Media Information Literacy

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✓ identify traditional and new media; Answer the ff: Submit
✓ References This is a list of all sources used in output in
developing this module. the drop
*Activities 1 & 2 center on
✓ identify different sources of information in
various ages; *Additional Activity
✓ discuss the importance of evaluating *Activity 3 time and
information from the internet date
✓ compare and contrast indigenous media to
other sources of information
✓ explain how the evolution of media shaped the
values and norms of people and society
WHAT I KNOW Write the LETTER of your answer on the provided answer sheet.
1. It is a device that applies pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print
medium (like paper or cloth).
A. Clay Tablet C. Printing Press
B. Typewriter D. Laptop
2. It is used for long-distance communication by transmitting electrical signals over
a wire laid between stations.
A. Telegraph C. Smartphone
B. Clay Tablet D. Computer
3. It is to provide a platform for public political discourse. It is to facilitate public
opinion and expression of dissent.
A. Monitoring Function C. Opinion Function
B. Information Function D. Watchdog
4. Which of the following is NOT a form of Indigenous Media?
A. Folk or traditional media
B. Gatherings and social organizations
C. Direct observation
D. Blog
5. It consists of interconnected networks using standardized communication
A. Indigenous Media C. Internet
B. Library D. Television

Are you aware of what is happening in your community? Are you still updated with
the current issues that our country is facing today? If yes, good to hear that! I bet you
have your cellphone, television or radio with you to stay updated on what is happening

around. Did you ever wonder how people in the past received and delivered information
or data?


Analyze the picture and

answer the question that
follows. What does the
picture tell you? Explain your

As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people with
a better and faster access to information that is easier to adopt and to manipulate.
Below are the different tools that were used in various eras in the history of

Pre-Industrial Age Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s) - People discovered fire,

developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze,
copper and iron.
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior
High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines Quezon City:
Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21

Cave paintings (also known as “parietal art”) are
numerous paintings and engravings found on cave
walls or ceilings around 38 000 BCE.

Source: “Cave Art”, Encyclopedia Britannica, last Modified May 22,


Clay tablets are used as a writing medium

especially for writing in cuneiform. Cuneiform is one of
the oldest forms of writing. This means of
communication was used for over 3 000 years in 15
different languages
Source: “The Evolution of Traditional to New Media: Different Devices
through the Ages”, Timetoast, accessed June 11, 2020

Papyrus is made from pith of papyrus plant. It is used in

ancient times as writing surface to designate
documents written on its sheets, rolled up to scrolls.
Source: “The Evolution of Traditional to New Media: Different Devices
through the Ages”, Timetoast,
accessed June 11, 2020

Other examples:
➢ Acta Diurna in Rome (130 BC)
➢ Dibao in China (2nd Century)
➢ Codex in the Mayan region (5th Century)
➢ Printing press using wood blocks (220 AD)

Industrial Age Industrial Age (1700s-1930s) - People used the power of steam,
developed machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing of
various products (including books through the printing press).
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information
Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21

Printing press for mass production (19th century)
A printing press is typically used for texts. It is a
device that applies pre ssure to an inked surface resting
upon a print medium (like paper or cloth).
Source: “The evolution of Traditional to New Media”, Sutori, accessed
June 11, 2020,

Telegraph is used for long-distance communication by

transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between
Source: “Morse Code and the Telegraph”, History, last modified June 6,

Motion picture (also known as film or

movie) is series of still photos on film,
projected in rapid succession onto a screen
by means of light.
Source: “Motion Picture”, Encyclopaedia
Britannica,accessed June 12, 020

Other Examples:
➢ Newspaper- The London Gazette (1640)
➢ Typewriter (1800)
➢ Telephone (1876)
➢ Motion picture photography/projection (1890)
➢ Commercial motion pictures (1913)
➢ Motion picture with sound (1926)
➢ Punch cards

Electronic Age Electronic Age (1930s-1980s) - The invention of the transistor ushered
in the electronic age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the
transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long distance
communication became more efficient.
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information
Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21

Other Examples:
➢ Television (1941)
➢ Personal computers - i.e. Hewlett Packard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976)
➢ OHP, LCD projectors

