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Chapter 3


In this chapter the research design, research locale, respondents of the study, the

research instruments used and even the data collection and analysis procedures are

stated. This chapter shows the specific methods that were used by the researchers in their


Research Design

The researcher utilized a descriptive research design in gathering data and

information to answer the research questions at hand. According to Omair (2015),

descriptive research designsare solely based on a single sample with the basic purpose

of describing the characteristics of the sample that are useful. The description tends to

arise from natural inquiry without the researcher's involvement in manipulating variables

or data.

Since the study focused on determining the science practical skills of students in

accordance with their performance in the science laboratory, the researchers assert that

this method is appropriate. This is because the descriptive research design aids the

researchers in testing hypotheses between variables in line with the objective of the


Research Locale

This study is conducted at Batangas Eastern Colleges, specifically at the Basic

Skills and Training Center (BSTC) building because the focus of this study is the

Grade 11-STEM students. The building is located at Mabini Street, Poblacion, San
Juan, Batangas. This place was chosen by the researchers to have better access to the

respondents and an easier means of communication; however, the survey was

distributed online through Google Forms. It was conducted during the first semester of

the school year 2022- 2023.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are grade 11 STEM students of Batangas Eastern

Collegeswho are enrolled for the academic year 2022-2023. They helped to improve the

study since theygave their insights on how science laboratories enhanced their practical

skills. The researcher used stratified sampling techniques to avoid a biased sample of the

cited population. According to Hayes (2022), stratified random sampling allows

researchers to obtain a sample population that best represents the entire population being

studied. It involves the random selection of data from an entire population, so each

possible sample is likely to occur. The researcher stratified the population and then

drawn a proportionately random sample from each stratum through Raosoft,a database

management system, in order to come up with the exact and impartial number of


Section Population Sample

Louis Pasteur 29 21
Edward Jenner 27 19
Amedeo Avogadro 32 23
Galileo Galilei 33 24
Leonhard Euler 33 24
Total 154 111

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents
Based on the results, the number of respondents is 111, given a population size

of 154, a 5% margin of error, and a 95% confidence level. To be able to identify the

respondents that will answer the survey questionnaire, the researcher used the "fishbowl

sampling" technique, wherein all the paper slips were gathered in a bowl, and the

researcher randomly selected samples from it.

Research Instrument

Researcher-made questionnaire was used by the researchers as the primary

instrument in gathering the necessary data about the science laboratory and science

practical skills of Grade 11 students through the use of Google form. The questionnaires

included instructions to help subjects decide whether to check or mark the appropriate

response. The students' questions and responses were evaluated in accordance with the

problem statement in order to produce a good result and analyze the science laboratory

and science practical skills of Grade 11 students.

First, it consisted of statements about the perception of students towards science

laboratories. Second, it consisted of statements about their science practical skills. Lastly,

it consisted of statementsabout the challenges encountered by the students in utilizing

science laboratories.

The questionnaire was divided into three parts. The first part was used to

determine the perception of the students towards science laboratories. The second part was

used to determine thescience practical skills of the students. The third part was used to

determine the challenges encountered by the students in utilizing science laboratories.

The researchers referred to several reading and resource materials before

constructing the research questionnaires. The researchers consulted the teachers to ensure
that the items in the instrument were significant and content valid. After seeing that there

will be enough items to collect the data will base on the objectives, the researchers have

written the first draft of the questionnaire and presented it to the research adviser for initial

comments and suggestions.

After incorporating the comments and suggestions of the adviser, the

researchers prepared the second draft for content and face validation.

The research-made questionnaire were available for dissemination after its validity has

been confirmed. Digital copies of the research instrument were created using Google

Forms and were distributed using the online chatting platform. The researchers also kept

a careful eye on the research instrument’s online administrations to ensure that the

responses are valid and authentic.

Data Collection Procedure

In gathering data, the researchers validated a set of survey questionnaires for their

respondents and were submitted to the research teacher for approval. After the

questionnaires have been approved, the selection of respondents were done using

stratified random sampling. The researchers then selected respondents from Grade 11

STEM students of Batangas Eastern Colleges who have the capacity to answer the survey

questionnaires. Each question was read, analyzed, and answered by the selected

respondents carefully through the use of google forms. The data gathered from the

questionnaires were interpreted by the researchers to formulate a conclusion.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the researchers gathered the needed data, the information collected

were moved for analysis. The data that were gathered and organized in tabular form so that
the information will be clearly presented graphically. The tables which will be used will

act as a guide and help for the researchers to determine the results taken from the


To interpret and analyze data, the following statistical tools will be used:

Mean. This is use to determine the average of collection of data gathered by

dividing the sum of all the values from the number of values. This is a great way to

summarize the respondent’sentire dataset through representation of a single number.

Weighted Mean. Each average statement's mean is then multiplied by a weight

determinedby the statement's relative relevance. To arrive at a conclusion, it calculates

the total average of each survey's respondents.

Pearson’s r. This is use to find out if there is a significant relationship between the

student’sperception of science laboratory and their science practical skills.

Scoring of the Responses. The questionnaire was scored using a 4-point scale

with “1” asthe lowest and “4” as the highest. To answer each item in the questionnaire,

the following scale range and verbal interpretation were used:

Option Scale Verbal Interpretation

4 3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree / Always

3 2.50 - 3.24 Agree / Often

2 1.75 - 2.49 Disagree / Sometimes

1 1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree / Never

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