Morgrave Miscellany
Morgrave Miscellany
Morgrave Miscellany
A changeling and
warforged, two of
Eberron’s outcasts,
Special Thanks to the entire staff
find their way in Sharn, of Dungeons & Dragons and
the City of Towers. This Maze Arcana, the encouragement
cover, painted by Kim and patience of Jenn Ellis & Satine
Van Deun, depicts the Phoenix, and to all the playtesters
thriving metropolis of
Khorvaire, comprised
whose feedback made this book
of towering spires, what it is.
skybridges, and
soaring airships.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, the dragon ampersand,
and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright © 2019 by Full Mithril Jacket LLC, and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Introduction...............................................................4 Dragonforged......................................................... 100
CHG1107: Cultures Future & Past..................................100
About the Authors................................................. 6
Marked by Prophecy............................................. 103
PMA1107: Arcane Prophecy I............................................103
Chapter 1: Classes in Eberron. ..................................7 Fledgling Dragonmarks.......................................................105
Barbarian................................................................ 8 Siberys Marks........................................................................108
MA1103: Barbaric Practices...............................................8 Aberrant Dragonmarks........................................................111
Path of the Extreme Explorer.............................................11 Marked by Death................................................... 112
Bard.......................................................................... 13 PMA1108: Arcane Prophecy II..........................................112
MUS1103: Endomusicology...............................................13 Child of Khyber...................................................... 116
The College of Keys..............................................................17 PMA1109: Arcane Prophecy III.........................................116
Cleric........................................................................ 19 Evolutionary Feats................................................ 121
REL1103: Faith and Force.................................................19 PMA1110: Feats of Evolution.............................................121
Sovereign Domain.................................................................23 Atavist..................................................................................121
Druid........................................................................ 25 Chameleon.........................................................................122
CHG1101: Eldeen Cultures & Customs..........................25 Hierophant.........................................................................122
Circle of the Arbiter...............................................................31 Moonspeaker.....................................................................122
Quori Nightmare...............................................................122
Fighter..................................................................... 34 Spirit Rider.........................................................................122
MA1104: Weapons of Warriors..........................................34 Warforged Colossus ........................................................123
Bone Knight............................................................................40 Warforged Reclaimer.......................................................123
Vigilante...................................................................................42 Weretouched Master........................................................123
Monk........................................................................ 44 Backgrounds.......................................................... 123
MA1105: Exotic Disciplines................................................44 CHG1109: Cultural Beginnings.........................................123
Way of The Argent Fist........................................................47 Aspirant...................................................................................123
Paladin..................................................................... 49 Auditor.....................................................................................125
REL1104: Faith & Folklore...............................................49 Cadet........................................................................................126
Oath of Sacrament................................................................53 Chronicler...............................................................................127
Ranger..................................................................... 55 Existing Backgrounds...........................................................128
MA1106: Warfare in the Wild.............................................55
Field Marshal ........................................................................59
Rogue....................................................................... 61
Chapter 3: Fantasy Noir............................................135
Greater Expectations............................................................135
ECG1103: Urban Economics.............................................61 Session Zero...........................................................................136
Divine Herald.........................................................................67
Throes of Death..................................................... 140
Sorcerer.................................................................. 69
PMA1104: Arcane Anomalies............................................69
Mastering Noir....................................................... 141
Campaign Structure..............................................................142
Progenitor Spark...................................................................75
Thematic Elements...............................................................142
Warlock................................................................... 77
PMA1105: Cosmic Law.......................................................77
Pact of the Host.....................................................................82 Chapter 4: The Gumshoe Chronicles..........................147
Wizard..................................................................... 84 The Broach Poacher Mysteries:
PMA1106: Magic of Antiquity.............................................84 Nine-Pin Pontra............................................. 147
School of Antiquities.............................................................89
Cogs on Fire.................................................... 149
Siren’s Whelk................................................. 151
Chapter 2: Cultures of Eberron................................91 I Have Reservations.............................................. 153
Talenta Halflings................................................... 91 Web of Spies.......................................................... 154
CHG1105: Talenta Cultures & History...........................92
Dear Hunter........................................................... 156
Shifters.................................................................... 94
CHG1106: Ancestral Cultures............................................94
Gumshoe Graduation Day................................... 158
Tieflings................................................................... 96
CHG1108: Cultural Anomalies..........................................96 Appendix: Know Your Faculty...................................160
character in fifth-edition Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide and
Dungeons & Dragons is a Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron. Chapter
blend of concrete mechanics 1 dives into the Eberron lore and player
and abstract story. The options that realign the prestige classes of
barbarian class provides a Dungeons & Dragons third edition into
specific set of features: skill and the archetypes of fifth edition. Chapter 2
weapon proficiencies, and the offers a look into the Eberron’s cultures
gift to channel Rage. But just because you’re and background. Chapter 3 is designed to
playing a class called “barbarian,” does that offer a few resources and optional rules for
mean you’re actually a manner-less brute? players and DM’s telling stories that hold
One must ask, who are the barbarians of true to the classic elements of a hardboiled,
Eberron? Where are you from, and how high-stakes, pulp noir setting. Chapters 4
might that inspire your adventures going presents some suggestions for hooks and
forward? Are you a savage warrior from 0-level adventuring in Eberron by way of the
the Demon Wastes, trying to find a way to Gumshoe Chronicles.
break your ties to an evil spirit? Or are you a Without belaboring the point or adding
bold Talenta halfling determined to take the unnecessary pages to the size of the book,
world of giants by storm? we ask that DMs and players reference
Morgrave Miscellany addresses all these the mechanics in the three core rule-books
questions and more. The purpose of this where necessary. The game especially
book is to provide you with additional rules makes frequent use of the rules in chapters
and character options that let you delve 7-10 of the Player’s Handbook: “Using
deeper into the world: new subclasses, Ability Scores,” “Adventuring,” “Combat,”
racial feats, new forms of dragonmarks, and and “Spellcasting.” That book’s appendix
more. It also provides you with the lore you A is also crucial; it contains definitions of
need to build a deeper character and story. conditions, like invisible and prone. You
While this is presented in a player-focused don’t need to know the rules by heart, but
way, these ideas should inspire DMs, as it’s helpful to know where to find them when
well as players. Even if no one at your table you need them. If you’re a DM, you should
creates a barbarian or druid character, the also know where to look things up in the
information about the Druidic sects of the Dungeon Master’s Guide, especially the
Eldeen Reaches or the concept of the super- rules on how magic items work (see chapter
soldier barbarians of House Vadalis could be 7 of that book). Finally, DMs and Players
the seedlings of a story yearning to develop will find a wealth of knowledge and etiquette
its maturity. in the introduction of Xanathar’s Guide to
This book serves as an expansion to the Everything: “The DM Adjudicates the Rules”
themes and ideas offered in the Player’s and “Ten Rules to Remember.”
