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“Success is not an accident, it is hard work, perseverance,
learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all,
love of what you are doing or studying”.

In Class · Look at the example and use the prompts

How to learn be er in class given.
· Look at the board and take notes. · Use the language you have learned.
· Listen carefully to your teacher and the · Speak only in English.
· Ask your teacher when you don't Read
understand. How to do be er when doing reading ac vi es
· Speak in English as much as possible. · Before reading, try to predict what the
· Par cipate in pair work and group work text is about by looking at the pictures.
tasks. · Look for key words in the text.
· Read the text quickly to understand the
Outside the class main idea.
How to learn be er outside the class · Read the text carefully to understand the
· Read the dialogues and texts from your specific details.
book. · Use a dic onary to find out what unknown
· Study the vocabulary and grammar; words in the text mean.
Then, do your homework.
· Listen to songs in English. Listen
· Watch TV programs or see movies in How to do be er when doing listening ac vi es
English. · Before the listening ac vity, look at the
pictures and read the ques ons.
Vocabulary · Before a listening ac vity, try to predict
How to learn vocabulary be er what the speakers are going to say.
· Write down new words in a notebook with · While listening, try to understand the
its transla on / example / a picture. general idea, not every single word.
· Learn whole phrases, not just isolated · While listening, listen carefully before you
words. answer.
· Learn new words in context.
· When you learn new words, remember if Write
they are verbs, nouns, adjec ves, etc. How to do be er when doing wri ng ac vi es
Refer to the vocabulary building. · Make sure you understand what you are
· Prac ce the spelling and pronuncia on asked to write.
of new words. · Plan your wri ng and make notes before
· Try to use words you have recently learned you write.
when you speak or write.
· Join your wri ng ideas with and, but, or
and because.
· When wri ng a formal/informal
How to learn grammar be er
le er/email,
start and finish in an appropriate way.
· Refer to the Grammar builder.
· When you narrate events, write the events
· Have a grammar notebook to write ps,
in chronological order.
rules, example sentences, important
· A er you finish, check punctua on, capital
gramma cal points, etc.
le ers, word order, spelling, linking words,
· Prac ce and remember the sentences
vocabulary and grammar in your wri ng.
How to do be er when doing speaking ac vi es
· Before you speak, make sure you
understand the task.

1A Warm up - Daily routines p. 6

Unit 1
Early to 1B Reading: Can you feel the rhythm? p. 7
1C Reading- Multiple choice-cloze p. 8

Unit 2 2 A Warm up - Vocabulary p. 9

problems 2 B Grammar: / rather ... than p. 10

2 C Grammar - present / past participles p. 11

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 1 - 2 p. 12


Unit 3 p. 13
3 A Warm up - Vocabulary - character adjectives
I’m quite
3 B Grammar: obligation, prohibition, suggestion, necessityp. 14

3 C Communication: writing p. 15

Unit 4 4 A Listening section p. 16

Get ready
for the 4 B Speaking section p. 17
4 C Speakingsection p. 18

Refresh your REVISION UNITS 3 - 4 p. 19

Reading to Writing Task p. 21 - 22

Workbook p. 27- 38
Unit 1 Early to bed . . .

1A Warm up GOAL: Describing daily routines

1 a. The title is from a well known proverb. Can you complete it? What does it mean?
Read and circle.

EARLY TO BED... a. and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.

b. and late to rise makes a man happy, healthy, and heavy.

IT MEANS... a. that someone who gets enough sleep and starts work late
in the day will have a successful life.

b. that someone who gets enough sleep and starts work early
in the day will have a successful life.

b. Describe the pictures on this page. What do you think their daily routines are?

c. What time do you usually wake up?

Do you wake up on your own, or do you need an alarm clock?
Do you often have late nights, or do you always go to bed early?
Do you have a strict daily routine? What do you usually do every day?

