RMMCH Nicu Death Summary Template
RMMCH Nicu Death Summary Template
RMMCH Nicu Death Summary Template
Baby of SNCU ID: IND/CUE/ IP.NO:912470B
(Mother’s name):Indhumathi SICU/44/249
G:4 P:2 L:1 A:2
Consanguinity: non consanguineous
Maternal problems: nil
Mode of delivery: LSCS
Indication for Admission: LBW care, Major congenital malformation
Clinical presentation:
RR(breaths/min): 66 HR(beats/min):134 CRT:<3sec Pulse134
Baby was admitted in NICU. Started on oxygen, IV `luids ,IV antibiotics and other supportive measures. Vitals
monitored serially.
On day 4 of admission baby had Episode of seizure , followed by features of sepsis, for which blood culture was
sent and culture shows growth of klebsiella, baby had recurrent episode of seizure , hence the baby was intubated and
connected to mechanical ventilator
On day 5 , baby had features of septicaemia , for which FFP was transfused , vitals were monitored serially, and
all supportive measures continued,
On day 8 of admission , Baby went in for Cardio-Respiratory arrest around 2pm ,CPR was initiated. Inspite of
intensive care and above resuscitative measures, baby could not be revived, ECG showed `lat line and declared death
on 23/4/2022@ 2:45pm