Morgrave University doesn’t have the finest reputation. We’ve all heard
stories. We’re politely known as a “School for Adventurers” and more
as a college of grave robbers and tomb raiders. And why not? We believ
e that
the best way to learn is to experience the world. Why read about the
Empire when you can walk through its ruins and see its works with your
eyes? Practical experience trumps dusty scrolls any day; unless you’r
e the one
who discovers them!
But you know all this, or you wouldn’t be here. So let me tell you what
you in this tome. Here you’ll find a collection of our finest courses and
filled with miscellaneous details that might serve you in the days ahead
. Perhaps
you’re curious about the workings of the Siberys dragonmark? Are you
by the legends of the infamous Mark of Death, or concerned by the resurg
ence of
aberrant dragonmarks? Our courses will tell you all that you need to
Or it’s conceivable that you’re looking for career advice. Perhaps you
wish to
learn the secrets of a Karrnathi Bone Knight, or a cleric who draws from
the full
Sovereign Host instead of just one of its deities. Maybe you’re curious
about what
can be learned studying the rise and fall of the various empires of Eberr
on or the
truth behind the legend of the Progenitors. Seek out the answers, becaus
e even in
the past, the answers lie ahead.
Go forth boldly! Use this knowledge wisely and well. Adventure await
s you!
Sharn 998 YK
About the Authors Ruty Rutenberg
Ruty is co-author of the Wayfinder’s Guide to
Meet the creators and developers of this book.
Eberron (a Dungeon Master’s Guild Adamantine
best-seller), lead designer of Xanathar’s Lost
Keith Baker Notes to Everything Else (a Mithral best-seller),
and is a multi-platform Wizards of the Coast
Keith Baker has been writing novels and partner and film producer for Dungeons and
designing games for more that two decades. He’s Dragons. That includes being the Dungeon
best known for creating the Eberron Campaign Master for the official Eberron live-stream,
Setting for Dungeons & Dragons and the Inkwell Society, on &
storytelling card game Gloom. His recent work MazeArcana. His experience spans acting,
includes the RPG Phoenix: Dawn Command and film producing, hosting, screenwriting, & voice
the card games Illimat and Action Cats, created acting, alongside all the major studios on titles
with his company Twogether Studios. His novels like Argo, Fury, Finest Hours, Growhouse, and
include the Dreaming Dark trilogy and the Thorn Magnificent Seven. Most recently, Ruty can be
of Breland trilogy, both available on heard in the new expansion to Neverwinter from
Keith can be found online at, or Cryptic Game Studio as the voice of Durnan
on Twitter as @HellcowKeith. the Wanderer, the gruff owner of the Yawning
Portal. He reprises the role in Syrinscape’s
Patron Saints Dragonheist D&D soundset.
Ruty is also a US Army OIF/OEF Veteran,
Much of the material in this book originally
award-winning professional Dungeon Master,
appeared in the blog and Patreon of Keith
and world creator. You can follow him on Twitter
Baker, while many iterations of the features
& Instagram: @RutyWoot.
contained within were playtested by the
Maze Arcana patrons on Patreon and by
those who participated or watched Inkwell
Society on and While some content from
those sources have been set aside in favor
of those that better resonated with Keith,
Ruty, and the gracious fans of Eberron, the
feedback gained from almost two years of toil
and personal playtesting at conventions and
events have been refined into the materials
you see presented here.
Chapter 1: Classes in Eberron
he initial sections of the doesn’t actually have to involve fury. The rules of
Miscellany look at each of the rage are concrete and constant: you gain a bonus
character classes of the fifth edition to damage rolls, you’re resistant to damage,
of Dungeons & Dragons. Each and these effects immediately end if a turn
section contains story hooks to passes and you haven’t made an attack or taken
inspire you and examples of how the damage. Where one character might embrace
classes fit into Eberron, along with Rage as a state of savage fury, a warforged
new backgrounds or subclasses tied the setting. barbarian might describe rage as a form of
The section on monks presents a new subclass, temporary overdrive, something that’s part of
the Way of the Argent Fist, but also discusses the its inherent design. Throughout this chapter
role of monastic orders in Eberron and where the you’ll see many examples of character ideas that
existing subclasses fit into the setting. If you want embrace the rules of a class but reimagine the
to make a monk that embraces the Way of the story underlying it. We hope that this will be a
Shadow, Miscellany will help you craft a story that source of inspiration and help you develop many
makes sense in the world of Eberron. It should additional ideas of your own.
be noted, that while many of these archetypes Many of the ideas in this chapter are tied
find their inspiration in the earlier editions of to particular subclasses. For example, it’s
Eberron, they are designed for universal inclusion suggested that a Ghaash’kala barbarian would
regardless of the world or setting. be a good match for the Zealot subclass. Of
As you read these sections and develop course, with most classes a subclass isn’t
your character, keep in mind the difference selected until 2nd or 3rd level. The idea is to
between rules and story. A class in Dungeons play your Ghaash’kala barbarian in the same
& Dragons provides a set of rules that define way you’d play a Zealot that has yet to develop
the concrete abilities of your character. These the power, or trust, of a deity. If by 3rd level you
things are set in stone and define what it means decide that your Ghaash’kala character is better
to be a character of that class. A barbarian suited as a Berserker, you should remember to
rages. A bard inspires. A wizard casts arcane follow the story that makes the most sense to
magic. However, the story is more flexible. A you. Be sure to work with your DM to create the
barbarian doesn’t have to be a savage warrior. appropriate goals and character arcs that will
They always have the Rage feature, but “Rage” fuel the story for the life of the campaign.
Conditioned Endurance
At 14th level, when you roll a Hit Die to fuel
one of your Extreme Explorer features, and the
number is less than your proficiency bonus,
you don’t expend the Hit Die after you add the
number to your roll.
