I, You, He, She, It, We, They: Greeting

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BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 1 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021


SEE Something = n. Something = adj. Something = adj. + n. Questions
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I am a student. I am fine. I’m a part-time worker. Am I correct?
You are a trainer. You are kind. You’re a good trainer. How are you?
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 1: I, you, he, she, it, we, they He is a colleague. He is funny. He’s a 3rd year employee. Is he 30 years old?
She is a client. She is French. She’s a busy person. Is she a doctor?
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
It is a problem. It is important. It’s an interesting topic. Is it delicious?
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” We are engineers. We are happy. We’re best friends. Are we friends?
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
They are foreigners. They are creative. They’re new employees. Are they busy?
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”

• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Example
Bill: Hi, I’m Bill. I’m a new employee.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Ken: I’m Ken. Nice to meet you, Bill. Welcome to the team. Are you nervous?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Bill: Yes, I am. But everybody is nice.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
1. Is Steff Japanese?
2. Is she a secretary?
1. Is Steff Japanese? Is Glen Japanese? Steff Glen
3. Is she a busy person?
2. Is she a secretary? Is he an engineer? - American - German
4. Is she kind?
- accountant - engineer
3. Is she a busy person? Is he a busy person? 5. Is she a part-time worker? - busy - not busy
6. Are Steff and Glen friends? - kind - funny
- full-time worker - part-time worker
7. Are Steff and Glen new employees? - 5th year employee - 1st year employee
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. - friends with Tim - friends with Joe
Now, ask your trainer questions. You can change the underlined words.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. ▼▼▼

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. ACT Talk about yourself, your boss, and one of your colleagues. Include the topics below.
• nationality
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task. • job
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. • personality
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.
• experience in the company

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Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A - Lesson 1 – I, you, he, she, it, we, they
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 2 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Somebody’s n. ... Questions
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
My weakness is grammar. Is my sentence correct?
Your husband is a nice guy. How is your family?
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 2: My, your, his, her, its, our, their Tim is my colleague. His English is good. What is his hobby?
Mary is my boss. Her team is big. Is her team busy?
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
My computer is slow. Its memory is full. What is its product number?
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” Drive Tech is our client. Their office is in Tokyo. Is their office far?
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Mary: How is your wife, Ken? Is she well?
Ken: She is fine. Today is our wedding anniversary.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Mary: Congratulations! What is your plan?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: Well... I don’t know. My wife is busy today.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
About a company
1. What kind of company is Drive Tech? Drive Tech
1. What kind of company is Drive Tech? What kind of company is Toyota? - car parts manufacturer
2. What are their main products?
- main product: engines, wheels
2. Is their market share big? Is their market share small? 3. Is their market share big? - market share: 33%
3. Are their prices high? Are their prices low? 4. Are their prices high? - prices: low

About an employee
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. 1. What is Eric’s full name? Eric Wells
2. What is his job title? - job title: sales manager
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.” - native language: French
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. 3. Is his native language English?
- hobby: driving
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. 4. Is his hobby gardening?

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. Now, ask your trainer questions. You can change the underlined words.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task. ▼▼▼
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.
ACT Talk about yourself, a colleague and a company you know. Include the topics below.
• full name • business
• job title • main product
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• family • market share
• hobby • prices

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 2 – My, your, his, her, its, our, their
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 3 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021
v. ING

SEE Use “ v. ing” to talk about “now” Use “ v. ing” to talk about a plan
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I am making my presentation slides right now. I am giving a presentation tomorrow.
She is studying English now. She is going to the Philippines next year.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 3: v. ing
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
What are you doing right now? Are you giving a presentation tomorrow?
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” Is she studying Spanish? Where is she going next year?
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Mary: Hi, Ken. How are you doing?
Ken: Oh, hi. I’m a little busy. I’m making a proposal right now. I’m visiting a client this afternoon.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Mary: I see. Are you meeting with the president?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: Yes, I am. I’m a little nervous.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
1. Is Eric watching TV right now?
FROM TO Now Schedule
2. What is Eric doing this afternoon?
1. Is Eric watching TV right now? Is Eric making a sales report right now? Eric • Make a sales
3. What is Eric thinking about right now? This afternoon
2. What is Eric doing this afternoon? What is Steve doing this weekend? Have lunch with
4. Who is using the Internet right now? • Think about
3. What is Eric thinking about right now? What is Elena thinking about right now? 5. Is Eric thinking about work right now? lunch

