Unit IV - Material

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Metal Cutting and Machine Tools

Unit – IV

 To familiarize with the working principles of Drilling and Boring Machines.

 To impart knowledge on Types, operations performed and the tools used on above machines.
Drilling & Boring Machines: Principles of working, specifications, types, operations performed –
tool holding devices – twist drill – Boring Machines – fine Boring Machines – jig boring
machine, deep hole Drilling Machine, machining time calculations.
Learning Outcomes:
Student will be able to
 Use the working principles of drilling and boring machines in hole making process
 List the different types of drilling and boring machines.
 Identify suitable operations performed on drilling and boring machines.
 Differentiate drilling, reaming and boring operations.
 Describe the nomenclature of twist drill.
 Calculate the cutting speed and machining time to perform variety of operations.
4.0 Introduction
Drilling is an operation through which holes are produced in a solid metal by means by
Drilling, it is considered as a roughing operation. Obviously, therefore, where a very close
dimensional accuracy is to be maintained, this forms only the basic operation. For such holes,
drilling is followed by another operation called reaming, in which the required dimensional
accuracy and fine surface finish are obtained by means of a multi-tooth revolving tool called
reamer. Boring is the operation employed for enlarging an existing hole. The hole may be
previously drilled, cast, punched or produced through any other suitable operation.
The operations of drilling, boring and reaming can be perfomed in many ways. They can be
done both by hand feed as well as power feed on a large number of machines such as centre lathe,
drilling machine, boring machine, tuming mill (vertical lathe), capstan and turret lathes, automatic
lathe, portable machines and sometimes on special purpose machines.
4.1 Working Principle

 Drilling is a process of making hole or enlarging a hole in an object by forcing a rotating tool
called “Drill”.
 The drill is generally called as ‘twist drill’, since it has a sharp twisted edges formed around a
cylindrical tool provided with a helical groove along its length to allow the cut material to
escape through it.
 The sharp edges of the conical surfaces ground at the lower end of the rotating twist drill cut
the material by peeling it circularly layer by layer when forced against a workpice.
 The removed material chips get curled and escape through the helical grooves provided in the
 A liquid coolant is generally used while drilling to remove the heat of friction and obtain a
better finish for the hole.
4.2 Parts of a Drilling Machine

A power operated machine tool which holds the drill in its spindle rotating at high speeds and
when manually actuated to move linearly simultaneously against the workpiece produces a hole is
called drilling machine. Figure shows a schematic view of a commonly used standard drilling
machine. It consists of the following parts.
Base: The base is of heavy casting made up of cast iron. It supports the column and other parts of
a machine.
Column: The column is a vertical upright cylinder, firmly attached to the base. It supports the
table, spindle head, motor and the driving mechanism.
Table: It is attached to the column by a clamp. It supports the workpiece and the work holding
devices. The table can be moved up and down and can also be rotated around the column. It can
also be fixed at the desired position using the clamp. It has T-slots for clamping the workpiece.
Spindle Head: The spindle head is mounted at the top of the column. It has drive motor on one
side and spindle assembly on the other side.
Drive Mechanism: The motor drives the spindle through a V belt and stepped cone pulley. By
shifting the V belt from one pulley step to another, spindle speeds can be changed.
 Drilling machine is one of the simplest, moderate and accurate tool used in production shop
and tool room.
 In operation, spindle which imparts rotary motion to the drilling tool, or mechanism for
feeding the tool into the work, a table on which the work rests and a frame.
 It is considered as a single purpose machine tool since its chief function is to make holes.
 However, it can and does perform operations other than drilling also.
4.3 Specifications of a Drilling Machine
A drilling machine is specified as follows:
 Size of the drilling machine table.
 Largest bit the machine can hold.
 Maximum size of the hole that can be drilled.
 Maximum size of the workpiece that can be held.
 Power of the motor, spindle speed or feed.
4.4 Types of Drilling Machines
Drilling machines are manufactured in various sizes and varieties to suit the different types of
work. They can, however, be broadly classified as follows:
1. Portable drilling machine.
2. Sensitive or bench drilling machine.
3. Upright drilling machine.
4. Recial drilling machine.
5. Gang drilling machine.
6. Turret machine.
7. Deep hole drilling machine.
8. Multiple spindle drilling machine.
9. Automatic drilling machines.
4.4.1. Portable Drilling machine

 Refer to Figure, portable drilling machine is a very small, compact and self contained unit
carrying a small electric motor inside it.
 It is very commonly used to drill holes in the following cases: (i) when the component is
bigger in size such that it cannot be shifted to the shop floor; (ii) when the space is restricted
so that no other type of drilling machine can be used.
 Usually they are made to hold drills upto a maximum diameter of 12mm. However, portable
drills of upto 18mm dia. Capacity are available.
4.4.2. Sensitive or bench drilling machine
These are light duty machines used in workshops. They are normally mounted on work benches
and hence the name. As the operator can feel the cutting operation while applying pressure using
the feed lever, the machine is known as sensitive drilling machine.
 It consists of a cast iron base with a vertical column mounted over it.
 The vertical column is made of hollow steel pipe on which the table slides up and down.
 The table can be fixed to the required position by means of a table clamp. The table can also
be swung radially at any desired position.
 The top of the column houses the drive consisting of endless belt running over the V-pulleys.
 Based on the speed of spindle required, V-belt can be shifted to different grooves of the
 To drill small diameter hogles, a twist-drill is fitted in the drill chuck, which in turn fits into
the spindle of the machine.
 If the drill size is more, twist drill is directly fitted in the tapered portion of the spindle.
 The spindle can be moved up or down by means of drill feed handle or lever.
 This design is used ot drill hole from 1.5mm to 15mm diameter.
 The controls are light and delicate speeds from 800 to 900 r.p.m are typical range.
4.4.3. Upright Drilling Machine (Single Spindle)

A typical upright drilling machine is shown in Figure.

