Plot of Water Depth (M) Against Velocity (M/S)

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Q 9464 m3/s U* 0.

S 0.0001312 cm/km
h 9.9 m3/s
W 260 m3/s
d90 12.19 mm
d50 1.182 mm
g 9.81 m/s2

Depth (m) Ve locity (m/s)

0.3 0.74 Plot of Water Depth (m) against velocity (m/s
0.3 0.81 10
0.3 0.72
0.4 0.47 9

0.5 0.84 8
0.8 1.22
0.9 1.34 7

1.2 1.38 6
1.3 1.47
2.2 1.63
3.5 1.92 4
4 1.85
4.1 1.86
5.3 1.99 2
6 1.98
7.3 2.08
8 2.04 0
0.1 1
9 1.9

3.5 1.92
4 1.85
m) against velocity (m/s)

1 10

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