ND Sa: Tath Herald

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"Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 : 12.


prepare for the day's work, the Lord observes the business at which we work. Why, the said to himself, " If God loves me and cares
bui itt Dt aqt all. How impressive the thought! We have
not spoken a word to-day that the Lord has
child of God is just as familiar to him as our
own children are to us. I do not know sim-
for me, why does he leave me here in jail ?"
The blessed Lord saw better than he did. If
IS ISSUED WEEKLY BY not heard and given attention to ; he has ply that I have a little girl or little boy, but Bunyan had been at liberty, he probably
The Seventh—Day Adventist Publishing Association. weighed each one. We sometimes hear peo- I know where they sleep, what they do, and would never have been heard of out of his
4 s. ple talk, and do not give attention to what all about them. own country. While he was in jail he began
ELDER JAMES WHITE, President. they say; but not so with the Lord. to write, and as a result we have " Bunyan's
Now another thought, and that is this :
M. J. CHAPMAN, Secretary, H. W. KELLOGG, Treasurer. It overwhelmed the psalmist to think how Pilgrim's Progress." Everybody read it. He
The Lord's knowledge is infinite, and is very
AlZ-. TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or One Dol- wonderful was God's knowledge. " Such broad ; but he is interested in us, that is, he did more good while in jail than he could
lar a Volume of 05 numbers. knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is have done in a hundred years outside. We
sympathizes with us, whether we are rich or
Address, Review. & Herald, Battle Creek, high, I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall poor, sick or well. I will read something on cannot always tell whether it is for the glory
I go from thy Spirit ? or whither shall I flee this point. "For he doth not afflict willingly of God that we should have health and friends,
ULTIMA 'MITA& from thy presence I If I ascend up into nor grieve the children of men." Lam. 3 : 33. or be deprived of them; that is God's busi-
IN the bitter waves of woe, heaven thou art there : if I make my bed in The Lord does afflict sometimes, he does it ness.
Beaten and tossed about hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the frequently. I had to punish my little girl the God is able to do for us all that can be
By the sullen winds that blow wings of the morning, and dwell in the utter- other day, but it hurt me as much as it did done. All the trials of life have not simply
From the desolate shores of doubt— come by chance, but the providence of God is
most parts of the sea ; even there shall thy her. We complain, perhaps, because we are
When the anchors that faith had cast hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold sick. Some have had to come away from in these things. It was not accidental that
Are dragging in the gale, me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover home, leave their family and their children, slavery was abolished ; in the providence of
I am quietly holding fast me ; even the night shall be light about me. and be at great expense. We cannot see why God it was brought about. I do not think it
To the things that cannot fail. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but simply happened that men thought to build
it should be so. It is not God's pleasure that
I know that right is right, the night shineth as the day : the darkness we are sick. He has a good end in view all this Sanitarium ; I think the Lord had some-
That it is not good to lie ; and the light are both alike to thee." the time. In another place it says, " In our thing to do with it. You cannot see how it
That love is better than spite, Men sometimes hide themselves in the affliction he is afflicted." That is the point. is best that you should be kept away from
And a neighbor than a spy ; dark, and commit deeds that they would not I will give an illustration of this. " As an your families and friends, but the Lord has a
do in open daylight; but the Lord can see eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her reason for all these things. We cannot see
I know that passion needs
The leach of a sober mind ; just as well in the darkest chamber as in the young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh before us, but the Lord can. The Bible
I know that generous deeds light. We may say, " Yes, we believe that ; " them, beareth them on her wings." Dent. teaches, and it is reasonable, that in every-
Some sure reward will find ; but do we realize it I 32 : 11. thing, business, pleasure, or anything else, we
The thought that specially impresses my The eagle, as you will remember, does not ought first to commit our ways to God. We
That the rulers must obey ; mind this evening is this : that the Lord not should ask the Lord to direct us. He under-
That the givers shall increase ; build its nest on the ground or in the bushes,
That duty lights the way only takes cognizance of things in a general but seeks the top of a high tree, or the pro- stands all about us.
For the beautiful feet of peace;— sense, but that he knows individually every jecting point of a high rock, which no one I will read a passage from Matthew : " But
person, and what each one does. He does can reach. There the mother eagle lays her thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,
In the darkest night of the year, not know simply that they belong to a cer- and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to
When the stars have all gone out, eggs, and hatches her little eaglets. She
That courage is better than fear; tain class, as Americans or Jews, but knows feeds them until they are strong enough to thy Father which is in secret ; and thy
That faith is truer than doubt ; them as individuals ; knows their given name fly, and then, in order to teach them to Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward
and surname. Take, for example, the case of use their wings, she forces them from the thee openly." In two hours from now, prob-
And fierce though the fiends may fight, Moses. " Now after the death of Moses, the nest, and throws them right over the preci- ably all of us will be in our bed-chambers,--
And long though the angels hide, servant of the Lord, it came to pass, that the the lights put out, and the rooms dark; no
I know that truth and right pice. They are in a terrible predicament.
Have the universe on their side ; Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Mo- It looks to them like certain death. They one there but ourselves, perhaps. Remember,
ses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is begin to flutter their little wings ; but when then, that the Lord God knows where that
And that somewhere beyond the stars, dead." Josh. 1 :1, 2. The Lord knew Mo- it seems that they must fall and be crushed room is ; knows who sleeps there, and all
Is a love that is better than fate ; ses by name. He says, " Moses my servant." to death on the rocks below, the mother eagle about it. Just get down on your knees, and
When the night unlocks her bars, pray to God for all you need.
I shall see Him, and I will wait, " He that overcometh, the same shall be flies underneath them, and catches them on
clothed in white raiment; and I will not her back. After the little things have rested Dear brethren, and sisters, and friends, how
—Rev. W. Gladden, in Sunday Afternoon. blot out his name out of the book of life, but many of you, as you go through life with its
and recovered from their fright, she lets them
I will confess his name before my Father and fall again. In this way they learn to use cares and toils, have a practical faith in the
6ip Atrium before his angels." Rev. 3 : 5. Then our
names are in the book of life. A man who
their wings. Although the mother seems so
cruel to them at first, she does not forget
love of a present God ? The person who does
not, loses half the sweetness of life ; he loses
"I charge thee therefbn before God e.nd the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall has become converted has his name written them. Her eye is continually upon them, and that strength which comes from God, and he
udge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom PREACH there, and not only as a converted man, but she would rather die than have the little ones will lose the rewards which are in store for
THE WORD." 2 Tim. 4:1, 2.
as a particular"individual. The name is men- hurt. those who love the Lord and serve him. The
tioned before God and the angels. If there is We find ourselves, perhaps, sick and away happiest man, the one who has the most un-
GOD KNOWS.% a man on earth who loves God, he is not from home. It does not seem as though it bounded satisfaction and the deepest joy, is he
ROD. D. M. OANRIGHT. only known in Heaven as a man, but Christ ought to be so. Why does not the Lord or- who faithfully trusts in God every day. To
I WILL read for my text this evening, Acts mentions his name, and the angels know it. der it otherwise l The Lord looks beyond our say our prayers mechanically does not amount
10 :5, 6. " And now send men to Joppa, They talk about him just as we do about our short vision; he has a good object in it all. to much, but to take the Bible as it says, to
and call for one Simon, whose surname is brethren. Christ said : " Notwithstanding, Take the case of Job. When his sons were commit our ways to God, will bring the rich
Peter : He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject all dead, his oxen killed, and his wife was tell- blessing of the Lord. Shall we not think of
whose house is by the seaside : he shall tell unto you; but rather rejoice, because your ing him to curse God, it seemed to him that this to-night I Shall we not all of us go to
thee what thou oughtest to do." names are written in Heaven." Luke 10 : 20. God had forsaken him ; he felt as though the God with new faith, and have confidence in
An idea is conveyed in this text which to I now come to my text, and you will no- hand of God was against him. If Job could his power to watch over and guard us It
my mind is very beautiful ; it is that the tice how beautifully it presents this thought. have read the book that was to be written of is our privilege to go to God with everything,
Lord notices little things,—that he remembers I will first read from the beginning of the his experience, and heard the sermons preached for he understands all our hopes, and fears,
our names, and knows our dwelling-places. chapter. " There was a certain man in Ces- from it, he would have suffered his trials a and doubts. May the Lord help us to have
Before I come to my :text, I will read some area, called Cornelius, a centurion of the band good deal better than he did. If he could faith in him as a real God, in Christ as our
passages of Scripture that will illustrate this. called the Italian band, a devout man, and have seen how many millions were to be com- Saviour, and in the plan of salvation as that
" Neither is there any creature that is not one that feared God with all his house, which forted by reading the record of his trials, his which will save to the uttermost.
manifest in his sight : but all things are na- gave much alms to the people, and prayed to bed of ashes would have become one of roses ;
ked and opened unto the eyes of Him with God always." A very good man, you see. I but he did not see that. Just so, because for the
whom we have to do." Heb. 4 :13. We hope there are such persons in this house to- time being we feel as though the rod of God THE RESURRECTION.
are informed here that there is not any crea- night. " He saw in a vision evidently about was heavy and our path dark, and we begin EY C. W. STONE.
ture, not anything that is not open to his the ninth hour of the day an angel of God to think that he does not hear us and does (Continued.)
sight; and that nothing transpires that he coming in to him, and saying unto him, Cor- not care for us, it is simply because we do WE will next examine the teachings of the
cannot see plainly. nelius. And when he looked on him, he was not see the end as God sees it.' apostle Paul. It will not take long to de-
In Jeremiah 32 : 19 the same thought is ex- afraid, and said, What is it, Lord ? And he The case of John Bunyan is very much to termine what he believed, for he tells us
pressed. " Great in counsel, and mighty in said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms the point. Probably you have all read " Dun- very plainly that he had hope toward God,
work : for thine eyes are open upon all the are come up for a memorial before God." yan's Pilgrim's Progress." If there is a book " that there shall be a resurrection of the
ways of the sons of men; to give every- one The angel of God who came from Heaven outside of the Bible which is inspired, it is dead, both of the just and unjust." Acts 24 :
according to his ways, and according to the understood who it was before he came. He this. It has been read by hundreds of thou- 15. You have been ready to exclaim for
fruit of his doings." was going to see a man by the name of Cor- sands ; it has been known to convert thou- some time that you believe in the resurrec-
This idea is brought out very clearly by nelius. He called him by name, Cornelius sands of souls to God. When John Bunyan tion. Yes; but do you not by this time see
David in Psalm 139. " 0 Lord, thou hast was a benevolent, praying man. He prayed undertook to preach, his enemies immediately that the doctrine is made very prominent
searched me, and known me. Thou knowest continually to God, and he heard him. The tried to stop him. They said, "Bunyan, you in the Scriptures? that it is set forth as the
my down-sitting and mine up-rising, thou un- Lord said, Gabriel, look at that man. See can't preach in that way. If you do, we will hope of the Christian and that without the
derstandest my thought afar off. Thou tom- him give to that widow. I will send a special shut you up in prison." He had a wife and resurrection his hope is lost Paul styles it
passest my path and my'' lying down, and, art messenger to him. The angels knew his several children, and depended upon his earn- the " hope of Israel." In Acts 28 : 20 he
acquainted with all rn4y ways. For there is name, and Christ knew his name. " And ings to buy their daily bread. He would not says, " For the hope of Israel I am bound
not a word in my tongue, but lo, 0 Lord, now send men to Joppa. And call for one stop preaching, however, and so they put him with this chain." That this hope was the
thou knowest it altogether." When we re- Simon, whose surname is Peter. He lodgeth in Bedford jail. He had to stay thee for resurrection, or something to be received
, tire to rest, when we rise in the morningoand with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by twelve long years, during which time he never through it, is shown from the first part of
*A sermon delivered in the Sanitarium parlor!.on Ahriday the seaside." The Lord knows just where we earned a dollar, while his poor wife was al- chapter 26. In verses 6-8; he says, as he
evening, Mull 23, 1879, and reported for the RavIew. stay ; where we sleep at night. He knows most a beggar. John Bunyan must have stands bound before Agrippa, " And now
34 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [Vol.. 54, No. 5.

I t ts ad and am judged for the hope of the late for them to pray. To-day, "if any man which are asleep. For the Lord himself you comply with the terms, and accept the
pr, mise made of God unto our fathers; unto sin, we have an advocate with the Father, shall descend from heaven, with a shout, free gift of the first, or will you continue in
which promise our twelve, tribes, instantly Jesus Christ the righteous." 1 John 2: 1. with the voice of the archangel, and the carelessness to labor for the second I May
serving. God day and, night, hope to come, He is ready to plead your cause to-day, dear trump of God : and the dead in Christ shall God help you and me to make a wise choice.
For which hype's sake, Iting, Agrippa, I am reader, and he invites you to come to him. rise first [the rest of the dead, the wicked, do (To be continued.)
accused of the Jews. Why should it 4 But by and by he will plead no more. Mer- not rise till a thousand years after. This is
thought a thing incredible with you, that God cy's voice will be hushed, the door of the ark the first resurrection. Rev. 20:5]. Then A SIGN OF THE TIMES.
should raise the dead I" will be closed. Oh 1 the anguish of that we which are alive , and remain shall be
This closing question of Paul's shows just hour, when the sinner shall realize that " he caught up together with them in the clouds RELIGIOUS PAPERS APOLOGIZING FOR ILLEGAL
what it was that he was persecuted for. It that is unjust " must forever so remain ! to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we PRACTICES.
was for preaching the resurrection of the Rev. 22 : 11, 12. Repentance can avail ever be with the Lord." 1 Thess. 4 : 14-17. THE efficiency of the various useful and or-
dead, especially the resurrection of Christ. nothing then. The sinner cannot bear the The Lord comes down from Heaven ; the namental articles—as books, engravings, chro-
And he proved the resurrection of all the sight of the awful glory of the coming King, dead in Christ come up from the graves, and mes, etc.—having been exhausted as premi-
dead by, or, rather, rested it upon, the resur- and he desires to be hidden from the face of with the living saints ascend to meet the urns for enlisting subscribers, as about the
rection of Jesus of Nazareth, and represented Him whose pleadings he rejected, and who Lord. latest thing, religious newspapers have taken
it as that through which all Israel hoped to now comes to execute the just vengeance of Some have tried to show that the saints to offering revolvers.
receive the promise made of God unto the fa- an offended God. The wicked cannot endure remain in the air until the earth is purified, Consistency would seem to require that a
thers. That promise was made to Abraham, the sight. The vials of wrath unmixed have and that they are returned to the earth with- paper professing that the millennium is near—
Isaac, and Jacob. See Gen. 13 : 14-17 ; fallen on their unsheltered heads ;" and the out having been taken to Heaven at all. when all such things shall be beaten into im-
26 :1-4; 28 : 13-15. It included the whole remnant were slain with the sword of Him That this is a baseless theory will clearly ap- plements of useful service, rather than de-
world. Rom. 4 :14. God promised it to that sat upon the horse, . . . and all pear as we proceed. Paul says they are struction—instead of fostering the manufact-
Abraham and his seed. That seed is Christ. the fowls were filled with their flesh." caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in ure and use of such injurious, dangerous,
Gal. 3 :16. If we are Christ's children, then Rev. 19 : 21. Dread carnival of man's last the air. Jeremiah says the earth is left and deadly weapons, should discourage them.
