Standard Calculation

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1.1 Design Process = Extended Aeration

1.2 Population Equivalent = 2225 PE (maximum allowed PE)

1.3 Waste Water Flow Per Person = 0.225 m3/PE. day (or 225 Ipcd)

1.4 Average Waste Water Flow, QA = 500.63 m /day

1.5 Peak Flow Factor = 4.7 x P

= 4.70 x 2225 ÷ 1000 = 4.30

Peak Flow, QP = 2154.79 m /day = 24.94 x 10 m3/s

1.6 Type of Waste = Domestic

1.7 Influent BOD5 = 250 ppm

Influent SS = 300 ppm

1.8 Effluent BOD5 ≤ 10 ppm

Effluent SS ≤ 20 ppm

1.9 EQA BOD and SS Value for = BOD 20 ppm and ss 50 ppm
Standard A

Note : The following are not to be discharged into the system : chemical of toxic/corrosive nature,
radio active waste products, metal, oil and grease.

Required Volume,
V = Qp x 1.50 ÷ 24
3 3
QP = Wastewater at Peak Flow ( m /d ), = 2154.79 m /day
T = Retention Time = 1.50 hrs
VR = 2154.79 x 1.50 ÷ 24
= 134.67 m

6.1 Capacity of Provided Tank

Tank Diameter = 3.40 m
Water Depth = 2.90 m
Effective Cross Section Area = 8.85 m2
Effective Volume of End Cap = 1.4098 m3
Cylindrical Tank Length = 7.60 m
No. of Tank = 2 unit
No. of end cap = 4 unit
Actual Volume of Tank = 8.85 x 15.2 + 1.4098 x 4
3 3
= 140.16 m > 134.67 m

Mixing Requirement = 5.0 watt/m3 x 140.16 m


= 700.80 watt
= 0.70 kW < 11.00 kW ……ok

6.2 Required air Volume

Recommended Air = 1.0 m3 of air/m3 of sewage hour (Ref. Metcalf & Eddy)
= 140.16 m x 1.0 m3/hr
3 3
= 140.16 m /hr = 2.336 m /min
10% air losses = 0.234 m3/min
Total Air to be supplied = 2.336 m3/min +
0.234 m /min
= 2.57 m3/min

6.3 Coarse Bubble Air Diffuser - Refer Appendix B

Type = Coarse Bubble
Model = UNIFLEX PT 3/4
Capacity = 200 Nl /min
Required Air diffusers = 2.57 ÷ 0.20 = 12.85
Provided No. = 14 nos

6.4 Transfer Pump

Total amount of waste water = 500.63 m /day ÷ 24 x 60
to be transferred = 0.348 m /min

6.5 Pipe sizing
Pump capacity = 0.348 m3/min = 5.79 x 10-3 m3/sec
= 5.79 l /sec

Desirable velocity in discharge pipe at maximum pump discharge ≤ 2.5 m/s (MS 1228)
Adopt velocity in discharge pipe as 2.0 m/sec,
Diameter, D = 5.79 x 10 x 4 ÷ π x 2
= 0.061 m
Provided pipe diameter = 80 mm

Actual mean velocity, V = 5.79 x 10-3 x 4

π x 0.08 x 0.08
= 1.15 m/sec

Other losses = pipe + fitting

Losses through the pipe hf ( Hazen-William Formula )

V = 0.85 x C x R0.63 x (hf/L)0.54

Losses through the fitting He, ( Hazen-William Formula )

He = K x V  2g
V = Mean velocity, 1.15 m/sec
C = Hazen - William Coefficient for pipe = 90 for sewage
R = Hydraulic Radius
= 0.08 m ÷ 4 = 0.02 m
L = Length of pipe = 3.50 m
K = resistance coefficient for fitting & valve = 0.60 m
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/sec
(hf/L) = 1.15 ÷ 0.85 x 90 x 0.02

hf/L = 0.177
hf = 0.041 x 3.50 m
= 0.142

He = 0.60 x 1.15 ÷ 2 x 9.81

= 0.041
Total Head = Static Head + Other Losses
= 3.00 m + 0.142 + 0.041
= 3.18 m
Provided Total Head = 4.00 m

6.6 Transfer Pump Specification - Refer Appendix C
Type = Ebara or Approved Equivalent
Model = 65 DVS 5.75T
Power = 0.75 kW
Capacity = 6.60 l /sec at 4.00 m head > 5.79 l /sec
Number = 2 units (1 working and 1 standby)