Etc. 6. Who is having lunch with Elena this Elena • Write an e- Tomorrow
afternoon? mail to Steve Take her
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box. • Think about children to the
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. her children beach
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.” Steve • Use the
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. This weekend
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. Play golf with
• Think about
the weekend
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
Now, ask your trainer questions. You can change the underlined words.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. ▼▼▼
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

ACT 1. Imagine you are at your office at 10:00AM. What are people doing right now?
2. Tell your trainer your plans for this weekend and your work plans for next week.
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Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 3 – v. ing

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 4 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE v. somebody
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I am meeting her next week. I’m showing them our new product.
She is asking us about our services. He is sending us an important document.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 4: Me, you, him, her, it, us, them
v. from somebody v. with somebody
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
She is getting a new project from him. We are discussing prices with them.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” I am borrowing a projector from them. I’m meeting with her again.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Mary: Hi, Ken. Are you busy?
Ken: No, but I’m going out now. I’m having lunch with Bill.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Mary: That’s nice. Are you good friends with him?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: Yes, he’s a nice guy. I’m learning English from him, and I’m teaching him Japanese.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
1. In Picture A, what is Eric doing?
2. What is Elena asking Eric about?
1. In Picture A, what is Eric doing? In Picture B, what is Eric doing?
3. What is Eric showing Elena?
2. What is Elena asking Eric about? What is the new employee asking Eric about? 4. What is Elena learning from Eric?
3. What is Eric showing Elena? What is Eric showing the new employees?
Etc. Picture A Picture B Picture C
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.

Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”

• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. Eric is meeting with Elena. Eric is giving a presentation Eric is explaining a
to new employees. product to a client.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. ▼▼▼
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

ACT Imagine situations that are similar to the pictures in the TRY part. Talk about what people are
doing. Try to use the words below.
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• meet with • learn • show • explain • train
• ask • talk about • discuss • negotiate

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 4 – Me, you, him, her, it, us, them
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 5 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Use AT to talk about a specific point
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
At the office, at home, at my desk

1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.

• Today we will do Lesson 5: At, in, on Use IN to talk about an enclosed area
In a meeting room, in Japan, in our department
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.

Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these phrases smoothly.” Use ON to talk about a surface
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
On the desk, on the wall, on the floor
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”

• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Example
Bill: Where is Mary? Do you know, Ken?
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Ken: She is not at her desk. Maybe she’s in a meeting. ... Oh, I remember. She is attending a
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
conference at our client’s office today. Their office building is very nice. It’s on the 30 th floor.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
1. Is Matt working on the 3rd floor?
2. Where is Matt?
1. Is Matt working on the 3rd floor? Is Eric working on the 3rd floor?
3. What are Paul and Toshi doing?
2. Where is Matt? Where are Eric’s cats? 4. Where is Drive Tech? Eric
3. What are Paul and Toshi doing? What is Rick doing? 5. Who is at home? Paul,

• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.

• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. Matt Glen,
Rick Mary
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured Ron
Eric’s cats
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
ACT Talk about where you, your family members and colleagues are in the morning, afternoon and
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 6 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Look at the sample sentences below:
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
Tom likes dogs. = He likes all dogs in general.
Tom has a dog. = He has one dog. (Now, we are talking about a particular dog: Tom’s dog)
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 6: S, a, the The dog is sleeping. = Tom’s dog is sleeping.

SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
S, a, and the help the other person understand which dog you are talking about.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.”
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson. Example
Bill: Where do you want to go for lunch, Ken?
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Ken: I know a good Mexican restaurant. The restaurant has delicious tacos.
Bill: I love tacos. Where is the restaurant?
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Ken: It’s this way.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.

Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” ▼▼▼
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.

Example: 1. Do you like cars?

2. Do you have a car?
3. What color is the car?
1. Do you like cars? Do you like mobile devices?
4. Do you want a new car?
2. Do you have a car? Do you have a tablet? 5. What kind of car do you want?
3. What color is the car? What color is your mobile phone?
Etc. 6. What is the name of a famous store in your country?
7. What do they sell?
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. 8. Do you have one of their items at home?
9. Is it a popular item?
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. 10. Is the item expensive?
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured Now, ask your trainer questions. You can change the underlined words.
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. ACT Talk about the topics below. Use some of the phrases given.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.
• Your favorite restaurant I like... I know... The restaurant is...
• Your favorite store The store sells... I have... I want...
• Your company We make/sell/provide... We have... The product is...
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Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 6 – S, a, the

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 7 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Use “there is” or “there are” to say that something exists.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.

