DC Ground Fault Analysis

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Technical Application Papers

2.2 System description For simulation purpose, the DC poles short circuit and the
2 System configuration

AC three-phase short circuit are respectively represented

The analyzed electric plant is composed by an AC sec- by means of the resistances Rsc and Rsc’, while DC and
tion and a LVDC microgrid fed by a front-end converter. AC ground faults by means of Rg and Rg’, sum of fault
On the AC side there are a MV/LV transformer connect- and protective ground system resistances.
ing the system to the MVAC Utility and a generic purely Figures 2.2-2.5 depict the scheme of the electrical plant
resistive passive load. analyzed with the several ground system configurations.
The analyzed LVDC microgrid includes the following In particular, the configurations in Figures 2.2-2.4 will
components: be used for DC ground faults, while the configuration in
– bidirectional FEC, which controls the DC-Bus voltage, Figure 2.5 for an AC ground fault. The configuration with
keeping it to the preset value. The converter, usually the AC exposed conductive parts connected to the same
based on PWM, exchanges sinusoidal wave currents grounding arrangement of the transformer neutral point
with the grid at the unit power factor, i.e., with no ex- will not be analyzed in this Technical Application Paper
change of reactive power; since it is the well-known usual configuration.
– Energy Storage System (ESS), which provides continu- We consider the DC negative pole grounded configura-
ity of supply to the priority loads during short power tion, not the DC positive pole, for safety reason. Without
interruptions, connected to the DC-Bus by a DC/DC a galvanic isolation transformer, it is not possible to have
bidirectional converter; both the transformer neutral point and the DC negative
– PhotoVoltaic (PV) plant, connected to the DC-Bus by pole grounded, since it would create a permanent short
a DC/DC step-up converter; circuit fault through ground that would prevent the system
– DC load that can be considered as a purely resistive normal operation.
passive element. The fictitious switches Sx in Figures 2.2-2.5 show the
Moreover, on the AC side an AC three-phase load is connection possibilities of the exposed conductive parts
installed, working at cosᵠ =1. to a protective grounding system that can be distinct from
The generic passive DC load is represented by means of the operational grounding or the same.
a resistance RL, the parasitic capacitances by means of
the concentrated capacitances Cp, the ESS by means
of a voltage DC generator (Eo, Ri), whereas the PV plant
is modeled by means of a controlled current source
(IPV = P/Vdc with a maximum short circuit equal to 1.25
A standard set of reference conditions used for the testing and rating of photovoltaic
times the short circuit current ISC STC under standard cells and modules. The standard test conditions are:
conditions1, according to the Standard IEC 60364-7-712 a) PV cell temperature of 25 °C;
b) irradiance in the plane of the PV cell or module of 1000 W/m2;
[15]). c) light spectrum corresponding to an atmospheric air mass of 1.5.

Figure 2.2 –Microgrid scheme with MV/LV transformer neutral point grounded for DC ground fault analysis

Idc Idc1
V1 Iac1
I1 Lc Rc Cdc
AC/DC Rdc Isc
MVAC V2 I2 Lc Rc Isc’ Iac2 Incoming Icap
Front-End Vpole+
Utility filter M Vdc
V3 I3 Lc Rc Iac3 Converter Cdc

Iconvdc2 Ig RI

AC load RL E0 + PPV/Vdc
DC load Energy PV plant
Ig system


12 Faults in LVDC microgrids with front-end converters

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