Assessment Brief For Assessment Point

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Module title: UEL-SG-7002 Applied Business Project.

Assessment point: Assessment point (Week 12)
Assessment task: Individual Simulation Evaluation Report
Word count limit: 6000 words +/- 10% (excluding references and
Weight: 100% of overall module grade

Procedure in the event of illness or other valid cause (extenuating


If you believe that:

• your performance in assessment or reassessment has been impaired, or;

• you were unable to attend for an assessment or reassessment, or;

• you were unable to submit assessed or reassessed work by the scheduled date due to

illness or other valid cause (as defined in the Procedures Governing Extenuating
Circumstances), may submit an application for extenuation for the relevant
component(s) to Unicaf Extenuating Circumstances team
([email protected]).
*Once a component has been capped, extenuation does not uncap it.

Academic misconduct including plagiarism

Ensure that you are familiar with the relevant regulations regarding academic
misconduct. By submitting the assignment, you declare that it is your own work and that
the material and sources of information used, including internet sources, have been fully
identified and properly acknowledged. In addition, you confirm that the presented work
has not been submitted for any other assessment. You also acknowledge that the
faculty reserves the right to investigate allegations of plagiarism and other forms of
academic misconduct which, if proven and dependent on the severity level of the
offence, may result in a penalty that could affect your progress.

By submitting your work, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed with the
above statements.
General Guidance

• Applied Business Project must be word processed, one and a half, or double
spaced, 12 point, on A4 sized paper, using one side of the paper only. The use of a
quality printer is encouraged. Typeface should ideally be Times New Roman, Arial
or a similar style.

• Margins should be (approximately):

- 3 cms left hand side

- 2 cms right hand side
- 2.5 cms at the top and bottom of each page

• Each page should be numbered either at the top or bottom.

• The Applied Business Project should be 6000 words +/- 10% excluding references,
bibliography, diagrams, graphs, tables, appendices and acknowledgements.

• If required, raw data can be presented as appendices.

• Tables and figures should all have headings/titles and be numbered, e.g. Table 1

• Graphs and diagrams must be on plain paper with only the main axes lapelled and

• Use clear symbols..

The word limits stated for this assignment excludes the reference list at the end of the
assignment but includes all text in the main body of the assignment (including direct
quotations, in-text citations, footnotes, tables, diagrams and graphs).

Please be aware that exceeding the word count limit will affect the academic judgement
of the piece of work and may result in the award of a lower mark.

Appendices are not considered a supplement thus will not be assessed as part of the
content of the assignment. As such, they will not contribute to the grade awarded,
however it may be appropriate to use an Appendices section for any material which is a
useful reference for the reader. Please note that appendices are not included in the
word count.

The majority of references should come from secondary sources (e.g., journal articles,
conference papers, reports, etc.) although you can also utilise area specific textbooks.
You must ensure that you use the University of UEL’s Harvard style of referencing.

Please indicate the word count length at the end of your assignment.
Marking and assessment

This Applied Business Project will be marked out of 100% and contributes to 100% of
the total module mark. The pass mark is 50%.

The marking rubric is included below, which offers guidance on the assessment criteria
and weighting.

Late Submission

There will be a stipulated deadline date for all assignments. All assignments will need to
be submitted by the set time on the stipulated deadline date. Assignments submitted up
to 24 hours late will be accepted, but the assignment mark will be subject to a deduction
of 5 marks from the mark awarded.

