Effectiveness of Using Manipulatives in Solving Algebraic Expressions by Edwin

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A Research Presented to the Department of Graduate School

Metro-Dagupan Colleges
Mangaldan, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Master of Public

Administration Specialization; Mathematics


December, 2019




Introduction 3

Conceptual Framework 6

Review Of Related Literature And Studies 7

Research Paradigm 12

Statement Of The Problem 13

Scope And Limitation Of The Study 13

Significance Of The Study 14

Definition Of Terms 15

Chapter 2 – RESEARCH DESIGN 17

Methods of Study and Techniques of Data-Gathering 17

Sources of Data 17

Respondents of the Study 18

Procedure of the Study 18

Methods of Data Analysis 20

Chapter 1



Mathematics is very important in our everyday lives, as we wake up in the

morning, math help us tell time, as we cook our breakfast, lunch and dinner, math make

us a better cook, as we go for a shopping, math help us to shop a good sale. Mathematics

is all around us and its application is evident throughout the world. The problem-solving

skills obtained from doing our homework and task inside the school can help us tackle

problems in some areas of life. Mathematics is a basic knowledge needed by students to

extend their learning to a higher level (Griffiths & Howson, 1974). The benefit of

mathematics is not only limited to knowledge of computation, but it also helps individual

to think rationally and critically. The principles of mathematics enable people to see

problems as facts not as fiction ( Hudoyo, 1998).

Despite the importance of mathematics, many people have a problem in

mathematics especially algebra. This is one of the subjects that very few students like and

succeed at and which most of them hate and struggle with. Algebra is one of the major

content domains covered to promote the acquisition of mathematical knowledge and

skills in school mathematics.

One of the interesting topics in algebra is solving linear equations. This word

problem in one variable is translated into standard problems and solve. The standard

problems which are taught to students before word problem is taught are defined as tasks

or exercises in linear equation problems in one variable presented without words or very

few words stating the mathematical tasks involved. Contextual or word problems, on the

other hand are those linear equation task or exercises presented largely or wholly using

words to describe mathematical task involved.

Solving linear equation is particularly important concepts in algebra and on that

causes confusions for students (Magruder, 2012). Then, Magruder (2012) clarified that

there are three primary subtopics where students found difficulties when solving

equations are; 1) symbolic understanding; 2) the meaning of the equal sign; and 3) a

reliance on procedural knowledge without conceptual understanding. Moreover, Jupri,

Drijvers and Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (2014) stated that one of common mistakes on

understanding the concept of linear equation is applying arithmetic operation. Linear

equations are often difficult for students in transition from a concrete mathematics to an

abstract concept. According to Amerom (2002), and Jupri (2015), many students have

difficulty to understand the concept in solving linear equation with one variable. As

answer to these students’ needs, the researcher thought of an alternative approach to

traditional way of teaching this topic. He further believed that the infusion of algebra tiles

as a tool allows students to experience hands-on learning. Algebra tiles are manipulatives

that support students to visualize polynomial operations and solve equations.

In this study, we will use the rectangle and the small square of algebra tiles in

learning linear equation with one variable. Rectangles represent the variables, the red one

represents positive while the color blue represents negative. The small squares represent

the constant terms, the red represents positive while the blue represents negative. The

concept is that, when two the same shapes with different colors paired it will be

cancelled. This manipulatives can be manipulated by the students to solve linear

equations with one variable.

Figure 1: Zero Pairs of Algebra Tiles

The Department of Education has continuously implemented several innovations

through in-service-training of mathematics teachers to uplift the quality of the country’s

math education (Vadez, 2008). Educators are always finding ways to improve their

teaching styles and help students understand mathematics. One of their options is to use

manipulative in teaching. This manipulative is defines as any material or object from the

real world that children move around to show a mathematics concept. According to Math

Manipulative Flip Chart (2005), manipulative provides student with direct, concrete

experiences and a strong foundation in mastering the mathematical concepts. Students

will develop their full potential when they are the one who actively engage in the learning

process. This is what John Dewey stressed out of his philosophy “learning by doing” and

this is what math manipulative could offer.