New Age or Information Age
Information Age (1900s-2000s) - The Internet paved the way for faster
communication and the creation of the social network. People advanced the use of
microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sound and data are digitalized. We are
now living in the information age
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information
Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21

Other Examples:
➢ Web browsers: Mosaic (1993), Internet Explorer (1995)
➢ Blogs: Blogspot (1999), LiveJournal (1999), Wordpress (2003)
➢ Social networks: Friendster (2002), Multiply (2003), Facebook (2004)
➢ Microblogs: Twitter (2006), Tumblr (2007)
➢ Video: YouTube (2005)
➢ Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
➢ Video chat: Skype (2003), Google Hangouts (2013)
➢ Search Engines: Google (1996), Yahoo (1995)
➢ Portable computers- laptops (1980), netbooks (2008), tablets (1993)
➢ Smart phones
➢ Wearable technology
➢ Cloud and Big Data

Functions of Communication of Media
1. Monitoring Function. This is to inform the citizens on what is happening around
2. Information Function. This is to educate the audience on the meaning and
significance of the facts.
3. Opinion Function. This is to provide a platform for public political discourse. It
is to facilitate public opinion and expression of dissent.
4. Watchdog Role of Journalism. It denounces the wrongdoing of the government
and the private which leads to increasing of accountability and spearheading
positive changes.
5. Channel for Advocacy of Political viewpoints
Source: “Functions of Communication and Media”, LinkedIn, last modified January 26, 2017,


Media at Four Ages. Directions: Complete the table below by giving two (2)
examples for each question. Do this on the provided answer sheet.


Directions: Cut some pictures and paste them in a short bond paper to create a collage
that shows the functions and communication of media. Below is the rubric for your

CRITERIA 15 12 10 7
Content The Some Most of the The drawing
collage/poster drawings are drawings are is not relevant
is relevant to not relevant not relevant to to the topic
the topic and to the topic the topic. It and does not
communicates but it still able acceptably able to
the message to communicates communicate
clearly. communicate the message a clear
the message but lacks message
clearly. clarity.
Creativity/Neatness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster
very creative somehow creative but lacks
and neat. creative and lacks neatness creativity and
neat. neatness.


Directions: Create a poster that portrays the aphorism

of Herbert Marshall McLuhan who is a Canadian
communication theorist and educator, “The Medium is
the message”. Do this on a separate short bond paper.
*Rubric is the same as the rubric used for collage.


The coronavirus or Covid19 pandemic is a global health crisis and the greatest
challenge in 2020. It creates economic, political and social effects to every country it
touches and leaves deep scars to it.
Some people lose their jobs and income. Some businesses are forced to close.
Education switches to remote learning approach. No one has an idea when normality
will return.

Directions: To know more about this pandemic, your task is to look for a news article
about Coronavirus Covid-19 and place/paste in a separate sheet of paper. Then, write
on the provided answer sheet the references where you got your news articles and
answer the questions that follow.
1. Where did you search for these information or news article?
2. How did you determine the quality and accuracy of the information?


Directions: Assess the following resources that appeared in a search for “indigenous
alcohol morality”. Write the word suitable if it is suitable to use as an information source
and reference in academic assignments. If not, write not suitable. Explain briefly your
reason in 2-3 sentences.

2. Aboriginal alcohol consumption
• Last updated Dec 2012, so information is quite up-to-date.
• Audience is the general public.
• Information published on a site called Creative Spirits. Author is Jens Korff – no
qualifications or experience are listed.
• Some advertising on website. Reference list is provided, however most of the
references are newspaper articles.
• About page seeks to convince the audience of its credibility, but its purpose is
not clear.

