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The Effect of Alcohol to the Academic Performance of Senior High

School Students

A Research Capsule Presented to

the Faculty of Sulop National High School
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement
in Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion


Cabanay, Jennycel
Catalogo, Fulgencio Jr.
Gil, John Lloyd
Lagroma, Gemarie
Mahinay, Sherwin
Rabago, Lea Mae
Tibo, Janjan

June 2021
Chapter I


Background of the study

In United States, one in four individuals between the ages of

12 and 20 drinks alcohol on a monthly basis, and the ratio changes to

five or more drinks every two weeks for a similar proportion of 12 th

graders. Alcohol consumption among students is generally viewed as a

socially important topic and is a reason of concern among many

parents and school administrators. In the past some of the researches

have been conducted that has shown alcohol consumption negatively

affects students as they are not able to balance out their academic

work and social life causing potential dropouts and failing classes. On

the contrary some researchers have shown that drinking alcohol has

no significant effect on the student’s performance. So, the objective of

this research is to successfully learn if drinking alcohol has any effect

on student’s final grades or not and to find out other significant

factors that helps in explaining grades of a student.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) alcohol

dependence the most cause of severe disorders is characterized by

behavioral and other responses that always include a compulsion to

take alcohol a continuous or periodic bases in order to experience its

Psychic effect and sometimes avoid discomfort of its absence. Alcohol

dependence is defined by sexennial criteria including a narrowing of

the persons drinking preferences increased seeking of alcoholic

beverages often to alcohol repeated withdrawal symptoms. Subjective

compulsion or a strong urge to drink in spite of awareness that

drinking creating problems in the person’s life and rapid return to

establish drinking patterns of the following periods of abstinence

(Collier, 1997)

Ansari et al., (2012) examined the association between alcohol

consumption and academic achievement among university students.

The author employed five alcohol consumption measures (length of

time and amount consumed during most recent drinking occasion,

frequency of alcohol consumption, heavy episodic drinking, problem

drinking); and an educational achievement indicator i.e. students’

actual module mark in their study. They concluded that actual module

mark was not associated with any alcohol consumption measure.

Ana I. Balsa, Laura M. Giuliano and Michael T. French (2011)

examined the effects of alcohol use on academic achievement in high

school students’ quality of learning. Their study concluded that

increase in alcohol consumption results in small yet statistically

significant reductions in Grade Point Average (GPA) for male students

and statistically insignificant changes for female students.

Alcohol is part of life for most Filipino teenagers as well as for

many University students and High School students, for them it played

an important role in the social world. To an extent, a decision not to

engage in this normative could lead to exclusion form of the boarder

youth scene. Most of the people who consume alcohol are teenagers

or in the early gates adolescents stage. The inhabitation of student’s

alcoholism is not new to most of the junior and senior high school

students in the Philippines. Alcoholism is a growing concern in the

culture of social life of the country. Alongside with this case are lots of

consequences, risks, and violations that occurs which seriously needs

the deep concern of the parents, different health organizations, law

enforcing officers, and the government, etc.

Along many issues regarding Senior High School students

alcohol intake, the researchers aim to determine its effect on their

academic performance and to examine the prevalence of alcohol use

among Senior High School students. The researchers sought and

strive to investigate this situation for us to formulate better study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of alcohol

to the academic performance of Senior High School students and to

assess the prevalence of alcohol use.

Statement of the Problems

This study aims to determine the effects of alcohol to the

academic performance of Senior High School students.

Specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of senior high school students in

terms of:

1.1 Age and sex;

1.2 Year level;

1.3 Family monthly income;

2. Is there a significant relationship between the academic

performances of the students over drinking alcohol?

3. Is there a significant relationship between drinking alcohol and

their demographic profile?

Research Questions

The following research questions will guide the study;

1. What is the prevalence of alcohol use among students in Senior High


2. What are the perceived effects of alcohol use among Senior High

School students?

3. What are the effects of alcohol to the academic performance of

Senior High School students?


1. There is no significant relationship between drinking alcohol and

their academic performance.

2. There is no significant relationship between drinking alcohol and

their demographic profile.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 below shows the conceptual framework of alcohol. This

conceptual framework shows the relationship between the dependent and

independent variables of the study it is divided into three categories; socio-

demographic factors, effects, and risk factors of alcohol.

Independent Variables

Socio-demographic factor
 Age and sex
 Year level
 Family monthly income

 Decrease GPA
 Low academic performance Alcohol
 Reluctant to go to school
 Reduce class attendance


Risk factors

 Behavior changes
 Cancer diseases
 Addiction

Figure1. The Conceptual Framework of


Definition of Terms

In order to give a common definition, the following terms were

operationally defined:

Alcohol. It is used for the purpose of getting drunk 

Adolescent stage. In this study,

School. Is an institution designed for the teaching of students or

pupils under the direction of teacher.

Academic Performance. The measurement of student achievement

across various academic subjects

Chapter II


International Literature

According to studies in the USA, men drink twice as much (21%) as

women (10%) Dawson and Archer found a ten-fold difference between men

(13.63%) and women (1.33%) and in a study by Emslie et al., a significantly

higher prevalence of alcohol drinking was observed in men than in women. In

Croatia, 81.3% of men and 51.2% of women are the drinking population.