Bonus Proficiency
w a young bard at a
When you join the College of Keys at 3rd level,
y es te rd ay , I sa
a door. She got
you gain proficiency with thieves’ tools, if you
rn fl ir ti n g w it h
local tave
don’t already have it.
Cypheric Ostinato
Starting at 6th level, you learn to control vocal
range and resonance of your voice to offset the
magic or material mechanisms within security
and surveillance spells.
When you use your action to disarm or dispel
a trap, or when you make a saving throw to
avoid the full effects of a trap or magical ward,
you can choose to expend one use of your
Bardic Inspiration, rolling a Bardic Inspiration
All Paths
Hated Foe At 14th level, you know the planar shift spell,
Starting at 6th level, your sect is charged with you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count
maintaining the balance between some of against the number of spells you can prepare
nature’s deadliest enemies. You choose one sect each day. You can cast it once without expending
listed in the Hated Foes table. When you hit a a spell slot. Once you cast the spell in this way,
creature type associated with that sect, you gain you can’t cast it again using this feature until you
a bonus to the damage you deal with your melee finish a long rest.
Additionally, while in Wild Shape, you can see
into the Ethereal Plane out to a range of 30 feet.
Legacy Weapon
the Last War. Perhaps it was simply the No one becomes a fighter overnight. Many seem
relentless cruelty and suffering you witnessed carry to on a family tradition learned from a
daily, a massacre, or the Mourning itself. parent or wise mentor, and further honed during
Whatever it was broke your faith so completely years of military service. Perhaps you weren’t
that you turned away from the divine and never a protégé but a prodigy, feeling the length of a
looked back. blade or the weight of armor as an extension of
This would be a story decision and wouldn’t your own body, and the drive to innovate where
change how fighters normally work but is driven the teaching of others lulls them into predictable
by the idea that your shattered faith is the core patterns, and predictable flaws. If you’ve chosen
of your character. It’s not just that you have the path of a fighter, whatever battles you’ve
pragmatic doubts or made a mistake once upon fought, your mind, arms and armor are the
a time, it’s that the things you’ve seen or done tools that saw you through it, and your favorite
have made you bitter, cynical, or pessimistic. weapon might have a story of its own, forged by
In the past, your faith might have produced your sweat, or handed down through millennia.
miraculous victories but that really might have Perhaps a family sword has innate powers
been just steel and muscle. These days, your that will only be revealed when the blade tastes
Bone Knight
To a Karrn, the undead are weapons and a
Bone Knight walks a line between life and
death, training night and day to wield the ivory
legions as they see fit. Bone Knights wield the
power of necromancy and can grow armor
and weapons from their own bones. Beyond
this, there is an intuitive connection to the
undead. Initially, this allows you to command
a single undead soldier and arm yourself for
battle from within. As your power grows, you
can direct a legion of the dead, turning these
mindless creatures into an effective fighting
Most Bone Knights served Karrnath in the
Last War, fighting as part of the Emerald Claw
or the Ebon Skull. However, the champions of
the Blood of Vol have practiced these traditions
for centuries and learn these skills through
ere’s something
proficiency bonus.
own hands.
you to uncover your presence or determine
impose disadvantage on it.
These effects last for a number of minutes
equal to the number you roll, and end early if you
lose your concentration, become incapacitated,
or you die. You have two uses of this feature,
and you regain all expended uses of it when you
finish a long rest.
Shadow Dancers
The Demesne of Motion in House Phiarlan
teaches every aspect of movement from
acrobatics and dance, to gymnastics, and even
advanced forms martial arts. For many, this
discipline is used only to entertain but the
Houses of Shadow are tied into a world of
espionage and intrigue, and while this order
is primarily comprised of elves who bear the
Dragonmark of Shadow, Thuranni and Phiarlan
will train exceptional students of any bloodline.
There are two distinct paths within the
house, and as a shadow dancer, either is just
of the order use such energies in abstract as likely. The Way of the Drunken Master is
ways, acting purely to maintain the balance of tied to showmanship, and those who follow this
elemental energies within the world. While some tradition are typically entertainers. Those that
focus on the martial potential of these powers, follow the Way of Shadow typically originate
sheathing their fists in fire and skin in stone. from the spy variant of the charlatan background.
The Fulcrum isn’t a religious order, but its As one of these monks, you might be an
members are concerned with anything that operative for the House or, conversely, it
could disrupt the balance of the planes and are is possible to have remained untethered
especially interested in solving the mystery of the to anything particularly sinister at all. An
Mourning. The order follows the Way of the Four entertainer might simply have given up the stage
Elements, and sage, scholar, and hermit are for a life of adventure. On the other hand, your
common backgrounds. troupe might have been murdered one night, and
you seek to discover who was behind their final
curtain call. If this is your path, you might expect
The Order of the Broken Blade to have lingering ties to the espionage operations
of one of the houses, regardless of the teaching
Dol Dorn is the Sovereign of the common
you learned. In the shadow of clandestine
warrior, the patron of anyone who pits strength
syndicates, one is never truly retired.
and skill against another. Centuries ago a
soldier stood alone surrounded by foes, holding
the hilt of a shattered sword. Though the odds
were impossible, Dol Dorn was with him and
The Silver Forge
he let the Sovereign guide him, bringing down The templars of the Silver Flame are sworn to
his enemies with hands, feet, and the hilt of his stand against the darkness and to defend the
broken blade. This unnamed soldier founded the innocent from supernatural evil. The typical
order and it continues to this day. templar relies on sword and bow to overcome
The monks of the Broken Blade follow the Way their foes, but there is an elite order within the
of the Kensai. Many members of the order began Church that strives to produce living weapons.
