01 Minewater 1 Lectures 1 To 6

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Mine water I

Theory and application

(Summer semester 2021)
Why we should understand/learn about
mine water?

Mine waste

Major problems


Mine water
Mine water…?
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

• What is Mine water ? – Sources, Component and characteristics

• Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

• Active mine water treatment technologies

• Passive mine water treatment technologies

• Case studies

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is Mine water ? – Sources, Component and characteristics

What is Mine water? Water in contact with mining operation

• Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
• Mine leachate
• Mine dewatering
• Flooded mines (Overflow)
• Surface runoff or seepage from mine sites

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is Mine water ? – Sources, Component and characteristics

What is Mine water? Water in contact with mining operation

Sources Pathways Receiving Environment

• Tailings • Runoff • Ground water
• Waste rock stockpiles • Infiltration through mine waste • Surface water
• Ore and low grade ore stock piles • Infiltration through soil/ Vadose zone • Air
• Heap leaching materials • Ground water • Soil
• Pit walls • Surface water • Sediment
• Underground workings • Uptake by biota
• Movement of mine water
• Air

Source: INAP (The International Network for Acid Prevention)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is Mine water ? – Sources, Component and characteristics

What is Mine water? Water in contact with mining operation

Components and characteristics
• Low pH value
• Dissolved metals (Fe, Mn, Al, As, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Zn, Hg, Pb)
• Radionuclides (U, Th, Ra)
• Turbidity
• Mineralization(Ca, Mg, Na, HCO3-,Cl-, SO42-)
• Nutrients (Ammonium, Nitrate, Phosphate)
• Organic

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

Water quality standards

• World Health Organization

• European Union
• Environment Protection Agency

Appelo, C. A. J., & Postma, D. (2005). 9

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is Mine water ? – Sources, Component and characteristics Active mining

(several decades)

Waste disposal

Source of AMD

Intense sulfide oxidation

Transport of AMD through

tailings and underlying aquifers
How long will it continue? How can we reduce/ avoid AMD?
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Where can you have Acid Mine Drainage ?

• What are the earliest indications of AMD?

Photo- M. Ussath Photo- M. Ussath

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Where can you have Acid Mine Drainage ?

• What are the earliest indications of AMD?

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Formation of Acid Mine Drainage

Wolkersdorfer (2013)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Where can you have Acid Mine Drainage ?

• What are the earliest indications of AMD?

Photometer Iron Test Strips Sulfate Test Strips

Photo- André Simon

Please study the importance
Mine water 1 - Theory and application of these four reaction
during this week.
Next week we will do a
Formation of Acid Mine Drainage
group activity /
Reaction 1 Presentation
2FeS2 + 7O2 + 2H2O 2Fe2+ + 4SO42- + 4H+
Reaction 2
4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H 4Fe3+ + 2H2O

Reaction 3
Fe3+ + 3H2O Fe(OH)3 + 3H+
Reaction 4
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O 15Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 16H+ 15
(Ritche, 1994)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Formation of Acid Mine Drainage

Reaction 1
2FeS2 + 7O2 + 2H2O 2Fe2+ + 4SO42- + 4H+
Reaction 2
4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H 4Fe3+ + 2H2O

Reaction 3
Fe3+ + 3H2O Fe(OH)3 + 3H+
Reaction 4
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O 15Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 16H+ 16
(Ritche, 1994)
Overview of the Geochemistry of Pyrite Oxidation
Pyrite Oxidation

Reaction 1
2FeS2 + 7O2 + 2H2O 2Fe2+ + 4SO42- + 4H+
• weathering of pyrite in the presence of oxygen and water to
produce iron(II), sulfate, and hydrogen ions

Reaction 2
4Fe2+ + O2 + 4H+ 4Fe3+ + 2H2O
• oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III)
• rate determining step

(Ritche, 1994)
Overview of the Geochemistry of Pyrite Oxidation
Pyrite Oxidation
Reaction 3
2Fe3+ + 6H2O 2Fe(OH)3 + 6H+
• hydrolysis of Fe(III)
• precipitation of iron(III) hydroxide if pH > 3.5

