Planning & Scheduling

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Planning and scheduling of a multi-storeyed residential building with

conventional execution approach as compared with application of
project management techniques
Rashmi J V1, Amey A Kelkar2, Vishwanath K G3
1P G Student, Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi-590006, Karnataka, India
2Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
3 Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jain College of Engineering, Belagavi, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT: Success of every construction project is 4. Project requirement: Project should meet client’s
governed by two vital components; cost and time. The main requirement without affecting the quality, budget,
aim of project management is to complete the project within précised scope and should be completed and
specified time, cost and scope along with assured quality. delivered on specified time.
Adopting conventional execution practices, it is difficult to
constantly measure the progress of work, evaluate plans, 1.1 Project Management in construction
track the cost and time as well as adopt corrective measures
A project generally starts at the right pace but as it
wherever required. Planning effectively by systematic
proceed, activities gets off the schedule due to various
application of project management skills and techniques has
tribulations like; improper planning, uncertainties, non
become the need of the hour in order to overcome the
delivery of resources on time, execution delays,
problems faced by adopting conventional construction
environmental factors and so on, which directly impacts
execution practices.
on cost.
There are various tools and techniques available for
Thus, application of project management in construction
optimizing the construction procedure to prevent cost and
aims to accomplish the precise goals by virtue of perfect
time overruns. The monitoring tools adopted during
planning, scheduling, executing, monitoring as well as
construction plays a significant role for thriving completion
controlling time, finances and utilizing all resources
of project on time and within estimated budget.
effectively. It is an interconnected group of processes
In this study, an effort is made to estimate the overall cost which directs the project team to accomplish a successful
and time required to execute a multi-storeyed residential project within specified cost as well as time.
building by use of conventional construction execution
practices and by adopting project management techniques 1.2 Project Management Software
to compare the results for justification.
Project management can be implemented to projects
Keywords: Project Management, Microsoft Project (MSP), achieved via software like Microsoft Project and
conventional construction execution, cost optimization, Primavera, which are applications developed to help
time optimization and resource optimization; manage projects and other works effectively. The
applications are able to perform the following:
a) Develop and schedule a plan
Project management involves the application of various b) Create an appropriate standard base calendar or
knowledge areas, tools and skills along with numerous based upon usage working calendar
techniques to congregate project requirements like c) Assigning relationships between scheduled
duration and cost. activities
The factors that affect project management are: d) Define resources required for the project
1. Project cost: Projects must be within the planned e) Helps to level and smooth out the resources
budget. between activities
f) Helps to update and track work progress regularly
2. Project time: Project must be delivered on specified
time. g) Performs earned value analysis
h) Allows to incorporate revisions and reanalyzes the
3. Project scope: Project must be within précised scope data

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2682
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

i) Provides results for documentation  Type of the project: Residential apartment

1.3 About Microsoft Project  No of stories: G+3 with basement

 Start of the project: January 2016
Microsoft Project is a Project Management software,
developed and sold by Microsoft. It is designed to assist  Completion of project: March 2017
the project manager to develop the plan, schedule the  Site area: 796.74 sqm
activities, assign resources to the activities, track the
progress, manage the budget and analyze the work loads.  Type of construction : RCC framed structure
Microsoft project can identify different classes of users.
These different classes of users have diverse access levels 4. STUDY ANALYSIS
to various project views, levels of project and other data.
Software is applicable to track single project with The study has been conceded in two stages.
numerous activities and resources. It comprises of an
1. Conventional execution approach which is also the
option to visually choose the resources as per the
traditional way of construction execution practices.
requirement. Calendars, tables, filters, views and other
customization aspects in Microsoft project are stored as an 2. Project management approach which provides an
enterprise inclusive (global), which can be accessible to accurate and effective plan by applying
all users. Microsoft project utilizes the team collaboration management techniques for construction execution.
and accesses the results.
The analysis is carried out using M.S.Project software.
Based upon the calculated data, network diagram is
2. OBJECTIVE prepared as well as relations are assigned to activities
with respective resources to calculate critical path. The
A detailed study was carried out with respect to
variance between the duration and cost is calculated using
construction of a multi-storeyed residential apartment
MS Project.
regarding cost, time, labour and material management.
The objective of the study was to compare the 4.1 Plan A- Conventional approach for execution
Conventional approach (Plan A) and Project Management
approach (Plan B) of execution taking into account the The data obtained from the construction site was analyzed
cost and duration criteria to understand and improve the and incorporated into MS Project application to obtain a
construction execution practices. detailed result of the cost and duration planned for
construction of the building.
As a result, A duration of 418 days and cost of Rs.
A multi-storeyed residential building, which has been 3,89,43,521/- has been estimated for executing activities
executed using conventional methods, has been by conventional approach which is shown in the fig- 1.
considered in the present study. The study focuses on the
cost, duration and resource management that have been
employed for the execution of the project. The extract of
data obtained from the building site is titled as plan A-
Conventional execution approach.
An analysis of planning and scheduling was again carried
out for the same multi-storeyed building by applying
project management skills and techniques with help of
M.S.Project software. This was carried out to obtain
comparison with plan A- Conventional execution
approach. The resulting analysis was titled as Plan B-
Project Management approach.

