NatureArticle TheLorenzAttractorExists

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a number of pumps, which may be the key The abundance of regulatory genes and

to the bacterium’s ability to withstand anti- questions about the regulation of antibiotic
biotics in its human host. It has been pumps in P. aeruginosa call for investigators
suggested that Gram-negative bacteria, a to look into gene expression in this bac-
group to which P. aeruginosa belongs, can terium. To this end, the US Cystic Fibrosis
resist the lethal effects of many antibiotics Foundation is again taking a unique
by pumping them out of their cells faster approach, by building on its initial invest-
than the chemicals can accumulate. Mem- ment in P. aeruginosa genomics and under-
bers of the RND protein family of ‘multi- writing the cost of constructing a P. aerugi-
drug efflux’ pumps can render bacteria nosa gene-expression array. The charity
impervious to antibiotics4. It is not clear plans to make the array available to inter-
how or why these pumps evolved; perhaps ested researchers at a cost consistent with
they were first needed to eliminate nat- the budgets of academic scientists. It has
urally occurring environmental toxins. We also created a Cystic Fibrosis Bioinformatics
already knew of four RND pumps in P. Center, to support scientists using the arrays.
aeruginosa (E. coli has the same number, One hopes that the genomic information
whereas Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the reported by Stover et al.1, and the informa-
persistent pathogen that causes tuberculo- tion to come from the gene-expression
sis, has none). The sequencing project has analysis, will allow us finally to tame this
now revealed six more. testy pathogen. ■
When and where are these pumps active? E. Peter Greenberg is in the Department of
Figure 1 The rod-shaped Pseudomonas One idea is that they might be expressed Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of
aeruginosa on cultured epithelial cells from the when P. aeruginosa exists as a biofilm. These Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1109, USA.
human respiratory tract. Each P. aeruginosa cell are stationary communities of bacteria that e-mail: [email protected]
measures about 0.5 by 2–3 mm. The bacterium are enclosed by a self-produced extracellular 1. Stover, C. K. et al. Nature 406, 959–964 (2000).
shows extraordinary nutritional versatility. matrix. When bacteria exist as biofilms, they 2. Fleischmann, R. D. et al. Science 269, 496–512 (1995).
3. The Pseudomonas Genome Project.
This might require the large number of genes can resist antimicrobial agents. A hypothesis
in its genome (the sequence of which is now to explain the persistence of P. aeruginosa in 4. Nikaido, H. Clin. Infect. Dis. 27, S32–S41 (1998).
published1) that are predicted to be involved in the lungs of a cystic fibrosis patient is that it 5. Costerton, W. C., Stewart, P. & Greenberg, E. P. Science 284,
regulating gene expression. may establish a biofilm in this environment5. 1318–1322 (1999).

