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Large Markov Decision Processes based management

strategy of inland waterways in uncertain context

Guillaume Desquesnes, Guillaume Lozenguez, Arnaud Doniec, Eric Duviella

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Guillaume Desquesnes, Guillaume Lozenguez, Arnaud Doniec, Eric Duviella. Large Markov Decision
Processes based management strategy of inland waterways in uncertain context. Simhydro 2017, Jun
2017, Sophia-Antipolis, France. �hal-01577256�

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SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title


Guillaume Desquesnes1, Guillaume Lozenguez, Arnaud Doniec, Éric Duviella

IMT Lille Douai, URIA, F-59000 Lille, France

{guillaume.desquesnes, guillaume.lozenguez, arnaud.doniec, eric.duviella}

Inland waterways, Water management, Uncertainties, Markov Decision Processes, Global change

Inland waterways management is likely to go through heavy changes due to an expected traffic increase in a context of
climate change. Those changes are going to requires adaptive and resilient management of the water resource. A
representative model of the inland waterway has been proposed, using Markov decision processes to model the dynamic
and uncertainties of the waterway. It is used to obtain an optimal plan for the distribution of the water on the network
that takes into account the uncertainties arising for the operation of such networks. A subnetwork of the Hauts-de-
France is modeled using this approach based on real data of traffic and water levels. The produced plans are tested on
different scenarios under expected and unexpected conditions of traffic and climate to observe the quality and resilience
of the generated plan during its execution. Simulations will show the advantages and limitations of such a modeling of
the inland waterway network.

It is now well recognized that human activities have a big impact on climate change. It is mainly due to the
emission of greenhouse gas (GHG). The last report of IPCC [1] indicate that anthropogenic GHG emissions
“came by 11% from transport” from 2000 to 2010. They recommend technical and behavioral mitigation
measures in the transport sector. One solution should be a shift of the truck traffic to the inland waterway
network that would provide both economic and environment benefits [2] [3]. These mitigation measures are
also advocated by the last historical agreement of the COP21 in Paris. This one aims at limiting the
temperature increase to 1.5°C from 2100. By focalizing on inland navigation, it is thus expected an increase
of traffic [4], with an estimated growth of 35% [5], and an increase of the frequency and intensity of flood
and drought periods in close future. Management of inland waterways must deal with this new challenge.

An inland waterway network (IWN) is a large scale system build by humans, to responds to their needs,
which can be divided in reaches connected by locks. To allow navigation, the level of a reach has to be in a
certain range called the navigation rectangle. The role of IWN managers consists in minimizing the time
where reaches are outside of their navigation rectangle, by optimizing the water resource allocation amongst
reaches using locks, gates or pumps. It allows avoid important economic and ecological costs.

To overcome this issue, efficient adaptive water resource management strategies have been designed in
[6] dealing with the expected constraints. These management strategies allow determining the resilience of
IWN and optimizing water resource allocation. However, the used approaches are based on deterministic
model of IWN and are limited when uncertainties have to be considered. For instance, the exact number of
boats crossing the locks every day is not always known, uncontrolled withdrawals and water intakes are
located along the reaches, exchanges with groundwater can occur and obviously weather phenomena will
influence the water levels. Hence, it is necessary to introduce a stochastic modeling of the inland water
networks. The IWN are modeled as large Markov Decision Processes (MDP), as introduced in [7], taking
into account uncertainties. This model is tested on realistic and real data of the IWN of the north of France.

Corresponding author: Guillaume Desquesnes
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

This article is organized as follows: first we introduce more formally the inland waterway networks and
its operation. Then in a second part, we will quickly introduce Markov Decision Processes and the modeling
of IWN using such formalism. Finally, the results and resilience from modeling on realistic and real data will
be presented.


An inland waterway network (see Figure 1) is a large scale system, mostly used for navigation. It can
provide safe and efficient transports of goods [8]. It is mostly composed of interconnected canalized rivers
and artificial channels that are divided by locks. Any part of a river or channel separated by at least two locks
is a navigational reach. For simplicity sake, navigational reach will be called reach for the rest of this article.