It is also known as standard, vertical or pillar drilling machine.
It is used for heavier work and has back gearing arrangement similar to a lathe.
It specifically differs from a sensitive drill its weight, rigidity, application of power feed and the
wider range of spindle speeds.
The vertical column can be either round or box type. Box type column is usually provided when
the machine is constructed for relatively heavier work.
These machines are manufactured in various sizes having different Drilling capacities up to a
maximum of 75mm is steel. The most commonly used size is 38mm in steel.
If needed, a reverse motion can be incorporated for tapping work.
A cylindrical vertical pillar facilitates the swinging of table to any position and, in combination
with the rotary movement of the table, it enables any part of the surface to come under the tool
without disturbing the work.
If a box type rectangular pillar is used, vertical slides or ways are provided to enable similar
4.4.4. Upright Drilling Machine (Turret Type)

 It is production drilling machine, which is very useful when a series of different size holes are
to be drilled repeatedly or a number of different operations, like drilling, reaming, counter
boring, countersinking, spot facing, etc., are to be performed in sequence repeatedly.
 The main parts of the machine, as shown by means of a block diagram in figure, include
heavy base, vertical column, a Ram carrying turret head and a table.
 The table can be raised or lowered along the column. Also, it can be moved longitudinally
sideways and across to bring the job in correct position below the tool.
 The turret head, which carries six, eight or ten different tool mounting positions, is mounted
on a ram.
 It can be easily indexed to bring the proper tool in operating position over the work and can be
raised or lowered by moving the ram upwards or downwards.
 The required tools are mounted in sequence in the turret head so that they automatically come
in operating position when the head is indexed.
 This type of machine eliminates tool changing time and a single machine can be used to
perform a number of different operations one after the other.
 The smaller varieties of these machines are usually manually operated, but a large variety of
these machines is numerically controlled (NC) type.
4.4.5. Radial Drilling Machine

 A Radial drilling machine is used to perform the drilling operations on the workpieces which
are too heavy and also may be too large to mount them on the worktable of the vertical spindle
drilling machine.
 It consists of a heavy base and a vertical column with a long horizontal radial arm extending
from it and can be rapidly raised lowered and swing in horizontal plane about the main
column to any desired location.
 The drilling head can move to and from along the arm and can be swivelled only in the
universal radial drilling machines, to drill holes at an angle.
 The combinations of motions of the radial arm and drilling head offer a great deal of
flexibility in moving the drill to any position.
 The main advantage of the radial drilling machine is that the drilling can be carried out on
heavy workpieces in any position without moving them.
 This type of drilling machine is used in tool rooms and in large scale die manufacturing units.
 Based on the type and number of movements possible the Radial Drills can be broadly
grouped as:
1. Plant Radial Drills. Three principal movements are possible in this type of machine, viz.,
Vertical movement of the Arm along the Column, horizontal Sliding movement of the
Drilling Head or Spindle Head along the Arm and Radial Swinging of the Arm in a
horizontal plane.
2. Semi-Universal Radial Drills. These machines, in addition to the above three basic
movements, carry provision for swinging of the spindle Head about a horizontal axis which
is normal to the arm. Thus, the Head, and hence the spindle, can be inclined to a suitable
angle with its normal vertical position on either side, enabling drilling of holes at desired
inclinations with the normal vertical position.
3. Universal Radial Drills. In this machine the arm itself can be rotated through a desired
angle along a horizontal axis. This is in addition to the four possible movements available
on a Semi-universal Machine. This makes this machine highly versatile and facilitates
drilling at any desired inclination and location.
4.4.6 Multi Spindle Drilling Machine

 These machines are mostly used in production work and are so designed that several holes to
different sizes can be drilled simultaneously.
 Their use facilitates an increased rate of production with sufficient accuracy.
 In these machines two or more spindles are driven from a common driving shaft through
worms and worm gears or belts. Each spindle carries a Universal Joint.
 The table may be of fixed type or adjustable type. The former type is commonly used.
 In some machines a Cross-rail is provided, along which the vertical spindles can be moved
horizontally to set them at a desired distance apart.
 In Universal type of these machines, the spindles are mounted on a common Head which
carries a central gear.
 Each spindle carries a pinion at its upper end which meshes with the central gear, which acts
as the driving gear for all these pinions.
 In this way, all the spindles receive power simultaneously from the same central gear. This
mechanism is quite similar to that used for driving the spindles of a multi-spindle automatic
 Two other types of Heads are also used, one is known as Adjustable Head and the other as
Gearless Head.
 Drill heads with a capacity of drive upto 50 spindles simultaneously are available. In these
heads it is possible to adjust the spindles to adjust the spindles to several different positions to
enable drilling of holes at any location within the area covered by the head.
 However, for efficient and accurate production of holes a properly designed drill Jig is
normally used for each component to guide the drills accurately.
4.4.7 Gang drilling machine:
 When several drilling spindles are mounted on a single table, it is known as a gang drill.
 In this type of drill, each of these spindles can be independently set for different speed and
depth of cut.
 Such machines are useful when numbers of holes of different sizes are to be drilled on the
same workpiece.
 Apart-from drilling, a number of other machining operations like reaming, counter boring,
tapping etc; can also be performed at a time on this machine.
4.4.8. Deep-hole drilling machine