Countable nouns Questions Uncountable nouns Questions

1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
There is a problem. Is there a printer? There is some noise. Is there any tea?
• Today we will do Lesson 7: There is, there are
There’re (only) a few cars. Are there any questions? There’s (only) a little space.
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
There are many employees. There is a lot of traffic.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” There aren’t any cafes. There isn’t any time.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Ken: This is our department. There are 17 employees and a few temporary workers.
Now, there are a few problems. There are many people, but there are only two meeting
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
rooms. Also, there is a projector in Room A, but there isn’t a projector in Room B.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Bill: I see. By the way, is there any coffee?
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” Ken: Yes, there is some coffee in the kitchen. It’s this way.
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. ▼▼▼

TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
1. Are there any plants in the office?
1. Are there any plants in the office? Are there any TVs in the office? printer
2. Is there a printer in the HR department?
2. Is there a printer in the HR department? Is there a shredder in the HR 3. Is there a lot of space in the meeting room?
4. How many chairs are there in the meeting room? cabinet
3. Is there a lot of space in the meeting room? Is there a lot of space in the HR dept.?
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box. refrigerator
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.

Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”

• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. teleconferencing
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. system
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. projector

Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. Now, ask your trainer questions. You can change the underlined words.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
ACT Talk about your office and its neighborhood. Use the phrases below.
In my office, ... In my department, ... Near my office, ...

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 7 – There is, There are

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 8 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE You can use these phrases to request something in formal English.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
Please come to my office. Please don’t be late.
Can you please come to my office? Can you please not be late?
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 8: Please come to my office Could you please come to my office? Could you please not be late?

SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.

Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” Example
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
Ken: We are having a birthday party for Bill on Friday.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson. Tara: Great idea. Can I help?
Ken: Yes. Can you please send an e-mail to the team? But please don’t e-mail Bill. It’s a surprise
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. party.

TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.

Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with 1. What’s your plan on Monday? I’m setting up a meeting room.
something else that is relevant. 2. How can I help? Please test the video conferencing system.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1. What’s your plan on Monday? What’s your plan on Tuesday?
Set up a meeting room for a big Make a presentation to a Take a new employee out for
Etc. conference customer lunch

• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box. Need help: Need help: Need help:
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.
1. Test the video conferencing 1. Check my slides for any
1. Tell me a good restaurant
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.” system mistakes
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. 2. Listen to my presentation
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. 2. Set up desks and chairs 2. Come together
and give me advice
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
ACT Imagine you have an assistant. Explain three tasks, and request help from your assistant.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 8 – Please come to my office

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 9 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE You can use the simple present tense to talk about an ongoing situation:
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I live in Tokyo. She works for Drive Tech. Our company makes cameras.

1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.

• Today we will do Lesson 9: I live in Osaka, I take the train You can also use the simple present tense to talk about habits.
I get up at 5AM every morning. I drive to work. I watch Bizmates Channel every day.
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.

Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.”
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson. Bill: Do you get up early, Ken?
Ken: Yes, I do. My family is busy in the morning. I cook breakfast for my kids and my wife takes
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. them to preschool. I take the train to work, but we live far from the station. It takes 10
minutes by bike.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with TRY Answer these questions from your trainer. The trainer may change the underlined words.
something else that is relevant. 1. Where does Bill live?

Example: 2. Does he live near the office?

3. What does his company do?
4. Does he give consulting to clients?
1. Where does Bill live? Where does Mai live?
5. What time does he start work?
2. Does he live near the office? Does she live near the office? 6. Does he finish work at 6PM?
3. What does his company do? What does your company do? 7. What does he do after work?

• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box. Bill Mai
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.
Apartment in Chiba House in Tokyo
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.” (40 minutes from the office) (20 minutes from the office)
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. Drive Tech (car parts
Company Takumi Co. (consulting firm)
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured Work Give consulting to clients Meet job candidates
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
Working hours 9AM – 5PM 10AM – 6PM
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).” Usual after-work activity Go to the gym Watch an English drama
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. Usual weekend Play baseball with his friends Take her children to the park
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

SKYPE CLOSING ACT Talk about your daily life and another person’s daily life. Try to use these phrases:
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow) I/My wife/My husband/My boss... I don’t.../My wife/My husband/My boss doesn’t...

