Cash Control

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[*Field: VCH CrAmt]

Use : VCH Amount Template

Inactive : If $$InAlterMode OR $$InDuplicateMode Then ((#VCHToBy = $
$LocaleString:"Dr") or (#VCHToBy = $$LocaleString:"By")) Else $$IsEmpty:$LedgerName
OR $IsDeemedPositive
;; Inactive : If $IsDeemedPositive Then $$SetVCHCrAmtInactive:
$LedgerName Else $$SetVCHCrAmtInactive:$LedgerName
UseOwnValue : If $$InAlterMode OR $$InDuplicateMode Then (If $
$IsBaseCurrency:$$SubTotal:VCHDrAmt AND NOT $$IsBaseCurrency:$$SubTotal:VCHCrAmt +
then $$AsPositive:$Amount Else $$Abs:@vCurAmtDiff) Else +
if NOT @vCurAmtIsDr then $$Value else $$Abs:@vCurAmtDiff
;; For New Service Tax - This sub form to realised the TDS amount
Sub Form : STX JrnlTaxObject Alloc :
@@IsIndianServicetax AND @@STXNumItemTaxObjSTWithTDS AND @@STXJrnlTdsPurchase AND
NOT @@STXIsTDSDedVch AND $$IsEmpty:$TaxAdjustment

Sub Form : STX AdvRealizedTaxObj AllocForAsVchForJV :

@@IsIndianServicetax AND $$IsJournal:$VoucherTypeName AND +

@ThisHasBillVch AND $$STXIsServiceDetlsExists AND +

$$IsSTXAdvnaceReciptPresentAmtForAsVch > 0 AND +

NOT $IsDeemedPositive AND NOT ##PreAllocateBills AND $

$IsEmpty:$TaxAdjustment AND NOT $IsSTXNonRealizedVch AND $
$NumItems:STXTaxObjsForVchRealization > 0

ThisHasBillVch : @@IsAccVch AND ($$IsBillWiseOn) AND

Sub Form : Vch Bank Allocations : @OpenBankSubForm
OpenBankSubForm : ($$IsLedofGrp:$LedgerName:$$GroupBank OR $
$IsLedofGrp:$LedgerName:$$GroupBankOD) AND NOT $$IsEmpty:$$Value AND NOT $
$IsExploded:VchBankAllocationsExp AND (NOT ##ShowBankAlloc OR $
$NumItems:BankAllocations > 1)

Validate:($$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName and $$NettAmount:$$VchLedTotal:

$LedgerName<20000) or (not $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName) or ($

[*Field: ACLSFixedLed]

Use : Vch LedgerFetch

Use : Ledger Name Field
Type : String : Forced
Storage : Ledger Name : All Ledger Entries : Last :
Table : Cash Class Ledgers Extract : $$IsEmpty:@VchLed
Set as : If NOT $$IsEmpty:@VchLed Then @VchLed Else $$Value
VchLed : If $$IsEmpty:##SVClass Then "" Else $$CollectionField:
Common Table: NO
Skip on : @@IsPaySalaryProcess OR NOT $$IsEmpty:@VchLed
Set always : Yes
Switch : TDS : ACLS FixedLedDedn : ##SVTDSDeduction AND $$IsTDSOn AND
Validate:($$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName and $$NettAmount:$
$VchLedTotal:$LedgerName<20000) or (not $$IsGroupCash:$Parent:Ledger:$LedgerName)
or ($$IsReceipt:$VoucherTypeName)

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