Vcontact VSC Series

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V-Contact VSC

Installation and service instructions

7.2/12 kV - 400 A
For your safety!
Make sure that the installation room (spaces, divisions and am-
bient) is suitable for the electrical apparatus.
Check that all the installation, putting into service and mainte-
nance operations are carried out by qualified personnel with suit-
able knowledge of the apparatus.
Make sure that the standard and legal prescriptions are com-
plied with during installation, putting into service and mainte-
nance, so that installations according to the rules of good work-
ing practice and safety in the work place are constructed.
Strictly follow the information given in this instruction manual.
Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is not ex-
ceeded during service.
Check that the personnel operating the apparatus have this in-
struction manual to hand as well as the necessary information
for correct intervention.
Pay special attention to the danger notes indicated in the manual
by the following symbol:

Responsible behaviour safeguards

your own and others’ safety!
For any requests, please contact the
ABB Assistance Service.


I. Introduction 3
II. Programme for environmental protection 4
III. Application of the standards for X-ray emission 4
IV. Safety information 4
V. Qualified personnel 5
VI. Interventions in the field 5

1. Description 6
1.1. “MAC” magnetic drive 6
1.2. Versions available 7
1.3. Characteristics 7
1.4. Performances 8
1.5. Contactor auxiliary contacts 8
1.6. Compliance with Standards 8
1.7. Protection against short-circuit 8
2. Checking on receipt 9
3. Handling 10
3.1. Handling using a lifting or fork-lift truck 10
3.2. Handling and lifting using a crane for withdrawable contactors 11
4. Storage 11
5. Installation 12
5.1. General 12
5.2. Installation and operating conditions 12
5.3. Normal conditions 12
5.4. Special conditions 12
5.5. Overall dimensions 13
5.6. Assembly and making the connections 15
5.7. Description of the closing and opening operations 20
5.8. Manual emergency opening operation 22
6. Putting into service 23
6.1. General procedures 23
6.2. Racking the contactor in and out 24
6.3. Accessories and tools for the operations 27
7. Maintenance 28
7.1. General 28
7.2. Inspection 28
7.3. Servicing 29
7.4. Servicing following a short-circuit or overload 30
7.5. Repairs 30
7.6. Instructions for dismantling or replacing fuses 31
7.7. Replacement of the contactor fuses 32
7.8. Mounting and dismantling the short-circuit busbar 35
7.9. Putting the contactor back into service 35
8. Spare parts and accessories 36
8.1. List of spare parts 36

I. Introduction
The instructions in this manual refer to the fixed and withdrawable versions of the VSC series of
contactors. For correct use of the product, please read it carefully.
For the electrical and construction characteristics and the overall dimensions of the V-Contact
VSC contactors, please also see technical catalogue 1VCP000165.
Like all the apparatus we manufacture, the V-Contact vacuum contactors are designed for differ-
ent installation configurations. Furthermore, this apparatus allows further technical and con-
struction modifications (at the customer’s request) to adapt to special installation requirements.
Consequently, this manual may not provide information concerning special configurations of the
Apart from this manual, it is therefore always necessary to consult the latest technical documen-
tation (circuit and wiring diagrams, assembly and installation drawings, any protection coordina-
tion studies, etc.), especially regarding any variants requested in relation to the standardised
Only use original spare parts for maintenance operations. The use of non-original spare parts
can cause hazardous malfunctions and the apparatus warranty will no longer be valid.
Please refer to the technical sheets of the Kits for correct assembly of the accessories and/or
spare parts. For further information, also see the 1VCP000165 technical catalogue of the contactor
and the spare parts catalogue.
This manual and all the enclosed drawings must be considered an integral part of the apparatus.
They must be easily to hand at all times for revision and reference.
These instructions do not intend to cover all the details, configurations or variants of the appara-
tus, storage or installation. For this reason, the information given below may sometimes not
contain the instructions regarding special configurations. This does not relieve the user from
their responsibility for using good technical working practices in application, installation, service
and maintenance of the apparatus purchased. Should further information be required, please
contact ABB.

Dangerous voltages. Risk of death, serious injury to people, damage to
the apparatus or other objects.

Before carrying out any maintenance operations, turn the power supply off
and earth the apparatus. Read and understand this instruction manual
before installation, service or maintenance of the apparatus.
Maintenance must only be carried out by skilled personnel. The use of
unauthorized spare parts for repairs to the apparatus, modification of the
apparatus itself, or any tampering by unskilled personnel creates hazardous
conditions which may cause death or serious injury to people, or damage to
the apparatus or other objects. Carefully follow all the safety instructions
given in this manual.

II. Environmental protection programme
The V-Contact vacuum contactors are manufactured in accordance with the ISO 14000 Stan-
dards (Guidelines for environmental management). The production processes are carried out in
compliance with the Standards for environmental protection in terms of reduction in energy
consumption as well as in raw materials and production of waste materials. All this is thanks to
the medium voltage apparatus manufacturing facility environmental management system.

III. Application of the X-ray emission Standards

One of the physical properties of vacuum insulation is the possibility of X-ray emission when the
interrupter contacts are open. The tests carried out at the PTB laboratories (Physikalisch-
Technische Bundesanstalt, in Brunswick - Germany) show that local emission at a distance of
10 cm from the interrupter or pole surface, does not exceed 1 mSv/h. It follows that:
– at the rated service voltage the use of vacuum interrupters is absolutely safe;
– application of the withstand voltage at power frequency, according to the IEC 60694 Standard,
is safe;
– application of a voltage higher than the withstand voltage at power frequency or of a direct
current test voltage, specified in the IEC Standard, cannot be used;
– limitation of the above-mentioned local phenomena, on interrupters with open contacts, de-
pends on keeping the specified distance between the contacts. This condition is intrinsically
guaranteed by correct operation of the drive and by transmission system adjustments.

IV. Safety information

All the installation, putting into service, running and maintenance operations must be carried out
by suitably qualified personnel with in-depth knowledge of the apparatus.
Make sure that the personnel working on the apparatus have this manual to hand and all the
information required for correct intervention.
Strictly follow the information given in this instruction manual.
Make sure that during the installation, service and maintenance stages the standard and legal
requirements for constructing the installations in accordance with the regulations for safety in
the workplace are respected.
Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is not exceeded during service.

V. Qualified personnel
For the purposes of this manual and the product rating plates, a qualified person is intended as
a person who:
1) carefully reads the instruction manual all the way through.
2) has in-depth knowledge of the installation, construction and service of the apparatus and
knows about the risks connected with any interventions.
3) is qualified and authorised to energise, de-energise, earth and identify the circuits according
to the safety procedures and the local regulations in force.
4) is qualified and authorised to put this apparatus into service, and to carry out maintenance
and repair operations on it.
5) is trained in correct use of protective equipment, such as rubber gloves, hard hats, protective
goggles, face shields, flameproof clothing, etc. according to the safety procedures and the
local regulations in force.
6) is trained in first-aid procedures.

VI. Interventions in the field

ABB can provide competent and well-trained personnel for assistance in the field to give techni-
cal guidance and consultancy regarding installation, complete overhauling, repair and mainte-
nance of apparatus.

