SG7002 - MBA Applied Business Project: Student Number:1910204 Marking Scheme For Applied Research Submission

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SG7002 – MBA Applied Business Project

Student Number:1910204


Criteria Comments Weight Actual
Identification of a valid topic,
research question and objectives
framed to Masters Level standard
with academic rationale developed,
clear industry contextualisation of the
research topic
Depth and breadth of literature used,
engagement with seminal authors and
papers, evidence of a critical approach
toward the scholarly literature


Evaluation of research philosophies
and perspectives. Justification of
methodological approach, sampling
strategy, data analysis and reliability
and validity measures as applicable
Evidence of rigor in data analysis and
interpretation procedures,
identification of key patterns and
themes in the research data,
integration of academic theory into
explanation of findings
Research question and objectives
addressed with contribution to
theoretical and managerial concepts
considered. Recommendations

provided for theory, practice and
future research

Well-structured and ordered
dissertation with correct use of
grammar and syntax. In-text citation
and bibliography conforming to “Cite
Them Right”
General Comments: Mark:

Agreed Mark…………………………………………………………………

First Marker Signature………………………………………………… Date

Second Marker Signature…………………………………………… ...Date


Criteria Comments Weight Actual
Identification of a valid topic,
research question and objectives

framed to Masters Level standard
with academic rationale developed,
clear industry contextualisation of the
research topic
Evaluation of research philosophies
and perspectives. Justification of
methodological approach, sampling
strategy, data analysis and reliability
and validity measures as applicable
Evidence of rigor in data analysis and
interpretation procedures,
identification of key patterns and
themes in the research data,
integration of academic theory into
explanation of findings
Research question and objectives
addressed with implications to
theoretical and managerial concepts
considered. Recommendations
provided for theory, practice and
future research


Well-structured and ordered project
with correct use of grammar and
syntax. In-text citation and
bibliography conforming to “Cite
Them Right”
General Comments: Mark:

Agreed Mark…………………………………………………………………

First Marker Signature………………………………………………… Date

Second Marker Signature…………………………………………… ...Date

(Social media advertising is it impact full and what creative strategies should
companies follow)

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Royal Docks School of
Business and Law, University of East London for the degree of [Insert Full Programme
Title Here]


[Words count 5545]

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an academic award

Student Number:_____1910204_____ Date:_11 September 2020

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Dissertation Details
Field Name Details to complete
Title of thesis Marketing, social media advertising is it impact full
Full title, including any subtitle and what creative strategies should companies
Supervisor(s)/advisor Aidan Kelly
Separate the surname (family name) from
the forenames, given names or initials with
a comma, e.g. Smith, Andrew J.
Author Affiliation University of east London
Name of school where you were based
Qualification name MBA WITH PLACEMENT
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Course Title Applied business project
The title of the course e.g.
Date of Dissertation September 2020
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Student Number: ...1910204 Date: 11 September 2020

The report consists of specific problem statements which are related to impact of social media
advertising in the companies in the UK. Besides that, this report highlights on the application
of social media tools and understanding of customers’ perceptions that are present within the
organizations. In addition to that, application of interpretivism paradigm and explanatory
research design has been considered for completion of this project. Moreover, literature
review has been provided in the form of critical analysis through the works of several authors
used in this study. The use of deductive approach has also been identified for this report
along with secondary qualitative data analysis for the later part of this study. Besides that,
seven journal articles and better understanding of social media marketing has been
encouraged through the entire study. In the data analysis section, several themes such as
Creative Strategies in Social Media Advertising, Social Media Representatives in the UK,
Social Media Advertising and Big Data in the UK and Creative’ Role Identity in Social
Media Advertising have been established successfully. Along with that, several other themes
such as Impact of UK Customers’ Perception in Social Media Advertising and Social Media
Tools in Advertising have also been analysed throughout the data analysis section. Besides
that, key patterns and significance of findings have been represented which implicates the
importance of social media advertising and application of secondary qualitative analysis for
this study. Moreover, the later section of this report consists of conclusions and
recommendations to improve business and gather positive business responses from

I would like to express my gratitude towards all the people who have directly and indirectly
helped me with the completion of this project. I would like to thank my professor for being a
mentor and guiding me in my academics. Without your help, I would not have been able to
acquire the capabilities of a researcher. I would like to thank my peers for supporting me with
my project activities. Without my peers, completing the research on time, and with efficiency
would not have been possible. I would like to thank my parents for supporting me morally,
financially as well as ethically. Without their teachings, I would not have been as ethical as I
am today. I would also like to thank my friends and companions for selflessly helping me
with the collection of data.
Most importantly, I would like to thank the participants who volunteered for the survey
process. Without them, the research would have been essentially impossible. Furthermore, I
would like to thank each and every staff of my university. They have maintained the platform
that helped me rise through my academics.

