World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences: A Review On Granthi W.S.R To Cystic Swellings

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wjpls, 2021, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 98 – 102.

Review Article ISSN 2454-2229

Suchitra et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical

World and Life
Journal Sciences and Life Science
of Pharmaceutical
SJIF Impact Factor: 6.129


Dr. Suchitra N. Adiga*, Dr. Shankar S. and Dr. Shailaja S. V.

Sri. Kalabhyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center Bangalore Karnataka India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Suchitra N. Adiga

Sri. Kalabhyraveshwaraswamy Ayurvedic Medical College Hospital and Research Center Bangalore Karnataka India.

Article Received on 10/11/2020 Article Revised on 30/11/2020 Article Accepted on 20/12/2020

In Ayurveda Granthi is nothing but pathological condition of vitiated Doshas in Mamsa, Rakta, Meda and other
structures which results into a knot like elevated abnormal growth.[1] Granthi means a cyst or a cystic swelling. A
cyst is a sac or cavity that contains fluid or semisolid matter and surrounded by a wall often lined by epithelial or
endothelial cells. The main line of treatment of cyst is surgical excison along with the sac in contemporary science,
which is also highlighted in Ayurveda by Acharya Charaka.[2] Granthi as explained by Acharya Sushruta is of 5
types and by Acharya Vagbhata is of 9 types. A cyst can be congenital eg- Dermoid cyst or acquired eg- Sebaceous
cyst. It can also be of True which is lined by epithelium/endothelium and False which is formed from anatomical
space i.e., endothelium varieties.[3] The cyst is usually painless, only when it gets infected it becomes painful.[4]
The treatment of cyst is always surgical i.e., excision along with the sac. Only when it gets infected one should go
for conservative management. Both Ayurveda and Contemporary science highlight the Importance of excision of
cyst along with sac. There are high chances of reoccurrance when the sac is not completely removed. In Ayurveda
there is reference of Granthi attaining Paka after which Bhedana is done and treated like a Vrana.

KEYWORDS: Granthi, Tridoshaja, Mamsa, Rakta, Meda, Dermoid cyst, Sebaceous cyst, Paka, Bhedana, Vrana.

INTRODUCTION Pittaja, Kaphaja, Medoja and Siraja, whereas Acharya

Vagbhata adds Raktaja, Mamsaja, Asthija and Vranaja.
Granthi is a swelling which may be hard /soft. The word
meaning of Granthi is a lump or knot. Acharya Vagbhata
In Greek the word meaning of Cyst is “Bladder”. Cyst is
says because it is a knot like structure it is called
collection of fluid in a sac which is lined by epithelium
Granthi.[5] Acharya Charaka explains Granthi along with
or endothelium. Cyst is mainly of two types True cyst
the concept of Shwayathu.[6] Granthi is defined as
which is lined by epithelium or endothelium and False
“Vritonnatam vigrathitam tu shopham kurvantyato
cyst which doesn’t have lining epithelium or
granthiriti pradishtaha” by Acharya Sushruta, which
means a swelling which is spherical in shape, raised from
the skin surface and resembles a knot.[7] Similarly a cyst
Classification of Granthi
is a fluid filled sac, which can occur in any part of the
Granthi is of 5 types as explained by Acharya Sushruta
body and can vary in size. Granthi is a Kapha Pradhana
and Madhavakara, Yoga ratnakara also opines the same.
Tridoshaja Vyadhi, Acharya Sushruta mentions that Vata
It is of 6 types as expained by Acharya Charaka and 9
when vitiates Mamsa there will be Saruja Granthi and
types as explained by Acharya Vagbhata and
when vitiates Meda there will be Alparuja Granthi.[8] It is
of 5 types according to Acharya Sushruta that are Vataja,

Table 1: Types of Granthi according to different Acharyas.[9,10]

Type Sushruta Vagbhata Charaka Sharangadhara Madhava Nidana Yogaratnakara
Vataja + + + + + +
Pittaja + + + + + +
Kaphaja + + + + + +
Medoja + + + + + +
Siraja + + + + + +
Raktaja - + - + - -
Mamsaja - + + + - - │ Vol 7, Issue 1, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 98

