Building Services-Vi Assignment - 2 DHEERAJ (18001006010)

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DHEERAJ (18001006010)

Question-Define metabolic rate.

Answer-It is the rate at which body produce heat is called the metabolic rate or The rate at which the
chemical energy is converted into heat and work is called as “metabolic rate”.

• The energy needed is obtained from consumption and digestion of food and this process by
which food is converted into living matter and useful form of energy is called metabolism or
The process of conversion of chemical energy contained in food into heat and work is called as

• Energy released by metabolism depends on muscular activity.

• Metabolism is measured in Met (1 Met=58.15 W/m2 body surface).
• Body surface for normal adult is 1.7 m2.
• A sitting person in thermal comfort will have a heat loss of 100 W.
• The more physical work we do, the more heat we produce.The more heat
Needs to be lost so we don’t overheat. The impact of metabolic rate on thermal
Comfort is critical.
Metabolic rate is specified per unit area of the human body (naked body), it is essential to estimate this area to
calculate the total metabolic rate. Even though the metabolic rate and heat dissipation are not uniform throughout
the body, for calculation purposes they are assumed to be uniform

Metabolic heat production:

• Basal metabolism: Heat production of vegetative, automatic process.

• Muscular metabolism: Heat production due to consciously controlled work.

Activity Metabolic rates [M]

Reclining 46 W/m2 0.8 Met 0.8 Met
Seated relaxed 58 W/m2 1.0 Met
Clock and watch repairer 65 W/m2 1.1 Met
Standing relaxed 70 W/m2 1.2 Met 8 Met
Car driving 80 W/m2 1.4 Met
Standing, light activity (shopping) 93 W/m2 1.6 Met 1 Met
Walking on the level, 2 km/h 110 W/m2 1.9 Met
Standing, medium activity (domestic 116 W/m2 2.0 Met
Washing dishes standing 145 W/m2 2.5 Met
Walking on the level, 5 km/h 200 W/m2 3.4 Met 4 Met
Building industry 275 W/m2 4.7 Met
Sports - running at 15 km/h 550 W/m2 9.5 Met
Influencing factors
• Other factors affecting comfort:

• Age

• Sensation of old people and younger people.

• adaptation

• People in warm climates may adapt to hot environment.

• Sex

• Women: lower skin temp., evap loss and lower met. Rate

• clothing and perferrence of temp.

Body temperature

 Normal body core temperature: 37 oC.

◦ We have separate Heat- and Cold-sensors.

◦ Heat sensor is located in hypothalamus. Signals when temperature is higher than 37 oC.
◦ Cold sensors are located in the skin. Send signals when skin temperature is below 34 oC.

◦ Heating mechanism:

◦ Reduced blood flow.

◦ Shivering.

◦ Cooling mechanism:

◦ Increased blood flow.

◦ Sweating (Evaporation).

Question-Heat loss by conduction

Answer-Conduction: Depends on temperature difference of body surface and the object the body is in direct
contact with.It is the process of losing heat through physical contact with another object or body or
Conduction is a process by which heat is transferred from the hot area of a solid object to the cool area
of a solid object by the collisions of particles.. For example, if you were to sit on a metal chair,
the heat from your body would transfer to the cold metal chair. when holding a glass of ice water, the heat
from your skin will warm the glass and in turn melt the ice. Alternatively, on a cold day, you might warm up by
wrapping your cold hands around a hot mug of coffee. Only about 3 percent of the body’s heat is lost through

Conduction heat loss

Most heat is lost through a house's walls through conduction. As you learned from the activity on the previous
screen, the amount of heat loss depends on three factors:
 Size of the house (area through which the heat can escape)
◦ Local weather or climatic conditions:
◦ The inside temperature is often constant at a comfortable temperature of 65°F.
◦ As the outside temperature falls lower than 65°F, the heat is lost to the outside.
◦ The higher the temperature difference, the higher the heat loss to outside.
◦ By calculating the Heating Degree Days (HDD), we can determine how many degrees the mean
temperature fell below 65ºF for the day.

