Mine Environmental Engg Lab

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S.No. Name of the Experiment Page No.

1. Detection of Methane using Flame Safety Lamp. 3-4
2. Demonstration of whirling hygrometer and determination of 5-6
relative humidity using whirling hygrometer.
3. Demonstration of kata-thermometer and determination of 7-8
cooling power by kata-thermometer.
4. Demonstration of various ventilation devices. 9-9
5. Demonstration of vane anemometer and determination of 10-11
quantity by anemometer.
6. Demonstration of Velometer and measurement of air 12-13
velocity by Velometer.



AIM: Detection of Methane using Flame Safety Lamp.


1. Flame Safety Lamp (Volex type).

2. Source of Methane gas (Aspirator Bulb)


Methane in mine air can be detected either by using chemical analysis in laboratory or by
using flame safety lamp and special instruments called Methanometer. Using safety lamp or
Methanometer, methane can be detected on the spot in underground.


Test for methane is usually done in two stages. The two stages are:
1. Accumulation test
2. Percentage test

Accumulation test: It is carried out with a luminous flame of standard height. This test gives
a better indication of methane. This is because luminous-flame test produces more heat
inside the lamp which causes better lamp ventilation resulting in a larger quantity of methane
being drawn inside the lamp. Also for carrying out accumulation test it is not necessary to
create a dark surrounding. The test carried out indicates that the flame spires/jump, if the
percentage of methane in the air is 3% or more. It is because of this reason that we have to
raise the lamp to the roof very slowly/cautiously so that we can see the behavior of flame as
well. If the flame spires/jumps, it indicates that the methane content in the air is more than
3% and percentage test is not necessary in this case.


Percentage test: This test is also called cap test. The surrounding is made dark, before
carrying out this test. This test is carried out with a reduced flame. The flame can be reduced
with the help of the regulating knob. The flame should be reduced to an extent such that there
appears a continuous blue line just above a speck (a very small mark or shape) of
white/yellow light. The lamp is raised slowly to the roof and the percentage of methane is
indicated by the height of the cap produced.


1. Each group will select one kind of Flame Safety Lamp.

2. Install each of them correctly according instructions.
3. For Accumulation test, a luminous flame of standard height is required. Therefore
each group will go for a luminous flame of standard height.
4. For Percentage test, the surrounding is made dark and a reduced flame (blue line
appears) is prepared. The height of cap is the sign of percentage of methane in that
particular environment.



AIM: Demonstration of whirling hygrometer and determination of relative humidity using

whirling hygrometer.


1. Whirling Hygrometer


The whirling hygrometer or sling psychrometer consists of two thermometers mounted on a

frame that can be whirled in the air by hand. The bulb of one thermometer is covered with a
tight-fitting muslin sack and wetted with water. This thermometer is known as the wet-bulb
thermometer. The other is the dry-bulb thermometer. The psychrometer is whirled to force
air past the bulbs. The dry bulb indicates the temperature of the air. The wet bulb helps
determine the relative humidity.
When the sling psychrometer whirls through the air, water from the muslin evaporates. The
evaporating water cools the wet bulb. The amount of cooling that occurs depends on the
relative humidity. The lower the humidity, the faster the water in the muslin will evaporate,
and the more the bulb will cool. High humidity will cause less evaporation, slowing the
cooling process.
In air that has less than 100 per cent relative humidity, the wet bulb will record a lower
temperature than the dry bulb. This difference in temperature is known as wet-bulb
depression. A special chart is used to convert the wet-bulb depression to relative humidity or
the relative humidity can be determined by correlating the readings with those on a simple
slide rule, which is supplied with each instrument.

Relative humidity (H) is the ratio of the vapor pressure (e) of the moist air to its saturation
vapor pressure (es) at its temperature, which is expressed in %.
H = (e/es) ×100 %



1. While calculating relative humidity using whirling hygrometer first of all saturated
vapor pressure (ew), as a function of (tw) and then calculate the ratio of vapor pressure
(e) to (ew).
2. If the vapor pressure is determined to be a minus value, consider the relative humidity
to be zero.
3. Using the saturation vapor pressure table ew corresponding to tw is taken. Similarly e
is taken corresponding to t.
4. Thus the relative humidity is calculate as follows:
H= (e/ew) ×100

A typical whirling hygrometer:



AIM: Demonstration of kata-thermometer and determination of cooling power by kata-


1. Kata-thermometer.
2. Muslin cloth.


Kata thermometer is a device consisting principally of an alcohol thermometer, used to

measure air cooling power and, indirectly, small wind speeds in circulating air, by measuring
the time taken for the temperature of the bulb of alcohol to make a specified drop (311K-

It may be used dry or weight. For wet Kata cooling power reading the bulb is first placed in
hot water so that the liquid rises and partly fills the upper section. It is then exposed to the
air. The bulb is surrounded by a wet muslin cloth and time in seconds taken for the liquid to
fall from 311K to 308K is observed. The wet cooling power is then found by dividing the
factor marked by the no. of seconds observed.

