Chapter 1

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Chapter I


Advancement in various fields such as education, business, engineering, science and

technology is extensively supported by the concepts and principles of different branches of

mathematics. For example, Calculus is a complex branch of mathematics that focuses on

continuous change. Aside from that, it is also utilized in a comprehensive range of disciplines for

a various purposes. As a matter of fact it is considered to be a significant subject for senior high

schools and colleges

In Grade 11, two branches of Calculus are being thought in all Science Technology

Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students: the Pre-Calculus or the study of mathematical

prerequisites which includes algebra, trigonometry and analytical geometry and the Basic

Calculus which deals with the application of rules and formulas for differentiation and


Unlike Pre-Calculus, Basic calculus is generally concerned with calculating limits and

continuity, derivatives and integration. It is applied to calculate instantaneous rates of change

known as Differential Calculus and the summation of infinitely many small factors to determine

some whole, called Integral Calculus. In order to qualify in this subject, students must comply

with the requirements such as trigonometry, algebra and analytical geometry. In connection to

this, Basic Calculus is recognized as a gateway to more advanced courses in mathematics such as

Differential Equations, Vector Analysis, and Complex Analysis.

In fact, in the Philippines where the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum

System is being implemented by the virtue of Republic Act No. 10533, Basic Calculus is being
thought to Grade 11 senior high school STEM students during second semester of the school

year. During Basic Calculus class, it is perceptible that some students have necessary coping

mechanism that can handle the pressure and difficulties of the subject. However, many students

struggle in mastering the concepts and formulas of the subject.

Parallel to this, a study by Ferrer (2016), stated that a number of students in colleges and

even in senior high schools are having a hard time in finding deeper insights in relation to the

course: They find Basic Calculus as a very hard and abstract subject. Furthermore, Ferrer (2016),

also stated that problems in Basic Calculus is not a new problem in the field of education.

Relative to this, Estonanto (2017), also stated that the major disputes students

encountered in Basic Calculus are the abstract concepts of the lesson, low analytical and

mathematical ability, fear of failing and most of all, the factors on how a teacher teaches.

Upon considering the significance of this subject in academic undertaking, the researcher

was promoted to conduct a study that aims to determine the difficulties encountered in Basic

Calculus by Grade 11 STEM Students in Leuteboro National High School.


This study aims to find out the difficulties encountered in Basic Calculus of Grade 11

STEM Students in Leuteboro National High School.

Specifically, the proposed study sought to answer the following question:

1. What difficulties did the student-participants encountered in basic calculus?

1.1. Do you find it difficult to undesrtand the basic knowledge, theorems, formulas, and

identities with regard to Basic Calculus? Why?

1.2. Do you find it difficult to memorize the basic knowledge, theorems, formulas, and

identities with regard to Basic Calculus? Why?

1.3. Do you find it difficult to solve problems especially those that require complex

formulas? Why?

1.4. Do you find it difficult to express your ideas during the discussion of Basic

Calculus? Why?

2. What are the causes of the difficulties experienced by the student-participants in Basic


2.1. Did your teacher use different teaching approaches and methods to help you

understand the topics in Basic Calculus? How is it helpful to you?

2.2. Did your teacher make sure that you understand the topics in Basic Calculus?

2.2.1. If yes, in what way?

2.3. Do you ask questions whenever you donot understand the topics in Baisc Calculus or

any part of it?

2.4. Do you have any access to different learning materials in Basic Calculus? What are


2.5. Do find the mathematical concepts as an abstract presentation of ideas? Why?

2.6. Do you easily analyse the lessons in the subject?Why?

3. What are the aftermaths of these difficulties experiences by the student-participants in Basic

3.1. In what way do learning difficulties in Basic Calculus affect your academic


3.2. To what extent do these difficulties affect your level of interest in Basic Calculus?

3.3. Do these difficulties affect your attitude in learning Basic Calculus?

4. What are the means did the student –participants apply to address their learning difficulties in

Basic Calculus?

