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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


1M.Tech Student Department of Construction Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, PG Studies,
Regional Office, Kalaburagi-585105 Karnataka, India
2, 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Construction Technology, Visvesvaraya Technological University, PG Studies,

Regional Office,Kalaburagi-585105 Karnataka ,India

Abstract - Planning, scheduling and required quantity of Primavera is an advance computer integrated
resources with regular tracking is very important any enterprise project management tool. As we know India is
construction projects to reduce delays of the project. Due to booming in construction industry so we should be familiar
improper scheduling, irregular monitoring and controlling of with tools like primavera which is highly advance
ongoing activities substantial amount of time and resources is management tool with recorded data base ORACLE this tool
wasted with this desired goal is not achieved. In the present is web assessable for modification in an any situation in
work, study is carried out on residential (G+2) villa. This study management activities .this tool work simultaneously for
covers the process of planning, scheduling, tracking and multi project at a time can be monitor and control all the
controlling of activities. The software used for this study is proper management is required with
primavera p6, this tool is utilized throughout from planning documentation and this can be possible if we know
phase to tracking and controlling of a project, it reduced huge primavera tool completely and properly.
amount of paperwork. Only development of schedule doesn’t
make a successful project in construction, it further need to be 2. OBJECTIVES
tracked regularly, for this, baseline have been managed for
comparison between the planned progress and actual progress  To recognize planning procedure utilized in
by primavera software for proper recognition of problem creating planning and scheduling.
which cause deviation. Many uncertainties occur in practical  Creating work breakdown structure (WBS) in
work leads to delay. By using software techniques, applying which single large project into small
resource dependency, rescheduling of the project by crashing portions/pieces for planning and control
and fast tracking of critical activities overcome the delay purpose.
duration.  To find out the stepwise preparation of
activities of construction for a residential
Key Words: Planning, Scheduling, Monitoring, Crashing, building.
Fast Tracking.  Scheduling of critical path by keeping duration
of activities as constraints.
1. INTRODUCTION  Allocating required estimated and type of
resources to individual activities to perform
In this present scenario, construction is being each events.
increased day by day and now it is at higher demand.  To know the significance of providing baseline
Constructional companies deals with these many kinds of during tracking of execution of constructional
projects daily. Different worldwide organizations manage work.
the constructions each day and which has turned into a most  Importance of monitoring on regular basis to
imperative piece of business. progress of villa and distinguish on actual and
planned schedule.
In the older days the software were not used in  Effective rescheduling in plan during negative
construction projects. No planning or scheduling was done float to sort within given target.
constructional activities as it was directly executed by  Overcome the delay in program by analysing
contractor and planning was done manually Now a days, compression of critical plan.
architectural planning is done with the help of many  Implementation of method and enhancing the
software but for the execution no proper management was schedule by various relationships, duration,
done which leads to the delay for the completion of work. man power, calendars for effective
Thus this attempt is made to achieve proper method over the management for completion on time.
construction activities with the utilization of software.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 967
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. METHODOLOGY Resources include such as man, machinery and material.