Table of Contents

Description of content............................................................................................................3

Problem statement..................................................................................................................3

Research question and objective.............................................................................................3

Research scope.......................................................................................................................4

Research structure...................................................................................................................4

Research limitation.................................................................................................................5

Critical Literature Review..........................................................................................................5

Social Media Advertising.......................................................................................................5

Social Media tool....................................................................................................................6

Consumer Perception..............................................................................................................7

Creative Business Strategy.....................................................................................................8

Literature Gap.........................................................................................................................9

Research Methodology.............................................................................................................10

Research question.................................................................................................................10

Research objectives..............................................................................................................10

Research Paradigm...............................................................................................................11

Research design....................................................................................................................11

Research approach................................................................................................................12

Data collection methods.......................................................................................................12

Sample Size..........................................................................................................................13

Data analysis.........................................................................................................................13

Limitations of the research...................................................................................................13

Data Analysis...........................................................................................................................15





Description of content

The study embraces the understanding of how the aspect of social media has been a
promising area of knowledge that has helped different business enterprises to win over the
needs. It engages with the underpinning of the creative social media strategies that need to be
followed by the business organisation and brings in an added advantage over the period.

Problem statement

The problem that has been identified is the way different social media platforms have
impacted the results of the business and the methods they have used to impact the business
result[ CITATION Rob16 \l 1033 ]. It has been essential to underpin the theoretical perspective
of how creative strategies are used by the enterprises to deliver positive outcomes within the
premises of the operation. There has been an opposing end to the premise of social media
advertising. The next problem is connected with the capabilities of using social media tools
appropriately and the perception of the consumer pertinent to social media as a useful
promotional tool.

Research question and objective

Research question

● What is the relationship between Social media advertising and creative business
● What is the linkage between social media tool and creative business strategy?

● What is the correlation between consumer perception and creative business strategy?

Research objectives

● To critically evaluate the relationship between Social media advertising and creative
business strategy

● To determine the alliance between social media tool and creative business strategy

● To evaluate the link between consumer perception and creative business strategy

Research scope

The research works on the extent of delivering an exceptional understanding of the needs of
business enterprises and how social media has been placed within different sectors of
business. It sheds light on the premises of different social media prospects that are presented
by a particular organisation and lead to bringing in changing outcomes towards the needs of
the promotion. It is essential to convert the knowledge that is converted by the prospect of the
organisation leading to deliver an exceptional understanding of the way different social media
campaigns are going to help the organisation to set their promotional outcome to be
healthy[ CITATION Rip19 \l 1033 ]. The research does not portray understanding from a
particular industry. Still, it engages with each organisation from various sectors leading to
apprehend the needs of social media within the premises of the operation.

Research structure

The first chapter introduces the knowledge pertinent to the topic of discussion and aids to
apprehend the research objectives and questions. The second chapter brings in an array of
literature that helps to promote knowledge that helps in delivering an essential understanding
of the prospect of the topic [ CITATION Rip19 \l 1033 ]. It helps in dealing with existing
research that has worked on a similar topic. The methodology chapter helps in bringing in
exceptional knowledge pertinent to the methods used to bring in results within the study. It
has helped to convert the idea of how secondary research is placed within the premises of
research and how thematic analysis helps in delivering growth results.

Research limitation

The limitation of the research is focused on the premises of not being able to deliver
understanding from a particular organisation from a particular sector. It is focusing on a
wider area of knowledge and not being capable of delivering a little knowledge that is
associated with the premise of the study.

