How Do You Prevent Unauthorized Person From Coming On Board?

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1. A fire broke out in the engine room 30 minute ago.

2. All cargo should be checked thoroughly before loading. 1. Are you ready to sail?
3. Avoid contact with any moving parts 2. Are there any injured crew members onboard?
4. Before commencing loading all necessary preparations 3. Are you going to leave the port on Friday?
should be made in the port. 4. Are they checking the alarm system just now?
5. Does the Cook know how to use the fire blanked?
5. Don’t approach this area. Its prohibited 6. Does the ship have a bow thruster?
6. Do not remove protective shields, guards, covers or any 7. Did you inform the master about the visitors?
warning signs 8. Do you have to have shore passes?
7. Don’t use any heating appliances in your cabin, it can be 9. How can I contact you?
dangerous 10. How does the ship answer the helm?
1. Ensure that the procedures in the ship security plan are 11. How did they manage to avoid the incident?
followed 12. How do you prevent unauthorized person from coming on board?
2. Emergency services must be called immediately. 13. How many gangs will be working in this shift?
14. How many copies of this document do you need?
3. He did not attempt to make a radio line call to inform us
15. How many propellers has your vessel got?
about this accident 16. How many crew are there on this vessel?
4. I have known the ch.eng for 10 years. 17. How many tugs were assisting in the berthing?
5. I will be thirty on Monday. 18. How long did it take them to pick up the survivors?
6. I am afraid he’s busy at the moment, he is speaking on the 19. How long has the vessel been under repair?
phone, but, he won’t be long 20. How long have you known our Master?
7. If the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow speed 21. How long have you been discharging containers?
8. If typhoid is found to be present the passengers will not be 22. How long are you going to work at sea?
allowed to disembark. 23. How much time will it take you to complete this work?
24. How often do you usually have emergency drills on board?
9. If they increased the ship’s speed, they would arrive at the 25. Have you ever been to Australia?
port on time. 26. Have you any passengers disembarking in this port?
10. New navigation equipment will be installed on board of 27. Have you red the operating instructions yet?
our ship by the end of this month. 28. Have you checked the first aid equipment?
11. Nobody was injured after the fire in the accommodation. 29. Is the berth fitted with fenders?
12. The gross tonnage is used to calculate harbor dues and 30. Is there sufficient room for swinging around?
pilotage. 31. Has the cargo been delivered yet?
13. The lookout is on his way to the bridge. 32. Who is lashing the deck cargo?
14. The survivors were rescued from the see by helicopter. 33. Who prepares life boats for launching?
34. Who is responsible for this?
15. The master is still talking to the agent at the moment. 35. Who discovered the person had fallen overboard?
16. The hold was surveyed 2 hours ago. 36. Who …. and signed the oil samples?
17. The ship is proceeding at speed of 18 knots now. 37. Who is responsible for the number and use of tugs during mooring?
18. The investigators have been trying to find the cause of the 38. Whose telephone numbers are listed in the document?
accident since last night. 39. What cargo does your ship carry?
19. The fire was discovered by the engineer who notices 40. What is her full maneuvering speed?
smoke coming from the hatch 41. What precautions should be taken when loading cargo?
20. The ship was ordered to alter course 42. What steps should be taken if there is some spillage when loading?
43. What portable fire extinguishers do you have on this ship?
21. The ship will be left for Odessa tomorrow
44. What repairs do you want us to make?
22. The ship will be placed to quarantine for 6-10 days 45. What kings of fire-fighting appliances are there on board?
23. The space was not entered until the fire service arrived 46. What port did your ship call at during this voyage?
24. The goods will be delivered in time 47. What king of assistance do they need?
25. The distress message was received at 17.00. 48. What did you have for dinner yesterday?
26. The life boats have already been launched. 49. What are you duties at sea?
27. The owners, flag state and control state were not informed 50. What safety measures are carried out on vessels?
about the accident within the required period. 51. What signals are used in case of emergency?
