Phase 1 Report

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Today’s era is marching towards the rapid growth of all sectors including the
agricultural sector. To meet the future food demands, the farmers have to implement the
new techniques which will not affect the soil texture but will increase the overall crop
production. The aim of this project is to design and develop a solar operated seed sowing
machine. The seed sewing machine is a key component of agricultural field. The various
technique used in India for seed sowing and fertilizer placement are manual, ox and tractor
operator. The manual and ox operator technique are time consuming and productivity is
low. Tractor is running on fossil fuel which emits carbon dioxide and other pollution every
second. This evident has led to widespread air, water and noise pollution and most
importantly has led to a realistic energy crisis in the near future, in order to make the
development of our farmer as well as nation sustainable and cause less harm to our
environment. Now the approach of this project is to develop the seed sowing machine
which is to minimize the working cost and the time for digging as well as operate on clean

In the country like India where the main source of income is agriculture. Needs to concentrate
in some aspects like how to increase productivity and profit, how to reduce cost and how to
solve and ease the problems of workers. We has seen a shortage of skilled labour available for
agriculture. Because of this shortage the farmers have transitioned to using harvesters. These
harvesters are available for purchase but because of their high costs, they are not affordable.
This field faces some problems such as how to maximize the profit, how to enlarge productiveness
and how to decrease the cost. In India, two kinds of agricultural equipment are used, manual
approach (conventional method) and mechanized type. Mechanization entails the use of a hybrid
device between the power supply and the work. This hybrid system normally transfers motion, such
as rotary to linear, or affords enough of mechanical advantages such as expand or decrease or
leverage of velocity. Agricultural equipment is equipment used in farming or other agriculture.
Mechanized agriculture is a procedure of the usage of agricultural equipment to mechanize the work
of agriculture, significantly increasing farm worker productivity. In present day times, powered
equipment has replaced many farm jobs previously carried out with the aid of guide labour or by
working animals such as oxen, horses, and mules. The complete history of agriculture contains
many examples of the use of tools, such as the hoe and the plough. But the ongoing integration of
machines when you consider that the Industrial Revolution has allowed farming to grow to be plenty
less labour intensive.
Today, India ranks second among other countries across the world in farm output. Agriculture
and allied sectors like fisheries and forestry accounted for 13.7% of the GDP in 2013, about
50% of the workforce. The economic contribution of agriculture to India's GDP is decreasing
steadily with the country's broad-based economic growth. According to WHO (world health
organization), Slow agricultural growth is a interest for policymakers as 2/3 of India’s people
depend on rural employment for a living.
In India agriculture has facing serious challenges like scarcity of agricultural labour, in peak
working seasons but also in normal time. This is mainly for increased nonfarm job
opportunities having higher wage, migration of labor force to cities and low status of
agricultural labour in the society. Today the environmental impact of agricultural production is very
much in focus and the demands to the industry is increasing. In the present scenario most of the countries
do not have sufficient skilled man power in agricultural sector and that affects the growth of developing
countries. Therefore farmers have to use upgraded technology for cultivation activity (digging, seed sowing,
fertilizing, spraying etc.). So it’s a time to automate the sector to overcome this problem. In India there are
70% people dependent on agriculture. So we need to study on improving agricultural equipment. Innovative
idea of our project is to automate the process of digging and seed sowing crops. and to reduce the human
effort. Since we have lack of man power in country, it is very difficult to do digging and sowing operation on
time, Automation saves a lot of manual work and speed up the cultivation activity. The energy required for
this robotic machine is less as compared with other machines like tractors or any agriculture instrument,
also this energy is generated from the solar energy which is found abundantly in nature. Pollution is also a
big problem which is eliminated by using solar plate.

The above figure clearly explains different processes involves in farming. The processes
involve in farming are:
 Preparation of soil: - This is basic and important step in agriculture before
cultivation of crops. It includes loosening of soil, removing weeds from the soil
before sowing of seeds. Loosening of soil improves the air circulation in soil and
enhances the water retaining capacity of the soil
 Sowing: - This is the process of planting seeds in ground. An area or object that
has had seeds planted in it will be described as being sowed
 Adding manures and fertilize: - Manures and fertilizers are substances that are
added in the form of nutrients for healthy growth of plants.
 Irrigation: - It is the application in which controlled amounts of water is provided
to the plants at needed intervals.
 Weeding: - This is a process to remove weeds from a piece of ground.
 Harvesting: - Harvest is the process of gathering mature crops from the fields.
Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest.
 Threshing: - Threshing is the process of loosening the edible parts of grain (or
other crop) from the husks and straw to which it is attached. It is the step-in grain
preparation after reaping and before winnowing, which separates the grain from
the chaff.
 Storage: - It is the final step where tshe crops are stored.
There are many mechanical tools that are employed to carry out these processes.
Mechanical tools that employs at different processes of agriculture can be divided.


