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3.EducationPolicy FullPaper
3.EducationPolicy FullPaper
Analysis of the Indian National Education Policy 2020 towards Achieving its
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Well defined and futuristic education policy is essential for a country at school and college levels
due to the reason that education leads to economic and social progress. Different countries adopt
different education systems by considering the tradition and culture and adopt different stages during
their life cycle at school and college education levels to make it effective. Recently Government of
India announced its new Education policy which is based on the recommendations by an expert
committee headed by Dr. Kasturirangan, Former chairman of the Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO). This paper highlights on various policies announced in the higher education
system and compare them with the currently adopted system. Various innovations and predicted
implications of NEP 2020 on the Indian higher education system along with its merits are discussed.
Finally, some suggestions are proposed for its effective implementation towards achieving its
Keywords: Higher education, National education policy 2020, NEP-2020, Overview & analysis,
Implementation strategies, Predicted implications, Predicted impediments& merits.
India, being a growing liberal country for educational reforms, currently has about 845 universities and
approximately 40,000 higher education institutions (HIEs), reflecting the overall high fragmentation and
many small sized HEIs in the country which are affiliated to these universities [1]. It is found that over 40%
of these small sized institutions are running single programme against the expected reform to a
multidisciplinary style of higher education which is an essential requirement for the educational reforms in
the country for the 21st century [2]. It is also noted that over 20% of the colleges have annual enrolment less
than 100 students making them nonviable to improve the quality of education and only 4% of colleges enroll
more than 3,000 students annually due to regional imbalance as well as the quality of education they offer.
Some of the reasons found for the fragmentation of the higher education (HE) system in India are [3]:
• Early streaming of students into different disciplines.
• Lack of access to HE, especially in socio-economically disadvantaged areas which resulted in the current
gross enrolment ratio (GER)of 25% only.
• Lack of teacher and institutional autonomy to make innovations in HE to attract many students.
• Insufficient mechanisms for career management and progression of faculty and institutional leaders.
• The lack of research and innovations at most of the universities and colleges.
• Suboptimal levels of governance and leadership at higher education institutions.
• A corrupted regulatory system allowing fake colleges to thrive while constraining excellent, innovative
It is predicted that India will be the third largest economy in the world by 2030-2032 with estimated GDP of
ten trillion dollars. It is evident that the ten trillion economy will be driven by knowledge resources and not
by the natural resources of the country. To boost the growth of the Indian education sector, the present
government decided to revamp it by introducing a comprehensive National Education Policy 2020. This is in
line with the Prime Minister’s recent call on leveraging the Fourth Industrial Revolution to take India to new
heights. The currently introduced National Education Policy 2020 envisions an India centered education
system that contributes directly to transforming our nation sustainably into an equitable and vibrant
knowledge society, by providing high quality education to all [4].The first national education policy after
independence was announced in the year 1968 and the second national education policy which was improved
version of the first was announced in the year 1986.
The National Education policy 2020 has many initiatives to improve the quality and the broadness of the
education system in India. The objectives of this study on National Education Policy 2020 are :
(1) To highlights and overview the policies of the newly accepted higher education system (NEP 2020
(2) To compare National Education Policy 2020 with the currently adopted policy in India
(3) To identify the innovations in new national higher education policy 2020.
(4) To predict the implications of NEP 2020 on the Indian higher education system.
(5) To discuss the merits of Higher Education Policies of NEP 2020.
(6) Suggestions for further improvements for the effective implementation of NEP 2020 to realize its goal.
The methodology consists of a conceptual discussion on highlighting the gist of the national educational
policy framework, highlighting various sections of the policy of NEP 2020and comparing it with currently
adopted education policy. Identifying the innovations made using the focus group discussion method [5-6].
The implications of the policy are analysed using the predictive analysis technique [7-8]. Many suggestions
are given based on Focus group analysis.
