Department of Education: Score: - Parents'/Guardians' Signature/s

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education Score: ___________________

Caraga Administrative Region Parents’/Guardians’ Signature/s:
Butuan City Division
East I Butuan District ___________________
Ampayon, Butuan City
(085) 817-0734 ● [email protected] ●


(Midterm Examination)
Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: __________________________
Teacher: __________________________________ Date: ____________________________
General Directions:
1. Read the directions carefully before answering the test. No point will be given for answer/s which doesn’t comply
with the given instruction.
2. Any form of erasure or alteration is strictly prohibited. A point will be deducted to the total score for every erasure
or alteration done. So, think before answering.
3. FOCUS ON YOUR EXAMINATION. Refrain from talking and asking questions to your classmates while taking the
exam. Consult the proctor or the teacher if you have questions and clarifications about the exam.

I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.
____1. It is a cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning from a text.
a. writing b. reading c. listening d. speaking
____2. This reading strategy involves looking at the readily visible parts of the text.
a. previewing b. skimming c. scanning d. brainstorming
____3. This means looking for specific information in the text that is read.
a. skimming b. brainstorming c. previewing d. scanning
____4. Choose the meaning of the underlined word using context clues.

The three notorious robbers lived in a dense forest.

a. with wide-ranging portion of lands c. very heavy

b. situated sporadically or far from each other d. marked by compactness of parts
____5. The sentences below use connotation EXCEPT one.
a. I love to swim in the deep blue sea. c. That woman is a dove at heart.
b. The mayor welcomed us with open arms. d. He is such a dog!
____6. Identify what type of context clue is used in the sentence below.

Diane was lethargic; she didn’t have the energy to get out of bed.

a. antonym b. connotation c. explanation d. situation

____7. It refers to reading beyond understanding the text.
a. critical thinking b. critical solving c. critical reading d. critical reasoning
____8. The following statements are techniques to develop critical reading texts EXCEPT one.
a. Summarizing the text. c. Annotating the text.
b. Keeping a reading journal. d. Editing the text.
____9. This is the central argument or the thesis statement of a text.
a. assertion b. claim c. main idea d. evidence
____10. These are declarative sentences that claim something is true about something else.
a. evidences b. counterclaims c. assertions d. hypertexts
____11. This type of claim suggests that specific actions should be chosen as solutions to a particular problem.
a. claim of value b. claim of fact c. claim of policy d. claim of preference
____12. Among the statements, select ONE that is a claim of value.
a. Today, many people use Internet as their main source of entertainment and socialization.
b. Facebook has been one of the fastest ways to chat and communicate with people all over the world.
c. Pornography, cyberbullying, and other online scams should not be allowed to enter in our lives.
d. It is still up to us whether to use social media to our advantage or allow it to destroy us.
____13. Choose what type of claim is manifested in the statement below.

Polar bears are on the verge of extinction due to melting ice caps.

a. claim of fact b. claim of value c. claim of policy d. claim of prize

____14. This type of assertion is a way in which something is done, similar to traditions and norms.
a. opinion b. fact c. convention d. preference
____15. This type of assertion is based on personal choice. Therefore, they are subjective and cannot be objectively
proven or logically attacked.
a. fact b. preference c. opinion d. convention
____16. Identify what type of assertion is manifested in the sentence below.

Senior high school students who are taking STEM will more likely become successful than those students
in GAS, HUMMS or any other strands.
a. opinion b. fact c. convention d. preference
____17. Among the assertions, select ONE that is a statement of opinion.
a. In 2012, there were 1.4 billion users of social media worldwide.
b. Oppo has a better camera megapixel feature than Iphone.
c. Social networks are the most distracting website on the Internet.
d. Parents ought to enforce strict discipline to their children.
____18. These are made to rebut a previous claim. They provide a contrasting perspective to the main argument.
a. counterclaims b. claims c. assertions d. evidences
____19. It is defined as the details given by the author to support his/her claim.
a. counterclaims b. claims c. assertions d. evidences
____20. These are examples of evidence EXCEPT one.
a. facts and statistics b. fiction story c. personal anecdotes d. opinion from experts
____21. Choose which statements is TRUE about counterclaims.
a. Counterclaims help readers clarify what their personal position or stand is on the topic.
b. Counterclaims consist of getting the main points of the essay and important supporting details.
c. Counterclaims are sentences that summarize the most important thing that the writer wants to say.
d. Counterclaims are connections among different texts as interpretations of writers.
____22. It is the modeling of a text’s meaning by another text.
a. intertextuality b. claim c. hypertext d. assertion
____23. This is defined as a nonlinear way of showing information that appears as links and is usually accessed by
a. intertextuality b. claim c. hypertext d. assertion
____24. Tell what context of text development is used in the following situation.
You are doing a research about Rafflesia, the biggest flower in the world. A quick Google search would
lead you to a Wikipedia article on it. Information on it would include photos and a brief, written description. While
reading about it, you will also encounter links to its history of discovery by clicking the words in blue. This may
lead you to more information about how it was found.

