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ROLL NO.- 01501042019

● Drilling machine is one of the most important machine tools in a workshop. It was
designed to produce a cylindrical hole of required diameter and depth on metal
workpieces. Though holes can be made by different machine tools in a shop, drilling
machine is designed specifically to perform the operation of drilling and similar
operations. Drilling can be done easily at a low cost in a shorter period of time in a
drilling machine.
● Drilling can be called as the operation of producing a cylindrical hole of required
diameter and depth by removing metal by the rotating edges of a drill. The cutting tool
known as drill is fitted into the spindle of the drilling machine. A mark of indentation is
made at the required location with a centre punch. The rotating drill is pressed at the
location and is fed into the work. The hole can be made upto a required depth.


The basic parts of a drilling machine are a base, column, drill head and spindle. The base made
of cast iron may rest on a bench, pedestal or floor depending upon the design. Larger and
heavy-duty machines are grounded on the floor. The column is mounted vertically upon the
base. It is accurately machined and the table can be moved up and down on it. The drill
spindle, an electric motor and the mechanism meant for driving the spindle at different speeds
are mounted on the top of the column. Power is transmitted from the electric motor to the
spindle through a flat belt or a ‘V’ belt.


Drilling machines are manufactured in different types and sizes according to the type of
operation, amount of feed, depth of cut, spindle speeds, method of spindle movement and the
required accuracy.
The different types of drilling machines are:
1. Portable drilling machine (or) Hand drilling machine
2. Sensitive drilling machine (or) Bench drilling machine
3. Upright drilling machine
4. Radial drilling machine
5. Gang drilling machine
6. Multiple spindle drilling machine
7. Deep hole drilling machine

● Portable drilling machine

Portable drilling machine can be carried and used anywhere in the workshop. It is used
for drilling holes on workpieces in any position, which is not possible in a standard
drilling machine. The entire drilling mechanism is compact and small in size and so can
be carried anywhere. This type of machine is widely adapted for automobile built-up
work. The motor is generally universal type. These machines can accommodate drills
from 12mm to 18 mm diameter. Portable drilling machines are operated at higher

● Sensitive drilling machine

It is designed for drilling small holes at high speeds in light jobs. High speed and hand
feed are necessary for drilling small holes. The base of the machine is mounted either on
a bench or on the floor by means of bolts and nuts. It can handle drills upto 15.5mm of
diameter. The drill is fed into the work purely by hand. The operator can sense the
progress of the drill into the work because of hand feed. The machine is named so
because of this reason. A sensitive drilling machine consists of a base, column, table,
spindle, drill head and the driving mechanism.
The base is made of cast iron and so can withstand vibrations. It may be mounted on a bench or on the floor. It
supports all the other parts of the machine on it.

The column stands vertically on the base at one end. It supports the work table and the drill
head. The drill head has drill spindle and the driving motor on either side of the column.
The table is mounted on the vertical column and can be adjusted up and down on it. The table
has ‘T’-slots on it for holding the workpieces or to hold any other work holding device. The
table can be adjusted vertically to accommodate workpieces of different heights and can be
clamped at the required position.
Drill head
Drill head is mounted on the top side of the column. The drill spindle and the driving motor are
connected by means of a V-belt and cone pulleys. The motion is transmitted to the spindle
from the motor by the belt. The pinion attached to the handle meshes with the rack on the
sleeve of the spindle for providing the drill the required down feed. There is no power feed
arrangement in this machine. The spindle rotates at a speed ranging from 50 to 2000 rpm.
● Upright drilling machine
The upright drilling machine is designed for handling medium sized workpieces. Though
it looks like a sensitive drilling machine, it is larger and heavier than a sensitive drilling
machine. Holes of diameter upto 50mm can be made with this type of machine. Besides,
it is supplied with power feed arrangement. For drilling different types of work, the
machine is provided with a number of spindle speeds and feed.
● Radial drilling machine
The radial drilling machine is intended for drilling on medium to large and heavy
workpieces. It has a heavy round column mounted on a large base. The column supports
a radial arm, which can be raised or lowered to enable the table to accommodate
workpieces of different heights. The arm, which has the drill head on it, can be swung
around to any position. The drill head can be made to slide on the radial arm. The
machine is named so because of this reason. It consists of parts like base, column, radial
arm, drill head and driving mechanism.
4) Size of a drilling machine (Specification)
Drilling machines are specified according to their type.
To specify the machine completely the following factors are considered:
1. the maximum diameter of the drill that it can handle
2. the size of the largest workpiece that can be centred under the spindle
3. distance between the face of the column and the axis of the spindle
4. diameter of the table
5. maximum travel of the spindle
6. numbers and range of spindle speeds and feeds available
7. Morse taper number of the drill spindle
8. floor space required
9. weight of the machine
10. Power input is also needed to specify the machine completely.
5) Work holding devices
The work should be held firmly on the machine table before performing any operation on it. As
the drill exerts very high quantity of torque while rotating, the work should not be held by
hand. If the workpiece is not held by a proper holding device, it will start rotating along with
the tool causing injuries to the operator and damage to the machine.
The devices used for holding the work in a drilling machine are:
1. Drill vise
2. ‘T’ - bolts and clamps
3. Step block
4. V - block
5. Angle plate
6. Drill jigs

A profilometer is a measuring instrument used to measure a surface's profile,
in order to quantify its roughness. Critical dimensions as step, curvature,
flatness are computed from the surface topography.
While the historical notion of a profilometer was a device similar to a
phonograph that measures a surface as the surface is moved relative to the
contact profilometer's stylus, this notion is changing with the emergence of
numerous non-contact profilometry techniques.
Non-scanning technologies are able to measure the surface topography within
a single camera acquisition, XYZ scanning is no longer needed. As a
consequence, dynamic changes of topography are measured in real-time.
Contemporary profilometers are not only measuring static topography, but
now also dynamic topography – such systems are described as time-resolved

Optical methods include interferometry based methods such as digital
holographic microscopy, vertical scanning interferometry/white light
interferometry, phase shifting interferometry, and differential interference
contrast microscopy (Nomarski microscopy); focus detection methods such as
intensity detection, focus variation, differential detection, critical angle
method, astigmatic method, foucault method, and confocal microscopy;
pattern projection methods such as Fringe projection, Fourier profilometry,
Moire, and pattern reflection methods.
Contact and pseudo-contact methods include stylus profilometer (mechanical
profilometer) atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy.

