Physics: Grade 7

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Grade 7
Grade 7
Science 7
The electromagnet force, along with other forces such as gravity and friction, is one of
the foundational forces governing the universe. In today’s world, the use of electricity
is an integral part of our daily lives (light, heat, computers, TV, and other devices).
Grade 7 students will be moving on to high school in grade 8. Understanding
electricity and magnetism allows students to explore electives (and possible careers)
based on these fundamental forces.
This science topic, more than any other, serves as a clear pathway to careers in the
An electronic copy of this teacher guide can be found on Learn71:
S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Suggested Ways to Weave Aboriginal Ways of Knowing within this unit:
Learning is experiential and place-based:
Go to Comox Lake and walk down the pipes to our local power station. On another day tour
the power station then travel from there along the Puntledge River. This allows students to
better understand the need for slope, conserving our waterways, that Comox Lake is behind a
human-made dam and is subject to tectonic forces (earthquakes).

Recognizing the consequences of one’s actions:

By examining our role in global warming, and our negative influences on our environment,
we offer an exploration or inquiry into the cause and affect of our lifestyle and actions.
Learning Involves patience and time:
Concepts within this unit may seem difficult to understand to some/many of our learners.
With patience and practice with practical experiences, over time these concepts will make
Learning is Embedded in Memory, History, and Story:
By examining the history and stories of early scientists who discovered the physics concepts
covered within this unit, a greater understanding of concepts emerges.

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Suggested Ways to Embed Assessment for Learning Strategies:

When we ask lots of questions, our students get curious and THEY do the work. The simple
act of asking questions has the massive potential of turning passive learners into actively
engaged students. So ask lots of content-related questions!
Please consider adding the ’Energy’ unit from Scholastic’s Issues 21 to this science unit. The
teacher’s guide is FILLED with well-worded questions to provoke thinking.

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Suggested Ways to Engage Students in Science Inquiry:

A Need to Know You use electricity in every part of your life. You heart is both an electrical device and a pump.
Most of your food is preserved or cooked using electricity (in a fridge/stove/microwave,
toaster). Rooms are lit with electricity. Computers, phones, and headphones use this source of
power. How are the different forms of electricity created or generated, transmitted, and used?

A Driving Question How is electricity generated? What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism?
What happens if the electricity goes off in our community and stays off for two days, one week,
or longer? How might our response to this situation differ from other countries around the
What creatures use magnetic fields to navigate? What creatures create their own electric
power? (explore electric eels and bioluminescence) What would happen if the Earth’s magnetic
field changed?
What kinds of careers use an understanding of electromagnetic forces?

An authentic Purpose Unfortunately many teachers are experiencing higher numbers of passive students. When we
create authentic purposes for their work, we stand a better chance of increasing their levels of
engagement. Please consider:
 Simple scientific experiments to engage learners, (generate electricity ~ static electricity e.g.
a lemon to generate electricity or fun with static electricity; simple hands-on magnetism
activities; electromagnet activities)
 hands on experiences using the Snap Circuit kit and the Electricity and Magnetism
Experiments book.
 local field trips to reinforce the scientific skills within this unit.

Significant Content We loop back to our driving question and our need to know. The content becomes significant
when it matters to our students. How can we make this material relevant?

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Suggested Instructional Topics
and a Potential Sequence:

1. What is magnetism? What materials are magnetic? What is lodestone? When were
Magnetic fields and Magnetic forces discovered? Who discovered them? How are they

2. What is electricity? (static, direct current, alternating current, understand generation

through a local field trip to Comox Lake, and a second field trip to the power station)

3. Field trips provide the understanding of how we use water to store its potential power
and use that potential to generate electricity

4. What is electromagnetism?

5. How do we use electromagnets? (uses in daily life; develop an understanding by building

snap circuits; also use a variety of e-resources)

6. What would it be like to live without these forces? (in an emergency, and as a result of
the shifting of the Earth’s magnetic field)

7. Taking the next steps through inquiry projects (near-term futures: electric cars (Elon
Musk), storage batteries (Elon Musk), magnetic levitation trains, driverless vehicles,

8. Canadian role models in this area of study

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Notice, Think, and Wonder
Please make time for the books within this science unit to be shared among students in an
informal way. During silent reading time, books from this kit and from those gathered at
your school library may be shared in a casual buddy reading/info circles format. As students
share these books, who knows what might occur … students may naturally launch into requests
of, “Can we try this?” Inquiry is born from subtle suggestions toward an intended destination!