6.7 Flow Control Box

Flow Control Weir Equation
Q = 1.42 H
Q = Free Discharge Over 90o V-notch Weir m3/sec
H = Vertical Distance (head) from weir to the free water surface, m
Design PE = 2225 PE
3 3
Design average flow (Q) = 500.63 m /day = 0.348 m /min
= 5.79 x 10-3 m/sec
Q = 1.42 H
H = 5.79 x 10 ÷ 1.42 m/sec
= 0.111 m or 111 mm/weir


7.1 Design Parameter based on DGSS Guidelines

a. F/M Ratio = 0.05 - 0.10
b. HRT/hr. = 18 - 24
c. Sludge Age/day (Qc) = > 20
d. MLSS/ (mg/l) = 2500 - 5000
e. MLVSS = 0.8 MLSS
f. Oxygen requirement = 2.0 kg O2/BOD5 removed

7.2 Tank Volume

VR = (QA x 18) ÷ 24 = 500.63 x 18 ÷ 24
= 375.47 m

7.3 Capacity of Provided Tank

Diameter of Tank = 3.40 m
Water Depth = 2.95 m
Cross-Sectional Area = 8.897 m2
Volume of End Cap = 1.416 m3
Cylindrical Tank Length = 11.00 m
Number of tank = 4 unit
Number of end cap = 8 unit

Volume of the provided tank = 8.897 x 44.0 + 1.416 x 8
3 3
= 402.80 m > 375.47 m

Check the provided HRT = 402.80 ÷ 500.63 x 24

= 19.31 hrs …ok

7.4 Aeration Rate

Provided Air Rate = 2.0 kg O2/BOD5 removed

Amount of BOD to be removed = 0.25 kg BOD/m3 - 0.01 kg BOD/m3

= 0.24 kg BOD/m3 of sewage

Total BOD5 per day = 500.63 m /day x 0.24 kg BOD/m3
= 120.15 kg BOD5/day

Amount of O2 to supply (AOR) = 120.15 kg BOD/day x 2.0 kg O2/BOD

= 240.3 kg O2/day

Mixing Requirement = 20 watt/m3 x 402.8 m


= 8055.92 watt
= 8.06 kW < 11.00 kW ……ok

8.5 Field Conditions

N(Field) = NS (CS - CL)  9.17 x (1.024) xα
N = Oxygen transfered in field condition kg O2/hr
NS = Oxygen transfer under standard condition kg O2/hr
CS = Dissolve oxygen saturation value at 25 C :- 8.38 mg/l
CL = 1 - 2 mg/l in mixed liquor (assume 2.00 mg/l )
o o
T = Temperature ( C), 25 C
α = Correlation Factor (0.85)
240.3 = Ns x 6.38 x 1.125 x 0.85 ÷ 9.17
Ns = 240.3 x 9.17 ÷ 6.38 x 1.125 x 0.85
= 361.19 kg O2/day = 0.251 kg O2/min

7.6 Air Volume Required

Assume O2 = 23.2 % of air
Weight of 1 m3 air = 1.20 kg
Air required normally = 0.251 x 100 ÷ 23.2 x 1.20
= 0.90 m /min
But efficiency of diffuser = 25 %
= 0.90 x 100 ÷ 25
\ Actual volume of air required = 3.60 m /min

7.7 Fine Bubble Air Diffuser - Refer Appendix D
Type = Disc Diffuser
Model = UNIFLEX U-330
Capacity = 100 Nl /min
Required Air Diffuser = 3.60 ÷ 0.10 = 36.0
No. Provided = 40

7.8 Recirculation Ratio ( QR/Q)

Cu = Underflow concentration ( kg/m )
MLSS = 4.20 kg/m
MLSS  (Cu-MLSS) = 4.20 kg/m3 ÷ 10 - 4.20 kg/m3
= 0.72
= 0.72 x 500.63 m /day
3 3
= 362.52 m /day = 0.252 m /min
The allowed recirculation ratio shall be 0.50 - 1.0

7.9 F/M Ratio

MLVSS = 0.80 x MLSS
MLSS = 2500 - 5000
MLVSS = 2000 - 4000
Recheck the F/M Ratio = 500.63 x 0.25 ÷ 3.36 x 402.80
= 0.092 (0.05 - 0.1)…..ok

7.10 Excess Sludge Wastage (SW)

Sludge Production = 0.60 kg/kg BOD removed at 18 hrs retention time
SW = QA x BOD Removed x Sludge Production
= 500.63 m /day x 0.24 kg/m3 x 0.60
= 72.09 kg sludge/day