resilient beast. On all counts, the project has

met its goals. Mathematics
Pseudomonas aeruginosa has a large
genome, about one-third larger than that of
Escherichia coli. In fact it has about as many The Lorenz attractor exists
genes as the budding yeast Saccharomyces Ian Stewart
cerevisiae, and about half as many as the
fruitfly. The large size of the P. aeruginosa
genome allows for a wide diversity of genes. or nearly 40 years, one of the classic just because it provides the Lorenz attractor
Although this is no great surprise, the more
detailed annotation of the genome has been
quite revealing. Two features that jump out
F icons of modern nonlinear dynamics
has been the Lorenz attractor. With its
intriguing double-lobed shape and chaotic
with a solid foundation, but because his
techniques will be widely applicable. At last,
the embarrassing gap between what we
can be summarized as regulation, regulation dynamics, the Lorenz attractor has symbol- think we know about a nonlinear dynamical
and more regulation, and pumps, pumps ized order within chaos (Fig. 1). The only system from numerical simulations, and
and more pumps. problem is: does it exist? Mathematicians what we actually know in full logical rigour,
Stover et al. discovered a large number of have lacked a rigorous proof that exact solu- is starting to close. At the moment the meth-
genes — between 8% and 10% of the predict- tions of the Lorenz equations will resemble ods are limited to dynamics in three dimen-
ed total of 5,570 genes — that encode proteins the shape generated on a computer by sions, but after Tucker’s breakthrough that
with sequences similar to those of known reg- numerical approximations, and they also may well change. Dimensions greater than
ulators of gene expression. The authors note a could not prove that its dynamics are gen- three are of considerable interest because
correlation between genome size and the per- uinely chaotic. Perhaps the calculations the dimension of a dynamical system is not
centage of predicted regulators in sequenced showed something that merely looked like the dimension of ordinary space, but the
bacterial genomes: the larger the genome, the chaos — a numerical illusion. The smart number of variables in the equations. For
higher the percentage of regulatory genes. money has always been on chaos in the example, the motion of a three-body system
For example, Helicobacter pylori — a highly Lorenz system being real, but the rigorous consisting of the Earth, Mars and a space
specialized bacterial pathogen that can colo- techniques of dynamical mathematics were probe requires six variables for each body —
nize the acidic environment of the human unable to prove it. Until last year, that is, three of position and three of velocity — and
stomach — has 1,709 predicted genes. Fewer when Warwick Tucker of the University of so is an 18-dimensional dynamical system.
than 20 of these (about 1%) are expected to be Uppsala completed a PhD thesis showing Why bother with rigorous proofs? Surely
regulatory. Smaller genomes have even lower that Lorenz’s equations do indeed define a any practical implications of the equations
percentages of regulatory genes. The incredi- robust chaotic attractor. The proof has since are already embodied in the numerical
ble potential for P. aeruginosa to turn genes been published (W. Tucker, C. R. Acad. Sci. results — do we need to be obsessed with
on and off according to the conditions in 328, 1197–1202; 1999), and an excellent logical rigour? Yes, we do. There are several
which it finds itself is consistent with its summary has been provided by Marcelo reasons for taking numerical solutions of
nutritional versatility. Viana (Math. Intell. 22, 6–19; 2000). nonlinear differential equations with a pinch
The P. aeruginosa genome also encodes Tucker’s work is hugely significant, not of salt. Numerical methods are approxima-
948 © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 406 | 31 AUGUST 2000 |
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tions, and chaotic systems are highly sensi- established technique of a ‘normal form’.