4.1 Highlights of the Stages :
The National Education Policy 2020 envisions an India centered education system by considering its
tradition, culture, values and ethos to contribute directly to transform the country into an equitable,
sustainable, and vibrant knowledge society. By drawing inputs from its vast and long historical heritage and
considering the contributions from many scholars to the world in diverse fields such as mathematics,
astronomy, metallurgy, medical science and surgery, civil engineering and architecture, shipbuilding and
navigation, yoga, fine arts, chess, etc., the entire Indian education system is founded and built. The objective
of the currently announced NEP 2020 is to provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary liberal education
to every aspirant to raise the current gross enrolment ratio (GER) to 50% by 2035. The various educational
lifecycle stages announced in the policy are listed in table 1 along with their special features [4].
Table 1 : Various educational stages to be implemented as per NEP 2020 [4]
S. No. Educational life-cycle Features
1 Foundation Stage Five years Foundational Stage provides basic education which is
flexible, multilevel, play-based, activity-based, and discovery-based
learning. Using time tested Indian traditions and cultures, this stage is
continuously improved by research and innovation for the cognitive
and emotional stimulation of children.
2 Preparatory Stage Three years Preparatory stage consists of building on the play-,
discovery-, and activity-based learning. In addition to it, this stage
gradually introduces formal classroom learning with textbooks. The
15 A one year research degree leading to A one year research degree leading to M.Phil. in any
M.Phil. in any subject is offered to provide subject is discontinued due to the reason that
preliminary experience to do research. students are exposed to preliminary research in their
undergraduate and post-graduate courses.
16 Pass in NET/SLET along with respective Ph.D. degree is compulsory along with pass in
Masters degrees as an essential qualification NET/SLET as an essential qualification to become
to become an Assistant professor in any an Assistant professor in any three types of HEIs.
three types of HEIs.
17 The support of research funds through UGC The support of research funds through the National
or any other agencies is mainly for Research Foundation and any other agencies will be
Universities than Colleges. equally distributed to all three types of HEIs based
on a fair evaluation of the research proposal.
18 HEIs accreditation is compulsory for HEIs accreditation is compulsory for functioning
availing funds and government facilities and offering the degree. Compulsory accreditation
only. is required once for every five years for continuous
19 The graded accreditation model is followed. Binary accreditation model will be followed which
is yes or no system instead of various grades for
20 Faculty performance & accountability is Faculty performance & accountability is linked to
linked to promotion but not linked to promotion and compensation.
21 Choice based credit system. Liberal education based on STEAM & Competency
based credit system.
22 Only accredited & permitted Universities All 3 types of HEIs which are accredited to offer
are allowed to offer Online Distance ODL are permitted to offer ODL.
Learning (ODL) education.
23 Social engagement for every student as a Social engagement for each student is compulsory
part of the programme curriculum is and should be equal to at least one full semester
optional. across the entire duration of the programme.
24 Four years of Bachelor degree holders are Four years of Bachelor degree holders with proven
not eligible for direct admission to Ph.D. research performance during the fourth year can
programme unless they acquire Masters directly admit to Ph.D. programme without Masters
degree. degree in both types of HEIs.
25 Lateral entry is offered in some Multiple entries and Multiple exit facilities are
programmes. But no Multiple entries and available in under graduation including medical and
Multiple exit facilities are available in under paramedical courses.
graduation including medical and
paramedical courses.
26 Undergraduate programmes of 3 years to 4 All undergraduate programmes are of 4 years with,
years depending on the type of the in some cases, exit at 3 years is possible with a
programme. degree certificate.
27 Currently, teacher’s education comprises of The proposed teacher’s education comprises of four
two years B.Ed. programme after years integrated B.Ed. This degree is a compulsory
graduation. So secondary school teachers requirement to become faculty in School education
have to spend 5 years after their higher Stages.
secondary education to teach at higher the
secondary level.
28 Suggestion for improving physical library Suggestion for improving online library
facility including books & journals memberships including online books &online
29 Both single discipline and multidiscipline Only multidisciplinary colleges and universities are
colleges are promoted. promoted. All single discipline colleges have to
convert themselves autonomous multidisciplinary
colleges or will be closed and converted into
monuments or public libraries.
