December 8, 2023 - Immaculate Conception

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Year 37 No.

24 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary December 8, 2023

Principal Patroness of the Philippines — White



by Ian Gabriel Ceblano, SSP

I t must be surprising, terrifying

even, to be tasked with a certain
humongous responsibility, a
today’s Gospel gives us a glimpse
at Mary’s devotion and loyalty to
God. But I believe this devotion is
blame and reprehension against
the serpent (First Reading), Mary’s
is obedience and trust in the Lord’s
responsibility you have no prior not the kind we see in renaissance will: with God, all is and will be
expectation, or experience, or paintings or in romanticized movies well. The road ahead may be filled
knowledge about. Just imagine the of Hollywood. We can imagine with adversity. The journey will be
terror of a high school student being Mary questioning and arguing with tough. There will be a lot of “but’s”
chosen as the CEO of Google, Meta, God, tooth and nail, as to why she and “if’s.” But in every crack and
or Tesla. Or a college seminarian is being chosen as the bearer of corner, in every high and low,
inheriting the problems and this too heavy a yoke. “Why me? for every laughter and tear, God
scandals in the Catholic Church Bakit ako?” she may very well ask. will be there with her, seeing her
by being elected as the Supreme And the question, “How can this through.
Pontiff. be, since I have no relations with a Sisters and brothers, we may be
These are quite outlandish man,” may be made from fear and literally forced before unwanted
possibilities, of course. But the frustration since the consequence of crossroads right now. And this may
intensity of the physical and a “fatherless/virgin pregnancy and be the fruit of our past choices, the
psychological strain on the young birth” in ancient Jewish society is consequence of our favorite sins,
Mary during the annunciation event death by stoning. or just a stroke of bad luck. God
must have been literally such— And what is God’s response is telling us today, us “who first
profoundly severe. And if the angel to Mary? God’s answer is an hoped in Christ” (Eph 1:12), “Anak,
Gabriel appeared to a Mary of today, assurance through the Holy Spirit, I know it’s tough. But we will see
we could only imagine the internal an assurance that has always been it through.” So, to you, kapatid,
curses and shrieks of horror at the there since the work of salvation who are doubting and hesitating to
realization that she would become began. For Mary this is enough. take the leap of faith, to you who
a mother—let alone, mother of the God’s assurance suffices. She is are anxious to commit, this is for
Messiah and mother of God. Takot fully aware that God is at work you. God loves and commits to you
na takot na nga tayo sa maliliit na here for she understands and sees before you can. And when God
commitment, sa responsibilidad God’s movement in their history commits, he commits all.
pa kayang apektado ang buong as a people, from Adam up to that Kapatid, ang Diyos, hindi ka
sangnilikha? fateful annunciation day. And far lang niya sasaluhin. Sasamahan ka
The annunciation narrative in different from Eve’s response of pa niya.
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria asked him, “Where are you?”
He answered, “I heard you in
All — Glory to God in the
the garden; but I was afraid,
Entrance Antiphon (Is 61:10) highest, and on earth peace to
because I was naked, so I hid
(Recited when there is no opening song.) people of good will. We praise
myself.” Then he asked, “Who
you, we bless you, we adore
I rejoice heartily in the Lord, told you that you were naked?
you, we glorify you, we give
in my God is the joy of my soul; You have eaten, then, from the
you thanks for your great glory,
for he has clothed me with a tree of which I had forbidden
Lord God, heavenly King, O
robe of salvation, and wrapped you to eat!” The man replied,
God, almighty Father. Lord
me in a mantle of justice, like a “The woman whom you put
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
bride adorned with her jewels. here with me—she gave me
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
fruit from the tree, and so I ate
Son of the Father, you take
Greeting it.” The LORD God then asked
away the sins of the world,
(The sign of the cross is made here.) the woman, “Why did you
have mercy on us; you take
do such a thing?” The woman
away the sins of the world,
P—The Lord be with you. answered, “The serpent tricked
receive our prayer; you are
All—And with your spirit. me into it, so I ate it.”
seated at the right hand of
Then the LORD God said
the Father, have mercy on us.
Introduction to the serpent: “Because you
(These [or similar words] may be For you alone are the Holy
have done this, you shall be
used to address the assembly.) One, you alone are the Lord,
banned from all the animals
you alone are the Most High,
and from all the wild creatures;
P—In the midst of our Advent Jesus Christ, with the Holy
on your belly shall you crawl,
preparation for the birth of Jesus, Spirit, in the glory of God the
and dirt shall you eat all the
we celebrate the Solemnity of Father. Amen.
days of your life. I will put
the Immaculate Conception Collect enmity between you and the
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, woman, and between your
principal patroness of the P—Let us pray. (Pause) offspring and hers; he will
Philippines. We focus our eyes O God, who by the strike at your head, while you
on Mary, the woman God has Immaculate Conception of strike at his heel.”