Reaction 4
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O 15Fe2+ + 2SO42- + 16H+
• oxidation of additional pyrite (from steps 1 and 2) by Fe(III) – here iron is the
oxidizing agent, not oxygen
• cyclic and self-propagating step
• This reaction is catalyzed by the presence of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans which
accelerates the oxidation of ferrous iron into ferric iron (reaction 2) by a factor of 106:1 18
(Ritche, 1994)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

Source: INAP (The International Network for Acid Prevention) 19

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

Source: INAP (The International Network for Acid Prevention)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

Mine water treatment technologies

Active treatment Passive treatment

• Neutralization • Constructed wetlands
• Sulfate removal • Anoxic Limestone Drains (ALD)
• Open Limestone Channels
• Electrochemical technologies
• Permeable reactive barriers
• Reverse osmosis • Phytotechnologies
• Ion exchange • Biochemical Reactors

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

Suitability of mine water treatment approaches (ERMITE 2003).
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges


Source: INAP (The International Network for Acid Prevention)


Source: INAP (The International Network for Acid Prevention)

Group Presentations on
Mine water 1 - Theory and application 28.05.2021

Why treatment in necessary? – Requirement, Technologies, Challenges

Mine water treatment technologies

Active treatment Passive treatment

• Neutralization • Constructed wetlands
• Sulfate removal • Anoxic Limestone Drains (ALD)
• Open Limestone Channels
• Electrochemical technologies
• Permeable reactive barriers
• Reverse osmosis • Phytotechnologies
• Ion exchange • Biochemical Reactors

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Carbonate Species vs. pH

(Figure by Ole Pedersen)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Lime precipitation

Mine Iron Co
Aeration precipitation
Water precipitation
Lime Lime

• Why lime addition is required? What different types are available for this?
• What is the importunacy of aeration?
• Why flocculation is necessary?
CaO + H2O  Ca(OH)2
2 FeCl3 + 3 Ca(OH)2 = 2 Fe(OH)3↓ + 3 CaCl2
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Low Density Sludge (LDS) Technology
Reactor Aeration Sedimentation
Lime Floc aid
Treated water


Chamber filter press/

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
High Density Sludge (HDS) Technology
Reactor Aeration Sedimentation
Lime Floc aid
Treated water

(20…40% solid content)
Sludge recycling
Chamber filter press/ 29

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies 17 grams of sludge

High Density Sludge (HDS) Technology

+ efficiency
+ faster sedimentation
+ sludge is dewatered easier
+ lower space capacity (dewatering),
+ investment costs

- Needs longer time for start-up

- More difficult to handle
Ref- Scott Benowitz, P. E. / Water Engineering Technologies, Inc.

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Stripping column
• a columnar device with filling material for swirling the
liquid and gas flow
• during stripping, ingredients are removed from the
liquid through the passage of gases (air, steam, etc.)
and transferred to the gas phase.
• liquid flows in counter-current  against the
direction of the gas flow
• In our case: air from the bottom of the column to the
top, mine water from the top of the column to the
• In order to achieve a large contact area between the
water and the air www.stripanlage.de
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Stripping column
• a columnar device with filling material for swirling the
liquid and gas flow
• during stripping, ingredients are removed from the
liquid through the passage of gases (air, steam, etc.)
and transferred to the gas phase.
• liquid flows in counter-current  against the
direction of the gas flow
• In our case: air from the bottom of the column to the
top, mine water from the top of the column to the Photo- Corinne Wendler
• In order to achieve a large contact area between the
water and the air 32
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies

Mine Waters of Wismut – Pollutants

History of WISMUT:
During the period of the cold war,
uranium mining was a key industry in Eastern

The Soviet and later Soviet-German company WISMUT became the world’s third largest producer
of uranium.
When Germany was reunified in 1989, the WISMUT became part of the German Ministry of
Economic. At that time, mining operations were no longer viable and had to cease.

