button to select which
your programmed watering starts. You can set up to program you’d like to set
program you’d like to set. Turn the dial to [AUTO] and that’s it!
4 start times at each program if you want to water
more than once per day. All stations that have a STATION is the area that will be watered by each valve. - Press the [   ] buttons to move from one day You have programmed your timer!
programmed run time (how long) will run in sequence On this screen the RUN TIME or duration for each to another. Turn dial to [AUTO] to activate your program.
at each start time. station is set. - Press [+] or [ENTER] to select a day for watering. Note: If your program is lost, the factory installed fail-
Note: Start-Time Stacking  ress the [   ] to select a station and press the
•P A frame will appear around the selected days. safe program will turn on each station every day for 10
When a start time is set before the previous program has [+/–] buttons to enter the watering duration for • To delete a previously entered day, press [-] or minutes.
completed, that start time will be “stacked” or delayed, that station. [CLEAR]. Note: Your prior programming will not be disturbed
and will start upon completion of the previous program.  ress [ENTER] or the [   ] buttons to move to
•P Example: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday unless altered. Always be aware of the program you are
Example: Bill just planted new grass seed and wants the next station/valve, and enter watering duration in (A or B) when you are making changes.
to water three times per day. He sets START TIME 1 for each station. Intervals
Reviewing and Changing Your Program
for 5am, START TIME 2 for 12pm, and START TIME 3 5. How Often • Use the [   ] buttons to move to the INTERVAL
for 5 pm. option “INT”. If you want to review or change the start times,
• Turn the dial to [HOW OFTEN] - this screen allows run times, or how often to water, simply follow the
He sets the INT (interval) to water every 1 DAYS (see you to set how often to water. •P
 ress [+/–] buttons to select the number of days
directions again for that option. After reviewing or
section 3, HOW OFTEN). between watering.
There are 3 options provided: changing a watering schedule, remember to turn the
In AUTO mode the system will water 3 times per day. Example: An interval of 1 will water every day; an dial back to [AUTO] for automatic operation.
Once Bill’s sod is established he can CLEAR start 1. Days of the week (Mon, Tues, Wed, etc.) interval of 3 will water every 3rd day, etc.
times 2 and 3 and return to watering just once per day. 2. Intervals (Every “X” number of days)
3. Odd or Even Days
10 11
Section 4: Additional Features Manual Watering •P
 ress the [+/–] to enter the desired duration from TIMER 24VAC SENSOR COM 1 2 3 4

1 to 240 minutes.
Rain Delay Your timer has the ability to allow you to manually
water without disturbing the preset program. • Wait 5 seconds and your station will begin.
[Rain delay] allows you to delay your sprinkler timer
from watering for a set period of time. Delay settings are • Turn the dial to [AUTO]. • To stop Manual Watering press [CLEAR].
24, 48, and 72 hours. •T
 he timer will go back to your original automatic
• Turn dial to [AUTO] watering schedule.
Example: To manually water on station 3 for five
minutes, press the [MANUAL] button then press
the [   ] buttons until you see station 3; using
the [+/–] buttons, set duration to five minutes;
press [ENTER].
• Press the [MANUAL] button. Display will show Note: After the [MANUAL] button has been pushed, if a Figure 6:
A B and ALL. After a few seconds or by pressing selection is not made within 5 seconds all stations and Connecting a
programs will begin watering using the programmed Rain Sensor
[ENTER] the timer will begin manual watering.
• Press the [Rain Delay] button to automatically RUN TIMES. If no RUN TIMES have been set, nothing will
delay watering for 24 hours. • All stations will water consecutively for their happen and the display will return to the time of day. Rain Sensor Bypass
programmed duration.
• If a longer Rain Delay is desired, press the or [+/–] Connecting a Rain Sensor This sprinkler timer is equipped with a sensor
buttons to increase or decrease the setting. Note: If the run times have not been set, the timer will not override “on/off” switch. This switch is for use during
initiate manual watering and the screen will return to the • Connect the rain sensor wires to the wiring
• Press [ENTER] or wait 10 seconds and the maintenance and repairs, so the sprinkler timer can
current time. terminal ports (yellow in color) labeled “Sensor”
selected rain delay will begin. be operated even if the rain sensor is in active mode.
(see figure 6).
• To specify a specific program or stations, Press the [ Important: If the rain sensor switch is in the “on”
• [CLEAR] button stops the rain delay and   ] buttons to select A or B. Note: Refer to your rain sensor manual for specific
scheduled watering will resume. position and no sensor is connected, the sprinkler
wiring instructions.
• Press [ENTER] to activate. timer will not operate. To resume sprinkler timer
• At the end of the selected rain delay amount of • Place the sensor on/off switch to the “on” operation place the switch in the off position.
time, automatic watering resumes. • To select a specific station, continue pressing position to begin operation.
the [   ]buttons until desired station number
• While in rain delay mode, the timer display appears.
will switch between the actual time and the
remaining hours of the delay, every 2 seconds. 12 13
Replacing the Battery Section 5: Reference
Your timer requires a CR2032 Lithium battery.
To Remove
• The battery will maintain your program in case of TERM DEFINITION
an AC power loss.
• Battery should last approximately one year. Start Time The time the program begins watering the first programmed station.