 Lack of mechanization in farming
 Required excess efforts for different process.
 Required more man power.
 Excess time consumption for performing individual process.


Any project at its starting comprises of setting the objective. Then comes ideas and their
comparison to get to the best method to achieve the objective.

 The main objective of this project is to fabricate and design a solar powered
multipurpose agriculture machine.
 To improve mechanization in agriculture.
 This project is to help small scale farmers to fulfil demand and supply for market, by
designing a multi operational machine which performs operations like digging, sowing,
levelling and spraying of pesticides.
 Our aim is to focus on easy operation to the small land holders for cutting varieties
of crop in less time and at low cost by considering different factors as power
requirement, cost of equipment , ease of operation, field condition, time up operation
climatology conditions.
 The operating, adjusting and maintaining principle are made simple for easy and
properly handling by unskilled labors.
 To reduce the overall cost of forming.
 To minimize the time of harvesting.
 To minimize the human effort.
 Utilization of renewable energy resources.


 Akhilesh K Bhatkar & P B Khope

Agriculture has been the backbone of Indian economy. It has to support 17 percent
of world population with only 2.3 percent of world’s geographical area, 4.2 percent
of world’s water resource, with 2 percent total consumption of world’s total
pesticide. To fulfill the need of food modernization of agricultural sector is
important. There are many areas in agricultural sector where speed of
modernization is quiet slow. One of the main sectors is pesticide spraying machine.
By modernization in this sector pesticides can be evenly distributed on farms which
will reduce wastage of pesticide and hence prevents wastage of inputs applied on
farms which reduces cost of production. Mechanization in pesticide spraying
technology will lead to higher productivity with minimum input. Indian farmers are
using some traditional spraying mechanisms which lead to wastage of pesticides
with some hazardous ill effects on their health. Now day’s some technologies are
developed and some inventions are there in this field but they are not much suitable
for Indian farming conditions

 R. Joshua, V. Vasu and P. Vincent

“Energy - demand” is one the major thread for our country. Finding solutions, to
meet the “Energy - demand” is the great challenge for Social Scientist, Engineers,
Entrepreneurs and Industrialist of our Country. According to them, Applications of
Non-conventional energy is the only alternate solution for conventional energy
demand. Now-a-days the Concept and Technology employing this Non-
conventional energy becomes very popular for all kinds of development activities.
One of the major area, which finds number applications are in Agriculture Sectors.
Solar energy plays an important role in drying agriculture products and for irrigation
purpose for pumping the well water in remote villages without electricity. This
Technology on solar energy can be extended for spraying pesticides, Fungicides
and Fertilizers etc., using Solar Sprayers. This paper deals how a ‘Power Sprayer’
which is already in use and works with fossil fuel can be converted into solar
sprayers works without any fossil fuel.
 Ritesh Chavan & Amir Hussain
Now-a-days, the concept and technology employing non-conventional energy has
become very popular for all the developing activities. With this motivation, we have
developed a solar powered agricultural pesticide sprayer prototype. The prototype
was design considering parameters like desired spraying efficiency, low weight,
low cost, user-friendly nature, high operating time and for faster coverage of area.
Thus, the prototype was design to be a value for money product in the agricultural
sector. For designing the prototype, the conventional sprayer system was studied to
understand the mechanism for spraying process.

 Sarvesh Kulkarni1, Karan Hasurkar

There is various non-conventional energy sources from which the power can be
generated. Solar energy, Wind energy, Tidal energy, Biogas energy these are
various non-conventional energy sources. Solar energy is widely available in nature
throughout the year. So it can be utilized in miscellaneous application like spraying,
drying and cooking etc. In agricultural areas spraying is one of the essential tasks.
This paper gives the information about solar powered pesticide sprayer as in cost
effective manner. Solar pesticide sprayer has various advantages over conventional
sprayers. It also gives information about various components used in sprayer. As it
has various advantages it will become popular in agricultural field.