Boggan et al. (2010) stated that learning is beneficial when students assume active

roles in constructing mathematical meanings. Bellonio (2012) also reported that the

effective use of math manipulative lays an experiential foundation that promotes

retention, application, and extension of math concepts.

The use of physical tools in teaching mathematics appears to be one effective way

to help students reach higher levels. Research indicates that the use of tools assist

students in building connections between mathematical ideas and deeper understanding

(Hawkins, 2007; Hiebert and Carpenter, 1992). The need for the use of tools in teaching

mathematics appeared in many famous researchers’ works such as that of Piaget (1952),

Dienes (1969), and Mueller (1985). These researchers agreed that experiences with a

considerable number of physical tools are beneficial for learning mathematics.

With these premises, the researcher was encouraged and motivated to introduce

the use of algebra tiles as a tool in teaching solving linear equations with one variable.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual paradigm of the study which is presented in Figure 1 on page 12 serves as

guide to the researchers. It is divided into three parts: the independent variables consist of the

students’ level of understanding on solving linear equations in one variable according to their pre-

test scores; the intervening variables contain the teaching on the concepts using lecture method

and algebra tiles; and the dependent variables contain the students’ levels of understanding on the

solving linear equations in one variable measured by the post-test.

Theoretical Framework

This study was theoretically framed from progressivism’s philosophy of Dewey in

which “learning-by-doing” was given emphasis. According to John Dewey (1916) “ an

ounce of experience is better than a ton of theory” because it is only in experience that

any theory has vital and verifiable significance. An experience, a very humble

experience, is capable of generating and carrying any amount of theory ( or intellectual

content), but a theory apart from an experience cannot definitely grasped as a theory. It

tends to become a mere verbal formula, a set of catchwords used to render thinking, or

genuine theorizing unnecessary and impossible. Direct purposeful experiences serve as a

foundation of concept formation, generalization and abstraction and can be attained in

four ways, Corpus and Lucido (2008): gives the students opportunity to learn by doing,

makes use of real thing as instructional materials for as long as possible, helps students

develop the five senses to the full to heighten their sensitivity to the world, and guides the

students so they can draw meaning from their firsthand experiences and elevate their

level of thinking. Dewey’s learning-by-doing theory can do three things: help students to

learn more about solving linear equations in one variable in their class by providing

immediate feedback, catch the students’ interest, and enhance students’ enjoyment while

learning math.

Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Peralta et al. (2009) cited Mildenhall et al. (2008) who found out that students

report that virtual manipulative are easy to use and as engaging as concrete ones.

Although virtual manipulative provide some support for individual students use, as with

physical manipulative, students benefit from teacher guidance to help them use the

manipulative correctly and connect to the underlying math most virtual manipulative

activities and suggestions for teachers ( and often parents), as well as ideas for

discussions and sharing. They can also be used with interactive whiteboards, so that the

teachers can involve the whole class in an interactive lesson.

Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) technique is perhaps the most

common example of mathematics instruction that incorporates visual representations. It

actually refers to simple concept proven to be very effective method of teaching math to

students with disabilities. It is a three-part instructional strategy in which the teacher first

uses concrete materials (colored chips, base-ten blocks, geometric figures, pattern blocks,

or unifix cubes) to model the mathematical concept to be learned, then demonstrating the

concept in representational terms (drawing pictures), and finally in abstract or symbolic

terms (numbers, notation, mathematical symbols) (Morin & Miller, 1998; Butler et al.,

2003; and Steedly, 2012).

Mathematics manipulatives have no inherent meaning. It is important for teachers

to make this meaning explicit and help students build connections between the concrete

materials and virtual manipulative, but virtual manipulative often have this type of

structure built in. Many activities give students hints and feedback, something that the

more traditional concrete manipulative cannot do without assistance of the teacher. For

example, in tangrams, students can virtually copy a design made from pattern blocks, and

when a block is near a correct location, it will snap into place. This virtual manipulative

also include a hint function that will show the correct location of the entire block .

Additionally, virtual manipulatives often provide explicit connections between visual and

symbolic representations, a feature which has found to benefit learning (Suh & Mayer,

2007; Peralta et al., 2009)

Local Literature

In accordance with the new trends in teaching for the attainment of high quality

education, researchers continuously discover new approaches that suit every learner’s

characteristics and needs.