28. The ship was chartered last year. 52. When will you pass through the Panama Canal?
53. When will our berth be available?
29. The breathing apparatus is over there. 54. When will our food be ready?
30. The ship always arrives on schedule. 55. When will the pilot arrive on board?
31. The storm warning was received at 1900 hrs. 56. When did you last see the watchman?
32. Three representatives of the Port Control are on board our 57. When the Captain comes we will discuss this problem?
ship now. 58. When was the storm warning received?
33. Today the crews are going to carry out a launch of 59. When it gets dark the additional lights swich on?
recovery exercise with the lifeboat. 60. When will the ship deliver suppliers?
34. There holds are designed to keep cargo at the correct 61. When was the letter issued to the port authorities?
62. Where is the ship found for?
63. Where did you take on fresh water?
35. We have made an appointment with the surveyor for 64. Where is the emergency pump located?
tomorrow. 65. Where will the emergency party muster?
36. We reached to pilot station at 6 p.m. 66. Where are you going?
37. We are repairing the main engine now. We may need some 67. Why isn’t shore-based radar assistance available yet?
spare pats. 68. Why should I speak to about underground storage tanks?
38. We need to examine the release gear. 69. Why was the Master so angry?
39. You must not leave your post but should contact the other 70. Why did you cancel the meeting yesterday?
person via radio. 71. Will you inspect the galley and storerooms?
40. You can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been
41. You are not to leave the ship without permission.
42. You need check the mooring rope.
59. We have decided against renewing your contract.
60. Who was this certificate signed by?
1. All life-jackets on any ship must be of the same make and type. 61. We expect to repair the pump in 2 hours.
2. All vessels are advised to keep clear of this area. 62. Why is the Master not satisfied with our work.
3. All entries entered into the Oil Record Book must be up-to- 63. Which is the best extinguisher to put out an electrical fire.
date, accurate, truthful and in compliance with. 64. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
4. All this equipment should be maintained according with 65. Work must not be carry out unless the necessary PPE is
the manufacturers instructions. available for use.
5. Are you familiar with this type of equipment? 66. You look so pale? What’s wrong with you?
6. Be careful you don’t fall off the ladder. 67. You are proceeding at dangerous speed.
7. Both vessels were equipped with operational radars. 68. You are heading forwards fishing nets.
8. Can you approach the vessel from the lee side?
9. Closing doors will slow down the spread of flames.
10. Drip trays should be placed under the hose couplings
before bunkering operations.
11. Dry bulk cargo is unloaded by cranes. 1. Are any portable fire-extinguishers available?
12. Dangerous good should be stowed away from living quarters. 2. All necessary equipment was stowed in an appropriate location
13. Each lifeboat should be launched and manoeuvered in the 3. Chemicals must be handled with great care.
water at last once every 3 months. 4. Did you put your tools back in the tool box?
14. Emergencies often occur at night.
5. Did you inspect the cargo spaces for stowaways?
15. Has the chief officer taken over the watch from the Second
officer yet? 6. Did you post the look-outs on the forecastle?
16. I need to find out the exact dates of my next shore leave. 7. Did you receive a work- permit before entering the enclosed
17. I have been on this ship since April. space?
18. I have just talked with the watch officer on the phone. 8. Do you know how to don a lifejacket correctly?
19. I have been working as an electrician for 7 years. 9. Protective respiratory equipment should be used
20. I have been looking for my key everywhere but can’t find it. 10. Respirators don't provide protection in oxygen deficient
21. I am not under command at the moment. atmospheres
22. I am looking for the Bosun to ask for some white paint. 11. The vessel I work on is old
Have you seen him? 12. The rescue operations were completed successfully.