7.11 Sludge Age ( θSludge)

SS in treated effluent = 20 mg/l
Solids in treated effluent = 500.63 x 0.02
= 10.01 kg/day
\ Sludge Age, θSludge = Total solids in aeration tank * MLSS
Excess sludge wasting/day + solid in effluent
= 402.80 x 4.20 kg
72.09 + 10.01 kg/day
= 21 > 20 days …….ok

7.12 Waste Activated Sludge Qw

\ WAS = 402.80 x 4.20 ÷ 21 - 500.63 x 0.02
QW = 7.21 m3/day = 5.01 x 10-3 m3/min


8.1 Design Criteria

Hydraulic detention time at QA > 2.0 hrs
Weir Loading Rate ≤ 150 - 180 m /
Surface overflow ≤ 30 m3/
Solid Loading Rate ≤ 50 kg/m2 day

Required Capacity (VSD) = QA x 2.0 hrs ÷ 24

= 500.63 x 2.0 ÷ 24
= 41.72 m3

8.2 Provided tank dimensions

Diameter = 3.40 m
Water Depth = 3.250 m
No. of Tanks = 4 unit
Surface Area = 9.08 m2 x 4 = 36.32 m2
Weir Length = 9.11 m x 4 = 36.45 m
Tank Capacity = 17.87 m3 x 4 = 71.48 m3

Provided Capacity = 71.48 m3 > 41.72 m


Actual Detention Time = 71.48 x 2 hrs ÷ 41.72

= 3.43 hrs

Surface Overflow Rate (SOR) = QA ÷ Area

3 2
= 500.63 m /day ÷ 36.322 m
= 13.78 m3/

Weir Overflow Rate (WOR) = QA ÷ WL

= 500.63 m /day ÷ 36.45 m
= 13.74 m /

Solid Loading Rate (SLR) = QA x 2.00 ÷ Area

= 500.63 x 2.00 ÷ 36.32
= 27.57 kg/m day

8.3 Scum Skimmer Design
To provide operated scum skimmer to remove scum accumulated on the surface of the Clarifier Tank
to Sludge holding Tank
Thickness of scum to be
removed = 75 mm
Volume of scum to be
removed = 0.075 x 36.32 m
= 2.724 m3
Assume skimmer to operate
40 min/day , Flow rate = 2.724 m3 ÷ 40.0 min
= 0.068 m /min
Air Required for airlift pumping is calculated as follows:-
Va = h ÷ c log [ (H +10.4) ÷ 10.4]
Va = volume of free air
h = Total lift, m
C = Constant, 10.2
H = Submergence, m
For h = 1.000 m
H = 2.200 m
Air required, Va = 1.000
10.2 log ( 2.20 + 10.4 ) ÷ 10.4
3 3
= 0.927 m / m of scum
Adopt efficiency of air lift = 25%
Air required for 2 units scum
skimmer/tank Qscum = Flow rate of scum removed/25% removal efficiency x Va
= 0.252 m /min
Total air required in Clarifier = 1.010 m3/min


Sludge accumulation rate for Extended Aeration Process is 0.60 kg solid/kg BOD with 1%
concentration of transfer sludge. (Ref. : Guidelines on Design of Sewerage Treatment Works,
DGSS, July 1995)
Anaerobic storage tank is designed to provide a minimum of 30 days solid storage capacity.

Amount of BOD Loading to be = 500.63 m /day x 0.24 kgBOD/m3
removed = 120.15 kgBOD/day

Sludge accumulation rate = 120.15 kgBOD/day x 0.60 kg solids/kg BOD

= 72.09 kg solids/day

VSS digested = 50 %
Specific gravity of digested sludge = 1.015
Density of water = 1000 kg/m3

Digested VSS volume = 72.09 kg solids/day x 0.50

= 36.05 kg/day

SS remained in Sludge Holding = 72.09 - 36.05 kg/day

Tank = 36.05 kg/day

Volume of sludge remained in = 36.05 kg/day ÷ 1.015 x 0.01 x 1000

Sludge Holding Tank = 3.55 m3/day

Required volume for 30 days = 3.55 m3/day x 30 days

(1 month) storage = 106.54 m

9.1 Provided Capacity

Diameter of Tank = 3.40 m
Water Depth = 2.95 m
Cross-Sectional Area = 8.897 m2
Volume of End Cap = 1.416 m3
Cylindrical Tank Length = 12.20 m
Number of tank = 1 unit
Number of end cap = 2 unit
Total Tank Capacity = 8.897 x 12.20 + 1.416 x 2
3 3
= 111.38 m > 106.54 m