Buan (2001), as cited by Peralta et al. (2009), said that mathematics is all around

us; it can be seen in the simplest and most ordinary of things and should not end in the

classroom. Mathematics and technology are tools to understand the real worl. Solutions

to real life problems start from understanding how things around us work. Teachers

should never fail set real life application of mathematical concepts.

Peñaredondo (2009) cited Tenedero (2005), an advocate of innovative teaching

style to promote the enhancement of multiple intelligences of individuals, who said that

traditional methods of teaching employed by bulk of teachers need to be upgraded to

conform to the latest trend in technology.

Learning becomes more interesting to students when they are exposed to varied

experiences and manipulative devices. It is crucial that teachers are able to guide the

students to go through the conceptual, concrete and symbolic levels which are involved in

the learning of mathematics (Valdez, 2008)

Related Studies

The following various local foreign studies were presented that helped the

researcher to explain the concepts being considered in this study.

Foreign Studies

Allen (2007) showed how the use of tools helps increase students’ achievements.

A group of 22 fifth graders were used and focused on using manipulatives to teach how

to measure interior angles of a regular polygon. Utilizing a control and variable group,

result revealed that both groups showed improvement from the pre-test and the post-test.

The main difference between both groups was the group who used manipulatives showed

more interest and enjoyment while learning. Allen recommended allowing students to use

manipulatives with traditional instruction in order to give a better understanding of the

concepts and to associate enjoyment with learning math.

Munger (2007) reported the results of a study designed to describe the benefits of

manipulatives among two third-grade classes with twenty-six students. A two week

geometry unit from the Silver Burdett textbook was administered in both classes. The

experimental group teacher used mathematical manipulative and in control group the

teacher used only drawings and diagrams to teach the concepts presented in the unit. It

revealed that the experimental group using manipulatives scored significantly higher on

the post-test scores than the control group in mathematical achievement.

Math manipulatives are extremely helpful to students, but they must be used

correctly. Smith (2009) stated that there are many wrong ways to teach with

manipulatives as there are to teach without them. The manipulatives should be

appropriate for the students and chosen to meet the specific goals and objectives of the

mathematical program. Kelly (20060 supported this argument and said that “ teachers

need to know when, why, and how to use manipulatives effectively in the classroom as

well as opportunities to observe first hand, the impact of allowing learning to exploration

with concrete objects”.

Local Studies

Lampos (2003) as cited by De Guzman et al. (2014), in a study to determine the

effects of using manipulatives on the achievement level of freshmen high school students

in Mathematics I specifically as to comprehension, computation and analysis prior to the

implementation of teaching strategies, and the differences between the traditional

approach and the use of manipulative using the quasi-experimental method with a total of

fifty students as respondents. A teacher-made test was used to determine the achievement

levels of the students in the three skills.

The study showed that the achievement level of both the control and experimental

group in the pre-test was below average while post-test result on the control group was

average; whereas for the experimental group’s achievement level was above average.

Based on the pre-test results, no significant difference was found between the

achievement levels of the control group and experimental groups which implied that the

two groups were of the same level of mathematical achievement. However, the post-test

results showed significant difference between the control and experimental groups which

revealed that the experimental group has higher level of mathematical achievement than

the control group. Furthermore, between the control group exposed to traditional

approach and the experimental group exposed to the used of manipulative revealed a

significant difference i. e. the use of manipulative was more effective strategy in teaching

Mathematics than the traditional approach.

Independent Intervening dependent
Variables Variables Variables

Students’ Levels of Use of Lecture Students’ Levels of

Understanding on Method in Understanding on

Solving Linear Teaching Solving Solving Linear

Equations in One Linear Equations Equations in One

Variable in terms of in One Variable Variable in terms of

their Pre-Test Scores their Post-Test Scores

Use of Algebra

Tiles in Teaching

Solving Linear

Equations in One


Figure 2 : Paradigm of the study showing the connection between the

Teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes.

Statement of the Problem

This research will examine the effects of using tools on the students’ levels of

understanding in a topic linear equation. Moreover, this study determined whether the use

of algebra tiles in teaching solving linear equations in one variable yields a statistically

significant increase in the students’ level of understanding.

