Lovell-Taylor2013 Article SupplyingUrbanEcosystemService

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Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

DOI 10.1007/s10980-013-9912-y


Supplying urban ecosystem services through multifunctional

green infrastructure in the United States
Sarah Taylor Lovell • John R. Taylor

Received: 23 January 2013 / Accepted: 24 June 2013 / Published online: 9 July 2013
 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract This paper summarizes a strategy for production, microclimate control, soil infiltration,
supplying ecosystem services in urban areas through carbon sequestration, visual quality, recreation, and
a participatory planning process targeting multifunc- social capital. Integrating such ecosystem services into
tional green infrastructure. We draw from the litera- small-scale greening projects could allow for creativ-
ture on landscape multifunctionality, which has ity and local empowerment that would inspire broader
primarily been applied to agricultural settings, and transformation of green infrastructure at the city level.
propose opportunities to develop urban green infra- Those cities committing to such an approach by
structure that could contribute to the sustainable social supporting greening projects are likely to benefit in the
and ecological health of the city. Thinking in terms of long run through the value of ecosystem services for
system resilience, strategies might focus on the urban residents and the broader public.
potential for green infrastructure to allow for adapta-
tion and even transformation in the face of future Keywords Social–ecological systems  Resilience 
challenges such as climate change, food insecurity, Transformation  Multifunctionality  Green
and limited resources. Because planning for multiple infrastructure
functions can be difficult when many diverse stake-
holders are involved, we explored decision support
tools that could be applied to green infrastructure
planning in the early stages, to engage the public and Introduction
encourage action toward implementing a preferred
solution. Several specific ecosystem services that Urban ecosystems are becoming increasingly impor-
could be relevant for evaluating current and future tant as contributors to both the problems and potential
urban green spaces include: plant biodiversity, food solutions to the environmental issues we will face in
the coming years. In particular, the loss of agricultural
and ‘natural’ landscapes will place greater pressure on
S. T. Lovell (&)
urban green spaces to provide the important ecolog-
1009 Plant Science Lab, Department of Crop Sciences,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ical, production, and cultural functions that were
1201 S. Dorner Dr., Urbana, IL 61801, USA available from rural areas in the past. Urban green
e-mail: [email protected] spaces, for example, will have a critical role to play in
conserving biodiversity, protecting water resources,
J. R. Taylor
Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois improving microclimate, sequestering carbon, and
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA even supplying a portion of the fresh food consumed

1448 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

by urban dwellers. At the same time, these spaces must green infrastructure that will pay off in the long run
continue to meet the traditional cultural needs of through the value of ecosystem services for urban
nearby residents by encouraging recreational activi- residents and the broader public. This paper reviews
ties, embodying the aesthetic preferences of the the current state of relevant literature, describes
community, educating people about nature, and pre- decision support tools that could be applied to green
serving historic landscape features. These various infrastructure, and offers strategies for engaging the
functions, which provide the ‘ecosystem services’ that community in the planning process. Two key research
benefit humans directly or indirectly, will need to be concepts in landscape ecology highlighted by (Wu
considered simultaneously and to be balanced to meet 2013a) are addressed—‘‘landscape sustainability’’ and
the needs and preferences of local residents as well as ‘‘ecosystem services in changing landscapes’’. The
society as a whole. paper also covers topics of ‘‘integrating humans and
We propose that the challenge to optimize functions their activities into landscape ecology’’ and ‘‘optimi-
of urban green space might be undertaken using a zation of landscape pattern’’, as recommended by (Wu
multifunctional landscape framework for sustainable and Hobbs 2002). Definitions of relevant terms as they
planning of green infrastructure. While the multifunc- relate to this paper are provided in Table 1.
tional landscape approach is increasingly applied to
agroecosystems, few examples exist for planning Background
urban ecosystems. This approach offers several key
benefits for designing and planning sustainable cities Our proposal for the development of sustainable
including: the incorporation of cultural functions that approaches for planning urban ecosystems draws from
contribute to learning and public enjoyment of the recent literature across several fields including urban
environment (Carey et al. 2003); an embedded ecology, sustainable landscape planning, resilience
framework for evaluating the success of landscape thinking, multifunctional landscapes, and green infra-
plans (Lovell and Johnston 2009b); and an emphasis structure. The synthesis of this material provides a
on land owners and users as primary stakeholders framework for building healthy and sustainable social–
(Otte et al. 2007). ecological urban systems. Table 1 provides definitions
Despite growing evidence that society will benefit for key terms that form the basis of this synthesis.
from ecosystem services and biodiversity provided by
multifunctional green infrastructure, many cities Landscape ecology in urban ecosystems
struggle to find the resources and coordination capac-
ity to implement comprehensive agendas across the With rapidly expanding urbanization, cities have
city. We argue for a commitment to multifunctional become an important frontier for ecosystem science.