Critical Literature Review

Social Media Advertising

It is called the type of advertising in which there is a use of the online features there, which

mainly makes the focus on social networking devices. There are lots of benefits as well as

disadvantages are there on the use of the social media advertisement [ CITATION Azi18 \l

1033 ]. The most significant advantage is that the advertisers can gain demographic

information and make the targets which are mainly based on the ads. In social media

advertisements in which there are many social networks, there are in which the matching

process is done and are mainly specified by the advertiser. There is a use of social media

applications there which makes it more familiar with the people.

It is called the way through which the social application is used in which the advertisement is

generally made. This advertisement which is made is related to many companies and the

product to get limelight using the social application. It is called the way which is considered

as the digital way in which the advertisement is done. There are also other inherent sources,

and many tools are there which are used to publish the advertisement with social media.

There are different types of advertisement also there which are used to make brand


There are different types of social media applications which are used in the United

Kingdom[ CITATION Azi18 \l 1033 ]. Some of the applications which are used in the UK are

Snapchat, telegram, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. This makes people aware of the

communication process to be developed as well as a business getting a platform to make

social advertisements through the use of the social application as well as sites which are

there. In the use of the social media application, many disadvantages are also ethical hacking

and taking away information which is confidential for the company. Many advantages are

also there as it establishes a good communication between the people as well as the

companies of the United Kingdom to have a comprehensive platform to do business


Social Media tool

There are lots of social media tools which are mainly used in the company to make branding

as well as an advertisement to be done. These tools are generally called as the application,

which makes the content of the marketing and the advertisement of the products to be one

with the use of the web in a concept [ CITATION Wam16 \l 1033 ]. There are different types of

social media tools that are used to make the content to be discovered as well as to be

analysed. Some tools make use of advanced features. These tools are also used by the

marketing team to publish the ads regarding the company to make the increment in the sales

of the company.

There are also sometimes many companies that make use of the social media tool in which

blogs are created. It is mainly done to make the customers to be attracted and in which the

websites are beautifully designed and implemented. It is with the help of the social media

tools which are there. There are many tools in which the readymade templates are there.

Some tools are used in the case of photography. The companies are now using social media

tools in the case for all the things to be managed on the web and make a platform to make the

sales to be increased.

In the United Kingdom, there are many tools which are used by the company to make use of

the digital platform to make changes in the business. There are some of the tools which are

used in the companies of the United Kingdom, which are Canva and Google trends. Canva is

mainly a social media tool which cannot be used without the use of the internet in which

design is done for the website to be created. Google Trend is another type of a tool which is

used in the United Kingdom in which companies can make use of it for making trends to be


Consumer Perception

It is called as the particular type of a concept that mainly deals with the customers who are

there. In which the impression, awareness as well as the consciousness of the customer in a

company is mainly understood. This is mainly called consumer perception, and there are

many ways in which the consumer perception is affected. There are some ways through

which the consumer's perceptions are generally deceased with ads, reviews, social media and

other channels. Thus consumer perception mainly depends upon the quality which is offered

in the companies.

There are social media advertisements which are done which give the specification about the

products which is called as one of the essential things which makes the consumer to be

perceived [ CITATION Yadcs \l 1033 ] . There are generally two types of perception there,

which is positive, and the other one is negative. To make the customer to be perceived, there

are many ways are there which are used in the companies. There are also offers and schemes

which are created in the companies for the customer to have a good perception. One of the

main things which make people attentive about a product or the things is quality.

In the United Kingdom, one of the main things which are used to make the customer have

perception regarding the business and the product and all other things is social media. The

social media and the process of digitisation have gone to a level in the nation. People in this

country make use of social media mostly. Some social applications and tools are used to

make creative business strategies. Thus the customers who are there are favourably perceived

with a vast market which is on the web.

Creative Business Strategy

Creative strategy is called the particular type of an approach which the companies and the

industries generally take. It is mainly to make the development of the companies by

implementing and ensuring the growth of the business to be done. There are different types of

strategies which can be used by companies generally to make profit and income to be high.

There are social media tools, and the rises of digitisation have been an example of creative

business strategies. There are mainly promotions as well as branding are generally done in

stages with the help of the web.

There is the use of social media which is patronised to create different types of strategies.