“Maybe … perhaps … or I think … “ Exploratory talk like this brings multiple minds together to
work on the same problem in powerful ways.
Peter Johnson author of Choice Words

Acknowledge and affirm the question and the curiosity. Use the ‘language of possibility’ …
‘maybe’, ‘could be’, ‘what if’… Experiment, explore, discover, wonder, persist, re-think, model,
wonder aloud … then walk away and see what happens!
Kath Murdoch author of Collaborative Inquiry

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

1. What is Magnetism?
We want students to understand the following:

History of Magnetism


The Science Behind Magnets:

How do they Work? - Stuff to
Blow Your Kids' Mind #2
Bill Nye - Magnetism (edited)

MAGNETS: How Do They


How Magnet Works - The

FORCE of Nature | A
Documentary Film (45 mins)
Monster Magnets

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

1. What is Magnetism?

Why are some magnets stronger than others?

When provided with a variety of magnets, students can determine which magnets are
stronger than others. But why is this? After doing this simple experiment, challenge students
to a mini inquiry around this question. Research will lead them towards information about
domains ~ the more domains that line up in the same direction, the stronger the magnet.

Source: Understanding Electricity: What is Electromagnetism?

by Lionel Sandner

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Do a Google search ...
National Geographic
Explorer and look for the
May 2016

Please check out National Geographic Explorer for

on-line articles that may be projected in your
classroom. In addition … you can get the same
May 2016 edition has an article on magnets.

Pioneer Edition: Trailblazer Edition:

Pathfinder Edition: Adventurer Edition:

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

The concept of magnetism is revisited several times in B.C.’s curriculum. The Layers of
Learning site may be useful in providing some of the earlier skills in review.

grade 2 science in B.C.’s curriculum

grade 4 science in B.C.’s curriculum

grade 7 science in B.C.’s curriculum

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

1. The discovery of Magnetic fields and Magnetic forces
We want students to understand the following:

Magnetic Field Basics

Properties of Magnets

Oersted's Compass

Magnetic Field History
100 Greatest Discoveries
Magnetic North Pole
How the Northern Light

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

2. What is static electricity?
Start with static, move to direct current, alternating
current, exploring generation

What is static electricity?

Activities to learn about

static electricity

2 b. What is direct current?

Safety First

AC vs DC Power?

Build an Electric Motor

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

2 c. What is alternating current?
Start with static, move to direct current,
alternating current, exploring generation

What is static electricity?

Activities to learn about static


What is alternating current?

Activities to learn about

alternating current

2 d. Exploring electrical generation

How do we generate (A district account in which this

electricity? information is accessed, may be possible.)

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

2 e. Puntledge River field trip

Think local … Take your class to Comox Lake and walk down the pipes to our
Place-Based Learning local power station. On another day tour the power station then
travel from there along the Puntledge River. This allows students
to better understand the need for slope, the need to conserve our
waterways, and that Comox Lake is behind a human-made dam
and is subject to tectonic forces (earthquakes).

3. What is electromagnetism?

Electromagnetism Cartoon

How to make an

Electromagnetism :
… Student Created

Magnets and Electromagnet

Uses: Theme Parks, Credit
(This one is 45 minutes long.)
Cards, Junk Yards, and our

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

The things you discover at a party!
Electromagnetism? Who, What, and When?
In 1820, a scientist named Hans Oersted was at a party.
He placed a compass near an electrical current and noticed
that the needle on the compass moved. The electrical
current had made a magnetic field.