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 9 – I live in Osaka, I take the train
BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 10 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

Your trainer will ask you the following questions and some follow-up questions.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.

▼ Lesson 1: I, you, he, she, it, we, they

1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 10: Review 1. Who are you? Who am I?
2. What is your company’s name? What kind of company is it?
2. Purpose: to check how much the student has learned from the previous lessons.

Signpost: “We are going to review all the points you learned from Lessons 1 to 9.” ▼ Lesson 2: My, your, his, her, its, our, their
• Have the student read and answer the questions in each lesson.
1. What is your hobby?
• Ask follow-up questions or demonstrate answers as needed, as follows:
2. What are your company’s main products/services?
L1: Who is your boss? Who are your colleagues?
What department do you belong to?
▼ Lesson 3: v. ing
L2: What is my name? What is your job? 1. In the picture, what is Eric doing?
Who are your customers?
2. What are they talking about?
L3: What are they using to communicate? 3. Is Eric taking notes?
What is the customer doing? Eric Customer

L4: Is the customer asking for information from Eric? ▼ Lesson 4: Me, you, him, her, it, us, them
What do your customers call you about? 1. In the picture, is Eric asking a question to the customer?

L5: Am I working at home now? Where are you now? 2. What is the customer asking Eric about?
Where do you live? Will you be in the office tomorrow?
▼ Lesson 5: At, in, on
L6: Is your office building big? What can you see in the lobby?
What is your favorite area in the building? 1. Are you at work now?
2. Where is your office? Which floor are you on?
L7: Is there a paper shredder in your office? Are there lots of employees?
Are there guests visiting every week?
▼ Lesson 6: S, a, the
L8: Example student answers:
1. Are smartphones useful?
Please use the chat box. / Can you please speak louder? / Please don’t turn off the video.
2. What kind of phone do you have?
L9: Do you usually go shopping by car? 3. What color is the phone?
Who do you go shopping with?

3. Give the student feedback. ▼ Lesson 7: There is, there are

• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• If the student passes the REVIEW, congratulate him/her and tell him/her that he/she may go onto Lesson 1. Tell me about your office using these words:
11 next time. there is there are a lot of a few (only) a little not any
• If the student fails the REVIEW, tell the student which lessons he/she needs to redo, and make note of it
for the next trainer.
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call. ▼ Lesson 8: Please come to my office
1. Imagine I am your colleague. Make three requests with these phrases:
SKYPE CLOSING Please... Please don’t... Can you please...? Can you please not...?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)
▼ Lesson 9: I live in Osaka, I take the train
1. Tell me about your usual schedule on weekdays and weekends.

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 10 – Review

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 11 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Here are some common verbs that are often combined with other verbs:
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I like to v. - I like to read; I like to listen to music
I want to v. - I want to see it; I want to check
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 11: I need to go now I need to v. - I need to finish this; I need to go
I’m trying to v. - We’re trying to find a solution
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.

Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.”
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson. Mary: Ken, are you ready for your business trip?
Ken: Well, no. I’m trying to book a flight right now. I need to leave on Friday, but there aren’t
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. many seats.
Mary: I hope you find one. Is it your first time to visit New York?
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Ken: No, it’s my third time. I want to visit the Metropolitan Museum this time. I like to visit
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
1. A: What do you like to do on weekends?
FROM TO B: I like to surf on weekends.
1. What do you like to do on weekends? What do you like to do on Fridays? 2. A: What do you want to do this weekend?
2. What do you want to do this weekend? What do you want to do tomorrow? B: I want to go to Chigasaki beach.

3. What tasks do you need to do this week? What tasks do you need to do this weekend? 3. A: What tasks do you need to do this week?
B: I need to test our IT system this week.
4. A: Are you working on a personal project right now?
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box. B: Yes, I am. I’m trying to lose weight.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.

Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.” Now, switch roles.
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).” 1. What do you and your colleagues like to do together?
• Have the student conduct the task. 2. What skills do you want to learn in the future?
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task. 3. What do you need to do to learn those skills?
4. Are you trying to learn those skills now?