1. Description feeder which, with just three versions, can cover
all the power supply voltage values required by
The medium voltage V-Contact VSC contactors
the major international Standards.
are pieces of apparatus suitable for operating
in alternating current and are normally used to
control users requiring a high number of hourly 1.1. “MAC” magnetic drive
operations. Based on the experience gained in the field of
The basic contactors consist of: circuit-breakers with magnetic drive, ABB has
• moulded polyester resin monobloc contain- implemented this technology in the field of
ing the vacuum interrupters contactors.
• bistable electromagnet drive The magnetic drive adapts perfectly to this type
• multi-voltage feeder of apparatus thanks to its precise and linear
• auxiliary contacts travel.
• mechanical status indicator (open/closed). This means that a simple and direct axial trans-
Apart from what is specified for the fixed mission of the movement to the moving con-
contactors, the withdrawable contactors also tacts of the vacuum interrupter can be realised,
consist of: with both electrical and mechanical benefits.
• fuseholders preset for DIN or BS fuses (ac- The drive, which is of bistable type, is fitted with
cording to the customer’s requirements) an opening and a closing coil.
• automatic opening device for intervention of The two coils - individually energised - allow
even a single fuse the drive core to be moved from one of the two
• truck stable positions to the other.
• lock which prevents closing during the rack- The drive shaft is solid with an iron core which
ing-in/out operation. is immersed and held in position in a field gen-
The V-Contact VSC contactor introduces the erated by two permanent magnets (fig. A).
drive with permanent magnets - already widely Energising the coil opposite to the magnetic
used, experimented and appreciated in medium latching position (fig. A) of the core, the mag-
voltage circuit-breakers - into the worldwide netic field (fig. B) is generated, which attracts
panorama of medium voltage contactors. and moves the core into the opposite position
The experience acquired by ABB in the field of (fig. C).
medium voltage circuit-breakers fitted with Every opening and closing operation creates a
drives with “MABS” permanent magnets, has magnetic field concordant with the one gener-
made it possible to develop an optimised ver- ated by the permanent magnets, with the ad-
sion of the actuator (Bistable MAC drive) for vantage, during service, of keeping the inten-
medium voltage contactors. sity of the field itself constant as the number of
The drive is operated by means of an electronic operations carried out increases.

Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C

Magnetic circuit in the closed position. Magnetic circuit with opening coil sup- Magnetic circuit in the open position.

The energy needed for operation is not sup- feeder extremely reliable, unaffected by elec-
plied directly by the auxiliary power supply, but tromagnetic interference generated by the sur-
is always “stored” in the capacitor which acts rounding environment and free of any emis-
as an energy accumulator, and therefore op- sions which may affect other apparatus placed
eration always takes place with constant speeds in the vicinity.
and times, regardless of the divergence of the These characteristics have made it possible for
power supply voltage from the rated value. the V-Contact VSC contactors to pass the elec-
The auxiliary power supply only has the aim of tromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC) and ob-
keeping the capacitor charged. Consumption tain the CE mark.
is therefore minimal. The power required is less
than 5 W. In order to re-instate the rated en- 1.2. Versions available
ergy value in the capacitor following an opera- The V-Contact VSC are available in the fixed
tion, there is an inrush of 15 W for a duration of and withdrawable version with rated voltages
a few tens of milliseconds. of 7.2 kV and 12 kV.
Careful selection of the components and a pre- Their main characteristics are listed below.
cise design make the electronic multi-voltage

1.3. Characteristics
Contactor Reference VSC 7 VSC 12 VSC/P 7 VSC/P 12
IEC 60470
Rated voltage [kV] 4.1 7.2 12 7.2 12
Rated insulation voltage
Withstand voltage at 50 Hz [kV] 23 28 23 28
Impulse withstand voltage [kVbil] 60 75 60 75
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60 50-60 50-60 50-60
Rated service current [A] 4.101 400 400 400 400
Short-time withstand current
Short-time withstand current for 1 s [A] 4.5 6.000 4.000 6.000 4.000
Short-time withstand current for 30 s [A] 4.5 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500
Rated peak current [kA] 4.6 15 15 15 15
Rated short-circuit time (tk) [s] 4.7 1 1 1 1
Rated values
Operations / hour [N.] 900 900 900 900
Rated load and overload characteristics in category of use:
- (Category AC4) 100 closing operations [kA] 4.103, 4.104 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
- (Category AC4) 25 opening operations [kA] 4.103, 4.104 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000
Rated voltage of the switching devices and auxiliary circuits 4.8, 4.9
Feeder type 1 (24 ... 60 DC)
Feeder type 2 (110 ... 130 AC-DC)
Feeder type 3 (220 ... 250 AC-DC)
Normal current [A] 4.4.101 400 400 400 400
Electrical life (category AC3) [N.] 29.mar 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
Electrical life at rated current (cat. AC1 - electrical latching) [N.] 29.mar 1.000.000 1.000.000 1.000.000 1.000.000
Mechanical life [N.] 1.000.000 1.000.000 1.000.000 1.000.000
Short-circuit breaking capacity (O-3min-CO-3min-CO) [A] 4.107, 6.104 6.000 4.000 6.000 4.000
Short-circuit making capacity (O-3min-CO-3min-CO) [A] 4.107, 6.104 15.000 8.000 15.000 8.000
Opening time with electrical latching [ms] 20..30 20..30 20...30 20...30
Closing time [ms] 30..50 30..50 30...50 30...50
Weight [Kg] 20 20 49(*) 49(*)
Overall dimensions [mm] H 371 391 635 635
[mm] W 350 350 531 531
[mm] D 215 215 657 657
Tropicalisation 721-2-1
(*) Without fuses.

1.4. Performances

Contactor VSC7-VSC/P 7 VSC12-VSC/P 12

Rated voltage [kV] 2.2/2.5 3.6 3.6/7.2 6.2/7.2 12
Ultimate performances for:
Motors [kW] 1.000 1.500 1.500 3.000 5.000
Transformers [kVA] 1.100 1.600 2.000 4.000 5.000
Capacitors [kVAR] 1.000 1.500 1.500 3.000 4.800 (1)
Ultimate performances for back-to-back
capacitor banks
(1) Overvoltage surge ar- Rated current [A] 250 250 250 250 Contact ABB
resters are compulsory Max. transient current of the capacitor [kA] 8 8 8 8 Contact ABB
between phases and
between phase and Max. transient frequency of the capacitor [kHz] 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Contact ABB

1.5. Contactor auxiliary circuits

10 auxiliary contacts (5 normally open and 5 normally closed) are available on the contactor for
the customer’s use, with the following characteristics.

Un 24 ... 250 V AC-DC

Rated current Ith2 = 10 A
Insulation voltage 2500 V 50 Hz (per 1 min)
Electric resistance 3 mOhm
Rated current and breaking capacity in category AC11 and DC11
Un Cos ϕ T In Icu
220 V ~ 0,7 — 2,5 A 25 A
24 V – — 15 ms 10 A 12 A
60 V – — 15 ms 6A 8A
110 V – — 15 ms 4A 5A
220 V – — 15 ms 1A 2A

1.6. Compliance with Standards 1.7. Protection against short-circuit

V-Contact contactors comply with the Stan- The value of the installation short-circuit cur-
dards of the major industrialised countries and rent could exceed the breaking capacity of the
in particular with the following Standards: contactor. The contactor must therefore have
– IEC 60470 (2000) and IEC 632-1 (1978) for adequate protection against short-circuit.
the contactor;
– IEC 60694 (2002). Fuse replacement must only be car-
! ried out by qualified personnel.