we are Abraham's seed, and heirs according enemy, death ! A dismal silence, unbroken without a man on it. Jer. 4 :25. Jesus But we are prepared to find any amount
to the promise. Verse 29. But Abraham save by the shrieks of vultures and the wail said that his followers should go to Heaven of inconsistency even among religious people
and all his heirs to the present time have of demons, reigns on the depopulated earth. when he comes, which forever settles the in the pursuit of money, when religious peo-
" died in faith, not having received the prom, Jeremiah had a view of the earth thus point. Said he to Peter, " Whither I go, ple and papers countenance and sanctify the
isos, but having seen them afar off." Hob. torn and disinhabited, " The slain of the thou canst not follow me now; but thou various evil, and often criminal, means used
11 : 13. Abraham never received a square Lord shall be at that day from one end of shalt follow me afterward." Jesus was to obtain money in fairs, etc.
foot of the land God promised him. Acts the earth even to the other end of the earth : speaking of going to his Father, and this is a And here comes a notable example. The
7 :5. God has foreseen something better for they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, direct promise that his disciples shall go American Tract Society, in the Illustrated
us, that we should have our reward at the nor buried : they shall be dung upon the there too. And he tells when that shall be ; Christian Weekly of July 5, 1879, devotes a,
same time Abraham receives his. II& ground." Jer. 25 : 33. They will not be namely, at his coming. Thus : " If I go and whole page to an advertisement of a revolver
11 : 40. buried, for there will not be a living man on prepare a place for you, I will come again, (paid for it of course), then they supplement
But now comes the point,—How is Abra- earth to do it. In another place he gives and receive you unto myself, that where I the advertisement with a notice in which they
ham to receive that inheritance He is dead. further particulars, thus : " I beheld the am, there ye may be also." Then, as if to recommend the pistol as a " safe and reliable
Now if he has an immortal soul that has earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void ; make the truth doubly plain, John is per- weapon," and apologize for the carrying of it
gone to its reward, certainly the earth is not and the heavens, and they had no light." mitted to look into the future and see the re- as being " an absolute necessity" in some cases;
included in that reward ; and if men are Jer. 4 : 23. The earth will be reduced to deemed on Mount Zion. " And they sung and that, " as with anything else, the harm is
continually leaving this earth at death, 'to that state of disorder and chaos in which it as it were a new song before the throne, . . in the abuse, not in the use." But who does.
dwell eternally in Heaven, that promise was when God created it, and again shall . . and no man could learn that song but the not know that we had no such necessity for
made of God unto the fathers can never 'be darkness rest upon the face of the deep. hu 'red and forty and four thousand, which universal armament till the invention and
fulfilled. But if Abraham is raised front the Gen. 1 : 2. " I beheld the mountains, and, wet redeemed from the earth." cheap sale of pistols created it. Here is a
dead, brought up out of the grave in whieh lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved N )w we are prepared to return to Revela- case where the proverb is reversed, and " In-
he now sleeps, and invited with all his right- lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, tion 19, where it is recorded that John "heard vention is the mother of necessity."
eous seed to inherit the kingdom prepared and all the birds of the heavens were fled. a great voice of much people in Heaven." But this carrying of deadly weapons is ille-
for the blessed from the foundation of the I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a We have noticed the supper to which " all the gal, and hence a crime. What shall we think of
world (Matt. 25 : 34), then will the promise wilderness, and all the cities thereof were fowls that fly in the midst of heaven " are in- the safety of law-abiding and moral principle,
of God be fulfilled, "Blessed are the naeek ; broken down at the presence of the Lord, vited, spoken of in verses 17, 18, and 21. when educators of the people and conserva-
for they shall inherit the earth." Matt. .5 :5. and by his fierce anger. . . . For this shall A supper of quite a different character is tors of morals, like the Weekly, have no
The literal resurrection Of the dead is proVed the earth mourn, and the heavens above be spoken of in verse 9. It is the marriage stronger thing to say against an illegal, crim-
by this line of argument, and its absolute ne- black ; because I have spoken it, I have pur- supper of the Lamb. The saints of God will inal, and hurtful practice, but that "the habit
cessity is seen from the fact that God's word posed it, and will not repent, neither will I be the guests. You have read of Jesus, as of carrying fire arms may be a very foolish
could not be fulfilled without it. Hence, if turn back from it." Jer. 4 : 24-28. The he lived a life of humility and sorrow. He one "?
there be no resurrection, our hope is lost. word of the Lord is pledged for it, and it was "despised and rejected of men; a man Surely some one is becoming converted,
And that is precisely what Paul says in 1 will certainly come to pass. of sorrows, and acquainted with grief." but it is in a wrong direction to bring about
Cor. 15 : 13-18. Thus : " But if there be no It is now proper to ask, Where are the " He was wounded for our transgressions, he a millennial reign of the Christian principles
resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not children of God during and after these terri- was bruised for our iniquities ; the chastise- of " peace on earth and good will to men."—
risen ; and if Christ be not risen, then is our ble scenes ? All that part of Rev. 19 which ment of our peace was upon him ; and with J. D. s., in Bible Banner.
preaching vain, and your faith is alSo vain. we have examined speaks only of the fate of his stripes we are healed." Isa. 53. For us
. . . Then they also which are fallen asleep the wicked living at the advent of Christ. he wore the purple robe and the crown of
in Christ are perished.' Thus the *hole thorns. For us he was spit upon, whipped, FLOOD IN WISCONSIN.
But the Lord does not leave his people hope-
gospel is of no use if the dead rise -not. The less. Even before he made the panorama and crucified. Oh, what humility for the OUR town was visited on the evening of
pious, godly men of old; and all our dear eines of this terrible slaughter to pass before the Son of God to endure ! He will never have July 2 by one of the most terrible floods ever
who sleep in Jesus, are perished if there be mind of the beloved John, he caused him to to suffer again. He is coming in terrible known in this part of the State. It com-
no resurrection. hear the glad songs of triumph as they will majesty as King of kings, clad in garments menced to rain about 9 o'clock P. M. An
Pause here, dear reader. Do you believe be sung by the redeemed hosts on the banks of vengeance. Thus his foes will see him ; hour later, such a terrific hailstorm set in
all those good people are now in Heaven ? of eternal deliverance. The chapter opens but his waiting saints will exclaim, " Lo, that it threatened at one time to demolish
Then the resurrection is a matter of little thus : " I heard a great voice of much peo- this is our God ; we have waited for him, buildings, and to destroy the lives of horses.
concern to them. They are all right with- ple in Heaven, saying, Alleluia ; salvation, and he will save us : this is the Lord ; we and cattle which were not under shelter.
out it. But no ; they are not in Heaven, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the have waited for him, we will be glad and re- Our village is situated on the Creek bottom,
and they can never go there till they are Lord our God." joice in his salvation." Isa. 25 : 9. His on either side of which the banks are high
raised from the dead; and if the dead are Just so when Jesus comes, it will be his coming will be the source of the greatest joy and steep. There are three mills within a
not to be raised, then they are all perished. first care to protect his people. " He shall to them. They receive him as their Re- distance of two hundred rods. At 11 P. 1%,.
Do you not see the infinite importance of the send his angels with a great sound of a deemer and King. But they will never be- all the gates were hoisted, and the water was
resurrection I Do you wonder that God-has trumpet, and they shall gather together his hold him in his humility again. " Blessed two feet deep over the dams. Soon
said so much in his Bible to enlighten us elect, from the four winds, from one end of are those servants whom the Lord when he afterward the upper dam gave way, carrying-
upon this matter, when our eternal interests heaven to the other." Matt. 24 : 31. When cometh shall find watching : verily I say everything before it. The grist-mill, dam and
hinge upon it. And remember that the Bi- that trumpet shall sound, the resurrection unto you that he shall gird himself, and all, went next. It was a large mill filled-
ble doctrine of the resurrection annihilates takes place. " We shall not all sleep," says make them to sit down to meat, and will with grain ; but it floated off like a feather.
that other doctrine of man's natural itnitor- Paul, some will be alive when the Lord come forth and serve them." This is the The third dam in the village also gave way,
tality, and his entrance into Heaven at comes, " but we shall all be changed in a mo- marriage supper of the Lamb. And He to sweeping everything clean before it.
death. ment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last whom his guests owe their salvation, who The family of Bro. Hill, living in the cen-
In many places in the Bible we find it trump ; for the trumpet shall sound, and the died for them, who is their King,—the Host, ter of the valley, were all very sick with mea-
stated that there shall be a resurrection of dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we the Bridegroom,—will gird himself and serve sles and whooping-cough. The family whiCh '
both righteous and wicked. We learn from shall be changed. For this corruptible must them. What earthly monarch ever treated lived in the next house were also sick, but
Rev. 20 : 5, 6, that the righteous have part put on incorruption, and this mortal must his servants with such honor I Infinite con- they succeeded in wading as far as Bro. Hints,
in the first resurrection, and that the winked put on immortality." At that time we are descension and love 1 The good of all ages when they could get no farther; and as it
dead do not live again until a thousand years to put on something that we never have had will be there. Parents and children, broth- was impossible to reach the shore, 'they all
later. In Rev. 19 : 11-21 is given a grand before ; namely, immortality. When this ers and sisters, dear ones whom death has climbed, or were carried, up stairs, where they
description of the coming of Christ, and of a shall have been done, " then shall be separated, will sit side by side at that boun- waited, expecting every moment to be swept
portion of the events which will attend his brought to pass the saying that is written, tiful table, Oh, what bliss untold ! Jesus away by the flood. The water rose several
coming. He is represented as riding at the Death is swallowed up in victory. 0 death, will look with joy upon the happy company, feet around the house ; but, to their astonish-
head of the armies of Heaven. On his head where is thy sting I 0 grave, where is thy and as he thinks of what his sufferings have ment, the building remained unmoved, Day- .
are many crowns, and his vesture is dipped victory ? " The grave has long had the vic- bought for them, he will be satisfied. This light came, and our village people beheld'
in blood. He comes as a' terror to his ene- tory ; but when it is unlocked, and the pris- will be his joy. Shall we see some there what all were willing to acknowledge a man-
mies. On his thigh is a name written,— oners spring to life, when they hear his voice, saved through our labors.? If so, then we ifestation of the providence of God. ;A large
" King of kings, and Lord of lords." He and come forth, then will they shout in ec- can truly " enter into the joy " of our Lord. timber of the mill had stopped above the
will smite the nations, and rule them with a static joy, Where now, 0 grave, where now is Reader, need I ask which of these two house, around which trees and timbers lodged,
rod of iron ; " and he tree,deth the winepress thy victory I You have held us a little suppers you wish to attend ? Nay, pause a causing mud to settle around the building ;.
of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." while ; you have had a momentary victory, moment; you must attend one of them. while the water rushed' by on either side,
An angel stands in the sun, and invitee all "but thanks be to God, who giveth us the You are invited to the marriage supper of carrying 'darns, mills, and dams. Reapers
the fowls of the air to gather therafielves to- victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 the Lamb Will you try to be there? Do wagons, and millstones were carried miles be!
gether " to the supper of the great God,* to Cor. 15 : 51-57. not make excuses, as did the men in the par- low ; yet these two families, right in the,
eat the flesh of kings, of mighty men, of Paul wrote further particulars in his letter able (Luke 14 : 15-24) ; for if you do, others midst of the flood, were saved. They were
horses and their riders, and of wicked men of of consolation •to the Thessalonians, " For if will be invited in your place. " Blessed are all Sabbath-keepers, or children of Sabbath;
all classes and ranks. we believe that Jesus died and rose again, they which are called unto the marriage sup- keepers, with one exception.
This is the time when that dreadful prayer even so them also which sleep in Jesus will per of the Lamb." Rev. 19 : 9. But if you Bro. Hill had formerly owned a house and
is heard from these 'ame persons, who ad- God bring with him [bring them from the are not among these, you will have part in lot in town ; but a short time previous he had
dress the reeling mountains, and say, " Fall dead as he did Jesus]. For this we say unto that dread supper of the great God, prepared traded it for a farm. The house was nearly -
on us, and hide us from the face of Him that: you by the word of the Lord, that we which for the filthy birds of prey. The former was ruined, and the lot mostly washed away,
sitteth on the throne, and ,from the wrath of are alive and remain unto the coming of the purchased for you by the blood of Christ; which loss would have been his had he init
the Lamb." Rev. 6 : 14-17. But it Is too Lord shall not prevent [go before] them the latter comes as the wages of sin. Will traded. It is reported that forty-six why l
were killed by the flood were buried yester- As it is with this general invitation, so it is It is a fine thing to be in the top of the It is the veriest trash and silly nonsense ever
day ; but there was no loss of human life with the special claim of the Lord's Sabbath tree, but you cannot get there by one mighty written, and yet the walls of our city have for
here. We do not know of a mill in this part (" the best of all the seven"), men are full of jump. Let us climb up. over a week been posted with great show-bills,
of the country that is in running order. .The excuses. Here is one : " The freedom from D. W. REAVIS., announcing the First Appearance in Public of
hail has destroyed much grain along the legal yokes we enjoy in and through Christ, the Chicago Church Choir Company, ill?, H. M.
Chippewa valley. makes me regard the day as an immaterial S. Pinafore !
CHURCH DECLENSION. The windows and walls of nearly every
We believe that the God Who protected matter." But how does God regard the day ?
Bro. Hill in the flood, will also protect others He has appointed to meet you on that day. WE have no comments to make on the fol- drinking and gambling den in the city have
who keep his commandments. Will you venture to postpone His appoint- lowing article, which we find under the above been adorned with hand-bills, telling the loaf-
D. Do*NE11. ment and risk His displeasure? Did it ever heading in the July number of Our Rest, ers, infidels, and devil-serving men who con-
Arkansaw, Wis., July 8, 1879. occur to you that you have all your life been only to prefix, as a text, Rev. 14 : 8. gregate there, that " the leading members
a day too late in your weekly appointment from the best church choirs of Chicago" were
TO-NIGHT. with the Almighty ? But what right has a One of the prominent signs of the times going to perform their parts at a theater, which
THERE is sadness in the twilight, man to call the Sabbath of the Lord his God just now is the constant declension of the is crowded on Sunday and week day, to wit-
There are shadows 'mid the trees, a " legal yoke 7" The objection seems to church. Taking it as a body, do we not see ness the demoralizing performances of a lot of
There are murmurs coming, softly rest upon the fact that the Sabbath is com- a rapid falling away from that simplicity and actors whose morality is more often question-
From the willows on the breeze; manded, and that the Jews kept and do still faith which characterized the church of the able than otherwise.