as soldiers, but a few gain renown as folk heroes, Forge and Flame temper the body and mind,
have been celebrated as champions of light Aureon, god of law and Oath of Devotion
since Tira Miron saved Thrane with her Balinor, god of horn and Oath of the Ancients
sword and her sacrifice. Often more militant hunt
than holy, these warriors seem bound to the Boldrei, goddess of hall Oath of Devotion, Oath of
and hearth Redemption*
outer-worldly beings that guide them more Dol Arrah, goddess of sun Oath of Devotion
than any other allegiance, and there have and sacrifice
even been reports of these vital military Dol Dorn, god of strength Oath of Vengeance
and steel
assets defying the Nations they champion to
Kol Korran, god of world Oath of Predation**, Oath
serve those “voices” only they can hear. If a and wealth of Providence**
paladin’s alliance can shift at a whim, what Olladra, goddess of feast Oath of Devotion, Oath of
and fortune Providence**
separates them from simple mercenaries
Onatar, god of fire and Oath of Devotion
for the highest bid of power? This thesis forge
explores the faith and faithfulness of
The Dark Six Common Oaths
paladins throughout history and their role in
The Devourer, god of wave Oath of the Ancients
modern times. and whelm
— Jerion Phious The Fury, goddess of rage Oath of Vengeance
Sharn Inquisitive and ruin
The Keeper, god of death Oathbreaker, Oath of
and decay Predation**
The Mockery, god of Oath of Conquest*
REL1104: Faith & Folklore betrayal and bloodshed
A paladin is a champion empowered by faith, The Shadow, god of magic Oathbreaker, Oath of
and a paladin’s oath is a symbol of that faith and and mystery Predation**
a source of guidance in dark or confusing times. The Traveler, deity of Any
Problems are rarely simple, and those too rigid chaos and change
might shatter against the complexities of a noir
tale in Eberron. Faith needn’t be blind, and like Other Faiths of Eberron Common Oaths
the paladin, it should evolve. Tira Miron founded The Silver Flame Oath of Devotion, Oath
the Church of the Silver Flame, but she began of Redemption*, Oath of
as a paladin of Dol Arrah, discovering the Silver Vengeance
Flame and her destiny over the course of her The Blood of Vol Oathbreaker, Oath of
adventures. A soldier has a cause and purpose, Sacrament, Oath of
but a paladin is bound by sacred oath. Don’t be Predation**
afraid to explore these trappings and, should the The Cults of the Dragon Oathbreaker, Oath of
story present the right reasons, abandon them. Below Conquest*, Oath of
The Path of Light Oath of Redemption*
Oaths of Eberron The Spirits of the Past Any
The Player’s Handbook assigns cleric domains The Undying Court Oath of Devotion
to the faiths of Eberron but provides no such
similar guidance for paladins. Two paladins can *Oath found in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
serve the same cause in very different ways, and **Oath found in Xanathar’s Lost Notes.
MA1106: Warfare in the Wild a poacher from the King’s Forest of Breland.
The Wilderness Experience table presents
The classic image of the ranger is a warden of some of the most inhospitable environments
the wilds, a cunning skirmisher with a touch of Khorvaire and suggests options for Favored
of druidic magic, but the ranger can fill many Enemy and Natural Explorer tied to the region,
roles. A typical ranger is perceptive and stealthy, as a source of inspiration, but the table is
familiar with the wilds and a subject matter only a partial list and there is always room for
expert on the habits and tactics of a variety of expansion.
Expanded Natural
Explorer Options
A Wild Life For those who want to draw special attention
A survivalist’s experience in the wild rarely to Eberron or distinction between multiple
comes quick or easy. Failure, repetition, rangers in a party, the favored terrain options
study, are all parts of dealing with the various for the Natural Explorer feature have been
obstacles of a given environment, but a ranger expanded to include unnatural and urban
has a knack for picking up on the hints that environments. Unnatural environments are
nature leaves behind in the mud, rock, or twisted by magic or populated with alien flora
underbrush. Whether kin of an outlander tribe, and fauna, like the Demon Wastes and the
the troupe of entertainers traveling off the Mournland, while massive cities, such as
beaten path, or the noble family who values time the mile-high towers of Sharn or the fortress
in the outdoors, those with this attention for metropolis of Korth characterize sprawling
detail have typically spent a significant amount urban environments. A ranger can add these
of time in the wilds. environments as a type of favored terrain at
When choosing a terrain, remember that 1st, 6th, or 10th level instead of choosing
someone who understands the intricacies of from the options in the Player’s Handbook.
the swamp or Underdark has likely spent years
exploring in the darkest reaches of the Shadow
Wilderness Experience
d8 Experience Favored Enemy Favored
1 The border of Droaam, where the Graywall mountains rise up from the Giants or Mountain or
plains. You’ve dealt with all manner of monsters, whether as enemies or monstrosities grassland
merely neighbors: ogres and trolls, harpies and gnolls.
2 The Towering Woods of the Eldeen Reaches. There are depths of the forest Beasts or fey Forest
never even seen by human eyes, home to fey spirits and dire animals.
3 The depths of the Shadow Marches. Foul creatures and aberrations dwell in Aberrations or Swamp
these fetid swamps. monstrosities
4 The Talenta Plains, home to halfling tribes and wild dinosaurs. Beasts Grasslands
5 The Demon Wastes are infused with infernal energies, resulting in strange Fiends Unnatural
plants and horrifying creatures. What brought you to this nightmare realm?
6 The Blade Desert. Did you fight alongside the Valenar elves, or did you Humans and elves Desert
oppose their conquest of the region?
7 The towers of Sharn, from the dismal lower districts to the fortified heights of Humans and Urban
the spires. goblins
8 The Mournland has only existed for four years, but there’s a high demand for Monstrosities or Unnatural
salvagers and scouts willing to brave this twisted realm. oozes
Manifest Sorcery
Progenitor Spark
Some sorcerers’ power flows from the
The outer planes influence the material world primordial, cosmic beings who created the
and this power waxes and wanes, leaking multiverse, and in the Eberron setting, these
energies into the world through manifest zones three progenitor dragons are Eberron, Khyber,
that ebb and flow throughout their celestial and Siberys. While the blood of dragons flows
journeys. At some point in your past, the power in your veins, you don’t have scales or manifest
of one or more planes was infused into your wings, but you hold a tiny piece of a spark that
bloodline, imbuing you with sorcerous power. can shape reality, instead. On the surface, your
The positive light of Irian might grant the power spells allow you to fling fire, conjure illusions,
of a Divine Soul, the unpredictable energies of and other common magic others might acquire,
Kythri or Thelanis could result in Wild Magic,
Patron Communication
d8 Method of Communication
1 Birds or small animals speak to you with
eerie voices.
2 Your patron speaks through mirrors,
animating your reflection and speaking with
your voice.
3 You carry a journal (which could become
your Book of Shadows), and messages from
your patron appear on its pages.
4 You hear your patron’s voice in the rippling
of water, the crackling of flames, or in the
howling of the wind.
5 Your patron speaks to you in dreams,
crafting elaborate scenarios. Hopefully
you’re not being manipulated by the
Dreaming Dark!