In 1991, WISMUT was transformed from a mining company to a remediation project addressing the
legacies of 45 years of intensive Mining.
Reference: “20 Jahre Wismut GmbH”
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies

Mine Waters of Wismut – Pollutants

Contamination in Mine Waters:

• Radionuclides: Uranium U, Radon Ra

• Heavy metals: Iron Fe, Arsenic As
• High sulfate content

 Mine Water is chemically and radioactively polluted

 Treatment is required, in order to protect surrounding groundwater and surface water

Reference: “20 Jahre Wismut GmbH”
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 01 - Wismut Modified Lime precipitation
Inflow (feed)
Flocculation aid
Air HCl


Immobilized residue 35
Reference: “20 Jahre Wismut GmbH”
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 02 - WBA Schlema-Alberoda

Mine Water Quality of Schlema-Alberoda WBA influent

(Mean values, m-F510) 37
Reference: Excursion Guide Wissym2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 02 - WBA Schlema-Alberoda
CO2 FeCl3
HCl Flocculation aid


Reference: Excursion Guide Wissym2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 02 - WBA Schlema-Alberoda

Reference: Excursion Guide Wissym2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 02 - WBA Schlema-Alberoda

Classification of Waste:
Category A - dangerous

Reference: Excursion Guide Wissym2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 03 - WBA Ronneburg

Reference: Excursion Guide Wissym2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 03 - WBA Ronneburg
Flocculation aid

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 03 - WBA Ronneburg

Classification of Waste:
NOT dangerous! 43
Reference: Excursion Guide Wissym2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

(Wiegand et al., 2003)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

Residual Lake former Lignite Mine Zwenkau south of Leipzig

970 ha (biggest Lake in south of Leipzig)

Mine closed in 1999, till 2009 Hedge restoration

2007-2015 Flooding (90%)

• Water from „Weißer Elster“ (flooding construction 3 m³/sec)

• circular pipeline
• Flood bypass construction (up to 130 m³/sec)

Since 2011 Neutralization plant to improve lake water quality

26 t Quicklime per day

Till 2017/2018 Construction channel and sluice to Cospuden lake

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

In 2000
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

In 2006
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

In 2009
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

In 2013
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

In 2015
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Neutralization Technologies
Example 04 - RL Zwenkau

Mine water I
Theory and application
(Summer semester 2021)
Ion Exchange

What is ion

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

In-Mine Ion Exchange Treatment System at the Soudan Mine, Minnesota

The pH is around 4
copper concentrations 3 to 30 mg/L
cobalt concentrations 0.1 to 0.3 mg/L
Discharge 60 gpm

The pH is around 7.2
copper concentrations < 0.01 mg/L
cobalt concentrations < 0.002 mg/L
Discharge 60 gpm
http://www.itrcweb.org/miningwaste-guidance/to_ion_exch.htm. 3
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

PuriTech Ltd - Belgium Real world scenarios

200m³/h nickel cobalt ion exchanger with the PuriTech patented ION-IX multiport valve in
the centre of the installation 4
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

ENPAR Technologies Inc., Canada Real world scenarios

Patented AmmEL Process for the Treatment of Ammonia in Low Temperature Mine
Wastewater; Ammonia Converted to Environmentally–Friendly Nitrogen Gas 5
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ìon Exchange (IX) Technologies

What is ion exchange?

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ìon Exchange (IX) Technologies

What is ion exchange?

Sketch by- Juliane Günther 7

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ìon Exchange Technologies

R- X2- (2Na+ , Ca2+) + Cu2+ R- X2- Cu2+ + (2Na+ , Ca2+)

Sketch by- Juliane Günther 8

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is ion exchange?

R- X2- (2Na+ , Ca2+) + Cu2+ R- X2- Cu2+ + (2Na+ , Ca2+)

• Reversible process
• Mainly depend on relative affinity, concentration, and charge
• Low environmental footprints

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is ion exchange?

Whenever an ion is removed out of an aqueous solution and is replaced by

another ionic species, it is generally referred to as “ion exchange.”


a chemical reaction in which free mobile ions of a solid, the ion exchanger,
are exchanged for different ions of similar charge in solution.

Kumar, S., & Jain, S. (2013).

