Historical Overview of The Cephalosporin Spectrum: Four Generations of Structural Evolution

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ANNLDO 8(12) 75--84, 1992 I S S N 0738-1751 V O L U M E 8, N U M B E R 12, D E C E M B E R 1992

Editor Associate Editors
Collegeof Physiciansand Surgeons State Universityof New Yorkat Buffalo Institutesfor MicrobiologyResearch
ColumbiaUniversity,New York, New York and Erie County MedicalCenter Nashville,Tennessee
Buffalo,New York
S T E V E N L. BARRIERE, P h a r m D
Los Angeles,California L O W E L L S. Y O U N G , M D
KuzellInstitute for Arthritis and InfectiousDiseases
R O N A L D N . JONES, M D MedicalResearchInstitute of San ~ a n d s c o
Universityof Iowa Hospitalsand Clinics Padfic PresbyterianMedical Center
Iowa City, Iowa San Frandsco, California

CONTENTS Historical Overview of the

Cephalosporin Spectrum: Four
Historical Overview of the Generations of Structural Evolution
Cephalosporin Spectrum:
Four Generations of
Structural Evolution HELIOS. SADER and pound. We utilized only study results de-
RONALD N. JONES rived from well-standardized in vitro test
Helio S. Sader methods, such as those described by the Na-
Ronald N. Jones 75 Department of Pathology, University of tional Committee for Clinical Laboratory
Iowa College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa Standards (NCCLS). 3-s
Editor's N o t e 52242 Table 1 summarizes the minimum
inhibitory concentrations of each com-
Drs. Sader and Jones have provided a his- pound required to inhibit 90% of the
Cephalosporins are currently the most pre-
torical perspective of the fourth generation strains tested (MICg0) and the respective
scribed antimicrobial agent and account
cepahlosporins. Do I agree with all of their references from which the results were
for a significant portion of the health care
comments? In fact, third- and-fourth gen- taken. Most of the results included in this
budget in the United States and the world.
eration cephems are more active against table originated from multicenter studies
This phenomenon began in 1945 when
streptococci than cephalothin or cepha- that tested thousands of clinical infection
Professor Giuseppe Brotzu initiated his
losporin, prototype first-generation drugs. strains. Several other studies and reviews
search for antibiotic-producing microor-
Is this important? Perhaps, since ceftriax- were also analyzed in order to evaluate
ganisms) He isolated a fungus, Cephalospo-
one or ceftaxime might be better agents for the variation of the antimicrobial profile
treating some streptococcal infections. In-
rium acremonium, from seawater near a
sewage outlet in Kaglara, Sardinia, and (rarer species) among the compounds. We
deed, they probably are better for brain ab- also discuss some other factors related to
later discovered that this organism inhib-
scesses and endocarditis. the in vivo or in vitro activity, including
ited the growth of a variety of Gram-posi-
I also believe that none of the agents ~ - protein binding and superinfection during
tive and Gram-negative bacteria. The
ally inhibits Enterobactercloacaeor Acinetc~ chemotherapy.
active antibacterial factors were isolated
bacter. Is the partial activity against The cephalospoHns are_very amenable
by Abraham and colleagues at Oxford Uni-
enten:xxx~ of importance for new agents versity in the United Kingdon~L2 These to modification of both their biologic and
such as cefpirome and ~ p i m e ? Increasing pharmacologic properties. In general,
products included cephalosporin C (Fig-
problems of enterococcal infections make modifications at position 3' of the dihy-
ure 1), which was the origin of 7-amino-
this worth evaluation. drothiazine ring are associated with
cephalosporinic acid (7-ACA). The first
Can we go further with cephems? Yes. clinically available cephalosporins were changes in the pharmacokinetics, and
Chemically, it is possible to make more po- derived from 7-ACA. In addition to their modifications at position 7 of the 7-amino-
tent agents The fourth-generation cepba- broad range of antimicrobial activity, cephalosporinic acid nucleus are associ-
losperins have along at a time when we cephalosporins had the favorable features ated with alteration in the antibacterial
need better Gram-positive activity without activity. It is also possible to make a substi-
of relative acid stability and resistance to
loss of Gram-negative activity. I believe that bacterial-mediated penicillinase.2 tution at 7-alpba position to alter ~-lac-
these agents will play a useful role in hospi- tamase stability.6,7
tal infections over the next few years In this brief overview, we present an
analysis of the in vitro antimicrobial activ- FIRST-GENERATION AGENTS
while we try to solve the problems of in-
creasing the uptake of cephalosporins ity of most parenterai cephalosporins. We
reviewed more than 50 references, includ- Cephalothin, the first cephalosporin
and stability to extended-spectrum heta-
[actamases. ing some of the most important in vitro available for clinical use in the U.S., was
studies and reviews about each com- derived via acylation of 7-ACA with 2-
ELSEVIER 0378-1751/92/$0.00 + 2.20