Actual Storage Capacity = 111.38 ÷ 106.54 m x 1 month
= 1.05 months

9.2 Sludge Pump
Total amount of waste water = 36.05 m3/day x 7 days
to be transferred = 252.32 m / 7 days
= 252.32 ÷ 24 x 60
= 175.22 x 10-3 3
m /min
= 292.03 x 10-5 m3/sec

9.3 Pipe sizing

Pump capacity = 292.03 x 10-5 m3/sec or 2.920 l /sec

Desirable velocity in discharge pipe at maximum pump discharge ≤ 2.5 m/s (MS 1228)
Adopt velocity in discharge pipe as 2.0 m/s,
Diameter, D = 292.03 x 10 x 4 ÷ π x 2
= 0.043 m
Provided pipe diameter = 100 mm ( D.I pipe or equivalent )

Actual mean velocity, V = 292.03 x 10-5 x 4

π x 0.10 x 0.10
= 0.372 m/sec

Other losses = pipe + fitting

Losses through the pipe hf ( Hazen-William Formula )

V = 0.85 x C x R0.63 x (hf/L)0.54

Losses through the fitting He, ( Hazen-William Formula )

He = K x V  2g
V = Mean velocity, 0.372 m/sec
C = Hazen - William Coefficient for pipe = 90 for sewage
R = Hydraulic Radius
= 0.10 m ÷ 4 = 0.025 m
L = Length of pipe = 10.00 m
K = resistance coefficient for fitting & valve = 0.60 m
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/sec
(hf/L) = 0.3718 ÷ 0.85 x 90 x 0.025

hf/L = 0.0497
hf = 0.0039 x 10.00 m
= 0.0387 m

He = 0.60 x 0.372 ÷ 2 x 9.81

= 0.0042 m
Total Head = Static Head + Other Losses
= 3.20 m + 0.039 m + 0.0042 m
= 3.24 m
Provided Total Head = 4.00 m

9.4 Sludge Pump Specification - Refer Appendix C

Type = Ebara or Approved Equivalent
Model = 50 DVS 5.4T
Power = 0.40 kW
Capacity = 3.80 l /sec at 4.00 m head > 2.92 l /sec
Number = 1 unit


Volume of sludge remain in = 36.05 kg/day ÷ 1.015 x 0.01 x 1000

Sludge Tank
Required volume for 30 days = 3.55 m3day x 30 days = 106.54 m

3 2
Required area based on 450mm = 106.54 m ÷ 0.45 m = 236.75 m
2 2
Area Required for covered bed = 236.75 m x 2/3 = 157.83 m
Provided dimension for covered = 7.00 m (L) x 6.00 m (W) x 4 units
2 2
Sludge Drying Bed = 168.00 m > 157.83 m
Provided nos. of sludge drying = 4


3 3
Average Flow, QA = 500.63 m /day = 0.348 m /min
Hydraulic Retention Time = 30 minutes
Total Volume of Contact Chamber = 0.348 m /min x 30 min
= 10.43 m
Let liquid depth = 1.00 m
Surface Area Required = 10.43 m3 ÷ 1.00 m
= 10.43 m2
Provided surface area = 3.50 m x 3.00 m
= 10.50 m2 > 10.43 m

Number of passes = 3.50 m ÷ 0.875 m

= 4 passes


The required air blower's pressure is determined by summing up the following:

Static water pressure over the = 2950
Pressure loss through distribution = 100
Air filter resistance = 100
Air diffuser resistance = 100
Surplus pressure = 100
3350 mm H2O

Blower's pressure = 3350 mm H2O

= 3350 mm H2O x 9.81 kPa ÷ 1000 mm H2O
= 32.86 kPa

12.1 Total air requirement or air blower:

1. Homogenisation Tank = 2.570 m3/min
2. Aeration Tank = 3.604 m3/min
3. Clarifier Tank = 1.010 m3/min
Total air required, Qn = 7.18 m3/min
= 430.98 m /hr

Air Flow @ std condition Qs = Qn x 1.0732

= 462.53 m /hr
= 7.71 m /min

12.2 Air Blower Specification - Refer Appendix E

Type = Futsu (2 units, working alternately)
Model = TSC 100
Pressure = 0.35 kgf / cm2
Capacity = 8.49 m3 / min
Power = 11.00 kW
Speed = 1450 rpm


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