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1. Infiltration

Water entering the soil at the ground surface is called infiltration. It replenishes the soil
moisture deficiency and the excess moves downward by the force of gravity called deep
seepage or percolation and builds up the ground water table. The maximum rate at which
the soil in any given condition is capable of absorbing water is called its infiltration capacity
(fp). Infiltration (f) often begins at a high rate (20 to 25 cm/hr) and decreases to a fairly
steady state rate (fc) as the rain continues, called the ultimate fp (= 1.25 to 2.0 cm/hr) (Fig.
3.6). The infiltration rate (f) at any time t is given by Horton’s equation.
The infiltration takes place at capacity rates only when the intensity of rainfall equals or
exceeds fp; i.e., f = fp when i ≥ fp; but when i < fp, f < fp and the actual infiltration rates
are approximately equal to the rainfall rates.

The infiltration depends upon the intensity and duration of rainfall, weather
(temperature), soil characteristics, vegetal cover, land use, initial soil moisture content (initial
wetness), entrapped air and depth of the ground water table. The vegetal cover provides
protection against rain drop impact and helps to increase infiltration.

Reference: Raghunath, H.M. (2006). Hydrology. Principles-Analysis-Design. Second

Edition. New Age International Ltd. Publishers.
2. Methods of Determining Infiltration

The methods of determining infiltration are:

(i) Infiltrometers

(ii) Observation in pits and ponds

(iii) Placing a catch basin below a laboratory sample

(iv) Artificial rain simulators

(v) Hydrograph analysis

(i) Double-ring infiltrometer. A double ring infiltrometer is shown in Fig. 3.7. The two rings
(22.5 to 90 cm diameter) are driven into the ground by a driving plate and hammer,
to penetrate into the soil uniformly without tilt or undue disturbance of the soil surface to
a depth of 15 cm. After driving is over, any disturbed soil adjacent to the sides tamped with
a metal tamper. Point gauges are fixed in the centre of the rings and in the annular space
between the two rings. Water is poured into the rings to maintain the desired depth (2.5 to
15 cm with a minimum of 5 mm) and the water added to maintain the original constant
depth at regular time intervals (after the commencement of the experiment) of 5, 10, 15, 20,
30, 40, 60 min, etc. up to a period of atleast 6 hours is noted and the results are plotted as
infiltration rate in cm/hr versus time in minutes as shown in Fig. 3.8. The purpose of the
outer tube is to eliminate to some extent the edge effect of the surrounding drier soil and
to prevent the water within the inner space from spreading over a larger area after
penetrating below the bottom of the ring.
Tube infiltrometer. This consists of a single tube about 22.5 cm diameter and 45 to 60
cm long which is driven into the ground atleast to a depth up to which the water percolates
during the experiment and thus no lateral spreading of water can occur (Fig. 3.9). The water
added into the tube at regular time intervals to maintain a constant depth is noted from
which the infiltration curve can be drawn.
(ii) Observation from infiltration pits and ponds. By noting the depression in the level of
water in the pits and ponds and deducting the loss due to evaporation, an idea about
the infiltration rates in such soils can be obtained.

(iii) By placing a catch basin called a lysimeter under a laboratory sample or at

some depth below the land surface, the infiltrating water can be measured and the
infiltration rate in the soil can be obtained.

(iv) Artificial rain simulators on a small area of land of 0.1 to 50 m2, water is applied
by artificial showers at a uniform rate. The resulting surface runoff is measured and the
infiltration capacity of the soil is determined.
(v) Hydrograph analysis. By knowing accurately the varying intensities of rainfall during a
storm and the continuous record of the resulting runoff, the infiltration capacity can
be determined and is discussed in the next chapter.

The infiltration curve expresses the rate of infiltration (cm/hr) as a function of time. The
area between the rainfall graph and the infiltration curve represents the rainfall excess, while
the area under the infiltration curve gives the loss of rainfall due to infiltration. The rate of
loss is greatest in the early part of the storm, but it may be rather uniform particularly with
wet soil conditions from antecedent rainfall.

Estimates of runoff volume from large areas are sometimes made by the use of
infiltration indices, which assume a constant average infiltration rate during a storm,
although in actual practice the infiltration will be varying with time. This is also due to
different states of wetness of the soil after the commencement of the rainfall. There are
three types of infiltration indices:

(i) φ-index (ii) W-index (iii) fave-index

(i) φ-index—The φ-index is defined as that rate of rainfall above which the rainfall volume
equals the runoff volume. The φ-index is relatively simple and all losses due to
infiltration, interception and depression storage (i.e., storage in pits and ponds) are
accounted for; hence,

provided i > φ throughout the storm. The bar graph showing the time distribution of
rainfall, storm loss and rainfall excess (net rain or storm runoff) is called a hyetograph, Fig. 3.12.
Thus, the φ-index divides the rainfall into net rain and storm loss.

(ii) W-index—The W-index is the average infiltration rate during the time rainfall
intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity rate, i.e.,


P = total rainfall

Q = surface runoff

S = effective surface retention

tR = duration of storm during which i > fp

Fp = total infiltration

The W-index attempts to allow for depression storage, short rainless periods during
a storm and eliminates all rain periods during which i < fp. Thus, the W-index is
essentially equal to the φ-index minus the average rate of retention by interception and
depression storage, i.e., W < φ.
Information on infiltration can be used to estimate the runoff coefficient C in
computing the surface runoff as a percentage of rainfall i.e.,

(iii) fave-index—In this method, an average infiltration loss is assumed throughout

the storm, for the period i > f.

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