 These machines are used for drilling holes whose depth exceed normal drill size.
 These machines are operated at high speed and low feed.
 These machines are either horizontal or vertical.
 The work or the drill may revolve.
 Most machines are of horizontal construction using a centre-cut gun drill, which has a single
cutting edge with a straight flute running throughtout its length.
 Oil under high pressure is forced to the cutting edge through a lengthwise hole in the drill.
 In gun drilling the feed must be light to avoid deflecting the drill and causing it to meander
through it length.
 These machines are very useful for drilling deep holes in rifle travels, crankshafts etc.
4.4.9 Horizontal Drilling Machines
All the drilling machines, except one variety of deep hole drilling machines, are of vertical
type, i.e., they carry their spindles in a vertical direction, and consequently the drill (tool) is held
vertically in them. There are, however, some special purpose machines, though not so common in
use as vertical drilling machines, in which the spindle remains horizontal and so remains the tool.
These machines are mainly employed for long jobs, such as columns, Pipes and Barrels, etc which
are difficult to be drilled in vertical position. Also, for such objects which, due to their excessive
weight or extraordinarily large size, cannot be handled easily, the operation of drilling has to be
performed by keeping the job stationary and moving the machine around them. Such jobs require
the use of horizontal machines. The machines for such jobs carry several movable columns which
operate on different positions on the job simultaneously. The job is marked and the machines set
before the operation starts. Suitable jigs and fixtures are usually designed and used for this
4.4.10 Automatic Drilling Machines
These are production machines, arranged in series to perform a number of different operations
in sequence at successive work stations. The workpieces, after completion of an operation at one
station, are automatically transferred to the next station for another operation.
Thus, it works as a transfer line. The operation sequence, related cutting speeds and feeds,
start and finish of the operation on each station, etc, are so arranged and synchronised that, once
the workpiece is loaded at the first station, it automatically switches on to the next position for the
next operation till it undergoes the last operation and unloaded. The spindle heads may carry a
single spindle each, multi-spindles or a combination of these, according to the requirements. Each
work station may carry an indexing table and suitable work-holding fixtures. Several different
operations like drilling, boring, tapping, Milling, Honing, etc., can be performed on a job in
succession on these machines.
4.5 Operations Done On Drilling Machines
There are a number of operations done on a drilling machine, as shown in Figure. These are as
 Reaming
 Drilling
 Boring  Counter-boring
 Counter-sinking  Spot facing, and
 Tapping

Drilling: It is the main operation done on this machine. It is the operation of producing a circular
hole in a solid metal by means of a revolving tool called Drill.
Reaming: It is the operation of finishing a hole to bring it to accurate size and have a fine surface
finish. The operation is performed by means of a multitooth tool called reamer. The operation
serves to produce a straight, smooth and accurate hole. The accuracy to be expected is within
±.005 mm.
Boring: It is an operation used for enlarging a hole to bring it to the required size and have a
better finish. It involves the use of an adjustable cutting tool having a single cutting edge. In
addition to the above objective, this operation can be used for correcting the hole location and out
of roundness, it any, as the tool can be adjusted to remove more metal from one side of the hole
than the other. It is a slower process than reaming. The accuracy to be expected is within
Counter-boring: The operation used for enlarging only a limited portion of the hole is called
counter-boring. It can be performed either by means of a double- tool boring bar or a counter-
boring tool. In order to maintain alignment and true concentricity of the counter bored hole with
the previously drilled hole the counter boring tool is provided with a pilot at its bottom, as shown.
Counter-sinking: It is the operation used for enlarging the end of a hole to give it a conical shape
for a short distance. This is done for providing a seat for the countersunk heads of the screws,
so that the latter may be flush with the main surface of the work. The standard counter-sinks carry
included angles of 60°, 82° or 90°.
Spot Facing: This operation is used for squaring and finishing the surface around and at the end
of a hole so that the same can provide a smooth and true seat to the underside of bolt heads or
collars, etc. This is usually done on castings or forgings. The hole may be spot faced below the
rough surface or above it, i.e., on the upper surface of the boss, if the same is provided.
Tapping: It is the operation done for forming internal threads by means of the tool called tap. To
perform this operation, the machine should be equipped with a reversible motor or some other
reversing mechanism. Alternatively, a collapsible type tapping attachment shown in figure can be
Tap Drill Size
For tapping, the size of the hole to be made through drilling has to be smaller than the size of the
tap. It is because the tap size is equal to the outside diameter of the threads whereas the size of the
drill to be used before tapping should be equal to the core diameter of the threads.
The drill size can be calculated as follows:
Drill size = Tap Size – 2 × Depth of threads.
For common usage the approximate Tap-drill size can also be found out from the following
imperical rule :
Drill size = 0.8 × Tap size.
The result obtained from this relation holds good for most of the cases because the threads
work quite satisfactorily even if their three-fourth depth has been achieved.
4.6 Tools for Drilling
The tool used for drilling is called a drill. The earliest and simplest form of drill is a Flat drill
or spade drill, which carries a flat section at the cutting edge. This form, however, is obsolete so
far as the modern drilling practice is concerned, for the following reasons:
 It is not suitable for drilling deep holes as there is no provision for the exit of cut material
during the operation.
 As the metal chips remain inside, the cutting edge of this drill is spoiled very soon and
frequent regrinding is required.
 Its cutting edge cannot withstand the excessive heat generated when relatively high speeds are
 It cannot produce a very accurate and true hole.
However, this form is still being used in many small works, particularly on account of its
cheapness. The most commonly used types of Flat drills are the special drills, which are specially
made for some specific purpose, particularly when the size of the hole to be made does not
conform to any of the standard sizes. In brass work they are quite commonly used, especially in
drilling stepped holes.

The commonly used form is shown in Fig.(b). It is usually forged from a round carbon steel or
H.S.S. bar. The form shown in Fig.(a) has a rectangular cross-section and is largely used for brass
work on capstan and turret lathes. The forms shown in Fig.(c) and (d) are used for the same
purpose as (a) but for stepped holes for securing these, a cylindrical Pad, shown in Fig.(e), is used.
The drill is gripped in the pad and the latter inserted in the hole on the turret or capstan head or
held in some other suitable device.
4.7 Classification of Drills
Drills are manufactured in several different forms and sizes. The commonly used drills can be
classified in many ways, as follows:
1. According to the Type of Shank they carry:
(a) Parallel shank
(b) Taper shank
2. According to the Type of Flutes:
(a) Flat or Spade drills (parallel longitudinal flutes)
(b) Twist Drills (spiral/helical flutes)
3. According to Length:
(a) Short series drills
(b) Stub series drills
(c) Long series drills
4. According to applications:
(a) Core drills
(b) Drills for long hole drilling
(c) Centre drills
(d) Masonary drills
5. According to the Tool Material
(a) High Speed Steel Drills
(b) Carbide Tipped Drills
4.8 Twist Drills
 Twist drill is the most widely used tool in modern drilling practice.
 It consists of a cylindrical body carrying two spiral flutes cut on it.
 Twist drills are usually made of High speed steel. Of course, a few cheaper varieties are made
of High carbon steel also.
 They are made in various sizes to suit the work and are provided with either a Tapered shank
or Parallel shank.
 Small drills, say up to 12.7mm dia, are provided with Parallel shank and the larger sizes with
tapered shank.
 Morse taper is commonly used for the tapered shank.
4.8.1. Nomenclature:
The Twist drill consists of two main parts viz., a shank, which is gripped in the Drill chuck or
sleeve, and the other the body which forms the main cutting unit.(See Figure).