6 Wb.27
1B Reading

“Routine” is usually seen as a negative term nowadays, Can you feel the rhythm?
largely because we no longer belong to a society of
nine-to-fivers. We live in what is fast becoming a 24 Is it important to have a standard daily
hour society, where everything is open all hours. You routine? Why / Why not? Read the text
can buy your groceries at midnight, book your holiday to find out.
on the Internet at 3 am, and do business online at the
crack of dawn. Before you join the 24-hour revolution,
however, take a minute to listen to what your body is Read the text again and circle the
trying to tell you - that a round-the-clock lifestyle is not correct answers.
what nature intended.
in an area of our brains called the hypothalamus, we 1. According to the text, what is one of
have a “body clock” that controls our body’s natural the advantages of living a 24 - hour
rhythms. It tells us when it’s the right time to eat, sleep, lifestyle?
work and play. It plays an important part in our physical a. You never have to worry about
and psychological well-being. It is, in fact, what makes arranging your holidays.
us tick and it controls many things including our hor- b. You can do office work as early
mones, temperature, immune functions and alertness. or as late as you like.
It synchronises all these like a conductor with an c. Shopping can be delivered to your
orchestra; it regulates tempo and brings in all the diffe- home anytime.
rent instruments on time to make music rather than d. People don’t work from 9 to 5
random noise. If we try to ignore our body clocks, or anymore.
even to switch them off for a while, we not only deprive
ourselves of much needed rest but we also run the risk 2. What does “IT” in line 14 refer to?
of seriously damaging our health. a. our body’s natural rhythms
Ignoring your body clock and changing your body’s b. the hypothalamus
natural rhythms can not only make you depressed, c. our body’s biological clock
anxious and accident prone, it can lead to much more d. our brain
serious health problems. For example, heart disease,
fatigue, ulcers, muscular pain, and frequent viral infec-
tions can all result from trying to ousmart our body 3. What does the word TICK in line 16
clocks. Altering our patterns of sleeping and waking mean?
dramatically affects our immune system. While we a. check
sleep the body’s repair mechanisms are at work; when b. motivate
we are awake natural killer cells circulate around our c. select
bodies and cause more damage. Our digestive system d. function
is affected, too- high levels of glucose and fat remain in
our bloddstream for longer periods of time and this can 4. What happens during sleep?
lead to heart disease. a. The body destroys lots of harmful
Unfortunately, we were not designed to be members of cells.
a 24-hour society. We can’t ignore millions of years of b. High levels of glucose and fat are
evolution and stay up all night and sleep all day. We created.
function best with a regular pattern of sleep and c. Our body clock shuts down
wakefulness that is in tune with our natural environ- temporarily.
ment. Nature’s cues are what keep our body clocks d. The daily damage to the body is
ticking rhythmically and everything working in harmony. mended.
So, next time you think a daily routine is boring and
predictable, remember that routine may well save your
life in the long run.

Wb.28 7
1C Reading - Multiple-choice cloze

A. Read the text and circle the answer A, B, C or D which best fits each gap from 1 - 12.

An Early Bird Or a Night Owl?

Owls are nocturnal creatures. They’re wide 0) awake at night and they sleep during the
day. If this 1. _________ like bliss to you, then, like about 20 percent of the population
2. ________ find themselves most active at around 9 pm, you may fall into the same
category 3. _________ our feathered friend. Night owls often have difficulty waking up
in the morning, and like to be up late at night. 4. ________ of animal behaviour indicate
that being a night owl may actually be built into some people’s genes. This would explain
5. ________ those late-to-bed, late-to-rise people find it so difficult to change their
The trouble for night owls is that they just 6. _________ to be at places such as work
and school far too early. This is when the alarm clock becomes the night owl’s most
important survival too! Experts 7. ________ that one way for a night owl to beat their
dependence 8. _________ their alarm clocks is to sleep with the curtains open. The
theory is that if they do so, the morning sunlight will awaken them gently and naturally.
The 9. _________ is that, unlike the feathered owl, human owls can’t claim that a
nocturnal existence is their natural lifestyle. They are programmed to be at their best
10. ________ the day. 11. _________ if we try to change our schedules and work at
night, Mother Nature isn’t fooled. Night is still the time when our body 12. ________
down. Night owls simply start and finish a little later than average.