3.1 Case study details

 Name of the project: “Banashankari Gardenia”,
residential project at Tilakwadi, Belagavi
Fig -1: Planning and scheduling for conventional execution
 Location: P.No. 9, CTS No. 197, Agarkar road, approach.
Tilakwadi, Belagavi

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2683
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

4.2 Plan B- Project management approach: Fig- 2: Planning and scheduling for project management
approach- (Plan B).
The data obtained from the construction site along with
Plan-A: Conventional execution approach, was analyzed
and a plan was prepared again in MS Project with the
application of project management skills and techniques,
to get the clear picture of the duration and cost for the
construction of the building.

This approach was being carried out to present an idea

about, accurate planning and scheduling of project by
prevailing over the problems that occurred during actual
conventional construction execution practices like:

a) Construction activities were not planned and

scheduled accurately which resulted in extension of
project date and increase in cost.

b) The activities were not executed as per the prepared

plan due to various unplanned sources and non-
consideration of uncertainties, which resulted in
c) Over-allocation of various resources due to improper
resource management, which resulted in delay for
The results of analysis for Plan A and Plan B are
completion of project.
represented in Table 1 and Chart 1.
d) Labour fatigue owing to over time of the work causing
Table No. 1: Cost and time for Plan A and Plan B
labour inefficiency.

e) Improper identification of parallel activities which PLANS METHODS COST DURATION

would have been started simultaneously.
f) Slack time and non critical activities were not A execution Rs. 3,89,43,521/- 418 days
recognized, which could be crushed to reduce the Approach
extension of project.
Thus, Resource optimization, identifying resource B Management Rs. 3,77,19,686/- 321 days
wastages (i.e. non-value adding activities) and fast Approach
tracking the scheduled activities to optimize duration,
were the main factors taken into consideration in the
project management approach.

As a result, a duration of 321 days and cost of Rs.

3,77,19,686/- has been estimated for executing activities
by project management approach which is shown in the

Chart 1: Cost and time comparison for Plan A and Plan B

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2684
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 07 | July -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

1. The graph shows a considerable amount in reduction REFERENCES

of cost and time by the application of management in
project execution. The duration has reduced by 23.2% [1]. Matthew J. Liberatore et. al., Project
and cost of 3.14% between the two plans. Management in Construction: Software Use and
Research Directions, Journal of Construction
2. Most of the activities were carried out either parallelly Engineering and Management/ March- April 2001
or sequentially. The rescheduling of activities with
proper sequencing its occurrence, along with accurate [2]. Minh Shrestha et al (2014), Optimal planning
planning, optimization, and proper allocation of and scheduling in multi-storied building with
resources as well as fast tracking the scheduled Project management software and its utilities,
activities has enabled to reduce the duration to a Central Public Works Department Analysis of Rates
considerable extent. –Delhi
3. The reduction in cost is not significant as the use of [3]. Ismail Abdul Rahman et al (2014),
men, materials and machinery is similar. “Significant Factors Causing Cost Overruns in Large
Construction Projects in Malaysia” Journal of
6. CONCLUSIONS Applied Science 13 (2): 286-293, ISSN 1812-5654,
1. The use of project management techniques in a [4]. K.K. Chithkara, “Construction Project
proper way reduces the cost and time of Management” Tata McGraw Hill, Tenth Edition,
construction, without affecting the quality and 1998.
[5]. PMBOK, A Guide to the project management
2. Use of Microsoft Project software gives a proper body of knowledge, 2000.
scheduled path which helps in setting a track for all
the activities, to check if there is deviation from
planned cost and schedule.
3. Application of proper management helps project
manager to achieve efficient project performance
by waste minimization and resource optimization
along with proper planning, scheduling and
controlling activities during construction
4. Time management and resources management are
considered as leading factors which highly affect
the competent and timely completion of project
within schedule.
5. From the present study it is concluded that, with
proper application of project management skills
and techniques like: Resource optimization,
identifying resource wastages (non-value adding
activities) and fast tracking the scheduled activities
to optimize duration, a reduction in time of 23.2%
and cost of 3.14% can be achieved.

6. The reduction in cost could be higher if we

consider the saving in interest cost for the
investment. Considering the interest cost, the
saving will be about 16%

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2685

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