2. Checking on receipt Should any damage or irregularity be noted in
the supply on unpacking, notify ABB (directly
During handling, take great care not
or through the agent or supplier) as soon as
to stress the insulating parts of the
possible and in any case within five days of re-
apparatus and the terminals of the
The apparatus is only supplied with the acces-
Any operation carried out on the
contactor must be done without the sories specified at the time of ordering and vali-
presence of voltage and with the main dated in the order confirmation sent by ABB.
protection device open: danger of The accompanying documents inserted in the
electrocution and/or severe burns. shipping packing are:
Make sure that operations are carried – instruction manual (this document)
out with the main and auxiliary power – test certification
off. – identification label
– fiscal copy of the shipping advice note
On receipt, immediately check integrity of the – electric wiring diagram.
packing and the colour of the “SHOCKWATCH” Other documents which are sent prior to ship-
indicator (Fig. 1) placed on it. ment of the apparatus are:
If the “SHOCKWATCH” impact indicator is – order confirmation
WHITE, it means that the packing has not re- – original shipping advice note
ceived any notable shocks during transport. – any drawings or documents referring to spe-
Open the packing, remove the contactor as in- cial configurations/conditions.
dicated below, and check the state of the ap-
paratus and its correspondence with the name-
plate data (see fig. 2) with what is specified in
the accompanying shipping note and in the or-
der confirmation sent by ABB. Shock indicator
If the “SHOCKWATCH” impact indicator is RED,
follow the instructions indicated on the plate.
Opening the packing does not damage its com-
ponents and it can therefore be re-instated us-
ing the original material. F
The contactor is shipped in special packing, in
the open position.
Each piece of apparatus is protected by a plas-
tic cover to prevent any infiltration of water dur- IEC 60470
VSC/P ... ... ...
CEI 17-1
ing the loading and unloading stages and to C
SN 1VC1 ... ... ... PR. YEAR ......
keep the dust off during storage.
To remove the contactor from the packing, pro- Ie SERVICE CURRENT (AC4) ... A
ceed as follows: Ith RATED NORMAL CURRENT ... A
– open the plastic bag
– remove the contactor, avoiding any stress to
the functional insulating parts and the termi-
nals of the apparatus.
ELECTRIC DIAGRAM 1VCD ... ... ... ... (.. .. ..) A Trademark
– use the special lifting plates for the withdraw- FIG. ... ... ... B Type of apparatus
able version C Serial number
D Characteristics of the
– check the rating plate characteristics to make E AUXILIARY VOLTAGE ... ... apparatus
... ...
sure that the performances are suitable for -RL2 E Characteristics of the
control auxiliaries
the destined application and that they are Made by ABB
F Reference standards
those indicated in the order confirmation.
Fig. 1

3. Handling 5. Avoid excessive speed, sudden starts and
stops or sharp changes in direction during
The contactor can be lifted using a lifting truck
contactor handling.
or a fork-lift truck.
6. Only lift the contactor enough to avoid any
The following precautions must be taken dur-
obstacles on the floor.
ing contactor handling:
7. Take care to avoid any impacts with struc-
1. Keep the contactor in the upright position.
tures, other apparatus or with personnel
2. Make sure that the load is balanced on the
when handling the contactor.
truck or on the transport plate/pallet.
8. Never lift a contactor over an area where
3. Interpose protective material between the
there are people.
contactor and the truck to avoid any dam-
9. During handling of the apparatus, do not
age or scratches.
stress the insulating parts and the contactor
4. Fix the contactor onto the truck or onto the
transport plate/pallet to prevent it moving or
tilting over.

3.1. Handling using a lifting or fork-lift truck.

Fig. 2

3.2. Handling and lifting using a crane for withdrawable contactors
– Insert the lifting plates
– Lift
– After the unpacking and lifting operations, remove the lifting accessories.

Removal of the contactor from the packing and dismantling the lifting tools.

Fig. 3

4. Storage Should the original packing no longer be avail-

able and immediate installation is not possible,
When a period of storage is foreseen, the origi-
store in a covered, well-ventilated, dry, dust-
nal packing must be put back. Store the
free, non-corrosive ambient, with a dry atmo-
contactor in a dry dust-free area. It must not be
sphere, away from any flammable materials and
left outside or in adverse micro-climatic condi-
at a temperature between –5 °C and +40 °C.
tions: if it is left without protection, rust and de-
In any case, avoid any accidental impacts or
terioration of the insulation can occur.
positioning which stresses the structure of the
Insert special hygroscopic packets inside the
packing, with at least one standard packet per
piece of apparatus. Replace the packets ap-
proximately every 6 months.

5. Installation 5.3. Normal conditions
Follow the recommendations in the IEC 60694
5.1. General
and 60470 Standards. In more detail:
Correct installation is of primary importance.
The manufacturer’s instructions must be care-
Ambient temperature
fully studied and followed. It is good practice to
Maximum + 40 °C
use gloves for handling the pieces during in- Average maximum over 24 hours + 35 °C
stallation. Minimum (according to class – 5), – 5 °C
apparatus for indoor installation

The areas involved by the passage of

! Humidity
power conductors or conductors of
the auxiliary circuits must be pro- The average value of the relative humidity, mea-
tected against access of any animals sured for a period longer than 24 hours, must
which might cause damage or disser- not exceed 95%.
vices. The average value of the water vapour pres-
sure, measured for a period longer than 24
The contactor enclosure must be installed in a hours, must not exceed 2.2 kPa.
clean, dry and heated place with good ventila- The average value of the relative humidity, mea-
tion. It must be easily accessible for cleaning sured for a period longer than 1 month, must
and inspection, and must be levelled, placed not exceed 90%.
on the supporting foundations and securely The average value of the water vapour pres-
fixed into position. sure, measured for a period longer than 1
When the contactor is connected to a capaci- month, must not exceed 1.8 kPa
tive load, make sure that there is a heating ele-
ment to keep the humidity down and of suit- Altitude
able size for the compartment where the < 1000 m above sea level.
contactor is installed. The contactor must al-
ways be installed associated with a suitable
5.4. Special conditions
protection device (e.g.: fuses).
Installations above 1000 m a.s.l.
The fixed version of the V-Contact VSC Possible within the limits allowed by reduction
! of the dielectric resistance of air.
contactors must be installed by the
customer so as to guarantee a mini-
mum degree of protection of IP2X. Climate - Increase in temperature
In order to avoid the risk of corrosion or other
damage in areas with high humidity and/or rapid
5.2. Installation and operating condi- large fluctuations in temperature, take appro-
priate measures (for example, using suitable
The following Standards must be taken into par-
electric heaters) to prevent any condensation
ticular consideration during installation and ser-
– IEC60694/DIN VDE 0101
For special installation requirements or other
– VDE 0105: Operation of electrical plants
operating conditions, please contact ABB.
– DIN VDE 0141: Earthing systems for electri-
cal installations with rated voltage higher than
1 kV
– All the accident prevention regulations in force
in the relative countries.

5.5. Overall dimensions
5.5.1. VSC fixed contactor
For the overall dimensions and distances between fixing holes, refer to figure 4a.
In any case, avoid stressing the supporting structure of the contactor: if necessary, arrange slots
in the fixing area to facilitate correct positioning of the apparatus.
The assembly positions can be selected between the two shown in figure 4b.



Fig. 4a

Installation of fixed contactors
The contactor keeps its performances in the installation positions indicated:
A) floor-mounted with moving contacts at the bottom
B) wall-mounted with horizontal moving contacts and terminals at the bottom.


Fig. 4b

5.5.2. VSC/P withdrawable contactors

VSC/P 7 - VSC/P 12

Fig. 5

5.6. Assembly and making the connections
5.6.1. Fixed contactors

Dangerous voltages. Risk of death, serious injury to people, damage to
the apparatus or other objects.