Before assigning, they have to created and categorized based
3.1 PLANNING on the labor and non-labor, and their units. Amount of
resources to be assigned depend on the duration of a
Venture arranging is the capacity in which venture and particular activity. These sources are calculated by their
development administrators and their key staff individuals productivity of it per day.
readies the ground breaking strategy. At that point this all-
inclusive strategy is put into time plan by planning 3.4 TRACKING
responsible which is called extend booking. A venture design
is generally in charge of the achievement or disappointment Supervising the activities of the progress so as to ensure that
of a venture. Plan is first step of venture administration they are on-schedule and meeting the required goals and
reasoning of arranging, sorting out and controlling the objectives . It is nothing but the updating the project as per
execution of the planned setup. schedule and recording the progress of individual activities
performed based on specified time and resource. It is second
It is a most important and challenging activity in major stage in project management. Monitoring is like a
management as well as execution of projects. It involves the cautionary mechanism, it is the procedure of collecting,
choice of technology, the definition of effort task, the recording and report the data regarding project performance
estimation of required durations and resources of individual that the project manager. Monitoring includes inspection the
activity, and identifies the connections in between different advance of in contradiction of time, performance schedule in
work tasks. A plan is the base for evolving the schedule, addition to resources thru actual effecting of project and it
development of the constructional plan is an acute task in identified the lagging regions which require judicious actions
construction management. Firstly a planner must keep a goal besides attention.
which is required to achieve.
In the progress of project some activities will complete
In this project, primary importance is given to duration of within provided duration and some delays due to various
activities, which means duration of all the events in reasons. Properly monitoring will be helpful in identifying
construction are kept as constraints and based on the the difference between actual work and original plan. After
productivity of resources, the amount of required scheduling it is very vital to monitor the practical operation
resources(labor, non-labor) are estimated and assigned to of work onsite based on the data collected further
particular activities. rescheduling is performed. During the proceeding of project,
monitoring is done by comparing the baseline provided
3.2 SCHEDULING indicated by yellow color, monitoring regularly shows
whether the construction is behind or working as planned. If
It displays the duration and order of various construction the project progress is behind schedule, it shows total floats
activities. Scheduling can be also well-defined as the negative values of delayed number of days. It should be done
comprehensive0plot of the project work tasks on regular within short gap of time in order to implement
through0reverence to time. Without schedule it is hard to some methods if any delay took place to make the upcoming
clarify so system, logic, and manpower requirements means schedule parallel with the baseline.
of building a project. The project schedule serves as a
primary means of relaying construction plans, The 3.5 COMPRESSION
construction schedule also communicates means and
methods, as well as planned sequences and timing for a When there is a delay during the execution of construction
project. itis the lay out of the project activities with a time activities, which can occur due to any many uncertainties,
sequence in which they have to be perform, the start and delays are the extension of time beyond planned dates of
finish dates are assigned to each activity, relationship with completion. It is the late completion of construction work
each other of these events are to be provided with logic and compared to the contract schedule. This can be reduced only
common sense with a proper lag of duration if required. when the reason for delay is identified.. There are various
Scheduling is completed when all activities in project after reasons delay occur due to client, contactor, consultant,
providing duration and necessary relation to it. Entering the designer, materials, equipment’s, labor and weather causes
start date of project on data date will automatically provide etc. The delay which occurred in critical path of project will
the all the start and finish date of every activities. have effect on the completion date of project causes to
generate slack in minus value, if the delay of such activity
3.3 RESOURCE ALLOCATION occurs which are at the non-critical path having considerable
total float it will not have effect on the completion of project
Resource allocation is a method use to assign the required duration. When there is situation happens that caused the
resources to the activities. In project management, resource deviation of schedule from its baseline generating
allocation is supply required by those activities while undesirable float. To overcome this compression techniques
considering both resource availability and project time. can be utilized to reduce the duration of activities and

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 968
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

overcome the effect of delays. This technique can only be

applied to activities that befall on critical path because
applying to non-critical will not be advantageous rather it
would be disadvantage as goal is not achieved. Compression
can be subdivided further into crashing and fast tracking.
Crashing is a schedule compression technique in which extra
resources are added to reduce completion time of activity.
Initially the critical path should be analyzed and select the
desirable event for which crashing should be performed.
While using crash procedure it is important to have tab on
another path as it has risk that duration of any other path
may become critical. Examples for applying crash such as
increasing the resources, providing overtime shifts, inspiring
the team by financial/bonus rewards. Fast tracking is also a
compression method by using parallel or partially parallel
performance of activities can done. This also must be used
on critical path by evaluating the schedule, however there is
increase on risk as events will be on parallel which were in
the sequence when planned in the beginning. It helps in
reducing the time to a certain limits it may lead to high risk
and undesirable outcome may be resulted.