The detailed description of the different parts of a twist drill, shown in Figs.7.2 and 7.3, and
their functions are as follows:
Body: It is part of the drill which carries flutes and extends from the dead centre up to almost the
start of the neck. This part of the drill is always relieved.
Axis: The longitudinal centre line of the drill, along which the whole body, neck and shank of the
drill are concentric, is called the axis of the drill.
Chisel edge or dead centre: The short edge formed at the extreme tip end of the Drill, due to the
intersection of the flanks, is called the chisel edge or dead centre. It coincides with the axis of the
drill. Some of the drills carry a screw type or spiral shaped chisel edge instead of a sharp edge
type. This facilitates more accurate location of holes and lower axial thrust.
Shank: The portion of the drill beyond the neck, which is gripped in the holding device (e.g., a
drill chuck or sleeve, etc.), is called shank. It may be parallel or tapered.
Point: The cone shaped surface at the end of the flutes, formed by grinding, and containing the
dead centre, lips and flanks, etc. is known as Point.
Lip or cutting edge: It is the main cutting part of the drill and is formed by the intersection of
each flank and face. So, there will be so many lips in a drill as the number of flutes and the faces.
In a commonly used twist drill there are two lips because it carries two flutes and two
corresponding flanks. For correct drilling it is essential that both lips should be of equal length
and be equally inclined with the axis of the drill.
Body Clearance: A small reduction in the diameter of the body is provided on a drill adjacent to
the Land. This is called body clearance. It helps in reducing friction between the drill and the
walls of the hole and, thus, helps in both metal cutting and increasing tool life.
Land or Margin: It is a narrow flat surface which runs all along the flutes of the drill and its
leading edges. The diameter of the drill measured across its lands determines its correct size. The
functions of the lands are to keep the drill aligned during the operation and produce the correct
size hole.
Lip clearance: That part of the conical surface of point, which is ground to provide relief near the
cutting edge, is called lip clearance.
Face: The curved surface of the flute near the lip is called Face. The chips cut from the material
slide upward along this surface.
Flutes: The helical grooves in the body of the drill are known as flutes. Commonly used drills
carry two flutes, while special drills any carry jour. These flutes make the chips curl and provide
passage for their ext. Also, cutting edges are formed on the point due to machining of these flutes
and the cutting fluid reaches the cutting area through these flutes only.
Flank: It is the curved surface, on either side of the dead centre, which is confined between the
cutting edge on its one side and the face of the other flute on the other side.
Web: The central metal column of the drill body, that separates the flutes from one another, is
known as Web. Its thickness gradually increases from the tip side towards shank side, where it is
maximum. It is this part of the drill which is largely responsible for providing strength and
rigidity to the drill.
Chisel edge: The point of intersection of the chisel edge and the lip is known as chisel edge
Outer corner: The point extreme of the dead centre, where the face and flank intersect to form a
corner, is called outer corner.
Neck: The smaller diameter cylindrical portion which separates the body and shank of a drill is
called neck. All necessary particulars of the drills are engraved on this portion.
Tang: The flat portion of rectangular cross-section provided at the end of the tapered shank is
known as Tang. This fits into a matching slot in the Holding device, such as a socket, sleeve or
spindle, to provide a positive drive. Also, for driving the drill out of the sleeve or spindle, a drift is
applied over this part of the drill.
Heel: An edge is formed where the body clearance and flute of the drill intersect. This edge is
known as Heel.
4.8.2 Important Angles of a Drill
Many different angles, as shown in figure, are provided on a drill so as to ensure an efficient
metal cutting. The main angles are the following:
1. Rake angle or Helix Angle
It is also known as Helix angle. It is the angle formed between a plane containing the drill axis
and the leading edge of the land. It can have a positive, negative or zero value. For a Right hand
flute its value is positive, for a left hand flute negative and for parallel flutes it is zero. For most
drills the value of rake angle varies from 0° to as high as 48°. However, 16° to 32° range is quite
common for normal materials. Higher values are suitable for softer materials and lower valves for
hander materials. The power or the torque required to rotate the drill is greatly influenced by this
angle. Larger the value of the angle, lesser will be the torque required and vice-versa.
2. Point angle
It is also known a cutting angle. Its most commonly used value for a larger variety of
materials is 118°. However it varies from 80° to 140°. Smaller point angle is favoured for brittle
materials and the larger one for harder and tougher materials. It is the angle included between the
two opposite lips of a drill, measured in a plane containing the axis of the drill and both the lips.
3. Lip clearance angle
The angle formed between the flank and a plane normal to the drill axis, measured at the
periphery of the drill, is called chip clearance angle. Its value varies from 8° to 15° for most of the
drills, but 12° angle is the most common. This angle is formed as a result of grinding the relief
adjacent to the cutting edges to enable easy entry of the drill.
4. Chisel edge angle
When a drill is viewed from its end, there appears to be an obtuse angle formed between the
lip and the chisel edge. This angle is called the chisel edge angle. It determines the clearance on
the cutting lip near the chisel edge. The greater this angle the larger will be the clearance.
Normally this angle varies between 120° and 135°, although on some smaller drills it may be as
large as 145°.
The twist drills are made to carry one of the following two types of spiral grooves on the body :
1. High Helix
They carry a Helix angle of 35° to 40° and a heavy web. Their groove width is larger than that
of the usual twist drills and, therefore, they enable easier and quicker disposal of chips. They are
largely employed for deep hole drilling, especially in low tensile strength materials like copper,
aluminium, die casting alloys, plastics, wood, etc. They are also known as fast spiral drills.
2. Low Helix
They carry a smaller helix angle and are relatively more rigid. On account of their high
rigidity, they are capable of taking higher torque and heavier feeds. They are widely used in
general drilling work. They are also known as slow spiral drills.
4.9 Tool Holding Devices
 Taper shank tools, of which the shank is sufficiently large are directly fitted in the tapered
hole of the spindle nose.
 Those taper shank tools, of which the shank is too small to fit the taper hole of the spindle, are
held in a socket.
 The shank of this socket has a standard taper to fit the taper hole in the spindle.
 Still smaller taper shank drills or other tools are first fitted with a sleeve, which fits into the
socket and the complete assembly in the spindle.
 The socket and sleeve are shown in Figure.
 The socket as well as sleeve both carries a key slot each and a tang is provided at the end of
the shank of each of these.
 Thus tang fits into the slot at the end of the tapered hole and helps in providing a positive
drive for the tool as the grip of taper alone is not sufficient.
 The drift shown in Figure helps in taking out the socket, sleeve or the tool by driving it into
the key slot. By doing so, the drift presses against the top of the tang and because of the taper
on the shank as well as the corresponding hole, the part of tool is driven out.
 Straight shank drills are always held in a drill chuck.