• Open by sliding the battery tray out to the right. Figure 7: Supplies water to a specific station or area. The opening and closing of the valve
Battery Compartment VALVE
is accomplished through electrical current supplied by the sprinkler timer.
• Insert one CR2032 battery into the compartment
with the + side up. Typically located at the main water source. Turns on and off water for the entire
Master Valve
• Slide back into place. irrigation system when not in use.

A weak or missing battery can cause the time, date, Multiple A controller feature that allows a program to be operated multiple times on the
and program to be erased after a power failure. If Start Times same watering day.
this happens, you will need to install a fully charged Overlapping When a “Start Time” is set for a program before the previous program has
battery and reprogram the timer. Programs completed.
Tip: Replace battery every year, to avoid loss of Individual programs as set by the user. Each program operates independently.
programming. Program
If one program overlaps the other the programs will be “stacked.” After the first
(A or B)
program finishes the next program will begin.
Note: A battery alone will not operate the valves in your
sprinkling system. The sprinkler timer transformer must A feature that postpones the running of a scheduled watering program for a
be connected to an AC line voltage source. Rain Delay
specific duration.

Solenoid The electrical part on an irrigation valve that opens and closes the valve.

Sprinkler Timer A device which instructs the station valves to operate.

A grouping of sprinklers operated by a single valve which is controlled by the
Station timer.

14 15
Troubleshooting help Warranty and Statement
1-800-488-6156 or 1-801-299-5555 Orbit® Irrigation Products, Inc. warrants to its customers
that its products will be free from defects in materials
Problem Possible cause www.orbitonline.com
and workmanship for a period of 3 years from the date of
1. Faulty solenoid connection Before returning this sprinkler timer to the store, contact purchase.
Orbit® Technical Service at: 1-800-488-6156, 1-801-299-
One or more valves do 2. Wire damaged or severed 5555. We will replace, free of charge, the defective part or
not turn on parts found to be defective under normal use and service
3. Flow control stem screwed down, shutting valve off listings for a period of up to 3 years after purchase (proof of
4. Programming is incorrect This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian purchase required).
1. Water pressure is too high ICES-003. We reserve the right to inspect the defective part prior to
Stations turn on when Disconnection : Type 1Y replacement.
2. More than one start time is programmed
they are not supposed Orbit® Irrigation Products, Inc. will not be responsible for
3. AM/PM is incorrect Normal Pollution Situation.
to consequential or incidental cost or damage caused by
4. B program activated the product failure. Orbit® liability under this warranty is
1. Faulty valve Trademark Notice limited solely to the replacement or repair of defective
One station is stuck on 2. Particles of dirt or debris stuck in valve WaterMaster® is a registered trademark of Orbit®
and will not shut off Irrigation Products, Inc. The information in this manual To exercise your warranty, return the unit to your dealer
3. Valve diaphragm faulty is primarily intended for the user who will establish with a copy of the sales receipt.
1. Transformer defective or not connected a watering schedule and enter that schedule into the This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
All valves do not turn on sprinkler timer. This product is intended to be used as an Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
2. Programming is incorrect
automatic sprinkler timer for activating 24 VAC irrigation This device may not cause harmful interference, and
Timer will not power up 1. Transformer not plugged into a working outlet valves, as described in this manual. (2) This device must accept any interference received,
1. More than one start time is programmed with overlapping schedules
including interference that may cause undesired
Valves continue to turn operation.
on and off when they 2. Excessive pressure
are not programmed
3. B program activate

16 17
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly Caution: This appliance is not intended for use by young
approved by the party responsible for compliance could void children or infirm persons without supervision. Young
the user’s authority to operate the equipment. children should be supervised to ensure that they do not
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to play with the appliance.
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, Caution: Risk of electric shock or personal injury or fire,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are only use power unit model WR1-41-065R-1 (or WT1-41-
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful 065R) with this timer.
interference in a residential installation. This equipment Pump Start & Master Valve
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy The sprinkler timer allows a master valve or pump start
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the relay to operate whenever a station is on.
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that Note: If you are activating a pump from this timer, you
interference will not occur in a particular installation. must purchase a Pump Start Relay. From the pump start
relay (or master valve); connect one wire to the “Pump”
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to terminal and the other wire to the “Common” terminal.
radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.

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