chosen to be the mother of the Blessed Virgin prepared The man called his wife
the Savior. a worthy dwelling for your Eve, because she became the
As Mary lived up to her Son, grant, we pray, that as mother of all the living.
Immaculate Conception, you preserved her from every —The word of the Lord.
listening to the word of God stain by virtue of the Death of All—Thanks be to God.
and keeping it, so we are your Son, which you foresaw,
challenged to continue living so, through her intercession,
we, too, may be cleansed and
Responsorial Psalm (Ps 98)
up to that privilege given to
her for our sake. admitted to your presence.
Through our Lord Jesus R—Sing to the Lord a new song,
Christ, your Son, who lives for he has done marvelous
Penitential Act deeds.
and reigns with you in the
P —Brethren (brothers and unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
for ever and ever. 1. Sing to the LORD a new
sisters), let us acknowledge song,/ for he has done
our sins, and so prepare All—Amen.
wondrous deeds;/ His right
ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mysteries. (Pause) THE LITURGY hand has won victory for him,/
OF THE WORD his holy arm. (R)
P—You were sent to heal the
contrite of heart: Lord, have First Reading (Gn 3:9–15, 20) 2. The LORD has made his
mercy. (Sit) salvation known:/ in the
All—Lord, have mercy. sight of the nations he has
By succumbing to the temptation revealed his justice./ He has
P—You came to call sinners: of the serpent which symbolizes remembered his kindness and
Christ, have mercy. evil, Adam and Eve bring their his faithfulness/ toward the
All—Christ, have mercy. descendants out of God’s grace. house of Israel.(R)
Still, the Lord does not abandon
P — You are seated at the humankind: a new Eve will 3. All the ends of the earth
right hand of the Father to bring forth an offspring who will have seen/ the salvation by
intercede for us: Lord, have overcome evil. our God./ Sing joyfully to the
mercy. LORD, all you lands;/ break
All—Lord, have mercy. A reading from the Book of into song; sing praise.(R)
P—May almighty God Genesis
have mercy on us, forgive Second Reading
us our sins, and bring us to (Eph 1:3–6, 11–12)
AFTER THE MAN, Adam, had
everlasting life. eaten of the tree, the LORD Paul speaks of how God chose
All—Amen. God called to the man and his holy ones in Christ before
the foundation of the world. The will be called Son of the Most his kingdom will have no end.
apostle pictures for us how God High, and the Lord God will I believe in the Holy Spirit,
prepared Mary for her role as give him the throne of David the Lord, the giver of life, who
mother of the Savior. his father, and he will rule over proceeds from the Father and
the house of Jacob forever, the Son, who with the Father and
A reading from the Letter of and of his Kingdom there will the Son is adored and glorified,
Saint Paul to the Ephesians be no end.” But Mary said to who has spoken through the
the angel, “How can this be, prophets.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: since I have no relations with I believe in one, holy, catholic,
Blessed be the God and Father a man?” And the angel said to and apostolic Church. I confess
of our Lord Jesus Christ, who her in reply, “The Holy Spirit one Baptism for the forgiveness
has blessed us in Christ with will come upon you, and the of sins and I look forward to the
every spiritual blessing in the power of the Most High will resurrection of the dead and the
heavens, as he chose us in him, overshadow you. Therefore life of the world to come. Amen.
before the foundation of the the child to be born will be
world, to be holy and without called holy, the Son of God. Prayer of the Faithful
blemish before him. In love And behold, Elizabeth, your
he destined us for adoption to relative, has also conceived a
himself through Jesus Christ, P —Let us praise God, our
son in her old age, and this is almighty Father, who wished
in accord with the favor of his the sixth month for her who
will, for the praise of the glory that Mary, his Son’s mother, be
was called barren; for nothing celebrated by each generation.
of his grace that he granted us will be impossible for God.”
in the beloved. In our great need, we ask:
Mary said, “Behold, I am the
In him we were also chosen, handmaid of the Lord. May it
destined in accord with the R —Faithful Father, help us
be done to me according to remain faithful to you.
purpose of the One who your word.” Then the angel
accomplishes all things departed from her.
according to the intention of C—May Mary, the Immaculate
his will, so that we might exist —The Gospel of the Lord Mother, intercede for the
for the praise of his glory, we All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christian people, so that they
who first hoped in Christ. Christ. may go forward in hope, relying
—The word of the Lord. on the help of Christ. We pray:
All—Thanks be to God. Homily (Sit) (R)
C—May the Filipino nation
Alleluia (Lk 1:28) never grow weary of invoking
Profession of Faith (Stand) the Blessed Mother and always
All — Alleluia, alleluia. Hail, find refuge under her maternal
Mary, full of grace, the Lord All—I believe in one God, the protection. We pray: (R)
is with you; blessed are you Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible C —May all who are facing
among women. Alleluia, trials, sufferings, and difficulties
alleluia. and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus feel Mary’s motherly love. We
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of pray: (R)
Gospel (Cf. Lk 1:26–38)
God, born of the Father before C—May our Christian families
P—A reading from the holy all ages. God from God, Light and communities be centers of