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

What is ion exchange?

Ion exchange is the reversible exchange of contaminant ions with more desirable ions of a
similar charge adsorbed to solid surfaces known as ion exchange resins.

The active process provides hardness removal, desalination, alkalinity removal, radioactive
waste removal, ammonia removal and metals removal.

Similar ion exchange resins can remove selenate and selenite ions from water. Depending on
the type of water that is to be treated, selective metal recovery may be an option.

Adams, et al. (2014).

(EPA 542-R-14-001) 11
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Classification of ion exchange materials

Kumar, S., & Jain, S. (2013).
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Classification of ion exchange materials

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ìon Exchange Technologies

Ion exchange reaction is simple….

(Neumann. S, 2008) 14
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Chelating ion exchange resins

Pore space

R + R +
Resin lattice
Resin phase
Charged functional
groups on resin lattice (Crittenden et al., 2005, p 1362; Harland, 2007 ; Im, 2015 )
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Classification of ion exchange materials

• Strong acidic cation exchangers (SAC) ( eg.-R-SO3H, -R-SO4Na)

• Weak acidic cation exchangers (WAC)(eg.-COOH)

• Strong base anion exchangers (SBA)(eg.-OH)

• Weak base anion exchangers(WBA)(eg.-C2H4N+H)

• Chelating ion exchangers

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Classification of ion exchange materials

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion Exchange Operation Cycle

There are typically four steps in a complete ion exchange process cycle:

1. Service (Loading)
2. Backwash
3. Regeneration
4. Rinse (Conditioning)

The quantity of service water and backwash water generated can be

significant and may require on-site storage tanks

Adams, et al. (2014).

(EPA 542-R-14-001)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange process

Batch mode Continuous mode / Column mode

Photo. Himmat.N Photo. Janith A

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange process

Batch mode

Batch mode involves mixing

the resin and solution in a
batch tank, allowing the
exchange to come
equilibrium, and then
separating the resin from

Photo. Himmat.N
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange process

Continuous mode / Column mode

Metal solution is loaded into the
ion exchange column at a
particular flow rate. Charged
metal ions will bind to the
oppositely charged functional
groups in the resin while
releasing the mobile ions in the
functional groups to the solution

Photo. Janith A
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode

Flow direction ?


Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode

Unique Vocabulary
• Bed volume (BV)
• Flow rate
• Column loading
• Mass transfer zone
• Breakthrough
• Regeneration
• Conditioning
• Affinity
• Exchange capacity
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Bed volume (BV)

Volume of the wet settled resin
in the column.

BV, cm3, mL, L

Example- If the volume of wet settled resins

in the column is 10mL,
10mL = 1 BV 24
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Bed volume (BV)


(Neumann. S, 2008)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Bed volume (BV)


(Neumann. S, 2008)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Flow rate
Volumetric flow rate use to load or
regenerate the column.

mL/h, L/h, BV/h

Example- If the flow rate of the pump is 15mL/h,

(if 15mL = 1 BV) then,
15mL/h = 1 BV/h
Likewise, 60mL/h = 4 BV/h
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Column loading – Loading of the metal ion solution to the column

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Breakthrough – The point where a particular ion in the effluent
appear in appreciable quantity.

(Inamuddin, 2012)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Breakthrough – The point where a particular ion in the effluent
appear in appreciable quantity.


(Jorgensen, 2002)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Mass transfer zone – The section of the bed where there is a concentration
gradient, based on percentage breakthrough with respect to feed solution.

(Jorgensen, 2002)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Column regeneration – Bringing the exhausted column to the fresh state
by removing adsorbed ions using a specific solution.

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Continuous mode/ Column mode Unique Vocabulary

• Exchange capacity– The number of ion exchange sites.

Resin type Total capacity (eq/L) Operational capacity (eq/L)

WAC 3.7 – 4.5 1.0 – 3.5
SAC 1.7 – 2.2 0.6 – 1.7
WBA 1.1 – 1.7 0.8 – 1.3
SBA 0.9 – 1.4 0.4 – 0.9

Why there is a difference?