0 A awake B wakeful C awake D alert

1 A sounds B hears C listens D looks
2 A when B whose C which D who
3 A like B as C with D for
4 A Research B Examinations C Enquiries D Studies
5 A why B when C how D where
6 A ought B have C must D should
7 A tell B speak C inform D say
8 A in B on C to D for
9 A truth B honesty C real D reason
10 A while B throughout C through D during
11 A Also B Even C Yet D As
12 A Slows B moves C goes D falls

8 Wb.29
Unit 2 Health problems

2A Warm up GOAL: Describing health problems

A. Look at the table and match the problems to their symptoms and causes.

Symptoms Problem Common Cause

* can’t sleep * not getting enough sleep

* indigestion
* a bloated, painful stomach * a virus
* headache, fever, aching * asthma
* spending too much time
muscles * insomnia
in the sun
* high temperature, nausea, * overtired
* bacteria under the skin
dizziness * flu
* eating too much or too quickly
* a painful muscle contraction * cramp
* difficulty breathing, wheezing * doing too much exercise
* acne
* can’t stop yawning * stress, anxiety
* heat stroke
* runny nose, sore eyes, sneezing * an allergy to pollen
* hay fever
* spots and red lumps on the * an allergy to dust or animals
face and neck

B. In pairs, use the table to talk about health problems you have experienced.
eg. “If you have a bloated, painful stomach, then you’ve probably got indigestion.
This is usually caused by eating too much, too quickly.”
C. What medical problems could you suffer... on a very hot day? / if you get wet
on a cold day?

D. Match the words in column A to those E. Match the collocations from part “D”
in column B to make collocations, then to the advice.
say what might give you each problem.

A B * take an aspirin * ask the doctor to

prescribe some
* put it in a sling
splitting poisoning medicine
black wrist * pinch your nose
sprained bleed * put some ice on it * rest the injured part
travel cold
* get some fresh air
pulled headache * suck on a throat
food sickness * drink plenty of fluids lozenge
sore muscle
streaming aye
nose throat If you have a splitting headache, you should
take an aspirin.
You may get a splitting headache if you
work on a computer for too long.

Wb.30 9
2B Grammar

A. Look at the list below and rank the stressful situations from 1 to 9, where 1 is the least
stressful and 9 is the most stressful. Compare your list to your partner’s and talk about
the situations.

a being stuck in a traffic jam

b doing the housework

c waiting in line for a long time

d being late for school / work

e missing the bus / train to school / work

f walking home alone at night

g going to the dentist

h taking an exam

i not being able to sleep at night

A: To me, going to the dentist is the most stressful situation.

I can’t stand drills! What about you?
B: Well, I just hate being stuck in traffic jams. I really
get stressed when I have to sit and wait for ages.

B. What would you do to help you relax when you are

stressed? You can add your own ideas.

play music
I prefer playing tennis to going to the gym.
go shopping
I’d rather watch TV than play computer games.
go cycling
paint C. In pairs discuss what you prefer doing to relax.

go to the gym
hang out with friends

10 Wb.31
2C Grammar

A. Study the table, then use the words from the list and make up pairs of sentences, as
in the examples in the table.

Present/Past Participles
We use -ed participles to describe how we feel/felt:
I felt satisfied when I passed the test.

We use -ing participles to say what an experience is/was like:

Passing the test was satisfying.

1. disappointed
I felt dissapointed when I failed the test.
Failing the test was dissapointed.
2. tired
3. annoyed
4. relaxed
5. confused

B. Talk about two things - one pleasent and one unpleasent - that happened to you.
Say what happened and how you felt about it, as in the examples.

When my dog went missing I felt very worried.

When my dog came home again I felt relieved.

Wb.32 11
A. Write the symptoms for each of the problems on the list.

1. insomnia __________________________________________________________
2. flu __________________________________________________________
3. overtired __________________________________________________________
4. acne __________________________________________________________
5. asthma __________________________________________________________

B. Write sentences using I prefer and I’d rather.

E.g. I prefer going to the movies to going to the theater.
I’d rather read a book than watch TV.
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________

C. Fill the correct word derived from the words in bold.

1. You really should see a doctor about those ___________ you’ve been HEAD
having lately.
2. People hate working with her because she’s such a ______________ PERFECT
3. I’m sorry. It wasn’t my __________________ INTEND
4. The team is well prepared for the match and I am ________________ CONFIDENT
that we will win.
5. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for the _______________________ INFECT

I have on my leg.
6. The authorities of most countries rely on _________________ cards as IDENTITY
means of recognition.

Unit 3 I’m quite sociable

3A Warm up GOAL: Using adjectives to describe people

Character Adjectives
A. Match the character adjectives to the definitions.