Gospel according to Luke from Light, true God from joy and mutual support and be
All—Glory to you, O Lord. true God, begotten, not made, protectors of life from concep-
consubstantial with the Father; tion to old age. We pray: (R)
THE ANGEL GABRIEL was sent through him all things were C—May all of us find in Mary
from God to a town of Galilee made. For us men and for our a model of prayer, service, and
called Nazareth, to a virgin salvation he came down from obedience to God’s will. May
betrothed to a man named heaven, (At the words that follow we listen to her as she points to
Joseph, of the house of David, up to and including and became Jesus and says, “Do whatever
and the virgin’s name was Mary. man, all bow.) and by the Holy he tells you.” We pray: (R)
And coming to her, he said, Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin
“Hail, full of grace! The Lord is Mary, and became man. C—May the Lord welcome to
with you.” But she was greatly For our sake he was crucified the joy of Paradise those who
troubled at what was said and u n d e r Po n t i u s P i l a t e , h e have gone ahead of us. We
pondered what sort of greeting suffered death and was buried, pray: (R)
this might be. Then the angel and rose again on the third C—Let us pray for the urgent
said to her, “Do not be afraid, day in accordance with the concerns of our community
Mary, for you have found favor Scriptures. He ascended into and our personal intentions
with God. Behold, you will heaven and is seated at the (pause). We pray: (R)
conceive in your womb and right hand of the Father. He will
bear a son, and you shall name come again in glory to judge P—Father, as we rejoice in the
him Jesus. He will be great and the living and the dead and privilege of Mary’s Immaculate
Conception. May we ourselves was to bring forth a Son, the May the Sacrament we have
come to you, cleansed of all innocent Lamb who would received, O Lord our God, heal
sin. wipe away our offenses; you in us the wounds of that fault
We make our prayer through placed her above all others from which in a singular way
Christ our Lord. to be for your people an you preserved Blessed Mary in
All—Amen. advocate of grace and a model her Immaculate Conception.
of holiness. Through Christ our Lord.
THE LITURGY OF And so, in company with All—Amen.
THE EUCHARIST the choirs of Angels, we praise THE CONCLUDING RITES
you, and with joy we proclaim:
Presentation of the Gifts (Stand) All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord P—The Lord be with you.
P—Pray, brethren… God of hosts. Heaven and All—And with your spirit.
All—May the Lord accept the earth are full of your glory.
sacrifice at your hands for the Hosanna in the highest. Solemn Blessing
praise and glory of his name, Blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord. Hosanna P—Bow down for the blessing.
for our good and the good of
in the highest. (Kneel) (Pause)
all his holy Church.
May God, who through the
Prayer over the Offerings Acclamation (Stand) childbearing of the Blessed
Virgin Mary willed in his great
P —Graciously accept the All—When we eat this Bread kindness to redeem the human
saving sacrifice which we offer and drink this Cup, we race, be pleased to enrich you
you, O Lord, on the Solemnity proclaim your Death, O Lord, with his blessing.
of the Immaculate Conception until you come again. All—Amen.
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and P—May you know always and
grant that, as we profess her, THE COMMUNION RITE everywhere the protection of
on account of your prevenient her, through whom you have
grace, to be untouched by The Lord’s Prayer been found worthy to receive
any stain of sin, so, through the author of life.
her intercession, we may be All—Our Father… All—Amen.
delivered from all our faults. P—Deliver us, Lord… P —M ay y o u , w h o h av e
Through Christ our Lord. All—For the kingdom, the devoutly gathered on this day,
All—Amen. power and the glory are yours carry away with you the gifts
now and forever. of spiritual joys and heavenly
Preface: The mystery of Mary rewards.
and the Church Invitation to Peace All—Amen.
Invitation to Communion P—And may the blessing of
P—The Lord be with you. (Kneel) almighty God, the Father, and
All—And with your spirit. the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
P—Lift up your hearts. P—Behold the Lamb of God, come down on you and remain
All—We lift them up to the Lord. behold him who takes away with you for ever.
P—Let us give thanks to the the sins of the world. Blessed All—Amen.
Lord our God. are those called to the supper
All—It is right and just. of the Lamb. Dismissal
All—Lord, I am not worthy
P—It is truly right and just, that you should enter under P—Go forth, the Mass is ended.
our duty and our salvation, my roof, but only say the All—Thanks be to God.
always and everywhere to give word and my soul shall be
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, healed.
almighty and eternal God. DO YOU WANT TO
For you preserved the Most Communion Antiphon SUBSCRIBE TO SAMBUHAY
Blessed Virgin Mary from all DIGITAL MISSALETTE?
stain of original sin, so that Glorious things are spoken
in her, endowed with the rich of you, O Mary, for from you
For inquries and orders:
fullness of your grace, you arose the sun of justice, Christ
might prepare a worthy Mother our God.
FB: Sambuhay Missalette
for your Son and signify the
beginning of the Church, his Prayer after Communion gmail: [email protected]
beautiful Bride without spot (Stand) Tel.: (02) 8895-9701
or wrinkle.
She, the most pure Virgin, P—Let us pray. (Pause)

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