4.1. Did you ask for assistance to deal with your learning difficulties in Basic Calculus?

4.1.1. If yes, to whom and why?

4.1.2. If no, why?

4.2. Do you exert more effort to overcome ypur learning difficulties in Basic Calculus?

4.2.1. If yes, in what way?

4.2.2. If no, why?


The findings of this study would be beneficial to the following individuals:

School Heads. The findings that will be garnered in this investigation can serve as a basis for

crafting an action plan for a new method of teaching of the subject teachers to obtain good

learning ground for students.

Teachers. The findings will help the educators know the students’ thoughts with regard to their

subject. To have an application on various teaching styles which will be imparted to students so
they can overcome challenges they are experiencing in mastering different lessons in Basic

Calculus .

Parents. They are the foundation of all student’s knowledge that is why they will play a

significant role in supporting their children to outlast the dilemmas they are experiencing with

regard to Basic Calculus.

Students. It anticipates them to have a self-realization and to let them gain strength for them to

have the desire to pursue their studies even if they are going through difficulties in Basic


Future researchers. As immediate reference, the forthcoming researchers who are interested in

further studying the difficulties encountered by Grade 11 in Basic Calculus may use this study.


This study focused on the difficulties encountered in basic calculus of grade 11 STEM

students in Leuteboro National High School, Socorro, Oriental Mindoro. It was conducted on the

first quarter of the second semester of school year 2019-2020 This study was forestalled only for

Grade 11 students.

The delimitation of this study encompasses the academic performance of grade 11

students in Basic Calculus and the difficulties they encounter.


The following theories and conceptions bolstered this study such as Tinto's Integration

Theory, Bean's Psychological Theory and Wallberg's Theory of Educational Productivity.

Tinto’s Integration Theory as pointed out by Jama et al. (2009) is a unification theory that

focuses on the evidences of dropouts brought about by the scarcity of assimilation in either the

academic or communal system of the school that a student is involved.

Some variables that are also concomitant on this matter are classroom experience,

adjustment, difficulty, in congruence, isolation, finances, learning and external liabilities and/or

pledges of the students.

This theory is consequential to this study because if we will look on the worst-case

scenario, a dropout is possible for students experiencing difficulties in understanding certain

subjects. Aside from the personal factor, Tinto’s Integration Theory also tackles potential

external influences which are enumerated earlier that may be correlated in uncovering issues that

are needed to be focused on.

Bean’s Psychological Theory, that was also adapted by Jama et al. (2009) discusses that

the attitude and behavior of the students interpreted their degree of satisfaction which alters their

commitment and persistence in school.

This theory also dealt with the deterioration of the students that is mostly affected by

external environmental variables such as family obligations, finances and outside

encouragement. This theory is indeed necessary because it proves that a student requires to have

an optimistic stance towards Basic Calculus in order to have a higher level of fulfillment in

learning it, thus having an intense devotion and perseverance throughout the process. When this

arises, poor academic performance on this subject can be evaded.

Wallberg’s Theory of Educational Productivity as presented by McGrew (2008) reveals

that when a student becomes more self-conscious and confident of their academic capabilities,
comes more motivated, more organized in their approach to work, and continue on setting their

learning goals, they are more susceptible on performing better in school.

In addition, Wallberg’s Theory identified key variables that affect student outcomes

namely: student ability/prior attainment, motivation, age/developmental level, quantity of

instruction, quality of instruction, classroom atmosphere, home environment, peer group, and

vulnerability to media outside of school. It further marks out that a student’s qualities are

indispensable for school learning, but they only comprise a limited portion of the determining


This theory is a key factor on this study because it looks on the ramifications of being

acquainted with and speculating on one’s proficiency in understanding the concepts of Basic

Calculus. Through this theory, an individual can have a self-realization that will further

strengthen them in continuing on striving education on Basic Calculus.

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