1 sociable

2 sentimental

3 conservative

4 perfectionist

5 arrogant

6 confident

7 moody

8 reliable

9 practical

10 impatient

a. want things to be perfect f. can’t wait for long

b. like going to parties g. make sensible decisions
c. show pity / love h. be sure of your abilities
d. can be trusted i. change feelings frequently
e. hate change / new ideas j. think you’re better than others

B. Which of the adjectives above best describe you / your friends? Give reasons.
Use adjectives of your own as well.

I think I’m quite sociable, because I like going to parties and being with friends.
I wouldn’t say I’m shy, because I don’t feel uncomfortable with people I’ve just met.

Wb.33 13
3B Grammar

Obligation, Prohibition, Suggestion, Necessity
A. Read the sentences and match the verbs / modals in bold to their meanings.
Which express; obligation? prohibition? suggestion? necessity? lack of necessity?

1 Surgeons must wear masks during an operation.

2 You ought to have an unusual check-up.

3 You must clean your teeth every day.

4 You need to sleep for at least 7 hours a night.

5 You mustn’t smoke here.

6 You don’t have to drive me to the station.

7 You shouldn’t be rude to your mother.

8 In the UK you have to be 17 to get a driving license.

a. It would be a good idea to do this.

b. This is a rule.
c. You are not allowed to do this; it is forbidden.
d. It is important that you do this.
e. It’s not necessary, but you can if you want to.
f. This is necessary.
g. It would be good idea not to do this.
h. This is very important; it is essential.

B. Write three sentences using the verbs listen, tell and visit.
1. Doctors
don’t have to visit their patients at home.
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________

14 Wb.34
3C Communication

A. Expand these signs into full sentences in as many ways as possible.

Where might you see each sign?

You must not smoke.

Smoking is forbidden.
You are not allowed to smoke.
We might find this sign in a public place.




B. Join the sentences. Can you suggest another ending to each sentence.

Students have to 1. ___________________________________

Students have to study hard otherwise they
in case of an emergency.
study hard won’t pass the exam.

Athletes have to they will have a 2. ___________________________________

otherwise heart attack.
exercise regularly ___________________________________

Everyone should 3. ___________________________________

have a first-aid-kit because they must keep it. ___________________________________
at home
4. ___________________________________
Patients with a
heart condition they won’t. pass ___________________________________
or else
must avoid their exams.

Wb.35 15
Unit 4 Get ready for the exam

4A GOAL: Familiarize students with the PET exam parts.

Listening & Speaking skills

You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-8, choose
the best answer, (A,B,C) 4.1
1. You hear someone talking to a girl who is in hospital.
What happened to her.
A. She crashed her bicycle.
B. She crashed her car.
C. She crashed her mother’s car.
2. You hear a man telling his friend about his stomach pain.
What does he think caused it?
A. He has got food poisoning.
B. He’s allergic to seafood.
C. He ate too much.
3. You hear a man talking to his wife about his morning so far.
What has the man being doing?
A. fighting
B. dressing his children
C. running
4. You hear a doctor talking to a patient.
What is her advice?
A. to exercise more
B. to exercise less
C. to do some weightlifting
5. You hear a woman talking to a man about her injured hand.
How did the injury happen?
A. She burnt it.
B. She trapped it in the kitchen door.
C. The man hurt it.
6. You hear a girl talking to someone about her cold.
How did she catch it?
A. She got wet in the rain.
B. She didn’t dry her hair.
C. She went out running.

16 Wb.36
4B Speaking

How people relax

Look at the survey results and the visual promps.
In pairs, talk about different ways teenagers choose to relax.
Then, discuss the pros and cons of active and passive relaxation.

Survey results for 500 teenagers

27% watch TV
24% spend time with friends
12% read a book
10% listen to music
8% play sports
6% play a musical instrument
5% go shopping
3% go to the movies
3% go out for a meal
2% play computer games

A: Quite a few young people seem to like watching TV,

although it’s not very healthy for you, as you don’t get
much exercise.
B: True, but it’s very relaxing after a hard day at school to
just sit quietly. . .

Wb.37 17
4C Speaking

A. Look at the pictures. Who: is in a hurry? has a splitting headache?
has had and accident?

Sophie Bill Jack

B. What do you think caused the problem?

Jack might have been playing soccer. He could have tripped and fallen down.
He must be in pain.