6 To receive messages from your patron,
you have to drink a special—and highly
7 You find messages from your patron
scrawled on walls and embedded in graffiti.
8 Your patron possesses random strangers for
brief periods of time.
Schools of Thought
d6 Arcane Philosophy
PMA1106: Magic of Antiquity 1 Consensualist. Reality is defined by mortal
thought and belief. Practitioners of this theory
The secrets and means of shaping the forces of believe the principles of arcane magic hold
creation are embedded within the principles of true when enough people believe in those
arcana magic, thought to be a gift from Siberys established principles, but such magic might be
himself, and a true wizard seeks to master these subject to change over time.
principles with every waking hour. Even early 2 Dominion Theory. All magic is a gift of
on, the talents and versatility of a wizard are the Sovereigns and Six. The rituals and
remarkable. A magewright could spend years incantations are window dressing and there’s
mastering a single cantrip, while those who no fundamental difference between arcane
focus their efforts on dissecting a spell down and divine magic. Proponents of this theory are
to the repeatable arcane principles simply by often called “loyalists”, or “crazies” by some, as
studying scrolls and schematics, and who can they decree that “Arcane magic” is a delusion.
reliably duplicate the effects, earn the moniker of 3 Externalist. All magic involves channeling
wizard. energies from the different planes. A fireball
As a wizard, you’re an arcane scientist and, like draws energy from Fernia and a ray of
any scientist, you could be diligent, eccentric, enfeeblement pulls energy from Mabar.
or even stark-raving mad. Among the other 4 Prophetic Principles. Many believe that magic
magically inclined, you have every reason to be functions by making minute alterations to the
proud of your talents. Bards? Stage magicians Draconic Prophecy—the fundamental blueprint
that defines reality.
obsessed with fame. Sorcerers? Freaks who
won the genetic lottery. Warlocks? Cheaters 5 Siberyan Theory. Arcane energy emanates
who bought their magic from someone else. You from the Ring of Siberys and permeates
Eberron. Arcane magic shapes and channels this
earned your power. You’re a bona fide genius
force. Some adherents of this theory insist that
and it’s unlikely that anyone will soon forget how crystals—especially Siberys dragonshards—are
bright your brilliance burned, especially if you go the only worthwhile arcane focuses.
out in a fireball of glory.
6 Sympathist. Any spark produced can be
magnified, it’s just a matter of knowing the
Schools of Thought proper materials. Even at a distance, material
objects once in contact with each other
Wizards approach magic as a form of science, maintain a connection, and magic flows along
and from that perspective are likely to this connection, allowing a true wizard to
contemplate the underlying principles of magic affect a similar object by that connection. Bark
more than any other spellcaster. A gesture, an will always be connected to a tree, and all a
sympathist needs to awaken the tree is a bit of
bark and the all-important spark of life.
he peoples and cultures of
Eberron are full of varieties the likes
you’ve never seen, from those marked Talenta Halflings
for greatness by the progenitor
“Ahem! Warriors of the Plains. Anyone
Siberys, to the Warforged of House
Cannith. In this chapter you will find who underestimates the ferocity of a
greater detail on some of the unique halfling has never faced a charging battalion
character options you have available to you,
of Talenta clawfoot cavalry! I’ll tell you
as well as for those you may encounter along
your journey. Experience the unique power and something else, we halflings are just as
responsibility of a dragonmark or aberrant mark, ferocious in the city. Don’t believe me?
or the air of suspicion as a wielder of the Mark of
Death. Explore new and distinctive cultures from Interrupt my lecture again and I’ll mince
the Talenta Plains to the Venomous Demesne. your knee caps.”
Unlock your character’s potential with new —Tig Boromar
feats and backgrounds that let you showcase Honorary Professor of Economics
your humble beginnings, and aid in your rise
Talenta Cultures & History 1 You’re driven by pure curiosity. You’ve always
wanted to know what lies beyond the Plains,
The Talenta Plains are vast rolling steppes, and you’re thrilled with what you find. You’re
known for the dinosaurs that roam the wild always searching for new experiences and new
countryside. Alongside those noble beasts, challenges.
nomadic halfling tribes have roamed this land 2 You served as a scout in the Last War and
for millennia. In the last thousand years, the forged a close bond to one of the other player
outside world has forced a slow change away characters. You may feel that you owe a debt
to this character, or you may have remained
from the ancient halfling traditions observed on
because you feel they need you to protect
the Plains. Two of the powerful Dragonmarked them.
Houses, House Ghallanda and House Jorasco,
3 Some powerful force, such as the Emerald
emerged from the Plain a thousand years
Claw, The Lords of Dust, The Aurum, or one of
before the reign of Galifar, and the former still the Five Nations, wiped out your tribe. You’ve
maintains their nomadic lifestyle, while the ventured into the distant lands to learn more
latter has established its enclave in Karrnath about your enemy and, ultimately, to find some
and has largely assimilated to city life away way to take revenge.
from the plains. Despite Karrn the Conqueror’s 4 Your tribe has sent you to learn more about the
exploration of the Plains long ago, the danger distant lands, and to find allies that could help
the dinosaurs present for the travelers leaves your people in the days ahead.
these clans to serve as the primary channel 5 You have been exiled from your tribe and
between the region and the outside world. homeland. Did you commit a crime of passion?
As the Last War pressed into the Plains, Were you framed by a rival? Are you searching
the halflings responded with unprecedented for redemption or have you turned your back
alliances between the tribes and the eventual on the past?
recognition and representation of the Talenta 6 The spirits have marked you for a purpose. You
Plains as a sovereign nation during the Treaty of have visions that guide you (perhaps related to
Thronehold. your chosen totem). You don’t yet understand
As a native Talenta halfling, you’re a stranger these visions, but you know that your destiny
in a strange land. Cities, airships, lightning lies in the distant lands.
rails, and the like are wondrous things, and it’s
amazing what the people of these places take
for granted. You are also unaccustomed to the Totem Spirits
myriad laws and customs of these places, as your The Maskweavers of the Talenta Plains draw
culture is simpler and more accepting. Among little distinction between fey, ghosts, and gods.
others, outlander and hermit backgrounds The world is filled with spirits, and wise people
reflect the Plains relative isolation. If you have treat all of them with respect. The closest bond
a dinosaur companion, bear in mind that you is between a warrior and mount, but many
believe your spirits have been connected, with a Talentans cultivate a connection to a totem,
ceremony similar to marriage, and the creature as well. Barbarians who follow the Path of the
isn’t simply a mount but family, especially in Totem Warrior and druids tied to the Circle of
foreign lands. the Shepherd draw directly on these forces, and
many halflings on different paths believe that
they also receive guidance from a totem spirit.