30 No foreign universities are allowed to About 100 top ranked foreign universities will be
function directly in India allowed to function in India to compete with Indian
31 The coursework of Ph.D. programme The coursework of Ph.D. programme comprises of
comprises of research methodology and research methodology, Teaching & curriculum
core subject related study development aspects along with core subject related
32 No systematic and authentic funding National Research Foundation (NRF) will be
agencies for University and College formed to fund for competitive and innovative
research research proposals of all types and across all
education must have a basic understanding of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and
Homeopathy (AYUSH), and vice versa. Greater emphasis should be given in all forms of healthcare
education to preventive healthcare and community medicine.
(35) Technical education should be offered within multidisciplinary education institutions and should focus
on opportunities to engage deeply with other disciplines. The focus should be on offering Artificial
Intelligence (AI), 3-D machining, big data analysis, and machine learning, in addition to genomic studies,
biotechnology, nanotechnology, neuroscience, with applications to health, environment, and sustainable
5.4 Private Institutions :
(36) All private universities are eligible for graded autonomy based on their accreditation status.
(37) All private universities / autonomous colleges have to maintain an openness in their financial dealings
and the BoG is responsible for any irregularities in the accounting system. BoG should contain eminent
people well reputed in their professional area to guide the speedy development of the HEIs.
(38) All HEIs have autonomy in deciding their fees structure and surplus if any should be reinvested in the
expansion projects with a transparent accounting system.
(39) All private HEIs should offer 20% free-ship and 30% scholarship in the course fee for meritorious
students in every course which they offer during a given academic year and this should be checked and
confirmed by the accreditation process.
(40) National Research Foundation will treat all private HEIs in par with public HEIs for granting research
finds which is only based on the merit of the proposals.
(1) 100 top Indian Universities will be encouraged to operate in foreign countries.
(2) 100 top Foreign Universities will be allowed and facilitated to operate in India
(3) Every classroom shall have access to the latest educational technology that enables better learning
(4) Faculty Stability will be provided in an appointed institution with generally no transfer to other
(5) Faculty members get curriculum and pedagogy freedom within an approved framework.
(6) Based on academic and research performance, faculty incentives &accountability will be fixed.
(7) Faculty fast-track promotion system for high impact research contributions will be offered.
(8) A multiple parameter-based API policy with peers & students’ feedback, innovations in teaching &
pedagogy, professional development activities, Quality and impact research, contribution to an institution in
terms of admission, and social community contribution will be in place.
(9) The API policy will clearly be defined in the Institutional development plan.
(10) Focus on achieving sustainable Education Development Goal (SEDG) & GER of 50% by 2035.
(11) All Ph.D. registered students should take one subject related to teaching/curriculum development and
accept teaching Assistantship for enhancing teaching skills.
(12) All students should be encouraged to take SWAYAM online courses at least two courses per semester.
(13) Strengthening Vocational education (VE) to reach at least 50% of the student population. HEIs should
plan how VE can be offered to all the students.
(14) Plan to give B.Voc. as dual degree programme in ODL (Online Distance Learning) mode or 2 hours
evening programme through Skill labs & partnership with industry & NGOs.
(15) Currently, research & innovation investment in India is of 0.69% of GDP against a global average of 3%
of GDP.
(16) Inclusion of research and internships in the undergraduate curriculum as a very essential component.
(17) Four functions of (1) regulation (NHERC), (2) accreditation (NAC), (3) funding/ grants (HEGC), and
(4) academic standard setting (GEC) are controlled by an umbrella institution, the Higher Education
Commission of India (HECI).
leading to novelty.
(5) Highly educated Board of Governors (BoG) to avoid misuse of power by Individuals :
Every autonomous institution is expected to for a BOG having highly qualified, competent, and dedicated
individuals who have proven capabilities and a strong sense of commitment to the institution.