Figure 1: Small part of the north of France IWN Figure 2: NNL and navigation rectangle

The goal of an inland waterway manager is to maintain a correct level of water in all reaches to make
navigation possible. This level has to respect conditions defined by the navigation rectangle (see Figure 2)
and be as close as possible from the Normal Navigation Level (NNL). The lower and upper boundaries of the
navigation rectangle are respectively the Lowest Navigation Level (LNL) and the Highest Navigation Level
(HNL). The non-respect of the navigation rectangle could results in damage of both the network and the boat
and so forbid navigation.

For normal situations, boats crossing locks is the main perturbation of the water level, since using a lock
drains water from a reach towards another reach. Multiple other factors affect the water level, such as ground
exchanges, natural rivers joining in a reach, the weather and other unknown exchanges, like illegal
discharges. Locks are not dedicated to control water level as they are only tools to help compensate the
difference of elevations in the network. However, specialized structures are presents all over the network to
control the level of water. Structures, such as gates or dams are used to send water downstream and when
available, pumps can be used to send some upstream. Those are the mains structures used to displace the
water resource between the reaches of the network.

At the moment, navigation is only allowed during daytime periods, with few exceptions, notably on
Sunday. Reaches management is based on human expertise gathered over time. However, new policies
leading to traffic increase and climate change will impose new constraints that will heavily impact the
current management strategies. An adaptive and resilient approach based on Markov Decision Processes has
been proposed to anticipate the impact of those constraints and ensure the navigation requirements at each
point of the network. It determines a global planning for the water distribution on the whole network by
taking into account the uncertainties of climate events and of the navigation demand. The allocation of water
is planned over a certain horizon to allow better anticipation of possible future events. The information on
the current state of the inland waterway network is collectable in real time through a network of level sensors
equipping the reaches.
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title


3.1 Definition

Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a generic framework modeling control possibility of stochastic of
stochastic dynamic system as a probabilistic automaton. The framework is well adapted to the inland
waterway network supervision since the state of the network is fully observable (in state of water volumes)
and the control is uncertain due to uncontrolled water transit.

A MDP is defined as a tuple ‹S, A, T, R› with S and A respectively the finite state and action sets that
define the system and its control possibilities. T is the transition function defined as T: S × A × S → [0, 1].
T(s,a,s’) is the probability to reach the state s’ after doing the action a in state s. The reward function R is
defined as R: S × A × S → ℝ, R(s, a, s’) gives the reward obtained by attaining state s’ after executing a from

A policy function π: S → A is an assignation of action to each system state. Optimally solving a MDP
consists in finding an optimal policy π* that maximizes the expected reward. π* maximizes the value
function of Bellman equation [9]:

𝑉 𝜋 (𝑠) = ∑ 𝑇(𝑠, 𝜋(𝑠), 𝑠 ′ ) × (𝑅(𝑠, 𝜋(𝑠), 𝑠 ′ ) + 𝑉 𝜋 (𝑠 ′ )) (1)

𝑠′ ∈𝑆

Multiple algorithms exists to solve optimally a MDP, a notable version is Value Iteration [10].

3.2 Application to the inland waterway management

A quick simplified reminder of the modeling of IWN using Markov Decision Process, introduced in [7] is
proposed here. The aim is to plan the best course of actions for the entire network over τ time steps, under
possibly evolving conditions. For example, the fluvial traffic could have an unexpected increase on some
reaches, leading to an increased locks usage; a sudden downpour would increase the volumes of affected

A time step represents a period of twelve hours in the network. At the moment, they model the active
navigation periods during daytime and the inactive periods during the night. Large time steps are used to
smooth the uncertainties on the traffic and other temporal variations, as well as considering the water level to
be uniform on each reach.
3.2.1 Definition of states and actions
A state of the system, will represent the complete value of the network at a given time, and thus be an
assignation of volumes for each reach of the network at a given time step. Similarly, an action will represent
the amount of water moved by each transfer point (lock, pump, gate or dam) corresponding to the decision of
a manager.

However, the MDP formalism requires discrete states and actions set. Since the volumes observed
(obtained from level measures) and transferred between each reach are continuous, they had to be discretized
in intervals. All possible volumes of the reach are divided in regulars intervals (see Figure 3), with the
exception of the first and last intervals. They represent values outside of the navigation rectangle, so
respectively all values under the LNL and over the HNL. To simplify the model, they are considered to be of
infinite size. Transfer points follow a similar discretization, however as they are considered fully controllable
they do not have intervals of infinite size.