N HO~CH-C-NH--r~S:"h N--N
~ CH-C-a H'4----~°"h N--N
~/ NH
~) UFq#LN.~ L-OH-sJJ fIN
2 -~N j
CH2-ICI-CH3 CO ~ r

C:: I


~=NN-c H2_C_N. - - w - - ~ S ~ ~l II II II I J / OCH3 O-
H2N/'~S / N %H 3 0 ~ l ' ~ - N ~ - C H2- N ~ , ~ HO--{' \~CH--C-N H - { - ~ / "h N--N
N-- ' II N--N
--N O O~[~N~~ H2_S~..S.JJ_CH3 \O-C--COOH COOH
'oo.o o ~
Cefazolin Ceftazidime Moxalactam

~ -CH--C-NH~--n"/S~h
I O O~L__~CH
[ I ! H
~ I ~ ~
H ~ S " h
30#~'~N C'~ooCHH#~
Cefamandole Cefpirome Cefotaxime

FIGURE 1. Structure of cephalosporin C and eight other representative cephalosporins.

thienylacetyl chloride. 8 The treatment of above cited first-generation cepha- GCs or their oral counterparts (cephalexin,
cephalothin sodium with pyridine dis- losporins (laGCs) are the most active cephradine, cephadroxil, cefaclor, loracar-
places the acetate function at the 3-methyl- cephalosporins against Gram-positive bef, eefprozil).
ene cephem position, producing cocci, including oxacillin-susceptible SECOND-GENERATION AGENTS
cephaloridine, the second injectable (usu- staphylococci and Streptococcus spp. How-
ally intramuscular) cephalosporin intro- ever, these agents have only moderate ac- As a group, the second-generation
duced in the U.S. 9 The clinical successes of tivity against a limited number of aerobic cephalosporins (2"dGCs)are more potent
cephalothin and cephaloridine stimulated Gram-negative bacilli, including Es- than the l a G C s against E. coli, Klebsiella
spp., and Proteus mirabilis (Tables 1 and 2).
efforts to further improve the biological cherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and in-
Individual members of the 2"aGCs extend
properties of the basic cephalosporin nu- dole-negative Proteus. 11-1s OxaciMn-
the spectrum of activity of the laGCs to in-
cleus by chemical modification. A few resistant staphylococci are not discussed
clude most Haemophilus influenzae and
years later cefazolin sodium (Tables ] and in this review because they should be con- some Enterobacter spp., Serratia spp., in-
2, Figure 1), a parenteral c o m p o u n d with sidered resistant to all cephalosporins re- dole-positive Proteus, anaerobes, Neisseria
improved pharmacoldnetics (q8h dosing) gardiess of generation- 3 The non-penicil- meningitidis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.13-16
and greater stability to TEM-1 plasmid- llnase-producing penicillin-resistant strep- N o n e of the agents have demonstrated ac-
mediated enzymes was developed by Fu- tococci and enterococci are also resistant tivity against Pseudomonas spp. In general,
jisawa scientists) ° to the laGCs. This antimicrobial spectrum these agents are less active than the
In terms of antimicrobial activity, the does not differ among these parenteral 1st" lStGCs against Gram-positive bacteria.