Giving advice
What advice would you give each person? Use the phrases below, as well as
your own ideas.

If I were you. . .

You should (n’t). . . Jack - You should be more careful.

Why don’t you. . .

18 Wb.38
Key word transformation
Complete the sentences, using the words in bold. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given. Do not change the word in bold.
Example: I’ll be happy when I go on holiday.
I am ____________________________________________ on holiday.


Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the blank space.
1. All the students passed the exam except Jimmy.
Jimmy was ________________________________ pass the exam.

2. You’ve got to decide what you really want to do with your life.
It’s ___________________________________ what you really want to do with your life.

3. Each month he goes to the local hairdresser’s for a haircut.

Each month ____________________________________ at the local hairdresser’s.

4. I lent her a dictionary last week.

She _____________________________________________________ last week.

5. The doctor told her to reduce the amount of sugar in her diet.
The doctor told her _____________________________ the amount of sugar in her diet.

6. I’m sure he hasn’t forgotten about the meeting.

He ____________________________________ about the meeting.

7. It’s a pity we don’t have a bigger apartment!

If ___________________________ a bigger apartment!

8. It was a mistake for you to insult Mike.

You ______________________________________________________ Mike.




Writing an essay

In your English class, you have recently had a discussion about relationships.
Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Is it better to live alone or with someone else?


Write about:
1. independence
2. money
3. ________ (your own idea)

Model answer (180 words)

Nowadays more people are deciding to live by themselves. Some people claim this is more
enjoyable and in young people it develops a sense of responsibility, whereas others disagree.

The main advantage of living alone is that there is nobody to tell you what to do, so you can
live your life in your own way. What is more, you can organise or decorate your house as you
want. There is no one else to disagree with.

On the other hand, it can be quite lonely for some people. By nature, we are social animals.
Secondly, it is more expensive because you have to pay all the rent and bills yourself, so you
have less money to enjoy yourself. Last but not least, it can be quite hard to find a nice flat for
one person, so you might not be able to live in the best area.

To sum up, there are strong arguments on both sides. In conclusion, I believe that living alone
is better for older people who have more money and like privacy but not for young people who
need to share the costs.

Write an essay (your teacher will decide the topic)


Phrasal Verbs


A. Make a sentence with each phrasal
Pay back: return money
1. _____________________________________
Wave back: say hello
2. _____________________________________

Call back: return a phone call 3. _____________________________________

Look back: remember 4. _____________________________________

B. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb.

1. My first job was in a travel agency. And when I ____________ on it. I learned a lot.
2. I can’t talk to you now. I’ll ______ you ________ later.
3. If you borrow money, you have to _______ it ________.
4. I waved to her and she ____________.

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”.
John Dewey
Unit 1
Unit Early to bed . . .

1A Warm up
A. Match the verbs in column A to the words / phrases in column B.
Then write the completed phrases on the space provided.

go my hair / my face
take my teeth
wash the bus
brush the bed
get breakfast / lunch / dinner
eat to work / school
do my friends
watch TV / a video
meet my homework
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________

B. Now, use the completed phrases to talk about your daily routine.

I usually wake up at... . First, I wash my...

Then I...

C. Survey. Find someone who...

Classmate’s name additional infomation

gets up before
6 in the morning

has a big breakfast

goes on-line more
than 3 hours a day
goes to bed
after midnight

1B Reading

A. Read and complete the text. circle the correct words.




Some of my friends think I have a boring daily routine, 1. _______ I like it. I usually get
up at about 6:00 or 6:30 2. ________ the morning, after my alarm clock 3. _______
me up. First, I brush my teeth, shave and wash my face. Then, I get dressed and go
downstairs to have breakfast with my family. I always have milk, toast, and 4. _______
of fruit. I take a bus to work because I 5. _______ like to drive, and I always arrive at
my office before 8:00. I’m never late for work. Five o’clock 6. _______ my favorite time
of the day because I finish work and go back home and see my wife and children again.
I have two boys, Thomas, who is six years old and Patrick, who is eight. We 7. ________
dinner together in our dining room at around 6:00, and after that I hang out with my wife
and kids 8. _______ home. We really enjoy watching our favorite TV program together.
We like to watch shows about travel. However, two 9. ________ three times a week I do
exercises in the evening, so I can stay strong and healthy. I think that this is very
important! 10. ________, at about 9:30, I go to bed, read and then fall asleep. Sure,
some people think my daily routine is a little boring but on weekends and holidays I
11. _______ to fly airplanes... for fun! It’s my favorite hobby.