Formally, the set of states S is defined as the combination of all possible intervals of each reach at all
time steps. In a network of N reaches the set can be written as:

𝑆 = {0, … , 𝜏} × ∏[0, 𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑡 ] (2)

SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

Having the time step modeled in the state add the possibility to express temporal probabilities on
uncontrolled or unknown inputs and outputs of the network.

Figure 3: Discretization of a reach water volume in intervals

Similarly the set of actions A is defined as the combination of the intervals of volumes transferred by
each transfer point. Unlike the states, actions are time independent as, the assumption is made that the control
capacities don’t change over time. A is defined as:

𝐴= ∏ 𝐴𝑖,𝑗 (3)

where 𝐴𝑖,𝑗 is the set of possible volumes intervals for points of transfer linking reach i to reach j. The reach
with identifier 0 represents external elements, such as external rivers, that connect and is able to bring or take
from any managed reach. The status of those external elements is not modeled in the state, they might
correspond to reaches of a foreign country managed by another organism. It is important to note that the
number of transfer points is limited as the inland waterway network is sparsely connected. In all transfer
points 𝐴𝑖,𝑗 , between two unconnected reaches i and j, no transfer is possible (𝐴𝑖,𝑗 = {0}).

Details on the transition function construction will not be presented in this article. It simply corresponds
to the probability of uncertain water displacement that take into account the discretization. More information
and details are available in [7].
3.2.2 Reward function
The objective of the planning is to maintain all reaches within their navigation rectangle and to try to
minimize their distance to their NNL. This corresponds to the following function, to maximize, defined in
cooperation with expert of the management of inland waterways.

𝑁(𝑁𝑁𝐿𝑖 − 𝑟𝑖𝑠′ )2 𝑖𝑓 𝑟𝑖𝑠′ ∈ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑖

𝑅(𝑠, 𝑎, 𝑠 ′ ) = 𝑓(𝑎) − ∑ { 𝑔2 𝑖𝑓 𝑟𝑖𝑠′ ∩ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑖 = ∅ (4)
𝑖=1 (0.5 × 𝑔)2 𝑖𝑓 𝑟𝑖𝑠′ ∩ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑖 ≠ ∅ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑖𝑠′ ∉ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑖

where the function f(a) represent costs relative to the usage of the different transfers points. For example,
using an electric pump costs more than opening a gate. This function will be highly specific to each reach
and network. 𝑁𝑁𝐿𝑖 is the volume corresponding to the NNL of reach i. 𝑟𝑖𝑠′ is the volumes of reach i in state
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

s’. g is a penalty cost for halting the navigation when the water level is fully outside of the navigation
rectangle. Half the cost is applied when the interval is only partially outside the rectangle of navigation.

This reward function penalized drastically the distance to the NNL, with a prohibitive cost when outside
of the navigation rectangle. A smaller cost is used optimize the choice of transfer points used.


The Douai-Fontinettes-Grand Carré subnetwork in the north of France inland waterway network has been
modeled using the proposed modeling and plan over. This network is composed of three reaches with
different navigations conditions (see Table 1). The three reaches, the circles, are connected by gates and
locks, the arrows (see Figure 4). Those reaches are connected to unmodeled part of the network by transfer
points (arrows: 0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) that consists in locks and external rivers. Their water levels are divided
in 12 intervals, 10 of them with a fixed size, the first and last are considered of infinite size. In this scenario,
only three transfer points are controllable by the manager of the subnetwork (arrows: 4, 6, 11), with
respectively 124, 375 and 352 actions each.

Reach Name LNL NNL HNL Interval size

0 Douai-Don-Cuinchy 8660177 8778810 9016076 26363
1 Cuinchy-Fontinettes 9348300 9458280 9568260 24440
2 Don-Grand-Carré 3766098 3824038 3881978 12876
Table 1: Network properties

Multiple operating scenarios corresponding to real case applications have been proposed to test the
proposed planning approach. All those scenarios are over eight 12 hours time steps corresponding to 4 days.
The traffic values for each lock correspond to the average traffic of the subnetwork for a single period (see
Table 2). The minimum and maximum transfer capacity of controllable transfer points are fixed and
supposed to be the same for each scenario (see Table 3). The values transferred by each other transfer points
will be dependent of the scenarios and so will be introduced during their presentation. The planning of all
scenarios has not been subject to variations, however those will be present during the simulations to test the
resilience. Due to the size of the model, a distributed version of the algorithm had to be used for the
resolution. This lead to solutions that are local optimum. The decomposition of the subnetwork for the
distribution is shown by the different colors of transfer points (see Figure 4).

