Design and Fabrication of Groundnut Thresher Machine

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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Rajnish R Dubey[1], Ravi M[2], Nandhu T[3], Nithin S A[4], Vijai R[5]
Scholar of Sri Sairam College of Engineering.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sairam College of Engineering.

Abstract :- Groundnut is rich in protein and lipids and has a high energy valve. Groundnut is used commonly as eatable oil and commonly
used for cooking purpose. At the present scenario there is a less worker at the field due to this cost of extraction increases. Due to the above
factors, farmers are not involved in groundnut cultivation. The removing of groundnut pods is a time consuming process and cost expensive.
Temperature is very high at harvesting time so people finds difficult to work. To overcome these difficulties groundnut thresher is used in
groundnut pod removing process which minimize the time and cost. In this paper we have explained about our groundnut thresher machine
design and fabrication.

Keywords : Groundnut, Groundnut Pods, Thresher machine,


Groundnut or peanuts is a species in the legume or
"bean" family. The peanut was probably first domesticated and
cultivated in the valleys of Paraguay. It is an annual herbaceous
plant growing 30 to 50 cm tall. The leaves are opposite, pinnate
with four leaflets two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet, each
leaflet 1 to 7 cm long and 1 to 3 cm broad. Peanuts are known Figure 1 Groundnut legume
by many other local names such as earthnuts, ground nuts,
goober peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts. Despite its
name and appearance, the peanut is not a nut, but rather a
legume. India is the second largest producer of groundnuts in
the world in the order shown in the table 1. Indian groundnuts
are available in different varieties as bold or Runner, Java or
Spanish and Red Natal.

Table 1. Production of groundnuts in different countries.


Figure 2 Groundnut pod
Apart from raw edible peanuts, India is also in a position to
1 China 17
supply Blanched Peanuts, Roasted Salted Peanuts and Dry
2 India 9.5 Roasted Peanuts and a variety of peanut based products. The
3 Nigeria 3 major growing state for groundnut is Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh,
4 United State 1.9 Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra Rajasthan, Madhya
Pradesh, Orissa, and Uttar Pradesh.
5 Myanmar 1.4
They have a rich nutty flavour, sweet taste, crunchy texture and
above a relatively longer shelf life. Soil conditions in some Peanuts grow best in light, sandy loam soil with a pH of 5.9–7.
producing regions are ideally suited for dry, clean and spotless Their capacity to fix nitrogen and they improve soil fertility.
Groundnuts in Shell. Groundnut is the major oil seed crop in The crop cultivation land view is shown in the figure 3.
India and it plays a major role in bridging the Vegetable oil Therefore, they are valuable in crop rotations. Also, the yield of
deficit in the country. Groundnuts in India are available the peanut crop itself is increased in rotations, through reduced
throughout the year due to a two-crop cycle harvested in March diseases, pests and weeds. Adequate levels of phosphorus,
and October. Groundnuts are important protein crops in India potassium, calcium, magnesium, and micronutrients are also
grown mostly under rain-fed conditions. The awareness and necessary for good yields. Figure 3. Groundnut Farm If it is too
concern for quality amongst the Indian groundnut sellers and early, too many pods will be unripe. If too late, the pods will
processors are growing steadily. Multiple sorting and grading snap off at the stalk, and will remain in the soil. For harvesting,
are fast becoming a norm. Indian manufacturer have the the entire plant, including most of the roots, is removed from
capability to prepare and supply edible peanuts conforming to the soil. The fruits have wrinkled shells that are constricted
highest standards. Figure 1. shows the groundnut legume and between pairs of the one to four seeds per pod. Harvesting
Figure 2. show the groundnut pod. occurs in two stages: In mechanized systems, a machine is used
to cut off the main root of the peanut plant by cutting through
the soil just below the level of the peanut pods. The machine
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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
lifts the "bush" from the ground and shakes it, then inverts the variables affect the threshing losses also seed separation
bush, leaving the plant upside down on the ground to keep the efficiency.
peanuts out of the soil. This allows the peanuts to dry slowly to WR Nave et. al[3] Observed that the threshing
a little less than a third of their original moisture level over a efficiency increased with increasing drum speed and decreasing
period of three to four days. Traditionally, peanuts were pulled feed rate. The threshing efficiency attains the maximum value
and inverted by hand. Harvesting usually consists of a series of as 99.76 % at drum speed of 21.25 m/s (1400 rpm), and feed
operations comprising digging, lifting, windrowing, stocking rate of 15 kg/min. The grain damage was 0.90 % of visible
and threshing. Some of these tasks can be combined or grains under operating condition.
eliminated depending on the system applied. Among the field Gol and Nada et. al[4] Concluded that the important
operations concerned with groundnut cultivation, harvesting is factors affecting the efficiency of mechanical pod stripping
the most laborious and costly endeavor. The actual method of elements are operation speed and crop conditions. Percentage of
harvest employed depends upon the type of groundnut grown. stripping pods increased by increasing of peripheral drum speed
In bunch types, pod development is confined to the base of the which ranged from (473 rpm) 0.1m/s to (675 rpm) 3 m/s.
plant and the pegs carrying the pods into the soil are thick and
strong. Almost all the pods are recovered with the plants when 3. COMPONENT OF GROUNDNUT THRESHER
they are pulled out of the soil. The bunch type of groundnut is MACHINE
mostly harvested by pulling out the plants with manual labour
in India. The diversity of the labour employed to harvest the
crop depends on the location. For instance male laborers are
used in Tamil Nadu and in Gujarat both male and female
laborers' are employed. Usually 12 to 14 laborers' can harvest
one-hectare area of groundnut crop in one day. Harvesting may
sometimes become a problem especially when the crop has
passed the stage of full maturity and the soil has hardened. In
this case, it is customary to lift the plants by loosening the soil
either by working a hand hoe, a plough or a blade harrow along
the plant rows. If after lifting the crop manually it is observed
that a good percentage of the pods have been left in the soil, the
same implements may be used to pick the leftover pods. In the
latter case, additional labour will be required. In the case of the
spreading type, the process of uprooting the crop from the soil
is a rather difficult operation as pod formation takes place all Figure 4 Groundnut thresher machine
along the creeping branches of the plant. The pegs are
comparatively thinner and more delicate.
The component used in our groundnut thresher machine are :
1. Table
2. Feeder
3. Threshing Drum
4. Plumber block
5. Perforated sheet
6. Fan and Blower
7. Motor