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©1992 ELSEVIERSCIENCEPUBLISHINGCO., INC. 0738-1751/92/$0.00 +2.20


However, cefamandole (Figure 1) and ce- position (Figure 1). It was included here promised by serum protein binding, re-
furoxime have the advantage of maintain- because its spectrum of activity and phar- suiting in susceptibility categorya changes
ing the IaGC activity against these macokinetic features most resemble those (from susceptible to intermediate or resis-
organisms. In addition, they both have a of the 3~GCs. 26The 3~GCs may be di- tant) for nearly all staphylococci and some
wider Gram-negative spectrum of activity vided into two subgroups: those that dem- Gram-negative strains that have ceftriax-
and greater stability to [3-1actamases than onstrate important activity against one MICs of 2 to 8 btg/ml. On the con-
the laGCs. They are particularly more ac- Pseudomonas aerug/nosa, and those with trary, cefotaxime or ceftizoxime or
tive than the lStGCs against H. influenzae more modest anti-pseudomonal activity. cefodizime or ceftazidime activity was
(including activity against the B-lactamase- The latterj~p'oup is represented by cefo- not adversely influenced by serum. Fur-
producing strains), Neisseria spp., En tero- taximeY, a' ceftriaxone,29,3°ceftizoxime,31 thermore, cefotaxime association with
bacter spp., and indole-positive cefodizime,3z33 and moxalactam, 34"~6
its active metabolite, desacetylcefo-
Proteus. 17-19 In terms of antimicrobial spec- which are compounds that possess very
taxime, showed a tendency toward
trum of in vitro activity, cefonicid and ce- similar in vitro spectra of antimicrobial ac-
greater synergistic or additive activity
foranid most resemble cefamandole. tivity, with a few exceptions. The NCCLS
However, those compounds have some has included these compounds into the and MBC results closer to the MIC.
pharmacokinetic advantages (longer se- same "spectrum classes" when testing These characteristics are probably re-
rum half-live). In vitro studies demon- some organism groups. 3"4 sponsible for the low incidence of Gram-
strated that, in comparison with other Since cefotaxime is the 3~GC with the positive (especially enterococci)
lStGCs and 2nck3Cs, both cefonicid and ce- most clinical experience and widest inter- superinfection associated with the use
foranid reach higher peak serum concen- national use, it will be used for compari- of cefotaxime. 4° Concerning the other
tration and their concentrations decline at son with the other compounds in this 3'dGCs of this group, cefodizime is
a slower rate. ~4'~s group (Table 2 and Figure 1). Cefotaxime slightly less active than cefotaxime
The 2~GCs include the cephamycin is slightly less active against Gram-posi- against Enterobacteriaceae. 32 Moxalactam
subgroup (cefoxitin, cefotetan, cefmeta- tive bacteria than the lStGCs (S. aureus is the least active of the 3~GCs against
zole), which are also related to cepha- MICs0, 2 gg/ml). However, it has a potent Gram-positive bacteria and it has vari-
losperin C, but have two important broad spectrum of activity against aerobic able activity against P. aeruginosa. 34~ In
structural differences: first, all are charac- Gram-negative bacteria that is markedly addition, moxalactam (Tables I and 2)
terized by the presence of a methoxy superior to that provided by both laGC is the most active 3'dGC against Bactero/-
group on the 7-cephem nucleus; second, and 2ndGC drugs. Cefotaxime inhibits des frag/l/s, with a potency and spectrum
the cephamycins have various substitu- more than 90% of Enterobacteriaceae, includ- com Fya'able to that of the 2"dGC cephamy-
tions on the 3'-positiort 2°'2!The cephamy- ing strains producing ]]-lactamases and cins.~ In fact, the coverage of anaerobic
cins are produced by Streptomyces spp. m a n y isolates resistant to aminogly- bacteria among cefoxitin, cefmetazole, ce-