But a feeling softer, sadder apostles' days ? Do we not see, indeed, the They were informed that the organist of
Than the gloaming evening light,
keep it. Well, the Bible was written by
Is the faint and weird misgiving, dews. Our Saviour was a Jew, and the very counterpart of the seventh and last Trinity church would have the musical direc-
Would I dare to die to-night? same God that made us made the Jews. church addressed by our Lord through his tion of the opera, whilst the principal charac-
Shall we renounce Him on that account ? servant John ? (Rev. 3 :14-21.) And if it ters of the play would be sustained by Mrs.
Then the chime of far-off church bells, be true, as some of our best expositors teach, Faulk, of Temple Sinai and Union Park Con-
Stealing softly ;hrough the air, To BELIEVE on Christ, to be baptized, to
Tolling slowly, tell me sweetly celebrate the Lord's supper, to do unto that the seven churches of Asia to whom gregational church ; Miss Bartlett, Contralto
Of the altar and of prayer. others as we would that others should do the letters were addressed actually represent, of the church of the Messiah ; and the Basso
If I kneel and raise my eyelids unto us, and to do anything that must be in type, seven stages of the church's history, of Plymouth church (Congregational) ; the
To the twinkling stars so bright, done as a law of necessity, or of love, or then the last one is a faithful delineation of Tenor of Trinity Episcopal church ; The Bar-
Would they tell me in their sparkle
It were well to die to-night? both; is not the doing of these as much a le- the church's condition just before our Lord's itone of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church ;
gal yoke as the keeping of the fourth com- advent. Did you ever read the description ? together with a grand chorus of one hundred
How I love to hear the story mandment 7 Is loving obedience legality ? It presents two leading points, which are trained voices, selected from other church
Of that home for sinners blest, charges against her. 1. She is neither cold choirs and singing clubs.
Far away in realms of glory, Is there sin in such legality I If so, where 7
nor hot, but is lukewarm. 2. She claims to
If I am to obey the seventh, the sixth, the Just imagine the effect such announce-
Where some day we all may rest.
Oh, to pierce the space and see it be rich and increased with goods. And how ments must have upon a crowd of worldly-
fifth, and the third commandments, can any
In the gloaming evening light, mortal man tell me why I should not obey true is this picture of the church of to-day ! minded men, who fear neither God nor devil.
Then to hear the summons loudly the fourth? The burning zeal of her first love is departed, They see the church—the professed followers
Bid us welcome there to-night! yet she is not cold ; she has a form of godli- of the meek and lowly Jesus—flocking in
BUT what about Sunday We affirm that
Kneeling low in humble prayer, it is made a legal yoke with a vengeance, ac- ness, but lacks the power thereof. The vast crowds to perform and witness the perform-
Could I, dare I, hear it now ? machinery of church colleges, seminaries, ance of a " light comedy " in one of the devil's
With my eyelids wide unclosing,
companied as its non-observance is with fines
and imprisonment; and yet objector keeps it missionary enterprises, Sunday and week- churches, and next day going with sanctified
See, my Saviour as I bow ; night services, festivals, fairs, theatrical en- air and holy countenance to sing the Lord's
Hear that welcome, ".good and faithful," and calls it by sacred names, though without
Enter now the joys prepared, a shadow of authority from the Bible; and tertainments, etc., moves on, but the propell- praises in his holy temple (so-called). Me-
The home eternal in the heavens, ing power, we fear, is not altogether the thinks if the Lord himself were to enter there,
besides he doubtless does all he can by precept
That thy Lord and Master reared.
and example to support this legal yoke for a Spirit of God. The spirit of the world has, he would drive out with a whip of cords all such
Methinks 'twere well to hear the summons, day that has no sacred character whatever to a large extent, taken possession of those who mocking worshipers, as polluters of his place.
While the prayer of faith should rise given it by the Lord Jesus or his apostles. control the affairs of the church, resulting al- But while we realize the depths to which
Swiftly 'mid the evening shadows, We beg the reader not to be entrapped most in a complete paralysis of every part of the church has fallen, and how seldom, if
Till it reached the glorious skies,
with the false application of an idea used by her system. Displaying much wealth, her ever, she thinks of the return of her Lord,
Kneeling while our prayers had risen real condition is nevertheless " wretched, yet we are far from being discouraged. We
To the throne of heavenly might, the apostle for something entirely different
And the angels opening Heaven from- keeping the Sabbath. miserable, poor, blind, and naked," in the remember that it is all in keeping with what
Bear us swiftly thence to-night. judgment of Him before whose eyes all our
he said should come to pass, and is one of the
actions and thoughts are visible. signs of his near approach. Our hope is not
Stay ! dare I alone with prayer
Stand before the Judgment throne? MOODY AND THE CHILDREN. What a sad picture is this of the condition of in man, but in the God of Israel, in whom is
Must I not here fight temptation? one who should be wholly separate to the serv- everlasting strength. We appeal, therefore,
Work, to win and wear a crown? " THE first two or three years that I at- ice of Him who gave His life for her. And how to those whose hearts beat in unison with the
Lips might shrivel through long praying, tempted to talk in the meetings I saw that it makes us tremble when we remember that teachings of Christ, and who really love his
Hands and feet through kneeling Might ; the older people did not like it. I had sense
this good but despised Lord, this great Judge
That would not win Heaven's favor, enough to know that I was a bore to them. of the world, is about to separate the Bride appearing, to stand aloof from the frivolities
Were we called away to-night. Well, I went out upon the street, and got and glaring wordliness which characterize
from the world, and take her into His pres- the church at the present time. Do not suf-
Up and work the grain is ripening, eighteen. little children to follow me the first ence above, preparatory to the fiery judg-
Waiting to be garnered home, Sunday, and I led them into the Sunday- fer yourselves to be drawn away nor enticed
And the poor and sad are crying ments which will sweep over the earth with by the many temptations surrounding you,
school. I found that I had something to do. unabated fury until the wicked are purged
For the light of truth to come. but stand firm, and discourage, by both your
There's a time for prayer and praises, I was encouraged, and I kept at that work. out of it. Where will this worldly church
And if I am worth anything to the Chris- actions and speech, every attempt to drag the
Time to battle for the right ; stand then ? Oh, that now these giddy, church into still closer communion with the
Now 'tis ours to search the by-ways,— tian church to-day, it is as much due to that
Dare not ask for Heaven to-night.
thoughtless, pleasure-loving professors might world. Heed not the jeers of scoffing profess-
work as anything else. I could not explain heed the timely admonition of the loving ors, listen not to the seducing speeches of the
When the grain all home is gathered, these scriptural passages to them, for I did Saviour, and buy of him gold tried in the fire, tempter ; but remember the meek and lowly
All the church in season fed, not then comprehend them, but could tell to enrich themselves with ; white raiment to Jesus, to whom all power has been given in
Wandering spirits seeking Heaven them stories ; I could tell them that Christ
To the healing fountains led • cover their nakedness with ; and the Lord's Heaven and on earth, and remember that he
Then if deepening twilight shadows
loved them, and that he died for them. I eye-salve to enable them to see.
did the best I could. I used the little talent has no pleasure in those things which the
Gather o'er my fading sight, One of the characteristics of the last days, world loves, but hates them. Every attempt
I will close my eyes and whisper, I had, and God kept giving me more talents.
given by the apostle Paul, was, that men to forward his cause by a co-partnership with
Well I thy will be done to-night. And so, let me say, find some work. See if
MRS. ELIZA JONES. you can get a Sabbath-school to teach. If should be "lovers of pleasure more than lov- the world will prove disastrous, and instead
ers of God." 2 Tim. 3 : 4. And that this is of aiding the conversion of the world, will end
you cannot get that, go down into the dark
FRANK ADMISSIONS. lanes and by-ways of the city and talk to
true of the present generation is evident, in the demoralizing of the church, and finally
when we think for a moment how whole in the loss, soul and body, of all who persist
THE July number of the Sabbath Memo- them, and sing some gospel hymns ; or, if
communities are stirred to their foundations in following such a course.
rial published by Eld. Wm. M. Jones, you cannot sing, take some one with you
by the mere occurrence in their midst of a
London, Eng., contains the following interest- that can sing some of these songs of praise.
rowing match, a horse race, a foot race, or
ing " Editorial notes" " Sing or read the twenty-third psalm, or some other senseless performance. Think INGERSOLL SILENCED.
THAT the seventh day is the only Script- pray, and you can get a blessing in that way.
of 80,000 people congregating to witness SHORTLY after Robert G. Ingersoll was de-
ural Sabbath is now a growing admission When you have won one soul to Christ, you the outcome of a rowing match, as was the
will want to win two, and when you get into feated in his race for governorship of Illinois,
among Christians ; but the grace of obedience case a few weeks since in England, and of tens
is lacking, and will be probably so long as the luxury of winning souls, it will be a new of thousands of dollars being paid as entrance he was one day boisterously and blasphem-
the mind seeks refuge in present convenience,. world to you, and you will not think of go- ously proclaiming his infidelity on board of a
fees to witness a foot race in New York. railroad train between Chicago and Peoria.
and in indifference to the law of God. The ing back to the world at all." Will men, even those professing Christianity, After being for some time offensively voluble,
following admissions from various parties are We would call especial attention to the
pay out their money so freely, or give their he turned to a gentleman near him and defi-
significant fact that Mr. Moody attributes his great suc- time and labor so readily to the cause of antly demanded, " Tell me of one good and
" I HAVE an appointment to preach on the cess to first teaching the children. If our Christ, out of a heartfelt love of God ? No. great public result that Christianity has ever
young men and women who desire to do Yet, let some one propose a grand carnival
Sabbath question before my people, but lean
something in the closing message, will pat- in which worldly show, pride, and love of accomplished ? " The gentleman, not wishing
speak only of the necessity of a Sabbath.
I cannot say that Sunday is the Sabbath."
tern after the example of Mr. Moody, and pleasure can have free scope, and these same to open an argument with the boaster, hesi-
use the talents they have, God will give Christians (9) will be foremost to offer their tated to answer. The train had stopped, and
"IF I believed the Soriptures to be my only them more talents and make them strong all was silent in the car. Just then an old
guide in matters 'of faith and practice; I his cause. What a field is opening up before services, and do all in their power to make it lady of eighty years, who sat just behind Mr.
should keep the seventh day." a success. Ingersoll, touched his arm with trembling
our young people in the Sabbath-schools ! And this love of pleasure and worldly ex- hand, and said, " Sir, I do not know who you
" WHEN I came down from the pulpit Mr. What an opportunity to improve our little
citement has reached such a climax of late, are, but I think I can tell you of one glorious
—said to me, Your sermon on the Sab- talent ! All can enter into this work. Come,
that many of these professors do not even thing that Christianity has done."
bath lacked one important point, Youdid young friends, let each of us be a Moody, and
wait for the frivolous excuse of " church
not tell us which day is the Sabbath. ' I re- hunt up a Sabbath-school to teach. Love needs," but lend their services as performers " What is it, Madam ? " said Ingersoll.
plied, ' I know that as well as you.' " the children. Sing and pray with them. to theatrical managers, just as any courtesan " It has kept Robert G. Ingersoll from being
IN a group of ministers not many years Do it, not for praise, but for our Saviour.
or libertine would, for the amusement of the governor of the great State of Illinois," If
since, one remarked, "We hear that a, Sev- We have met some young persons who are world in general. In this way, the far-seeing lightning had that moment flashed through
enth-day Baptist minister has come from studying real hard, preparatory to entering manager, who has an eye to business, is en- the car, the effect would not have been
America to preach in London ; hadn't we the field. They want to work for the Mas- abled to announce the names of leading sing- greater. Ingersoll turned literally pale with
better send him some books to set him right ter, but to our surprise they positively refuse ers and organists of various churches on his rage, and remained silent. The grand old
on that question, and convert him to Loki's to attend Sabbath-school. They " have no show-bills, and thereby give a sanctified air woman lies under the prairie daisies now, but
day observance?" Whereupon a Doctor of time." They " must study." Explain to to his den of iniquity. her courageous act " smells sweet, and blos-
Divinity replied sharply, " Brethren I I them how much the school is needing them An exhibition of this kind has lately been soms in the dust."
think before you do that you had "better Aad as teachers, and they say that they have no given in the principal cities of our land in [Mr. Ingersoll had been very sure of a
THE book yourselves ! " The proposal was gift for teaching the children—never could connection with a silly play, entitled, " Her nomination by the republican party, which
dropped, and the ministtr never received-ie teach. Mr. Mooy had to learn to teach the Majesty's Ship Pinafore "—a play which has was equivalent to an election, but a strong
books. children before he could interest their par- not even the redeeming feature of a good remonstrance from a large number of minis-
"I PRAY thee, have me excused, " said nne ents. So we believe it will be with you, moral at its close, nor anything of an elevat- ters of the State compelled his rejection by
of the invited guests to the royal supper. young friends. ing character in it from beginning to end. the convention.—Ed. of the °olden Censer.]
36 THE REVIEW AND HE ALD. [VoL. 54, No. 5.

THE MORAL WORLD. Memphis because of its pestilence, and St. years; for so long they were in this sense in
Louis because of its perspiration, but the prison, and so long they were disobedient.
To distinguish between the different classes of But there are some passages in Genesis from
day is not far off when the Garden City herself
elements by which the world is controlled, we which a different argument may be drawn.