1. a. so b. but c. and d. because

2. a. in b. at c. to d. on
3. a. is waking b. waking c. wake d. wakes
4. a. lots off b. lot c. lots of d. lots
5. a. not b. doesn’t c. don’t d. isn’t
6. a. does b. have c. are d. is
7. a. ate b. eating c. eats d. eat
8. a. at b. in c. by d. on
9. a. and b. or c. so d. but
10. a. However b. Finally c. Because d. First
11. a. love to b. loves to c. loving d. love

1C Reading


Students work in groups of three. They ask questions to each other.
Then, compare with the class.

What time do you usually go to bed at night? Why?

What time do you usually get up in the morning? Why?
What do you often eat for breakfast? Why?
What time do you usually arrive at school or work?
Where do you usually eat lunch?
About how many hours of TV do you watch every day?
What is your favorite TV show?
About how many hours are you on-line every day?
Can you cook? How often do you cook?
Tell me about your best friend. How often do you see him/her?
What hobbies do you have?

Unit 2 Health problems
2A Warm up
A. Match the following words. Then, complete the sentences.

muscle sickness
nose pain
travel headache
heart poisoning
splitting bleed
sore disease
high throat
food temperature
1. He was very worried about taking the ferry to France because he always suffers from
______________________ on boats and planes.
2. The doctor said my dad was at risk of ________________________, so he should eat
a healthier diet and get more exercise.
3. You have got a very __________________________. You should stay in bed today.
4. After overdoing it at the gym, Luke was suffering from ________________________
in his lower back.
5. Zoe had a really bad case of _______________________ after eating that seafood.
6. Martin was hit in the face by a tennis ball. Luckily he wasn’t seriously hurt but he had
a slight ____________________.
7. I didn’t go to work yesterday because I had a really ____________________ and had
lost my voice.
8. Fred wants us to turn the music down because he’s got a ______________________.

2C Grammar

Complete these sentences. Circle a or b.

1. My neighbors are very ______________ because they make too much noise!

a. annoyed b. annoying

2. John was ________________ when he saw the dinosaur bones at the museum.

a. amazed b. amazing

3. I’m _____________ ! Does our train leave at six - thirty or at seven - thirty?

a. confused b. confusing

4. Cloudy, rainy days always make me feel ______________.

a. depressed b. depressing

5. I believe that action movies are _______________. That’s why I like them.

a. excited b. exciting

6. Lucy is really afraid of large spiders! I think they are _____________.

a. frightened b. frightening

7. We were ____________ by the good news. We have a holiday next Monday!.

a. pleased b. pleasing

8. Annie spent a very _____________ day at home yesterday.

a. relaxed b. relaxing

9. After the eight - hour flight, we were all ____________.

a. tired b. tiring

10. I hate roller coasters. I think they are _____________.

a. terrified b. terrifying

Unit 3 I’m quite sociable

3A Warm up
A. Fill in the correct word.

optimistic ambitious sociable

sensitive cheerful easy - going

reliable impatient

1. Wendy is always smiling; she’s such a _______________ person.

2. Sammy never complains about anything. She is very _______________.

3. Tony is a very ______________ person. He goes out with friends almost

every day.

4. Steve always looks on the bright side. He is very _______________.

5. You can trust Jason to do anything. He is extremely ________________.

6. Carol gets upset very easily. I think she is a bit too ___________________.

7. Greg wants to be general manager of the company one day. He’s a very
_________________ man.

8. Janet is so _______________. She hates waiting in line.

B. Choose four words from the box and create your own sentences.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

3B Grammar

A. Look at the picture and complete

the dialog.

A: Where’s the woman?

B: I think 1. _____________________
A: What’s wrong with her?
B: I’m not sure. She could 2. _________
A: What advice would you give her?
B: Well, 3. ________________________
A: Have you ever experienced a similar
B: 4. _____________________________
A: What did you do?
B: 5. _____________________________

B. Look at the picture and complete.

Use “part A” as a guide.

A: Where’s the man?