It is the project based on the G+2 residential building which

is being constructed in the kalaburagi city. All the necessary
data required have been extracted from the documents
provided by client and contractor for the purpose of
producing the schedule of activities based on the duration
which is involved in construction, providing necessary
resources to each one of them. Site is located in a congested
area so to practically make the construction is quite tough.
This house consists of 8 bed rooms, 3 halls and 6 bathrooms.
All the quantities have been taken from the BOQ provided.
Duration for each activity is given by contractor based on it
scheduling is done.
Fig 4.1 ground floor plan

Table 4.1 project details

Project name RB villa

Type G+2 residential
Client Jameel ahmed
Contractor Nitin Chauhan
Site location Hagarga road, kalaburagi
Size of plot 40 x 60
Built up area 4250sqft
No of footing Total 18, isolated type
Commencement date 25-mar-2017
Finish date 22-dec-2017
Project Duration 234 days

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 969
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Table 4.2: Activities Delayed Details

ID Name Scheduled Actual Total

start date to start date float
finish date to finish
ILS1040 footing 27/march/17 30/mar/17 -3
excavation to 4/April/17 to
ILS1110 backfilling 24/April/17 28/April/17 -4
to to
27/April/17 02/may/17
ILS1290 Brickwork 18/may/17 to 20/may/17 -2
up to lintel 29/may/17 to
(gf) 30/may/17

Reasons for above mentioned delay

1. Improper coordination between contractor and labour

leads to late start of excavation at original date.
2. There was a conflict as payment was not done caused
labours strike and effect schedule.
3. Bricks which were procured was not of desired quality,
hence it was returned and exchanged.
Fig -4.2 first floor plan
ILS1 footing 5 days 3 days (2-3)= -
060 shuttering & 1
ILS1 plinth beam 6 days 3 days (3-4)= -
100 shuttering & 1
ILS1 brick work 5 days 4 days (1-1)=0
296 above

Table 4.3 Crashed Activities

Id Name Original Changed Total

Relation relationship float
ILS1070 Footing FS=0 d lag SS=2 d lag (1-1)=
concrete FF= 1d lag 0
ILS1140 Column FS=0 d lag FF=0 d lag (1-1)=
concrete 0
ILS1142 Lintel FS=0 d lag FF=0 d lag (1-2)=
concrete -1

Fig -4.3 second floor plan Table 4. Fast Tracked Activities

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 970
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. RESULTS  Using primavera technique of resource dependency,

compression of various activities is done by
This is an ongoing project, the work progress increasing working hours.

 Primavera (P6) proved to be a better tool for

Scheduled Duration 234 Days scheduling, monitoring and controlling and shows its
For Project efficiency in providing best results with less effort of
Duration 65 Days user by preventing enormous volume paperwork.
Remaining 169 Days
Duration 1. P Raghunath Reddy, B.Harish Naik “Planning and
Resource Scheduling of Residential (G+7) Project
Substructure 100% Using Primavera” Vol. 5, Issue 10,( 2016)
Superstructure 22.86%
Project 27.78% 2. Andrew Fernans Tom, Sachin Paul “Project
Accomplished Monitoring and Control using Primavera” Vol. 2,
Issue 3,( 2013)
Crashed Period 4 Days
3. S M Abdul Mannan Hussain, Madamachi Mani
Fast Tracked Value 3 Days Chakravarthy, Asra Fatima “Scheduling Of An
Residential Building Using Project Management
4. Veena H C, Vijay K, Dr. S Rajendra, R Ashok Kumar
 Regular monitoring of the work under execution
“Schedule Control of an Apartment Building using
must be done at least within week in order to take
Primavera Techniques” Vol. 5 Issue 06,(2016)
adequate actions against uncertainty.

 Primary baseline and Gantt chart produced makes 5. T.Subramani, P.T.Lishitha, M.Kavitha “Time Overrun
easy to identify critical path and monitoring task and Cost Effectiveness in the Construction Industry”
against it progress extremely easy by observing Vol. 4, Issue 6 (2014)
colors of bars.
6. Nisarg M. Mistry, Mayank A. Kanani, Dr. Neeraj D.
 Carrying out review to view deviation in schedule Sharma3 “Application Of Primavera Software For
helped and control against planned agenda is just Scheduling Of Row House To Complete Project On
piece of cake with this software. Time”(2015)

 WBS helped to organize, arrange and know the work

completion in percentage at every portions/nodes in

 Augmented scheduling done by effective

relationships between events, project duration of
234 days has been obtained which gives huge carpet
area as compared to 365 days required by

 Proper co-ordination and ease of communication of

contractor with labors is very important for smooth
running of assignment.

 In this project by applying crashing and fast tracking

method duration of selected events is reduced to
reschedule within the baseline.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 971

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