a. intertextuality b. claim c. hypertext d. assertion

____25. This word is defined as the social, cultural, historical and other related circumstance that surround the text.
a. cultural implication b. context c. intertextuality d. hypertext
____26. Choose a story that intertextualized that statement below.

He was lying so obviously, you could almost see his nose growing.
a. Harry Potter b. Superman c. Pinocchio d. Peter Pan
____27. This pre-writing technique involves writing down one’s thoughts nonstop.
a. free writing b. brainstorming c. clustering d. mapping
____28. This writing situation refers to the attitudes and feelings a writer wants to reflect on the text.
a. purpose b. topic c. tone d. issue
____29. Choose which among the statements below is NOT true about topic sentence.
a. It tells the main idea of the paragraph. c. It can be found in the beginning.
b. It can be explicit or implicit. d. It supports the main idea.
____30. Select the best example of a topic sentence from the statements below.
a. For example, a soldier who willingly fights for his country may be as courageous as someone who speaks up
for the rights of others.
b. It is not necessarily the absence of fear, but it is the choice and willingness to face it.
c. Courage is being able to face fear, pain, difficulties and other challenges.
d. It is universally admired attribute and comes in many forms.

II. Choose the statement that tells the characteristic of an effective thesis statement. Write the letter of your
answer on the space before the number.

____31. a. Responds to the assignment by following instructions.

____32. b. States a stand on a topic.
____33. c. Expresses the main idea in three sentences.
____34. d. Previews the rest of the essay by being placed in the introduction
____35. e. Reflects a tone and point-of-view appropriate to the identified purpose and audience.
f. Tells overly-opinionated stands.
g. Focuses on a specific issue.
III. Edit the paragraph below by stating the appropriate action. Write the letter of the correct answer above the
error. Right after, mark the errors with proper editing symbols. (5 points)

Losing is the last thing we want to experience in life but, some times in losing, we win because we lose, we reflect

and we learn from our mistakes. The nexttime around, we will know to make our best moves Sometimes in defet, we

win people over that will greatly influences our lives. Losing teaches a person a sport. That s winning! Never theless, it

makes us happy because we know we did our best

Winning is not just about trophy the, medals, or the big prizes at stake. Its all about the lessons you’ve learned.

It’s all about the fun.

a. insert comma f. apostrophe
b. use a period here g. a space needed here
c. close up this space h. transpose elements
d. delete i. begin new paragraph
e. insert something

IV. Provide what is asked in the following items.

41-43. State the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence. Write your answer in 2-3 sentences only.
(3 points)

V. Read the paragraphs. Complete the outline given. The main topics and one supporting detail have been written
for you. (7 points)
The class participated in the Clean and Green Project. The teacher asked the pupils to keep the
surroundings clean and orderly. The children picked up pieces of paper scattered around the classroom,
corridors and playground. They put all chairs in the classroom in straight lines. Some swept the floor,
dusted the book shelves, tables cabinets and the chalkboard.
After class, the pupils tended the school garden. Some made plots for vegetables. Some
planted seeds in pots and cans. Others watered the plants.

Outlining of the Text

Title: _______________________________
I. Participating in the Clean and Green Project
A. __________________________________________
1. The children picked up pieces of scattered paper around the school.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
B. Tending the school garden
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________

“What you are is God’s gift to you.

What you make of yourself is your gift to God.”

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