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion Exchange Operation Cycle – design consideration

1. Type of resin
2. Volume and type of regenerant
3. Backwash water source
4. Backwash quantities
5. Pre-filtration of solids
6. Column configuration
7. pH adjustment before and after ion exchange
8. Cycle length

NOTE - There are various types of ion exchange resins available. It is important to work with an ion exchange resin manufacturer
to conduct tests to select the appropriate resin for the contaminated source water. The higher the concentration of total dissolved
solids in the water, the greater the concentration of competing anions and, therefore, the more frequently the resins will need to
be regenerated.
Adams, et al. (2014).
Why ion exchange?

50 L of mine water 50 L

50 mL
Cu 300 mg/L Good
Cu 30000 mg/L
Co 600 mg/L quality
Co 15 mg/L Ni 30 mg/L water
Zn 30 mg/L
Ni 2 mg/L

Zn 3 mg/L

Why ion exchange?


50 mL
Cu 30000 mg/L (40-50 g/L) ??
Co 600 mg/L
Ni 30 mg/L Ni
Zn 30 mg/L


Case study

Chile – The world’s largest copper producer

> 300 Million tons of untreated tailings (1938-1990)
Heavy metals
Radio active elements
Process chemicals
Cu2+ Ni2+ Zn2+
2261 18.1 20.3
mg/L mg/L mg/L
(Dold, 2006; Lee and Correa, 2007) 37
Heap leaching materials

(Photos by – Janith A )

Table 1: Feed composition of the generated mine water

mg/L Al Ca Co Cu Li Mg Mn Na Zn Ni Ce Fe K
Phase 1 98.5 318 14.6 230 3.93 256 42.4 1110 2.47 1.30 0.48 0.65 2.25
Phase 2 116 349 14.6 263 4.37 300 50.4 1113 2.49 1.45 0.47 0.85 2.33
Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

Ion exchange columns


Flow direction

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

IX Loading cycle graphs

Loading of TP 260 resin until the complete breakthrough of Cu

rate 1

rate 6

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

IX Regeneration graphs

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

IX Regeneration graphs

Column M
V = 1 BV/h
10% H2SO4
Column M
V = 1 BV/h
10% H2SO4

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

IX Regeneration graphs

Column N
V = 1 BV/h
Column N 1% H2SO4
V = 1 BV/h
1% H2SO4

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application


Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

IX Loading cycle graphs

Selective extraction of cobalt
Optimization of regeneration
Synthetic mine water – pH increment (like liming)
For highest Fe removal:
0.50 mg/l NaOH
Al: 99.94% Cu:
Fe: 99.92% Zn: 80.32%

BUT: removes the other

metals too!!!

Precipitation order:
1st: Al
2nd: Cu
3rd: Fe (!)
4th: Zn
Mine water 1 -

Ion exchange in mine

water treatment

Case study-
Witwatersrand Goldfield in
Gauteng, South Africa

• Almost zero-effluent
• Economically-viable
• A patented approach


(Howard et al, 2009)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange in mine water treatment

Case study- Witwatersrand Goldfield in Gauteng, South Africa



Howard, D., Grobler, C., Robinson, R. E. G., & Cole, P. M. (2009). Sustainable purification of mine water using ion 51

exchange technology. In International Mine Water Conference (pp. 447-453).

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange in mine water treatment

Case study- Witwatersrand Goldfield in Gauteng, South Africa

• Significant volume of neutralized

water from three operating

• Neutralizing with lime improves

mine water quality, but does not
meet discharge or re-use

• Necessity of an additional
(Howard et al, 2009)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange in mine water treatment

Case study- Witwatersrand Goldfield in Gauteng, South Africa
Experimental Program

• Three distinct stages to address specific process


• Dynamic experiments on bench-scale using

800mℓ IX columns.

• Steady state experiments on pilot scale (4m3/d)

using 20ℓ IX columns.