Alcoholism is somewhat more frequent in those of middle age, lower income

and lower education. As to educational level, a great difference has been

observed between rural and urban areas: in urban areas, alcoholism is more

prevalent in persons with higher educational level, whereas in rural areas it is

associated with those with lower education (Pullen 1994). The drinking image

has been changing worldwide – with growing numbers of women and

younger people as drinkers nowadays. A persons’ alcohol user is primarily

influence by attitudes development during childhood and teen years. It is

impacted by the parent’s attitude and behavior towards drinking, persons

influence, society, and family relationships.

Alcohol use is the most commonly used psychoactive substance in the

world and is one of the leading causes of death and disability. Alcohol abuse

causes 3.2% of all deaths worldwide annually and also accounts for 4.0% of

the global disease burden each year. Research has shown that alcohol use is

associated with alcohol addiction, other drug use, unintentional injuries

[physical fighting, criminal activity, suicidal ideation and attempts and

increased risk of HIV/AIDS.

In order to address this global public health issue, the World Health

Organization (WHO) recently prioritized the global reduction of the harmful

use of alcohol. Even with limited data, it is still evident that low and middle-

income countries bear a disproportionate public health burden due to

increasing alcohol consumption and limited or non-existent prevention policies

and programs. Alcohol use among youth is affected by a range of

psychosocial and environmental factors. Relatively recent research has

increasingly focused on the role of exposure to alcohol marketing broadly

defined and its influences on youth drinking in particular. However, such

research has been largely limited to high income countries, with a few


In Northern Ireland, the number of alcohol-related deaths has more

than doubled since 1994. The most recent figures show: there were 270

deaths recorded as alcohol-related in 2012. There were more than 11,500

alcohol-related admissions to hospitals in 2009/10.

National Literature

In the Philippines, drinking is more acceptable among girls than

smoking. Nevertheless, it is still the case that it is considered more

appropriate for men than for women to drink. Parents are more lax with boys,

giving them more freedom to drink alcohol than their sisters. On the average,

Filipino youths start drinking alcohol at the age of 16 or 17. However, there

are also many cases when children as young as 12 years old are already

drinking alcoholic beverages. About 37 percent of the respondents in the

survey have continued the habit of drinking alcohol while 33 percent said they

only drink alcoholic beverages on special occasions. Some 17 percent said

they have already decided to stop the vice of drinking.

Dr. Payawal cited a study on Holiday Drinking Facts which indicated

that 96 percent went to work with a hangover after a holiday party or knew

someone who did. The same study said 60 percent think that alcohol makes a

party fun; 57 percent have seen people drive under the influence of alcohol;

and 40 percent say they, their friends, and their family member use the

holidays as an excuse to drink.“In Asia we are considered as one of the

heaviest drinkers,” she said.

Dr. Payawal cited that the Philippines placed third in the world when it

comes to rum consumption (liters per person) and number one in Asia. The

country is the top gin consumer (liters per person) in the world and 7th in

Asia when it comes to beer consumption. The Philippines also placed second

in Southeast Asia when it comes to alcohol consumption. The prevalent rate

of alcohol consumption is estimated at five million Filipino drinkers in a

population of 90 million,” she said. Dr. Payawal stressed that alcohol is not a

normal consumer product and should have regulations because of its

addictive nature. She added that the drinking culture increases the harmful

effects of alcohol consumption.

“There is no minimized limit, no safe limits of alcohol consumption,” as

Dr. Payawal said. “You should always think before your drink.”

Significance of the Study

This research paper would be a great help to the following:

Students. The result of this study would aide them to increase

their awareness about alcohol drinking and alcohol related issues so

that the early stage of life they would develop desirable habit and

value toward a better and quality of life.

Parents. This study would serve as an “eye opener” to them,

enabling them to see the real scenario of the health factor of their

children. In order for them to realize the important fact that may help

their children obtain from such activities.

School Administration. Through this study, the schools

administration will be more active and strict to monitor their students

and guide through the right path.

Community. Through this study, the community will be able

to have an idea on the possible effect of alcohol so that they will be

aware of the effects. They will also be enlightened to be more caring

and responsible of their health.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study would prove

other researchers insight that would serve as a guide in their own

research work

Chapter III


Scope and Limitation

This research study will be conducted in Sulop National High School-

Senior High School which is located at National Highway, Talas, Sulop Davao

del Sur. This study will focus on the Effect of Alcohol Consumption to the

Academic Performance of Senior High School Students’. The respondents are

limited only comprising of male and female.

Research Design

This study employs the descriptive-correlation research design utilizing

group correlation analysis among variants. In particular, the research

examined the correlation of the alcohol use and the academic performance of

Senior High School students. A correlation analysis will be used to determine

the relationship between the alcohol use and academic performance of the

Senior High School students in Sulop National High School-Senior High

School, in School Year 2020-2021. The statistical measures that were used in

this study were the frequency counts, weighted mean, ANOVA.

Statistical Tool

The data that will gather from the respondents will be tallied, analyzed,

interpreted, tabulated, and subjected to descriptive statistics. The statistical

tools that will use in this study are the frequency counts, mean, weighted

mean, Fishers t – test, t- test and ANOVA.

To describe the data on the profile of the Students– respondents and

their drinking habits that can be found in question number one (1) and

question number three (3), the frequency counts and conversion of

percentages is used. To answer the questions number two (2) the researchers

will be using the weighted mean. For the computation of weighted mean, the

formula that was found in the book of fegerson and Takane (1989:54) will be

use. The formula is:

X = Σf1x1


F = Weighted mean or arithmetic mean

F1 = the corresponding frequency of their nth scale

x1 = the corresponding scale used

N = the sum of the value in the f1 column


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