Lock 0 3 5 7 9
Traffic (boat) 21 13 14 10 16
Volumes (m3) 140889 45838 82656 230000 117424
Table 2: Average traffic and volumes transferred per lock per 12 hours

Table 3: Controllable transfer points capacities per 12h

Transfer points 4 6 11
Volumes (m3) 0-432000 0-1296000 0-2592000

As actions of the modeled network corresponds to intervals of volumes by each controllable transfer
point, the simulations use random values drawn from each interval of the chosen action instead of choosing
the best or average values. The goal is to have a better perception of quality of the interval selected by the
policy. Because the volumes transferred are chosen randomly, fives simulations were made for each
scenario. This help visualizing the consequences of the random selection of transferred volumes of the used
policy. A single policy is produced for each scenario but is simulated on different conditions, both expected
and unexpected. Five different conditions are tested per scenario. The first three tests correspond to the
expected conditions of traffic and water availability. In the first test, all reaches start at their NNL, in the
second they start close to their HNL and in the third one they begin close to their LNL. In the last two tests,
the traffic is respectively 10% higher and lower than the expected at all time.
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

Figure 4: Decomposition of the subnetwork

4.1 Normal conditions

The first scenario corresponds to the normal conditions of navigation, with navigation allowed only during
daytime periods. No perturbations are anticipated on the network and the expected traffic corresponds to the
average value. The volumes transferred by the uncontrollable transfer points in this scenario are in defined in
Table 4.

Transfer point 1 2 8 10
Volumes (m3) 283392 -43200 27216 51840
Table 4: Uncontrollable volumes per 12h

On Figure 5, it is possible to see the evolution of the relative distance of the three reaches to their NNL
over time under normal condition and expected traffic, with a value of 100 corresponding to a volume at the
HNL and a volume at -100 to the LNL. One can see the volumes of the three reaches oscillating around their
respective NNL. The oscillations are due to the discretization of both the state and action in interval. An
interval of volume corresponds to a single state, which means a single action from the policy, however the
optimal actions at two opposite points in the interval might be different. For example, if an interval englobes
the NNL, the optimal choice for the upper part of the interval would be to decrease the volumes while for the
lower part it would be preferable to increase it. The impact of the oscillation is dependent on the size of the
intervals, and smaller discretization would lead to better results but with an increased size of the model.

Figure 5: Normal conditions, starting from the NNL

SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

If the reaches start for a suboptimal position (see Figures 6 and 7), they are able to recover to a solution
close to their NNL by following the planning produced. It is possible to see that coming back from the LNL
is easier than from the HNL. This due to the fact that, in this network, storing water is easier than removing

The last two experimentations consist in having respectively an increase (see Figure 8) or decrease (see
Figure 9) of the traffic compared to the expected value. In both cases the reaches manage to relatively stay
close to their NNL, even if the limit seems to be showing in the case of a smaller traffic than expected as
reach 0 has trouble to reduce its water level.

Figure 6: Starting close to the HNL Figure 7: Starting close to the LNL

Figure 8: Traffic 10% greater than expected Figure 9: Traffic 10% lower than expected

For this scenario, the produced plan was able to maintain ideal navigation conditions in expected case,
to recover from bad events that leaves the network at suboptimal water levels and was able to adapt to
unexpected traffic conditions.

4.2 Low flow conditions

During summer or drought periods, the external rivers flow will be minimal but the traffic is still present and
the navigation condition has to be maintained. The second scenario corresponds to this case, during low flow
periods, with reduced uncontrolled water income (see Table 5), but still with the same traffic.