Togliere l’alimentazione, mettere a terra e in sicurezza tutte le fonti di potenza

e di tensione di controllo prima di iniziare i lavori su questo o qualsiasi
apparecchio elettrico. L’installazione deve essere effettuata solo da personale

Introduction – Prepare special pole insulators, near the ter-

Before carrying out any installation operations: minals of the contactor, sized according to
• Test all the power terminals to check that they the electrodynamic forces deriving from the
are not supplied with voltage. Only use high short-circuit current of the installation and
voltage testing equipment approved for avoid stressing the connections laterally.
checking the voltage on the power terminals.
Do not attempt to measure the high volt- Surface treatment of the connections
age (above 600 volt) with a volt-ohm/meter. The connections can either be made of bare
• Check all the control and secondary circuit copper or bare aluminium. In any case, it is al-
terminals with a voltmeter to ensure that all ways advisable to silver-plate the contact sur-
the control and secondary input voltage faces. The surface treatment must have a con-
sources have been turned off. stant and even thickness.
• Connect the safety earthing to the power ter-
minals after having turned the power supply Assembly procedures for fixed contactors
to the system off and before working on the – Check that the contact surfaces of the con-
apparatus. nections are flat, and are free of any burrs,
• Carry out all the operations for turning off the traces of oxidation or deformation caused by
voltage and earthing according to the estab- drilling or impacts received.
lished safety procedures. – Carry out the operations indicated on the con-
tact surface of the conductor (silver-plated
Power circuit - clean with a rough dry cloth
General precautions - only in the case of obstinate traces of oxi-
– Check that the connections of the fixed dation, clean with a very fine grain emery
contactor or the isolating contacts of the with- cloth taking care not to remove the surface
drawable contactor are clean and free of any layer
deformation caused by shocks received dur- - if necessary, restore the surface treatment
ing transport or storage in the warehouse. (consult ABB)
– Select the cross-section of the conductors - put the connections in contact with the
according to the service current and the short- contactor terminals, taking care to avoid
circuit current of the installation. mechanical stresses produced, for example,
by the conductor busbars on the terminals

– Interpose a spring and a flat washer between Earthing
the head of the bolt and the connection. For the fixed version contactor, carry out
– The use of bolts according to DIN class 8.8 earthing by means of the special hole marked
Standards is recommended, also referring to with the relative symbol. Clean and degrease
what is indicated in the table. the area around the screw to a diameter of
– In the case of cable connections, strictly fol- about 30 mm and, on completion of assembly,
low the manufacturer’s instructions for mak- cover the joint again with Vaseline grease.
ing the terminals. Use a conductor (busbar or cord) with a cross-
section conforming to the Standards in force.
Bolt Recommended tightening torque (1)
Without lubricant
Connection of the auxiliary circuits
M6 10.5 Nm
The cables to be used for connection of the
M8 26 Nm
auxiliary circuits must have a rated voltage Uo/
M10 50 Nm U of 450/750 V and be insulated for 3 kV test.
Note: before carrying out the test, disconnect the earthing
M12 86 Nm connection of the electronic feeder.
Also remember that the auxiliary circuits must be checked
(1) The nominal tightening torque is based on a friction
at the maximum voltage of 2 kV in accordance with what is
coefficient of the thread of 0.14 (distributed value the
prescribed in the Standards.
thread is subjected to which, in some cases, is not neg-
Take into account the deviations from the general Stan-
dards table (for example, for contact systems or termi-
The cross-section of the connection cables
nals) as foreseen in the specific technical documenta- must not be less than 1.5 mm2.
The thread and surfaces in contact with the heads of Connection of the contactor auxiliary circuits
bolts must be slightly oiled or greased, so as to obtain must be made by means of the socket with ter-
a correct nominal tightening torque.
minal box mounted on the front of the electronic
Outside, the wires must run through metallic
pipes or ducts suitably earthed.

Connection to be made by the customer (*)

Pins KM1-1 and KM1-2 must always be supplied, both in the SCO and DCO version (also see
par. 5.8.). The polarity is not important since the internal circuits take both AC or DC signals. For
further details, consult the electric circuit diagram enclosed with the apparatus.

N. of pin Connections Meaning of each pin

KM1-1 Auxiliary power supply Auxiliary power supply AC or DC (pole 1)
KM1-2 Auxiliary power supply Auxiliary power supply AC or DC (pole 2)
KM1-3 Binary output n° 1 Indication of Unit ready (pole 1)
KM1-4 Binary output n° 1 Indication of Unit ready (pole 2)
KM1-5 Binary input n° 1 Protection trip (pole 2)
KM1-6 Binary input n° 1 Protection trip (pole 1)
KM1-7 Binary input n° 2 Closing (pole 1)
KM1-8 Binary input n° 2 Closing (pole 2)
KM1-9 Binary input n° 3 Opening (pole 1)
KM1-10 Binary input n° 3 Opening (pole 2)
(*) Only for fixed contactors.
The withdrawable con- KM1-11 Binary input n° 3 Undervoltage (pole 1)
tactors are cabled in the
KM1-12 Binary input n° 3 Undervoltage (pole 2)

KM1-1 KM1-12
KM1-2 KM1-11
KM1-3 KM1-10
KM1-4 KM1-9
KM1-5 KM1-8
KM1-6 KM1-7

Fig. 6

After the above-mentioned operations, carry out the following checks:
– check that the connections do not exert any force on the terminals
– check tightness of the connections.

Fig. 7

5.6.2. Withdrawable contactors and enclo- Heating
sures Refer to technical catalogue 1VCP000165 for
The withdrawable contactors are used in the the rated capacity of the contactors, bearing in
UniGear ZS1 type switchgear and in the mind that apparatus heating is affected by the
PowerCube enclosures. following variables:
Appropriately fixed together in the configura- • layout of the enclosures in the switchgear de-
tions defined by the customer, the enclosures signed by the customer;
build up medium voltage switchgear consisting • degree of protection (ventilation slats);
of various units. • current density of the power supply busbars
(busbar duct - branches);
Rules for designing the switchgear • ambient temperature.
Arc proof For any needs, please contact ABB Service.

The ABB enclosures are supplied with a rein-

Reference Standards
forced door, suitable for making arc proof
switchgear. The enclosures and contactors comply with the
following Standards:
• The reinforced enclosure alone can- – CEI 17/6 (1993) (where applicable)
! – ICE 62271-200 (2003) (where applicable)
not guarantee arc proofing of the
switchgear designed by the custom- – CEI EN 60694 (1997) (where applicable)
er. To guarantee this, some repre- – IEC 60694 (2002) (where applicable)
sentative configurations, selected – IEC 60470 (2000) (where applicable)
by the customer, must be subjected
to the tests according to the pre- Withdrawable VSC/P contactors
scriptions indicated in the IEC The contactors are used for rated voltages from
62271-200 Standards. 7.2 to 12 kV, rated normal currents up to 400 A
• For UniGear ZS1 type switchgear, all and fault levels up to 1000 MVA (with suitable
the door knurls must be tightened protection fuses in series with the contactor).
to guarantee arc proofing. The VSC/P contactor is made up of:
– a three-pole contactor with SCO or DCO func-
Degree of protection – mechanical signalling of open/closed
Limited to the front part, the ABB enclosures – two pairs of auxiliary contacts signalling open/
guarantee the following degree of protection:
– multi-voltage feeder:
• IP30 on the external housing;
• type 1: from 24 to 60 Vdc
• IP20 inside the switchgear with the door open.
• type 2: from 100 to 135 Vdc/Vac- 50-60 Hz
Special versions up to IP41.
• type 3: from 220 to 250 Vdc/Vac- 50-60 Hz
– a truck on which the supporting structure of
! The reinforced enclosure alone sup-
the contactor is fixed, consisting of two sup-
ports, closed at the front by the protection with
plied by ABB cannot guarantee the de-
characteristics nameplate.
gree of protection of the switchgear
In the top part of the protection there are strik-
designed by the customer. It must un- ers (30a) and (30b) for actuating the enclo-
dergo the tests according to the pre- sure contacts to signal protection connected/
scription indicated in the IEC62271- isolated.
200 Standards. The pin (34) for locking contactor racking-in
with the earthing switch closed on the enclo-
sure, comes out on the right side of the truck