Specifically, this research seeks to answer the following problems:

1. What is the students’ level of understanding on solving linear equations in one

variable according to the use of lecture method?

2. What is the students’ level of understanding on solving linear equations in one

variable according to the use of algebra tiles?

3. Is there a significant difference between the students’ levels of understanding

on solving linear equations in one variable according to their pre and post-test

scores and groupings?

Hypothesis of the Study

This study will test the following null hypothesis at 0.05, level of significance as:

there is no significant difference between the students’ levels of understanding on solving

linear equations in one variable according to their pre and post-test scores and groupings.

Scopes and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused on determining the levels of understanding of two groups of

students in solving linear equations in one variable using the lecture method and algebra

tiles. Thirty grade eight students of Cabuloan National High School enrolled during the

school year 2019-2020 were used as subjects of the study. The first group, composed of

15 grade eight students was taught on solving linear equations in one variable using the

traditional lecture method. Meanwhile, the second group also composed of 15 students,

were taught of the same topic with the use of algebra tiles. Pre-test and post-test scores

were determined to establish the student’ level of understanding on the said topics.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will serve as baseline information about the effectives of

using algebra tiles as an alternative material in teaching linear equation.

School Administration. This study would help them as curriculum planners for it

may provide them with better approach in teaching Mathematics.

Mathematics Teacher. This would help the mathematics teacher in modifying

and exploring techniques to improve or increase the learning outcomes.

Student. This could provide help to students in realizing that mathematics is

indeed interesting, enjoyable and challenging instead of the stigma that it is boring and


Other Researchers. It could be of good help to the future researchers as this

study could be used as a background for similar researchers.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally aside from its lexical meaning for

better understanding based on how they are used in the study.

Algebra Tiles. This refers to an instrument used in mathematics that allows

students to better understand ways of algebraic thinking and the concepts of algebra. In

this study, this refers to the alternative material in teaching solving linear equations in

one variable.

Lecture Method. This is a formal teaching method that involves the directed

flow of information from teacher as sage to student as receptacle. In this study, it refers to

the chalk and talk method at presenting solving linear equations in one unknown.

Level of Understanding. This refers to the performance of the students as

measured in the pre-test and post-test covering the concept of solving linear equations in

one uvariable.

Linear Equation. An algebraic equation whose variable quantity or quantities are

in the first power only and whose graph is a straight line.

Linear Equation in one Variable. A linear equation in one variable is an

equation that can be written in the form ax+b+c = 0, where a, b, and c are real numbers

and a ≠ 0.

Pre-Test. This refer to the 10 multiple choice and 3 problem solving type of test

administered before the use of the lecture method and algebra tiles in teaching solving

linear equations in one variable.

Post-Test. This refer to the 10 multiple choice and 3 problem solving type of test

administered after the use of the lecture method and algebra tiles in teaching solving

linear equations in one variable.

Chapter 2


This chapter focuses on the research methodology and design, subjects of the

study and sampling scheme, the data gathering instrument, the collection of data and

statistical treatment used in order to obtain valid and reliable information about the study.

Methods of Study and Techniques of Data-Gathering

The researcher made use of the descriptive method of research. This method

facilitates the analysis whether the new method (the use of alternative instructional

materials) introduced will be effective or not. It is a study method used to test cause-and-

effect relationships between variables. The independent variables administered to both

groups are measured in contrast to the same dependent variable. According to Weiten

(2013), the independent variable is called independent because it is free to be varied by

the experimenter. The dependent variable is called dependent because it is thought to

depend (at least in part) on the manipulations of the independent variable.

Sources of Data

The main data gathering instrument used by the researcher was composed of two

sets of (pre-test and post-test) tests which comprised of 13 items each with multiple

choice and 3 problem solving items.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study involved 30 grade eight students of Cabuloan National

High School enrolled during the school year 2019-2020. After the administration of the

pre-test covering the topics on solving linear equation in one variable to the whole group,

the class was then equally divided into two through the systematic sampling method in

which every second member of the class was selected until a total of 15 students was

reached to compose the first group taught using lecture method. The remaining 15

students became part of the group exposed to the use of algebra tiles.

