Teaching and Assessing The Macroskills Midterm

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NAME: Alfeche, Fayrah DATE: March 26, 2021


General Instruction:

This is a Multiple-Choice type of examination. Read through each statement and choice.
Make a choice by RETAINING the statement you have chosen. Please remove the other
three choices that you did not select.

1. The following are macro skills in English; except for?

d. Watching

2. This refers to the act of gathering of information on a daily basis in order to

understand individual students’ learning and needs.
a. Assessment

3. This refers to the culminating act of interpreting the information gathered for the
purpose of making judgements or decisions about students’ learning needs.
b. Evaluation

4. This refers to the salient part of the assessment.

d. Testing

5. These include data such as attendance, records, questionnaires, and teacher’s rating
of the students.
- Measurement

6. It focuses on the gap between where the learner is in his/her learning and where
he/she needs to be---desired goals.
b. Assessment for learning

7. Learners become more aware of what they learn, how they learn and what helps them
a. Assessment as learning

8. This can be achieved through processes such as sharing criteria with learners,
effective questioning, and feedback.
b. Assessment for learning

9. This involves working with the range of available evidence that enables staff and the
wider assessment community check on students’ progress.
c. Assessment of learning

10. This is about reflecting the evidence of learning

a. Assessment as learning
11. It provides an arena for the management and planning of assessment and the
teachers to work collaboratively with the evidence.
c. Assessment of learning

12. It covers activities that are undertaken by teachers and/or by the students which
provides information to be used as feedback to modify teaching and learning
b. Assessment for learning

13. Assessments—in general should have the following criteria, EXCEPT

d. Opposite

14. Tests are used to ensure effective teaching, to improve teaching quality, and to
obtain feedback on students’ learning places on the course.
b. Language test in teaching

15. Tests are used to measure students’ language ability, discover how much they
have been learning and diagnose students’ strengths and weaknesses.
a. Language test in learning

16. Tests have important role in determining language processing, language teaching,
and acquisition.
c. Language test in research

17. Its purpose is to determine students’ knowledge and skills, learning needs,
motivational and interest levels.
a. Diagnostic

18. It occurs most often at the end of a unit of instruction and when students are
ready to demonstrate achievement curriculum objectives.
c. Summative

19. It focuses on the processes and products of learning.

b. Formative

20. It provides information upon which instructional decision and adaptations can be
b. Formative

21. Its purpose is to determine knowledge, skills, and attitudes that have developed
over a given period of time.
c. Summative

22. Through this, teachers can determine where to begin instruction and what
concepts or skills to emphasize.
a. Diagnostic

23. It is continuous and meant to inform the students, parents, and teachers of the
students’ progress toward curriculum objectives.
b. Formative
24. This can be done via approaches that support students’ specific needs.
b. Formative

25. It collects evidence of students’ knowledge, skills, and proficiency.

d. Summative

26. Observations are under this kind of assessment and evaluation.

a. Formative

27. Teacher May is planning to discuss to her students the topic on how to write an
essay. Prior to this, she plans to have an activity called “Free Writing”. This
activity can be categorized as?
c. Formative

28. To regularly monitor students’ progress, Teacher Nico lets his students compile
their works for each quarter leading them to create a portfolio. Portfolios as an
activity is classifies as what type of assessment?
d. Formative

29. A notebook in which a student can write a spontaneous response to literature

and/or assessment of personal progress.
b. Journal

30. An evaluation tool that lists the important features that should be present in
students’ performances and/or products.
b. Rubrics

31. An instrument for helping students understand expectations and assess a

classmate’s skill.
-Peer Assessment

32. A record of students’ literacy activities that help them keep track of their reading
and writing progress.
c. Literacy Log

33. This type of testing classifies students according to whether they are able to
perform some tasks satisfactorily.
c. Criterion- Referenced Testing

34. This testing does not require judgement on the part of the scorer because scoring
is objective.
b. Objective Testing

35. This type of testing requires students to directly perform the skill a teacher wishes
to measure.
a. Direct Testing

36. This kind of test is not based on the content of the objectives of a language course.
d. Proficiency Test

37. Teacher Rey wants to identify his students’ strengths and weaknesses in a given
topic. What type of test should he employ?
c. Diagnostic Test
38. Being the grade level chairman, Teacher Jey wants to assign students to classes
at different levels or sections. What test is appropriate for him to administer?
-Placement Test

39. Its purpose is to establish how successful individual students in achieving the
b. Achievement Test

40. This type of test is applied when selecting candidates for a role that would require
them to learn a new language.
a. Aptitude Test

End of Examination

"The real goal of classroom assessment is to improve students’ performance,

not merely audit it"- Sousa and Tomlinson

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