The dry Kata reading gives only cooling due to radiation and conduction while the wet Kata
reading the effect of evaporation and is thus more useful guide as the cooling power in
reference to the human body.


1. The larger bulb or reservoir is dipped in hot water until the thermometric fluid rises
and fills up the smaller bulb at the top of the stem.
2. The bulb of the kata thermometer is taken out of the hot water and wiped with cotton
to remove any water drops/ layer on the bulb surface.
3. Using a stopwatch, the time by kata thermometer in cooling from 311K to 308K is
4. For obtaining rate of heat loss from the surface of kata thermometer, Kata factor
(written on it, provided by the manufacturers) is divided by time taken for cooling
from 311K to 308K.



Relation between wet kata cooling power, velocity of air current and wet bulb temperature:

K = (14.65 + 35.59V0.5) (309.65- TW) [For V<1m/s]

K = (4.19 + 46.05V0.5) (309.65-TW) [For V>1m/s]


K= kata cooling power (W/m2)

V= velocity of mine air (m/s)
TW= wet bulb temperature (K)

A typical Kata thermometer:



AIM: Demonstration of various ventilation devices.


1. Various ventilation devices.


Ventilation is the control of air movement, its amount, and direction. Although it contributes
nothing directly to the production phase of an operation, the lack of proper ventilation often
will cause lower worker efficiency and decreased productivity, increased accident rates, and

To ensure adequate ventilation of a mine, provision is made for suitable paths (airways or air
courses) for the air to flow down the mine to the working places and suitable routes out of
the mine when it has become unsuitable for further use.

Air always flows along the path of least resistance, but this may not be where it is required
for use. To direct the air where it is needed, ventilation devices are necessary; the primary
means of producing and controlling the airflow for the entire system are mine fans (either in
the form of single fan installation or multiple fans). In addition, many other ventilation
devices also are necessary for effective underground air distribution. Some of the prior
ventilation devices are:


Flow to different areas of the mine is regulated by constructing artificial restrictions in

airways in the form of a stopping or doors with an opening usually of an adjustable size (by
the use of adjustable louvers, sliding doors, etc), such restrictions being known as regulators.

Air locks:

When access doors between intake and return airways are necessary and their pressure
differential is high, man-doors generally are built as a set of two or more to form an air-lock.
This prevents short-circuiting when one door is opened for passage of vehicles or personnel.
The distance between doors should be capable of accommodating the longest train of
vehicles required to pass through the air-lock.



AIM: Demonstration of vane anemometer and determination of quantity by anemometer.


1. Vane anemometer.


An anemometer is a device used for measuring wind speed, and is a common weather station
instrument. A vane anemometer combines a propeller and a tail on the same axis to obtain
accurate and precise wind speed and direction measurements from the same instrument. The
speed of the fan is measured by a rev counter and converted to a wind speed by an electronic
chip. Hence, volumetric flow rate may be calculated if the cross-sectional area is known. It
has good accuracy when used correctly.


1. Review the instruments to be used.

2. Select the stations.
3. Measure station cross-sections and separation distances.
4. Take velocity measurements at the ventilation stations.
5. Determine airflow through room-and-pillar area of the mine


Using the data from this lab the quantity of air movement at each station can be found.

Quantity = Velocity x Area

Q = VA


A Typical vane anemometer:




AIM: Demonstration of Velometer and measurement of air velocity by velometer.


1. Velometer.


The Velometer is a direct reading instrument for measuring air velocities. It is designed to
measure velocities inside heating and ventilating ducts, or in open areas such as at fume
hoods, diffusers, slots on ventilated plating tanks, and so forth. It may also be used for
measuring duct static pressures. The Velometer set consists of the meter, velocity and static
pressure Range Selectors, measuring probes and connecting hoses.

To calculate the air volume passing through a duct, measure the average velocity inside the
duct, determine the cross-sectional area of the duct, and apply the following equation:



Q = Volume flow rate.

A = Cross-section area.
V = Average duct-velocity.

The velocity of an air stream in a duct is not uniform throughout the cross-section; air near
the walls moves more slowly due to friction. Transitions and obstructions also cause
variations in the velocity at any one cross-section. To obtain the average velocity in ducts of
4" diameter or larger, drill a 1/2" diameter or larger hold in the duct and take a series of duct
velocity readings (commonly referred to as a traverse) with the Pitot Probe at points of equal
area across the duct. A formal pattern of sensing points is recommended and these points are
referred to as traverse point readings. Shown are recommended velocity reading point
locations for traversing round and square (or rectangular) ducts.



1. Review the instruments to be used.

2. Place the meter where you wish to measure the air flow. If you are holding it, keep it
at arm’s length and stand so you do not obstruct the flow of air past the meter.
3. Hold the meter so that the arrow on the probe points in the direction of air flow; if the
direction is not known, turn the meter until you observe the maximum pointer
4. Read the air velocity on the 0 to 300 FPM scale.

A Typical Velometer:

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