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Bill Nye
the Science Guy
With a Google search, you will find the Bill Nye
clip about electromagnetism.

And the full episode on magnetism is also available.

Using the
materials within this
kit, invite students to
experiment and
create a snap circuit.

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

4. How do we use electricity?
(In school district #71 these snap circuit kits may be ordered through Destiny.)

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Electrons on the Go
Conducting Currents
Lemon Battery
Lighting Light Bulbs
Conductivity Tester
Steady Hand Game

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

5. Life without Electricity

The ‘Energy’ issue from Scholastic’s Issues 21 series provides several

articles about energy sources, impacts on the environment and
examines non-renewable energy resources that are running out.
These articles fit nicely within this unit and offer a means to an
interdisciplinary approach to science through language arts.

Many of our students at the grade 6 and 7 level do not know how to deeply
comprehend text. The following link provides a pictorial lesson sequence in
which students are taught how to make notes by carefully examining the
organizational structure of text. Just because they know how to read the
words, is no guarantee they understand what they have read! You may want
to consider this formative sequence as your students read and make notes
from these articles about energy.
S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada
Source: Scholastic’s Issues 21; Energy unit; pgs. 12, 13

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

6. Taking the next steps through inquiry projects
Mini-Inquiry: near-term futures provide an opportunity for students to
investigate some of the newest developments in physics technology ... electric
cars and storage batteries (Elon Musk), magnetic levitation trains, driverless

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

7. Canadian role models
These super young scientists are doing
amazing things! Share a couple of these
examples with your students, then have
them do a mini-inquiry to inspire the
science within their souls! Who are the
young scientist shaking up the world?

Youth Innovator Ann Makosinski Wins 2

Top20Under20, 2014 - Raymond Wang

Oro-Medonte teen wins Canada-Wide

science award, lunch with an astronaut

What characteristics or scientific

processes do these award winning
students have or share?
Raymond Wang, Nicole Ticea Win Top Intel
Science Fair Awards Who else has been shaking up the world
of science at a very young age? And what
have they been discovering?

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada


New Curriculum Organized with elaborations — by Janet Chow of Burnaby

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Assessment Framework
Subject: Science Grade: 7
Strand: Physics

Physics Magnetic Fields I can describe and demonstrate magnetic poles either
attract or repel magnetic materials.
I can discriminate between four basic types of magnets
(permanent, temporary, electromagnets and
I can define the Curie temperature and the impact heat
has on ferromagnetic materials.
I can distinguish between ferromagnetic, paramagnetic,
and diamagnetic materials.
I can name a variety of ways in which magnets are used in
our world.
Magnetic Forces I can describe the connection between the
magnetosphere and the norther lights.
I can sketch a map of Earth’s magnetic field.
Electricity I can give examples of different ways in which electricity
can be generated.
I can critique the environmental impacts associated with
the ways in which electricity is generated.
I can build a simple electrical circuit.
Electromagnetism I can create a simple electromagnet.
I can create snap circuits to demonstrate my
understanding of electromagnetism.
I can describe through pictures and labels, my
understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field.
I can construct a simple electromagnet using a wire and
I can create a current by moving a magnet in a coil of wire.
I can explain the connection between electromagnets and
Vancouver’s Skytrain.

S.D. #71 Comox Valley, British Columbia, Canada

An electronic copy of this teacher guide can be found on Learn71 at
Contributors: Cheryl Adebar, Thea Black, Noah Burdett, Doug David, Kara Dawson, Colleen Devlin, Allan Douglas,
Gerald Fussell, Nora Harwijne, Sarah Heselgrave, Debra Lovett, Kim Marks, Gail Martingale, Dale Mellish, Heather Mercier,
Jane Rondow, Teri Ingram, Debbie Nelson, Joan Pearce, Stewart Savard, Laura Street, Lynn Swift, Carol Walters.

School District No. 71 (Comox Valley) grants permission for teachers to use these resources for educational purposes.

Published July 2016

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