"Sanctify them through Thy Truth : Thy Word is Truth," shall be pitied by the whole land, unless her
speak of the physical world, the political world, Thus : Gen. 5 : 32 : " And Noah was five hun-
sewer system be changed and her streets be
and the moral world. In each of these divi- dred years old ; and Noah begat Shem, Ham,
BATTLE CREEK, Mica., JULY 24, 1$79. cleaned. A plague more frightful than yellow
sions there was, according to prophecy, to be and Japheth." From this it would appear that
fever is steadily marching across Europe. It is
JAMES WHITE, Corresponding seen in the last days, an unnatural and abnor- Noah had no sons till after he was five hundred
J. N. ANDREWS, a disease that will grow apace on American soil.
IT. Surma, . . Resi,demt Editor. mal condition of things, to indicate the approach years old. But he was only six hundred years
It is Asiatic cholera. We are building in Chi-
of the last great catastrophe by which all three old when the flood came. Gen. 7 : 11, And it
cago a gigantic pile of masonry, buttressed by
should be radically revolutionized, and a new might be inferred from Gen. 6 : 18, that God
THE DAKOTA CAMP—MEETING. fraud and covered with criminal contracts,
order of things be introduced. The following is which will cost half as much as the whole ex- did not make his covenant with Noah and com-
THE first camp-meeting for Dakota is in the a description of the fearful condition of morals mission him to preach the coming flood, till
pense of a sewerage system that would secure
past. And it can truly be said of this meeting in Germany, where the glorious light of the Ref- after his sons were born, nor till after they had
us health. But the stately pile will continue to
that it has been a success. We reached the ormation first shed its cheering beams. What grown up and married ; for the Lord's language
rise, while our sluggish river becomes a Styx,
ground late, Thursday night, having traveled does it prove but that the Reformation has not to him was, " Thou shalt come into the ark,
and the very ground under our palatial archi-
the last twenty-five miles in a stage-coach. In been followed out, the advancing light of truth
tecture becomes a festering, pestilence-breeding thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons'
regard to this meeting, we notice the following has not been heeded, and the inevitable moral wives with thee." This, however, may perhaps
declension has followed. We find the article in mass. And by-and-by, when the violated laws
facts of great interest :- of health revenge themselves, the religious press be reconciled with the idea that this was one
1. Its location. Sioux Falls, Dakota, is a the Christian Statesman of June 19, 1879 :— hundred and twenty years before the flood, on
will record another visitation of Providence,
beautiful village of sixteen hundred inhabitants, " Crime has increased during the last six years while the more worldly and more sensible daily the ground that God spoke by anticipation,
situated on Sioux River. One-fourth mile in Prussia from fifty to two or three hundred will chronicle the sad result of violated law." mentioning that which was to come, as though
from the village is a wooded island of ten acres, per cent ; the imprisonments in Prussia, Han- it had already taken place.
formed by the divided river passing on both over, and the Rhine provinces alone, (the sta- 1 (,
sides of it, and uniting again. The watere of tistics from the southern States, as Bavaria, TO CORRESPONDENTS. (
this river are the purest of any of the rivers Wurtemburg, and Baden, not being yet pub- 31. —IN THE MIDST OF THE WEEK. / NOTE FROM ELDER ANDREWS.
and creeks of the North-west, affording delight- lished,) have risen from 102,077 in 1872, to 1. How could Christ cause the sacrifice and oblation THE chills and fever left me one week since,
ful opportunities for bathing, and for baptizing. 133,734 in 1876, and the number to-day is reck- to cease in the midst of the week, if he was not cruci- after a run of fourteen days. I think this at-
fied until Friday? 2. How could be then have re-
The shade was complete ; and by the free use of oned at 150,000. The prisons are all full, and mained in the heart of the earth three days and three tack has wrought a favorable change in my sys-
patriotic men are urging the formation of a penal nights? u, n.
ice, the water was excellent. The island. is tem. My appetite is in a measure restored. I
owned by Judge Brookings, who gave the use colony on some island of the Pacific or section of Ales. 1. The " week " in the midst of which am still obliged to keep my bed, but hope to be
of the ground. western Africa. the prophecy declared that the sacrifice and ob- able soon to sit up a part of the time.
" A few months ago the chaplain of the Im- lation should be caused to cease, was not a lit- The family of Bro. Loughborough have shown
2. The numbers in attendance. There were eral week, but a week of years, the last of the
not less than two hundred brethren and sisters perial family, Mr. Bauer, in a sermon preached us great kindness. 1 deeply regret to bring -
before the emperor and princes, said, in words seventy weeks. This week commenced at the this burden upon them when they have, so many
present on the ground. Fully one-half of these baptism of Christ in the autumn of A. D. 27.
were Scandinavians. Besides the congregation which we quoted at the time : Affection, faith, burdens to bear, but must think the special
and obedience to the word of God are unknown It extended seven years, to the autumn of A. providence of God protected us during our
tent, there were fifteen family tents, and fifteen D. 34. In the midst, or middle, of this week,
covered wagons used as sleeping-rooms. When in this country, in this our great German father- rough passage across the ocean, so that this at-
land, which formerly was justly called the home that is, in the spring of A. D. 31, Christ caused tack was not permitted to come upon me until I
the brief notice of this meeting is taken into ac- the sacrifice and oblation to cease by his cruci-
count,'and that it was Dakota's first camp-meet- of the faith. On the contrary it really seems as reached this good and quiet place.
if it were the father of all lies who is now wor- fixion. 2. There is no proof that the expres- I have sought to make a more perfect conse-
ing, and that it was held at the commencement sion, " the heart of the earth," in Matt. 12 : 40,
of harvest, the reader will be astonished at the shiped in Prussia. What formerly was consid- cration of myself to God while on this bed of
ered generous and noble is now looked upon with means the grave ; and we do not think that the sickness, and I really hope that the Spirit of
report we give of the numbers in attendance. " three days and three nights" are to be limited
Nearly all the Sabbath-keepers in the Territory, contempt ; and theft and swindling are called by God will specially come upon me before I leave
the euphonic name "business." Marriages are to the time during which Christ was in the this place.
excepting the Russian brethren, were present. tomb.
We were glad to meet Bro. Richards, a German concluded " on trial," to be broken, if not found One circumstance which has just come to
to answer. We still have a Sunday, but it is only 32. —THE DAY OF THE LORD. my knowledge gives me much encouragement.
brother, whom we first saw in Wisconsin about
a Sunday in name, as the people work during How can we harmonize our belief that the day of the When we first began to publish our French pa-
twenty years since. At this meeting we received Lord in Joel 2 :1, is the same as that in Zeph. 1 :14
a bundle of the first number of the German paper. church hours, and spend the afternoon and and 2 Pet. 3 : 10, when the word "afterward" is used per, some one sent me the name of a merchant
evening in rioting in the public houses and mu- in Joel 2 :28; and that which was to happen afterward in the Turkish empire, who could read French.
It should be widely circulated among the Rus- began to take place on the day of Pentecost?
sians in Dakota who speak the German lan- sic-halls ; while the upper classes rush to the A. W. J. As he was the only person in that empire who
guage. Long have our German brethren waited races, preferring to hear the panting of the tor- Aics. The words rendered afterward, in Joel received our paper, we continued to send it to
for a paper in their language. Their turn has tured horses to hearing the word of God, which 2 : 28, achari then, " after this," Kimchi says, him, though we feared that he eared nothing
come at last, and the time for activity and sac- is ridiculed in the press and turned into blas- are " the same as beacharith hyyamim, r in the for it. Recently he has written that himself
rifice among them in giving it a wide circulation. phemy in the popular assemblies ; the servants latter days.' It is so given by Peter when he and several others have embraced the Sabbath
It will be issued monthly as soon as practicable. of God are insulted daily.' The Berlin corre- quotes from this prophecy of Joel in Acts 2 : 17. in consequence of reading the paper, and that
This will depend upon the efforts of those who spondents of English journals add : The Ger- Joel, like other prophets, takes up events in in- he desires tb be baptized. So we see' that the
labor to circulate the German sheet. man clerical newspapers, Protestant as well as dependent series. His prophecy is not consecu- Lord is at work.
Catholic, are writing in a like strain.' tive from beginning to end. Having gone Bro. Loughborough's work seems to be mak-
3. The services. After our arrival, Mrs, W.
and the writer did most of the, speaking. EM. " The Christian Intelligence? says Berlin, through with one line of thought, he goes back ing steady progress. There are some very en-
with a population of a million, has only one and takes up another. Thus in chapter 2 : 27 couraging cases, for which we feel to give thanks
Hanson spoke several times to the Scandina-
hundred and ten ministers of religion, both we are brought through to the eternal state. to God. J. N. ANDREWS,
vians. But most of them could understand
Protestant and Roman Catholic, and the aver- In verse 28, the prophet goes back and takes up Southampton, July 3, 1879.
English, and therefore could enjoy all the serv-
age attendance at each place of worship is below additional particulars, or events of another 4,2
ices. Eld. Whitney spoke several times. His
one hundred. House to house inquiries show kind, by saying, "And it shall come to pass in
sermons are systematic and logical. His voice STUDENTS AND TEACHERS,
that in the same city " in less than one house the last days," etc.
is deep, distinct, and agreeable. He never out of eighty is there any regular use or even ATTENTION.
speaks more than one word at a time. His 33. —How LONG DID NOAH PREACH? THE coming College year, which opens Aug.
possession of a Bible." The state of religion
style of speaking is his best assurance from dis- Where may I find, in the Bible, proof that Noah
and morals in the country is a cause of the preached 120 years? J. G. H. 20, promises to be more prosperous and success-
eases of the throat and lungs. God give him ful than any of its predecessors.
greatest grief and anxiety to many of the best ANS. There appears to be no direct proof for
the power of the Holy Spirit, and many souls citizens. This social deterioration and increase A Commercial Department will be opened at
in Dakota. The discourses of Mrs. W. and the it, but several passages from which such an in-
of crime does not come from ignorance. Nor the beginning of the College year, under the su-
writer were much like those we give at other ference can be drawn. Thus in Gen. 6 3, it is
does the prevalence of immorality arise from a written, " And the Lord said, My Spirit shall pervision of competent instructors, to receive all
lack of artistic and aesthetic culture. Nor is in- not always strive with man, for that he also is worthy persons who desire a thorough drill in'
Sabbath afternoon, more than one hundred temperance the cause. The one chief reason for Penmanship, Book-keeping in its different forms,
flesh ; yet his days shall be an hundred and
came forward for prayers. Sunday afternoon, the degeneration of a once noble people is the in keeping T. and M., Church and Conference
Mrs. W. spoke on the subject of Christian tem- twenty years." This is generally understood to
substitution of skepticism for faith in the Script- be the limit of the time during which man Records, together with special instruction in the
perance, when onv hundred and ten took, the ures.' " various kinds of Practical Business ; such as
was to be suffered to live, if he did not repent ;
strongest temperance pledge. Banking and Manufacturing ; also in Business
On " the spread of skepticism," The Alliance and this time ended at the flood. Then it is
Monday was a memorable day. Eleven were of July 19, 1879 says :— certain that 120 years before the flood, God Law for Business Men, Parliamentary Usages,
baptized, and the Dakota Conference was or- "Rationalism is almost the national belief of formed the purpose thus to destroy man if he etc. Much of this instruction is just what scores
ganized, the minutes of which will be given Germany. France is full of infidelity. A large should not repent. of young men and women in the ranks of S. D.
elsewhere. Several incidents of interest to the number of people in our midst will tell you that Now, did Noah preach and warn them of this Adventists need to fit them for a life of useful-
writer occurred during the meeting. Here we they do not believe in immortality. Skepticism coming judgment during all this time? The ness in the cause of God.
met a lady who attended a school we taught in is found on every hand. The fact no one, we testimony of Peter implies that Noah so Some who have the time and means, and are
Troy, Me., thirty-seven years ago. She was suppose, will dispute. What has caused this preached to them. 1 Pet. 3 : 19, 20 : " By free to attend this school, will still hesitate and
then a child only eight years of age. Her hus- state of affairs ? Some thinkers tell us that which also he went and preached unto the spirits wait, perchance, for responsibilities to be laid
band was at the meeting on the Sabbath, and Strauss and Voltaire and Paine and Inger- in prison ; which sometime were disobedient upon them, before feeling sure that they shall
went home, a distance of twenty miles, for his soil are responsible for it. That is nonsense. when once the longsuffering of God waited in ever need any such knowledge. There is now a
wife. We had the pleasure of the company of Strauss and Voltaire and Renan and Ingersoll the days of Noah, while the ark was a prepar- great demand for this kind of education in all
Mr. Staples, and that of his wife, Mrs. Rosetta are simply a part of the drift. Its causes lie ing, wherein few, that is eight souls, were saved our churches, and no one feels this deplorable
Farington Staples, at our dinner table at the deep in the history of religion. What has by water." The argument on this passage is as lack more keenly than those who have visited
Dakota camp-meeting. We also met Mr. and been bears fruit in what is '—sometimes by di- follows : This testimony has its application in these churches to organize T. and M. societies
Mrs. Noble from our native town in Maine. rection, sometimes by indirection." the days of Noah. The word "spirits" signifies and Sabbath-schools, and to see that all, the
People push out West about in their line of lat- After feeling about for the cause of this state the antediluvians, while they were yet in life. church records are properly kept. God uses
itude. We find many Maine people in Minne- of things, and attributing it mainly to "human They were "in prison," in the sense of being those to the best advantage in his cause, who
sota and Dakota, and they are generally staunch creeds," which is good for the Alliance, it re- shut up under darkness, sin, and the threatened labor and sacrifice most for its interests, and
temperance people. marks :— judgments of God. See Isa. 61 :1, and Luke make ready to bear the responsibilities that
Dakota is a promising field of labor. The " Be that as it may, the problem of how to 4 18, for this application of the figure of a must be borne by some one. Parents will do
people look healthy. Our brethren show a deal with skepticism is the one that now most prison to those who are in darkness and con- well to see that their children have this op-
good share of intelligence. They' made great presses upon the Christian thinker." demnation. While they were thus in prison, portunity to prepare themselves for usefulness
sacrifices to attend their first camp-Meeting. The same paper also prints the following, Christ by his Spirit through Noah preached to in the church, as well as simply to work farms,
We go from this meeting to Boulder, Colorado. which, although on another point, does not pre- them. During this time they were disobedient, and trade, to get gain for physical comforts.
JANES WHITE. sent a very pleasing picture :— and during this time also the ark was preparing. One hundred dollars spent in one yeari'
Beloit, Dakota, July 15, 1879. " Chicago sits by her filthy river and pities This would include the whole period of 120 schooling may yield ten-fold more fruit in the
kingdom of God, than it would, were it invested Conference funds considerably increased. If all ten o'clock, when the train arrived at the depot the commandments are abolished. There is
in merchandise, or farms, or even otherwise in would do this according to the approved plan, the and the old man stood waiting, a great, strong therefore no denominational relation between
wants of the cause in this respect might be fully young man descended from the steps, and in one the Adventists and the Seventh-day Adventists.
some branch of the cause.