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 11 – I need to go now

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 12 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Here are some common verbs that are often combined with other verbs:
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I like to v. ; I like v. ing - I like to read; I like reading
I practice v. ing - I practice singing; I practice speaking
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 12: I need to start studying Try to v. ; Try v. ing - Try to cook every day; Try making a To-do list
I recommend v. ing - I recommend going there; I recommend trying it
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
I need to start v. ing - I need to start making my presentation slides
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” I want to stop v. ing - I want to stop smoking
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Bill: Do you like listening to music, Ken?
Ken: Yes, I do. I’m in a jazz band. I practice playing the trumpet on weekends.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Bill: Wow, I didn’t know that.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: I need to start practicing every day. Our next concert is in April. I recommend coming to our
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” concert.
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. ▼▼▼

TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
FROM TO 1. A: Do you like travelling?
1. Do you like travelling? Do you like playing baseball? B: Yes, I like travelling very much. I want to try going to Italy.
3. I want to try living in Japan. Where is a I want to try living in Canada. Where is a 2. A: I want to start a new hobby. What do you recommend?
good place to live there? good place to live there? B: I recommend surfing. It’s not so difficult.
4. I need to start saving money. I want to I need to start saving money. I want to buy a 3. A: I want to try living in Japan. Where is a good place to live there?
buy a new car. Is there a good way to save? new phone. Is there a good way to save?
B: I recommend living in Fukuoka. It is a very nice city and the food is good.
Etc. 4. A: I need to start saving money. I want to buy a new car. Is there a good way to save?
B: Well, you need to stop eating at restaurants and start cooking. Try cooking dinner every
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. day.

Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”

• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. Now, switch roles.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task. 1. I am not good at time management. Please give me some advice.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. 2. I want to lose five kilograms. Please give me some advice.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 12 – I need to start studying

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 13 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE There are many ways to express how often you do something.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
always/all the time usually
often/frequently every day
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 13: How often? sometimes every other week
occasionally once a week
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
rarely three times a month
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” never once in two years
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Bill: How often does the marketing team have regular meetings?
Ken: Well, we have a team meeting once a week and a division meeting every other week. Also,
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
we occasionally have a meeting with the sales division.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Bill: I see. Are the meetings long?
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” Ken: We usually spend an hour, but it sometimes takes two hours.
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. ▼▼▼

TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
1. A: How often do you have lunch with your colleagues?
1. How often do you have lunch with your How often do you have lunch by yourself?
B: I sometimes have lunch with my colleagues.
2. A: Do you often write e-mails at work?
2. Do you often write e-mails at work? Do you often write reports to your boss?
B: Yes, I do. I usually write three or four e-mails a day.
3. Do you eat breakfast every day? Do you drink coffee every morning?
3. A: Do you eat breakfast every day?
Etc. B: No, I rarely eat breakfast. I only eat breakfast once or twice a week.
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box. 4. A: What kind of events does your company hold? How often do they hold them?
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. B: We hold an anniversary party once in five years.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. Now, switch roles.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured ▼▼▼
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).” ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
• Have the student conduct the task. 1. What’s your favorite free-time activity, and how often do you do it?
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task. 2. What’s the hardest task at work for you, and how often do you need to do it?
3. What’s the most interesting task at work for you, and how often do you do it?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 13 – How often?

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 14 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE There are different ways to read time.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
6:05 = six-oh-five, five past six, five after six
9:15 = nine-fifteen, a quarter past nine, a quarter after nine
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 14: What time? 12:30 = twelve-thirty, half past twelve
7:45 = seven-forty-five, a quarter to eight, a quarter before eight
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.

Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” You use the present tense to talk about the time of a scheduled event.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
Our meeting starts at half past two. My flight leaves at 6:02.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”

• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Example
Bill: What time is it now?
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Ken: It’s five to ten.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Bill: Oh, no! We have a telephone conference with London from 10AM, right? We need to get ready.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” Ken: Calm down, Bill. The conference is at 10 in the evening.
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. ▼▼▼

TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
1. A: What time do you get to work everyday?
1. What time do you get to work everyday? What time do you get home everyday?
B: I get to work around a quarter before nine.
2. A: Do you usually read your e-mails in the afternoon?
2. Do you usually read your e-mails in the Do you usually visit clients in the afternoon?
afternoon? B: No, I don’t. I usually read my e-mails in the morning.