 M.V.Achutha
A agricultural researcher studied the factors that influence the performance of a agro
machine which performs operations such as sowing, fertilizing, spraying and
intercultivation. Based on this study a plug matrix selection criteria was used to
select best among the concepts developed by them, the primary reason to reject
other concepts was that it had mechanisms like chain-sprocket, gears etc. which
would increase the complexity in manufacturing. The concept that was selected had
a single frame used to mount all the equipments like chemical sprayer at the front
of the wheel, a cylinder to store the liquid, a hopper placed near the operator to
monitor the seed and fertilizer flow rate.

 mahesh r. pundkar
IJESS volume 3, issue 3. issn: 2249-9482,
He stated that the seed sowing machine is a key component of agriculture field. high
precision pneumatic planters have been developed for many verities of crops, for a
wide range of seed sizes, resulting to uniform seeds distribution along the travel
path , in seed spacing.

International Journal of Farm Science 1(2):123-128, 2011.
He concludes that bullock drawn planters are becoming necessity for sowing as the
skilled workers for sowing are almost diminishing. planting distance and plant
population are crucial factors in maximizing the yields of crops.


world journal of agricultural sciences, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 159
In pakistan has evaluated three sowing methods and seed rate in a four replicated
rcbd method and concluded that drilling method of sowing at seed rate 125 kg/ha is
optimal for yield and quality of wheat grains, because the said sowing method and
seed rate distribute seed uniformly and desired depth which provide appropriate
depth for seed germination and crop establishment.

 Amol B. Rohokale, Pavan D. Shewale, Sumit B.Pokharkar, Keshav K. Sanap

The main purpose of this paper is to compare between conventional sowing method
and new proposed machine which can perform number of simultaneous operation.
The required row to row spacing, seed rate, seed to seed spacing and fertilizers
placement varies from crop to crop can be achieved by the proposed machine. This
machine reduces the sowing time, human efforts and labour cost.

 Aditya Kawadaskar, Dr. S. S. Chaudhari

Redesigned and tested the seed sowing machine using CAD package like PROE.
This Paper deals with the various sowing methods used in India for seed sowing
and fertilizer placement. The comparison between the traditional sowing method
and the new proposed machine which can perform a number of simultaneous
operations and has number of advantages. As day by day the labour availability
becomes the great concern for the farmers and labour cost is more, this machine
reduces the efforts and total cost of sowing the seeds and fertilizer placement.

 Wankhede, A. P. Rathod, A. V. Gorde, R. K. Gondane

The purpose of developing this paper is to develop multi purpose machine to reduce
cost and time required for seed sowing and fertilizer placement. By using advance
seed sowing machine and advance techniques we can increase the production of
crops in minimum cost and time.

 Mr. Muhammed Kashif R, Mr. Sharanabasappa Bolashetty, Mr. Mohammed

Yaseen A H, Ms. Bhargavi
The only way is to automate it but we cannot fully automate it due to few constraints
such as it will require electricity which will not be mostly available in villages, they
will be requiring Microprocessor and sensors which will again increase the cost and
might require skill to use it. This might help us reaching their goal by reducing the
man power as well as cost. In this design, fabricate and testing of semi-automated
multipurpose agricultural wheel hoe to use of various agricultural operations.
 Humbade A.B., Kalingwar C.M., Kadam. N.S., Davargave M.M.,Prof.
This Project presents work on design of a new agricultural multipurpose vehicle to
be used for various applications. As global competition is pressing farmers on many
fronts, mechanized agriculture has become one of the important modern agricultural
methods. In India 60% population involved in agricultural work, Conventional
mechanized systems may increase productivity but are lessadaptive and flexible. As
a consequence, there have been initiatives in developing advanced mechanized
systems. We are evolving a multi purpose vehicle for farm, which can easily use for
digging, seeding, spreading fertilizer.

 Dr. C.N. Sakhale, Prof. S.N. Waghmare, Rashmi S.Chimote

In this research paper author developing equipment which will satisfy all this need
and to solve labour problem. In this equipment they used 24cc engine for digging
operation. And for spraying used motor with 12V battery. Next two operations are
manual base which is cultivation and sowing. This machine performs four farming
operation (digging, sowing, cultivation, spraying) which is used small scale
farming. By using above attachments one may perform various farming operations
in less time and economically.