Distant Plains First and foremost, a totem reflects personal
As an adventurer from the Talenta Plains, identity and inspiration. Does your halfling
consider what has drawn you from your ranger identify more closely with the swift
homeland. Do you still follow the ancient clawfoot or the stoic hammertail?
traditions of your people and feel a close
connection to the tribe you left behind, or have
you embraced the new world and its wonders?
Tribal Customs
The tribes of the Towering Woods have many
shared stories and common beliefs, but shifters
are a culturally diverse people, with each tribe
and clan observing unique traditions. Some
shifters feel a bond to the moons of their birth
and carry lunar totems or wear talismans
representing this connection. Others are more
attached to their clan’s sacred primal spirits,
honoring Grandmother Wolf or Grandfather
Rat. In making a shifter character, consider the
customs that you may have inherited from your
tribal roots or developed on your own.
Cultures Future & Past from House Cannith in 970 YK and disappeared
into the shadows of Khorvaire.
The Last War has shaped Khorvaire over Despite his best efforts, Aaren lacked the
the last century, and the warforged are a resources to change the course of House Cannith
physical manifestation and constant reminder and he was furious that his creations were being
of this bitter struggle. Most who encounter condemned to the drudgery of lives in a state
dragonforged assume that these reptilian of endless war. His obsession with stopping
constructs were designed for war, one more the war led him to prioritize his remaining
weapon in the clash between nations, but assets toward further research, working to
nothing could be further from the truth. While understand the warforged he had created more
each being’s true purpose might remain a fully. Any spare time was devoted to his second
n and a
such a mark is termed a fledgling dragonmark.
Defining Tragedy
Whether it occurred the first time an aberrant
mark manifested or before mastery of its
Aberrant Halfling
Talenta halflings who develop aberrant marks
are said to be touched by dark and angry spirits.
True or not, you’re not as lucky as most halflings,
but you still possess remarkable agility.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
increases by 2.
Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through
the space of any creature that is a size larger
than yours.
Aberrant Half-Orc
Aberrant creations of the daelkyr linger in the Aberrant Human
depths of the Shadow Marches. The people of You might have begun your life as an acolyte
this land are used to dark secrets and corruption, in the Church of the Silver Flame, a noble of the
and a Cult of the Dragon Below might consider Wynarn line, or a decorated Karrnathi officer.
your mark to be a blessing. Your aberrant mark has dragged you down into
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score the dirt, but humans are exceptionally adaptable,
increases by 1. and you’ll find a way to survive.
Darkvision. Thanks to your orc blood, you Ability Score Increase. Two different ability
have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. scores of your choice increase by 1.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you Exotic Whispers. You can speak, read, and
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as write one exotic language of your choice, as
if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in described in chapter 4 of the Player’s Handbook.
darkness, only shades of gray.
Menacing. You gain proficiency in the
Intimidation skill.
me because
I love to write a
publication. What’s your agency, and what are
gs I’ve seen,
past and present,
Korranberg Chronicle, or are a muckraker for
mis-gnomer. Get
it? I’m proud of
that one!
6 I’m always chasing after celebrities. 2 I won’t take “no” for an answer.
7 I’ll do anything to get a good story. 3 I’ve made a lot of enemies with my writing.
8 I have a pen name and exaggerated 4 I don’t trust anyone. Everyone has
personality I use when I’m reporting. something to hide.
5 I’m happy to exploit my friends to get a
d6 Ideal good story.
1 Balance. Revealing the absolute truth is all 6 Once I’ve settled on a story, I become
that matters, regardless of whether it tips completely obsessed with it.
the balance towards good or evil. (Neutral)
2 Honor. The best way to fight corruption and
evil is to expose it to the public. (Good) Existing Backgrounds
3 Revolution. Opponents who can’t be fought The shape of different backgrounds is molded by
with swords can be beaten with words. You
their relationship to a setting as a whole, and this
use your writing to undermine established
is paramount in the tumultuous era in which we
authority and introduce new ideas. (Chaotic)
embark on campaigns in Eberron. What does it
4 Civilization. It’s your duty to record the
mean to be a noble in Khorvaire? If a character
history of your nation and to preserve and
served in the Last War, are they required to be
celebrate the values of your culture. (Lawful)
a soldier? In developing a background, consider
5 Power. Truth is irrelevant. People believe
the following ideas.
what they want to believe, or what you
want them to believe. How can you use your
writing to gain power and influence? (Evil)
6 Entertainment. People need diversion and
entertainment. You’re not interested in You’re a recognized servant of an established
news; you just want to find brilliant stories faith, such as the Church of the Silver Flame, the
to share. (Any) Sovereign Host, or the Blood of Vol. The critical
idea is that you are recognized; with your Shelter
background experience.
to your religion. Work with your DM to establish
what you did to earn this respect. You might
have served as a missionary or evangelist, and
your zeal has earned you praise and renown.
A charlatan is a grifter, skilled at deception,
disguise, and sleight of hand. While you might
be a criminal, you don’t begin with a strong
connection to an existing organization. You
could be a lone wolf, or you could have once
worked with a gang that was destroyed during
the Last War or the Mourning. A few other ideas
to consider might be any of the following.
• False Prophet. You started your career as
a con artist taking advantage of peoples’
faith, only to discover a true and personal criminal underworld or not. The Rogue section
connection to the divine as a cleric or includes a list of some of the prominent criminal
paladin. organizations in Khorvaire. Your criminal
• Refugee. You’re a refugee who lost contact could connect you with any of these
everything during the war. You’re not groups, or you and your DM can develop a lesser
greedy, nor are you a criminal by nature. known organization. In addition to choosing your
You’ve just had to rely on your wits and criminal specialty, consider how, or if, you left
words to survive, and you had to learn to the business. You could have retired gracefully,
forge papers and passports as you’ve made with the respect and admiration of your former
your way across the war-torn world for the colleagues, or maybe you drew too much heat
sake of your search for safe haven. in a struggle with a rival gang, and had to be cut
loose, narrowly negotiating to be spared from
• Fey Favor. An Archfey of Thelanis blessed
swimming with the sahuagin. Perhaps your old
you with a silver tongue and light fingers, but
boss wants you back for another job, or you’re
these gifts came with a price. Contracts need
still an active member of the organization, simply
not only be for the warlocks of this world.
taking a little sabbatical while you adventure.