3. What meetings do you have next week, Do you have English classes tomorrow? What 3. A: What meetings do you have next week, and what time do they start?
and what time do they start? time do they start? B: I have a meeting with my boss on Monday. It starts at 9:30.
Now, switch roles.
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
1. Tell me the time of your regular meetings at work. What time do they usually start and end?
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. 2. Imagine you are meeting with a friend at a train station at 3PM. What time do you want to arrive
at the station? How about with your boss? How about with a client?
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 14 – What time?

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 15 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Use “will v. “ to talk about an action you decided now.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
OK, I will do it. Maybe I will go. I’ll check.
OK, I will try. I think we will cancel dinner. I’ll see you later.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 15: Will, going to
Use “going to v. “ to talk about a future event that is not 100% concrete.
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
We are going to find a new office. I am going to change jobs some day.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” It’s going to rain tonight. I am going to take a lesson every day.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Mary: Ken, are you going to attend the R&D meeting?
Ken: I don’t know. Maybe I will. Is it important?
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Mary: Well, they’re going to talk about their product development plan for next year.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: That sounds interesting. OK, I’ll attend.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
1. A: What are you going to do this weekend?
FROM TO B: I don’t know. Maybe I will visit my parents. How about you?
1. What are you going to do this weekend? What are you going to do on Sunday? A: I’m going to relax at home.
2. Will you check my e-mail message? Will you check my presentation slides? 2. A: Will you check my e-mail message?

Etc. B: Sure. I’ll do it after lunch.

3. A: What’s the agenda for the next team meeting?
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
B: First, we’re going to report sales. Then, we’re going to talk about our schedules. Also,
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.
we’re going to listen to Sato-san’s presentation.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. Now, switch roles.

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. ▼▼▼

Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Use the phrases in parentheses.
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. 1. What is your goal this year? In the next five years? In the next ten years? In life?
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task. (I’m going to... Maybe I will... I will try to... )

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 15 – Will, going to

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 16 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Something = n. in the past Something = adj. in the past
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I was an accountant before. The client was happy yesterday.
They were salespeople before. We were busy last week.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 16: Was, were
Something = adj. + n. in the past Location in the past
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
We were a small company five years ago. I was in Singapore two years ago.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” It was a popular product last year. Our office was in Yokohama before.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Bill: Were you in Marketing in your first year in this company?
Ken: No, I wasn’t. I was in Sales. My office was in Nagano.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Bill: I see. Was the job interesting?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: Yes, it was. My colleagues and clients were all nice people. I was happy there.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
1. A: Where were you five years ago?
B: Five years ago, I was in Nagoya.
1. Where were you five years ago? Where were you last Monday?
2. A: Were you at home at 8PM last night?
2. Were you at home at 8PM last night? Were you at home at 10PM last night? B: No, I wasn’t. At that time, I was at my office.
4. How was your trip to Sydney? How was your trip to the client? 3. A: Do you play any sports?
Etc. B: No, I don’t play any sports now. But I was a good tennis player in school.
4. A: How was your trip to Sydney?
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. B: It was great. The city was beautiful and the people were nice. My hotel room was small,
but it was comfortable.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. Now, switch roles.

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. ▼▼▼

Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task. ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. 1. Tell me about your life ten years ago. Were you busy? Were you happy?
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.
2. Talk about your last travel destination and tell me about the city, people, hotel and food.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 16 – Was, were

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 17 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE You can talk about weather using the structures below.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you. 1. 2.
It was windy yesterday.
It’s rainy today.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson. 3. 4.
• Today we will do Lesson 17: How’s the weather? It’s going to be partly cloudy tomorrow.

SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point. 5. 6.
You can talk about rain, snow and hail using the structures below, too.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” It’s raining outside.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box. 7.
It’s going to snow this weekend.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.

Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”

• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Example
Ken: Don’t forget your umbrella. It’s raining outside.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Mary: Oh, that’s right. Thanks, Ken. Is it going to be rainy on the weekend, too?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: I think it is. And it’s going to be hot and humid.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” Mary: That’s too bad. It was so nice and cool last weekend.
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. ▼▼▼

TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
FROM TO 1. A: Hi, can you hear me? How’s the weather in Tokyo?
1. Hi, can you hear me? How’s the weather Hi, can you hear me? How’s the weather in B: It’s hot and humid. It’s 30°C outside. How about over there?
in Tokyo? your city?
A: Oh, it’s very hot over here. It’s 35°C outside.
2. Welcome back! How was the weather in Welcome back! How was the weather in 2. A: Welcome back! How was the weather in San Francisco?
San Francisco? Thailand?
B: It was nice. It was a little cold and foggy in the morning, but it was warm and sunny in the
3. What are you going to do this weekend? What are you going to do next weekend?
Etc. 3. A: What are you going to do this weekend?
B: Well, it’s going to be really cold and rainy, so I think I will stay home and watch a movie.
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.
Now, switch roles.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier. ▼▼▼

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high. ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
1. How is the weather and temperature in your area in spring? Summer? Fall? Winter?
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task. 2. Tell me the weather for all the days this week in your area.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 17 – How’s the weather?

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 18 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE Use “was/were v. ing” to describe a situation in the past.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
I was working for a real estate company five years ago.
Tom and I were selling apartments at that time.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 18: I was having a meeting then I was trying to find a new job while (I was) working at my last company.
It was raining at 10AM yesterday.
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.

Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.”
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson. Bill: What were you doing at your last company, Ken?
Ken: I was selling automobile parts at my last company.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Bill: I see. Were you happy with your job?
Ken: It was an interesting job, but I was doing a lot of overtime. I was thinking about changing jobs
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
every night.
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.

Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.” ▼▼▼
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with
something else that is relevant. TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.

Example: 1. A: Was it raining in Tokyo last weekend?

B: No, it wasn’t. The weather was nice.
2. A: You weren’t at the office this morning. Where were you?
1. Was it raining in Tokyo last weekend? Was it raining in Nagoya two days ago?
B: I was visiting a client. We were discussing our contract.
2. You weren’t at the office this morning. You weren’t at the office yesterday. Where 3. A: Were you busy yesterday?
Where were you? were you?
B: Yes, I was. I was working hard. I was trying to finish my project.
3. A: Were you busy yesterday? Were you busy last week?
4. A: What was your life like in college?
Etc. B: Well, I wasn’t studying a lot. I was playing futsal with my friends almost every day.
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably. Now, switch roles.
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.”
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material. ▼▼▼
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.

ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
1. What were you doing at 6AM yesterday? 9AM? 12PM? 3PM? 6PM? 9PM? 12AM?
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).” 2. What was your first year at your company like?
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task.

Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 18 – I was having a meeting then

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 19 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

SEE You can use some “ adv. “ to communicate “how.”
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.
My boss presents well. He works hard.
She drives safely. She types fast.
1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 19: He thinks very carefully
You can also use some “ adv. “ to communicate “how well or how much”
SEE 2. Purpose: to check how comfortable the student is with the featured grammar point.
My boss is a very good presenter. He works pretty hard.
Signpost: “I’m going to check if you can say these sentences smoothly.” She drives very safely. She types really fast.
• Have the student read all the sentences in the blue box.
• If the student does well, give praise.
• If the student struggles, give brief support and advise to practice repeating after the lesson.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how this grammar is used in a conversation.”
• Have the student read Ken’s part. Check pronunciation and intonation. Mary: I want to start a company blog, and I need a writer. Is Tara a good writer?
Ken: Oh, she is a very good writer. She writes really fast, too.
TRY 3. Purpose: to give the student ample controlled practice and a chance to familiarize with the usage of
Mary: That’s good to know. Do we have a good designer?
the featured grammar. Student talking time should be high.
Ken: I think Bill is. He draws pretty well.
Signpost: “Now let’s practice speaking in sentences using this grammar.”
• Ask the questions written in the material.
• When you feel the student is ready for a challenge/creativity, replace the underlined words with ▼▼▼
something else that is relevant.

