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Yishun Junior College 2009 Preliminary Exam H2 Maths 9740 Paper 1

1 A sequence of positive real numbers x1, x2 , x3 , … satisfies the recurrence relation

1 x
xn 1  xn  xn , for n  1.
2 e n
(a) Prove algebraically that, if the sequence { xn } converges, then it converges to L, a
real number to be determined exactly. [2]

1 x
The diagram below shows the graphs of y  x and y  f ( x)  x  x sketched on the
2 e
same axes.
y  f ( x)

O x

(b) Given that 0  x1  L , make use of the sketch provided to demonstrate how the
recurrence relation xn 1  f ( xn ) will produce a sequence x1 , x2 , x3 , ... converging
to L. [2]

 1
2 (i) Expand  2   in ascending powers of x , up to and including the terms in x5 .
 x
State the range of x for which the expansion is valid. [4]

(ii) Write down, in its simplest form, the coefficient of x r of the expansion in
part (i). [1]

  
 cos  i sin 
The complex number w is given by w  
3 3
3 5
  
 cos  i sin 
 6 6
(i) Find w and the exact value of arg(w). Hence, find the value of w 6 . [3]

(ii) Show that cos   i sin  1  cos   i sin    1  cos   i sin  . Hence, find the
 
value of 1  w  1  w 6 , where w is the complex conjugate of w.

Yishun Junior College 2009 Preliminary Exam H2 Maths 9740 Paper 1

4 The diagram shows the graph of y  f ( x) . The origin O and the point A(a , b) are the
two stationary points of the curve. The straight line y  x  1 and the x-axis are the two
asymptotes of the curve.



Sketch, on separate clearly labeled diagrams, the graphs of

(i) y  f ( x  a)  b , [3]
(ii) y  f ( x) , where f ( x) denotes the first derivative of f ( x) . [2]
In each case, you are also to indicate clearly all the asymptotes and the coordinates of the
points corresponding to O and A.

d  1  2 x   2
5 (a) (i) Show that  cos    = for  1  x  1 .
dx  1 x  1 x2

Explain, in your working, how you use the condition  1  x  1 to conclude

your answer. [3]
(ii) Hence, determine the constants A and B satisfying the equation
 2x 
cos 1    A tan 1 x  B , for  1  x  1 . [3]
1 x 

(b) A right cone with base area A has a fixed height of 10 cm. Given that the base area is
increasing at a rate of 2 cm2s1, calculate the rate of change of the volume of the
cone. [2]

6 In a chemical reaction, the amount of substance X and substance Y are being observed.
There are x grams of substance X and y grams of substance Y at time t minutes. Using a
mathematical model, the variable x and y satisfy the equations
dy dx
 2  x and  e x , for 0  t  1 .
dt dt
(i) Initially, there are no traces of substance X and substance Y present in the reaction.
Express y in terms of x. [4]
(ii) The amount of substance Y during the reaction is the maximum at time k minutes.
Find the value of k. [4]

Yishun Junior College 2009 Preliminary Exam H2 Maths 9740 Paper 1

7 A curve C is defined by the parametric equations x  t 2 and y  , t  0 .
 1
(i) Show that the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point A  t 2 ,  is
 t
2t 3 y  3t 2  x  0 . [3]
(ii) Sketch the curve C and indicate all the line segments emitting from B(12,0) that are
tangential to the curve C. [2]
(iii) Find the area of the region R bounded by the curve C, the line x  a (where a  12)
and the line segments mentioned in part (ii). [4]

8 The functions f and g are defined as follows :

f : x  ln( x  2) , x  2 ,
g : x  f ( x ) , x  .
(a) Solve for all the values of x satisfying the equation fg(x) = gf(x). [4]
(b) (i) Briefly explain why the inverse function of g cannot be formed. [1]
(ii) The function g has an inverse if its domain is restricted to x  a . Determine the
largest value of a. [1]
(iii) Define completely the inverse function g corresponding to the largest value
of a determined in part (b)(ii). [3]

9 The lines l1 and l 2 have equations

0  1  1   2
       
r =  3      2  and r =  0    4 
1  1   2   2
       
respectively, where  and  are real parameters.
(a) Show that the lines l1 and l 2 are distinct parallel lines. [2]
(b) The points A and B have coordinates (0, 3, 1) and (1, 0, 2) respectively. The point P
is a point on the line l1 such that the angle APB is a right angle.
(i) Find the coordinates of the point P. [4]
(ii) Hence, find the shortest distance between the lines l1 and l 2 . [2]
(c) Find the vector equation, in scalar product form, of the plane that contains the lines
l1 and l 2 . [2]

ax 2  x  b
10 The curve C has the equation y  , x  c , where a, b and c are real
(a) Write down the equations of all the asymptotes of the curve. [3]
(b) In the case when a = 1 and c = 1, the curve has a negative gradient throughout the
range of x for which it is defined.
(i) Deduce the range of b. [4]
(ii) Sketch the curve C when b takes the least positive integral value. [2]

Yishun Junior College 2009 Preliminary Exam H2 Maths 9740 Paper 1

11 (a) An arithmetic progression A has first term 1 and common difference 2. A geometric
progression G has first term a and the sum of the first n terms of G may be given by
a n
 
3  1 , where a is an integer.

(i) Given that every term in G is also a term in A, find the condition to be satisfied
by a. [3]
(ii) Prove that the progression
2t1 , 2t 2 , 2t3 , 2t 4 , …
is a geometric progression, where t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 are consecutive terms
in A. [3]
(b) The cost price of a new machine is always $70000. However, the value of the
machine depreciates at a rate of 10% per annum, when in use. The output by this
machine generates revenue of $14000 in the first year, but the revenue generated in
each subsequent year shows a decrease of 7%.
(i) Find the value of the machine after 5 years. [2]
(ii) Calculate the total revenue that could possibly be generated by the machine. [2]
(iii) For economic reasons, the machine has to be replaced by a new one when the
sum of the total revenue received and the prevailing value of the old machine
exceed the cost of a new machine by at least $40000. Calculate the number of
years the machine is in operation (including the year that the machine is being
replaced). [3]

12 (a) (i) Find 

 dx , simplifying your answer as much as possible. [3]
 x 1
4 1 1 2
(ii) Show that 2    2. [1]
x ( x  2) x  2 x x
Use the substitution u  2  e x to evaluate the exact value of
ln 4
 4
 dx . [4]
0 (2  e  x ) 2

(b) Region R is the area bounded by the curves y  sin x , y  tan x and the line y  1 ,

where 0  x  .
(i) Sketch the region of R, labeling all the vertices of the region clearly. [2]
(ii) Find the exact volume of the solid of revolution obtained when the region R is
rotated through 2 radians about the x-axis. [4]

~ End of Paper ~

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