Some software-based tools are used to do the business to be done in the companies in a more

strategic way. There are also uses of the customer perception to make use of trends which

will. Make the company to benefit a lot. Idea and innovation are also one of the essential

parts of creativity, which also need to be there to make and develop companies in a more

pleasant way [ CITATION Rum17 \l 1033 ]. The era of digitisation has started, and there need

to be new ideas which will enhance the companies with the use of social platforms.

In the United Kingdom, people are very imperious to learn new types of ideas and are a

positive side of this nation. Many web development apps are used in the nation. These are

called as the applications which are also called to be the social tools which are used to add

creativity in the business. The use of social media has become a trend in the United Kingdom.

The companies also understand the perspectives of the customer. This is an important task

which is maintained in UK based companies.

Literature Gap

It is called as the unexplored topic which is never revealed and is called as the important

topic which is not discussed in the literature review which is done. To understand the things,

there should be more broad research that needs to be done in the topic which is Independent

and dependent variables over here. It has become a social trend nowadays, but there are also

some adverse effects there which are just because of making use of the social application

[ CITATION Law20 \l 1033 ]. This risk is identified and potential risk which needs to be


One of the main problems which occur as to make creativity; there needs to be the use of the

web is a must. There are some disadvantages, like the virus and the malicious attack which

are occurring which can breach the system and can hack evidence from the system. This is

called as the one the most significant risk which occurs in the companies. To mitigate this,

the system also needs to be developed [ CITATION Bod17 \l 1033 ]. This is the part of the

research which is not at all justified and is explained in detail. To make use of the proper

social media advertising and tolls and make the eye of customer perspective, there needs to

be adequate and tight security.

Research Methodology

Research question

● What is the relationship between Social media advertising and creative business
● What is the linkage between social media tool and creative business strategy?

● What is the correlation between consumer perception and creative business strategy?

Research objectives

● To critically evaluate the relationship between Social media advertising and creative
business strategy

● To determine the alliance between social media tool and creative business strategy

● To evaluate the link between consumer perception and creative business strategy

Research Paradigm

The paradigm of the research is a promising element that helps in successful conduction of
the research. It helps in the formulation of the path of success for the research. There are four
types of a research paradigm that are introduced within the premises of research that includes
positivism, post-positivism, realism and interpretivism[ CITATION Moh18 \l 1033 ]. The

research is going to work with interpretivism as the paradigm to support the research and is
going to work the enquiry within the premises of social science and is going to help deliver
the best of knowledge of how the secondary data collected is going to portray the best of
results bringing in positive changes within the area of research. It is going to interpret
elements that are connected to the premises of the study.

Research design

The research design helps in the presentation of the layout that is used to conclude the study,
and it helps to bring in significant results for the research. There are mainly three types of
research design that are placed within a premise of research that includes explanatory,
exploratory and descriptive design[ CITATION LiF20 \l 1033 ]. The detailed research that is
being worked on is going to work with explanatory research design as it is going to help the
researcher to bring in different ideas over the set topic and depends upon the power of
exploration of the researcher and how well the researcher has worked with the accumulation
of different secondary data within the premises of research. It helps to bring in a detailed
description with the people to deliver a detailed understanding of the topic that has been

Research approach

The research approach of the study can be witnessed to be the pan used to conduct the
research successfully. The correct use of the approach helps to deliver knowledge of different
concepts and theories that help to proceed with the idea or knowledge of the topic forward. It
helps in delving deep into the area of the topic and delivering exceptional results that help to
convert the knowledge of the study.

The concept is divided into two distinctive parts that include inductive approach and
deductive approach. Inductive approach starts from a particular point and then delivers an
understanding of a generalised conclusion of the research. On the other hand, the deductive
approach starts from a generalised point and then leads to a narrow point that focuses on a
particular area of knowledge. In case of painstaking research, a deductive approach has been
encouraged that has helped the study to begin from a generalised understanding and then
enhances the knowledge further towards a specific understanding of how social media
marketing is significant for the business organisation.