Figure shows an Assembly, consisting of a taper shank twist drill held in socket and Drill spindle.
For removing the socket and drill, a drift is driven into the hole. As it is driven in, it’s tapered face
forces the socket out. The drill can also be removed from the socket in the same way.
Holding Parallel Shank Drills
A drill chuck is the most popular and useful device for holding parallel shank drills and other
small tools. Two types of chucks are commonly used :
 A Self Centring 3-jaw Chuck
 A Quick Change Chuck.
A drill chuck is capable of holding a fairly wide range of drill sizes and it is usually provided
with Radial fingers for this purpose. The chuck key is used for rotating the toothed Body of the
chuck. Inside the body there are three radial fingers which carry teeth on their outer faces. These
teeth mesh with three toothed blocks, mounted on ball bearings inside. For operating the chuck,
the pilot of the key is inserted in the pilot hole so that the teeth of the gear, provided on the key,
engage with the teeth provided on the body. As the key is rotated, the outer body rotates together
with the toothed blocks inside. This forces the fingers to move outwards or inwards, depending
upon the direction of rotation of the key. This enables a firm gripping of the tool or its loosening
respectively. The internal construction of such a 3-jaw self centering chuck is shown in Figure.
While operating this chuck, the drill spindle has to be stopped and then only the key is fitted and

Another type of chuck, normally employed in mass production work, is known as a Quick change
Chuck. The main advantage of this chuck is that the machine spindle is not required to be stopped
while changing the tool. Thus, a number of tools can be held and replaced quickly, one after the
other, without stopping the spindle. This type of requirement is always there when a number of
different operations, like drilling, reaming, boring, spot facing etc. are to be performed repeatedly
on the same machine, such that a different tool is to be held for each operation.
4.10 Cutting Speeds, Feeds and Depth of Cut
The cutting speeds and feeds in drilling, as in case of other machines, depend upon many
factors like material to be cut, material of tool type of finish required, type of coolant used,
capacity of machine and the tool life, etc. The amount of feed per revolution usually varies
between .05 mm to .38 mm upto 25 mm dia. Drills. The spindle speed in r.p.m. can be calculated
from the formula :

[where d=drill dia in mm]

Also, cutting speed (S) is given by

where, d=drill dia. in mm and, N=spindle speed in rpm.

From the above relation it is clear that for the same peripheral speed (S), the smaller the drill
dia (d) the more will be the rotational speed (N), i.e, a smaller drill will rotate at a faster rate than
a larger drill in order to maintain the same cutting speed. Also, there is a gradual variation in the
cutting speed from ‘zero’ at the centre to the maximum at the periphery.
Example: A hole of 20 mm dia. is to be drilled through a mild steel plate 16mm thick. Calculate
the r.p.m. of the drill spindle when the cutting speed is 26 meters per min.


It is the distance a drill moves, parallel to its axis, into the work in each revolution of the
spindle. It is expressed in mm per revolution. If the total distance moved by the drill into the
work, parallel to its axis, in one minute is considered, it can be expressed as feed in mm per
minute. Now, if N be the No. Of revolutions made per minute by the drill, then :
Feed in mm/min = Feed in mm/rev.×N
The following factors govern the amount of feed to be provided:
 Workpiece material
 Depth of drilling
 Range of available feeds
 Rigidity of the machine
 Degree of surface finish required
 Horse power of the motor
 Drill size.
Depth of Cut
In drilling operation the depth of cut is measured at right angles to the axis of the drill, i.e, the
direction of feed, and is numerically equal to one-half of the diameter of the drill. It can be
expressed as :

Example : At what speed a 15mm dia. drill will run, to drill a hole through a brass plate 20mm
thick, in order to cut the material at a surface speed of 60 m.p.m. also calculate the feed used, per


4.11 Estimating Machining Time

In drilling operation, the Machining Time is given by

Where N = rpm of drill

L = Length of axial travel of drill in mm
f = feed per rev. in mm
T = machining time in min
Now L = l+a (See Fig.)
Where l = depth or thickness of workpiece
A = approach of drill = 0.3d
d = diameter of drill

Example:Calculate the machining time for drilling 4 holes of 16 mm dia. each on a flange from
the following data. Flange thickness=30 mm; cutting speed = 22 mpm, Feed=0.2 mm/rev.