(filamentous bacteria), whereas cepha- cosides. The vast majority of E. coli, Pro-
losporin C is produced by Cephalosporium fotetan, and moxalactam is not signifi-
teus spp., and Klebsiella spp. strains are cantly different.
acremonium (fungus). The in vitro antimi-
crobial activity is comparable among the inhibited by less than 0.5 ~g of cefo- The 3~GCs, which possess the im-por-
cephamycin compounds; however, in this taxime per ml. The susceptibility of Ser- tant activity against P. aeruginosa
sub-group, cefotetan has a significantly ratia marcescens, Enterobacter cloacae, and (Tables I and 2, Figure 1), include cefop-
greater activity against enteric bacilli (Ta- Acinetobacter spp. strains are more in- erazone 41A2and ceftazidime. 43'44Cefopera-
bles I and 2, Figure 1). The cephamycins consistent, and Pseudomonas spp. strains zone is less active than other 3~lGCs
have a broader spectrum of activity are usually less susceptible to cefo- against some Gram-negative bacilli other
against Gram-negative bacilli than the 1a taxime (P. aeruginosa MICs0, 16 than Pseudomonas species. Ceftazidime is
GCs and they are very stable to B-lac- ~g/ml). 27 Cefotaxime has only moder- the least active 3rdGC against Gram-posi-
tamases, especially those produced by the ate activity against anaerobes (partially tive cocci, but its spectrum is similar to ce-
anaerobic Bacteroides spp. These com- enzyme stable), which is inferior to that fotaxime against most Enterobacteriaceae.
pounds are the most active cepha- of cephamycins against most Gram- Ceftazidime is the most potent of the
losporins against anaerobes; however, negative anaerobic species but is usu- 3rdGCs against P. aerug/nosa, with MICg0
they have one drawback--they lack high ally superior versus the Gram-positive varying from 0.5 to 32 F~g/ml in several
potency and absolute activity against anaerobic species. ~ studies reviewed by Richards and
Gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic or- In spite of having very similar anti-mi- Brodgen. 44 Cefoperazone has a greater
ganisms. 14,22-24 overall spectrum against typical patho-
crobial spectra, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone
T H I R D - G E N E R A T I O N AGENTS differ in their half-lives, tissue distribu- gens than ceftazidime, principally be-
tion, and serum protein binding. In addi- cause of superior Gram-positive and
The third-generation cephalosporins tion, cefotaxime can he metabolized to anaerobic coverage (Table 2).
(3rdGCs) represent a very important devel- desacetylcefotaxime, an active compound Despite the great advancement in the
opment in the evolution of [}-lactam antim- with an activity superior to that of some antibacterial activity achieved by the
icrobial agents. 2s These compounds older cephalosporins. 37 Ceftriaxone is not cephalosporins since the discovery of the
usually incorporate the aminothiazolyl significantly metabolized, but it has a high- cephalosporin C, even the newer semi-syn-
group and iminomethoxy groups, which affinity protein binding (>95%) compared thetic 3rdGCs appear to have some major
make the cephalosporin molecule [B-lac- to other 3~lGCs (10 to 40%). Serum protein deficiency in their spectra. For example,
tamase stable and significantly more po- binding by antimicrobial agents can affect the increased activity of ceftazidime rela-
tent than earlier generation drugs. 6 pharmacokinetic properties and antimicro- tive to cefotaxime against P. aerug/nosa is
Moxalactam is an oxa-[~-lactam 3~GC bial activity. ~ Jones and Barrya9 demon- at the expense of weaker activity against
agent, not a true cephalosporin, since it strated that the in vitro antimicrobial staphylococci and streptococci, organisms
has an oxygen instead of a sulfur at the C1 activity of ceftriaxone was markedly corn- acceptably susceptible to other 3~IGC com-