• Optimization trials on pilot scale using 20ℓ IX


(Howard et al, 2009)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange in mine water treatment

Case study- Witwatersrand Goldfield in Gauteng, South Africa

• A separate ion-exchange step was

developed for the removal of uranium

• Use of nitric acid and ammonia (regenerant

in the ion exchange circuit) to produce
saleable products

• Considerable flexibility to influent quality

• Use of a proprietary IX technique to

significantly increase eluate concentrations
and eliminate waste

(Howard et al, 2009)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange in mine water treatment

Case study- Witwatersrand Goldfield in Gauteng, South Africa

After Neutralization
After Ion exchange

(Howard et al, 2009)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Ion exchange in mine water treatment

Case study- Witwatersrand Goldfield in Gauteng, South Africa


(Howard et al, 2009)
Group Presentations on
Mine water 1 - Theory and application 25.06.2021

Group Presentation - Mine water treatment technologies

1. Select a narrator (coordinator) for the group.

2. Discuss on how to contact each other to prepare the presentation.

3. Prepare a good presentation and practice well (15 minutes per group).

4. Please submit your group presentation by 18.06.2021 via OPAL.

5. Presentation will be held on 25.06.2021 @ 12.00 via ZOOM.

6. Actively participating in the presentation is mandatory to become eligible to sit for the
final exam.

Mine water 1 - Theory and application


Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Mine water treatment techniques - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Separation of Feed in 2 Streams: Permeate & Retentate

Dead-end configuration. Cross-flow configuration.

(Saxena et al., 2009)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

What is Osmosis ?

Spontaneous net movement

solvent molecules
through a
selectively permeable
into a region of
higher solute concentration.
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

What is Osmosis ?

Spontaneous net movement

solvent molecules
through a
selectively permeable
into a region of
higher solute concentration.
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

A water purification process that

uses a partially permeable
membrane to separate ions,
unwanted molecules and larger
particles from drinking water.

Pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Spiral wound RO
membrane element
inside a pressure vessel

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Source: SA Water (Australia) 9

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Six stage filtration process


Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

• Simple and reliable.
• Remove not only ionic salts but also non-ionic colloidal
matter and high molecular weight organic matter.
• Low maintenance cost
• Membrane can be replaced in 3- 4 minutes

• Higher installation cost
• Membrane cost is high
• Membrane should be withstand pressure of 20 – 100 atm
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study- Ural region, Russia
Mine water from a copper mine


IX based method RO based method


(Timofeev et al., 2019)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study- Ural region, Russia
IX based method
• Capacity of 24 m3 per day

• Regeneration with 10% sulfuric acid (monthly)

• 10% sodium carbonate for softening


(Timofeev et al., 2019)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study- Ural region, Russia
RO based method


• Every 40 minutes compressed air and back

washed to remove the cake layer.

• Once a week chemical cleaning with NaOH

or Citric acid.

• Deep cleaning once per three month

75% of the yield after the RO process
(Timofeev et al., 2019)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study- Location : Ural region, Russia


(Timofeev et al., 2019)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study- Location : Ural region, Russia

Capital investments and operating expenses was made for an output of ~4.4 million m3 of water per year.
(Timofeev et al., 2019)
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study-
Location : Ural region, Russia


(Timofeev et al., 2019)

Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study-
Location : South Australia

Source: sydneywater.com.au
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study - Recovery of drinking water and valuable minerals from AMD (Masindi, 2017)
Location : South Africa

Unit 1 - Recover metals using magnesite (MgCO3)

Unit 2 - Recover gypsum using lime (CaO)
Unit 3 - Recover Ca and Mg using soda ash (Na2CO3)
Unit 4 - Recover limestones using CO2 bubling
Unit 5 – RO to remove excess sulphate, sodium, and magnesium 19
Mine water 1 - Theory and application

Membrane Filtration Technologies

Case study- Recovery of drinking water
and valuable minerals from AMD
Location : South Africa

Unit 1 - Recover metals using magnesite (MgCO3)

Unit 2 - Recover gypsum using lime (CaO)
Unit 3 - Recover Ca and Mg using soda ash (Na2CO3) 20
Unit 4 - Recover limestones using CO2 bubling (Masindi, 2017)

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