Adiga et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Science

Asthija - + - + - -
Vranaja - + - + - -

Vataja Granthi or compression to nerves. Clinically lipomas can be

This type seems as if it were drawn into and elevated or sinple, multiple or diffuse.[18]
as if seveered or pricked with needle or as if cut in two or
pierced. The granthi assumes black color and is rough. It Siraja Granthi
feels like distended bladder. On opening there clear Excessive Vyayama (exertion) by a person who is weak
blood discharge.[11] These feaures can be seen in and emaciaed, Vata gets vitiated in the vascular bundles
Ganglion. (Sira Pratana), which in turn causes Sampeedana
(compression), Sankocha and Vishoshana producing
Ganglion is a cystic swelling occuring in relation to Granthi in the Sira in less time which is unnata and
tendon sheath or synovial sheath or joint capsul. It vrutta.[19]
contains clear gel like fluid. It occurs due to cystic
degeration of tendon sheath. Often pain, tenderness and Sushrutacharya describes that Painful Sirja Granthi is
rstricted joint movement may be present.[12] Krichrasadhya and painless varity that is bigger in size
and presenting in Marmasthana is Asadhya. Acharya
Pittaja Granthi Vagbhata is keen on the selection of cases alon with the
It is characterised by excessive heat and burning narration of this condition has told the treatment is
sensation. Pain like that of being burnt by fire. Granthi is indicated for cases which are Nava (new).[20]
yellowish red in color. On opening there is discharge of
blood which is hot.[13] These features are seen in infected Samprapthi of Siraja Granthi
cysts. According to Acharya Suchruta the etiological factors
play a role in the vitiation of vata annd this vitiatd vata
Kaphaja Granthi directly affects the Sira Prathana by akshepa and exposes
It is slightly discolored and cold to touch characterised them to sampeedana, sankochana, vishoshana and
by slight pain and itching. It is having hard consistency produces Granthi.
as of stone. The growth is slow and tardy. On opening
there is thick, white colored discharge.[14] These features Acharya Vagbhata further adds that the vitiated vata
are seen in Sebaceous cyst, Dermoid cyst. playing major role, will exert its influence on Siras and
Rakta dhatu causing Sampeedana, Sankochana,
Sebaceous cyst is a retention cyst. It is due blockage of Vakrekarana (tortuosity) and vishoshana of the Sira
the duct of sebaceous gland causing a cystic swelling. resulting in formation of Granthi which is painless and
The cyst contains yellowish white cheesy material. non-pulsating.[21]
Painless swelling which is smooth fluctuant with
punctum over the summit.[15] According to Acharya Charaka because of Nidanas along
with Vata Kapha, Rakta and Pitta also get vitiated which
Dermoid cyst occurs at the line of embryonic fusion due then enter the external blood vessels get lodged there and
to inclusion of epithelium beneath the surface which later produce obstruction and spreads to the nearby areas
gets sequestered forming a cystic swelling in the deeper causing edema.[22]
plane. It is congenital type. It is a painless, smooth
swelling which is fluctuant often adherent to deeper plan. Varicose veins can be considered under the umbrella of
Impulse on coughing may be present only if there is Siraja Granthi.
intracranial extension.[16]
Mamsaja Granthi
Medoja Granthi Due to Mamsavardhaka Ahara vihara there is vitiation of
These are comparatively large smooth swellings with Mamsa leading to mamsaja Granthi which is Snigdha,
severe itching and mild pain. They usually grow very Mahan, Kathina, covered with sira Painless and having
slowly and increase or decrease in size according to body the lakshanas of kaphaja Granthi.[23]
proportion. On opening there is putty discharge which
looks like Ghee or sesame paste.[17] This can be seen in Raktaja Granthi
Lipoma. Due to Vatadi Doshas Rakta gets vitiated to cause
Raktaja Granthi, when it gets infected with Janthu takes
Lipoma is a benign tumour arising from yellow fat. Ashraya in Sira and Mamsa producing Suptata along
Tumour arising from brown fat is called hibernoma. It is with Pittaja Granthi lakshana.[24]
called universal tumour as it can occur anywhere in the
body. It can be diffused or localised. It is nontender, Asthija Granthi
semifluctuant, mobile and pedunculated at times. It Due to AsthiBhanga Abhighata and other causes Unnata
becomes painful when there is neural element involved and Avanata in the Asthi which leads to Asthija
Granthi.[25] It is Asadhya Granthi. │ Vol 7, Issue 1, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 99