Procedure of the Study

To determine the final composition of the pre-test, the researcher constructed 20

multiple choice and 4 problem solving test items covering topics on solving linear

equations in one variable. The test items were prepared using books in high school

algebra as references. The initial set of 20 multiple choice and 4 problem solving was

administered to 30 grade eight students of Mapandan Academy, Mapandan, Pangasinan

to test the reliability and validity of the test questions. After subjecting the 20 multiple

choice items to item analysis using appropriate process and mathematics formula, results

gave the researchers bases on which items are to be retained, revised, and rejected in

order to come up with the 10 multiple choice item. Result of the item analysis can be seen

on Appendix O. The appropriateness of the problem solving items was determined

through consultation with experts such as mathematics teachers in Cabuloan National

High School. Consequently, the contents of the 13-item(40 points) post-test were

constructed parallel to the pre-test.

The researcher personally administered the constructed test as soon as permission to

conduct the study from the school administration of Metro-Dagupan Colleges was

obtained (See Appendix E). The researcher also requested permission from the principal

of Torres National High School to utilize 30 of their grade 9 students for the dry-run of

the test. On November 22, 2019, upon approval of the prepared request to conduct the

study the researcher proceeded with the try-out of the prepared 20-multiple choice and

four problem solving test on solving linear equations in one variable to 30 grade 9

students, a group who has already finished the said lesson in Algebra. The researcher

marked the test papers giving one point each for the multiple choice items and ten points

each for the problem solving test items. Results were tallied for item analysis, with a 13-

item final form of the pre-test composed of 10 multiple choice items and 3 problem

solving items.

With the final form of the instrument serving as the pre-test, the researcher was

ready to conduct the study at 8-Masunurin students of Cabuloan National High School

over a four-day time period. Students were given a pre-test on the first day, December 02,

2019; the researcher went back to Cabuloan National High School to administer the pre-

test to the 8-Masunurin students. It was also on the same day that the class was grouped

equally into two: first group to be taught using lecture method and second group to be

exposed to the use of algebra tiles. On the second day, December 03, 2019, first group of

students were taught within 1-hour instruction on the lesson of solving linear equations in

one variable using the lecture method. Contents of the lesson can be seen on Appendix F.

The third day was allotted for the second group who received instruction on solving

linear equations in one variable using algebra tiles as an instructional tool as shown in the

outline of the lesson in Appendix G. On the fourth day, the post-test was administered to

both the groups.

The researcher fabricated the algebra tiles him selves as his tool in teaching solving

linear equations in one variable. It was made of rectangular and small square illustration

board with two colors (red and blue). The red color represents positive while the blue

represents negative.

The pre-test and post-test were similar, but not identical since it is assumed that

students will perform better on aa test taken by the second time (Lett, 2007).

Methods of Data Analysis

The following statistical techniques were used in the analysis of data:

The levels of understanding of the two groups were described by appropriate

statistical formulas in terms of low, fair, good, very good, and outstanding levels and

highest and lowest scores obtained, mean, standard deviation and skewness. The

researcher used the following formulas (Statistics; pg. 28-53, 2009):

f ∑x n+1 th 2 SK=
%= =100 ;
; X=( ) 2
; √
s= n ∑ x −¿ ¿ ¿ ;

3(X −X )
where: % - percentage equivalent of each classification

f – number of values that fall in each classification

n – total number of values

X – mean of the values

s – standard deviation of the values

x – individual value

SK – coefficient of skewness

The scores were further classified according to the Liker’s scale shown below as:

Score Mean Score Range Descriptive Equivalent

32-40 32.00-40.00 Outstanding
24-31 24.00-31.99 Very Good
16-23 16.00-23.99 Good
8-15 8.00-15.99 Fair
0-7 0-7.99 Low

To answer problem 3 regarding the difference between the students’ levels of

understanding on solving linear equations in one variable according to their pre and post-

test scores and groupings, the student’s t-test at 0.05, level of significance was employed

with the given following formula:

X 1 −X 2
s12 s 22
√ +
n1 n2

where: t – computed significance value

X – mean of values

s2 – variance of values

n – number of values


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