Transfer point 1 2 8 10
Volumes (m3) 108000 -12960 15120 40608
Table 5: Uncontrollable volumes per 12h during low flow

It is possible to see on Figure 10, that results are similar to the scenario under normal conditions, the
different levels still oscillating around their NNL. However the oscillations, especially for reach 2 are wider
than in the first scenario. This is due to the fact that more water as to be displaced to compensate for the
reduced uncontrolled incomes. When reaches start close to their HNL (see Figure 11), they are able to
globally recover by the end of the simulation, with some difficulty for reach 2. Some choice of volume in the
chosen action interval leads to drastically better results than other: 20% of distance compared to 50% in the
last time step. Alas, if reaches start close to their LNL (see Figure 12), the locally optimal solution doesn’t
allow to recover directly the network. A reach, reach 0, has to go outside of its navigation rectangle to let the
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

network recover. Nevertheless at the end of the planning period, the entire network is fully working again
and levels are close to their NNL.

Figure 10: Low flow condition, starting from NNL

In the case of unexpected traffic increase (see Figure 13) or decrease (see Figure 14), the network can
maintain itself. The difficulty of dealing with less traffic that was present under normal condition is
attenuated thanks to the reduced of uncontrolled income.

Figure 11: Starting close to the HNL Figure 12: Starting close to the LNL

Figure 13: Traffic 10% greater than expected Figure 14: Traffic 10% lower than expected

Under low flow conditions, the generated plan still ensures a certain resilience of the network, but as
expected has difficulty to recover from low reach levels situation. Even then, if given enough time and no
unexpected perturbation, the network will be able to recover.
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

4.3 Future conditions

In the future, the goal is to allow traffic during nighttime. Furthermore, the traffic is also expected to
increase. This condition has been applied to this subnetwork to test its capacity to handle such an increase of
traffic with the suppression of the resting time during the night. This scenario follows the same uncontrolled
volumes as the normal condition, navigation is allowed during the night. This scenario assumes that the night
and day traffic will be the same implying a daily increase of boat crossing lock by 100%.

Figure 15: Future conditions: starting from NNL

The plan obtained for the future conditions (see Figure 15) leads all reaches, starting from their NNL, to
a smooth evolution with small oscillations. Those smaller oscillations are due to the homogeneous traffic,
that doesn’t stop during the night. Under those conditions of navigation, there is no difficulty for the network
to recover from events that lead the reaches to their HNL (see Figure 16) or to their LNL (see Figure 17).
In both case, the recovery is pretty quick in only 2 time steps. When starting close to the HNL, the recovery
is significantly faster than in the normal conditions, as the traffic is more important it is easier to move large
volumes of water from on reach to another. If the traffic is lower than expected (see Figure 19), the plan
produced is still efficient. However, in the case of a traffic increase (see Figure 18) some simulations went
close to crossing the LNL. As simulations choose random values in the selected intervals, it is possible that a
bad succession of choice lead to poor results. Three of the five simulation went close to the LNL while the
other went closer to NNL. This shows the limit of the discretization in interval of volumes for both action
and state and the importance of the chosen value in the interval by the manager, as the same intervals can
lead to both good and bad results depending on the chosen values.

Figure 16: Starting close to the HNL Figure 17: Starting close to the LNL
SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

Figure 18: Traffic 10% greater than expected Figure 19: Traffic 10% lower than expected

In this article, the modeling of the inland waterway network, using Markov Decision Processes, that aims to
optimize the water management in inland waterway networks by planning over a given horizon have been
used on a real subnetwork in the north of France. This approach aims to reduce the impact of drought and
flood that may be increased by climate change in the next years.

The modeling has been tested by planning on the Douai-Fontinettes-Grand Carré subnetwork in the
Hauts-de-France under different scenarios of traffic and weather. The plan obtained for each scenario has
been tested under both expectable and unexpected conditions, leading to positive results. Those plans over
short periods of time could increase the resilience of the network. However limits are showing due to the
discretization as, in some cases different values from the same action interval can lead to drastically different
results in reality.

Future works would try to minimize the size of the chosen action intervals to ease and reduce the impact
of the choice of volumes for the network manager. The question, on how to choose a volume from the
intervals in a real situation stay open, it could be, for example, the result of a greedy algorithm or of the
experience of the managers. It would also be interesting to continue to model the inland waterway network of
the Hauts-de-France to get a better vision of the evolution of the network and to find the weakest links in the
network to improve its resilience. Finally, experimentations of periods of flood to try to minimize the
damage would also be explored.


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SimHydro 2017: Choosing the right model in applied hydraulics, 14-16 June 2017, Sophia Antipolis - Authors - title

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