Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal Details
Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal Details
Curriculum Vitae 1. Personal Details
1. Personal Details
2. Academic History
Degree Subject Institution/University Month & Year Class
Ph.D. Marine Annamalai University, Annamalainagar Nov 2013 Highly Commended
M.Sc. Applied Periyar University, Salem June 2009 I
B.Sc. Microbiology Periyar University, Salem June 2006 I
HSC Biology Tamil Nadu State Board, Chennai May 2003 I
SSLC General Studies Tamil Nadu State Board, Chennai May 2001 I
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
Luckow, Uttar Pradesh
Mizoram University, CSIR-Research Associate 25.04.2014 30.06.2015 Microbiological and Pharmacological
Aizawl, MZ applications of lichens
CSIR-National Botanical Project Assistant 15.04.2013 14.04.2014 Microbiology and Pharmacology of
Research Institute, lichens (Fungi).
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Annamalai University, Project Fellow 01.04.2010 31.03.2012 Trash fish utilization and its
Chidambaram biotechnology applications
i. Summer Training Programme on Immunology and Serology at Mritasanjeevini Labs Pvt Ltd,
Coimbatore, May 2005.
ii. Sixth All India Summer Research Training Programme on Molecular Techniques held at
Sengunthar Arts and science college, Tiruchengode during 19 May - 2 June 2008.
iii. International training course on “Mangrove Biodiversity and Ecosystems” organized by UNU-
INWEH, Canada and Annamalai University during October 5-19, 2011.
iv. National level workshop on “Marine corrosion and Surface Engineering” held at CAS in Marine
Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai during 24-26, November, 2011).
vii. Pre-conference workshop on “Taxonomy of Fungi” sponsored by MHRD, New Delhi held at CAS in
Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai during February 25-26, 2014.
viii. State level hands-on workshop in “Biostatistics using Sigma Plot” organized by Bioinformatics
Infrastructure Facility, Mizoram University during June 27, 2014.
xi. Science Academies’ Lecture Workshop organized by National Academy of Sciences India at
Mizoram University during October 14-15, 2014.
xii. Training on “Statistical Basics and their Applications to Ecology using ‘R’ Software (with
emphasis on Wetland Ecosystems) organized by Gujarat Forest Department and Gujarat
Ecological Education and Research Foundation, Gandhinagar during March 17-18, 2017.
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
xiii. National workshop on “Coral Reef Ecosystem of West Coast of India: Current Status and Way
Forward” organized by Zoological Survey of India, Government of India during July 12-14, 2017.
5. Teaching Experience:
Part time classes conducted to the students of M.Sc. Environment Sciences and B.Sc. Environment and
Marine Sciences at KSKV Kachchh University and Government Science College, Mandvi respectively
between 2015 – 2017 during my tenure at Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology.
Ongoing Projects
Sr. Project Title Role Name of Duration
No. Funding (Years)
1. Marine Monitoring Studies at Crude Oil Co- ESSAR- 2015 - 2017
Terminal and SPM, BORL, Jamnagar, Gulf of Investigator VOTL
2. Marine Monitoring Studies at Vadinar Oil Co- Bharat 2015 – 2017
Terminal and SBM, Jamnagar, Gulf of Kachchh Investigator Oman Oil
3. Marine Ecological Impact Assessment in and Co- Kandla Port May 2017-May
around Kandla Port Investigator Trust 2018
4. Climate change adaptation for natural Co- NAFCC June 2017-May
resource dependent communities in Kachchh, Investigator 2020
Gujarat (Seaweed culture livelihood model for
150 families)
5. Climate change adaptation for natural Co- NAFCC June 2017-May
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
resource dependent communities in Kachchh, Investigator 2020
Gujarat (Polyculture livelihood model for 50
6. Polyculture-An Alternative Livelihood Option Co- APSEZL December 2016-
for Fisher Folks of Kachchh Coast: A Pilot Investigator November 2017
7. Fish cage culture as an alternative livelihood Co- MNP & GEC- December 2016-
model for coastal peoples of Jamnagar under Investigator ICZM November 2017
ICZM project – A Pilot Approach Project
8. Seaweed farming as an economically viable Co- GEC-ICZM December 2016-
livelihood model for coastal peoples of Investigator Project November 2017
Kachchh as pilot project under ICZM project
8. Primary Interests
Microbial Ecology, Mangrove Ecology, Lichen Biology, Mycology, Industrial Microbiology,
Aquaculture, Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
10. Patents:
Ch. V. Rao, D. K. Upreti, A.K.S. Rawat, B.N. Singh, S.S. Gupta, S.P. Singh, R. Bajpai, and A.R. Logesh.
Pharmaceutically viable nutritional composition rich in iron and calcium. Indian Patent (0203NF2015)
1. A.R. Logesh, D.K. Upreti, M. Kalaiselvam, S. Nayaka and K. Kathiresan. 2012. Lichen flora of
Pichavaram and Muthupet mangroves (Southeast Coast of India). Mycosphere 3(6): 884-888. (I.F.
