Gender and Sexuality As A Subject of Inquiry

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Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, the learners are expected to:

• Define gender studies;

• Discuss its historical origins; and
• Explain its importance in society.
• Gender seems so obvious and so simple; many would ask why we
have to study it. Well, gender studies as an area of knowledge, is
about looking into, analyzing, and examining society so that we
notice power relations in the seemingly "simple things". It helps us
see the issues in our everyday lives through a different lens.
• Gender studies emerged from the need to analyze how gender, sex,
and sexuality impact our lives, especially how it creates gender
inequality. It came about in the mid 1970's after the second wave of
feminism as a way to challenge the male-defined and male-centered
• Gender studies is not just for women or all about women, it is
about everyone. It explores how our gender roles have changed
throughout our history and how it created inequalities.
• Gender roles are socially constructed and are not something
that we are born with. Society, through a lifelong process of
normalization, encourages or reprimands behaviors to make a
child adapt to these social expectations. LGBTQ people often do
not fit in the traditional binary gender roles so they are often
subjected to violence and hate just because they do not fit in
what society calls “normal”.
• Gender studies let us analyze the creation and maintenance
of these gender norms so that it does not create inequalities
in our social, political, and economic spheres.
• As a subject of inquiry, gender studies utilizes a systematic
approach in identifying problems, making hypotheses and
assumptions, gathering data, and making conclusions. This
systematic process is referred to as the research process.
• Qualitative approach focuses more on the meanings created and
interpretations made by people about their own personal or
vicarious (observed) experiences.
• Phenomenology- conducting intensive interviews with individuals
who have experienced a particular event and understanding their
“lived experience”;
• Hermeneutics-understanding the meaning of texts (literary works, art
works) and what they convey about human realities; and
• Ethnography and ethnomethodology- immersing in a community
and taking note of their experiences, beliefs, attitudes and practices.

• Quantitative approach on the other hand focuses more on characterizing

a population (total number of individual in a group) or a sample (a sub-
group within the population), and in some cases, making generalizations
about the population based on the behavior of a sample. For instance, if
you want to know how many Filipino adolescents are engaged in a
romantic relationship or how many of them still believe in marriage, then a
quantitative approach is appropriate. Some of the methods used in the
quantitative approach are as follows:
• Survey-collecting information from a sample; and
• Experiment- creating actual set ups to observe behavior of people in an
experimental group (a group receiving treatment such as training or a new
experience) and comparing it to the behavior of people in a control group
(a group without any treatment).
• In most cases, information from both qualitative and
quantitative approaches provide a holistic view about a certain
social reality, such that there are researches who prefer to use
mixed methods (combining qualitative and quantitative
methods to derive data from multiple sources).
• It is called ethical principles because they make sure the
people involved in the research are protected from harm. The
following are principles to remember:
• Informed consent- Researchers should make sure that the
participants in the study are aware of the purpose and
processes of the study they are participating in.
• Confidentiality and anonymity- Researchers should not reveal
any information provided by the participants, much so, their
identity to anyone who are not concerned with the study. All
data gathered from surveys or interviews should also be placed
in a secure location or filing system.
• Non-maleficence and beneficence- a study should do no harm
(non-maleficence) to anyone. Especially in researches involving
humans, a study should be beneficial (beneficence) for it to be
worth implementing.
• Distributive justice- Any study should not disadvantage a
particular group, especially the marginalized and oppressed. The
benefits of a study should be for all.
• Human ecology, as a field, recognizes the interplay among
internal and external environments—physical, socio-economic,
cultural. Hence, to look at realities from an ecological
perspective is to appreciate that human development across
lifespan is influenced by these environments. In the context of
gender and sexuality, a human ecological approach looks at
human sexual lives and experiences at various levels and
spheres of analysis.
Key Terms:
• Gender studies- A field of study concerned about how reproductive
roles are interpreted and negotiated in the society through gender.

• Social Research- The process of investigating social realities.

• Research approach- The orientation in understanding social realities.

This can be qualitative, quantitative or both.

• Ethics in research- These are considerations in conducting research

to make sure that the well-being of the participants are ensured, and
that the outcome of the study is sound without undue harm to
people involved.
• Gender, being male or female, has socially constructed
meanings, and it is different in every culture and may change
with time. It is important to analyze how society enforce gender
roles on everyone so we can further understand how power
relations in gender roles can limit an individual freedom and
promote inequality. To help us have a holistic view, we need to
use frameworks and methods from different disciplines—
psychology, sociology, medicine, and law—among others.
• List down three questions which you want to be answered
related to Gender and Sexuality. Explain why you want to answer
these questions. Identify why you think these questions are
within the scope of gender studies.

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