Adiga et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Science

Bursitis which will present as a swelling, pain and Asadhya Granthi- Sthula, khara, Chala, Marama kantha
restricted movements can be considered under Asthija Udarasthita.
Management of Granthi
Vrana Granthi The treatment adopted for Vranashopha has to be
Person indulging in Sarvashana when the Vrana is in adopted from Apatarpana to Virechana in Amavastha.
Arudha or Rudhamana Avastha, Not doin Bandha when Bala of the patient should be conserved as it controls the
the Vrana is Ardra or due to Ashmabhihata, Prakupita Vyadhibala. Dosha Samshodhana. Snehana using Ghrita
Vata causes samshoshana and Grathana of Vrana with made of drugs like Brihati Chitraka, Vyaghri. Lepa with
Daha, Kandu which is considered as Vrana Granthi.[26] teekshna drugs. Snehana followed by Vimlapana of
This can be considered as hypertrophied scar or keloid. Apakva Granthi. Once Pakva, Bhedana is to be done
after that it should be treated like a Vrana.[28]
Sadhya-Asadhyata of Granthi[27]
Sadhya Granthi- Vataja, Pittaja Kaphaja, Raktaja and

Table 2: Treatment according to Ashtanga Sangrahakara.[29]

Avastha Chikitsa
Purvarupa Snehapana with Ghrita, Vamana, Virechana, Peyadi Samsarjana Krama
Urdwajatrugata Shirovirechana, Dhuma Kavala, Gandusha
Vimalapanartha Lepa with Ankola, Madhuka Vacha, Ativisha, Manjishta, Devadaru, Sarshapa etc
Associated with Shopha, Ruja, Upanaha with drugs like Yavasaktu, madhuka, Kushta Shatapushpa etc with
Stambha Veshavara, Ghrita Vasa, Taila

According to Bhavaprakasha
Vishesha Chikitsa
Table 3: Vataja Granthi Chikitsa.
Apakva Pakva
 Snehana using Taila, Ghrita, combination of
 Bhedana and Visravana of contents
two or three Snehas.
 Prakshalana with Bilva, Arka or Panchavalkala Kwatha.
 Lepa with drugs like Himsra, Katuki, Amruta
 Vrana Shodhana with Tila, Erandapatra, Saindhava etc
Bharangi etc
 Ropana with Taila made of Rasna, Sarala Vidanga, Yashti
 Swedana by means of Upanaha with Vatahara
etc drugs along with milk.

Table 4: Pittaja Granthi Chikitsa.

Apakva Pakva
 Jaloukavacharana
 Bhedana followed by Visravana
 Parisheka with Panchavalkala Kashaya
 Prakshalana with Panchavalkala Kashaya
 Kakolyadi Gana Kashaya for drinking by adding
 Vranashodhana with yashtimadhusidda Taila
sugar, Draksharasa or Ikshurasa with Haritaki Churna
 Ropana with Madhura Dravyasidda Ghrita
 Pradeha with madhuka, jambu, arjuna etc

Table 5: Kaphaja Granthi Chikitsa.

Apakva Pakva
 Dosha Shodhana  Bhedana followed by Visravana
 Swedana followed by Vimlapana using Angushta, Loha, Danda  Then it is treated with vrana Shodhana Ropana
 Lepa with Bharangi Aragvadha, Arka etc line of treatment

Table 6: Medaja Granthi Chikitsa.

Apakva Pakva
 Bhedana followed by Agnikarma
 Dahana with Tapta Loha  Prakshalana with Gomutra
 Swedana with Darvi which Pratapta  Shodhana with ztilapishta, Haratala, Saindhava,
and Laksha lepa Madhu, Ghrita, Kshara etc
 Ropana with Karanjadi Kalkasidda Taila │ Vol 7, Issue 1, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 100

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Siraja Granthi Mamsaja Granthi Raktaja Granthi

 Patana is to be done once the
Granthi is Pakva
 Prakshalana with Kashayas told  Jaloukavacharana
 Sahachara Taila for Pana
in Kaphaja Granthi  Sheeta Upachara
 Upanaha with Vatahara
 Shodhana with Teekshna  Chikitsa told for Vataja and
Dravyas with Madhi, Guda, Kaphaja Granthi
 Bastikarma Siravyadha
Kshara etc
 Ropana with Vidanga, Patha,
Haridra sidda Taila

