Reservoir Flood Routing2

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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service National Employee Development Center Module 211 Reservoir Flood Routing EDC National Employee Development Center DC Engineering Hydrology Training Series Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing National Employee Development Center Natural Resources Conservation Service United States Department of Agriculture duly 1999 Mention of trademarked or copyrighted items or equipment in this workbook does not constitute endorsement by the United States Department of Agriculture. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require altemative means for commu- nication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA Office of Communications at (202) 720-5881 (voice) or (202) 720-7808 (TDD). To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, or call (202) 720-7327 (voice) or (202) 720-1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer. Preface This module consists of a study guide which provides a brief overview of reservoir flood routing. Proceed through this module at your own pace. Be sure you completely understand each section before moving on. If you have questions or need help, please request assistance from your supervisor. If your supervisor cannot clear up your problems, he/ she will contact the state-appointed resource person. The resource person is familiar with the material and should be able to answer any questions you may have. Be sure to write out your answers to the included activities. This will help to reinforce your leaming. After completing each activity, compare your answers with the included solution. Acknowledgment The design and development of this training module is the result of a concentrated effort by practicing engineers in the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The contributions from many technical and procedural reviews have helped make this module one that will provide needed knowledge of hydrology and hydraulics to NRCS employees. Engineering Hydrology Training Series Engineering Hydrology Training Series Table of Contents Preface .. Acknowledgment ...... Introduction ........00000 Storage Indication Procedure The Continuity Equation ... Data Needed for Routing Comparison of Common Routing Methods . 12 Mass Curve Method Graphical Methods... Storage Indication Method Activity 1... Shortcut Reservoir Routing Methods Activity 2.. Activity 3. NNTC Shortcut Procedure .. . Emergency Spillway Routing Shortcut . 129 NRCS Computer Programs for Reservoir Flood Routing... 231 Test «0.0.0. Summary .. Bibliography ....... Activity and Test Solutions ........cstststsessiststreietstseetstst 39 Certificate of Completion .......sasssssiessistte see Ad Engineering Hydrology Training Series Engineering Hydrology Training Series Module Description Overview This module presents information NRCS engineers need to know about flood routing in order to design or understand the functioning of water control structures that temporarily impound flood water, such as dams, ponds, and other detention type structures. The module discusses the background and applications of different types of reservoir routing procedures with emphasis on the Storage Indication method. NRCS shortcut reservoir routing procedures are also discussed. Applicable NRCS computer programs that use the Storage Indication method and the shortcut procedures are identified and the routing procedure described. Information on how to use the programs is covered in the Computer Program Module series Objectives Upon completion of this module, you will be able to * Describe the Storage Indication method of reservoir routing. * Identify shortcut reservoir routing methods + Identify computer programs the NRCS uses to route floods through structures and describe their general range of applicability. * Perform at ASK Level 3 (Perform with supervision). vii Engineering Hydrology Training Series Prerequisite Module 111—Reservoir Flood Routing Duration The participant should take as long as necessary to complete the module. Training time for the module is approximately three hours. Eligibility This module is intended for all NRCS personnel who use reservoir flood routing procedures. Method of Completion This module is self-paced, but the state should select a resource person to answer any questions that the participant's supervisor cannot handle IEDC Engineering Hydrology Training Series Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing Introduction In this module, you will be introduced to background information used to develop the Natural Resources Conservation Service reservoir routing procedures. You should have already completed Module 111—Reservoir Flood Routing. This module should give you a thorough understanding of reservoir flood routing, but you will need additional experience and supervision before doing them on your own. Storage Indication Procedure In Module 111, you learned that flood routing is the process of determining the timing and shape of a flood wave. In a reservoir, this is done by accounting for the storage available in the reservoir. In a channel, the flood wave is observed at successive points along a river. The storage and outflow are interdependent. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 1 Engineering Hydrology Training Series The Continuity Equation The continuity equation used in reservoir routing observes the principle of conservation of mass. For a given time interval, the volume of inflow minus the volume of outflow equals the change in volume of storage. The equation is often written in one of the two forms given below. At (T- 0) = aS ie) ) = aS/At (2) At = a time interval average rate of inflow during the time interval average rate of outflow during the time interval o- AS = change in volume of storage during the time interval The treatment of reservoir routing in this module is based on the assumption that the reservoir is level. This means that both the outflow and the storage depend only on the water level in the reservoir. This is valid in the majority of reservoirs designed by NRCS, It is not valid in a reservoir where the backwater effect is such that a significant percentage of the temporary storage occurs as wedge storage between the sloping backwater surface and a horizontal plane extending upstream from the water surface elevation at the dam. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series In many applications, the flow and storage variables are expanded as shown below. , + 1y/2 (2a) (0, + O72 time at the beginning of the interval t, = time at the end of the interval inflow rate at t1 inflow rate at t2 outflow rate at tl outflow rate at t2 S, = storage volume at t1 storage volume at t2 Figure 1 shows the general configuration for a reservoir. As inflow exceeds outflow, the storage increases. If the outflow is greater than the inflow, the storage decreases as long as the water level is higher than the crest of the outlet device. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 3 Figure 1. General Configuration of a Reservoir Figure 2 shows another important principle of reservoir routing. The outflow is a maximum when the storage is a maximum. The outflow is dependent on the height of water above the crest of the outflow device, h. In the equations for orifice flow and weir flow given below, h is the only variable. So when h is a maximum, the discharge Q will be a maximum. Figure 2. Reservoir Operations: Ouitiow is a maximum when Storage is a maximum as both are dependent on “h" July 1999 Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing Engineering Hydrology Training S« Weir Flow: Q = CLh’? (3) Orifice Flow: Q = CA(2gh)'? (4) where Q = discharge, cfs h = height of water above the weir crest, ft, OR distance from the center of the orifice to upstream free water surface A. = cross-sectional area, sq. ft. C = coefficient (typically 3.1 in equation 3 and 0.6 in equation 4) L = weir length, feet g = gravitational constant = 32.2 ft/sec? Under average conditions, the reservoir water level will stay at or near the crest of the outflow device. This is because the inflow from rain tends to offset the losses by evaporation, infiltration, and seepage. It then follows that outflow begins as soon as inflow does. Inflow raises the reservoir level by a small amount, which causes h in equations three and four and in figure 3 to become slightly larger than zero. This produces an initial small outflow. It is relatively small as the inflow’s magnitude is dampened by the storage reservoir's volume. In times of heavy rainfall, the outlet may flow for a long period of time and the reservoir's level may be higher than normal for a long period. This is illustrated in figure 3 by the letter a. In time of drought, evaporation and infiltration may exceed inflow; the water level in the reservoir will then fall below the crest of the outlet device. This is illustrated in figure 3 by the letter b. The first rains that appear will then have to restore the permanent pool level to the crest of the outflow device before outflow will begin. Engineering Hydrology Training Series Figure 3. Reservoir Operations: (a) reservoir level after large rain; (b) reservoir level after prolonged drought; (h) reservoir level in typical case just after inflow begins so h is slightly more than zero. Figure 4 illustrates the principle that the peak outflow falls on a point on the inflow hydrograph. This occurs when the inflow rate equals the rate at which the outflow device is releasing the water. The area abdca, or the difference between the inflow and outflow hydrographs, represents the volume stored. The volume of storage depleted is represented by area diged, which equals area abdca. 500 g bla © 400 ict & S 300 3 / ey © 200 100 LLY a i [ | 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time, Days = = = inom hydrooragh cut hydrograph Figure 4. Peak outflow falls on a point on the inflow hydrograph. Hydrographs indicate volume stored and later released. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Data Needed for Routing Numerous pieces of information are needed to complete a successful routing. The four listed here will be described in the following paragraphs. © Stage-storage relationship + Stage-discharge relationship * Starting elevation (stage) * Inflow hydrograph and baseflow Stage-storage relationship In order to relate inflow to storage, one must be able to relate the storage volume in the reservoir to elevation. This is depicted graphically or in a table, Figure 5 illustrates a stage-storage relationship. This may be estimated from maps or surveyed in the field. Stage may be expressed as it relates to a surveyed or assumed benchmark elevation or as it relates to a selected point, such as the bottom of the storage reservoir. Calculation of storage was discussed in module 111 4000 3500. Elev.(f) Storage: 000 570 ° _ 572 9.64 % 2500 574 36.74 tenon 576 81.60 2 seo 41450 @ 1500 585 947.85 1000 590 1715.85 500 595 2744.05 | 600 3994.10 ° Lo 59410 | Elevation, feet Figure 5. Elevation-Storage relationship for a reservoir Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 7 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Stage-discharge relationship This relationship depends on the type of outflow device in the reservoir. Formulas such as equations three and four are used to relate the elevation of the water surface to the discharge. The elevation of the outlet device is known or assumed. The head, h, is added to this elevation to obtain the elevation of the water surface. An example of a stage (or elevation)-discharge table is given in figure 6. The elevation-discharge relationship can be combined with the stage-storage relationship described above to relate storage to discharge. This is illustrated in figure seven. One can then apply the storage indication method to route a hydrograph through the reservoir. crest of riser ' ; my es ae 400 a3 350 45.8 @ 300 3 #50 i: g i £ 200 149 2 204 0 150 289 100. ey od 367 Elevation, feet 401 432 Crest of orifice Figure 6. Elevation-cischarge relationship for a reservoir with a two-stage principal spilway 8 July 1999, eering Hydrology