0738-1751/92/$0.00+ 2.20 © 1992 ELSEVIERSCIENCEPUBLISHINGCO., INC.


TABLE 1. MIC90 of the Principal Pathogens Tested against the 18 Parenteral Cephalosporins Discussed in This Review
Organism Cefazolin Cephalothin Cefamandole Cefonicid Ceforanide Cefuroxime Cefoxitin Cefotetan
Citrobacter 8 32 NR NR 1 8 2 2
Citrobacter 64 128 2 NR >128 8 >32 64
Enterobacter 64 >128 >128 >128 >128 8 >32 >64
Enterobacter 32 >128 NR NR >128 32 >32 8
Enterobacter >128 >128 64 >128 >128 >32 >32 >64
Esherichia coli 8 16 2 1 2 8 8 0.5
Klebsiella 8 16 2 16 2 4 8 0.5
Morganella >64 >128 64 NR >128 >32 8 16
Proteus 16 8 2 0.5 1 2 8 0.5
Proteus >128 >128 >64 128 >128 >32 8 1
Providencia >64 >128 4 NR >128 8 >32 8
Serratia >128 >128 >256 >256 >128 >32 >32 8
Acinetobacter >64 a >32 >64 NR >32 >32 NR NR
Haemophilus 32 8 2 1 8 2 8 2
Pseudomonas >128 >128 >128 NR >32 >32 >64 >64
Neisseria NR 1 0.5 0.25 8 NR 0.25 0.25
Enterococcus 16 32 32 >128 >4 >4 >32 a >32a
Staphylococcus 2 0.25 4 8 >4 2 4a 16a
Coag- NR 0.5 NR NR >4 1 NR NR

Streptococcus 0.25 0.25 0.25 2 NR 0.25 32 >32

References 11r 14 11r 12 11,14, 16 14 12 17 24 23, 24
a[f MICs were not based upon a log2 scale from unity (1 lag/ml), the results were rounded to that scale; NR = MIC90 not reported.
bThe organisms were not idenlified to the species level in that study.
CConsensusresults from references 46-49 for oxacillin-susceptible strains.
dMost results were taken from reference 49 because it evaluated a greater number of strains.

pounds (except moxalactam). In fact, the pseudomonads are less active than is desir- st-rates. Their ineffectiveness against
extended activity against these species has able against the Gram-positive cocci. Citrobacter spp., Enterobacter spp., and P.
became a key determinant in evaluating In recent years, the success of the aeruginosa with derepressed chromoso-
new cephalosporins, since they are among 3raGCs has been limited by the rapid de- mal 13-1actamases is another important
the most important causes of contempo- velopment of mutant plasmid encoded problem for the 3~aGCs. These pre-
rary nosocomial infection,45 and com- TEM or SHV 13-1actamases, which in- viously noted and emerging limitations
pounds that are highly active against clude these agents as potential sub- have stimulated a continuous search for

© 1992 ELSEVIERSCIENCEPUBLISHINGCO., INC. 0738-1751/92/$0.00 + 2.20


TABLE 1. Continued
Cefmetazole Cefodizime Ceftaxime Ceftizoxime Ceftriaxone Moxalactam Cefoperazone Ceftazidime Cefepime Cefpirome
0.5 32a 0.25 _<0.12 0.12 _<0.5 2 0.5 0.03 0.25