(6) The Responsibility of maintaining Quality lies with the Board of Governors :
The BoG shall be responsible and accountable for the outcomes of the HEI to the stakeholders through
transparent disclosures of relevant records. BOG has to meet all regulatory guidelines mandated by the
National Higher Education Regulatory Authority (NHERA).
(7) Single Regulator for entire HEIs :
National Higher Education Regulatory Authority (NHERA) a single HEIs regulator setup leads to effective
regulation of financial probity of HEIs, governance, open disclosure of financials, faculty/staff, courses, and
educational qualities.
(8) Elimination of Commercialization of Education :
HEIs both public and private should ensure that they are not for profit and if there is any surplus, it should be
re-invested in the institutional development under the supervision of BoG members to eliminate the
comultiplication of education.
(9) Responsibility of Private HEIs towards Educational Philanthropy :
Though private HEIs can set their fees independently, by offering at least 20% free-ship and 30%
scholarships. This model allows to recover reasonably their cost while discharging their social obligations.
(10) Private Universities will overtake Public Universities due to offered 20% free-ship :
Bright and intelligent students irrespective of their economic status, religion, gender, will get the opportunity
to study in private HEIs free of cost due to 20% free-ship and 30% scholarship leading to mobilization of
intelligent and self-motivated students to Private institutions leading to overcrowding of meritorious students
in private Universities.
(11) Transformation of Public/Government Colleges :
Two possible transformation processes: (a) The affiliated public/government colleges can eventually become
multi-disciplinary and expand their capacity to admit annually 3,000 or more students and become
autonomous colleges (AC). (b) Small colleges with less resources and student feeding areas will convert itself
as a constituent college of the affiliating university and get mentorship and all other kinds of support to offer
quality education as depicted in figure 1.
(12) Transformation of Private Colleges :
Three possible of Transformation: (a) The private sector colleges can eventually expand in terms of their
resources and quality of education and reaches a predefined accreditation status to become Autonomous
Degree giving college,(b) Some small colleges with one or two disciplines and have no scope of expansion
to admit 3,000 or more students will join with similar (same management or same religion) colleges in that
region and may become a group of colleges or a cluster and transform themselves into a degree giving
Autonomous College, (c) The private colleges which cannot form cluster or part of a group and fail to reach
the pre-defined accreditation status will eventually close down their operation as depicted in figure 1.
scholarly publication/patent during last 5 years can become Vice Chancellors of universities and members
of various HE policy committees. With such a situation, how National Education Policy 2020 with stress to
merit based appointment & promotion can be successful to realize its goal ?
(5) Lobbies at Decision making Appointments:
Though, through implementing National Education policy 2020, the central government dreaming that it
can transform the Indian education system to a sophisticated and progressive system for economic and social
growth, the present corrupt system will continue due to strong control of corrupt individuals at all levels of
current HE system. Such influence and favouritism create lobbies at appointments of top decision makers
of higher education leading to the promotion of further continuation of a corrupt system. Due to political
reasons, it is difficult to remove such lobbies in appointments and hence quality in the higher education
system in India.
(6) Influences & Lobbies in the Accreditation Process :
Accreditation is the primary mechanism to regulate the quality and monitor the functions of HEIs through a
meta-accrediting body called the National Accreditation Council (NAC). The accreditation process checks
the quality, self-governance, and autonomy against a standard benchmark and awards graded accreditation
status to use enhanced autonomy and findings to grow further. Since accreditation status is an important
requirement for, HE organizations, influence, lobbies related corruptions will be possible. By making the
criteria and parameters in such a way that only tangible matric systems should be followed to avoid illegal
practices in the accreditation process.
(7) Inequality and lobbies in granting Research Funding without proper accountability :
All research funding will be granted and regulated by the National Research Foundation. There should be a
proper monitoring system to avoid injustice to many genuine researchers with novel ideas due to partiality
in granting funds. A proper monitory system to curb the lobbies and influences by many organizations. Also,
the granted research project funds should be utilized fully with the expected outcome and the expenditures
should be made open to the public to avoid misuse.
