Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: Unit 1

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Short Answer Questions:

1. Define any two static characteristics

2. What is dynamic error? Plot it with respect to time delay.
3. What is the difference between accuracy and precision?
4. Define Fidelity and Lag.
5. A set of independent current measurements were recorded as 10.03, 10.10, 10.11 and 10.08 A
calculate the range of an error.

Long Answer Questions:

1. (a) Write notes on the Series type Ohmmeters

(b) Write notes on the Shunt type Ohmmeters.
2. (a) What are the different types of errors in measurement? Explain briefly.
(b) A 100ῼ basic movement is to be used as an ohmmeter requiring a full scale deflection of 1mA and
internal battery voltage of 3V. A half-scale deflection marking of 2K is desired. Calculate (i) Values of
R1 and R2 (ii) maximum value of R2 to compensate for a 5% drop in battery voltage.
3. a) What are the dynamic characteristics of measurement systems? Explain.
b) Draw the Thermocouple type RF ammeter and explain its operation.

Short Answer Questions:

1. What is meant by duty cycle?

2. What is the difference between a simple signal generator and a sweep generator?
3. What are the various requirements of a pulse?

Long Answer Questions:

1. (a) What are fixed and variable signal generators? Discuss briefly.
(b) Explain the working of AF Sine and square wave generator with neat block diagram.
2. (a) What is a Spectrum Analyzer? Discuss in detail its working principle with a neat block diagram.
(b)What are the applications of Spectrum Analyzer?
3. Write notes on the following
(a) Wave Analyzers
(b) Harmonic Distortion Analyzers
4. (a) Explain the operation of function generator with a neat block diagram.
(b) Describe briefly about Total harmonic distortion.

Short Answer Questions:

1. Why is a delay line important in a CRO.

2. What is the purpose of a trigger pulse in a CRO?
3. List various features of a CRT
4. List the standard specifications of a CRO.
5. What will happen when sweep signal is applied to horizontal plates of CRO?

Long Answer Questions:

1. (a) Draw and explain the block diagram of vertical amplifier used in oscilloscopes.
(b) Describe in detail the Lissajous method of frequency measurement.
2. (a) Write short notes on the following a) Delay line. b) Sync Selector circuit. c) CRO probes
(b) Explain the working of the Digital Storage Oscilloscope with neat block diagram
3. (a) Explain the working of the Dual Trace Oscilloscope with neat block diagram
(b) Draw the block diagram of a simple CRO and describe its parts.

Short Answer Questions:

1. What type of errors can occur while using bridges?

2. What are the disadvantages of a Wheatstone bridge?
3. What is a Q-meter?
4. Distinguish between AC Bridges and DC Bridges.

Long Answer Questions:

1. (a) Explain the measurement of Inductance using Maxwell’s bridge.

(b) A Maxwell’s bridge is used to measure inductive impedance. The bridge constants at balance are
C1=0.01µF, R1=470Kῼ, R2=5.1Kῼ and R3=100Kῼ. Find the series equivalent of the unknown
2. (a) What are the various errors and precautions to be taken while using bridges?
(b) Explain briefly the working of Schering bridge.

3. (a) Write notes on the following Bridges a) Wien Bridge b) Anderson Bridge
(b) Draw and explain the working of a Wheatstone bridge in detail.

Short Answer Questions:

1. What are active and passive transducers? Give examples.

2. Define Transducer? What are the various characteristics of a transducer?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a semi-conductor Strain gauge?

Long Answer Questions:

1. (a) Discuss the principle of operation of a) Thermistors b) Sensistors.

(b) Explain the working principle of Piezo electric transducer in detail.
2. (a) Discuss briefly the working of Resistance thermometer.
(b) Explain the working of LVDT in detail.

Short Answer Questions:

1. Mention any three objectives of a Data Acquisition System

2. Define humidity and moisture.
3. Draw the block diagram of Digital Data Acquisition System.

Long Answer Questions:

1. (a) Explain in detail the measurement of a) Proximity. b) Speed.

(b) Explain the measurement procedure of the following parameters with suitable figures. i) Pressure
ii) Displacement.
2. (a) With neat sketch explain the measurements of humidity and moisture.
(b) Explain the measurement of force using photoelectric Transducer.
3. (a) Briefly explain the working principles and measurement of force.
(b) Explain the working of a Multi channel DAS with block diagram.

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