Training Series 400 Pa Elevation, feet Figure 7. Storage-Discharge Relationship Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 9 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Starting elevation A starting elevation is assumed for the routing. If it has been extremely dry, the water surface level may be below the crest of the outlet device. In wet conditions, the reservoir may be above the crest of the outlet device so a small discharge is occurring. In average conditions, the water surface is likely to be at the crest of the outlet device. Inflow hydrograph and baseflow An inflow hydrograph must be known or assumed. This may be known from gage records. Several techniques for developing a synthetic hydrograph are described in literature. Module 207 also discusses hydrograph development. If there is a constant baseflow into the reservoir, this should be identified and considered in the routing. Units The units used in reservoir routing are commonly acre-feet, inches, cfs-hours and cfs-days. These terms are related to each other. One acre-foot of water is the volume of water that covers ‘one acre of land with a depth of one foot. This unit is frequently used to describe the volume of a reservoir because the area is measured in acres and the depth in feet. “Inches” describes a volume of water that is one inch deep over the area of the watershed. “Cfs-hours” describes a volume of water that accumulates when a one cfs discharge flows for one hour. Similarly, “cfs-days” describes a volume of water that accumulates if a one cfs discharge flows for one day (24 hours). The relationship between these is shown below. 10 July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Trail ing Sel ©) 1 cfs-day = 24 cfs-hours feeday 3600 sec 24 brs acre eteot (6) sec hour *~ day * 43,560 1 cfsday = 1.98 acre-feet ; 1 foot 1 inch x Drainage Area (acres) ——°" = acre-feet a 12 inches Time Increment The time increment is the interval at which the ordinates of a hydrograph used in the routing are represented. The time increment selected ‘for the reservoir routing must be sufficiently short to capture the changes in the reservoir level and to define the hydrograph adequately, yet long enough to be practical and reasonable. The period should be short enough so that the hydrograph during the period approximates a straight line. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing "1 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Comparison of Common Routing Methods Mass Curve Method The mass-curve method of reservoir routing is very versatile. It can be applied numerically or graphically. A mass flow curve is a plotting of accumulated volume of flow and time. At any point, that is, at any time, the slope of the mass flow curve, since it is ‘a volume dimension divided by a time dimension, is equal to the rate of flow. The mass flow curve is the integral of the hydrograph since its ordinates measure accumulated volume at any time. The numerical routing operation is a trial and error procedure while the graphical approach is a direct solution. Each operation is a solution of equation eight below. MI, - (MO, + Oat) = S, (8) where MI, = mass inflow at time 2 MO, = mass outflow at time 1 © = average discharge during the routing interval At = routing interval = time 2 minus time 1 S, = storage at time 2 12 July 1999, Engineering Hydrology Training Series Graphical Methods These methods basically involve a graphical integration of the mass curve. They are time-consuming as significant quantities of data must be plotted to complete the analysis, yet they are much quicker than numerically solving all the equations involved. Additional information and examples for this method are given in NEH 5, Chapter 8. This is reference two in the bibliography. Storage Indication Method Reservoir routing methods that can also be used for stream rout- ing are generally discharge methods, not mass methods, because a discharge hydrograph is the desired output. This method uses discharge rates as both input and output. Two shortcomings of the method should be acknowledged. * Outflow begins at the same time inflow begins so, presum- ably, the inflow at the head of the reservoir passes instanta- neously through the reservoir regardless of its length. This is not serious if the time to peak on the inflow hydrograph is at least twice as long as the travel time through the reser- voir. ‘+ There is no rule for selecting the proper time increment. Page 17-22 of the August 1972 edition of NEH 4 deals with this concern and how it can be addressed. The reser- voir routing in NRCS’s TR-20 program is done by the storage-indication method. SITES also uses the storage- indication method. This method is examined further and a sample exercise provided. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 13 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Storage Indication Procedure Figure 8 illustrates the derivation of the storage indication equation from the continuity equation. This provides the working form of ‘equation ten used below in the storage indication procedure. Ts S\/At - Oy, = S,/At + On (10) (-5) = asiat (equation 2) Insert terms from equations 2a, = (O40 SS: i- = i-(-S-)--F Oe & & 2 2 at at Tate (10) at 2 at 2 Figure 8. Derivation of Storage-Indication Method Equation from the Continuity Equation The following steps identify the procedure for reservoir routing, Examples in NEH 4, Chapter 17 begin on page 17-24 in the August 1972 edition. Step 1 Identify the elevation-discharge relationship for the reservoir. This is illustrated in figure 6. Step 2 Develop the elevation-storage curve for the structure. Figure 5 identifies this relationship. Sample calculations for an elevation- storage curve were shown in module 111. 14 July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Step 3 Develop and plot the inflow hydrograph. A principal spillway hydrograph is plotted in figure 9. g Discharge, cfs ” “i Time, days Figure 9. Inflow Hydrograph Step 4 The routing interval must be selected. It may be advantageous to select two intervals—a longer one for small changes and a shorter one for larger changes. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 15 Step 5 Prepare the working curves—one for each routing interval if more than one time unit is used. An example of this is given in table one. Column 2 in table one is read from figure 6, and likewise column 3 is read from figure 5 for the elevations selected in column 1. Column 4 is the values in column 2 divided by two. The values in columns 5 and 7 are those from column 3 divided by the respective time increments. Column 6 is the sum of columns 4 and 5, and likewise column 8 is the sum of columns 4 and 7. 0 eo ® ® © © ® @® Elevation Discharge Storage 0,2 For At=0.5 days For At= 0.1 days ® © 6) SJAt SJA40,2 S/At S/AuO/2 (cts) (cts-days) (cts) (ts) (els) (ls). (cts) 580.2 00 = =90 «000 0m 0.00 se12116 «49S 580-98 103.80 © 490» 495.00 5622 «328981840198. 21240980 —996.40 5632 «60.3159 30.15 3184.15 1500 1620.15, sexe 108.0 «2052.00 472 528.00 2300 2412.00 586.0 193.0 933. 6.50 GBB 79260 9380 3306.50 587.0 1490 © 407 « «7450 «814. «888.50 4070 «4144.50 587.5 2040 444 —«102.00 888.980.0440 «4542.00 5880 289.0 482««144.60 «964 1108.50 4820 «4964.50 5885 353.0 $25 176.50 1060 1226.50 5250 5426.50 5900 365.0 655182501310 1492.50 6550 «6732.50 592.0 382.0 838.-«191.00 1676 1867.00 8380 8571.00 595.0 401.0 1174 200.50 2348 2548.50 11740 11940.50 From Fig6 Fiom FigS Col22 Col ist Gol 4xCal5 Gal Slat Col A4Cal7 Table 1. Preparation of working curves. Note conversion in Column 8 from acre-feet to fs-days. Use equation 6. 16 July 1999, Engineering Hydrology Tr Step 6 Prepare table 2—operations table with the headings and fill in columns 1 and 2 from the table in figure 9. These rates will be used for getting the T values as it is difficult to select T values accurately from some portions of the plotted hydrograph. @ @ ® © © ® Time Inflow T SJasoJ2 SJat 0/2 Outflow (days) (ets) (fs) (cts) * (es) (ef) (ets) 00 ° 00 0.0 ° ° ° os. 10 350 35.0 33 2 4 10 79 7451055 99 6 2 15 a Bs 175016, 13 26 20 a8 602080216 19 38 25 99 935 2010267 24 48 30 «110210457. 30 60 35128 11904080269 37 4 40155 14.0 47k 46 2 45 285 2005582058 58 112 26840 2628 56 112 46 269 257.0 28200-2771 58 116 47° 308-2885 3001.0 ©2040 6 122 48 9803440 20803159 64 128 49 baz aD BH B87 oy 138 50 200212820 46700 «4555118, 230 51 104918255 500805787179 358 52 S77 1302.0 23982 368 53 383405065420 «636082 2368 54 312352585800 GMB 366 55 2672895 ASSO 274182 368 56 217,242.03 362 57 200 ©2085 «6180.0 © «6000180 380 5B 184 192.0« 012.0 Sa2S«180 360 59 1741790 saa1.0 «5652179 358, 60 = tes t60.0S 642.0 Bae 178 356 ja30 115178 356 65 198151. 1088048135, 270 70 «118 = 1280 9.0 as 89 178 75 08 1120S 8750 m4 148 80 4 1000 87.0788 n 142 85 88 910760707 6 138 90 8 507230657 6s 132 95 74 7e0 6620-07 62 124 100 67 75 6185857 59 118 105 10 385536584 53 106 110 10 100 4810309 2 a4 115. 10 100 © 3670335, 22 64 120 10 100 3180287 26 52 Ts Sat 0/2 = 8,at+ 0/2 3540-0=35 Table 2. Operations Table, Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 17 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 18 Step 7 Using the operations table, average the rates of inflow for each time unit and express it in the T column. Add the inflow rate from the previous time unit to the rate in the present time. increment and divide by two. Step 8 Do the routing. This involves use of equation ten. S,/At and 0,/2 in columns 5 and 6 respectively become S,/At and ©,/2 in the next time increment when the equation is applied. The outflow in column 7 is twice the value in column 6 (Outflow = 2x O,/2). The term S,/At+O,/2 is broken into the two components (S,/At and O,/2) using the appropriate columns from the working table developed in step five. The values are interpolated. Column 5 is subtracted from column four to obtain the value in column 6. Or, the value in column 6 could also be interpolated from the working table (such as using column 4 in table one). Step 9 The maximum storage attained in the routing occurs when the inflow equals the outflow. This occurs at approximately time 5.3 hours in table 2. For this time, the value of (S,/At+O,/2) is 6,542 cfs and O, = 364 cfs. Solving for S, and converting it to acre-feet, results in a maximum storage value of 1,259 acre-feet. (see computations at the bottom of table 2). Using this value with figure 5, the maximum storage value is reached when the reservoir is at elevation 587.3. The maximum outflow is 364 cfs, identifiable from column 7 in table 2. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series At this time, complete activity one in the Study Guide to review the material just covered. After finishing the activity, compare. your answers with the solution provided near the end of this module. When you are satisfied that you understand the material, continue with the Study Guide text Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 19 Engineering Hydrology Trai Activity 1 Given An engineer is interested in knowing the maximum storage that will be needed for a reservoir. The design inflow hydrograph is given as part of table four. Table three is a working table that identifies the elevation-discharge-storage relationships. The time interval has been selected. The routing is complete but several gaps in tables 3 and 4 are left to be filled in. Find The missing data entries in tables 3 and 4. Then determine the maximum storage volume needed for the design storm. Solution o @ o @ © © ” © Elevation Discharge Storage 0,2 For At = 0.5 days For At = 0.1 days. Cc) ©) 8) SYAt SJAtOJ2 SJAt SJAt+0 J2 (cfs) (cts-days) (cfs) (els) (cfs) (cts)——_(efs) 820 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° 821 12 25 6 50 56 25056 822 36 46 18 90 108 823 66 70 824 100 110 825 136156 826 150 190-75 980455 19001975 8277 200-210-100 4z0S «820 « 2100» 2200 828 290286 472 2360 29-3504 508 2540 e30 976 = 8018888200888 Table 8. Working Table for Activity 1 20 July 1999 leering Hydrology Training Series a Time (says) 00 09 os 10 15 20 2a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3a 32 33 a4 35 490 45 50 55 60 65 70 @ Inflow (ets) ° 0 35, 40 510 360 300 270 240 220 9A 180 160 140 124 110 96 78 60 I (cfs) 