The crosspiece for hooking up the contactor to – input and output tulip isolating contacts;
the enclosure for operation of the truck is – locks as per par.;
mounted on the front of the truck; – three current-limiting fuses (supplied on re-
– two supports house the slide for actuation of quest) with high breaking capacity connected
the segregation shutters of the fixed medium in series to the contactor, with dimensions ac-
voltage contacts of the enclosure and the cording to:
locking slide of operation of the switch itself • DIN 43625 Standard with maximum car-
with the contactor in the connected position tridge length e = 442 mm;
or during the isolation stage; • BS 2692 Standard with maximum centre fix-
– when it is not inserted in the socket located ing distance L = 553 mm;
on the enclosure, the plug connector for the – an impulse counter (supplied on request)
auxiliary circuits of the contactor must be which indicates the number of operations
hooked up to the stake; carried out by the contactor;
– mechanical signalling of open/closed; – manual emergency opening device and de-
– fuseholder complete with connections for vice for opening when a fuse blows.

Fig. 8a







Locking devices on the racking-out truck

Fig. 8b

19 Description of the locks for – Electric lock on racking-in and racking-out
withdrawable contactors with the door open (microswitch on the door)
– Electric lock which prevents the contactor be- of the enclosure connected in series with the
ing closed when the truck is not in the racked- locking electromagnet on the contactor truck.
in and isolated positions. – Key lock on earthing truck racking-in - with
– Mechanical lock which prevents the contactor the lock activated all the operations with the
being racked-in and out when it is closed and contactor are possible, but positioning the
closing of the contactor when the truck is not earthing truck in the isolated position start-
in the racked-in and isolated positions. ing from the racked-out position is not al-
– Electric lock which prevents closing of the lowed.
contactor when a fuse is missing or blown. – Mechanical lock which prevents racking-out
– Lock which prevents putting a contactor into of the connector of the auxiliaries when the
service in an enclosure preset for a circuit- contactor is racked-in and during racking-in
breaker (*). and racking-out.
– Locking electromagnet on the contactor truck – Electro-mechanical lock on de-energisation
which when there is no voltage, prevents rack- for the earthing switch, which when there is
ing-in or racking-out. no voltage prevents the earthing switch op-
– Mechanical lock which prevents contactor erations.
racking-in if the enclosure door is not closed – Electro-mechanical lock on the compartment
(requires the same interlock in the fixed part). door.
– Mechanical interlock with earthing switch
placed on the enclosure - with earthing switch
closed the contactor cannot be racked-in and 5.7. Description of the closing and
opening operations
with the contactor racked-in or in intermedi-
ate positions between racked-in and isolated, The contactor drive operates in two different
ways as shown in Table 1.
it is not possible to close the earthing switch.
For the DCO version, further personalisation
– Mechanical lock of the shutters when the
of the apparatus can be made. In fact – the first
contactor is racked-out.
of its kind – the V-Contact VSC contactor is fit-
– Key lock on contactor racking-in - it is only
ted (on request) with an undervoltage function
possible to activate the lock and free the key (UV) with delays which can be set according to
preventing contactor racking-in with the the requirements of the installation.
contactor in the isolated position. For a more detailed description of the behaviour
– Key lock with earthing switch open - this can of the apparatus according to the version, see
only be activated with the earthing switch table 2.
open. The key can only be removed with the Supply the contactor with auxiliary voltage and
electric lock activated. operate it several times electrically. The
– Key lock with earthing switch closed - this can contactor must carry out the opening and clos-
only be activated with the contactor in the iso- ing operations correctly at between 85% and
lated position and with the earthing switch 110% of the rated auxiliary control voltage.
closed. The key can only be removed with
the lock activated.
(*) This lock consists of
– Preset for independent padlock locks of the
some pins assembled in
the plugs of the auxiliary shutters and in the closed and/or open posi-
circuits which, with a
suitable code, prevent tion.
connection of the plug in
the enclosure socket.
The lock also foresees
compulsory application
of the locking magnet in
the truck.


Version Description Inputs

Closing Opening UV (undervoltage)

KM1-7, KM1-8 KM1-9, KM1-10 KM1-11, KM1-12

SCO (Single Command With this version the closing operation takes place by
Operated) supplying auxiliary energy to the UV (undervoltage) input
of the apparatus. On the other hand, the opening operation
takes place when the auxiliary energy is either voluntarily Not used Not used Used
cut off (by means of an auxiliary command) or involuntarily
(due to no auxiliary energy in the installation) at the UV
(undervoltage) input of the contactor.

DCO (Double Command With this version, the closing operation takes place by
Operated) supplying the input of the closing command of the Usedif the
apparatus in an impulsive way. On the other hand, the Used Used undervoltage
opening operation takes place when the input of the function is
opening command of the contactor is supplied in an requested.
impulsive way.

SCO version (Single Command Operated)

Closing operation. • Power supply, continuously, at the UV input

Voluntary opening operation. • Power supply cut at the UV input (1)

Automatic opening operation (2). • Drop in the auxiliary voltage supplied at the UV input (1) below the trip thresh-
old prescribed by the Standards.


DCO version (Double Command Operated)

Closing operation. • Power supply, in an impulsive way, of the closing input (30 ms minimum impulse

Voluntary opening operation. • Power supply, in an impulsive way, of the opening input (30 ms minimum impulse
time). If the closing command persists at the same time, the contactor opens since
the opening command has priority. In this situation the contactor remains in the open
position due to the integrated anti-pumping function (until the opening command

Operazione di apertura automatica (2). • Function available on request (UV – undervoltage)

• Drop in the auxiliary voltage supplied at the UV input (1) (undervoltage) below the
trip threshold prescribed by the Standards.

(1) The opening operation can be instantaneous or delayed (adjusting the delay by means of the special selectors) by 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 s. It is adjusted to 0 s as
the default.
(2) The contactor is fitted with watchdog function which makes it open automatically if the capacitor charge drops below the ultimate safety limit.

It is possible to preset the opening delay with Selector Delay Selector Delay
the group of selectors S1 ... S3 both in the SCO
SCO = 0 s S1-on
version and, when the undervoltage accessory 2s
S1-off S2-off S3-off DCO = (*) S2-off S3-off
is provided, in the DCO version. S3-on S1-on S3-on
0s 3s
S1-off S2-off S2-off