One thing is certain, we must educate our met. We are especially pleased to find that the minute the arms of the old man were around They stand very much opposed to each other in
children for usefulness. This is, no doubt, the company brought out during the past year has him, and the tears were running down his face their labor.
will of God. Who knows how he will use them? adopted this plan, and also provided themselves as he said : " This my son was dead, and is alive Now this Mr. Freeman did not believe at all
with the library of Sr. White's writings. This again ; was lost, and is found." The burning in the commandments of God. He had not
That should give us no anxiety. If we only con-
secrate them to God, and do the best we can for shows that these points of truth and duty will longing in the old man's heart was satisfied, and even the most distant relation to the people
them, God will bless us in so doing, and use them be as readily accepted-as anything else connected the promise of his son verified. known as Seventh-day Adventists. His name
S. BROWNSBERGER. with our work when they are properly presented, Hope keeps the heart from sinking into de- had never been heard of by them till it was
to his glory.
and they are certainly good evidences of the spair. The hope of the church centers in the made known by this great crime. It is but just
genuineness of the work. second appearing of Christ. The word of- God to say that Mr. Freeman and the few associated
CAMP-MEETING SABBATH-SCHOOLS. The Sabbath-school interest is also receiving says we need not look for his coming until the with him did not belong to any church of the
AT each one of our large camp-meetings held a good degree of attention. Nearly every com- " man of sin " be revealed. The twelve hundred Adventists. They were a company of fanatics,
this year there has been a mammoth Sabbath- pany of Sabbath-keepers in the Conference have and sixty years of Papal supremacy are in the acting solely on their own responsibility. Prob-
school, including in its numbers nearly all those organized Sabbath-schools, and some of these past, and we are now in the waiting time. Are ably he pretended to be an Adventist, though
attending the meeting. That these schools are are in a flourishing condition. We look for our ears open to catch the far-off sound of the certainly he never pretended to be a Seventh-
very profitable, and a great help to the S. S. great improvement in this direction, however, chariot wheels Are our eyes fixed on the skies day Adventist. It is only about two years
work in the State where they are held, is as it is but recently that special attention has from whence the glory will come ? The sons since he was an avowed infidel.
evident to those who have attended them. At- been given to this branch of the work. The and daughters of the King should long for his If the fact that the Adventists generally
tention is called to the importance of Bible Tract Society Institute held last spring at Wells- appearing. The meeting time is near. Are we teach that the commandments are abolished,
study, and to the Sabbath-school as a chief ville, N. Y., has proved of great benefit in in- looking for the signal—watching for the train ? makes them responsible for this murder, then
means of promoting thoroughness in the work. troducing better order and system into the Soon arms of love will enfold earth-weary they must bear it ; but most assuredly the Sev-
The best plan of conducting a school and its work of the society. Some of the district offi- frames. Are we ready for the rapture? enth-day Adventists, who affirm the perpetuity
various exercises is demonstrated in less time cers especially have shown a commendable zeal ELIZA H. MORTON. of the commandment, " Thou shalt not kill," and
than it could be described and explained. in laboring to carry out the system in all the Allen's Corner, Me. that of all the other commandments, can never
We hope that there will be a model school churches in their districts, which course will be made responsible even in the most distant
held at each one of the coming camp-meetings, certainly result in a marked improvement in IS THE LORD PARTICULAR ? degree for this crime.
and that every person so situated as to make it the condition of the society. The work is now Our journal has been published three years in
THERE are many persons who do not feel very
possible will attend with a well learned lesson, under way of raising a Reserve Fund of $1000. the city of Bale. We have advertised in its
and a determination to help make the, scheol a particular in their duties toward God, or in their
for this Conference society. dealings with men. They will say, " I mean to columns a large catalogue of publications con-
success. A few suggestions about these schools Lastly I mention the interest that has been taining our religious views. The closest scrutiny
do about right." And about right they think is
may not be out of place. taken in the Health and Temperance Associa- of these publications will show that they teach
Lessons. Do not assign an old lesson so as to near enough. And concerning religious duties
tion. Whenever we have presented this subject, only the principles of morality and virtue laid
they say, " I don't believe it makes any differ-
secure its being learned, and never assign more the majority of the brethren present have down in the ten commandments and in the
ence. One will do just as well as the other."
than one lesson to each division. It will be signed the teetotal pledge, and we shall do the Lord's sermon on the mount.
This we often hear from professed believers. J. N. ANDREWS.
better for Divisions Two, Three, and Four (all best we can to have this movement general They seem not to be aware that they, in so do-
except the little ones) to study the lessons in the throughout the Conference. While we see Southampton, England, June 27.
ing, adopt the infidel's creed, every article of
Instructor, and Lesson Sheet, designed for the great room for improvement on all these points
Sabbath on which the meeting is held. This which is prefaced with, I don't believe. Place
we have mentioned, yet we are thankful for the these words before every article of Christian THE FIRST INDIANA CAMP-MEETING.
makes the school more natural, and those who omens of good we do see, and take courage still faith, every truth of revelation, and you have THIS meeting will be held at Noblesville,
attend the meeting can resume the work when to labor on to that end. May God abundantly Aug. 5-11. Eld. D. M. Canright and W. C.
they return home without any break in the les- the infidel's creed entire.
bless the work. B. L. WHITNEY. White will be present. We desire the presence
But the testimony of God in the days of
sons. The lesson for the little ones, or First July 15.
Moses was, " In all things that I have said unto of every Sabbath-keeper in central and southern
Division, should be announced by the president
you be circumspect." Ex. 23 : 13. And in the Indiana. The point at which the meeting is lo-
of the State Association in time to be well
KANSAS TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. Christian age it is the same. " See then that ye cated is a convenient one for all the churches in
FRIENDS of temperance in Kansas : You are walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise." the central part of the State.
Learning the lesson. Let every S. S. scholar The annual business sessions of the Conference
and teacher endeavor to attend the camp-meet- aware of the fact that a temperance society Eph. 5 : 15. In many places of Scripture the
was organized at our late camp-meeting, a Lord cautions us to be very careful to do just and T. and M. society will not be held at this
ing, and come to the Sabbath-school held Sab-
State branch of the American Health and Tem- what he has commanded. " Ye shall observe to meeting, so the time will be devoted to religious
bath morning prepared to do his part well.
perance Association. More than one hundred do therefore as the Lord your God hath com- services. A Sabbath-school convention will be
Study the lesson the first part of the week, and
persons signed the teetotal pledge, and a few manded you ; ye shall not turn aside to the held during the meeting, which will be con-
learn it well, and then bring your Lesson Pa-
the anti-rum and tobacco pledge. right hand, or to the left." Deut. 5 : 32. ducted by W. C. White. The regular lesson for
pers so that you can give it additional study on the second Sabbath in August will be recited.
A good beginning was made at this meeting. In Num. 3 the Lord has given a sample of a
the ground. There may be many on the ground
Now we want a local club wherever we have a business transaction, which it will be safe to fol- Let all come prepared to take active part in the
who have not enjoyed the privileges of the Sab-
church or company of believers. Are we not low in all our dealings. When he had slain all exercises.
bath-school, and you should be prepared by
temperance people ? Is not the Bible a temper- the first-born of Egypt, and spared the first- The grove in which the meeting will be held
your conversation and example to encourage
ance book ? and do we not profess to be Bible born of Israel, he claimed these as his own, to is a beautiful one. Ample provisions will be
them to engage in this work when they return
Christians ? But some say they never took a be consecrated to his service. But afterward he made for all who attend. Let all be on the
temperance pledge or belonged to a temperance chose the tribe of Levi for this especial service, ground ready for the first meeting, Tuesday
Lesson papers. The president and secretary of
society. Well, you never before had opportu- instead of all the first-born of Israel. On num- evening, Aug. 5. Come prepared to remain un-
the State association, who are the superintendent
nity to unite with such a society as this. The bering the Levites the number was found to be til Tuesday morning, Aug. 12.
and secretary of the camp-meeting Sabbath- We expect to have several tents on the
objectionable features so apparent in some so- 22,000 ; but of the first-born of all Israel there
school, should provide a liberal quantity of
called temperance societies are in this entirely were 22,273. We might have said, That is near ground to rent, from $3.00 to $4.00 for the en-
Lesson Papers to be distributed to those attend-
ing the meeting who have not been attending wanting. enough ; the 273 will make no difference. But tire meeting. Let those churches who have
Sabbath-school, or who have been studying some Take right hold, brethren and friends. There the Lord did not do business that way ; but he none come prepared to rent. If you cannot do
is no law against temperance. It is one of the charged five shekels apiece for their redemption, this, come, and we will provide for you as best
other lessons. The lessons should be handed
out as early in the meeting as possible, and fruits of the Spirit of God. Gal. 5 : 22-24. making 1,365 shekels, to be paid into his treas- we can.
every one should be encouraged to prepare for Will the elder or leader of each church or ury. According with this an apostle has said, REDUCED FARE TO INDIANA CAMP-MEETING.
the school, and to attend. company, who has not already done so, please " Render to all their dues ; " and Jesus said, Have just received word from the Indianap-
The camp-meeting Sabbath-school should be call a meeting in the interests of the temperance " Render to CHsar the things that are CHsar's
olis. Peru, and Chicago R. R., and the Anderson,
planned beforehand, and the teachers selected movement. When the friends have signed the and to God the things that are God's." The Lebanon, and St. Louis R. R., both of which
on Friday. It should be called early, so that pledge, elect a leader and secretary for your tenth is the Lord's ; he justly claims it as his run through Noblesville, that they will convey
classes may be arranged and ready for work at local club. The secretary will send me the own. Let us be careful to give to all their
passengers to the camp-meeting over their lines
9 o'clock. The exercises should follow closely name and post-office address of each of the dues. God weighs our motives, and notices at half fare. Tickets to be sold from Aug. 5-13.
the programme generally adopted, so that the officers, and a complete list of members. things which we may esteem very small. The Indianapolis, Peru, and Chicago R. R.
whole school will represent as nearly as possible J. LAMONT. R. F. COTTRELL.
Mound City, San. issue this year certificates, which must be ob-
the workings of an ordinary Sabbath-school. tained and presented to the ticket agent at the
W. C. WRITE. THE CRIME AT POCASSET. station where the cars are taken. The agent
JESUS IS COMING. lb [THE following is from the French paper Les will then sell tickets at half fare. The com-
PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE. DR. BROOKS, in an address before the Pro- Signes des Temps, under the charge of Bro. An- pany will furnish me with the certificates, and I
HAVING spent the last three weeks in this phetic Conference, told the following anecdote drews at Bale, Suisse.] will furnish to churches as soon as possible ; yet
Conference, I can report a good degree of inter- peculiarly illustrative of the importance of mak- In the month of May last a terrible tragedy many individuals may be missed, therefore let
est in most departments of the work, so far as ing the coming of Christ a practical, life-controll- occurred in Pocasset, Mass. A man by the all who desire to attend the meeting address me
I have had opportunity to observe. ing fact :— name of Freeman thought himself called to offer immediately at Noblesville, Ind., and state how
There are five tents being used here this sea- "An old man had an only son who grew up up his little daughter, aged five years, as Abra- many will attend the camp-meeting from your
son, all of which I have visited. All these proud and disobedient, and well nigh broke his ham offered up his son Isaac. Accordingly he place, and we will send you the certificates by
tents have a fair attendance, and with some the father's heart by running away from home. killed the child, and poured out her blood as an return mail.
interest seems quite deep and general. There When he got to a great distance, he wrote to his offering to God. The Anderson, Lebanon and St. Loris R. R.
has been a great change in this respect during father briefly thus : You need not expect to This dreadful crime made a great sensation will sell tickets during the meeting at half fare
the past two or three years. While even that see me for seven years. I have determined to throughout America, and those who were espe- on the entire line. S. H. LANE.
short time ago it was almost impossible in many seek my own fortune, and I have so thoroughly cially opposed to the doctrine of the near advent
localities to get a congregation of interested disguised myself and covered my tracks, that it of Christ, have endeavored to make all believers A VERY little boy had one day done wrong,
listeners, now nearly every locality furnishes a is useless for you to hunt for me at all.' inithis doctrine responsible for this crime. A and was sent, after paternal correction, to ask
good field of labor, and many calls come in for The seven years rolled away, and at the end brief statement of facts will show how unjust in secret the forgiveness of his Heavenly Father.
help, that cannot possibly be filled with our pres- of the time the old man went twice a day, morning this is. His offense was passion. Anxious to hear what
ent number of laborers. This change we be- and night, to the trains as they arrived at the There are in America two denominations who he would say, his mother followed to the door of
lieve is largely due to the influence of the tract village. His residence was not far off', and when bear respectively the names of Adventists and his room. In lisping accents she heard him ask
and missionary work. We hope for a large in- he heard the whistle he would put on his hat SeVenth-day Adventists. The Seventh-day Ad- to be made better ; never to be angry again ;
crease of strength to this new Conference as the and go to the station. Winter and summer, in ventists teach that all God's commandments are and then, with child-like simplicity, he 'added,
result of tent work the Dresent season. storm and in sunshine, in day-time and in dark- binding upon mankind, and should be observed ; "Lord, make ma's temper better, too."
The greater share of the brethren have adopted ness, never did that train arrive that it did not and they therefore hallow the seventh day as
the tithing system as recommended by the Gen- find that old man standing on the platform, pa- the Sabbath of the Lord. The Adventists, on Do nothing to-day that you would be likely to
eral Conference, and as a consequence we find the tiently waiting. One bright, sunny morning, at the contrary, almost all believe and teach that repent of to-morrow.
38 THE REVIEW AND HERALD. [VoL. 54, No. 5.

BEYOND THE SKY, blessing and help of God, that these meetings church here, and one with the society recently MAINE. sit
THE heavenly host with joy will greet may result in good. To this end we ask the organized by Bro. Sanborn in Camden. Union
The coming of weary, patient feet; prayers of God's people. and harmony seemed to prevail, and a good de- Burnham.—When we first pitched our tent
The pearly gates will open wide I. J. HANKINS. gree of the spirit of missionary labor was man- in this place, much prejudice existed against us ;
For those who are washed in the crimson tide; E. J. WAGGONER. ifested. We hope for better days for the cause
And the shout of triumph arises high, in southern New Jersey. but after hearing a few discourses, some confessed
For their home is waiting beyond the sky. At this meeting we had the pleasure of meet- that they were mistaken in the people. We
NEW YORK. ing Eld. J. W. Morton, (S. D. Baptist), author were 'recommended to have a police appointed
Unknown they have struggled here below, to keep order, with the understanding that
Bearing the cross through pain and woe, East Otto. — Our meeting at this place, of Vindication of the Sabbath. He preached an this was a hard place ; but it is due the people
With willing hearts and with loving hands, July 12 and 13, was well attended, and was a excellent discourse first-day morning. N. ORCUTT. here to say that we never have entered a new
Faithfully keeping their Lord's commands ; good meeting. The preaching was practical, and place where better attention was given to the
And now their earth-life is all passed by, word spoken than in this village. Our congre-
And their home is waiting beyond the sky. the social meeting on Sabbath was characterized
by the expression of the earnest desire and de- WISCONSIN. gations range from fifty to two hundred. God
God, who hears when his children pray, termination for a closer walk with God, and a DURING the past week, owing to stormy is giving us the ears of the people, and we pray
Has given strength for each weary day ; fuller consecration to his work. On Sunday, weather and the press of haying and harvest, that many may give their hearts to the Lord.
And when the warfare for aye is done, seven persons were baptized, two of whom had Some have already decided to keep all the com-
When the strife is over and victory won, previously united with the church. our congregations have been small, averaging mandments of God, and walk in the light of
Their songs of gladness are rising high, B. L. WHITNEY. about forty, until Sunday, when, the day being present truth. Our wants are all supplied by
For their home is waiting beyond the sky. WNW fair, over two hundred were in attendance. the liberality of the people here. May such be
ALLIE A SANTEE. Good attention was given as we presented the gathered in as shall be saved in the kingdom of
MINNESOTA. history and claims of the true Sabbath. More God when Jesus comes. J. B. GOODRICH.
Mankato, July 14.—We pitched the sixty- interest was manifested than at any time be•
yrtlymof IT &m u. foot tent at this place under some difficulties.
The weather has been very stormy, the wind
fore during the meetings.
July 15.