Special Procedures in Granthi Acharya, Chowakhambasubhartiprakashan,

 Patana Karma in Granthi which is Kathina, Mamsaja Varanasi, reprint, Nidanasthana, 11th Chapter,
Granthi and Brihat.[30] Verse, 2014; 3: 824-310.
 In Mamsaja and Vranaja Ganthi Chedana Karma is 2. Charaka: Charaka Samhitha with commentary of
to be done followed by Agni Karma.[31] Chakrapanidatta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji
 Granthi in Pakvavastha Patana is to be done along Acharya, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi,
with Kosha. Followed by Dahana Karma reprint, Chikitsasthana, 12th chapter, Verse, 2014;
82: 738-489.
DISCUSSION 3. Sriram Bhat M: SRB’s Manual of surgery, Jaypee
Publications, 6th edition, reprint, 1E Chapter, 2019;
Granthi is a Vyadhi characterized by Vrutta, Unnata, 1223-71.
Grathita Shopha. Cyst is a fluid filled sac which is 4. S Das: A concise textbook of surgery, Somen das,
usually painless, but can be painful if infected. Cyst can 9th edition, reprint, 9th chapter, 2016; 1374-100.
be considered under Granthi as it is also a well defined, 5. Acharya Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hrudaya;
localised, raised from the skin surface. Vataja Granthi Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta &
having the Lakshanas Accha Srava, Amrudu can be co- Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri commentaries,
related to recently formed cyst as it will have clear fluids, Edited by Pandit Hari Sadashiva Sastri Paradakara;
even Ganglion can be considered under Vataja as it is Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; Reprint
associated with pain and contains clear fluid. Pittaja Uttarasthana 29th chapter, Verse, 2016; 1: 956-881.
Granthi having the lakshanas Daha, Chosha, Prapaka, 6. Charaka: Charaka Samhitha with commentary of
Peeta Sarakta Srava can be co-related to infected Cyst Chakrapanidatta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji
with signs of Inflammation. Kaphaja Granthi having Acharya, Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi,
lakshanas Avivarna, Alparuja, Kandu, Kathina, Shukla reprint, Chikitsasthana, 12th chapter, Verse, 2014;
Ghana Srava can be considered as long standing 87: 738-489.
sebaceous cysts, dermoid cysts. Medoja Granthi having 7. Sushrutha: Sushrutha Samhita with commentary of
Lakshanas Mahan, Alparuja, Meda with Pinyaka Ghrita Dalhana, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji
Pratima srava can be co-related to Lipoma. Granthi Acharya, Chowakhambasubhartiprakashan,
Chikitsa includes Shopha Kriya and Shastra Karma. In Varanasi, reprint, Nidanasthana, 11th Chapter,
case if Chedana is incomplete there are chances of Verse, 2014; 3: 824-310.
recurrence of Granthi. This is also true in case of cysts 8. Sushrutha: Sushrutha Samhita with commentary of
which are to be removed along with the sac. Dalhana, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji
Acharya, Chowakhambasubhartiprakashan,
CONCLUSION Varanasi, reprint, Nidanasthana, 11th Chapter,
Various surgical conditions like cysts, lipoma, benign Verse, 2014; 3: 824-310.
tumors which are characterised by swelling can be 9. Sushrutha: Sushrutha Samhita with commentary of
considered under the umbrella of Granthi. Based on Dalhana, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji
lakshana and chikitsa all cysts can be considered under Acharya, Chowakhambasubhartiprakashan,
Granthi but all Granthis cannot be considered under Varanasi, reprint, Nidanasthana, 11th Chapter,
Cysts. The treatment principle for both Granthi and Verse, 2014; 14: 824-313.
Cystic swellings are homogenous which includes 10. Acharya Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hrudaya;
combination of Conservative and Surgical management. Sarvangasundara of Arunadatta &
The surgeon should have a clear idea of the diagnosis Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri commentaries,
and the structures involved in order to prevent Edited by Pandit Hari Sadashiva Sastri Paradakara;
complications and recurrence. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; Reprint;
Uttarasthana 29th chapter, Verse, 2016; 2: 956-881.
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