23. I’m finishing my contract at the end of January. 13. The vessel loaded a cargo of sawn timber yesterday
24. I manoeuvring with difficulty. Keep clear of me. 14. The tug service will be resumed after 8 hours
25. I prefer coffee with milk. 15. The cargo was damaged by water.
26. If you need medication you should take it with you. 16. The team began donning breathing apparatus and chemical suits
27. If is necessary to abandon ship in cold climates you must 17. The use of mobile phones is prohibited
put on extra clothing. 18. The Master is responsible for the emergency party training
28. It will take you 15 minutes to get to the nearest bank on foot.
19. The passengers disembarked from the vessel 2 hours ago
29. There were over 500 passengers on board during this voyage.
30. This chapter includes instructions and information about 20. There's poor visibility because of the fog
all the lifesaving appliances on board. 21. This should be carried out by trained personnel only
31. This vessel has called at 21 ports in the last 2 months. 22. Tanker is altering course to starboard
32. The pilotage is compulsory for all vessels that enter or 23. Tools which are defective mustn't be used
leave the port. 24. It took us a long time to clean the cargo hold
33. The Chief Engineer and 2 officer are arriving here by plane. 25. I have just checked the fire-fighting equipment
34. The 3rd officer on watch met us at the gangway. 26. Have you inspected the mooring lines yet?
35. The ship is leaving port in three day’s time. 27. How long will it take you to get there?
36. The pump rate should be 60 cubic metres per hour. 28. How long will the ship stay in Barcelona?
37. The lifting work was done under the supervision of the 29. How long will the refitting take?
Chief Eng. 30. How many people helped to extinguish the fire?
38. The investigation showed that the fire was caused by the 31. How much time do you need to repair the winch?
carelessness of the welder. 32. He completed the training course three months ago
39. The line throwing device is stored on the bridge.
33. We need to carry out a lifeboat drill next week
40. The operation will be carried out with a hoist.
34. Warning signs must be displayed
41. The turbocharger is out of operation.
42. The Panamas bulker sent out a distress message saying the 35. Who can speak Spanish on board?
holds were filling with water. 36. Where is the ship registered?
43. The bulk carrier arrived in Singapore at 4 p.m. 37. Where can I get protective gloves?
44. The collision between the tanker and the fishing boat was 38. Where will they rig the pilot ladder?
live miles off the Black Sea coast. 39. Where is the oil spill removal equipment stored onboard?
45. The Chief officer was annoyed because the decision was 40. What will you do if you notice the smell of smoke?
made without informing him. 41. What doors must be locked when in port?
46. The ratings are busy scrubbing the deck at the moment. 42. What are the procedures in case of fire?
47. These records are maintained on board for at least a 12- 43. What equipment should I use when working aloft?
month period. 44. What cargo are you loading in hold no 4?
48. To make drills more effective a scenario of the emergency 45. What are the advantages of this system?
should be decided before the drill. 46. What warning notices were used during welding?
49. Most oil supply occurs during routine cargo operations and 47. What fire-fighting appliances do you have onboard?
bunkering. 48. What should you do if you see a man has fallen overboard?
50. My position has been obtained by celestial observation.
49. What's the name of that vessel over there?
51. Our last of call was Genoa.
50. When will you deliver the ship supplies?
52. Portable VHF radios can provide vital communication
between the bridge and the cargo control room. 51. When will they be permitted to go ashore?
53. Stop where you are and wait until the pilot arrives. 52. When did you last launch the lifeboat?
54. We have been waiting for a berth for 3 hours. 53. When will the ship arrive in Liverpool?
55. What was the main cause of the collision last week? 54. When are you going to complete bunkering?
56. Who is responsible for the use of the communication in an 55. When did you last have a security related drill?
emergency. 56. Which flight is boarding at gate18?
57. We waited for the agent until 5 o’clock but he didn’t come. 57. Which side will the ship moor?
58. We were unable to leave Rotterdam on 15 Nov. 58. Why didn't you inform the bridge about the accident?
59. You mustn't smoke in the cargo hold.
60. You need a license to operate this machine
61. Did you inform about the visitors the Master?

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