>32 32 a 8 32 0.25 4 64 32 4 8

>32 32 a 1 32 0.25 4 2 32 0.5 0.25

>32 32 a NR 0.5 2 8 4 2 0.5 2

>32 32 a 2 4 32 8 8 8 4 8

1 0.5 0.5 ~0.12 0.12 _<0.5 1 0.5 0.06 -<0.12

2 0.5 0.25 ~0.12 0.12 _~).5 2 0.5 0.06 -<0.12

8 4 4 16 NR 1 4 4 NR 0.5

4 0.015 0.12 ~0.015 0.008 _<0.5 1 <0.12 0.06 _<0.12

2 16 2 _<0.015 4 <0.5 2 0.5 0.5 1

2 8a. 1 0.06 0.12 _<0.5 64 0.5 0.5 0.25

>32 16 8 2 64 8 16 1 1 1

NR 64 128 32 >128 >32 64 8 4 4

4 0.06 0.03 NR 0.12 0.12 <0.25 0.12 0.06 0.03

>64 128 64 >32 >128 >32 16 4 8 16

0.12 _<0.008 _<0.015 ~0.015 0.25 NR 0.015 0.03 _<0.008 ~0.008

>32a >256 >64 >32 >128 >32 64 >32 64 >16

2a 4 4 8 4 16 4 8 2 1

NR NR Ic 8c 8c 16 c 2c 8c Ic Ic

8 0.12 0.06 0.25 0.12 2 <0.25 1 0.5 0.25

24 32 27, 31 31 30 34, 35 41, 42 43 47 47, 49 d

further improvements in the cepha- tamases. The result is a fourth genera- when c o m p a r e d to the 3~GCs. A posi-
losporin molecule. tion of c o m p o u n d s (Tables I and 2, Fig- tively charged quaternary nitrogen at 3"
FOURTH-GENERATION AGENTS ure 1), which includes cefepime 46~ and position seems to be responsible for this
cefpirome. 4s,49 The fourth-generation
Additional synthetic modifications have antimicrobial advance, which enhances
cephalosporins (4thGCs) have a reduced
been initiated to achieve a more balanced the activity against stably derepressed
affinity for class I ~ l a c t a m a s e s and an
spectrum and also greater stability against increased outer membrane permeability class I ~-lactamase mutants of Enterobac-
the newer extended spectrum ~-lac- teriaceae a n d P. aeruginosa, s° The 4thGCs

0738-1751/92/$0.00 + 2.20 © 1992 ELSEVIERSCIENCEPUBLISHINGCO., INC.


TABLE 2. Spectrum Analysis for Eight Representative Cephalosporins versus Critical Pathogen Groups a
Organisms Cefazolin Cefamandole Cefotetan Moxalactam Cefotaxime Cefoperazone C e f ~ z i d i m e Cefpirome
Staphylococci +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++
Streptococci b +++ +++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++
Enterococci - + - - + + - +
E. coli, Klebsiella, and ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +++
P. mirabilis
Citrobacter, - + + +++ ++ ++ ++ +++
Enterobacter , a n d
Other enteric bacilli - - + +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Haemophilus, M . ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +++
catarrhalis, and
Pseudomonas - - - + + ++ ++ ++
deru girtosa
B. fragilis - - ++ ++ ++
Gram-positive ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++
a = <50% coverage of strains tested; + = 50-80%; ++ = 81-95%; +++ = >95%.
bIncludes only oxacillin-susceptible isolates.