Data collection methods

Two pivotal methods are placed within the area of research that helps in the process of data
collection that includes primary data collection and secondary method of data collection.
Secondary data is termed to be existing data, and primary data is termed to be new data that is
placed within the premise of research[ CITATION Kum19 \l 1033 ]. Concerning this particular
study, secondary qualitative data has been presented, and the researcher is dependent on the
exploration power and has helped to bring in significant data confined within the premises of
delivering exceptional results for the study. The data is mainly collected from textual sources
and other secondary publications that are available dealing with bringing the best outcome for
the research. The research has worked on the accumulation of rich data that has helped in
converting their knowledge pertinent to produce best of knowledge of the requirements of the

Sample Size

Sample size refers to the number of articles or books used to deal with the process of
analysing the research question[ CITATION Fle17 \l 1033 ]. In connection with this particular
research, there have been seven journal articles used to deliver a good understanding of the
field of social media marketing and the creative strategies that the organisation can bring in.
It has been connected with the premises of different industries that have been working on the
premise of delivering the best social media outcome.

Data analysis

The secondary data analysis is going to be based on the themes set and leading outcomes that
connect with the research question that has been set. It is going to bring in a positive
opportunity to deliver exceptional outcomes for the research. Several approaches are confined
within the process of secondary research. Still, in connection with this research, thematic
analysis has been chosen as the best method of leading to bring in the exceptional
understanding of the research. Thematic analysis has been an important attribute that has
helped in crafting positive knowledge connected with the premises of different available texts
that includes the understanding being driven from the available text and aiding to generate
knowledge from the available text.

Limitations of the research

The new situation of Covid-19 has impacted the outcomes of the research, and the process of
collecting data has been restricted to secondary data analysis. It has helped to convert the
results to be a much safer one. The limitation has been confined with the premise of research,
and the research has not been able to bring in primary data within the research. The data has
been restricted to the available online sources of data that has helped in converting the
knowledge generated by the research. Time has been another constraint that has impacted the
result of the research. It has impacted the amount of time implemented within the premises of
secondary data collection and the analysis of the available data. The data collected is based
on the available knowledge of existing research, and there have been issues over gaining the
perfect article that supports the topic that has been researched on.

Data Analysis

Key patterns
The entire study that has been considered for this consists of several perspectives in
determining the data. In addition to that, linking of two variables are identified concerning
certain groups which are considered for this study. In that context, this study has been
considered to be accessed through the application of Secondary Qualitative method. This
method has been selected to be able to develop several themes concerning the provided topic
and determine as per knowledge [ CITATION Dav19 \l 1033 ]. The impact of social media
marketing has been found to increase within companies that allow them to manage their
business. Besides that, this method provided ample amounts of information from various
sources which are demonstrated through specific understanding and reliability towards social
media advertising.
In addition to that, thematic analysis has been demonstrated under Secondary Qualitative
method, and authentic information has been gathered through several relatable journal
articles. In this study, the entire perspective has been developed through the application of
content analysis which gathers information through websites, journals and other outside
sources [ CITATION Kri18 \l 1033 ] . The impact of social media advertising and its strategies
are applied within organisations and companies present in the UK. It can also be said that the
use of social media advertising has been developed into specific themes which are useful for
this study. On the other hand, a content analysis that has been considered provided
identification of tools which are used for social media advertising. Nevertheless, the
importance of secondary qualitative data analysis has been useful in identifying the impact of
social media advertising within companies in the UK.
Analysing Data
In this segment of the study, as per suggested secondary qualitative-based thematic analysis,
several themes have been analysed with findings below:
Creative Strategies in Social Media Advertising:
The core approach of social media marketing has flourished in recent times. In this way, it
has been suggested to incur the best creative strategies in this field of advertising in terms of
availing market benefits and advantages. Henceforth, firstly, it should be needed to set goals
in terms of making sense in business through social media medium. Besides that this kind of
effective social media plan must also help to determine realistic goals in numerous social

