Stillbirth Final
Stillbirth Final
Stillbirth Final
Definition ....................................................................................................................... 1
Chronology Case ......................................................................................................... 2
Health Education ..................................................................................................... 7
Nursing Diagnosis (1) ................................................................................................... 8
Nursing Diagnosis (2)................................................................................................. 10
Nursing Diagnosis (3) ............................................................................................. 12
Nursing Diagnosis (4) ………………………………………………………………15
Nursing Diagnosis (5) ………………………………………………………….17
A stillbirth (or fetal death) is the death of a baby in utero before or during
delivery. In the United States, fetal loss less than 20 weeks of pregnancy they called
it as miscarriage, and a loss 20 or more weeks of pregnancy they called as stillbirth.
In Malaysia Health Ministry defined stillbirth as births after 28 completed weeks or
more of gestation without any sign of life during delivery 9. Every stillbirth in malaysia
we need to investigate the
Why we need to investigate all the stillbirth?It is because majority cases are actually
can prevent but because of the lack in the management of the patient than the stillbirth
still happen.But actually after 1990 the stillbirth was improved in number because of
many preventive action taken by governement.Yet from year 2000 onwards these
rates have plateaued.Majority of the causes of stillbirths are preventable.
This indicator reflects the quality of the provision of maternal care. Stillbirth reporting
is to include statistics for death only of potentially viable fetus. Therefore different
healthcare institution may use different data definition depending on the capability of
the institution to care for the newborns.
The case below happen in Klinik Kesihatan in Johor Bahru early 2020.
Basic Data :
About Pregnancy :
She came for antenatal check up for 15 times at one of clinic in Johor Bahru.1st RME
was done at 15/52 of POA.7 times met doctor another 8 times with nurses.1st scan
was done at private clinic in age of 5weeks pregnancy.Mother in stable condition,
happy with this pregnancy waiting for 5 years after 1st child.No history of taking any
family planning befaore as she told only use condom for protection for spacing to
another child.Mother vital sign was in normal range 112/77 mmHg – 130/81
mmHg.Pulse also in normal range between 74bpm - 88bpm. Mother weight gain along
pregnancy is 9kg which is 81.3kg to 89.1kg at 38/52 POA.Otherwise hemoglobin
mother in 2nd trimester start to going down to 10.0g/dl but after our medical officer
change the hematinics to double dose then mother tolerate and compliance , her
hemoglobin reading were rise to 12.7g/dl.For urine albumin result always nil, and
sugar is that is normal.No other symptom of Eclampsia.
Fetal kick was teached and explained on important of doing fkc is to monitor baby’s
activity to ensure baby in good condition and well .Everytime during antenatal check
up, nurses will check on Fetal Kick Chart (FKC) part but unfortunately mother didnt
understand how to doing fkc part and somtime she default to count and chart.
Language barrier happen between mother and nurses because of she study until
standard 6, not expose to malay language.
1st result is normal : (15/8/19@ 20/52 POA) fasting: 4.3mmol & 2H postprandial :
Mother had done on bsp, everytime she came to clinic is with bsp.Her bsp normal is
accepted in normal range.sometime if she eat more than the reading a bit high which
is in 36week POA her bsp reading is 5.1mmol / 5.7mmo / 6.6mmol / 6.9mmol. After
she refer to dietician then her reading of bsp is back to normal because she get many
information how to control her bsp.She is never send to admit ward for deranged.
On 9/12/19 @35/52 of POA, Mother claim had cough, URTI symptom for 2/52, with
fetal heart 144 bpm.She is not fever with temperature 36⁰celcius.Her blood pressure
also in normal range that is 128/88mmHg, pulse 92bpm.No palpitation, no short of
breath,no chest pain, no headache but claim cant sleep well because of cough.Sputum
investigation was sent for x 3, appointment medical officer 1/52 to revies symptom
and sputum result. On 15/12/2019 @ 38/52 POA mother claim her cough had resolved
and no more, but then on 30/12/2019 @ 38/52 POA again mother claim her cough
was came back with minimal sputum,no fever and no labour pain symptom.Fetal heart
rate is 145bpm.Unfortunately mother are not chart fkc due to not feeling well and she
claimed fkc complete with no evidence. On 13/1/2020 @39/52 with POA mother
stable, no complaint off ,fhr : 130bpm.Mother is nt allow postdate and plan to admit on
estimate of date and her date of admission on 12/1/2020 with kiv iol if still not deliver.
Results from BIRTH DEFECT (BD) - STEPS will provide researchers with more
knowledge about what factors might raise or lower the risk of having a baby with a
birth defect. These are called risk factors.A woman who want to get pregnant can
reduce their chances to having birth defect with a good lifestyle, while other things,
she can’t change. BD-STEPS aims to focus on risk factors that a woman may be able
to change:
The risk of stillbirth at term in the studies varied from 1.1 to 3.2 per 1,000 pregnancies.
The overall gestation-week-specific prospective risk of stillbirth steadily increased with
gestational age, from 0.11 per 1,000 pregnancies at 37 weeks (95% CI 0.07 to 0.15)
to 3.18 per 1,000 at 42 weeks gestation (95% CI 1.84 to 4.35)
About Baby :
Name Of Baby : - Date of deliver : 13/1/2020 @ 23Hour
Age : FSB
Address : No 21,Jalan Hang Lekir 9/2, Taman Skudai Baru
Date Of Addmission : 13.1.2020
Date death : 13.1.2020
Place death : Hospital Sultanah Aminah.