(8) Decreasing wastage of tax paid money in HEIs in the name of quality :
In the name of quality, HE & Research Institutions will import research facilities that fail to utilize optimally.
Many imported research instruments are not utilized properly and multiplicated in many universities. NRF
should start many central common research facilities installed in four regions of the country. Currently,
many costly research equipment in many universities and research laboratories are not functioning due to
lack of maintenance. Through sincere efforts on formulating policies, NRF agency should focus on
decreasing the wastage of money in the name of research and quality. Higher education institutions including
universities should stop the waste of money collected from students or taxpayers to subscribe to journals
and books from international agencies independently. Instead, they should subscribe to them through
Integrated National Digital Library as a common facility for the entire country.
(1) Student Centric Model :
The current teacher centric model where the teachers decide the subjects, curriculum, evaluation, etc will be
replaced by student centric model where student gats right to decide the subject he has to study from the
institution, SWYAM MOOC, and from ODL and he can appear for competency based evaluation in his own
pace. Thus, the higher education section of NEP-2020 replaces teacher centric education system to student
centric system [9-19].
(2) Competency based Continuous Evaluation System :
As against choice-based credit system, competency-based credit system has advantages of evaluating skill
sets of a student along with knowledge and experience. Competency leads to confidence and objective of
higher education system irrespective of subjects and areas of study is building confidence to identify new
challenges and converting them into opportunities to solve problems in the society [20-25].
(3) Research & Innovation Focused :
The objective of higher education is to create new knowledge or a new interpretation of existing knowledge
through systematic analysis. This will solve all problems of the society optimally. Involving research and
innovations as a major component of higher education creates new intellectual property to throw light into
new innovative solutions. The higher education policies of NEP-2020 transforms the HE system from
information centric to new knowledge and innovation centric [26-32].
(4) Improved STEM model of HE Curriculum:
To generalize higher education for all-round progress of students, it is scientifically proved that they should
be exposed to art & design thinking to improve their creativity in solving problems along with science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. This new model called STEAM is considered as better than STEM
model in higher education at a bachelor’s degree level [33-39]. STEAM with experimental learning and
research based internship is the objective higher education section of NEP-2020.
(5) Faculty Productivity based on Research Output :
Research is an integral part of the higher education system. The faculty members who are guiding quality
research should have research motives and experience so that they can be role models for their students. The
new education policy focus on merit-based promotions which depend on faculty members annual
performance indicator score with major portion depends on their performance in research and publications or
patent to contribute to the IPR of the organization and hence of the country. Thus, the accountability of every
faculty member in higher education system depends on their research productivity for a given time period
(6) Autonomy at all Levels :
Higher education institutions which have the autonomy to do innovations in deciding the courses, curriculum,
pedagogy, examination and evaluation could able to improve the quality of educations offered by them. In
university affiliation system, affiliated institutions do not have any autonomy in teaching-learning and
evaluation systems thereby the quality and motivation of both students and faculty members get affected.
Autonomy at education (teaching -learning processes), examination and evaluation, administration including
financial decisions are essential for a progress oriented system [49-52].
(7) Merit based Student admissions, Faculty Selection & Promotion :
NEP 2020 stresses on the importance of student admission based on merit by giving importance to social
justice. It also comments that the quality of higher education and research can be improved only if all faculty
selections and promotions are merit based. All kinds of reservations and lobbies should be curbed at
individual institution level by means of appointing highly qualified and proven leaders as members of the
Board of Governors. It also stresses that merit-based appointments are essential at all policy formulating and
regulating levels of HE Councils [53-56].