For one hole;

The operation of Boring differs from Drilling in that it implies the enlargement of an or
Forging. When small holes are to be bored. Particularly in small jobs, which can be conveneienty
held in Chucks or Face plates, the operation of Boring can easily be done on centre lathes or
capstan and turrets of medium size. For large and heavy jobs, special boring machines are to be
used, which make the operation easy and efficent. These machines are, however, production
machines and their use is normally confined to those shops where their existence is justified by
the need for boring on a large scale.
Boring is the process of using a single point tool to enlarge and locate a preciously made
hole. Drills tend to wander or drift, thus, where greater accuracy is requuired, drilling is followed
by boring and reaming.
- Beside enlarging previously made holes, a boring machine can be used for drilling, facing,
milling etc.
- Boring machines are one of the largest of the machine tools and are able to machine
workpiece wieghing upto 180kN.
 The boring tool for a boring machine is usually a single point cutting tool made of HSS or
carbide and is mounted on the tool head. It is capable of vertical movment and radial
movement guided by the cross rail. The head can be swivelled to produce tapered internal
surfaces or taper boring.
4.13 Classification of Boring Machines
Boring machines are manufactured in various designs and sizes. They can be broadly be
classified as follows :
1. Horizontal boring machines (HBM)
(i) Table type HBM
(ii) Planer type HBM
… Production machines
(iii)Floor type HBM
(iv) Multiple spindle HBM.
2. Vertical boring machines
3. Jig boring machines ……… Pricision machine used for precision boring operations such
as Jig boring.
4.13.1 Horizontal Boring Machines -
i) Table Type HBM
The table type or universal type is the most versatile and commonly used horizontal boring
machine. Figure shows the block diagram of a horizontal boring, drilling and milling machine.
The principal features of this machines are,

 It is a heavy Cast Ironstructure and is the main supporting member of the machine.
 It supports and links all the other units of the machine.
 It has a closed box shaped cross-section and carries wide Gujideways at its top.
 The walls are adequately reinforced by means of a number of cross and longitudinal Stiffening
 A separate Housing on the right-hand side of the bed, which can be on the left hand side also,
as shown in Figure, carries mechanisms for the Vertical traverse of the Headstock and the
Longitudinal traverse of the Table.
 Also, it carries a motor for automatic rapid traverse of these units.
 The Column and the Table are mounted directly on the bed ways.
 Various Control levers, shanks and other details are provided on the same side of the bed to
affect different traverses of the above units.
 On the left hand side of the bed is provided the End-support column or stay. It is also directly
mounted on the Guideways.
Main Column
 It is another sturdy part of the machine which provides support to the complete Headstock
 At its front, it carries Vertical Guideways, along which the Headstock travels up and down.
 A Counterweight is always necessary to balance the Headstock.
 This weight may be inside or outside the column, but the latter pattern is preferred in order to
increase the rigidity of the Column aas it makes room for the stiffening ribs to be provided
 As the Colimn has to carry enough loads during the operation, it is made sufficiently sturdy
and robust to ensure adequate rigidity and resistance to vibrations.
 It is an independent unit of the machine which carries a number of different mechanisms,
interconnected to one another, to enable the different operations to be performed by it.
 The main mechanisms and other devices are the following:
a) Main Driving Mechanism. b) Spindle Assembly.
c) SpindleTraverse Mechanisms. d) Feed Gear Box.
e) Headstock Extension. f) Speed and Feed Changing Mechanisms.
g) Turnstile Assembly. h) Clamping Device. i) Oil Pumps
Table and Saddle
 The complete unit consists of two Saddles and a rotary Table.
 Out of the two saddles, the lower one moves longitudinally along the horizontal guideways
provided on the bed.
 The upper saddle moves at right angles to the direction of movement of the lower saddle along
the Cross Guideways provided on the latter.
 At its top, the upper saddle carries Circular Guideways, along which the rotary table can be
rotated and swivelled to any desired position.
 The horizontal traverse of the Lower Saddle, cross traverse of the Upper Saddle and the rotary
motion of the Table can all be operated manually or by power, as desired.
 Provision is always made for proper lubrication of all the moving parts.
End Support Column or Stay
 It is provided to carry the End support (Bar Holder), as shown.
 At its front it carries vertical guideways along which moves the Bar Holder carrying the
 A common Lead shaft is incorporated in the bed which synchronises the vertical movements
of the Bar Holder on one side and the Headstock on the other side.
 The use of Bar Holder is taken for supporting the outer end of the overhanging Boring Bar
when the overhang is too much, as in case of boringlong holes.
 A Device is fitted to the End Support Column to facilitate an automatic alignment of the axis
of the bearing of the Bar holder with that of the Boring spindle.
ii) Floor Type Horizontal Boring Machine
 This machine is a comparatively heavier type of Horizontal Boring Machine.
 The operating and spindle supporting units are not mounted on a bed, as in Table type
machine described above, but are carried on separate runways which facilitate the
movement of these units, together with the spindle, past the work.

 The work does not move at all, but is kept stationary at a platform called Floor Plate.
 It is this relative movement of work with respect to the other units of the machine in which
it differs from Table type Machine (See Figure).
 This type of machine is very suitable for long and heavy jobs, of which frequent
manipulation on a table is not easy
iii) Planer Type Horizontal Boring Machine

 This machine resembles in construction with the Table type.

 The only differences is in the construction and operation of the Work Supporting
 In this, a heavy Cross bed is incorporated between the Spindle Column and the end Support
 The bed is mounted across the axis of the spindle and carries a Table over it. On its two sides
it carries the two columns.
 The Main Column, carrying the Headstock, is rigidly fixed whereas the End-support Column
can move towards or away from this bed along the horizontal ways provided on the top of the
Cross bed, at right angles to the former bed. The job is mounted on the table.
 In operation, it resembles a Planer in that the tool is held between the two columns or mounted
on the Headstock only and the work, mounted on the table, moves past the tool. (See Figure).
 This type of machine is very suitable for long jobs.
iv) Multiple Head Type Horizontal Boring Machine

 It consists of two Vertical Columns mounted on the sides of a stationary bed.

