Brochure IPR SEMINAR - 240315 - 122427

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Date:20thMarch, 2024

Organized by
Department of Silviculture&Agroforestry

Funded by
Council of Science and Technology,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

College of Horticulture and Forestry

AcharyaNarendra Deva University of Agriculture and
Technology, Kumarganj, Ayodhya-224 229, Uttar Pradesh, India
About the University innovations of individuals and organizations. In the
context of forestry and agriculture, where scientific
AcharyaNarendra Deva University of Agriculture advancements and technological breakthroughs are
& Technology (ANDUA&T) was established on essential for addressing the challenges of food
10th October 1975. It is named after a great leader, security, environmentalconservation, and
educationist, philosopher and great socialist, biodiversity protection, the seminar serves as a
AcharyaNarendra Deva. platform for knowledge exchange and
Theuniversity'sheadquarter is situated in collaboration. By exploring the potential
Kumarganj, 42 km from the Ayodhya (formerly applications of IPR in these sectors, stakeholders
Faizabad) district on the Ayodhya - Raebareli can identify and safeguard novel inventions, plant
highway. Out of the 1777 ha area, the infrastructure varieties, and genetic resources. Moreover, such a
spans 447 hectares and 1330 hectares are dedicated forum facilitates the dissemination of best
to research, farming, and other related activities. practices, encourages research partnerships, and
Initially, the University started with 20 departments enhances awareness among professionals,
under College of Agriculture. At present, it consists researchers, and policymakers. Ultimately, this
of seven colleges. Agriculture, Horticulture & seminar will contribute to the development of
Forestry, Veterinary Sciences and Animal human resources who will understand the values of
Husbandry, Fisheries, and Home Science are IPR and contribute to designing legal frameworks
located at Kumarganj, while,Mahamaya College of and for ethical innovation that will align with the
Agricultural Engineering & Technology is located principles of sustainability and ensure equitable
atAmbedkarNagar.These colleges offer access to resources in forestry and agriculture.
undergraduate,master’s, and doctoral degree Seminar Themes
programs. The teaching, research, and extension
operations of the university are spread in 27  Biodiversity Conservation and Intellectual
districts of Central and Eastern Uttar Pradesh Property Rights in Forestry: Challenges and
through its wings of 25 KrishiVigyan Kendra, 7 Opportunities
Zonal Research Stations, and 4  Role of Patents in Enhancing Agricultural
KrishiGyanKendras. Productivity
 Legal Frameworks for Protecting Traditional
About Council of Science and Technology, Uttar
Knowledge, Emerging Technologies and the
Pradesh (CST, U.P.)
Future of IPR in Forestry and Agriculture
Based on the recommendation of working group Sciences.
constituted by Government of Uttar Pradesh for  Global Perspectives on IPR in Agriculture and
development of science and technology, CST, U.P. Forestry: Comparative Analysis of Policies
was established by Uttar Pradesh State Council of  Farmers' Rights and IPR: Balancing Innovation
Scientific and Industrial Research on May 1, 1975 and Equity
with the Department of Science and Environment
for administrative support. This is an autonomous Course Fee
body registered under the Societies Registration There are limited seats for this awareness seminar.
Act 1860. The Council's primary goal is to advance Selection will be based on first-come, first-served
Science and Technology development basis. The selected participants do not need to pay
throughout the state. The Council's primary any fees as the program is funded by UPCST.
operations are in the areas of research promotion,
technology development,upgrading, and transfer,
entrepreneurship development, Science and
Technology communication along with its

About the Seminar

The national seminar on the "Prospects & Role of

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Forestry and
Agricultural Sciences" is aimed to sensitize us for
fostering sustainable development and innovation.
Intellectual Property Rights play a pivotal role
inprotecting the intellectual creations and
Chief Patron
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Verma
Dr.Bijendra Singh Head, Deptt. of Silviculture& Agroforestry
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, ANDUAT, Kumarganj,
Ayodhya Organizing Secretary

Patron Dr. Devendra Kumar

Asstt. Prof., Department of
Prof. Sanjay Pathak Silviculture&Agroforestry
Dean, College of Horticulture and Forestry
Joint Convener
Dr. H.K. Singh
Dr. Pratibha Singh Professor, Fruit Science
Dean, College of Agriculture
Dr. Pradeep Kumar
Dr. Sadhna Singh Assoc. Professor, Veg. Sci.
Dean, College of Community Science
Dr. R.S. Mishra
Prof. D. K. Dwivedi Asstt. Professor, MAP
Dr. Anjali Tiwari
Prof. A. K. Gangwar Asstt. Prof., Department of SAF
Director Research
Dr. ShaymaParveen
Dr. R. R. Singh Asstt. Prof., Department of SAF
Asstt. Director Extension
Dr. UlmanYashmitaNitin
Prof. Ashok Kumar Singh Asstt. Prof., Department of SAF
Director Administration & Monitoring
Mr. Indresh Kumar
Dr. Jaswant Singh Ph.D. Scholar, Department of SAF
Prof. Veterinary Science
Mr. Bipin Kumar Singh
Convener Ph.D. Scholar, Department of SAF

Dr. Sanjeet Kumar Mr. AbhishekPratap Singh

Chairman, IPR Cell, ANDUAT Ph.D. Scholar, Department of SAF

Dr. BhagwanDeen Ms. Himanshi Singh

Head, Deptt. of Post-Harvest Management Ph.D. Scholar, Department of SAF

Dr. D. Niyogi Target Audience

Professor, College of Vet. Science Faculty members
Research scholars
Dr. C. N. Ram UG/PG Students
Head, Deptt. of Vegetable Science

Deadline to Register:18/03/2024
Contact for more details:
Dr. Devendra Kumar (Organizing Secretary) Dr. S. K. Verma
Asstt. Professor Assoc. Professor & Head
Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry,
Mob no.:+91 9455697796 Mob no.: +91 9454932174
Chief Patron

Dr.Bijendra Singh
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, ANDUAT,
Kumarganj, Ayodhya

Invited Guest Speakers

Prof.H. B. Singh Prof.Siddhartha Shukla

Chairman, Uttar Pradesh Environment Deptt. of Environmental Sciences, Dr.
Assessment Committee, Lucknow, U.P. RML Avadh University, Ayodhya, U.P.

Dr.Prabhat Kumar
Horticulture Commissioner, Ministry of
Agriculture & Farmer Welfare,
Government of India

Dr.Shakuntla Sangam
Asstt. Professor, Dr. RML Law Dr.Shailesh Kumar Tiwari
University, Lucknow, U.P. Senior Scientist, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi,

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