Learning outcomes applied in this assessment

LO.1 demonstrate the ability to analyse complex business and management problems
critically and rigorously and make evidenced based management recommendations
LO.2 demonstrate high levels of expertise in selecting and conducting research
methods and addressing strategically significant organisational problems and
issues. (IC) (UGB)
Thinking skills
LO.3 demonstrate synthesis of knowledge and skills by applying appropriate research
strategies and philosophies to organisational issues (PID)
LO.4 demonstrate self-directed capacity to plan, design and monitor an individual
piece of research (EID)
LO.5 design and present a well-defined and structured report covering the
investigation with appropriate and justified conclusions and recommendations, while
showing awareness of their limitations.(DP) (UGB) (IC)
Subject based skills
LO.6 identify, interpret and engage in critical analysis and discussion of
contemporary literature in your professional field. (PID)
LO.7 demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse business problems from the
professional practitioner perspective in your field and make meaningful and where
appropriate costed business recommendations (DP) (IC) (UGB)
LO.8 demonstrate the skills of logical thought, critical evaluation, data analysis and
reflection that will enhance influencing and negotiation capabilities as practitioner in
your relevant field (EID)
Skills for life
LO.9 demonstrate the ability for self-directed learning and the ability to reflect on
learning, and emotional and social intelligence, which will inform future practice
LO.10 exhibit digital proficiency in computer aided research skills that promotes
the effective presentation of research findings and recommendations (DP)

Assessment guidelines

Produce a 6000-word report (+/- 10%) (excluding the list of references) which offers
students the ability to demonstrate their developing knowledge and application of the
teaching and learning material covered in weeks 1 to 10. It also encourages students
to develop their thoughts and perspectives on contemporary business issues, and be
intellectually creative (underpinned by credible resources).

In your Project you should cover:

Report Format

Cover Title Page

Includes – institution name, award name, year of submission, student name, Projct title
University Logo etc.

Abstract (Should not exceed one page in length)

• very brief introduction
• summary of content
• outline of conclusions reached

These should be given very simply to individuals and organisations that have provided substantive help
with the research. This is not a “dedication” section.

Table of Contents
• Main contents page (section/chapter headings/numbers, and sub-headings
• List of figures individually listed by title and/or number
• List of tables individually listed by title and/or number
• List of appendices individually listed by title of each appendix


(aims, context, rationale, research objectives, research problem. The introduction leads the reader from a
general subject area to a particular topic of inquiry. It establishes the scope, context, and significance of
the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about
the topic. Also Background information included in the project must identify and describethe history and
nature of a well-defined research problem with reference to the existing literature. The background
information should indicate the root of the problem being studied, appropriate context of the problem in
relation to theory, research, and/or practice, its scope, and the extent to which previous studies have
successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to
1.1 Research Problem & Significance and Background of Research Study
1.2 Research aims and objectives
1.3 Research Questions


A critical review of existing literature around the topic of investigation. This is likely to comprise
background theory, plus summaries of research done by other organizations, government statistics and
publications related to the topic of your project.
2.1 Sub-heading 1
2.2 Sub-heading 2
2.3 Sub-heading 3
2.4 repeat as above


(Secondary research philosophy and design – how you went about your research.This chapter describes
research approaches that are taken to investigate a research problem and the rationale for the application
of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyse information applied to
understanding the topic under investigation)
3.1 Research Approach and Design
3.2 Research sampling & Description and sources of secondary data selected
3.3 Quality of secondary data
3.4 Secondary Data Ethical measures

CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH FINDINGS (reporting) (800 words)

In this chapter you are required to report the research findings of your study based upon the methodology
[or methodologies] you applied to gather information. The results section should state the findings of the
research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation. The following chapter is designed
for the discussion and analysis of the project’s results.
4.1 Introduction to the section
4.2 Results inlcluding graphical illustrations


In this section you need to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in relation to what was
already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or
insights that emerged as a result of your research.
5.1 Evalutation of Findings
5.2 Re-assessment of Research Questions in relation to research findings and literature


Your conclusion should explicitly address your research objectives. It is often a good idea to re-state the
research objectives at this point and then explain exactly how and, to what degree, they have been
addressed. You are also advised to include a series of recommendations. Your recommendations may
include reflection on how future research might further develop your research and/or address the
limitations of your research. For Projects with an explicit business problem focus, recommendations may
involve advice as to how a particular organization or industry might wish to act in light of your findings.
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Recommendations for Business Application
6.3 Limitations & Implications for future research

You must include all references in the main references section.
You should identify clearly those sources that you have specifically referred to and referenced (using the
Harvard system) from those sources that you merely read in the course of your research.