 The columns are bridged by means of Cross-rail. As a maximum, four Headstocks can be
mounted on the machine, one each on the two vertical colimns and two on the Cross rail.
 The Headstocks on the columns will have Horizontal spindles and those on the Cross rail
Vertical spindles.
 In this way, maximum four tools can be mounted simulataneously on this machine.
 The work is mounted on the Table which is supported and moved on the bed.
 In this way, this machine very nearly resembles a Planner type Milling machine.
 The Headstocks can be swivelled to desired angles if angular cuts are required to be taken
(See Figure), thus, machining on more than one surfaces on a job is possible simultaneously
as upto four tools can operate simultaneously on the job from different angles and at different
Machine Size of Horizontal Machines
The size of a Horizontal Boring machine is designed by the maximum diameter of the Boring Bar
it can hold. The common sizes vary from 75 mm to 350 mm. Other main details to specify a
Boring Machine fully include the following:
 Type of Machine.
 Maximum travel of the Spindle.
 Maximum travel of Table in longitudinal and cross direction, if it is a Table type machine.
 Spindle speeds and feeds.
 Maximum allowable weight of work piece. It is a significant factor in case of those
machines in which the work moves.
 Power of Electric Motors.
 Heights of Columns.
 Size of Table or Floor Plate, as the case may be.
 Gross Weight of the Machine.
 Floor Space required.
4.13.2 Vertical Boring Machines
A Vertical Boring Machine is named so because the work held on a rotary table about a vertical
axis while the tool(s) remain stationary, except for feeding. The Table, together with the work,
rotates in a horizontal plane. Thus, if the table is considered to have replaced the chuck or face
plate of a centre lathe, this machine can be considered as a Vertical Lathe with its Bed working as
a Headstock.
Mainly the following three types of Boring machines fall in this category:
 Standard Vertical Boring Mills
 Vertical Turret Lathes
 Vertical Precision Boring Machines
All these machines can be used for vertical boring.

i) Standard Vertical Boring Mill

It consists of a heavy cast iron Bed which carries a Circular Table over it. On the sides of the bed
are two Vertical Columns which are bridged together by means a Cross-rail, as shown by means
of a block diagram in Figure. As a maximum, four Tool heads can be mounted on the machine,
one each on the two Columns and two on the Cross-rail. This number can also be reduced
according to the requirements. Usually the Tool heads carry the provision for being swivelled to a
certain angle for taking Angular cuts. The Work is mounted on the table which rotates about its
vertical axis. The rotating work is, thus, fed against fixed tools, which results in circular cuts
being taken on the job. The Table is provided with T-slots for clamping the work.
Usually large and symmetrical workpieces, such as cylindrical objects, are bored on these
machines. A few examples are the Casings for steam Turbines, Tables for Machines tools and
Pressure vessels. An important point to be noted here is that the Vertical Housings on the two
sides of the table limit the size of the work that can be machined on this machine. This maximum
size of the work would be nearly equal to the diameter of the machine table and the same will
represent the size of the machine. Note that this machine will not undertake oversize work due to
the above limitation.

ii) Vertical Turret Lathe

It carries a special advantage that many tools can be simultaneously mounted on the Turret head
and, therefore, a large number of different operations can be performed in addition to Boring, in a
single setting of work. The table of the machine is of rotary type and carries Adjustable jaws for
clamping the work. That is why it is frequently called a Chuck also in this particular case.
The main parts and their possible movements are shown in the block diagram
(Figure). The Rotary table rotates over the Bed about a vertical axis. The workpiece is held over
this table. Maximum two Slide Tool Posts can be mounted, one each on each column. These
Tool posts can be adjusted vertically and they can also move forward and backward. Also, in
some designs they can be made inclined. One or two Vertical Tool Heads can be mounted on the
Cross-rail, which can be adjusted horizontally along the Cross-rail. Each Vertical Toolhead will
carry a Turret Head so as to enable mounting of a number of tools in sequence on it to enable
different operations to be performed in a single-setting of tools. The Turret Head can be indexed
after each operation to bring the proper tool in position for the next operation. The Vertical Tool
Head can also be moved upward and downward according to requirement.
iii) Vertical Precision Boring Machine
It is a production machine basically designed for boring holes in Cylindrical Blocks and Liners of
Automobiles Engines, fine boring of parts in ferrous and non-ferrous metals, etc. In appearance it
looks like a jib boring machine, but differs from the latter in that it does not carry the Pick-up
Device for coordinate setting.
Salient Design Features of the Machine:

 The machine is convenient in operation and is provided with the necessary interlocking
devices, ensuring its operation without breakages.
 The machine is of a highly rigid and vibration-proof design which ensures maintaining its
initial accuracy of performance over a long period of time.
 The control of the speed and feed gearbox is conveniently grouped in an easy-to-reach place
and is performed by means of three levers.
 Most of the machine units are assembled in independent housings, which considerably
facilitate their repair.
 The table, being movable in two directions, permits to bore several holes in a workpiece at
one setting.
 The high upper limit of the spindle speed, the ample power of the main drive motor and the
rigidity of the machine permit to use the up-to date carbide cutting tools.
 Precision antifriction spindle bearings ensure the machine durability and high accuracy and surface
4.13.3 Jig Boring Machine