(8) Education Leaders should be Role-Models:
Self-contribution to research and innovation is important to education leaders. New researchers get inspiration
by seeing the contribution of leaders to perform better. HEIs should cultivate role models in this sector who
should be super performers to IPR of the organization so that the organization can prove that higher
contribution is possible. Professors who hold administrative positions are also expected to research and
publication field during their leisure period to be role models to young researchers. It has been observed that
many professors when elevating to administrative positions forget their responsibility of research and
publications and do only lobbies and influences to elevate further. Since NEP-2020 suggest merit-based
appointments and promotions, only role-models get further growth opportunities [57-61]
(9) Integrated Controlling & Monitoring System :
As per NEP-2020, the first 10 years from 2021 to 2030 is the implementation period and the next 10 years
from 2030 to 2040 is the operational period. The implementation process is divided into seven stages [4]:
(1) Implementation of spirit and intent of the policy
(2) Implementation of policy initiatives in a phased manner
(3) Prioritization and sequencing of policy points
(4) Comprehensive full-fledged implementation to achieve the desired objectives
(5) Collaborative planning, monitoring, and implementation by both Centre and States
(6) Timely supply of required resources by both Centre and States
(7) Careful analysis and review of multiple linkages to ensure effective dovetailing of all initiatives
Effective use of technology to monitor and control each stage is essential for the expected progress of
(10) Boost to Online training :
Use of Information Communication and Computation Technologies (ICCT) including Education technology,
Internet technology, Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality, etc are very essential in effective implementation
of education in the 21st century. The latest technologies help planning, design offering effective online
education to realize the characteristics of the ideal education system and also to enhance GER. It is expected
that during the 21st century, due to improved tech generations, technology driven education is going to replace
classroom based education and the policies of NEP-2020 laying the foundation for it but also supports
classroom based education system by adding more research components in it [62-69].
(11) Control of Quality through Biennial Accreditation Process :
Currently, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council monitors the quality of education and awards
the graded accreditations to HEIs. This accreditation timeframe is five years. As a result, HEIs are not
continuously monitored for their accreditation status. Instead, to make accreditation status more serious and
effective for continuous improvement, NEP-2020 has simplified it and made it mandatory as a biennial
accreditation process. This model of accreditation holds tight control on higher educational institutions to
actually work for quality and performance [70-73].
(12) Boost of GER through Autonomy to Private Sector :
One of the major goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is quality education to everyone.
This can be achieved at the higher education system also by the private sector in education as a parallel sector
with public systems. Based on NEP-2020, the private sector should give 20% free seats, 30% half fee
scholarships so that many poor but merit-based students get free or discounted fee study opportunities. Such
free education at HE level will boost GER of higher education in the country [74-77].
(1) Ph.D. should be a compulsory qualification for a permanent teaching position in Colleges &
Like Integrated B.Ed. is compulsory qualification to Foundation, preparatory, middle, and secondary school
education teaching, Ph.D. research should be a compulsory degree for College and University teaching. This
is due to the reason that, research is going to be an integral part of bachelor’s and master’s degrees as per
NEP 2020.
(2) Compulsory Faculty Annual Publication leading to IPR :
In order to maintain sustainable quality and to avoid faculty obsolescence in Colleges and Universities, the
IPR generation should be compulsory. In this regard, the college faculties should publish at least two open
access scholarly research papers with copyright certificates from Govt. of India or at least two proof of patent
submissions annually, failed to which the annual increment should be suspended.
(3) Use of Services of Retired Professors as Research Guides :
The requirement of huge Ph.D. degree holders in autonomous colleges due to changes in policies of NEP
2020, the demand for research guides is increasing. The optimum solution for solving this shortage is the
utilization of services of retired professors with good research experience. It is suggested that the universities
should use the services of retired professors as research guides. Thus, retired professors should be used as
Research Professors irrespective of their age to guide the research scholars for their Ph.D. Such an idea will
eliminate the scarcity of research guides.