00 00 os as 470 625 102.5 185.0 470.0 330.0 285.0 255.0 230.0 209.0 109.0 170.0 150.0 132.0 117.0 103.0 87.0 69.0 ® ©) te At Sei et) 0.0 ° 0.0 ° 178 16 52.0 46 810 69 100.0 a4 433.0 a7 448.0 431 4765 458 542.0 520 683.0 653 2797.0 27730 ©2897 27080 2832 26130 2447 2511.0 2365 papRo 2908 463.0 385 439.0 365, 408.0 337 369.0 303 324.0 265 275.0 228 ©) ee ° 09 18 60 12.0 160 160 170 185 220 30.0 176.0 1740 168.0 148.0 1340 78.0 740 710 66.0 59.0 51.0 o Outflow (cts) EGEBBRBwoo 352 348 332 290 26a 156 148 142 132 118 102 Table 4. Operations Table Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 21 Engineering Hydrology Trai 22 ig Series Shortcut Reservoir Routing Methods Various equations and charts have been developed for quickly estimating the required storage in a reservoir or the required capacity of a spillway. Usually these estimates are for preliminary studies of structures or projects. In most cases, the equations and charts are based on the results of actual routings so that using the equation or chart is, in effect, a form of routing. Several methods are available as manual shortcuts for routing a principal spillway storm to determine the maximum amount of storage needed. They are discussed below. Technical Release 33 Technical Release 33 presents a method to determine the minimum storage requirement for a floodwater retarding structure which has only a single-stage principal spillway, governed primarily by pipe flow. This procedure can only be used with Principle Spillway/Dam, TR-60, and assumes a 10-day hydrograph from TR-60. It saves plotting the mass curve. Eight charts estimate the storage needed in inches. The maximum time of concentration that can be used with this method is nine hours. In shallow reservoirs with gently sloping topography, the procedure may underestimate the required storage volume. This procedure has been used infrequently since the advent of microcomputers Technical Release 55 Technical Release 55, Chapter 6, offers the most recent development in the area of shortcut routing for reservoirs. Temporary storage was estimated initially using a statistical relationship that came to be known as the “beta equation”. The basic equation is given as equation 11. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series VAN, = Cy + Cila/a) +Cila,/a)2 +Cla/a)? (41) where VV, = ratio of storage volume (V) to runoff volume (V) @/a, = ratio of peak outflow discharge (q,) to peak inflow discharge (q) CyCrCy.C, = coefficients (see table F-1 on page F-2 in June 1986 version of TR-55) This was first developed many years ago as a single curve. In recent years, sufficient data has become available to develop the two curves shown in figure 10 for the different storm types used in NRCS. Tees em yes 13 Te va 2 3 # s € 7 Peak outfiow discharge ($0) Speak tatlow sischarae (Gy Figure 10. Approximate detention basin routing for rainfall types |, 1A, Il, and Il, Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 23 Engineering Hydrology Tr 24 ing Si Figure 11 identifies the general geographic locations that use a given storm type. Figures 10 and 11 are taken from Chapter 6 of TRSS. Tyee 11 NW Figure 11. Approximate geographic boundaties for NRCS rainfall distributions. The relationships in figure 10 were determined on the basis of single stage outflow devices. Some were controlled by pipe flow and others by weir flow. Verification runs were made using mul tiple stage outflow devices, and the variance was similar to that in the base data. The method can therefore be used for both single and multiple stage outlets. There are two constraints. * Each stage requires a design storm and computation of the storage required. * The discharge of the upper stage(s) includes the discharge of the lower stage(s). July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training S Figure 10 can be used in two ways. If the storage volume is known, the peak outflow can be identified. If the peak outflow is known, the storage volume needed can be determined. This figure is biased to prevent undersizing outflow devices, but it may significantly overestimate the required storage capacity (by as much as 25 percent). The problems in activities 2 and 3 use this method as do the examples below. Example A A sediment basin is planned for a 25-acre site that has a peak inflow discharge of 24 cfs. The outlet structure has a peak capacity of seven cfs. The runoff volume from a four-inch rain is 2.04 inches. Assume a Type II storm distribution. What volume of storage is needed to handle this storm? Solution a/q, = Tels/24cKs = 0.292 From Figure 10, using q,/a, = .292, V/V, = .386 0.386 x 2.04 inches = 0.787 inches 0.787 inches x 25 acres x 1 foot/12 inches = 1.64 acre-feet Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 25 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 26 Example B A sediment basin is planned for a 120-acre site that has a peak inflow discharge of 124 cfs. The runoff volume from a four-inch rain is 2.04 inches. Assume a Type II storm distribution. The site has natural storage capacity of five acre-feet. What does the capacity of the outlet structure need to be? Solution 2.04 inches x 120 acres x 1 foot/12 inches = 20.4 acre-feet Vs/Vr = 5.0/20.4 = 0.245 Using Figure 10 with the Type Il curve, qo/qi = 0.59 go = gi x 0.59 = 124 cfs x 0.59 = 73.2 cfs Activities 2 and 3 At this time, complete Activities 2 and 3 in the Study Guide to review the material just covered. After finishing the activities, compare your answers with the solutions provided. When you are satisfied that you understand the material, continue with the study guide text. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Activity 2 Given ‘A 153 acre watershed receives a five-inch rainfall. Since the watershed has a curve number of 75, 2.45 inches of rain are expected to run off (EFM, Exhibit 2-7). The maximum inflow to the reservoir is expected to be 190 cfs. (EFM, Chapter 2) The maximum discharge the outlet pipe can produce is 45 cfs Find Using figure 10, determine the storage volume required. Solution Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 27 Engineering Hydrology Trai 28 jing Series Activity 3 Given A 153 acre watershed receives a five-inch rainfall. Since the watershed has a curve number of 75, 2.45 inches of rain are expected to run off (EFM, Exhibit 2-7). The maximum inflow to the reservoir is expected to be 190 cfs. (EFM, Chapter 2) The maximum storage available at the site is 13.4 acre-feet. Find Using figure 10, determine the peak outflow discharge the pond must have. Solution July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series NNTC Shortcut Procedure ‘The former Northeast NTC developed a shortcut procedure for the hydraulic design of two-stage risers in April 1983. The procedure relies heavily on the January 1975 version of TR-55, which has been replaced by the June 1986 version of TR-55. Eleven limitations are given for the procedure in the document, now known as Technical Note N3. The procedure is limited to geographic locations where Type II rainfall is used. The procedure is intended for class “a” structures with drainage areas less than 2000 acres. The lower stage of the riser is to be controlled by orifice flow and the high stage must be controlled by weir flow. Emergency Spillway Routing Shortcut Emergency spillway routing also has several shortcut methods. Two methods are described in NRCS Technical Releases 35 and 2. A third is illustrated in Figure 17-11 from NEH-4. Alll three of these methods are rarely used today hecause of the widespread availability of computers and software. Technical Release 35 is a shortcut method for routing the emergency spillway and freeboard hydrographs which can be used when the principal spillway discharge is primarily pipe flow. It is based on a modification of Culp’s relationship for outflow hydrographs. The method utilizes dimensionless charts for the routing of freeboard and emergency spillway hydrographs through reservoirs and provides a quick means of arriving at the proper proportioning of water impounding structures. Figure 17-11 from NEH-4 is included here as figure 12. It is similar to charts used with the beta equations (such as figure 10 Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 29 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 30 included in this document). The noted difference is that figure 12 is for routing the combined flow for the principal and emergency spilways. The emergency spillway “surcharge” storage is included when computing the volume ratio. The curve shown here appears to be an enveloping curve valid for many types of structures and, as such, provides a conservative estimate, often useful in preliminary work 10 — T © FROM “LOW DAMS" 4 FROM EXAMPLE 17.6 + MISCELLANEOUS ROPTINGS o> 6 RESERVOIR DETENTION VOLUME INFLOW RUNOFF VOLUME ° 2 4 6 QUTFLOW PEAK RATE INFLOW PEAK RATE Figure 12. Typical shortcut method of reservoir flood routing July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series NRCS Computer Programs for Reservoir Flood Routing The Natural Resources Conservation Service has developed several computer programs to assist with the design of reservoirs, and the routing of storms through reservoirs. Four will be discussed briefly here with appropriate references. TR-55 is a shortcut routing procedure. A microcomputer program is available that facilitates computations and trying alternatives. This method approximates TR-20, in that a series of runs of TR-20 were done to develop the tables and charts contained in TR-55. The method is intended for “small watersheds” (less than 2000 acres) and is limited to applications where the time of concentration is less than two hours, TR-55. does not give the entire runoff hydrograph, nor does it give the entire runoff volume. TR-55 is excellent for use with small watersheds, especially those changing from agricultural use to urban or industrial use. Hydrology Training Series module 251 is a study guide for using TR-55. It is recommended that you obtain and try this module if you plan to use TR-55. The HYDRO-YARDAGE (lowa Pond) Program The HYDRO-YARDAGE (lowa Pond) Program was developed in 1988 by Jack Langford. It is intended for the design of ponds falling under the 378 standard, but NOT for structures that require TR-60 criteria. It allows computation of earthwork yardages and cost estimates as well as the routing of the principal and emergency spillway storms. It is similar to SITES in some regards, but is more user-friendly, and offers input of survey data. It plots cross-sections and profiles on the screen and on paper. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 3 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 32 TR-20 TR-20 is the original NRCS program for project formulation, or the planning of watersheds. It allows one to examine the effects of a watershed with and without improvement measures such as reservoirs, diversions, and channel improvements. TR-20 routes water as it moves from the top of a watershed to the point of interest. It is written in FORTRAN so has very specific requirements for data in fields. This has been aided in recent years by the development of an input program and a checking program. TR-20 takes some time to set up for an average watershed, but then can be a real time-saver for examining alternatives. The information requested as output from the program can be very detailed or general. Summary tables are provided to easily track the flow of water. TR-20 uses the storage-indication method of reservoir routing. It handles large numbers of subwatersheds and channel cross- sections. It readily allows one to evaluate the effects of change in storage volume and outflow devices for one or more structures at any given time. SITES SITES is intended for the design of a flood retarding structure. It routes principal and emergency spillway storms through alternative designs and selects the outflow device size and the storage needed. It was developed for ponds and structures that must meet. the criteria in TR-60 but is also satisfactory for ponds that must meet the criteria in standard 378. Other programs may be available in your geographic area. Consult the State Conservation Engineer for other programs that should be included in this module for your state or area. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Test Problem 1 ‘An engineer wishes to determine the maximum storage elevation that will be reached in a reservoir. The outflow device is a four- foot long weir with a crest elevation of 580.0 feet. The storage table on the next page identifies the natural storage area that is available at the site. The inflow hydrograph is given in the first and second columns of the operations table for problem 1 Find The maximum storage elevation that will be reached in a reservoir by this storm using the storage-indication method of routing. Solution Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 33 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 34 Problem 2 ‘A 720 acre drainage area has a runoff curve number of 81. The 25-year precipitation event is 4.8 inches. Use a time of concentration of 2.4 hours with a Type Il storm distribution. The natural storage available for a reservoir is 73.8 acre-feet. Using a shortcut routing technique, determine the peak outflow discharge needed to handle the storm. Solution July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Trai ing Si Problem 3 A 582 acre drainage area has a runoff curve number of 73. The 10-year precipitation event is 6.2 inches. Use a time of concentration of 1.8 hours with a Type Il storm distribution. The maximum outflow that is allowed by the local governing body is 250 cfs. Determine the volume of storage needed using a shortcut routing procedure. Solution Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 35 Engineering Hydrology Trai ing Series Summary Now that you have completed Module 211, you should be able to: * Describe the storage indication method of routing * Identify several shortcut reservoir routing methods and pro- vide justification for their use. ‘+ Identify computer programs NRCS uses to flood route struc- tures and describe their range of applicability You will need more practice and perhaps an additional training session before you become skilled in reservoir flood routing. The module on TR-55 is suggested as is examination of the Technical Releases mentioned. Retain this study guide as a reference until you are satisfied that you have successfully mastered all the methods covered. It will provide an easy review at any time if you should encounter a problem, If you have had problems understanding the module or if you would like to take additional, related modules, contact your supervisor. When you are satisfied that you have completed this module, remove the Certification of Completion sheet (last page of the study guide), fill it out, and give it to your supervisor to submit, through channels, to your Training Officer. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Bibliography USDA, Soil Conservation Service, National Engineering Handbook, Section 4, Hydrology, Chapter 17—Flood Routing, August 1972. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, National Engineering Handbook, Section 5, Hydraulics, Chapter 8—Flood Routing Through Reservoirs. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Engineering Field Manual, Chapter 11—Ponds and Reservoirs, April 1980. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Chapter 6—Storage Volume for Detention Basins, June 1986. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 2, Earth Spillways, Tentative Issue, Oct. 1, 1956, 42 pages. Supplement A issued in May 1957, 10 pages. USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 35, UD Method of Reservoir Flood Routing, February 1967 USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Technical Release No. 33, Simplified Method for Determining Floodwater Retarding Storage, 11 pages, April 1978. Chow, Ven Te, Handbook of Applied Hydrology, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1964. Schwab, Glenn, Richard Frevert, Talcott Edminster, Kenneth Barnes, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1955, Revised 1966, 683 pages. USDA Soil Conservation Service, Northeast NTC, Engineering Technical Note N3 (formerly #28), Hydraulic Design of Two- Stage Risers By a Shortcut Method, April 1983, 13 pages. Compiled by Donald E. Woodward. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 37 1g Hydrology Training Series 38 July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Activity and Test Solutions Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 39 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 40 Activity 1 Given An engineer is interested in knowing the maximum storage that will be needed for a reservoir. The design inflow hydrograph is given as part of table 4, Table 3 is a working table that identifies the elevation-discharge-storage relationships. The time interval has been selected. The routing is complete but several gaps in tables 3 and 4 are left to be filled in. Find The missing data entries in tables 3 and 4. Then determine the maximum storage volume needed for the design storm. Solution The maximum storage volume occurs when the inflow equals the outflow from the reservoir. This occurs at time 2.9 days when (S/At +0/2) equals 2797 cfs. 8, 0, Ss, —+ — = 2797 cp = ——— +177 at 2 0.1 days (2797 - 177)0.1 = 262 cfs - days 1.98 ac ft 262 ofs - days x 228 I «519 ac. ft fs - days Maximum storage volume needed = 519 ac. ft. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series “ 2 Elevation Discharge Storage ® ©) 8) (ets) (cfe-deys) 820 ° ° at 2 2s 822 36 48 823 68 70 224 100110 225198188 220150190 827200210 e820 286, eo 35084 80 = 378.320 @) oye (ets) ° 6 18 33 50 68 75 100 145 175 188, 6 6 ” @) For At=0.5 days For At= 0.1 days SYAUOJ2 SJAt SJAtO /2 Syat (ets) ° 50 90 140 220 312 380 420, 472 508, 640 (ets) ° 56 1085 173 270 380 455 520 617 828 (cts) ° 250 450 700 1100 1560 1900 2100 2960 2540 3200 (cfs) ° 256 468 733 1150 1628 1975 2200 2505 2715 3388 Table 3 Solution. Working Table for Activity 1 Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing “4 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 42 a Time (days) oo 00 os 10 18 20 2a 22 23 24 25 26 a7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 49 4s 50 55 60 65 70 ) Inflow (ets) ° ° 35 40 42 44 50 75 190 240 700 820 680 510 360 300 270 240 220 198 180 160 140 124 110 96 78 60 ® T (cfs) 00 00 a a8 as 470 25 102.5 185.0 470.0 760.0 750.0 595.0 435.0 330.0 285.0 255.0 230.0 209.0 189.0 170.0 160.0 192.0 1170 103.0 87.0 69.0 “ SJAt40 /2 (cts) 00 00 175 520 81.0 100.0 433.0 448.0 476.5 542.0 683.0 1098.0 1757.0 2365.0 2710.0 2797.0 2773.0 2708.0 26120 2511.0 2428.0 2349.0 567.0 493.0 463.0 439.0 408.0 369.0 324.0 275.0 6) syat (és) ° ° 16 46 69 84 a7 431 458 520 653 1045 1686 2240 2536 2620 2597 2532 24a7 2365 2204 2227 403 385 265 228 120 160 160 170 185 220 30.0 48.0 71.0 126.0 1740 1770 176.0 1740 166.0 146.0 1340 122.0 1220 90.0 780 740 710 66.0 59.0 51.0 142 250 348 354 352 348, 332 202 258 244 244 180 156 148 142 132 118 102 Table 4 Solution. Operations Table Solution July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Activity 2 Given A. 153 acre watershed receives a five-inch rainfall. Since the watershed has a curve number of 75, 2.45 inches of rain are expected to run off (EFM, Exhibit 2-7). The maximum inflow to the reservoir is expected to be 190 cfs. (EFM, Chapter 2) The maximum discharge the outlet pipe can produce is 45 cls. Find Using figure 10, determine the storage volume required. Solution (a) V, = Ad/12 = 153 x 2.45/12 = 31.24 acre-feet Q/Q, = 45/190 = 0.237 Using Figure 10 with Q/Q, = .237, and a Type II storm distribu- tion, V/V, = 0.422 V, = (0.422)Vr = 0.422 x 31.24 = 13.18 acre-feet Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 43 Engineering Hydrology Tr: Activity 3 Given A 153 acre watershed receives a five-inch rainfall. Since the watershed has a curve number of 75, 2.45 inches of rain are expected to run off (EFM, Exhibit 2-7). The maximum inflow to the reservoir is expected to be 190 cfs. (EFM, Chapter 2) The maximum storage available at the site is 13.4 acre-feet. Find Using figure 10, determine the peak outflow discharge the pond must have. Solution V, = 2.45 inches x 153 acres/12 = 31.24 acre-feet VM, = 13.4/31.24 = 0.429 Using Figure 10, and a Type Il storm distribution, Q/Q, is 0.23. Q, = 0.23 x Q, = 0.23 x 190 = 43.7 cfs, 44 July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Test Problem 1 Determine the elevation-discharge relationship using the weir flow equation, Q = CLH*? with C = 3.2 and L=4 ft. Elevation _ Discharge, cfs 580 0.0 581 12.8 Add this table of data 582 36.2 to the working table 583 66.5 for Problem 1 584 102.4 585 143.1 586 188.1 See the storage table on the next page to see the computations of storage. These values were added to the working table also. The working table was completed using the mathematical relation- ships as defined for each factor. The inflow hydrograph points were averaged in the operations table and recorded in column 3 of the operations table. Using the storage-indication equation, columns 4 through 6 were completed as shown, by interpolating the values from the working table for problem 1. The values in column 7 are twice the values in col- umn 6. This is the outflow hydrograph. The maximum storage needed is at a point where the inflow equals the outflow, which is the same point where the storage function is maximized. In the operations table this is at about 4.4 hours. S/t + 02/2 = 681 cfs = S/0.2 days + 76 cfs S, = (681-76) x 0.2 = 121 cfs-days S, = 121 cfs-days x 1.98 ac-fi/cfs-day = 239.6 ac-ft Interpolating from the storage table, this volume correlates to an elevation of 585.24 feet. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 45 Engineering Hydrology Tr: 46 ing Series Problem 2 The document used for the solution is TR-55. Using the graphical method in Chapter 4, for a curve number of 81 the la value is 0.469. Dividing 0.469/4.8 inches, la/P = 0.0977 or approxi- mately 0.1 720 acres x 1 sq.mi./640 acres = 1.125 sq. mi. drainage area Using Exhibit 4-II (page 4-6) for a type Il rainfall, with a time of concentration of 2.4 hours, the unit peak discharge is 200 csm/ inch. Using Table 2-1 on page 2-3, interpolate to obtain the runoff for 4.8 inches of rain and a curve number of 81. 80 85 45 2.46 2.91 from TR-55 5.0 2.89 3.37 from TR-55. 48 2.72 3.19 interpolated from above lines Further interpolation shows 2.81 is the runoff when RCN =81 Q, = 200 csm/inch x 2.81 inches x 1.125 sq. mi = 632 cfs Runoff volume expected is 2.81 inches x 720 acres x 1 ft/12 inches = 168.6 acre feet. Therefore V/V, = 73.8/168.6 = 0.438, Using Figure 6-1 on page 6-2, with V/V, = 0.438, and a Type Il storm distribution, q/q, = 0.223. Q, = q, x 0.223 = 632 cfs x 0.223 = 141 cfs. July 1999 Engineering Hydrology Training Series Problem 3 532 acres x 1 sq mi/640 acres = 0.83 sq. mi drainage area Using Table 2-1 in TR-55, interpolate for a precipitation of 6.2 inches and a runoff curve number of 73. The runoff is 3.26 inches. Using Chapter 4 of TR-55 on the graphical method, determine the peak discharge. A curve number of 73 has an initial abstrac- tion, la, of 0.740. Therefore la/P = 0.74/6.2 = 0.12. Use the curve for 0.1 Use Exhibit 4 on page 4-6 with the time of concentration of 1.8 hours and find a q, of 243 csm/inch. Q = 243 csm/inch x 3.26 inches x 0.83 sq mi = 657 cfs. Q/Q, = 250 cfs/657 cfs =0.38 Using this ratio, determine V/V, from Figure 6-1 on page 6-2 of TR-55. WA, = 0.332 V, = V, x 0.332 = 3.26 inches x 0.332 = 1.08 inches Convert this to acre feet: 1.08 inches x 532 acres x 1 ft/12 inches = 47.9 acre feet of storage is needed. Module 211—Reservoir Flood Routing 47 Engineering Hydrology Training Series 48 July 1999 Sons9g voTenosuog soamnos04 emTEN omMovBY jo WaUINEGEG SOTS PeluN sao Sete ——_— ayeq ———————— pauBig “puogal s,2aKojduse peureu-enoge ay} ul payuaumoop pue paBpajmouype st Buynoy pooly sonesay—T1z eINpow soueg Buturery, ABO[OAps}] Jo uoNedwoy quedonaea sauresyjiostasodns paubig “BulureN, Jo soy ary) YIM paypaid aq Pinoys pue Bupnoy poop s1onesey—T1Z apo, saueg Sutures, ABojoupspy paya{dwioo sey yeuR Aye 0} St SIL uoyedwuiog jo ayeoyiyies Suynoy poojy woaresay—TTZ eNpoy] sales Sururesy, ABojospAY

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