Mode Of Delivery : SVD
POA : 39/52 Birth Weight : 3.16kg
Number of sibling : 2 Sex : Girl
Status Immunization :
age Pain Vomitti Fever & Jaundic Coug Prem Congenital . etc
of ng & Fitting e h& Abnormality
period diarhea respir
0-6 day √
7-27 day
28- 1 day
1-4 year
Place of Death :
About Disease :
On 14.1.2020 @ 6pm mother had contraction and reached HSAJB at 8.00pm.At PAC
mother had PPROM (Preterm premature rupture of the membranes).Nurse check for
os and its open 3cm, unfortunately fetal heart rate was unavailable during placing CTG
(Cardiotocography).Base on mother information, mother claimed fetal kick was felt
before contraction happen.
Mother was induced to easy the delivery and baby came out on 23hour as svd
(spontaneous vagina delivery) without sign and symptom baby alive, baby heart rate
also none. (Fresh Still Birth)
Social Background :
1.Mother stay with husband and 1st kids in double storey terrace house and had
electricty and water supply.
• To manage fatigue:
- Prioritize activities. Advice family members to assist the patient in prioritizing activities and
between activity and rest must balance so that patient will less felt of fatigue.
- Exercise and physical activity. Patients with chronic anemia need to maintain some physical
activity and exercise to prevent the deconditioning that results from inactivity.
• To maintain adequate nutrition:
- Diet. Encourage family members or patient to make a healthy diet that is full of essential
nutrients like red spinach etc.
- Nescafe or coffee intake will interferes with the utilization of essential nutrients and advise
the patient to avoid or limit his or her intake of caffeine beverages.
• Dietary teaching. Explain to patient how to prepare the food with maintain of nutrition
involve her family members
• To maintain adequate perfusion:
- Vital sign and full blood count (FBC) monitoring. The nurse should monitor the patient’s vital
signs and pulse oximeter readings closely. Inform and refer medical officer if hemoglobin
reading reduce.
• To promote compliance with prescribed therapy:
- Medication intake. Patients receiving high-dose corticosteroids may need assistance to
obtain needed insurance coverage or to explore alternative ways to obtain these
• Reassess during antenatal check up on sign and anemia symptom.
- Symptom anemia like fatigue, short of breath, palpitation, chest pain, dizziness, headache.
- Do regular home visit along pregnancy to give nursing care and advice base on home
• Instruct the patient to consume iron-rich foods to help build-up hemoglobin stores.
• Iron supplements. Enforce strict compliance in taking iron supplements as prescribed by the
physician. Teach her to take hematinic with correct way. Good to take with vitamin C or
other beverages base vitamin c like fresh orange home made.
• Follow-up. Stress the need for regular medical and laboratory follow-up to evaluate disease
progression and response to therapies such as blood taking like hemoglobin analysis.
Risk For Infection
Outcomes :
Assessment Rationale
Assessment Rationale
Deficient Knowledge On Disease Process in Diabetes Melittus
Outcome :
Assess client’s and/or couple’s knowledge Clear understanding is necessary to let them
of the disease condition and treatment, understand her condition and the rationale for each
including relationships between diet, action they need to take and make every decision
exercise, stress, illness, and insulin with correct way without make her glucometer
requirements. reading high.
Teach the client to have a serum glucose Blood Glucose monitoring can make at home as
monitoring at home using a glucometer, self monitoring, Otherwise she also can see what
and the need to record readings (usually type of food that impact to have high reading if
at least 2-4 times/day). took that type of food.
Provide information regarding the use and Prenatal metabolic changes cause insulin
action of insulin. Demonstrate on how to requirement to change. In the first trimester, insulin
administer insulin (by injection, nasal requirements are lower, but they double or
spray or an insulin pump) as indicated. quadruple during the second and third trimester.
Provide information regarding the impact
Sufficient knowledge can get her cooperation for
of pregnancy on the diabetic condition and
manage their need on disease.
future expectations.
Risk for Altered Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
Risk for Altered Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements: At risk for
an intake of nutrients that is insufficient to meet metabolic needs.
Outcome :
may be 10-15% lower/higher than plasma
ketonuria on awakening may be eliminated
by 3 am a glass of milk).
The presence of ketones during the second
trimester may reflect “accelerated
starvation” as the diminished effectiveness of
insulin results in a catabolic state during
fasting periods (e.g., skipping meals),
causing maternal metabolism of fat.
Adjustment of insulin type, dosage, and/or
frequency must be required.
hyperinsulinemia, fetal growth defect and
Desired Outcomes
Foreseen changes include period of disorientation or
Recognize expected role changes breakdown in normal patterns of conduct, succeeded by a
required by the loss. period of reorganization, in which energy is properly
invested in new people and activities.
Give patient simple choices of The patient needs to get the message that she is seen as
activities, with the opportunity to do a functional, competent person, even though she may not
more as she progresses. feel that way.
Give medications judiciously, as May help patient get some sleep/rest (e.g.,
needed (e.g., sedatives, following difficult or exhausting delivery or cesarean birth).
antianxiety Note: Improper use of medications can cloud emotional
agents/antidepressants). responses and inhibit the grieving process.
Deficient Knowledge
Desired Outcomes
Family members and friends usually do
not recognize the severity of the parents’ grief.
Consider parent’s readiness regarding Role playing can ready parents for different
reactions of friends and family; role-play responses from friends and relatives, who may
responses. avoid conversation about the loss, wrongly
assuming that avoiding the topic is
therapeutic/less painful for parent(s).
Refer to chaplain and community support Most parents do not believe in information until
groups. they have heard it from multiple sources.