B: I think 1. _____________________
A: What’s wrong with her?
B: I’m not sure. He could 2. _________
A: What advice would you give him?
B: Well, 3. ________________________
A: Have you ever experienced a similar
B: 4. _____________________________
A: What did you do?
B: 5. _____________________________

3C Grammar

Use the prompts and make up as much sentences as you can about...

doctors and nurses

D listen to their patients.

must /
O mustn’t study medicine at university.

C have to / do shift work.

N don’t have to
T visit their patients at home.
U should /
be impatient.
O shouldn’t
R be kind to patients.
R ought to /
S ought not to enjoy working with people.
E need to / work long hours.
don’t need to
S explain treatments to their patients.

Eg. Doctors should listen to their patients.


3D Communication

A. Match the modals in bold to the functions below.

1. Could / Would you help me with my homework? . possibility

2. You can’t / mustn’t / may not smoke in here. . lack of ability

3. You can / may borrow my dictionary. . permission

4. He can play the piano really well. . request

5. He could / may / might have the flu. . ability

6. I can’t speak French. . lack of permission

B. Circle the correct modal, then write its correct function in the lines provided.

1. Could / Would it be OK if I left early today? ________________________

2. He won’t / can’t see without his glasses. ________________________

3. No, you would not / may not borrow my car. ________________________

4. She isn’t inside; she might / can be in the garden. ________________________

5. You will / may go home if you aren’t feeling well. ________________________

C. Write what students must and mustn’t do at school.

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

Get ready for the exam

4A Warm up
A. Choose the correct answer.

1 A: Do you think you could help me with this?

B: a Of course.
b Yes, I need to.

2 A: Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

B: a Sorry, we won’t.
b Sorry, I can’t.

3 A: Could you post this for me while you’re out?

B: a Not at all.

b No problem.

4 A: Can I talk to you for a moment?

B: a Yes, you will.

b Certainly.

5 A: Would you pick Ron up tomorrow?

B: a Of course I would.

b Of course I will.

B. Fill in with the words from the list.

mouth finger stomach tooth chest

1. Martin loves chocolate and biscuits, he’s really got a sweet _____________.

2. Thanks for listening. I needed to get that off my ______________.

3. There’s something wrong with the car, but I just can’t put my ______________
on what it is.

4. Surgeons need to have a strong _______________, because they can’t let

the sight of blood and injuries upset them.

5. I didn’t say that. Please don’t put words into my ________________.

4B Speaking

A. Use:

can, can’t, have to, don’t have to and need to

with the prompts below to ask and answer questions about using public
transport in your country. You can use your own ideas.

* buy a ticket to travel on the bus / train

* buy a monthly travel card
* travel free if you are over 65
* eat or drink in the vehicle
* buy tickets in advance

A: Do I have to buy a ticket to travel on the train or bus?

B: Yes, you do. Can I ...

4C Speaking

Analysing the Rubric

A. Read the rubric, underline the key words and answer the questions.

Your school newspaper has asked you to write an article discussing

the pros and cons of exercising to reduce stress.
Write your article in about 120 - 180 words.

1. What are you going to write?

2. Who is going to read your piece of writing?
3. Should you use informal language? Why (not)?

B. In pairs, think of two positive and two negative aspects of exercising

to reduce stress. Compare your answers with the rest of the class.
+ : ________________________________________________
+ : ________________________________________________
- : _________________________________________________
- : _________________________________________________

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

be was / were been

beat beat beaten
become became become
begin began begun
blow blew blown
break broke broken
bring brought brought
build built built
buy bought bought
can could been able to
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen
come came come
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
dig dug dug
do did done
draw drew drawn
drink drank drunk
drive drove driven
eat ate eaten
fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
freeze froze frozen
fight fought fought
find found found
fly flew flown
forget forgot forgotten
get got gotten
give gave given
go went gone
grow grew grown
have had had
hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
hold held held
hurt hurt hurt
keep kept kept
know knew known

Irregular verbs list

Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle

leave left left

lend lent lent
light lit lit
lose lost lost
make made made
mean meant meant
meet met met
pay paid paid
put put put
read read read
ride rode ridden
ring rang rung
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shake shook shaken
shine shone shone
shoot shot shot
show showed shown
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
sting stung stung
swim swam swum
take took taken
teach taught taught
tell told told
think thought thought
throw threw thrown
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won won
write wrote written


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