"IT^ +7, goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless sometimes blowing a hurricane, uprooting trees Norman Hill, Tent No. 3, July 7. — Here _
Poore stgaita With rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." Ps. 110 a 6.
and demolishing houses in some localities, while Elkhorn, July 17.—We have held five is a settlement of three hundred Norwegian fam-
the heat has been oppressive, and swarms of meetings in this place, with an average attend- ilies. I have been here for three weeks, speak-
SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND. hungry mosquitoes have preyed upon speaker ance of about one hundred and fifty. There is ing exclusively in the Norwegian language. The
and hearers. Still our audiences average about a large amount of prejudice to overcome before prejudice existing in the community surpasses
0 UR tent-meetings still continue in this place. two hundred. We are now in the midst of the
We have now given forty discourses, and are Sanctuary question. We desire the prayers of the truth can find a place in the hearts of the peo- anything I have seen before, especially among
the• members of the Lutheran church. Our
ple. We shall do our best, by the help of the
God's people, that his work may prosper in our Lord,to
just entering upon the Sabbath question. In hands. W. B. HILL. present the truth before them in a clear hearers are principally infidels and worldlings,
conversation we have explained the subject to a L. B. ELLS. light. We ask the prayers of our brethren and of whom there are a great many here, because
number who have commenced to observe the --4-4110-0
sisters for the success of the work here. they cannot digest the dry theological theory
Sabbath with us. We also see good results C. W. OLDS. with which the priest always serves them. Up-
INDIANA. E. M. CRANDALL. on these the plain and practical truths of the
every week from the effort made in sending out word of God seem to have a-wonderful influence.
reading matter by post. Some are already em- Silver Lake, Tent No. I, July 15. — I have One has given his heart to God, and we hope
bracing the truth from reading. held five meetings here, with an average attend- Neillsville, Tent No. 8.—We have given that others will soon follow. We introduce the
ance of one hundred and twenty-five. This is a fifteen discourses in all. Have canvassed the Sabbath question to-night. Bro. Sweden, a
It has been rainy and cold most of the time young Swede is with me, and takes care of the
since we erected our tent. There have not been town of six hundred inhabitants. The people Sabbath question quite thoroughly. By a ris-
twenty-four consecutive hours without rain. have kindly furnished an organ and organist, ing vote, fourteen have expressed their inten- tent, leaving me more time to visit, and in this
On the first of July there was a heavy gale, and several have invited us to their homes. tion to keep the Sabbath of the Lord, and we way try to remove prejudice. We ask the
with rain. The tent had to be let down flat I am alone, but expect Bro. Lane will be with prayers of our brethren and sisters.
think several others will soon decide for the A. W. JENSON.
to the ground, to save it from damage. Our me soon. Pray that the word may prosper. truth. The people here are willing to read,
tent is already badly mildewed, and if such W. W. SHARP. and as soon as a new subject is presented, they
weather continues during the entire season, the come eagerly to the stand to get our tracts. ONTARIO. Ad
canvass will not be fit for service another year. We are now in the midst of the Life and Death
We have much prejudice to contend with ; Warrington, Tent No. 2, July 15. —We question. T. B. SNOW. Chatham, July 17. — Our cause here is
first, because the Church of England claims all have now spoken twenty times, and the interest July 14. C. Holmes. still rising. Sixteen are now keeping the Sab-
the people as under her jurisdiction. I am Old is on a constant increase. Some have decided bath, while others are deeply interested. The
that the old law is still on the statute books, to keep all God's commandments. Last Sab- Rockton and Debello.—Our tent-meetings opposition we are receiving at the hands of the
requiring all to attend meeting at the church bath we had a good meeting. The brethren in Rockton are quite well attended, and some are ministers, only tends to strengthen those who
once in six weeks, or pay a fine. There art too from Mechanicsburgh met with us. We are deeply interested ; but being in the midst of have embraced the truth, and it also creates a
many dissenters, however,, for the law to he en having some opposition. Next Wednesday
forced. One churchman used the following ar- healthy desire to hear in the minds of others.
night, Eld. Williams of the Baptist denom- harvest, many who live in the country are not The Lord gives liberty in presenting the truth,
gument against us the other day : " If the sev- ination will speak in favor of the " Lord's day" able to attend all the evening meetings. Rains and we expect, with the blessing of God, to see
enth day is kept, it will make another company or Christian Sabbath. Our congregations still have also hindered the progress of our meetings. a strong church raised up in this city. Our
of dissenters." range from 200 to 500. Have sold books to the We hope some will yet obey the truth.
Secondly, there is a prevailing distrust of amount of $16.31, and received $3.55 as dona- July 5, attended the quarterly meeting at vigilant missionary societies are doing nobly.
foreigners, especially if they introduce anything tion. J. M. REES. Debello. The brethren seem to be doing well. Twenty-five societies have responded to our ap-
new to the people. This we expected, but such Several more decided to keep all of God's com- is peal. The society in South Lancaster, Mass.,
J. S. SHROCK. sending to Ontario, weekly, 200 copies of the
prejudice is increased by false reports being cir- VICTOR THOMPSON. mandments. Among the number was the Wes- Signs
culated by those who do not attend, and who do leyan Methodist minister to whom we referred Maine, ; a society in Illinois, 75 copies ; one in
not know of what they affirm; but even this in a previous report. This minister and his copies ; three 60 copies ; one in Rome, N. Y., 50
stirs up some to come and hear, and with the Arcadia, Tent No. 3, July 15.—Twelve wife have both decided to walk according to the 20 copies eachsocieties in R. I., send from 10 to
; and one' in Michigan, 40 copies.
candid, such curiosity turns to inte
rest. On, the have signed the covenant, nine of whom have law of God. They hope their children will We feel to thank God and take courage. Al-
whole, considering all the circumstances, I do
not know but we are dbing as well as we could embraced the truth since we began meetings. soon follow them. Another who has lately ready some are embracing the truth from reading,
commenced the observance of the Sabbath is
expect. Others are waiting to hear the other side, which a German who has preached some among the and the Macedonian cry comes up from many
In opening any new mission, it requires work. is to be given by Eld. Frazier, (Disciple), who Christians. Others in the vicinity of Debello places, Come over and help us. Truly the hala
We try to do all that health and strength Will has been called in to oppose the truth. He be- are interested. May God help them to obey. vest is great and the laborers are few. Bro. C.
admit. We request all to pray that the Lord gins this evening. We expect this opposition 0. A.. JOHNSON. Black is with me as tent master, and is also a
may help us so to labor that his blessing lady will help us much. Donations amount to $10.46, July 10. ANDREW CHRISTIANSEN. good T. and M. worker. Bro. Geo. A. King of
be granted with our efforts,: and then all will be which exceeds our expenses so far. Book sales Belleville is creating a great interest in that city,
welt. J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH.. amount to $8 50. Could have sold many more, by his efforts in T. and M. work, and in can-
July 4, 1879. had our supply been equal to the demand. We TENNESSEE. vassing for our publications. These brethren,
expect to continue meetings here until the with the writer, are all the laborers there are in
Noblesville camp-meeting. Paris, Henry Co., July 11.—We are Ontario, having a population of 4,000,000 souls.
PENNSYLVANIA. WM. COVERT. obliged to close our meetings here for the pres- It is one of the best fields of labor in the world.
Jasper, Tent No. 1, July 8. — Since last re- J. P. HENDERSON. We need more laborers in Ontario. Who will
ent, to attend the State quarterly meeting ; but come ? We desire the prayers of God's people.
port our congregation diminished in attendance otherwise they could probably be continued no JOHN W. MOORE.
for a few days, but we have since regained it, NEW HAMPSHIRE. longer, because of the panic caused by the yel-
and there is apparently an interest to. hear. Winchester. — We pitched our tent here low fever that has just broken out in Memphis. 1-1)
We are now in the midst of the Sabbath ques- Much prejudice seems to have been removed ILLINOIS.
tion. Eld. B. L. Whitney is with us for a Monday, July 7, and commenced meetings on. from the minds of the people here. Several are Tremont. —We pitched our tent in this
short time. Pray for us. the 9th. Our average attendance is about one convinced on the Sabbath question. Some take
town last week. Have held four meetings, with
J. W. RAYMOND. hundred. The interest is increasing. Last that day to rest and investigate the subject.
increasing interest. Last evening our tent was
D. B. WELCH. evening about two hundred were present. Last Sabbath we held quarterly meeting with
The people are very friendly, providing for the little church lately organized at Springville. full, and the congregation listened attentively
our temporal wants, and inviting us to their One more was baptized. Their testimonies seem to the word spoken. We are only eight miles
KANSAS. homes. Adventism is but little known here. to come from hearts full of love for God and his from Mackinaw, where our tent was pitched two
Grove City, Jeff. Co. —We began meetings With the blessing of God we expect success. truth, and to indicate growth in grace and in years ago. The brethren there take hold will-
at this place in the new forty-foot tent last Our stay at Athol was short, there being no in- the knowledge of the truth. Pray for the cause inglyt to help us. Pray for the work here.
terest whatever. Sabbath, July 5, we spent at in Tennessee. G. K. OWEN. B. F. MERRITT.
Thursday evening, July 10. The hurry of finish- Athol Center, where five were baptized. July 14. C. H. Blass.
ing harvest and unfavorable weather made the D. A. ROBINSON.
attendance quite small till yesterday (Sunday). Pittwood.—Over thirty persons embraced
Present indications are favorable. Soliloquy.—We had an excellent quarterly
J. LAMON T. the truth under our labors in this place and
NEBRASKA. meeting at this place. Nearly all the members
OSCAR HILL. vicinity last spring, and twenty-seven were bap-
were present. Sabbath morning we had an in-
Nebraska City and Humboldt.—The quar- teresting Sabbath-school and a good social meet- tized. But as several families moved away, and
Bull's City, July 10.--We pitched the tent terly meeting of the Nebraska City church was ing, followed by a sermon on the importance of we feared duty might call us to another field,
at this place June 25, and have had quite an in- held on Camp Creek. Sickness kept some from the Testimonies, and their practical use in de- we advised all our French converts to unite
terest. The church are encouraged, and eight attending. One was baptized. with the St. Anne church, desiring to so bind
veloping character. This church will now pro- the edges that our work might not unravel.
more have commenced to keep all the command- The company at Humboldt have been pass- vide themselves with the circulating library. This left only a few American converts in this
ments of God, while others are investigating ing through fiery trials and temptations ; but Sunday morning our meeting was character- place. As we found these doing well upon our
God's word to " see if these things are so." there is gold here, and we hope to see it shine ized with a spirit of earnestness and labor. A return, we decided to pitch the tent a few miles
May the Lord bless them in seeking for truth. forth like that tried in the furnace. The doors new club of twenty-one copies of Signs was away, and if possible so add to their numbers as
We have closed labors here for the present. of the Christian church were kindly opened for taken for six months. Mrs. Sanborn is now to organize a new church. We commenced
GEO. H. SMITH. us the 12th and 13th inst. Two were bap- expecting to organize a V. M. society this meetings three miles from Pitt wood, July 4th,
M. AND H. ENOCH. tized, and four united with the church. A Sab- week. We think there is some good material continuing nine days, and speaking fourteen
4-4Wiv bath-school was also organized. here for such a society. About $21 of tithe times. Seven have decided for the truth.
CHAS. L. BOYD. money was received by the treasurer. Over ten Yesterday, Sabbath, was a memorable day to
IOWA. dollars were paid on the tract fund. the cause here. An organization was effected as
Birmingham, July 10.—We commenced The outside interest was good. Four were follows : After a preparatory discourse, seven
NEW JERSEY. received into the church, and others are almost Americans were organized into a church . four-
meetings here June 20, and have given seven-
teen discourses. Congregations have averaged Vineland.—Our quarterly meeting, July 5, persuaded to accept the truth. As we realize teen of the French who had united with the St.
6, was truly a season of great encouragement to that the great day of God's wrath is hastening Anne church were received by letter ; six were
one hundred and seventy-fide. People are at-
all who attended. Six were present from Cam- upon a slumbering world, and see how hard it is received by baptism ; and five of the new con-
to awaken souls to a true sense of their condition, verts, who were Baptists, were received by vote.
tentive and orderly, and seem interested in the
truths presented. The prospect is favorable for den, N. J., and one from Philadelphia, Pa. Four we feel like crying mightily unto God for help After the organization six persons were baptized;
a good work here. We hope to still enjoy the were baptized, three of whom unite with the to save the perishing. I. SANBORN. then we had a most interesting social meeting.
Some reported victories over tobacco, and oth- a deep, interest was manifest. The tent was trine, and the sandy foundation upon which they
ers resolved to abandon its use.
We shall remain here another week, and shall
crowded to overflowing. One after another be-
gan to keep the Sabbath, until already about
build their edifices. From our unbiased stand-
point we can see no good reason why professed ihtr of bum
see that the new church, for a while, have help sixty are fully decided, and more are coming in followers of Christ should exhibit that distant
every Sabbath. Bro. Geo. Hobbs of Serena is daily. Most of these come by whole families. coldness almost amounting to p,-rsecution (in —NINE States of the Union give women the privi-
with us all the time, and Bro. Gros is with us On every street, and in every direction from our view) toward these well behaved and quiet, lege of voting on school questions.
as much as his mercantile business will permit. town, are to be found Sabbath-keepers. About but earnest people. Let all put on the garb of
These dear brethren are of great service to us. twenty have been baptized, and new ones go true Christianity and practice the golden rule, —TEN white and five colored persons died of sun-
D. T. BOURDEAE. forward in this ordinance every Sunday. " doing unto your neighbor as ye would that stroke at Charleston, S. C., July 12.
When we get the idea that God can work your neighbor should do unto you." The bitter —Two hundred Bavarians are to start in a few
only through some of our older and more able clashings between professed followers of Jesus days for the United States, to join the Mormons in
MICHIGAN. ministers, we are greatly mistaken. This has and his cause, exhibiting jealousy, spite, and Utah.
Eaton Rapids, Tent No. 3, July 9.—We been the trouble in Ohio. Young men and malice toward each other, is, a problem we have —Esamsn millers are going out of the business,
have been here five weeks. We had good con- those of smaller talent have not been encour- never been able to solve. It is truly beyond being unable to compete with American new pro-
aged, lest they should make mistakes. Here our conception that God should manifest his cesses.
gregations up to the time of haying, since which Holy Spirit and unadulterated love through his
we have an illustration of the folly of such over- —Os the insane in Massachusetts, nine-tenths are
time the attendance has been small ; yet a few cautiousness. Our young, inexperienced hands mediums in such mysterious ways, that to the uneducated paupers, which argues that culture is
are much interested, and some have decided to are having as good or even better success than ungodly look as though party spirit and selfish a preventive of disease.
obey the truth. We expect to move our tent the older ones. We would like a few more ambition had worked their way into the fold. . .
Let the truth come, hitting and demolishing —THE first prize for proficiency in Latin at Wor-
to the northern extremity of the town, to ac- such. star University, Ohio, was given to a young Creek In-
commodate some who are interested there. On the Sabbath we organized a church of error wherever it may fall. Truth is what the dian, at the late commencement.
T. M. STEWARD. twenty-seven members. Others will be added people want.
E. P. DANIELS. as soon as they are ready. Of course a meet- There can be but one truth upon any subject —REPORTS that the Chinese were preparing to
ing-house is now indispensable, and this is just with which people have to deal ; and this being march on Kuldja, and were ill-treating Russian mer-
a progressive age, we see day by day that the chants on the frontier, are confirmed.