media platforms. Moreover, it has also been proposed to adopt small-scale based objectives
to make social efforts reasonably and affordably. From another viewpoint, in case of findings,
it has been observed that within Social Media Planning, the levels of brand awareness, leads
with sales, brand's potential audience, community engagement as well as web traffic have
been improved after that.
On the other hand, another creative strategy within the social media advertising segment has
been denoted at Target Audience Research. In detail, as per this strategy, social media-based
analytic tools have been supported a lot to research about target audience properly. Besides,
based on their demographic profile based on gender or age, customers' individual preference
can be understood. Moreover, as per findings, dashboards, as well as group reports, have also
been equally prioritised altogether[ CITATION Hat16 \l 1033 ].
Apart from that, another type of creative strategy in this specific advertising field has been
determined as Metrics, which should have been needed to establish after that. In detail, it is to
say that through successful usage of social media metrics, it has been able to make an eye
towards marketers and customers well. Now, based on findings, it has been observed that
most social media marketers have utilised several kinds of metrics altogether. Those are like
Reach, Clicks, Engagement, Hash-tag spread, paid comments and likes as well as the most
important one, sentiments after all. Additionally, all of these social media metrics have
contributed a lot towards achieving target customers and fulfilling goals feasibly [ CITATION
Ala18 \l 1033 ].
From another point of view, a creative strategy in the field of social media advertising is
Competitors' Digging in the market. In detail, it must be denoted that it must be required to
analyse the competitors' social media content in the market in terms of assessing the level of
competition-enabled social channels, ideas or concepts along with specific advertising
strategy altogether. Now, based on obtained findings, it has been seen that in the same
industry of the UK, there are unique kinds of strategies adopted in the field of social media
marketing and advertising. However, especially for spotting these types of social competitors,
most UK organisations have tended to use technology, including Google and other social
media platforms accordingly.
Furthermore, it has also been seen that in the UK, most social media-enabled organisations
have created and curate various social contents[ CITATION Bla17 \l 1033 ]. Additionally, its
core purposes have underlain within the improvement of engagement and collaboration
among marketers, sellers and customers. Static themes, time-sensitive contents, attractive
videos and others have also been highly supported after that.

Social Media Representatives in the UK:
In this context, it has been found that in the UK, as per the current scenario, the most popular
as well as recognised organisations have adopted different social media tools. In addition to
this, the latest statistics have depicted that there are around 1.44 billion monthly active users
for Facebook in the UK. On the other hand, another social media platform called Instagram
has also acquired around 600 million users with a staggering growth of 100 million online
users per annum. Apart from that, as per in-detailed findings, other social media platforms
consisting of Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter and others' users have also been rapidly
increasing [ CITATION Den18 \l 1033 ].
Now, as per detailed analysis, it has found that through Facebook and Instagram, various
events, news feed targets, groups, live streaming, IGTV and scheduled posts have contributed
a lot to make the stay of customers with latest updates and news. On the other hand, on
Twitter also, there are around 134 regular online customers at 63% mostly among middle-
aged people between 35-65 years. Along with that, through Pinterest also, pinned tweets,
twitter moments and highlights, as well as group boards with visual searches, have been
highly prioritised altogether.
Social Media Advertising and Big Data in the UK:
In this context, it has been found that most entities and business organisations in the UK have
adopted social media as well as significant data usage. In addition to this, such a kind
approach has been transforming from 'reactive' to 'proactive' in nature. Regarding this matter,
it has been found that most business organisations have emphasised the matter of
‘algorithmic decision-making’ as well as ‘professional judgment’ based aspects towards
sustainable growth and development[ CITATION Lee18 \l 1033 ]. On the other hand, it has
also been said that through successful utilisation of ‘Open Source Intelligence (OSI)’, it has
been able to assess the customers' preference or purchase intention ethically after all.
Creative’ Role Identity in Social Media Advertising:
In the sense of creative business strategy in the field of social media advertising, this has
contributed a lot in terms of establishing a unique triadic creative role in specific sectors in
the UK. Regarding this matter, it must be determined that through the successful application
of creative' role identity, most social media networks have been benefited. In detail, it has
been observed that most UK consumers have been starting to take a significant part towards
the fruitful and feasible promotion of cultural meanings and values as indirect roles
altogether. Moreover, it is to say that these kinds of creative's' role has mostly depended upon
customers rather than the administrators. In this way, in any situation of change scenario, this