What did you promise your fey benefactor
The variant of a Spy is a prominent
and how might that shape your future?
background choice in Eberron. Work with your
DM to determine who you worked for and how
Criminal (Spy) you left. You might have left in such a way that
you could still be called back into service, or
Any character could have engaged in illegal
maybe you defected from the organization,
activities, but you were a professional. The
and your contact is helping to cover your trail.
defining feature of a criminal is Criminal
The Bard and Rogue sections include a list of
Contact, implying you still know people in the
intelligence agencies you can choose from.
business, whether you are still affiliated with the
Folk Hero
You’re a commoner who’s made a stand and people who follow your faith consider you
earned the trust and respect of the people a hero, but you’re not recognized by the
around you. Here’s a few ideas to consider. hierarchy of your church and you may not
even know all the rituals of your faith.
• Deserter. You’re a veteran of the Last War,
but you put your loyalty to the people ahead • Refugee Champion. You’re a Cyran, perhaps
of your service to your nation. You may have even a former soldier, a sheriff, or refugee
refused a brutal order or even turned against leader. You led a band of survivors to safety
fellow soldiers who were pillaging or hurting after the Day of Mourning, and you continue
innocents. You may have been discharged, or to do everything you can to protect and
you could be a fugitive hiding in plain sight but serve the scattered people of your nation.
you’re still fighting to protect people in need. This same idea could apply to any scattered
people; you could be the defender of
• Divinely Inspired. As a paladin or a cleric,
Q’barran settlers or Eldeen farmers, or even
you may be a former farmhand or blacksmith
as a warforged hero, focusing on helping
who’s felt the call of the divine. The common
other warforged find a place in the world.
ar from a dungeon crawl, dragon- of the past dominate the lives of the characters
fight, or lich hunt where characters in it, only greater sins stand to change it, and
expect gifts, gold, and glittering embracing vice and wrongdoing is the easiest way
prizes, fantasy noir makes a perfect to exert control over the setting and those within
starting touchstone, or one to it. The actions of the characters can, of course,
return to, for players that desire a impact the influence crime has on a setting. By
more dynamic experience in style, interfering with organized crime, and the most
character development, and roleplay.. In these ignoble of adversaries, the characters could
types of stories, moral ambiguity, violence, and impact the setting for the better but at a price. If
corruption are part of everyday life, and outside the party manages to take down a local gangster,
of those hard truths, little is what it seems. Every the characters might draw the attention of an
choice is a decision that has consequences and even more powerful crime boss, and the effects of
will come back to either haunt or reward the this will be represented in the setting.
characters in some way as the story comes to The same could occur should the party
fruition. These types of campaigns are usually choose to help another character. They might
comprised of a series of one-shot odd jobs, unknowingly ensure the deaths of others. Any
deliveries, heists, and mysteries, where each character the players might encounter could
individual event grants a moment, a clue, or a have pasts that are not only as equally dark as
witness, leading the characters to piece together their own, but they might also carry dangerous
the circumstance of larger notions at play. secrets to the player characters and others in
Coupling these themes with the low-wide magic the present. These perils further contribute to
setting of Eberron creates a perfect culmination the thematic element that the world around the
of technological convenience through esoteric characters is not to be trusted, and is made up
cantrips and low-level spells, without nullifying of others who, if they haven’t fallen to the nature
a great deal of the challenges that the lowly of the moral darkness around them, have every
protagonists of noir stories grapple with reason to turn on them for a chance to get ahead.
throughout their journey.
Precarious Pasts
Greater Expectations In most adventuring, the characters are at the
center of the conflict. Ultimately, the outcome
In establishing a noir setting for your game, the
will dictate huge swaths of their lives, which
location is not as important as the nature of the
are morally black and white, clear cut, and even
location. Noir settings are built on shattered
when in doubt, they will likely be vindicated.
lives and broken dreams. The inhabitants
For such hard-boiled equivalents, like capers,
share similar attitudes about the world in
crime thrillers, and detective narratives, hope
which they live in, often equating morality
remains intact; solving the crime will save the
with vulnerability and weakness. The setting
day and reset normality. However, in a noir, the
itself seems to perpetuate the impression that
contrary is the norm; the sins of a character’s
idealism and self-preservation can’t coexist.
past typically live alongside the hope that they
This bleak outlook should remain the backdrop
will finally be accepted for who they are, and that
to the story, as though the only thing keeping
all will be right with the world. This is not to say
the characters from being swallowed up by
they aren’t empathetic, or entirely without hope.
the meaninglessness of the setting is their
For the questionable protagonists of hardboiled
motivation to rise above this atmosphere.
and noir narratives, a glimmer of success is all
Crime and consequence contribute heavily
the hope necessary to keep them going, and that
to a noir story and its setting. Because secrets
glimmer could also be what pushed them to take
permeate the story and drive the events that occur
the moral or ethical risk that dropped them into
over the course of a noir style narrative, crime is
their current lot in life.
currency of change. In a setting where the sins
The question is “what do you do with the tim
of addicts, alcoholics, brawlers, and gamblers
Fame & Notoriety It’s a good thing when the local baker tosses a little
extra into the dozen. It’s another thing entirely
Level Reach Notoriety
Sometimes, two!
4 Metropolitan Recognized
5 National Relevant
7 National Recognized
9 International Relevant
13 International Recognized
15 Interplanetary Relevant
17 Interplanetary Recognized
20 Universally Known
his final chapter of the book to investigate for her. As a last resort, she could
contains a selection of zero-level ask her younger brother, Todd, a patronizing
adventures called the Gumshoe Silver Flame knight, but would prefer not to
Chronicles, aptly named for the involve him. If asked, she relays her worry that
series of mysteries that your players he’ll tell his superiors and remind her about the
will be tasked with solving. The misstep for the rest of her days.