Grading Guidelines
Section/aspect Content to cover Marks available
Is there a clear introduction that discusses the topic of research and 10 Marks
rationale (what you are doing and why)?
Are appropriate background information has been provided including
all special terms and definitions?
Are the aim and objectives, research questions clear, relevant and
achievable (testable)?
(700 words) Do aims, objectives etc go beyond mere description i.e. do they
involve explanation, comparison, criticism or evaluation?
Does the introduction indicate the content of the other chapters?
Does the student provided the background of the study and its

Has a comprehensive range of relevant literature, pertinent to the aim 20 Marks

and RQs of the Project or is the impression given that almost
everything read on or around the problem has been included?
Are the key themes and issues surrounding the research questions
clearly drawn from the literature?
Does it attempt to compare and contrast a number of relevant
concepts, models or theories in a critical manner or is it merely
Are these used in an effective manner?
Are the sources used up to date, where appropriate and do they have
sufficient academic weight?
Have sources been acknowledged and referenced fairly and
LITERATURE REVIEW Is the bibliography at the end of the project complete and in the
(1200 words) appropriate version of the Harvard System?

Is there a clear rationale for methodology i.e. is student aware of

nature and types of research e.g. are distinctions between qualitative 20 Marks
and quantitative, positivist and interpretative methods addressed?
Have the alternatives been discussed and have the advantages and
disadvantages of chosen methods been evaluated? Has this
understanding informed their choice of approach?
Is the methodology described appropriate for the data required?
Is the research methodology described fully so that it could be
replicated? I.e.
Are the research instruments well designed with all questions etc
relevant to research aims?
METHODOLOGY Is there evidence of care and accuracy in the secondary data
(1000 words) collection process?
Are data analysis methods discussed?

CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH Is the data presented relevant to aims and objectives?

FINDINGS Does any statistical presentation make the most of the data
(800 words) collected?
Is any qualitative data categorised and presented systematically?
Are the findings presented clearly and interestingly for the reader to
follow? i.e. is diagrammatic representation of data e.g. tables,
charts etc embedded in the text?
Is the most relevant data clearly summarised, discussed and
Have patterns in the data been identified and/or key variables
compared and relationships highlighted?
CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS Are all statements discussed in context and supported by the data?
(1200 words) Have the findings of the research been compared and contrasted
with findings, theories, models or concepts derived from the 20 Marks
literature review?

Do the conclusions follow on from the findings? Are the conclusions

well grounded in the evidence and arguments presented?
Have the aim, objectives and research questions been clearly
reviewed and addressed?
Are the conclusions discussed in context and are they applicable to a
CHAPTER 6 wider scenario?
For work based projects are recommendations given and are they
consistent with the findings and conclusion?
(1100 words)
10 Marks
Layout and Referencing 10 Marks
(list of references can
take as
many pages as necessary
not included in the
count – presentation that
follows a sequence of
chapters and appropriate
structure as indicated in
the brief. Presentation of
the material that conforms
to principles of academic High quality presentation that conforms to
writing and contains principles of academic writing and contains
minimal errors in minimal errors in sentence construction, grammar
sentence construction, and punctuation. The assignment followed
grammar and appropriate academic conventions regarding in-text
punctuation. ) citations and referencing.
Approx.Total: 6000
Masters Grading Scale
Mark Range Criteria
Demonstrates an exceptional ability and insight, indicating the highest level of
technical competence.
The work has the potential to influence the forefront of the subject, and may be
of publishable/exhibitable quality.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at the highest possible standard.
Demonstrates an outstanding ability and insight based on authoritative subject
knowledge and a very high level of technical competence.
The work is considered to be close to the forefront of the subject, and may be
close to publishable/exhibitable quality.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at a very high level.
Demonstrates an authoritative, current subject knowledge and a high level of
technical competence.
70-79% The work is accurate and extensively supported by appropriate evidence. It
Distinction may show some originality. Clear evidence of capacity to reflect critically and
deal with ambiguity in the data.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at a high level.
Demonstrates a sound, current subject knowledge. No significant errors in the
application of concepts or appropriate techniques. May contain some minor
60-69% flaws.
Merit The work is well developed and coherent; may show some originality. Clear
evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
Relevant generic skills are demonstrated at a good level.
Demonstrates satisfactory subject knowledge. Some evident weaknesses;
possibly shown by conceptual gaps, or limited use of appropriate techniques.
50 – 59%
The work is generally sound but tends toward the factual or derivative. Limited
evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
Relevant generic skills are generally at a satisfactory level.
Demonstrates satisfactory subject knowledge to some degree. Some important
weaknesses; possibly shown by factual errors, conceptual gaps, or limited use
45 -49%
of appropriate techniques.
The work is generally sound but tends toward the factual or derivative. Little
evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
Relevant generic skills are generally at a satisfactory level.
Demonstrates limited core subject knowledge. Some important weaknesses;
possibly shown by factual errors, conceptual gaps, or limited use of appropriate
40-44% The work lacks sound development. Little evidence of capacity to reflect
The quality of the relevant generic skills do not meet the requirements of the
Demonstrates inadequate subject knowledge.
The work lacks coherence and evidence of capacity to reflect critically.
The quality of the relevant generic skills do not meet the requirements of the
20-29% Demonstrates seriously inadequate knowledge of the subject.
Marking criteria/rubric UEL