have also demonstrated an excellent af- nation is an important tool for comparing lows their use against some 3rdGC-resis-
finity for the lethal Gram-negative peni- pharmacodynamic characteristics of differ- tant isolates, probably with an aminogly-
cillin-bindingproteins (PBPs). sl In ent antimicroblal agents because these coside co-drug. Furthermore, they have
addition to improving activity against techniques allow integration of pharma- demonstrated lStGC-like activity against
Gram-negative bacteria, compared to cokinetic and host factor (serum) antimi- S. aureus, particularly cefpirome.
the 3~GCs, these compounds (espe- crobiai qualities,s3 SBA studies comparing Despite the progress already achieved,
cially cefpirome, Tables 1 and 2) im- broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents54 the search for more potent and stable
prove u p o n the 3'dGC activity against have shown that cefpirome provides a cephalosporin molecules must continue,
Gram-positive cocci (S. aureus cefpi- more potent SBA than those of other since new alterations in ~lactamases or
broad-spectrum cephalosporins, such as other bacterial mechanisms of resistance
rome MICs0, 0.5 ~tg/ml).
ceftazidime and ceftriaxone when tested can emerge with the continued wide-
Cefepime and cefpirome have similar spread use of these and other broad-spec-
against S. aureus and E. doacae. Against P.
in vitro spectra of antimicrobial activity,
aeruginosa the best results were achieved trum [3-lactam compounds.
but some differences have been noted. Ce-
fpirome is slightly more active than ce- by ceftazidime and cefpirome. Cefepime
has also demonstrated good tissue pene-
fepime against Gram-positive bacteria References
(Fable 1). In terms of in vitro activity tration and SBA against E. cloacae and P.
against Staphylococcus spp., cefpirome is aeruginosa, but not against S. aureus, ss
1. Brotzu G: Ricerche su di un nuovo antibi-
more comparable to laGCs while ce- In conclusion, we have observed a great otico. Lavori dell'Institute D'lgiene di
fepime is more similar to cefotaxime. They advancement in the antimicrobial activity Cagliari, 1948.
are both very active against streptococci (Tables 1 and 2) and pharmacokinetic
2. Abraham EP, Newton GGF: The structure
and more potent than the 3~GCs against properties of the cephalosporins since the
of cephalosporin C. Biochem J 79:377--393,
the enterococci (Table 2). This acceptable 7-ACA molecule (Figure 1) was first dis-
activity against Gram-positive organisms, covered more than 30 years ago. 1'2 First
especially enterococci, may be associated we noticed a gradual improvement in the 3. National Committee for Clinical Labora-
with a low incidence of superinfection activity against Gram-negative organisms tory Standards. Approved Standard M7-
caused by these organisms.4° The 4thGc at the expense of weaker potency and A2: Standard methods for dilution
are the most active cephalosporins against spectra (Table 2) as compared to the activ- antimicrobialsusceptibility tests for bacte-
Enterobacteriaceae and their activity against ity against Gram-positive bacteria. Re- ria that grow aerobically. 2nd ed. Vil-
P. aeruginosa is comparable to that of cefop- cently, the 4thGCs seem finally to have lanova, PA: NCCLS, 1990.
erazone or ceftazidime. However, their ac- achieved a highly active and balanced 4. National Committee for Clinical Labora-
tivity and spectra against Bacteroides spp. aerobic antimicrobial spectra only to lose tory Standards. Approved Standard M2-
are limited, thus requiring use of an an- activity against pathogens important to A4: Performance standards for
aerobic-active co-dru~ for empiric therapy the surgical service, e.g., anaerobic Gram- antimicrobial susceptibility tests. 4th ed.
of surgical infections,s2 negative bacilli. These compounds were Villanova, PA: NCCLS, 1990.
As we have pointed out above, the an- shown to be the most active cepha- 5. National Committee for Clinical Labora-
timicmbial activity can be adversely af- losporins against Enterobacteriaceae and as tory Standards. Approved standard, M1
fected by serum protein binding (>95%). active as the anti-pseudomonas 3~GCs l-A2: Standard methods for anEmicrobial
Serum bactericidal activity (SBA) determi- against Pseudomonas spp., a fact that al- susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacte-

© 1992 ELSEVIERSCIENCEPUBLISHINGCO., INC. 0738-1751/92/$0.00 + 2.20


ria. 2rid ed. Villanova, PA: NCCLS, 1991. 19. Kaiser GV, Gorman M, Webber JA. Ce- mother 20:760-768, 1981.
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al: Cephamycins, a new family of 13-1ac-
7. Donowitz GR, Mandell GL: Cepha- Moxalactam (LY127935), a new semisyn-
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Index to V o l u m e 8