“Broach Poacher Mysteries” are
part of a set, while the others may be inserted
anywhere, concluding with the adventure Case File
“Gumshoe Graduation Day.” These chronicles Use the details from “Objectives” to instruct
help the player characters to explore their the characters on their job. Further details are
surroundings, as well as explore their functional below:
role as part of a team, without having the benefit
of a character class to guide them. • Silindra is a middle-aged human who appears
wrinkled with fretful worry-lines cut deep
into her face.
• She hopes for the characters to find her
Nine-Pin Pontra Silver Flame pendant before her superiors in
the Church realize it is missing.
The first encounter of the Eberron Gumshoe
Chronicles: Broach Poacher Mysteries for 0-level • Nine-Pin runs her bowling game out of a
characters. tavern called the Pleasant Perch. There is a
secret area below the Pleasant Perch that
A corrupt gnome scoundrel has stolen an the owner lets Nine-Pin use.
insignia of the Silver Flame from one of their
acolytes, Silindra Sloan, and she contracts the • Bowling isn’t illegal, and neither is gambling.
upstart detective agency where the characters But Nine-Pin consorts with some rough
moonlight to retrieve it without drawing characters from Lower Dura and elsewhere,
attention. and they prefer the privacy. Silindra’s
superior in the church would banish her if he
learned she was bowling and gambling.
Objectives • The brooch that Silindra lost isn’t terribly
A gnome named Pontra, who goes by the valuable in terms of monetary value, but
moniker “Nine-Pin” because of the underground someone wearing it could pose as an acolyte
game of nine-pin bowling that she runs, earns a of the Silver Flame to gain access to the
small income from her bowling business. She church’s resources or locations.
makes her larger scores by stealing valuable • There is a password that changes each week
jewelry from the patrons of her business. to gain access to the game, but Silindra
Nine-Pin’s latest victim was Silindra, an hasn’t been told the new password. The
acolyte of the Silver Flame who, despite her characters must find their way in. The secret
order’s ban on gambling, can’t help herself: she door and staircase to the bowling area is
loves bowling. Nine-Pin stole the brooch that behind the bar.
Silindra wears that marks her station within the
Church of the Silver Flame.
Silindra strongly suspects that Nine-Pin stole The Pleasant Perch
the brooch, but she doesn’t want to take the The Pleasant Perch is a working-class tavern
matter to the authorities, because her “illegal” operated by Schlay Groo, a respectable goblin
bowling habit might be reported to her superiors who keeps her place clean and her clients happy.
in the church. So, she comes to the adventurers
The Game
In the bowling area beneath the Pleasant Perch, Aftermath
Nine-Pin the gnome holds court. There are 6 If the characters defeat Nine-Pin at her own
lanes, each full of bowlers of varying skill. Some game, or if they bribe her, she tells them that
lanes contain people practicing, whereas high- she sold the Silver Flame brooch to a goblin
stakes games are taking place on other lanes. cutpurse from the Cogs called Gomey. She’s not
Nine-Pin greets the characters when they sure what he plans to do with it, but it probably is
descend, asking what she can do for them. something illegal and profitable.
She doesn’t have the brooch anymore (see If the characters take advantage of Silindra’s
“Aftermath”), so the characters can’t locate it. situation, or the money, without fulfilling the
After some conversation, the characters might mission, Silindra’s brother, Todd tracks them
be able to convince Nine-Pin to admit she sold down to insist they reconsider, should news of
the brooch (“I found it, and no one came to their misdeed spread like wildfire through the
claim it, so I sold it to an interested party”) to Church.
another goblin from the Cogs called Gomey. See the adventure “Cogs on Fire” for the
This information costs almost all the gold the continuation of this story.
characters possess unless they can beat Nine-
Pin in a game of bowling.
In order to play, Nine-Pin insists the characters Treasure & Rewards
put up a total of 5 sp. To win the match, each
character must succeed on a DC 12 ability Silindra gives the characters 5 gp at the start of
check. The following ability/skill combinations their mission.
are suggested, but you can use your own
• Dexterity (Athletics)
• Intelligence (Athletics)
• Strength (Sleight of Hand)
• Dexterity (Nature)
Gomey’s Fiery Return If the characters can rescue Gomey from the
A few minutes after the characters arrive, Gomey assassination attempt, he repays their kindness
returns home. Unless the characters took steps by telling them that he gave the Silver Flame
to hide their presence, like returning the sacks to brooch to a hobgoblin called the Admiral. He
the cave entrance, and replacing the vial of acid, received nothing in return but was promised
the goblin is aware that something is wrong. consideration for his siblings to join Daask.
If Gomey becomes aware of the characters’ He can tell the characters where he knows the
presence, he runs. They need to chase down the Admiral spends his free time: in a bawdy house
goblin to question him. called Siren’s Whelk in Cliffside.
If the characters don’t announce their If the characters take advantage of Silindra’s
presence, Gomey is surprised as he walks into situation without fulfilling the mission, a Silver
his cave to find them waiting for him. In this Flame knight named Todd, Silindra’s brother,
case, the goblin doesn’t even attempt to flee, tracks them down to insist they reconsider,
realizing he is caught. should news of their misdeed spread like wildfire
In either case, Daask attempts to silence the through the Church.
goblin rather than have him tell the characters See the adventure “Siren’s Whelk” for the
where he sold the Silver Flame brooch. continuation of this story.
Two vials of alchemist’s fire are hurled
toward the group: one at Gomey and one at the
character closest to the goblin. If a character Treasure & Rewards
sees the vial coming with a DC 12 Wisdom Among the trash and trinkets in Gomey’s cave
(Perception) check. If a character declares the are 5 sp and a potion of healing. If a character
intent to catch the flask as they are thrown aloft, got higher than a DC 20 when dealing with the
a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check will jackals, one of the jackals takes a liking to that
see them cradle it softly and without breaking character and wants to go with them, as long as
the flask. the jackal isn’t mistreated.
Administration Faculty
Marjani, Alemayehu (Human) Bessel, Tym (Changeling)
University Registrar & Interim Bursar Professor of Arcane Theory
A Sharn native and Morgrave alumni, Marjani Professor Bessel is one of the predominant
served as chronicler in the University Library scholars in the Consensual theory of arcane
for over a decade before assuming the post magic. Born a changeling in the Dragoneyes
of registrar. Should you need to change your district of Sharn, Bessel maintains that identity
courses or negotiate tuition options, Alemayehu and magic are both things that can be shaped by
will be happy to help you. cultural belief and personal will.
Classes: PMA1104
lordling’s feelings?