must help a lot to induce advertising creativity in the field of social media advertisements in
most UK organisations properly[ CITATION Ala18 \l 1033 ]. However, in contrast to this, as
per in-detailed findings, it has been obtained that for utilising shared knowledge as well as
adequate skills, it must create a massive challenge to the development of role identities as
well. Thus, against this matter, it has been opined to incur significant development within
relationship management enriched with self-image after that. In a word, for the advertisers, it
should be kept in their mind that in this era of emerging social media presence, it must
improve the level of social media performance in both marketings as well as within
advertising at all.
Impact of UK Customers’ Perception in Social Media Advertising:
Based on gathered findings, it has been denoted that in the platform of social media
marketing as well as advertising, consumers' perception has played a pivotal role. This is
because' based on their actual means of perception; a business organisation's productivity and
profitability have depended. In this way, it has been seen that most organisations have been
facing this kind of challenge regarding attracting customers and motivating them to buy
brands in the UK market. In a word, the core purpose of this social media-based advertising
and promotion is to attract the target customers in specific market segments with positive
Regarding this matter, it has also been seen that around a total of $524.58 billion has invested
especially for this purpose. In addition to this, within this valuation, worth $32.3 billion has
only been invested with the objective of social media advertisement in both desktops along
with laptops in the UK[ CITATION Sta17 \l 1033 ]. Thus, these kinds of attractive and
positive practices have also helped to improve the fields, including e-WOM, customer
relationship management (CRM) practices effectively.
Social Media Tools in Advertising:
In this sense, within the UK, it has been found that they have used a lot of social media tools
in the field of advertising and promotions. In addition to this, it has also been seen that
towards corporate as well as business communications approach, advanced innovation, and
technology-enabled Web 2.0 framework-enabled social media tools have been highlighted at
the most. Additionally, as per recent statistics, it has been found that towards the social media
advertising field in the UK, the amount of total expenditure has risen at around a total of
£576.1 million as of 2014.
On the other hand, it has been observed that the trend of #hash-tag has been considered as
one of the essential tools in the sense of social media advertising. Concerning this fact, it

must be said that through #hash-tag usage, it becomes possible to realise the levels of
consumers' purchase attitude, consumer brand-engagement in the field of advertising
effectively[ CITATION Nas19 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, in the case of social media tools, it has
seen that different platforms including Sprout Social, Agorapulse, Zoho Social, Oktopost,
Hootsuite and others have contributed a lot in terms of managing and regulating social media
advertisement techniques as well as the customer with media management systematically.
Finally, it is essential to say that based on these in-detailed data analysis and findings, the
core aspect of social media usage towards customers' preference as well as business growth
has been determined. Furthermore, it has also been seen that numerous industries in the UK
including fashion, retail and others have been immensely benefited through various social
media platforms in terms of their growth and success altogether[ CITATION Hoo18 \l 1033 ].
Additionally, both intrinsic, along with extrinsic motivational factors, have also been
highlighted equally. In a word, the level of acceptance of social media in different fields has
been highly emerging in this modern era of globalisation.
Significance of findings
In this study, a temporary contract between the usefulness and impact of social media
advertising has been developed. In addition to that, previous research applications have been
taken into consideration for understanding the influence of social media advertising in
improving business strategies. Besides that, it has been found that the influence of customers
is also equally analysed in the implementation of social media advertising [ CITATION
Bol20 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, the time has been developed to complete the entire research. In
that context, 8 hours of secondary qualitative data analysis has been determined. Apart from
that, organisations in the UK are responsible for implementing strategic business implications
to gain positive business outcomes. On the other hand, awarding of negative implications are
also found to be identified through the contract that has been analysed in this study.
This specific business project mainly resembles the use of social media tools and its
application in improving social media advertising factors. In addition to that, consumer
perceptions are identified, and organisations develop creative business strategies in the UK.
In other words, it can be said that social media advertising is found to impact on processes
and procedures which are followed by UK organisations [ CITATION Lee18 \l 1033 ]. Besides
that, this research project mainly highlights the negative impact of using improper business
execution methods and their influence on outcomes. Apart from that, the use of techniques
and methods that are present in this project helped in developing a better understanding of the
need for secondary qualitative analysis.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that UK business organisations are found to
get positively impacted due to the application of technology in its business. In addition to
that, the application of secondary qualitative data process and thematic analysis has been used
by researchers to implement ideas for the completion of this project. It can also be said that
social media advertising has a significant impact when it collaborates with social media tools
and consumer perspective factors. It can also be concluded that previous research analysis has
been provided that focuses only on the significant impacts. However, in this research study, a
thematic analysis that has been provided deals with established themes related to the given
topic. In addition to that, a critical literature review has been demonstrated concerning the
variables that are identified in this study. In the research methodology section, application of
methods and approaches for completion of this study has been presented in detail and with
better analysis.
Implications of findings’
The implications of findings which have been obtained in this study are mainly related to the
variables that are selected for this research. It can be said that findings are mainly related to
the usefulness of social media advertising and its impact on business. Besides that, it can be
identified that thematic analysis provided a detailed application of secondary qualitative data
analysis factors which are useful in this study. It can be said that these findings are useful in
developing effective business strategies which are essential in gathering positive and healthy
business outcomes. Apart from that, it has also been found that companies in the UK are
responsible for using better approaches to gathering more customers and analysing business
success within a particular market. Nevertheless, it has also been analysed that findings are
mainly related to the problems that are faced by the companies in developing business to
customers. Along with that, it has been found that every aspect that is determined as a
variable is found to be present in this study and has a positive impact on a growing business.
Contribution to research
The contributions towards the research are mainly the identification of application of social
media tools and understanding of customers' perceptions. Besides that, it has been identified
that every theme that has been established is mainly related to the provided topic and
highlights the importance of social media advertising. Apart from that, this study is mainly
contributed to the identification of tools which are useful in business and helps the
organisations of the UK in business execution. In other words, the use of tools in gathering