 V.M. Martin Vimal1, A. Madesh, S.Karthick, A.Kannan

In this project a multipurpose sowing machine is designed for small farmers to
improve their productivity. In this machine a common seed storage place is
introduced to reduce the cost of the machine. The existing sowing machine had the
individual storage place and separate seed metering mechanism which leads to more
cost. The drawbacks in the existing sowing machine are rectified successfully in
this machine. It will be more useful for small farmers and the agricultural society.
The cost of the machine comes around Rs
6000/- INR.

 U.S. Kankal, D.S. Karale, V.P. Khambalkar and S.H.Thakare

The manually operated seed planter was tested at Dept. of Farm Power and
Machinery, Dr. Panjab rao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. A single row
cotton planter was evaluated for performance by conducting laboratory and field
tests. In laboratory test calibration of planter for seed rate, uniformity of seed
planting and percentage of seed damage was determined at three cell plate, two gear
ratio and level of seed in hopper. Based on thelaboratory test cell plate, gear ratio
and level of seed in hopper were selected for field test. The three trials of planter
were taken for planting Bt-cotton crop. The field tests comprised of determination
of effective field capacity, average depth of placement of seeds in the furrows and
mean spacing of seeds within each row. The rate of work was observed to be in the
range of 0.18 to 0.21 ha/h at forward speed of 2.24 to 2.5 km/h in well prepared
seed bed along with the opened furrows. The average depth of planting was
observed in the range of 4.5 cm to 5cm. The field efficiency of the planter was
observed in the range of 88.88 to 91.1 per cent.

 Kyada, A. R, Patel D. B.
A manually operated template row planter was designed and developed to improve
planting efficiency and reduce drudgery involved in manual planting method. Seed
planting is also possible for different size of seed at variable depth and space
between two seed. Also it increased seed planting, seed/fertilizer placement
accuracies and it was made of durable and cheap material affordable for the small
scale peasant farmers. The operating, adjusting and maintaining principles were
made simple for effective handling by unskilled operators (farmers).

 Kalay Khan, Dr. S. C. Moses, Ashok Kumar

This project work focused on the design and fabrication of a manually operated
planter sowing for different crop seed that is cheap, easily affordable by the rural
farmers, easy to maintain and less laborious to use. The multi-crop planter has the
capability of delivering the seeds precisely with uniform depth in the furrow, and
also with uniform spacing between the seeds. The seed planter consists of the main
frame, adjustable handle, seed hopper, seed metering device, adjustable furrow
opener, adjustable furrow closer, drive wheels, seed tube and ball bearings. Most of
these were fabricated from mild steel material, except for the metering mechanism
which was made from good quality nylon and the seed funnel tube, was made from
rubber material. Seed metering device was designed to be interchangeable to allow
for the different varieties and types of seeds. The single-row manually operated
multi-crop planter is very simple to use, the various adjustments are made with ease,
and it is maintenance free, except for the bearings which needs to be lubricated from
time to time to allow the planter's ground wheel to move freely.

 D.A. Mada, Sunday Mahai,

In this research paper author has mentioned importance of mechanization in
agricultural by giving examples. The conclusion from the paper was need of
multifunctional single axel vehicle for pre and post harvesting . We have taken this
as base for our research and further production of our multifunctional agricultural

 F.A. Adamu, B. G. Jahun and B. Babangida

In this paper authors draws our attention towards the performance factor of a power
tiller. Among those demand for light weight power tiller was sought out most.Fuel
efficiency and field capacity such parameters are also discussed. We taken those
points in consideration while designing a sustainable multifunctional agricultural

 M.V.Achutha et al.
This researcher studied the factors that influence the performance of a agro machine
which performs operations such as sowing, fertilizing, spraying and
intercultivation. Based on this study a plug matrix selection criteria was used to
select best among the concepts developed by them, the primary reason to reject
other concepts was that it had mechanisms like chain-sprocket, gears etc. which
would increase the complexity in manufacturing. The concept that was selected had
a single frame used to mount all the equipments like chemical sprayer at the front
of the wheel, a cylinder to store the liquid, a hopper placed near the operator to
monitor the seed and fertilizer flow rate.
Based on this study a plug matrix selection criteria was used to select best among
the concepts developed by them, the primary reason to reject other concepts was
that it had mechanisms like chain-sprocket, gears etc. which would increase the
complexity in manufacturing. The concept that was selected had a single frame used
to mount all the equipments like chemical sprayer at the front of the wheel, a
cylinder to store the liquid, a hopper placed near the operator to monitor the seed
and fertilizer flow rate.








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