tive to approximations; it is well known that Near an equilibrium, any differential equa-
numerics can sometimes give seriously mis- tion can be transformed into an equation
leading results. But the deepest reason is that that can be solved by an exact formula, to a
until we can prove what our computers seem high degree of approximation. This formula
to be telling us, then we are ignoring a huge can be used instead of the numerical proce-
gap in our mathematical technique. Often dure whenever the flow gets too close to the
such a gap is a clue that important conceptual equilibrium.
ideas are lurking nearby, as is the case here. The task then reduces to finding a set of
The Lorenz attractor dates from 1963, boxes such that curves starting within one
when the meteorologist Edward Lorenz pub- box eventually return to a box (usually a
lished an analysis of a simple system of three different one), which in effect says that the
differential equations that he had extracted collection of boxes forms an attractor. Some
from a model of atmospheric convection. He further technical conditions, related to singu-
pointed out that they possess some surpris- lar hyperbolicity, are required to establish that
ing features. In particular, the equations are the flow is chaotic. The search for suitable
‘sensitive to initial conditions’, meaning that boxes begins with an informed guess based
tiny differences at the start become amplified on raw numerics; any boxes that cause trouble
exponentially as time passes. This type of by growing too fast are subdivided until they
unpredictability is a characteristic feature of cease to cause trouble. When the subdivision
chaos. Conversely, there is also ‘order’ in the process of all boxes stops, the proof is com-
system: numerical solutions of the equa- plete. Finding a suitable collection of boxes
tions, plotted in three dimensions, consist of took about 30 hours on a fast computer.
curves winding round and round a curious Technicalities aside, the main idea here is
two-sheeted surface, later named the Lorenz Figure 1 The Lorenz attractor was first derived that, with care, naive numerics can be used
attractor. from a simple model of convection in the Earth’s with precise error estimates to establish sig-
The geometry of the attractor is closely atmosphere. Previously, the Lorenz attractor nificant features of the flow of a nonlinear
related to the ‘flow’ of the equations — the could be generated only by numerical differential equation. When these features
curves corresponding to solutions of the approximations on a computer, as shown here. are combined with appropriate conceptual
differential equations. There is an unstable Now we have a rigorous proof that confirms its insights, the existence of chaotic attractors
equilibrium, a saddle point, at the origin. existence. becomes irrefutable. So, thanks to Tucker,
The curves repeatedly pass this point, and are dynamical systems theorists can at last stop
pushed away to the left or right, only to circle mates. Tucker obtains a rigorous approxima- worrying about whether their most potent
round to pass back by the saddle. As they tion to the way curves loop back towards the icon might suddenly fall apart. And Lorenz’s
loop back, adjacent curves are pulled apart origin by following the time evolution of lots original insight, that the strange behaviour
— this is how the unpredictability is created of tiny boxes (up to 10,000). But numerical of his equations was not a numerical artefact,
— and can end up on either side of the solutions of differential equations encounter can no longer be disputed. ■
saddle. The result is an apparently random problems near saddle points, because the Ian Stewart is at the Mathematics Institute,
sequence of loops to the left and right. flow slows down exponentially fast. To get University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK.
The central technical issue in proving that round this difficulty, Tucker uses the well- e-mail: [email protected]
the Lorenz system is a chaotic attractor is
translating these statements into suitably
precise mathematics. Tucker’s proof com- Malaria
bines two main ideas. One is a conceptual
characterization of chaotic attractors in
terms of ‘singular hyperbolicity’, introduced Channelling nutrients
by C. Morales, M. J. Pacifico and E. Pujals Kiaran Kirk
(C. R. Acad. Sci. 326, 81–86; 1998). Previous
work on dynamical systems had concentrated
on ‘hyperbolic’ systems, where the flow of

alaria, an infectious disease responsi- that is found in the outer membrane of
the equations can always be split into a set of ble for an estimated 300 million to infected (but not uninfected) red blood cells,
contracting directions and a complementary 500 million clinical cases and 1.5 mil- and which helps to supply nutrients to the
set of expanding ones. But the Lorenz system lion to 2.7 million human deaths each year1, hungry parasite.
is not hyperbolic. Singular hyperbolicity is caused by a single-celled parasite that It has long been known that following
replaces the idea of expanding directions in invades the red blood cells of its host. In the the invasion of a human red blood cell by
the flow by the condition that part of the flow 48 hours after it invades a red blood cell, the Plasmodium falciparum — the most virulent
should expand in volume. If some sides of a parasite grows to many times its original size, of the four malaria parasites that are infec-
box expand and others contract, the volume and then divides to produce 20–30 new para- tious to humans — the membrane of the
may nonetheless expand if the amount of sites. To fuel this high rate of growth and infected cell undergoes a dramatic increase
expansion beats the amount of contraction. multiplication, the malaria parasite needs in its permeability to a range of small sol-
So singular hyperbolicity is less restrictive nutrients from outside the infected cell. utes, both charged and uncharged3–6. The
than hyperbolicity. However, a normal red blood cell is unable to pathways responsible for the increased
Tucker’s other important idea is using take up at least some nutrients fast enough to permeability have previously been shown
computer calculations in a rigorous way to satisfy the parasite’s voracious appetite. On to have a strong preference for negatively
establish certain features of the geometry of page 1001 of this issue2, Desai and colleagues charged ions (anions) over positively charged
the solutions of differential equations — provide new insights into how this problem ions (cations), and to be blocked by drugs
normal numerics plus precise error esti- is solved. They describe a versatile channel known to inhibit anion-selective channels6
NATURE | VOL 406 | 31 AUGUST 2000 | © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd 949

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