more customers in business and increasing sales and recognition within the market. Besides
that, the application of creative strategies is essential for the companies to establish the
identification of potential customers and business necessities which are required for impactful
business outcomes.
Limitations identified
The significant limitations that are faced in the completion of this research study and related
to resources and time that has been provided. It can be said that these two aspects are
essential to complete a study without any problems and difficulties. However, in this case,
these two factors created trouble for the researcher for completion.


Improvement of social media platforms

The use of social media platforms that are used by organisations needs to be improved so that
they can execute positive business. In addition to that, it has been found that people spend
most of their time on social media. Therefore, it is an effective platform that helps in
attracting the maximum number of customers. As per recent reports, it has been found that
76% of people are active on Facebook and Google due to which organisations in the UK can
expand their business knowledge. It has also been found that 93% of marketers are
responsible for using social media platforms to implicate their business ideas and reach
maximum customers [ CITATION Wor20 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, improving the platforms
provides a better application of business ideas and increasing sales in business through social
media advertising.
Advanced use of social media tools
Social media tools are found to bring favourable business chances and help in increasing the
level of an organisation. The application of Socedo is found to increase business by
recognising people on social media who are interested in purchasing products and services. It
can also be recommended that behaviour of consumers are identified quickly, and business is
divided into specific segments [ CITATION And18 \l 1033 ]. LastPass, another social media
tool, is found to be effective within organisations in the UK for keeping business
development encrypted from hackers and other outside sources. This provides better
identification of social media site details that are being accessed by customers. Therefore, the
application of these tools helps organisations in the UK to have a positive impact in business
through its advanced use in maintaining the requirements of customers.

A better understanding of customers perceptions
The selection of products and services which are done by customers are determined under
useful customers perceptions. In that context, it can be recommended that the interpretation
of business needs to be extensive and advanced so that people can recognise the use of social
media advertisement processes. On the other hand, organisations in the UK are responsible
for understanding the needs and requirements of customers so that they can serve them with
better services and products. Apart from that, it is found to increase business execution and
involvement in various markets other than the UK [ CITATION XuX17 \l 1033 ]. In other
words, every organisation is responsible for handling customers’ requirements as their
priority and providing them with excellent services.
Implementation of effective business strategies
The challenges which are related to exploring social media business are resolved through the
application of effective business strategies. In addition to that, managers of companies are
responsible for implementing strategic business to improve the use of social media
advertising. It can be recommended that a set of goals and determining its responses from
customers are identified to have a positive impact on business [ CITATION Hbs20 \l 1033 ].
Apart from that, roles and responsibilities of individuals are divided and analysed as per
instructions from the management of the companies in the UK. Therefore, it can be
recommended that the execution strategy is the primary aspect that needs to be followed by
the companies to bring positive business outcomes.


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