Source: “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”, Charles Darwin University Australia, last modified
May 4, 2020,

1. Estimating alcohol-attributable mortality among Indigenous Australians:

Towards Indigenous-specific alcohol aetiologic fractions
• Published 2009, so information is quite up-to-date.
• Audience is other researchers
• Authors are Richard Pascal, Tanya Chikritzhs and Dennis Gray – their
qualifications and organizational affiliations are listed.
• Article published in the Drug and Alcohol Review, which is a peer-reviewed
journal. Reference list provided.
• This is a scholarly peer reviewed article
Source: “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”, Charles Darwin University Australia, last modified
May 4, 2020,

3. Send indigenous offenders to rehab: report
• Published Feb 2013, so information is quite up-to-date.
• Audience is Australian / the general public. Newspaper article in the NT News.
• Author is Lisa Martin – no qualifications or experience are listed.
• Source is likely to be the media release
• toIS
WHAT IT? and sell
Source: “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”, Charles Darwin University Australia, last modified
May 4, 2020,
Sources of Information
There are three sources of information: indigenous media, library and internet. Let
us learn more of them in the following activities.
Indigenous Media
Indigenous media could also be defined as variety of media expression
conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous people with information
appropriate to their culture.
Source: “Media and Information Sources”, BA Media and Information Literacy,
last modified September 18, 2018,

Indigenous Knowledge is a unique knowledge from a specific culture or society.

Indigenous Communication is the transmission of information through local
channels or forms by which the culture is preserved, handed down and adapted.
Source: “Media and Information Sources”, BA Media and Information
Literacy,last modified September 18, 2018,

Characteristics of Indigenous Media
✓ oral tradition of communication
✓ store information in memories
✓ information exchange is face-to-face
✓ information is contained within the border of the community
Source: “Oral traditions and expressions including language
as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage”,
UNESCO, accessed June 12, 2020

Forms of Indigenous Media

✓ Folk or traditional media
✓ Gatherings and social organizations
✓ Direct observation
✓ Records (written, carved, oral)
✓ Oral instruction

Library is a place where artistic, literary, musical and reference materials such
manuscripts, books, and films are kept for use and not for sale.

Types of Libraries
✓ Academic Library. This is for Colleges and Universities
✓ Public Library. This is for cities and towns
✓ School Library. This is for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12
✓ Special Library. This is in specialized environment such as hospitals, private
business and the government.

It is a global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols.
Since it is easy to access information from the internet, the following evaluation
criteria will help you how to assess online resources.
✓ Currency. It is the timeliness of information.
✓ Relevance. It is the significance of the information that you need.
✓ Authority. It is the source of information.
✓ Accuracy. It is the closeness of the report to the actual data
✓ Purpose. The reason why it is created.


1. Check the Author
2. Check the Date of Publication or of update
3. Check for Citations
4. Check the Domain or owner of the site/page.
.com – commercial
.gov – government
.edu – educational
.org – nonprofit organization
.mil – military

Source: “Evaluating Information Sources Guide: Activities”,

Charles Darwin University Australia, last modified
May 4, 2020,


Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully and write your answer in STANDARD
CAPITAL. Write your answers in the provided answer sheet.

1. When did people discover fire and develop paper from plants?
A. Pre-industrial Age C. Electronic Age
B. Industrial Age D. New/Information Age
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about industrial age?
A. People developed paper from plants.
B. People used electronic devices as means of communication.
C. Books were published through printing press.
D. People used portable computer laptop to gather information.
3. Which of the following medium is used during the electronic age?
A. clay tablets C. virtual reality
B. cloud and big data D. LCD projectors
4. It is where people are can share ideas, speculate, tell stories and give information.
A. Monitoring Function C. Information Function
B. Opinion Function D. Media as channel
5. Jade browses the internet on how to cite references for her research paper so that
she will not commit plagiarism. What function of media is this?
A. Monitoring Function C. Information Function
B. Opinion Function D. Media as channel
6. It refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data.
A. accuracy C. relevance
B. authority D. purpose
7. A type of library that is suitable to a particular grade level.
A. Academic Library C. School Library
B. Public Library D. Special Library
8. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of indigenous media.
A. oral tradition of communication
B. store information in memories
C. information acquired from Google
D. information is contained within the border of the community
9. We need to evaluate information because ________.
A. sources vary in the levels of authority, accuracy and objectivity
B. not all information is suitable for your paper
C. the information available is relevant
D. "Fake news" is widespread
10. A journalist looking for sources should try to use ___.
A. close friends in gathering information
B. officials with closed connections
C. variety of sources with different facts and opinions
D. different opinions from the neighborhood


Great work! You are done with Module 3.

Have a break! You deserve one😊



Subject Teacher


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