Module Title: Dissertation

Assessment Title: Module Assessment Point Weighted: 100%

Criteria 90-100% 80 – 90% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% 50 – 59% 40 – 49% 20 – 39% 0-19%

Highly Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Quality Acceptable Work does Work
Exceptional Work Work Quality Work work with not satisfy fails to
Work Work some good assessment meet
aspects criteria the
Understanding criteri
and knowledge Exceptional and Excellent Very good Good Adequate Some integration Poor quality of No
outstanding integration of integration of integration of of the appropriate integration of the
integration of
integration of the the appropriate the the appropriate the appropriate data, appropriate data, ion of
appropriate data, data, appropriate data, data, contextualised with contextualised the
contextualised with contextualised data, contextualised contextualised limited evidence to with very limited appropr
commercial with good contextualise with good with good show awareness, evidence to show iate
awareness, business evidence to d with evidence to evidence to business maturity awareness, data,
maturity and skill. show evidence to show overall show overall and skill. business maturity context
commercial show awareness, awareness, and skill. ualise d
awareness, commercial business business with
business awareness, maturity and maturity and very
maturity and business skill. skill. poor
skill. maturity and evidenc
skill. e to
y and
Application of
theory and critical All relevant All relevant Virtually all Most of the Some of the Omissions and Many deficiencies Major
evaluation theories/concept theories/conce relevant relevant relevant inaccuracies in and omissions in deficienci
ual models ptual models theories/conc theories/conce theories/conce the presented of theories/concept es and
accurately and accurately and eptual models ptual models ptual models theories/concept ual models. omissions
extensively extensively accurately and accurately accurately ual models. Delivery of in
presented. presented. extensively presented. presented. A Some level of applied theory is theories/c
Exceptional Excellent presented. reasonable delivery of inadequate or onc
application of delivery of High level Good level delivery of applied theory. wholly absent. eptual
theory and applied theory. delivery of delivery of applied theory. models.
supporting applied applied theory. Deliv
materials. theory. ery of
y is
Exceptionally Highly Very High standard Good standard Reasonable Low quality of No
innovative. innovative. Very innovative. of innovation. of innovation. standard of innovation. Poor reasona
Language, Reading Outstanding professional and Strongly Professional Appropriate innovation. and inadequate ble
and Referencing professional and appropriate professional and appropriate delivery and Reasonably delivery and attempt
appropriate delivery and and delivery and language. appropriate language. at
delivery and language. Very appropriate language. Many referencing delivery and Referencing innovat
language. well referenced delivery and Referencing errors. language. very poor. ion.
Accurate throughout. language. most accurate. Referencing was Poor
referencing Well inaccurate and/or and
throughout. referenced inconsistent. inadeq
throughout. uate
y and

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