(4) A proper definition of Multidisciplinary College :
A multidisciplinary Institution should have a minimum of Five disciplines (not five Courses) belonging to
different faculty areas. The real essence of the objective of studying in a Multidisciplinary campus to provide
multidisciplinary choice and experience of campus comes only if the number of subject disciplines in
operations are at least five in number. For example, (1) Languages, (2) Basic Sciences, (3) Social Sciences,
(4) Engineering, (5) Education, (6) Medical Sciences, (7) Dental Sciences, (8) Para-medical sciences, (9)
Business Management & Commerce, (10) Computer Science, (11) Agriculture & Veterinary Science, (12)
Law & Legal Studies, (13) Indian Medicines, (14) Indology, etc.
(5) Higher Education Leaders should be Role Models in Research & Innovations :
The heads & members of all Committees of HE Departments and controlling agencies should be selected
based on their active research contribution during the last five years. Obsolete deadwood
professors/bureaucrats should be kept outside from decision making positions strictly. There should not be
any political or bureaucratic interference or appointments to these committees. Age should not be constraints
but performance should be criteria. Accordingly, various committees like NHERC, NAC, HEGC, GEC,
HECI, NRF, ICAR, VCI, NCTE, CoA, NCVET, etc should have highly qualified and proven researchers
who are role models for young generation researchers and active researchers.
(6) Compulsory three modes of Teaching–Learning processes in HEIs :
The HEIs should maximize the use of technology and minimize the brick and mortar model of the campus-
based teaching-learning process. To give exposure of online education to tech-generation students the HEIs
should adopt technology based training methods which include: (a) Weekly three days classroom-based
classes, (b) Weekly 2 days online classes, and (c) Weekly one day industry/vocational/skill based
online/classroom-based classes, (d) Two subjects per semester through MOOC like SWAYAM/NPTEL,
ODL, etc.
(7) Compulsory Publication/Patent during Postgraduation Courses :
Students are expected to do research based on industry internship and publish scholarly papers / own patents
compulsorily as a part of their degree requirement. The awareness related to IPR should be provided during
their undergraduate programme so that imposing compulsory copyright/ patent during the postgraduation
period is possible. Fixing the target and continuous follow-up through inspiration leads to success.
(8) Universities should have their own Publication Unit :
At HEIs level, the objective of academic research is publication or patent. One of the reasons for reduced
research interest in India is the frustration of researchers in the process of scholarly publication or to own a
patent is time and expenditure or loss of copyright to so-called international publishers without any financial
benefits forever. To avoid such loss to the researchers and to the country, it is suggested all Universities
should start their own digital publication units in a systematic way to publish high quality research and sharing
with global indexing agencies. Such a university publication model stops predatory journals which follow the
illegal or unethical procedure of publication.
(9) Vocational Training based Earn while Learn Encouragement :
To encourage self-dependency after 18 years of age, students should be encouraged to develop skills in their
interested area and involve in some kind of economic/productive activities thereby their dependency on
parents can be reduced. This is possible through vocational training and building their confidence to earn
while learn programmes. The vocational training based earn while learn can be strengthened at HE level
through offering additional credits to Academic Bank of Credits (ABC).
(10) Compulsory Employability & Entrepreneurship related papers in each semester to promote
Employability & Entrepreneurability among the students :
The undergraduate programme should be designed in such a way that there should be two skill based subjects
focusing on employability skills and entrepreneurability skills respectively apart from core subjects, non-core
subjects, and elective subjects. The evaluation scheme for these skill based subjects should be continuous
internal assessment without holding semester end exams. Such an innovative model gives confidence for the
students to choose an entrepreneur career.
(11) Faculty Accountability to Boost Performance : API based increments & Promotion :
According to NEP-2020, both public and Private HEIs are quality focussed and merit based. All faculty and
leader’s appointments are based on merit based performance and dedication. To maintain sustainability and
growth in quality, a compulsory assessment based on a tangible scale is essential. Through the Annual
Performance Indicator (API) score, Academic performance can be monitored and awareness on academic
achievements can be created.