S2-on S1-on S2-on

0,5 s 4s
S1-off S3-off S3-off

S2-on S3-on S1-on S2-on S3-on

1s 5s
(*) DCO = undervoltage disabled. S1-off

Fig. 9

5.8. Emergency opening operation a transmission made of insulating material of
suitable length which allows safe operation. The
The contactor is provided with manual transmission device is to be provided by the
emergency operation which must be customer.
carried out by suitably qualified per- For the withdrawable VSC/P contactors placed
sonnel with in-depth knowledge of the in UniGear ZS1 type switchgear or PowerCube
apparatus and with voltage to the ap- modules, carry out the emergency operation
paratus compulsorily turned off on the with the compartment door closed. To carry out
power supply side. the operation, work towards the opening on the
The following Standards must be compartment door using the special tool pro-
vided, fitted on the end with an 8 mm hexago-
taken into particular consideration
nal spanner. Apply a torque of 5 N with an oper-
during installation and service:
ating angle of about 30° clockwise. The point to
– IEC60694/DIN VDE 0101
operate in is shown by the special plate located
– VDE 0105: Operation of electrical
on the contactor shield (see fig. 10b).
– DIN VDE 0141: Earthing systems for
electrical installations with rated For fixed contactors, if the operations
voltage higher than 1 kV are carried out with the medium volt-
– All the accident prevention regula- age protection “B” removed, pay great
tions, in force in the relative coun- attention to the moving parts.
tries. For withdrawable contactors, do not
remove the front shield to carry out the
emergency opening operation.
To manually open the contactor, it is necessary In any case, if auxiliary voltage is
to work on operating part A, consisting of a 17 present, take special care not to re-
mm hexagonal-head bolt, working clockwise move the protective shield of the
with a torque of about 5 Nm and at an angle of
stored energy capacitor and not to
about 30° (see fig. 10a).
touch the capacitor itself in any way.
If the contactor (in the fixed version) is placed
inside the switchgear, it is necessary to provide

Fig. 10 a Fig. 10 b

6. Putting into service – check that no foreign bodies, such as bits of
packing, have got into the moving parts
6.1. General procedures
– check that the value of the power supply volt-
All the operations regarding putting
age of the circuits is between 85% and 110%
into service must be carried out by
of the rated auxiliary voltage of the apparatus
ABB personnel or by suitably quali-
– check that the contactor vacuum interrupter
fied customer personnel with in-depth
has not been damaged due to accidental im-
knowledge of the apparatus and of the
pacts. In case of doubt, carry out the check
indicated in paragraph 7.2 Table 4.
– make sure that all the barriers and protective
Before putting the apparatus into service, carry
shields are correctly installed
out the following operations as well as those
– carry out the inspections indicated in table 3.
indicated in the table:
On completion of the operations indicated,
– check that the voltage and current applied are
check that everything is put back in its original
within the specified rated values
– check tightness of the power connections of
the fixed contactors and integrity of the iso-
The check can only be considered as
lating contacts of the withdrawable contactors
passed if all the tests indicated have
– carefully clean the sheets and insulating parts
had a positive outcome.
with brushes and clean dry cloths. Avoid us-
In the case of a negative check, do not
ing jets of compressed air
put the apparatus into service and, if
– check the earthing connection of the fixed
necessary, contact ABB Service.


Item inspected Procedure Positive check

1 Insulation resistance. Medium voltage circuit The insulation resistance should be at

With a 2500 V megger, measure the least 50 Mohm and in any case constant
insulation resistance between the phases over time.
and the exposed conductive part of the
2 Drive. Open/closed indicator, Carry out a few closing and opening Operations and signals normal.
operation counter operations of the contactor.
(if provided)
3 Auxiliary circuits. Check that the connections to the control Operations and signals normal.
circuits are correct: proceed with the rela-
tive power supply.
With the contactor open, check that the Tighten the fixing screws.
thickness between the body of the contact
and the stem is 1 mm.


6.2. Racking the contactor in and out the handling truck (1) (fig. 11a) following the
instructions given in par. 3.2. “Handling the
! • Should operations be carried out contactor with a crane”;
! – open the compartment door;
with the contactor racked-out of the
switchgear, pay great attention to – move the truck close to the switchgear (fig.
the moving parts.
– insert the hooking bracket (4) (fig. 11b - c),
• The contactor must only be racked
and lock the wheels (3) (fig. 11a);
into the unit in the open position.
– release the contactor from the truck by mov-
Racking-in and racking-out must be
ing the two handles (5) (fig. 11d) at the same
gradual to avoid shocks which might time towards the median axis of the contac-
deform the mechanical interlocks. tor and simultaneously progressively push to-
wards the back of the module by means of
the contactor, until the contactor locks with
Operations in ABB enclosure the handles (5) (fig. 11e) which click sideways
In the instructions given below, an ABB circuit- inserting themselves into the slots (6) (fig.
breaker is shown. 11b);
The instructions are, in any case, also valid for – unlock the wheels (3) (fig. 11a), lift the hook-
V-Contact VSC/P contactors. ing bracket (4) (fig. 11f) and move the truck
away from the switchgear.
a) Racking-in operation
Make sure that the handles have
(1) Passing from contactor racked-out to the !
clicked sideways (horizontal locks of
“isolated” position
the truck racked into the enclosure).
– lift the apparatus (2) (fig. 11a) and rest it on

4 6


Fig. 11a Fig. 11b Fig. 11c

5 5 5

5 4

Fig. 11d Fig. 11e Fig. 11f

(2) Passing from the “isolated” to the “isolated Make sure that the lever (3) (fig. 11) is
for test” position (connection of the auxilia- fully pressed against the connector (1)
ries)”. (fig. 11).
– Insert and hook up the mobile connector (1)
(fig. 13) in the fixed socket of the enclosure
(2) (fig. 12).

2 1 3
Fig. 12 Fig. 13

(3) Passing from the “isolated for test” to the • the key locks (7-8-9), if foreseen, are de-
“racked-in” position (with earthing switch activated;
closed) (fig. 14). – insert the operating lever (13) in the seat of
– close the compartment door (1) by pushing the earthing switch, making the protrusion
the handle downwards; (12) coincide with one of the two slots (11);
– close the feeder compartment door (2) by – open the earthing switch by turning the oper-
pushing the handle downwards; ating lever anti-clockwise (13);
– check that: – remove the operating lever (13) from the
• the locking magnet of the earthing switch (if earthing switch seat;
provided) is supplied;

Check that the feeder compartment – through the inspection window (4) check that
door (2) is locked. the contactor is open (indicator in position
– close the shutter of the operating seat of the – fully insert the racking-in/out lever of the truck
ST turning the actuator (10) clockwise. This (3) fig. 15 in the corresponding coupling (5)
operation releases the contactor and a pre- and turn it anti-clockwise until the contactor
vention lock against insertion of the operat- stops;
ing lever into the earthing switch is activated; – open the shutter of the ST operating seat by
– check that the locking magnet on the contac- turning the actuator (10) anti-clockwise;
tor truck (if provided) is supplied with power – insert the operating lever (13) in the seat of
and check that the key lock on racking-in (if the earthing switch, making the protrusion
provided) is de-activated; (12) coincide with one of the two slots (11);
– fully insert the truck racking-in lever (3) (fig. – close the earthing switch by turning the op-
15) in the corresponding coupling (5) and turn erating lever clockwise;
it clockwise until the contactor is completely – remove the operating lever (13) from the
racked-in; earthing switch seat;
– through the inspection window (4) check that – check that the position indicator of the earth-
the contactor is racked-in. ing switch indicates that it is closed “I” on the
operating seat (14 - fig. 14a) and through the
b) Racking-out operation (only with contac- inspection window (6);
tor open) – open the contactor compartment door (1) by
(1) Passing from the “racked-in” position to the pulling the handle upwards.
“isolated for test” position (with contactor
open) (fig. 14)

9 7 10 11 13



8 11

Caption to the key locks of the earthing switch

7 lock with earthing switch open
8 lock with earthing switch closed
9 lock on contactor racking-in.

Fig. 14

Fig. 14a

(2) Passing from the “isolated for test” to the – move the two handles (5) (fig. 11d) at the
“isolated” position (disconnection of the aux- same time towards the median axis of the
iliaries) contactor, and simultaneously pull the con-
– release the mobile connector (1) (fig. 13) and tactor progressively towards the outside on
remove it from the fixed socket of the enclo- the truck by means of the handles;
sure (2) (fig. 12); – let go of the handles and continue extraction
until the contactor locks with the handles (fig.
(3) Passing from the “isolated” to the “racked- 11a) which click sideways locking the con-
out” position tactor on the truck.
– bring the truck close to the switchgear; – unlock the wheels (3) (fig. 15a) and lift the
– insert the hooking bracket (4) (fig. 11b - c) hooking bracket (4) (fig. 15f);
and lock the wheels (3) (fig. 11a); – lift the hooking bracket (4) (fig. 15f) and move
the truck away from the switchgear.