Example: TRY You are role B. Read the conversations with your trainer. You can change the underlined words.
1. A: Do you play tennis?
B: I don’t play tennis very well, but I’m a pretty good badminton player.
1. Do you play tennis? Do you play baseball? 2. A: Do you like karaoke?
2. Do you like karaoke? Do you cook? B: Yes, I do. I like to sing loudly in my room.
Etc. 3. A: Are you a very organized person?
B: No, I’m not a really organized person. I can’t organize my files neatly.
• Give corrections whenever necessary. Use the chat box.
4. A: In your country, how can you introduce yourself politely?
• Move on when you feel the student can handle the grammar comfortably.
B: First, you need to make eye contact and say your name clearly. Then, you need to shake
Signpost: “Now it’s your turn to ask me questions.” hands properly. It’s good to smile cheerfully, too.
• Have the student ask the questions written in the material.
• Encourage the student to replace the underlined words with something else, as you did earlier.
Now, switch roles.
ACT 4. Purpose: to give the student less-controlled practice and a chance to explore usage of the featured
grammar point. Student talking time should be very high.
Signpost: “Now let’s see how well you can use (the grammar point).”
• Have the student conduct the task.
• Give corrections/feedback to refine the student’s English. Use the chat box. ACT Your trainer will ask you the questions below. Answer them in complete sentences.
• Give the student another chance to tackle the task. 1. What can you do well because you practiced very hard?
2. What do you do poorly now, but you want to do well?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 19 – He thinks very carefully

BIZMATES PROGRAM LEVEL 1 I RANK A I LESSON 20 Report an error / Make a suggestion Last revision: 02/15/2021

Your trainer will ask you the following questions and some follow-up questions.
Hi, I’m ____. Looking forward to seeing you.

▼ Lesson 11: I need to go now

1. Greeting: Introduce yourself if necessary. Introduce the goal of the lesson.
• Today we will do Lesson 20: Review 1. What do you like to do after work? What do you want to do tomorrow after work?
2. What do you need to do at work next week? What are you trying to do now?
2. Purpose: to check how much the student has learned from the previous lessons.

Signpost: “We are going to review all the points you learned from Lessons 11 to 19.” ▼ Lesson 12: I need to start studying
• Have the student read and answer the questions in each lesson.
1. Do you need to start thinking about your next vacation soon? Where do you want to try going?
• Ask follow-up questions or demonstrate answers as needed, as follows:
2. I want to visit your city one day. Which season is the best? What do you recommend doing there?
L11: What would you like to eat for lunch? What do you want for dinner?
What do you need to eat to stay healthy?
▼ Lesson 13: How often?
L12: Do you like jogging? Where can you go jogging? 1. How often do you go to a concert? The movies? A musical? A museum?
I need to go shopping. Is there a place you can recommend?
2. How often do you get together with old friends? With your extended family?
L13: How often do you visit your hometown? Your cousins?
How often do you work late at night? ▼ Lesson 14: What time?
L14: What time do you usually take your lunch? Your dinner? 1. What time do you wake up every day? Finish work? Come home? Have dinner? Go to bed?
What time do you go home?

L15: Where are you going on your next vacation? Who will you be with? ▼ Lesson 15: Will, going to
How can you improve your English? 1. What are you going to do for your next birthday? Your family members’ birthdays?
2. How will you spend your time after retirement?
L16: How was your experience back in university? What was your favorite subject?
What was your unforgettable moment back in university?
▼ Lesson 16: Was, were
L17: How was the weather in your city yesterday? How’s the weather now?
What country did you visit last time? How was the weather there? 1. Tell me about one of your past bosses. What kind of person was he/she? Was it fun to work with
L18: How was your last meeting? Was everybody listening?
What were you doing last Saturday afternoon?
▼ Lesson 17: How’s the weather?
L19: Are you good at making reports? Do you cook? 1. How was the weather last Sunday? Was it hot? Was it humid?
Are your colleagues friendly? Your boss?
2. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow? Is it going to be cold?
3. Give the student feedback.
• Give student feedback/study tips. Use the chat box.
• If the student passes the REVIEW, congratulate him/her and tell him/her that he/she may go onto Rank B ▼ Lesson 18: I was having a meeting then
next time. 1. What were you doing at this time yesterday? The day before yesterday? Three days ago?
• If the student fails the REVIEW, tell the student which lessons he/she needs to redo, and make note of it
for the next trainer.
• Paste "Thank you" message in the chat box after ending the call. ▼ Lesson 19: He thinks very carefully
1. Tell me about your boss’s skills. What does he/she do really well? Well? Poorly? Very poorly?
2. Do you type fast? Read quickly? Drive safely? Go to work early? Finish work late?
Thank you for studying at Bizmates. (bow)

Bizmates Program Level 1 - Rank A – Lesson 20 – Review

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