A Jig Boring Machine is a specially designed Machine Tool used for precision location and
production of holes, as are needed in Jigs, Fixtures, Templates, Dies, Gauges etc. Such a high
degree of accuracy is usually called for where the relative location of different holes on the same
or adjacent parts affects their operation.
In appearance and construction a Jig Boring Machine resembles very much to a Vertical
Boring Machine, but it is comparatively more rigid and accurate than the latter. It machine
surfaces rapidly and accurately using cemented carbide and diamond tipped single point cutting
tool. It essentially consists of a vertical column and a heavy base on which the bed of the machine
is mounted and also supports the other parts of the machine. The column, at its top, carries the
spindle head which can slide up and down along the vertical guide ways provided at the front of
the former. A saddle is mounted on the horizontal ways on the top of the base to give cross-feed
to the work. The table is mounted over the saddle and the same can move to and fro at right angles
to the movement of the saddle, along the guide ways provided on the latter the work is, thus,
given the longitudinal movement by moving the Table, cross movement by moving the saddle and
vertical adjustment of the tool to the work is made by moving the spindle head up or down. A
quill is provided in the spindle head and the spindle moves inside it. Spindle and bearings of the
machine is constructed with high precision and the work table permits extra precise movement
and control. Jig Borers consists of devices with stable and adjustable end gauges and indicator
sensing units for precision measurement and location of holes. The machines are installed in
insulated areas in which a constant temperature of 200 C is maintained. Jig Boring machines are
operated by highly skilled workers. Different Systems of Measurement
There is not much difference among the different types of Jig Boring Machines, though there
seem to be so with respect to their designs and sizes. The specific difference, which is of
importance, lies in systems of Measurements carried by these machines.
The common systems of Measurements adopted in different Jig Bores are the following:
1. Precision Lead-Screw System
This system consists of a Lead-screw, under the table for moving it, a graduated micrometer
dial at its end and a compensating device for corrections in errors in the table movement. The
compensating device consists of a profile cam fitted on the side of the table, a lever to follow the
cam profile as the table moves and a Link to transfer the variations in the cam to the vernier fitted
on the dial of the lead screw. Another similar arrangement is used for cross movements of the
saddle. The advantage of this system is that it is enclosed in the machine and is, therefore, not
affected by the variations in room temperature. Also, it provides a rapid traverse, but has a
disadvantage also in that it limits the size of the table and its travel.
2. End Measure System
‘End measures’ are nothing but accurately finished rods to Gauge block accuracy. Their
lengths are always in even millimetres or inches and the adjustments for decimal fraction are
made with the help of Inside micrometers. The end measures and the micrometer and placed in a
trough between a Dial indicator on one side and an adjustable stop on the other side on the table.
The table is then moved till the dial indicator reads zero. This gives the required location of the
hole with respect to two mutually normal finished surfaces. This system is very simple and easy
in setting. Also, it does not limit the size of the Machine and the effect of wear is almost
negligible, but care should be taken to protect the measures from the effect of temperature
vibrations and dirt, etc., as they lie in an open though.
3. Scale and Microscope System
In this system, accurately graduated scales are incoroporated in the machine to read the
longitudinal movement of the table and the cross traverse fo the saddle. These measurements are
read through a microscope. The main advantages of this system is that it carries now wearing
parts and is free from the effect of dirl, etc., as it is enclosed in the machine. Care should however,
be taken to keep it free from the temperature effect.
4. Electromagnetic System
This system consists of two Master Bars, attached one each to the underside of the table and
the saddle. These bars carry a series of equi-spaced projections which are magnetized. The centre
to centre distance between adjacent projections is constant and the total accumulated error for the
total length of the bar is 0.005mm. Just below the table there is a Precision micrometer screw
having a micrometer dial at its end. A movable slide is connected to this screw and a Magnetic
Head is fastened to the slide. This Head is also connected to a meter which gives a ‘zero’ reading
when the magnetic centre of a projection is just in front of the Head. This is a very efficient
system which enables a rapid traverse of table and saddle except at the end of the setting where a
relatively slower movement is needed. Detail Description of a Jig Borer
A High Quality Jig Boring Machine is illustrated in Figure. It carries an Electromagnetic System
of Measurements. The diagram shows all its Main parts and Controls. It is basically designed for
Drilling and Boring holes in Jigs, Fixtures, Templates, Gauges, Dies and other components of
small and medium sizes, where a very accurate location of holes is needed. It can also be used for
doing light milling work. The machine is also equipped with the plain rotary as well as inclined
rotary tables, in addition to the rectangular table, so that the holes can be drilled and bored along
the circumference of the work and also at an inclination. It carries a guaranteed accuracy of centre
to centre distance of 0.006mm. This model of the machine conforms to the following main

This machine consists of the following main parts:

1. Bed: It is the main supporting member of the machine. It is made of cast iron and is
highly rigid because of its box shaped construction having stiffening ribs. The column is
mounted on it and at its top it carries guide ways for the saddle. Electrical for spindle drive and
table feed drive are housed in it.
2. Column: It is hollow vertical cast iron structure carrying vertical guideways at its front for
the vertical hand traverse of the spindle head. Counterweights for balancing the spindle head are
housed inside it. It also carries the counterweight for balancing the spindle with the quill,
clamping device for spindle head and the belt drive for spindle.
3. Spindle Head: It is mounted in front of the column. A Rack and Pinion mechanism, operated
by a Handwheel is used to adjust its position vertically. It carries the Quill, drive gear box and
Feed gear box for the spindle. An indicator device is provided on it to measure the boring depth
correctly. A separate dial is provided at its front to set the length of spindle travel. The feed gear
box provides 6 spindle feeds a stop disengages a clutch at the end of previously set travel to
disengage the spindle feed automatically.
4. Table and Saddle: The table and Saddle are given longitudinal and transverse motions
respectively by a separate Electric motor inside the bed. They also carry the Clamping and
Measurements reading mechanisms. Rapid transverse of table and saddle is affected by a clutch
operated by an Electromagnet. Verniers are provided for setting the table by hand. The plain and
inclined Rotary tables are provided in addition to the Rectangular table for boring holes along
the circumference of a job and at desired inclination respectively.
5. Pick up Device: An Electro-magnetic system is used for accurate setting of longitudinal and
cross coordinates automatically and for automatic stopping of them as they reach nearer the
previously set traverses. Pick up for longitudinal coordinate is mounted on the table and that for
the cross coordinate on the saddle. The pickup device consists of a nut of 5mm pitch threads, a
Coil to create an electric field and a screw of 5mm pitch threads. The coil moves along the screw
with the nut and the indicator (or meter) shows the exact position of the table or saddle for each
5mm travel. Automatic switching off of electric current just before reaching the end of preset
travel is accomplished by means of an adjustable stop. The remaining setting is done by hand.
Coordinates can be set with accuracy up to 0.001mm three dials are provided for reading the
setting of the coordinates, one giving the whole numbers of millimeters, second reads up to
0.01mm and the third reads up to 0.001mm.

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