(12) Strict Evaluation of Projects funded by National Research Foundation by creating Research
Output Based Credit bank for every NRF members :
Currently, the projects funded by UGC, DST, CSIR, etc are not evaluated in terms of research output and
IPR. These outputs should be available publicly as open reports. But it is strongly urged the National Research
Foundation (NRF) to watch the output of the research projects it funded and create a National Research Credit
Bank (NRCB) of all members of NRF who received funding for their research in the form of an open public
(13) Accountability on Output of Research Projects in the form of IPR generated is Important :
In accreditation assessment instead of giving scores for a number of projects received from NRF and other
funding agencies, it is important to what is the output of those projects in terms of IPR generation.
(14) Promotion to Open Access Publications with retention of Copyright with authors :
Promotion of Indian Journals which are not for profit and run by Universities to avoid huge money flow (both
for journal subscriptions or as article processing charges) to other countries. National Research Foundation
should encourage to get copyright of published research articles through the Copyright Office of Govt. of
India. Researchers of all HEIs should be encouraged to compulsorily apply for the copyright of their
publications with the Copyright Office of Govt. of India like patent registration.
(15) Simplification patent filing and speedup of Patent Evaluation :
Indian Government, through arranging awareness programmes, researchers are made familiar to patent filing
procedures and the patent filing fees and evaluation fees with the time of evaluation should be decreased to
3 to 6 months instead current 3 to 6 years. This will encourage innovators to file for patents for their
(16) Removal of Obsolesce in Higher Education System :
Based on strict policies and accountability measures, all non-performers and obsolete human resources
working in the Higher Education system, maybe in colleges, universities, or HE regulatory systems should
be removed from time to time. For example, people who fail to produce at least 10 IPRs in their name during
a period of 5 years should be retired compulsorily from their positions and excluded from any membership
or leadership positions of HE regulatory committees.
(17) Strengthening Integrated National Digital Library (INDL):
National Digital Library should be strengthened to adding every book published in the country through strict
instructions to the National ISBN granting agency and a digital copy of all Journals which have ISSN. Library
grants to all other libraries of any sectors should be stopped and their libraries should be converted into Digital
libraries through the membership of the Integrated National Digital Library. All HEIs should be the
compulsory member of the INDL to have access to books, periodicals, Journals, Patents, and every other
database from a single place. With this model, multiple subscriptions of library resources can be eliminated.
This will decrease Government expenditure on Library resources and eliminates huge amounts of money
from foreign exchange.
Higher education is an important aspect in deciding the economy, social status, technology adoption, and
healthy human behaviour in every country. Improving GER to include every citizen of the country in higher
education offerings is the responsibility of the education department of the country government. National
Education Policy of India 2020 is marching towards achieving such objective by making innovative policies
to improve the quality, attractiveness, affordability, and increasing the supply by opening up the higher
education for the private sector and at the same time with strict controls to maintain quality in every higher
education institution. By encouraging merit-based admissions with free-ships& scholarships, merit &
research based continuous performers as faculty members, and merit based proven leaders in regulating
bodies, and strict monitoring of quality through biennial accreditation based on self-declaration of progress
through technology-based monitoring, NEP-2020 is expected to fulfill its objectives by 2030. All higher
education institutions with current nomenclature of affiliated colleges will expand as multi-disciplinary
autonomous colleges with degree giving power in their name or becomes constituent colleges of their
affiliated universities. An impartial agency National Research Foundation will fund for innovative projects
in priority research areas of basic sciences, applied sciences, and social sciences & humanities. HE system
will transform itself as student centric with the freedom to choose core and allied subjects within a discipline
and across disciplines. Faculty members also get autonomy to choose curriculum, methodology, pedagogy
and evaluation models within the given policy framework. These transformations will start from the academic
year 2021-22 and will continue until the year 2030 where the first level of transformation is expected to
visible. Hence, the Indian higher education system is moving from teacher centric to student centric,
information centric to knowledge centric, marks centric to skills centric, examination centric to experimental
centric, learning centric to research centric, and choice centric to competency centric.
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