6.3. Accessories and tools for the operations

1 2 3

1 Operating lever of the earthing switches
2 Contactor racking-in/out lever
3 Tool for manual emergency opening operation

Fig. 15

7. Maintenance It is good practice to keep a maintenance card
and a service book where all the operations
Maintenance operations are aimed at ensur-
carried out can be noted down in detail, together
ing trouble-free operation of the apparatus for
with the date, description of the anomaly and
the longest possible time. The following opera-
the references of data needed to identify the
tions must be carried out in accordance with
apparatus, etc. (see chapter 2).
the IEC 61208/DIN 31051 Standards:
Experience gained in use of the apparatus will
Inspection: Assessment of the actual condi-
allow the optimal time intervals for interventions
to be established. In any case, inspection of
Servicing: Measures to be taken to main-
the apparatus not more than one year after it
tain the specified conditions
has been put into service is recommended.
Repairs: Measures to be taken to restore
In case of need and for further details, please
the specified conditions.
refer to what is prescribed in article 10.4.2 of
the Standard (CEI EN 60694).
7.1. General
In any case, for any problems, please do not
• Maintenance must be carried out by
! hesitate to contact us.
ABB personnel or by suitably quali-
fied customer personnel with in-
depth knowledge of the apparatus 7.2. Inspection
and of the installation (IEC 60694,
– Carry out regular inspections to check that
CEI EN 60694 par. 10.4.2.).
the interruption devices are in good condi-
Should maintenance be carried out
by the customer’s personnel, re-
– The checks must include a visual inspection
sponsibility for the interventions lies
to find any contamination, traces of corrosion
with the customer.
or electrical discharge phenomena (accord-
• Before carrying out any mainte-
ing to what is prescribed in table 4 (see next
nance operation, always check that
the apparatus is in the open posi-
– When there are unusual service conditions
(including adverse climatic conditions) and/
• Check that the medium voltage and
or in the case of environmental pollution (e.g.
auxiliary power supply are turned
heavy contamination or an atmosphere with
off. Maintenance of the apparatus
aggressive agents), the frequency of inspec-
must only be carried out with the
tions must be increased.
contactor without power supply and
– Visual examination of the main contacts. The
racked out of the enclosure com-
contact areas must be cleaned if there are
partment and with the capacitor
signs of overheating (discoloured surface)
suitably discharged.
(also see the paragraph on “Repairs”).
If any anomalous conditions are found, appro-
The following rules must be respected for all maintenance
operations: priate maintenance measures must be taken
– the relative specifications indicated in the “Standards (see the “Servicing” paragraph).
and specifications” chapter;
– the regulations for safety in the workplace indicated in
the “Putting into service and running” chapter;
– the regulations and specifications in the country of in-

Item to be Interval Operation to be carried out

1 Insulating parts. 1 year or Visual inspection of the insulating parts. The insulating parts must
50,000 operations. be free of any accumulation of dust, humidity, dirt (clean), cracks,
traces of surface discharges or damage.

2 Structure. 1 year or Visual inspection of the structure and mechanisms. The components
50,000 operations. must be free of any deformation, accumulation of dust, dirt or dam-
age. The screws, nuts and bolts must be correctly tightened. Avoid
touching the ceramic surface.

3 Interrupter. 1 year or Check that the interrupter is free of accumulation of dust, dirt (clean),
50,000 operations. cracks (replace), traces of surface discharges or damage.

In case of accidental Carry out a voltage test with the contacts open at 15 kV - 50 Hz for
impacts. one minute. If there is a discharge during the test, the interrupter
must be replaced because this type of phenomenon corresponds to
deterioration in the degree of vacuum. In case of need, contact ABB

4 Interrupter contacts. 1 year or Refer to fig. 16. The contact material vaporises from the surfaces
50,000 interruptions during each interruption and condenses elsewhere inside the vacuum
at the rated current. interrupter. This is a normal process, and is foreseen by the overrun,
or by the wear tolerance.
As the contacts wear, the overrun distance “M” decreases. When
distance “M”, of any pole, goes below 0.5 mm with the contactor in
the closed position, all the sub-assemblies must be replaced.
Use a fork-shaped gauge 0.5 mm thick to carry out this measure-
Caution! Never attempt to adjust the nuts of the vacuum inter-
rupters for any reason whatsoever.
The overrun distance must be checked, but not adjusted.

5 Auxiliary contacts. 1 year or Check correct operation and the signals.Check that there are no burnt
50,000 operations. or worn contacts (replace).

6 Auxiliary circuit conduc- 1 year or Check whether any cabling straps are loose or broken and check
tors. 50,000 operations. connection tightness.Examine all the wire or cable connections to
make sure that none of them are loose and that there is no over-

7 Visual inspection of the iso- 5 years or The isolating contacts must be free of any deformation or erosion.
lating contacts (withdrawa- 5.000 operations. Lubricate the contact elements with 5RX Moly type grease.
ble contactors)

7.3. Servicing
Carry out the checks described below.
Item to be Interval Operation to be carried out

1 Contactor. 2 years or Carry out five mechanical closing and opening operations. The con-
100,000 operations. tactor must operate regularly without stopping in intermediate posi-

2 Contactor springs. 2 years or Check integrity of the springs.

100,000 operations.

3 Power connections. 2 years or Check tightness: M8 bolt = 19 Nm; M10 bolt = 33 Nm.
100,000 operations. Check there are no traces of overheating or oxidation.

4 Earthing contact 2 years or Check tightness of the connections.

(fixed contactors). 100,000 operations. Furthermore the following is
5 Insulation resistance. 2 years or See par. 6.1. – replacement of the inter-
100,000 operations. rupters after 250,000 op-
6 Racked-in/isolated aux- 2 years or Check that the signals are correct. – replacement of the auxil-
iliary contacts in the 100,000 operations. iary contacts after 300,000
truck. operations.

7.4. Servicing following a short-circuit
or overload

It is foreseen that the VSC contactor be pro-
tected by power fuses and/or by a circuit-
breaker. In any case, the value of a short-cir-
cuit can exceed the threshold of damage to the
vacuum bottles.
After interruption of a short-circuit at the maxi-
mum rated MVA of the contactor, put the cause
of the fault right, inspect all the apparatus and
carry out the repairs or replacements neces-
sary before putting the apparatus back into
Make sure that all the spare parts (when re-
quired) are suitable for the application.
In case of any doubts, please contact ABB.

Have a complete check of the contac-

tor carried out by ABB personnel af-
ter 1,000,000 operations or 10 years
of operation.
Contact ABB Service Assistance.

Vacuum interrupters
A dielectric test by itself cannot be confirma- VSC 7.2 VSC 12
Fig. 16 M [mm] 1.5 - 2 1.3 ... 1.7
tion that the interrupters have to be put back
into service after a fault. However, if there is no
physical sign of stress and if the distance M
Carry out the “Checking” procedures indicated
exceeds a minimum of 0.5 mm, the interrupt-
in par. 6. of this manual before putting the ap-
ers can be tested dielectrically as mentioned
paratus back into service..
in point 3 of table 4.
Should this test also be positive, it is reason-
able to put the interrupters back into service
7.5. Repairs
following a fault.
Replacement with spare parts and accessories
must only be carried out by ABB personnel or
by suitably qualified personnel with appropri-
External evidence of deformation of the enclo- ate training.
sure is usually indicative of damage inside it. All the power supply sources must be turned
Extensive damage will require replacement of off and the capacitor must be discharged.
the enclosure parts and of the apparatus con- Always work with the contactor open, with the
tained in it. work area insulated and made safe.