Genoa.—Met with the Genoa church at the time to strike for it. So we drew a plan,
28x42, 16-foot posts, and started a subscription. arts and sciences are constantly in a state of pro- —Tee " Golos," a St. Petersburgh journal, esti-
Howell, July 5, 6, and held seven meetings. On One brother gave the lot, another the timber, gress reached by philosophical and advancing mates the cost to Russia of the war with Turkey at
Sabbath, r. et., seven were baptized, mostly while another saws it ; others give work or minds ; and why close our eyes, and shrink £150,000,000, and the deaths in its army at 200,000.
young people. May the Lord help them. to money, some outsiders giving $50.00, and so on from the investigation of religious subjects ?
Let us throw off ancient superstitions, and in- —A DETACHMENT Of Russian troops in Asia was
walk in newness of life. Several were present down to $5. Bro. Guilford, being a carpenter, compelled to retrace its steps by swarms of locusts
from abroad. All seemed to be encouraged. will take the oversight of the work. We are vestigate every side of all subjects, if we would that settled thickly on their faces, uniforms, and
T. M. STEWARD. confident that we shall have a meeting-house become wise. TRUTH SEEKER. muskets.
Praise the Lord.
here before winter. —THE Austrian elections show 178 liberals and
Of course the churches in town are in trouble. 175 conservatives chosen to the reichsrath. Five of
SINCE leaving Battle Creek, June 13, we have Their own ministers could do nothing ; so they MINNESOTA S. S. ASSOCIATION. the seats must be again contested, however, because
visited the following places :-- sent for one Eld. Alwood, a presiding elder, to THE first annual session of the Minnesota of declinations and double elections.
Met with the brethren at Brookfield, June tear down God's work. He came and demand- Sabbath-school association convened at Calhoun
ed a debate. This our brethren utterly re- —A MAN has been arrested at Brussels for insult-
14, 15. Here we baptized eight, and organized Lake, June 20, 1879, in connection with the ing the king of the Belgians. The insult consisted
fused, but offered him the tent every other in a declaration that the king was a fool or knave,
a church of twelve members. Sunday evening, evening for several days. He then went to camp-meeting.
visited the tent at Eaton Rapids. A good in- and that he had been chosen by lot to assassinate
a church, hoping to draw the crowd and break Meeting called to order by the president, Eld. him.
terest was manifested, a large congregation up the interest in our meetings. One evening W. B. Hill. Prayer by W. C. White. The
coming out to hear the truth. a good many went to hear him ; but the next —A FEW years ago, millions of pounds of cream
names of all the schools in the association were of tartar were annually exported from England and
June 21, 22, met with the brethren at White- evening we had the crowd, while his congrega- then read, and the delegates from said schools
water, Grand Traverse Co. Here we baptized France to this country. Last year our own supply
tion numbered only about forty. He made one were accepted. The secretary's report was was sufficient for our demand, and cream a tartar
twelve, and organized a church of twelve mem- more effort, and became discouraged ; but we called for and read, giving a brief account of the fell 30 per cent.
bers. Brn. Sisley and Potter were laboring had a crowded tent, and this, too, in the midst workings of the association for the year.
here with the tent. of harvest. A motion was made that all the ministering —An CITING, a native Chinaman, has been or-
Wednesday evening, June 25, met with the Bro. Wm. Daniels and family, who make mu- brethren present be invited to participate in all dained as deacon of the Trinity Episcopal church in
church at Alma, Gratiot Co. This church was sic teaching a business, volunteered to assist San Francisco. He now takes the name of Walter
the deliberations of the meeting. A motion was C. Young, wears his hair short, and wears an Amer-
without an elder, the former elder having during the tent-meeting : so we have had an made and carried that the president appoint the
moved away. Eld. Van Deusen spoke on the ican costume. This is probably the first case of
excellent choir. I am more and more impressed committees. Chinaman being admitted to orders in the church,.
coming of the Lord, after which we enjoyed a with the value of good singing as an aid in our Committee on nominations, D. P. Curtis,
good social meeting. Following this an elder work, The tent will remain here some weeks David Alway, and A. H. Vankirk ; on resolu- —HONG KONG, June 29.—General Grant was
and deacon were chosen and ordained. The longer, then it will be pitched near by, and the tions, H. W. Babcock, W. C. White, and I. Z. greeted at Tientsin by an address from the foreign
church seemed to be of good courage. work will be continued. Lamb. residents, delivered by the Chairman of the Munici-
I spent Sabbath, the 28th, with the church at Monday we went about twenty miles to Ham- pal Council. On May 80 a grand banquet was ten-
SECOND MEETING, June 22, 5 o'clock P. M.
Mount Pleasant. Bro. L. A. Kellogg has la- ler, and met with the church there, where we dered him by the Chinese authorities, at the princi-
bored here for a year or more, as the result of The committee on nominations reported as fol- pal native temple. The Viceroy of Chihili, Com-
found a good little company, who have also lows : For president, W. B. Hill ; secretary, L. mander-in-Chief and Grand Secretary, Li Hung
which there are forty or fifty Sabbath-keepers commenced to build a house of worship. A lit- A. Curtis ; executive board, David Alway, My- Chang, presided. No such attentions were ever be-
in this vicinity. Here all seem to be in earliest, tle misunderstanding had arisen among them,
and determined to go through. ron Winchell. The nominees were voted on fore bestowed upon any foreigner.
which was readily settled, and the brethren will separately, and all duly elected.
July 5, met with the church at Lyons. Had proceed rapidly with the work of building. We The committee on resolutions presented the —DR. J. L. PICKARD is not a minister ; he is
a good Sabbath-school. One was baptized, and Shall have three or four new churches to be ded- president of a non-sectarian State College, the Iowa.
following for consideration :— State University, and his " baccalaureate address"
the ordinances were celebrated. This church is icated this fall in Ohio. Thank God for these
trying to hold up the standard of truth. tokens of success. At this meeting Bro. Ro- Resolved, 1. That we regard the Sabbath-school has no text, but as printed in one of the Iowa pa-
July 12, attended the district quarterly meet- as an indispensable means of grace to all the pers, we find it to be a remarkably spiritual, strong,
dolph Fisher was ordained elder of the Homier churches.
ing at Bushnell. Bro. Bell was present, and church. tender, and impressive gospel sermon. The strong
2. That we recommead to all isolated Sabbath- men of the day, he affirms, are those who have
occupied the most of the time in the interest of I am now in Toledo, looking after a few Sab- keeping families that they have family Sabbath-
the Sabbath-school. It being in the midst of sought and discovered a foundation for their faith.
bath-keepers here. D. M. CANRIGHT. schools, and that the parents of these families " To let down an anchor into the hold of a vessel
harvest, the meeting did not continue over first do all they can to encourage their children and during the raging of a tempest, rather than into the
day, as appointed. At the close of the Sabbath other members of their households in the Sabbath- bed of the ocean, would be wisdom, compared with
we repaired to a beautiful lake and baptized six. FROM LIBERTY CENTER, OHIO. school work. the conduct of that man who finds nothing worthy
We can truly say that we had the best of the IN the Democratic Northwest of July 10, we 3. That we recommend to all the scattered Sab- his assent outside of himself, and is anchored to
wine at the last of the feast. J. FARGO. bath keepers that they occupy a portion of each Sab- bundle of negations within his narrow and weakened
find a good article from a leading man of Liberty bath in the study of the lessons published in the In- soul."
Center, concerning our work. There are some structor and the Supplement.
OHIO. important principles stated, which all should 4 That we recommend the adoption of the plan of
Appleton, July 14.—We have held six read. D. M. CANRIGHT. weekly penny contributions by all the Sabbath-
services, with an increasing congregation. At The Seventh-day Adventists pitched their 5. That one-tenth of the sum so raised in each
least -,-e hundred attended our last meeting. tent in our village a few weeks ago, since which school be forwarded quarterly to the State S. S. " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from hence-
time they have been delivering a series of dis- secretary, to defray the expenses of the association. forth " Rev. 14:53.
.. nude church of seven are very much encour- courses to those who have favored them with 6. That we recommend that each school provide
aged, and, with us, expect that their numbers their presence. Unlike the common custom, itself, as soon as possible, with the book entitled KILBOURN.—Died of consumption, at Burlingame,
will be increased. Since our visit with diem they have asked no contributions from their " Bible Lessons for Little Ones," and the weekly Osage Co , Kansas, Feb. 27, 1879, Mrs. Kate Kil-
last January, they have had their regular Sab- audiences on any occasion, so that our people Instructor. bourn , aged 33 years and 3 months. In the spring
bath-school and meetings, and •have faithfially have no chance of charging them with being a 7. That we recommend that each school procure of 1874, while at Walla Walla, W. T., she "mhraced
laid by their tithes. We are in the midst of a lot of money grabbers, going from place to place, and use the Teachers' Class Record and the School present truth under the labors of Eld. Van Horn.
good country. We hope to see every Sabbath- lining their pockets with the people's subsistence Record, also Colton's Sunday school maps of Pales- She was afterward deprived of the society of Sab-
keeper in this district at our canvemeeting. If and hard earnings, and departing leaving no tine and of the journeyings of the children of Israel bath keepers for over four years, but remained true
you have not already commenced to make prep- equivalent. On the contrary they pay their 8. That we recommend that the president of the S. S. to her religion. and endeavored to instruct her chil-
association hold at, least one general meeting during dren in the truths of the Bible. Her husband and
arations, begin now. A. 0. BERRILL. own expenses, and tarry with those who extend
the year in each T. and M. diArict in the State, for three children are now with the church at State
the courtesy to invite them to do so : and when the purpose of raising the interest in the Sabbath- Center,
they take their departure, we think our town school work, and giving instruction in all its their loved Iowa. They are trying to live so as to meet
Bedford.—Our tent-meeting in this place will be financially, and we trust morally, ben- one beyond the trials of this life.
is closed. A few have taken their stand for branches. MRS. G. V, KIIGORE.
efited : for it is due to say ( from the view 9. And it is the opinion of your committee that
the truth, and others admit their duty to obey of an outsider) that their conduct during their the interests of the Sabbath school are of such im-
it. Among these is a highly educated lady of stay, both in and out of the church hours, has portance as to demand the labors of the president of P.EDDINGTON.—Died of inflammation of the bowels,
German birth, the daughter of a lord, who also elicited many comments of praise from un- the association, or of some other competent Sabbath- July 1, 1879, in Charlotte, Eaton Co. Mich., William
biased minds, who deem the cause which they are school worker, during a large portion of the year. Reddington, aged 18 years. Through the faitbfel ef-
married a lord. She is a doctress of many years
practice, and is capable of speaking seven differ- promulgating worthy of candid investigation Whereas, The unity of action and the efficiency of' forts of his mother and sister, William gave his heart
ent languages. She has been a life-long skep- from the different standpoints, rejecting no tes- our teachers and officers may be greatly increased to God last January. The day before he was taken
timony that throws new light upon the merits by frequent consultation, therefore sick the family at whose house he was staying were
tic or Universalist, but now most deeply feels Resolved, 1. That we recommend to each school the away from home ; and on returning they found him
and truth of the case, that the jury (the people)
the need of help from God, and an abiding trust holding of a teachers' meeting on the fourth Sabbath in deep exercise of mind. He told them he was so
in him. She was charmed by the harmony and may arrive at the most intelligent and correct
conclusions. in each month, after the regular services of the day burdened in his mind that he had spent most of the
beauty of the Holy Scriptures as presented in are over. day in prayer, and felt that the Lord had greatly
the tent, and now feels that they contain eenae- We ask, Who can expect to advance in truth
and knowledge upon any subject, that only 2. That we believe the practice of frequent chang- blessed him. His mother and sister, living thirty
thing for her. ing of officers and teachers is detrimental to the in- miles distant, were apprised of his illness ; but the
Our quarterly meeting, July 12, listen to one side of the case, and close their former being too feeble to visit him, his sister hast-
wee. ex- terests of any school.
ears and shut their eyes to the other ? What
cellent. Two intelligent young ladies (school- would be the universal verdict of our people A motion was made that these resolutions be ened to his bedside, and for two weeks faithfully
teachers) from Peninsula, took a decided stand acted upon separately. Carried. watched over him until his death. He patiently 9n-
if the jury in our court of Common Pleas
'for the truth.
should listen to one side of a case and retire to After being thoroughly discussed by W. C. dured intense suffering, and often expressed perfect
We expect to pitch our tent in Solon, 'five resignation to the will of God. His remains were
their room and make up their verdict, refusing White, D. P. Curtis, W. B. Hill, H. W. Bab- brought to Ceresco, and funeral services were held in
miles from this place. cock, A. H. Vankirk, and others, they were all the Congregational house of worship. We spoke
R. A. UNDERWOOD, to listen to further testimony. Do not some of
our people see that they are standing exactly in unanimously adopted. briefly from 1 Thess. 4: 18. J. BYINGTON.
J. C. BARTLETT. this position, in refusing to listen, and appar- THIRD MEETING convened June 23, 11:30 A. M.
ently, (to an outsider) using every effort at their A short time was devoted to asking and answer- Ftme —Died, near Humboldt, Neb., Feb. 6, 1879,
Liberty Center and Hamler. — Tuesday, command to prevent others from doing so, or ing questions in regard to. S. S. work. This ex- Mary, wife of A. J. Plum. Bro. and Sr. Flum were
July 8, I came to Liberty Center, and foirnd the bracing their minds by the most powerful exhort- ercise was conducted by W. C. White. members of the Baptist church until less than a
ations to resist convictions forced upon them It was proposed to raise a fund for the S. S. year before her death, when the light• of the third
brethren having the largest interest we have association, Accordingly, a contribution was angel's message shone upon their pathway, and to-
by listening to the different philosophical ex-
had in Ohio for many years. About a dozen poundings of Scripture. taken up, which resulted in the collection of gether they received and walked in this light. Sr.
had been keeping the Sabbath here for n few If these Advent ministers are preaching an $14,77, which was placed in the hands of the F. now rests in hope, while her husband has the
years, though unorganiaed and in a poor condi- erroneous doctrine clearly contrary to Bible secretary to defray the expenses of the associa- solemn responsibility of instructing seven children
tion, We gave Bro. O. F. Guilford a forty- teach*, it would be a strengthening pillar to tion. in the way of truth and virtue. May the Lord help
foot tent, and he with Brn. Bigelow and Hussey the other churches of our town to urge their Meeting adjourned sine him to discharge this duty faithfully. Funeral die-
came here designing only to remain abont two members forward to listen, that they might W. B. HILT., Pres. course by the writer, from Job 14: 14.
weeks to help the brethren. But from the first see in the clearest light the falsity of their doe- L. A. CunTis, See. CHAS. L. BOYD.