Ac/net0baaer spp., 12:77, 79; 3:21 Carbacephems, 8/9:62 Cefzit See Cefprozil
Agar dilution method, 8/9:54 chemical stability of, 8/9:62 Cephalexin
Aminoglycosides, Enterococci resistance to, testing potential for future development, 8/9:62-63 MIC, 8/9:61
of, 10/11:67, 69-71 Cefaclor, 1:3 pharmacokinetic disposition, 3:22
Amoxicillin, 10/11:66 MIC, 8/9:61 Cephalosporin(s), 10/11:67
Ampidnin, 1:3, 5 pharmacokinetic disposition, 3:22 early, compariscm of, 8/9:61
Entenxx~cus resistance to, testing of, 10/11:65, Cefamandole, 12:77 historical ov~view of, 12:75-82
66,67,68-69 MIC90 for, 12:78, 79 MIC, 12:75, 76, 78-79
NCCLS susceptibility tests, with Haemophilus test spectrum analysis for, 12:79 modifying nudeus of, carbacephems from,
medium, re-evaluation of, 4/5:31-35 Cefazolin 8/9:62, See a/so Carbacephems
prophylaxis of surgical wound infec!ion by, 3:19 MIC90 for, 12:78, 79 oral, new, 3".21-23
Amsterdam D, 2:9-16 prophylaxis of surgical wound infection b~ 3:19 resistance to, 8/9:53
Anaerobic bacteria, susceptibility testing of spectrum analysis for, 12:79 spectrum analysis for, 12:79
E test for, 1:4-5 S. aureus resistant to, 3:18 structure of, 12:76
importance of, 7:49-52 Cefixime, pharmacokinetic disposition, 3:22 susceptibility testing, 2:15
review of current methods and future prospects, Cefmetazole, 12:77, 80 Cephalosporin C, 12:77
8/9"33-58 MICg0 for, 12:78, 79 Cephalesporium acremonium 12:77
Antimicrobial agents, See also specific agent Cefodizime, 12:77 Cephalothin, 1:3, 6; 12:76
history of, 2:9-10 Cefomdd, MICg0 for, 12:78, 79 activity, 8/9:61
t~le in surgical sound L,dectiot~prevention, and in Cefoperazone, 12:80 MICg0 for, 12:78, 79
vivo model of prophylaxis, 3:17-20 spectrum analysis for, 12:79 Cephem, chemical stability of, 8/9:62
Azabache DB, 6:37--44 Ceforanide, MIC90 for, 12:78, 79 Cherubin CE, 6:37--44
Aztreonam, 1:5; 10/11:67 Cefotaxime, 1:4, 5; 12:77 Children, admihistration of new oral cepha-
spectrum analysis for, 12:79 losporins in, 3:21
Cefotetan, 12:77, 80 Chlorampherdcol, 1:3
MIC90 for, 12:78, 79 Ciprofloxacin, 1:3, 4, 5; 4/5:29
Bacter0/d~s spectrum analysis for, 12:79 anttmicrobial activity, 4/5:27
fragilis, 12:77, 79 Cefoxitin, 1:5; 12:77, 80 clinical uses, 4/5:28
susceptil~lity testing, 1:4; 7:49 MIC90 fc~, 12:78, 79 Enterucoccus resistance to, testing of, 10/11: 66, 67
spp., 12:77, 80 Cefpirome, 12:80 pharmacokinetics, 4/5:28
Barriere SL, 3:21-23; 4/5:25--31 spectrum analysis for, 12:79 Citrobacter, 12:79
13-1actam antibiotics Cefpodoxime, 3:21 diversus, 3:21; 12:78
carbacephems, 8/9:58--63, See a/so Carbacephems clinical trials on, 3:22-23 freundii, 12:78
history of, 8/9:59-60 pharmacokinetic disposilion, 3:22 Citron DM, 8/9:53-58
pharmacokinetics, 3:21 Cefprozil (Cefzil), 3:21 Clindamycin, 1:3, 4, 5; 4/5:27, 28; 10/11:67
ring, 8/9:60-62 clinical trials on, 3:22 resistance to
13-Lactamase,2:15; 3:18 pharmacokinetic disposilSon, 3:21, 22 in Peptostreptococcus species, assessment of, use
Broth micredilution method, susceptibility testing Ceftazidime, 1:5-6; 12:80 of E-test for, 7:45--49
with, 8/9:54--55 spectrum analysis for, 12:79 in Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus
Ceftizoxime, 12:77 pyogenes, 6:37-44
Ceftriaxone, 1:4; 12:77 Clostridium sl0p., 1:4
Cefuroxime, 1:3, 4, 6; 12:77 Cos/s, related to oral cephalosporins and other an-
Campylohacterjejuni, susceptibility testing, E test for, MICg0 for, 12:78, 79 timicrobials, 3:23
1:6 pharmacokinet ic di sposi lion, 3:21, 22 Croco JL, 7:45--49

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