Figure 3 Groundnut farm All the part of the machine are mounted on the table. Table
acts as a foundation and all the load acts on the table. Hence it
2. LITERATURE SURVEY must be strong enough to bear all the loads.

Yasir Mahmood et al[1] Designed a modified

thresher machine for minimizing the problem of choking in the
concave. As surveyed in the district of Dantaramgarh,
Rajasthan, the major hitch faced by the farmers in employing
multi-crop thresher machine is the choking of straw and chaffin
concave clearance as the speed of feed is increased. As the feed
is increased, the chaff aggregate increases considerably and is Figure 5 Thresher table
forced down the clearance and chokes it subsequently. To
resolve the issue, a design was suggested that entailed a
concave frame to hold the concave instead of being an integral
part of mainframe of machine. The mechanism introduced to
move the concave frame was termed as anti-choking
Huynh et al[2] Stated that the seed separation from
stalks and passage of seed through the concave gate is a
function of some variables such as feed rate, threshing speed,
concave length, cylinder diameter and concave clearance. These
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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
The groundnut legume is fed through this part. Motor are used to convert the electrical energy to mechanical
energy. It is used as the driver. It rotate the threshing drum
through the chain transmission. the sprocket is provided with
required ratio.



Figure 6 Feeder
A single groundnut plant contains 20 to 30 groundnuts.
On average,
3.3 THRESHING DRUM Length of groundnut root = 30 mm
It is the active or rotating portion of the machine. It consist of Length of groundnut = 20 mm
the cylindrical drum which is spirally bolted with bolts and it Width of groundnut = 10 mm
also consist of Shaft and two covering plate.

Drum Dia = Ф265 mm

Drum length = 1061mm

Figure 7 Threshing drum


It is used for the supporting of the rotating shaft.


Inner dia =40 mm

Figure 8 Plumber block


With the help of this sheet the groundnut pod and plant get
A research paper by J.M.Troeger, E.J.William and J.L.Butler
the peg attachment force or the tensile force required to separate
peg from pod is 22.26 N.
Here we use up to ten ground nut plants so the maximum force
that is required to remove groundnut pod is up to 300 N with
considering the weight of shaft and other mountings.
Torque, T = Force x Perpendicular distance
Force, F = 250 N
Perpendicular distance is the distance from the axis of the drum
to bolt mounted on the periphery of the drum is 132.5mm.
Figure 9 Perforated sheet Torque T = 250*132.5= 33.125N-mm
T = 33.125-mm
It is used for blowing away the dust and other plants parts. The 4.5 POWER CALCULATION
air flow is maintained in such a speed that the groundnut pod
will fall to ground and the dust particle will flow away from the Power , P= 2∏ NT/ 60
groundnut falling area. Such that only clean pod we can get Speed required N = 330 rpm
easily thus removing the cleaning process. P= 2∏* 330*33.125/60
P= 1144.71 W
P= 1.5HP
So we are using 1.5 HP motor.
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© 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5 (ISSN-2349-5162)
providing the covering and way for feeding the groundnut
4.6 SHAFT DESIGN legume. At the bottom of the threshing drum the perforated
Torque T = ∏Ʈd3/16 sheet is also assembled. Finally the motor is mounted on the
Allowable stress Ʈ = 40N/ mm2 table. And the chain and sprocket also fitted. The fan and
34= 3.14*40* d3/16 blower along with the switch is mounted. Thus the complete
d = 1.62 m = 16mm(approx) fabrication is done.
The obtained shaft diameter is 16.11 mm. In order to do weld
attachment on the shaft, diameter of the shaft is chosen to 40
Diameter of shaft, d = 40 mm.
Shaft length used, L = 1368 mm

Figure 10 Fabrication process


Figure 11 Spirally bolted threshing drum


1. Performance analysis of the machine has to be done.

2. As the power supply is not possible everywhere, to supply
the power all the time Solar panels are to be added along with
the storage battery.

Groundnut thresher machine is a useful machine . It saves time
and energy of the farmer also it reduces the cost and time. The
Length L = 1370mm feeder and spirally bolted threshing drum reduces the human
Breadth B = 300mm intervention. The farmer has to feed the groundnut legume and
Height = 912 mm the machine will take entire plant inside and thresh the pod by
the spiral mechanisms. Also this machine are low cost and
5. FABRICATON reliable for our farmer. The area occupied by this machine is
The first step in our fabrication is preparation of the threshing less therefore it can be used anywhere thus it can be used in
drum . The hole was drilled in the cylindrical drum for bolting unconditional climatic condition also. If solar panels are added
spirally. After the hole the 154 bolts were bolted into the it will be more advantage for our farmer.
cylinder. After that the drum has to be closed at the both end by
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