Terminals and internal conductors Should maintenance be carried out by

Replace the damaged parts which show ! the customer’s personnel, responsi-
discolouration, melting or damage caused by bility for the interventions lies with the
electric arcs. Pay special attention to the mov- customer.
ing parts.
7.6. Instructions for dismantling and re-
placing fuses
7.6.1. General
All the operations described below
must be carried out by suitably
qualified personnel with in-depth
knowledge of the apparatus.
Do not rack the contactor out unless
the enclosure is securely fixed in the
switchgear or to a stable base.
Check that the contactor is open be- Fig. 17a
fore proceeding with isolation and
its racking-out from the enclosure.
Check that the contactor is open be-
fore proceeding with replacement of
the fuses.
The withdrawable contactor is not
preset for housing fuses of CMF/BS
and CEF/BS type.

The fuseholder is preset for installation of fuses

with the dimensions and average type of striker
according to DIN 43625 (1983) and BS 2692 1
(1975) Standards and with electrical charac-
teristics according to IEC 282-1 (1974) Stand- Fig. 17b
ards. The fuseholder is always fitted with an au-
tomatic opening device for a fuse blowing. This 2

device prevents contactor closing when even a

single fuse is missing.

7.6.2. Preliminary operations for fuse re-

The contactor must be racked out of the enclo-
sure for replacement of the fuses. The instruc-
tions for the racking-out operations are given
in par. 7.7.
With the contactor racked out of the switchgear,
unscrew the four fixing screws of the shield and
relative DIN washers (fig. 17a) and position it Fig. 17c
as in fig. 17b. For 12 kV contactors, remove pro-
tection (2) and proceed to replace the fuses
according to the instructions given in par. 7.7.


Fig. 17d

7.7. Replacement of the contactor fuses

Check that the rated normal current

! 46
of the fuses to be installed corre-
sponds with the value indicated on the
nameplate on the rear of the

Fuses according to DIN Standards

a) Mounting the adapters (fig. 18a) A
The fuseholder is designed to take fuses with
a length of 442 mm. For smaller sizes, two
adapters are required:
– Adapter (45) for fuses with a length of 192
mm (A)
– Adapter (46) for fuses with a length of 292
mm (B).
Select the type of adapter in relation to the type 48 47 45
of fuse to be used, and insert it fully over the
fuse contact, opposite to the one of the striker.
Tighten the steel band (47) and fully tighten the Fig. 18a
screw (48). To dismantle, proceed in reverse
The same instructions are given in the Kit sheet
put in the adapter packing. Fuses according to BS Standards
Check that the rated normal current
b) Dismantling the fuses (fig. 18b)
! of the fuses to be installed corre-
Open the locking rings (49) (fig. 18b) moving sponds with the value indicated on
them in the direction shown by the arrows us- the nameplate on the rear of the
ing the tool (50), and remove the fuse using fuseholder.
the special tool (50). When tightening the screws, do not
force the connections (25 Nm maxi-
c) Mounting the fuses (fig. 18c) mum tightening torque).
Fuse mounting and dismantling
Open the locking rings (49) moving them in the
must only be done with the adapter
direction shown by the arrows using the tool
(if required) already mounted on it.
(50 fig. 18b), fully insert the fuses with the con-
Only use the material specified, pro-
tacts fitted with striker on the opposite side to
vided by ABB, for assembly.
the isolating contacts of the contactor. Close
the locking rings again, moving them in the
opposite direction to the opening one.





Fig. 18b Fig. 18c

a) Mounting the adapters (fig. 19a) b) Mounting the fuses (fig. 19b)
The fuseholder (32) (fig. 19b) is preset to take Mount the fuses or the adapter (preassembled
fuses with fixing centre distance of 553 mm. as indicated in par. a) with the striker, (indicated
For smaller sizes, three adapters are needed, by the arrow) facing the opposite side to the
as indicated below: one of the contactor tulips and fix them by
– adapter (51) for fuses with fixing centre dis- means of the screws (56) and the spring wash-
tance l = 235 mm ers (57).
– adapter (52) for fuses with fixing centre dis-
tance l = 305 mm c) Dismantling the fuses
– adapter (53) for fuses with fixing centre dis- To dismantle the fuses and relative adapters,
tance l = 454 mm. proceed in reverse order to par. b) and a).

Select the type of adapter, fix it onto the fuse

on the striker side by means of the grub screws
(54), the cup springs (55) and the short nuts
(58). Mount the adapter with the extension, with
the cap facing the striker.
The same instructions are given in the Kit sheet
put in the adapter packing.

Only position the grub screws (54) as
shown in the drawing.

54 61

53 32

Striker side

Fig. 19a Fig. 19b

7.8. Mounting and dismantling the 7.9. Putting the contactor back into serv-
short-circuit busbar (fig. 20) ice
a) Mounting 7.9.1. Mounting the shield and insulating
Mount the busbar with the feeler pin (60) on guard (fig. 14)
the opposite side to that of the tulips and fix it Reposition the protection (1) (fig. 17b), repeat-
with the screws (61). ing the operations indicated in par. 7.6.2. in re-
verse order.
b) Dismantling Remount the shield. Check that the impulse
To dismantle, proceed in reverse order. counter (14) (fig. 17c) inserts itself into the spe-
cial seat (69) (fig. 17d) and fix the shield with
The same instructions are given in the Kit sheet the screws (70) and DIN washers (71) (fig.17a).
put in the short-circuit busbar packing.
7.9.2. Checking apparatus functions
Rack the contactor into the enclosure, working
as indicated in par. 6.
In the “isolated for test” position, check the cor-
rectness and functionality of the contactor
“open/closed” signalling by carrying out a few




Fig. 20

8. Spare parts and accessories 8.1. List of spare parts
– Vacuum interrupter assembly (replacement
To order contactor spare parts/accessories, re-
to be carried out by ABB)
fer to technical catalogue 1VCP000165 and al-
– Electronic feeder
ways state the following:
– Auxiliary contacts (5 normally open and/or 5
– type of contactor
normally closed)
– rated voltage of the contactor
– Capacitor
– rated normal current of the contactor
– Interfacing shaft (only fixed contactors)
– serial number of the contactor
– 12 kV insulation shields (only fixed contac-
– rated voltage and frequency of any electrical
spare parts.
– Drive assembly (replacement to be carried
For availability and to order spare parts, please
out by ABB).
contact ABB Service.
– Operation counter
– Fuses
– Adapters for fuses
– Fuseholder (replacement to be carried out
by ABB)
– Isolating contacts
– Locking magnet in the truck
– Microswitches.

The data and illustrations are not binding. We reserve the right to make changes in the course of technical

1VCD600192 - Rev. B, en - Instruction Manual - 2005.12 (V-Contact VSC - VSC/P)

development of the product.

ABB Power Technologies S.p.A. ABB Calor Emag Mittelspannung GmbH

Unità Operativa Sace Oberhausener Strasse 33 Petzower Strasse 8
Via Friuli, 4 D-40472 Ratingen D-14542 Glindow
I-24044 Dalmine Phone: +49(0)2102/12-1230, Fax: +49(0)2102/12-1916
Tel: +39 035 395111 E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +39 035 395874 Internet:
E-mail: [email protected]

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