40 THE REVIEW AND HERALD, [Vol. 54, No. 5.

this camp-meeting is held, and also those who name of H. W. Babcock should have appeared
buirut 41/4, Ifra can conveniently come from other sections. The
objects and aims of the Sabbath-school will be
cause of present truth in this province is
as chairman of the committee on licenses, in-
stead of appearing as one of the licentiates ; and
comparatively young ; yet its adherents and
Battle Creek, Mich., Fifth-Day, July 24, 1a79, discussed, also the best plans for teaching and
friends here think that they should have a camp-
the name M. J. Spicer, should have been M. S.
learning the lessons. Spicer.
meeting this season. I have for some time
DAKOTA SABBATH-SCHOOL. Sabbath morning, at 8 : 45, a model Sabbath-
been strongly impressed that such a meeting,
school will be held, in which all present will be
IT was our pleasure to witness the Sabbath- expected to take part. The lessons for Divisions
attended by the blessing of God and the lead- ppriiithatluf,
school organized under the Dakota tent at the ings of his Spirit, would be productive of great
Two, Three, and Four, will be those in the In-
camp-meeting, Sabbath, July 12. Elder Whit- good. "And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is
structor and Lesson Sheet for the first Sabbath at hand."Man. : 7.
ney had charge of the school. There were eight The way has opened very favorably to hold
in August. The First or Infant Division will
classes in English. For want of teachers there the meeting at Magog, which would be a central
recite Lesson 31, " Jacob Leaves Home," in Bi- MICHIGAN CAMP-MEETING.
were but two classes in the Danish language. place for our brethren in these townships.
ble Lessons for Little Ones.
These were very large, as there were many Those who wish to prepare themselves on Our request is before Eld. G. I. Butler, to have CAMP-MEETING in the vicinity of Eaton Rapids,
more adults in this branch of the school than in the meeting held a little past the middle of Mich., July 31 to August 4. This meeting is de-
these lessons, who do not take the Instructor, signed for the special benefit of the brethren in
the English branch. should at once write to this Office, inclosing a August, and he has appointed for Aug. 21-26. Monroe, Lenawee, Hillsdale, Jackson, Washtenaw,
The exercises of the school were opened by three-cent stamp, and the papers containing the Think we can easily secure reduced rates on the Clinton, Eaton, Ingham, Shiawassee, and Livingston
singing the appropriate prayer from the Song railroad, boat, and stage. Eld. D. M. Canright will attend this
lessons for that day will be sent by return mail. meeting.
Anchor, "God bless our Sabbath-school." Then Parents, come to this camp-meeting, and bring We desire to act in harmony with the advice The above counties embrace Sections 1 and 5.
prayer by the writer, and singing again from your children. Get your neighbors to attend, of the General Conference Committee in this We hope the ministers who have charge of these sec-
the Anchor, " Blessed are they that Do His arrangement. In order to have means to make tions will do all they can to secure a general attend-
and come with a heart to work for a new conver- ance, and try in every possible way to make the
Commandments." sion, and the conversion of your children and it a success, we suspend holding tent-meetings meeting a success.
After a few remarks by the writer, the happy friends. W. C. WHITE. this season, to prepare for our camp-meeting. We expect to hold three or four meetings of this
buzz of English and Danish commenced in good It is hoped that every brother and sister in this kind this season, in different parts of the State.
earnest, while the varied notes of a hundred province will arrange to come up to the feast, By so doing all can attend without going so great
MICHIGAN CAMP-MEETING. distance from home. Brethren, do not fail to attend
songsters of the morning made our grove tem- and will encourage their friends to come also. these meetings. Come prepared as far as possible
ple a delightful scene of pure worship to the Tills week appears the notice for the last time It would be cheering to all if Bro. and Sr. to care for yourselves.
Lord of the Sabbath. Then followed that sweet of the Eaton Rapids, Mich., camp-meeting. It White could attend our camp-meeting. The J. FARGO, Pres. Mich. Conf.
song, " Whiter than Snow." And after general has been stated as designed for Sections 1 and 5. brethren in Vermont are cordially invited to
questions by Bro. Biggs, the person who should But it is not designed alone for them. Other come ; also the friends in Ontario and elsewhere S. S. MEETING, POTTERVILLE, MICH.
answer being called by Elder Whitney, Mrs. meetings that may be held in this State, will who can possibly attend. Bring as many tents IN connection with the district quarterly meeting
W. made appropriate and forcible remarks. not be held in places to accommodate our peo- as possible. A. C. BOURDEAU. at Potterville, July 26, 27, there will be a general
Thus closed the Dakota camp-meeting Sabbath- ple anywhere in this section. Brethren every- Signs of the Times please copy. meeting of the Sabbath-schools in that district.
where in the State, especially within reasonable Elder E. R. Jones, Bro Bell, and others from
school. r. W. Battle Creek, will attend.
distance of Eaton Rapids, should therefore avail We urgently invite the brethren and sisters from
TO THE PA. S. S. ASSOCIATION. the neighboring churches to attend with their chil-
Agr' The Alliance of July 5, 1879, has this themselves of the opportunities of this meeting,
and be present. MANY are asking us what they shall do with dren. Come prepared to stay till the meeting is
note on the threatening aspect of American So- their contributions. We answer, Donate one- done.
cialism Everything possible will be done to make the The subjects considered at this meeting are so
tenth to the State Association ; then pay for different from those to be taken up in the S. S.
"But the labor question presses. Every day meeting one of great interest and profit. And
your Records, both of which send to the State meetings at the camp-meeting, that no one need stay
brings us nearer to a crisis. Socialism in its with the S. S. work, T. and M. and other im-
secretary, Mrs. F. C. Oviatt, Wellsville, New away for fear of hearing the same thing twice. A
American shape is aggressive—it has fangs. portant matters to come up, this will be accom- portion of the time will be devoted to a Normal
York ; and use the balance as the best interest
There are twenty thousand Socialists in Chicago plished. Elders Canright, Littlejohn, Jones, Class Exercise, consisting of practical instruction to
Miller, Fargo, Smith, Prof. Brownsberger, and of your school demands. teachers. Sabbath-school at 10 o'clock Sabbath
alone. There is at least one regiment of drilled Read all circular letters and the Instructors morning. W. C. WHITE.
men among, them, and the well-informed say others will be present. Let us have a grand
carefully, after which put them away for refer-
that the armed Socialists in Chicago outnumber rally. MICH. CONF. COMMITTEE. ALBION, Nebraska, Aug. 2, 3.
ence ; also correspond with the State secretary. Raeville, "
the militia. The State Legislature has just By this means you may keep posted in regard to Halifax, " 16, 17.
passed a law which, properly enforced, will pre- MICHIGAN, SECTION NO. I. the work. To the scattered friends in this section I wish to
vent the Socialists from parading with arms To the T. and M. directors we would say, As say, We are aware of the fact that all would like to
again. Their fire-brand speakers have hurled DEAR BRETHREN : We did expect that there have meetings in their own neighborhood ; but there
would be a general meeting held in your section our time must now be occupied in tent labor, are so many urgent calls, and so few ministers, that
defiance at the law in incendiary speeches. we wish you to take especial interest in the S. it is impossible to respond to all the requests for la-
Whether their companies will do so openly, re- of the State, but upon further consideration it bor. Our visits cannot be frequent, and they must
has been decided that this is not practicable. S. work. This is an important branch of the
mains to be seen. But whether they do so or necessarily be brief. I am anxious to meet as many
The next best thing has been resorted to, that work of God, and the Lord will bless us in do- as possible at these meetings, and extend a cordial
not, a collision between labor and law cannot ing all on our part. D. B. OVIATT, Pres. invitation to all to come. There will be opportu-
long be delayed in this land of too much liberty." of holding a camp-meeting at Eaton Rapids, nity for baptism at each place ; and, if practicable,
July 31 to Aug. 4, for the benefit of Sections churches will be organized at Albion and Halifax.
One and Five. Every company of Sabbath- AN EIGHT WEEKS' DRILL FOR CHAS. L. BOYD.
AND the fourth of July has been celebrated keepers in these sections should be well repre-
by American residents in every land, who have TEACHERS. JEFFERSON, Mich., July 24, 7:30 P. H.
sented at this meeting. Especially should thole
remembered the day we celebrate, with an ever listis heading is the title of a circular just is- Ransom Center, " 26, 11 A. H.
who have not the privilege of meeting with Hillsdale, " 27, 7:30 P. H.
-deepening conviction that, the round world their brethren each week avail themselves of sukar to announce a special drill in the Common
We desire a full attendance at these meetings.
over, God hath not dealt with any other nation this opportunity. Will the brethren of Section Branches for the benefit of those who expect to M. B. MILLER.
so graciously as he hath with our own. —As/ranee. One show their interest in the meeting by at- engage in teaching this fall. It will begin at
Why the opening of Battle Creek College, Aug. 20, I WILL meet with the church in Spring Arbor,
tending, and bringing their children and friends J. BYINGTON.
with them ? Come praying that God will bless and continue the first term. It will include,- July 26.
1. A Review of the Common Branches.
EASTERN CAMP-MEETINGS. both ministers and people, and baptize us all
2. Instruction in the Best Methods of Teach-
AT the special session of the General Confer- afresh with the spirit of the third angel's mes-
ing them.
ence last spring it was suggested that I should sage. M. B. MILLER.
3. Instruction in General School Manage- " Not slothful in business." Rom. xe : is.
attend camp-meetings in New England, Maine, ment.
and Vermont, this fall, and also hold a meeting SABBATH-SCHOOLS IN OHIO. This work will be nearly equally distributed tar. Notice of expiration of subscription will be given by
or two in Canada if possible. After receiving among six of the Professors. special stamp on the margin of the paper. We should be
suggestions from the presidents of these Newark and Waterford.—We had a pleas- pleased to receive your renewal at once.
Send for the circular. Address, Battle Creek Holm—The change of figures on the address labels will be
Conferences, I appoint the time as follows :— ant time with the Sabbath-school at Newark. In all cases a sufficient receipt for money sent for the paper,
College, Battle Creek, Mich.
They enlarged their Instructor club list with the If these changes do not in due time appear, and if books or-
Camp-meeting in Canada where Bro. A. C. dered by mail are not received, notice should be given. All
Bourdeau may appoint, August 21-26. intention of using the papers in inducing chil- other business is acknowledged below.
In Massachusetts, Aug. 27 to Sept. 2. dren to attend the school. This is what all our A NEW DISEASE.
Sept. 4-9. schools should do. Do not say that it is of no —NEW Yonx, July 14.—The Sun says that during THE address of I. and H. T. II. Sanborn, until fur-
Vermont, Sept. 11-16. use before you try. We offered the Instructor the past week a novel and singular disease has man- ther Va.
notice, will be Quicksburgh, Shenandoah Co„
I expect to attend all these meetings. Bro. to some of the children in Newark, if they ifested itself among the girls employed in Lorillard's WANTED.—A place to work or to learn a trade, by a;.
and Sr. White will most likely attend some of would come to our Sabbath-school ; and all said tobacco factory, Jersey City. On Wednesday last boy 17 years of age, who is a Sabbath-keeper. , Ad-
dress, by letter, H. E. Stevens, Leota, Nobles Co.,..
them. The places where these meetings will be they would come. Do not pick for the rich, Mary Horsey, aged 19, who was working in the
but for the poor, to attend,—those who are not straining department, complained of a terrible pain
held should be announced at once by the Con-
ference Committee of each Conference. If not able to dress fine enough to attend Sunday in her side. She fell to the floor unconscious, and
was carried to her home in an ambulance. Here
Books Sent by _Express.

school. Their souls are of no less value than she was seized with violent convulsions, and while T Z Andrews $4.00.
called away to other labors I shall probably Books Sent by Freight,
hold several meetings at important points in the rich. these attacks lasted the combined strength of four
The superintendent of this school lives nine men was required to hold her. Thirty of the girls Wm Kerr $21.25, Wm Covert 21.58.
these Conferences. The time and place of these are sick now. A report that they were at work on Cask Beo,e1 on ACCOUnt,
can be arranged at the camp-meetings. miles from the church ; but he never fails to be tobacco stored in New Orleans last summer, and
there on time for Sabbath-school. The super- which contained germs of the disease, created great Fund James Sawyer $1.00, Isaac Sanborn 3.18, Ind Co .
We hope to have a general attendance at per S Lane 27.97, Ind Tent Fund per Si
these meetings, and trust that God will greatly intendent is a thermometer for the school. We excitement. Physicians are giving the case special Lane 5.00, L N Miller 7.42, G S S Association per Eli
bless his work. Geo. I. BUTLER. can sound him, and tell what his school is before study. Frost 25c.
_Danzish Mission.
we see it.
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. NOTICE. P C Adamson $8.00, Carl Larson 50c, Anne Ander"
The school at Waterford is in a flourishing • son 50c, Peter Hanson 15.00, N Hanson 10,00, J F Hate
condition. We conversed with the members, ANY one in Kansas wanting temperance son 5.25, Christian Johnson 15.00, Ole Jenson 5.00,
S. S. CONVENTION AND CAMP-MEET- John Lorntz 2.00, A sister 4.00, Jacobine 1.00,
and their talk about the Sabbath-school work pledges or copies of the constitution for local Peder Olsen 50c, A Caldrau 5.80, Julia A Burdoin 5.00,
ING SABBATH-SCHOOL. has the right ring to it. They are taking hold clubs, will write me at Mound City, Linn Co., Laura Burdoin 1.00, Frankie Burdoin 1.00, J F Bahler
THERE will be a quarterly convention of the
10.00, IC Jacobson 2.45, S H Rydmejer $5,00, A sista
of the work in earnest. They have raised $25.00 Kansas. J. LAMONT. 1.00.
Mich. S. S. Association held at Eaton Rapids, to supply their school with maps, Instructors, Gen. Con! Fund.
in connection with the camp-meeting, July 31 to etc. They are aiming to secure thoroughness It is said that mildew in tents may be pre- Ili Conf per J F Trovillo 474.35.
Aug. 4. Delegates' Certificates will not be in their recitations, and will, in the future, vented by first soaking the cloth an hour or two Mich. T. & IL Society.
called for, but all present will be invited to take make it their business to attend Sabbath-school in cold water, then boiling twenty or thirty Dist 13 per M F Mullen $24.40, Dist 15 per I
part in the meetings. Teachers and secretaries every Sabbath. Bro. Kaufman's family live minutes in soft water, the water being cold Veeder Moore 34.86, Dist 9 per D Malin 88.08, Dist 1 per C
19.90, Dist 11 per C N Stuttle 21.85, Dist 1
are requested to bring their Record Books ; for a thirteen miles from the church, and they attend when the cloth is put in. Rinse thoroughly in Reserve Fund, per C N S 6.00, Dist 8 per A E Turn
committee will be appointed to examine, them, 15.77, Dist 3 per H Miller 18.45.
Sabbath-school regularly. Brethren, write this the first water.
and to suggest any necessary improvement in in your diaries ; read it every Sabbath morning, _European Mission.

the manner of keeping them. CORRECTION. In report of Minnesota Confer- James Parks $5.00, Frank M Jones 10.00.
and three or four miles will not seem so far.
We hope to see all the offieers and teachers of English Mission.
" Where there's a will there's a way." ence given last week, it should have been eight- Frank M Jones $5.00, Alden Green per S N Haste
the schools in that section of the State Pori` which D. W. REAVIS. eenth annual session instead of eighth. The 10.00.

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