 Wall's capacity to resist heat loss.

◦ Insulation is rated in terms of thermal resistance, called R-value, which indicates the resistance to
heat flow.
◦ The higher the R-value, the greater is the insulating effectiveness.

Conduction (such as heat loss from sleeping on the cold ground). ... The body loses about 2% of
its heat through air conduction. However, water causes more heat loss from the body than air does,
so heat can be lost from the body very quickly when it is placed in cold water.

Conduction as heat transfer takes place if there is a temperature gradient in a solid or stationary fluid medium.

With conduction energy transfers from more energetic to less energetic molecules when neighboring molecules
collide. Heat flows in direction of decreasing temperatures since higher temperatures are associated with higher
molecular energy.
Question-Thermal resistance of clothing

Answer- Clothing comfort is a state of satisfaction indicating physiological, psychological and physical balance
among the person.

Types of clothing comfort

 Thermal: heat and mass transfer

 Sensorial: tactile, touching, hand-feel

 Movement: movement of body parts

 Social: status, forces dress

 Psychological: aesthetic sense, design is different for kids and old people, colorful dress of ladies.

 Functional: helpful for any function, firefighter dress.

Clothing insulation:

Thermal comfort is very much dependent on the insulating effect of clothing on the wearer. Clothing is
both a potential cause of thermal discomfort as well as a control for it as we adapt to the climate in which
we work. You may add layers of clothing if you feel cold, or remove layers of clothing if you feel warm.

Appropriate use of texlile materials

Clothing thermal comfort relates to many different factors of textile materials, such as:

 fiber types,

 yarn type,

 yarn smoothness,

 fabric structure,

 fabric thickness and

 special material.

Appropriate use of Textile Fibers:

 The moisture absorbency of the fibre is directly related to the moisture regain of the fibre

 or fabric

 In the normal situation, fibre with higher moisture regain could absorb more moisture and heat from the

 Natural fibres like wool and cotton have been shown to have higher ability to absorb large amounts of
moisture due to their hygroscopic properties.

 Appropriate use of Fabric Construction:

 Fabric structure and its thickness influence the heat and moisture transfer and hence thermal comfort.
This is because fabric structure and thickness affect the air and moisture permeability, which play a
significant role in heat and moisture transfer
Waterproof breathable fabrics:

 It is consist of an outer layer called the “face fabric”, usually made of nylon or polyester, and a laminated
membrane or coating, usually made of ePTFE (expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon)
or PU (Polyurethane) which resist liquid water passing through, but allow water vapour to pass through.

Moisture management fabric:

 the ability of a garment to transport moisture away from the skin to the garment's

 outer surface. This action prevents perspiration from remaining next to the skin.

Garments design for thermal comfort

Garment fit is considered as one of the elements that influence thermal insulation and evaporative
resistance and there has been a clear relationship of garment fit and clothing insulation.

tight-fit clothing had 6–31% lower insulation than loose-fit ones. the difference was highest during sitting
and decreased in windy conditions.

There are some established way of garments design basic for increasing thermal comfort.

 Ventilated clothing.

 ventilated garments having protective shield layers.

 Garment ventilation apertures with cover flap.

 Garment with structural vent.

 garment with comprised of cords.

Ventilated clothes

Vents are designed into the garments so the air space between the skin and the inner

fabric layer changes over time, depending on the level of activity and movement. This design

developed in away that body heat and moisture vapor can be released through the pores.

 It has been observed that most normally clothed people resting or doing light work feel comfortable in
the operative temperature (roughly, the average temperature of air and surrounding surfaces) range of 23
to 27ºC or 73 to 80ºF

A balance of heat loss from the body and heat generation in the body has to be maintained to keep the person
comfortable. Clothing has a vital participation in maintaining this heat balance. Many factors contribute to the
thermal properties of textiles among them yarn structure and fabric structure are major factors to decide
thermal comfort behavior of clothing.

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