= 0.654)
2. A.R. Logesh, K.A. Thillaimaharani, K. Sharmila, M. Kalaiselvam and S.M. Raffi. 2012. Production of
chitosan from endolichenic fungi isolated from mangrove environment and its antagonistic
activity. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, (2)2: 140-143. (I.F. = 0.531)
3. A.R. Logesh, M. Pravinkumar, S.M. Raffi and M. Kalaiselvam. 2012. An investigation on microbial
screening on salt dried marine fishes. Journal of Food Resource Science. 1(1): 15-21.
4. A.R. Logesh, M. Pravinkumar, S.M. Raffi and M. Kalaiselvam. 2012. Calcium and Phosphorus
determination in the bones of low value fishes, Sardinella longiceps Valenciennes and Trichiurus
savala Cuvier of Parangipettai, Southeast Coast of India. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Diseases.
Supplementary Issue: 254-256.
5. K.A. Thillaimaharani, A.R. Logesh, K. Sharmila, B. Kaja Magdoom and M. Kalaiselvam. 2012. Studies
on Alakaline protease production from Virgibacillus pantothenticus. Journal of Microbiology and
Antimicrobials. 4(5): 79-87.
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
6. K. Sharmila, K.A. Thillaimaharani, A.R. Logesh, A. Sathishkumar and M. Kalaiselvam. 2012.
Production of Cyclosporin-A by saprophytic filamentous fungus Fusarium oxysporum. International
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 44: 149-153. (I.F. 1.59)
7. A.R. Logesh, M. Kalaiselvam and D.K. Upreti. 2013. A new species of non-lichenized ascomata from
India. Mycosphere 4(1): 152-154. (I.F. = 0.654)
8. M. Chinlampianga, A. R. Logesh, Urvashi Dubey, Amritesh C. Shukla and Dalip K. Upreti. 2013. A
preliminary studies on lichen flora of Mizoram, North East India. Science and Technology Journal
1(1): 22-25.
9. A.R. Logesh, M. Kalaiselvam, D.K. Upreti, S. Nayaka and K. Kathiresan. 2013. Mangroves - An abode
for unique lichens. Coastal ecosystems of India, special publication, 39-44.
10. P. Srivastava, A.R. Logesh, D.K. Upreti, T.N. Dhole and A. Srivastava. 2013. In-vitro evaluation of
some Indian lichens against human pathogenic bacteria. Mycosphere 4(4): 734–743. (I.F. = 0.654)
11. Mohammed Arif, Manjoosha Srivastava, A.R. Logesh and Dalip K. Upreti. 2013. Lichens -
Secondary metabolites and their biological activities. Vigyanwani 19: 1-5.
12. A.R. Logesh, S. Joshi, K.K. Ingle and D. K. Upreti. 2014 – Some new additions to the lichen family
Roccellaceae (Arthoniales) from India. Tropical Plant Research. 1(1): 1-3.
13. A.R. Logesh, A.K. Upadhyay, S. Joshi, M. Kalaiselvam, D.K. Upreti and A.C. Shukla. 2014 – Lichen as
indicator of metal pollution in the vicinity of SIPCOT industries in Cuddalore, southeast coast of
India. Mycosphere 5(5) 681-687. (I.F. = 0.654)
14. M. Pravinkumar, A.R. Logesh, C. Viswanathan, V. Elumalai, S.M. Raffi and K. Kathiresan. 2014 –
Bioaccumulation of trace elements in fin and shell fishes of Uppanar and Vellar Estuaries at
Southeast coast of India. International Journal of Marine Science 4(41): 1-7.
15. M. Pravinkumar, A.R. Logesh, C. Viswanathan, G. Ponnusamy, V. Elumalai, S.M. Raffi and K.
Kathiresan. 2015 – Determination of heavy metals in low value food fish from commercial landing
centers (India) by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer International
Journal of Marine Science 5(15): 1-9.
16. A. R. Logesh, M. Chinlampianga, A.C.Shukla, D.K.Upreti. 2015 – Lichen flora of Mizoram, Northeast
India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. DOI:
10.1007/s40011-015-0592-z. (I.F. = 0.396)
Book Chapters
1. A. R. Logesh, M. Pravinkumar and S.M. Raffi. 2012. Fish Oil production from Oil Sardines. Training
Manual on Product Development through Sustainable Utilization of Bycatch Resources. Eds. SM
Raffi and S Bragadeeswaran. ISBN-978-81-922373-0-5. 22pp.
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
12. New Species Discovery (1)
Hysterographium palamalaiense Logesh, Kalaiselvam & Upreti.
Served as a Volunteer for 6th All India Summer Research Training Programme on Molecular
Techniques held at Sengunthar Arts and science college, Tiruchengode. (19 th May to 2nd June 2008).
Served as a Volunteer for UNU, INWEH, SACEP sponsored “International Training Course on
Mangrove Biodiversity and Ecosystems” organized at Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology,
Annamalai University during October 05-19, 2011.
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
Served as an organizing committee member in National Symposium on “Marine Bioresources and
Coastal Livelihoods” organized by Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology, Bhuj during March 4 & 5, 2015.
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae
16. Academic References
I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief.
Date: 10.02.2020
Logesh. A. R.
Logesh-Curriculum Vitae