Contact profilometers:
A diamond stylus is moved vertically in contact with a sample and then moved
laterally across the sample for a specified distance and specified contact force.
A profilometer can measure small surface variations in vertical stylus
displacement as a function of position. A typical profilometer can measure
small vertical features ranging in height from 10 nanometres to 1 millimetre.
The height position of the diamond stylus generates an analog signal which is
converted into a digital signal, stored, analyzed, and displayed. The radius of
diamond stylus ranges from 20 nanometres to 50 μm, and the horizontal
resolution is controlled by the scan speed and data signal sampling rate. The
stylus tracking force can range from less than 1 to 50 milligrams.
Advantages of contact profilometers include acceptance, surface
independence, resolution, it is a direct technique with no modeling required.
Most of the world's surface finish standards are written for contact
profilometers. To follow the prescribed methodology, this type of profilometer
is often required. Contacting the surface is often an advantage in dirty
environments where non-contact methods can end up measuring surface
contaminants instead of the surface itself. Because the stylus is in contact with
the surface, this method is not sensitive to surface reflectance or color. The
stylus tip radius can be as small as 20 nanometres, significantly better than
white-light optical profiling. Vertical resolution is typically sub-nanometer as

Non-contact profilometers
An optical profilometer is a non-contact method for providing much of the
same information as a stylus based profilometer. There are many different
techniques which are currently being employed, such as laser triangulation
(triangulation sensor), confocal microscopy (used for profiling of very small
objects), low coherence interferometry and digital holography.
Advantages of optical profilometers are speed, reliability and spot size. For
small steps and requirements to do 3D scanning, because the non-contact
profilometer does not touch the surface the scan speeds are dictated by the
light reflected from the surface and the speed of the acquisition electronics.
For doing large steps, a 3D scan on an optical profiler can be much slower than
a 2D scan on a stylus profiler. Optical profilometers do not touch the surface
and therefore cannot be damaged by surface wear or careless operators. Many
non-contact profilometers are solid-state which tends to reduce the required
maintenance significantly. The spot size, or lateral resolution, of optical
methods ranges from a few micrometres down to sub micrometre.

To make use of a tool maker microscope for measurement of dimensional
parameters of the given workpiece.

Tool maker’s microscope, measuring workpiece (thread figure).

The tool maker’s microscope essentially consists of the cast base, the main
lightning unit, the upright with carrying arm and the sight seeing microscope.
The rigid cast base is resting on three foot screws by means of which the
equipment can be leveled with reference to built-in spirit level. The base carries
the coordinate measuring table., consists of two measuring slides : one for X
direction and other for Y, and a rotary circular table provided for the glass plate.
The slides run on precision balls in hardened guideways warranting reliable
travel. Two micrometer screws each of them having a measuring range of
0-25mm permit the table to be displaced. The range can be increased to 75mm
in X and 50mm in y directions using gauge blocks. The rotary table has been
provided with 360 degrees graduation and with a 60 minute vernir. The main
light unit has been arranged in the rear of the cast base and equipped with a
projection lamp where rays are directed via a stationary mounted mirror
through a table glass plate into a sighting microscope.

Tool maker’s microscope is a precision optical microscope that consists of single
or multiple objective lenses, which magnifies the object under observation and
by the help of eyepiece lens the object is focused and viewed. The angle is
measured with rotating stage and eyepiece graduation.
Tool maker’s microscope is an essential part of engineering inspection,
measurement and calibration in metrology labs.

● Examination of form tools, plate and gauges punches.

● Measurement of glass graticules and other surface marked parts.
● Elements of external thread forms of screw plugs guages, taps, worms
● Shallow bore and recesses.

Switch on the projection lamp. Get familiar with the least count, linear and
angular readings of the tool maker’s microscope. Place the given thread on the
glass table. Viewing through the eyepiece, rotate the knob for moving the
carrier arm on the column to get a sharp image of the specimen kept on the
glass plate. Position the specimen such that table movement in the X direction
is parallel to the direction of the pitch measurement.
● To measure the pitch: Take the hacksaw blade and mount on the moving
blade of the tool maker’s Microscope in horizontal position. Focus the
microscope on the blade. Make the cross line in the microscope coincide
with one of the edges of the blade. Take a reading on the ground glass
screen, this is the initial reading. The table is again moved until the next
edge of the blade coincides with the cross-line on the screen and the
final reading takes the difference between initial and final reading and
gives the pitch of the blade.

● To measure the depth of the thread: similarly rotate the micrometer

head for Y direction to touch the inspection point of the crosswire to the
root of the thread as seen from the eye piece. Note the reading. Again
rotate the mocromen]ter head to move. The difference in reading will
give the depth of thread.

● To measure the thread angle: Using this microscope, it is possible to

measure the angles by using the protractor eyepiece. This allows for the
angles of the object to be viewed and determined.
Comparison measurement
● This is where the microscope is used to do comparison of the thread
forms, measuring of the pitch and diameter. Here, the microscope
achieves this using the master profiles engravings in the eyepiece.

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