Table 1 Definitions of key terms as they are used in this paper

Term Definition

Landscape sustainability Capacity of the landscape to consistently provide long-term, landscape-specific ecosystem
services essential for maintaining and improving human well-being (Wu 2013b)
Ecosystem services Benefits humans derive from ecosystems (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005)
Landscape services Benefits humans derive from the landscape, worked out as a structure–function-value chain
to inform landscape development (Termorshuizen and Opdam 2009)
Multifunctional landscape Landscapes that provide a range of beneficial functions across production, ecological,
and cultural dimensions, considering the needs and preferences of the owners and users
(Otte et al. 2007; Lovell et al. 2010)
Urban green space An undeveloped piece of land located within the context of a city and open to the public
Green infrastructure A strategically planned and managed network of natural lands, working landscapes, and
open spaces that provide a range of diverse benefits (
Community greening Community-based efforts to transform underutilized sites into valuable green spaces such
as community gardens (Tidball and Krasny 2009)

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463 1449

Urban ecosystems are complex, heterogeneous, and concentrate the industry and creativity that have
dynamic systems requiring a landscape ecology per- resided in urban centers throughout much of
spective (Breuste et al. 2008) for investigating the human history, making them hot spots for
interrelationship between spatial structure of the solutions as well as problems. Urban ecology
landscape and ecological functions or processes has a pivotal role to play in finding those
(Forman and Godron 1986). The study of the pattern solutions and navigating a sustainable urban
of landscape mosaics and their component parts future.’’
(patches, corridors, and matrix) is useful for under-
standing the future health of these highly managed Sustainable landscape planning
ecosystems (Leitao and Ahern 2002; Forman 2008). In
cities, the landscape mosaic consists of ‘‘built’’ matrix The concept of sustainability is increasingly discussed
containing corridors and patches that are small and in the context of landscape ecology, for the potential to
fragmented, often existing as parks, cemeteries, address the complex relationships and the fragile
schoolyards, and residential yards, as well as vacant balance between humans and their environment. Cities
lots and other interstitial spaces (Goddard et al. 2010). might be viewed as a possible sustainable solution for
Even the habitat patches and green spaces of cities are the growing global population, because of the effi-
often highly managed systems, heavily influenced by ciencies created when dense populations are accom-
human activity, where ecological functions are often modated on a relatively small land area. They are the
highly interconnected with cultural functions. Urban most cost-effective solution for providing transporta-
ecology is an emerging field that seeks to study this tion, potable water, sanitation services, electricity, and
complex structure and function of urban ecosystems, other social services (Wu 2013b). Creating more
recognizing the important interactions of human and sustainable cities, however, remains a daunting chal-
natural processes (Breuste et al. 2008). Urban ecology lenge as we seek to identify strategies for measuring
is expected to become increasingly important in future success and appropriate metrics to serve as sustain-
years, as urbanization contributes to global environ- ability indicators. Furthermore, because of the inter-
mental change in a number of significant ways: connections between cities and the surrounding
changing land use and land cover to more impervious landscape near and far, sustainable solutions will
surface, contributing to climate change through require the consideration of the ecology of the
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, modifying hydro- landscape even beyond the political boundaries of
logic systems to more ‘‘engineered’’ systems, reducing the city (Wu 2010). In fact, urban sustainability is
biodiversity for many biotic communities, and altering considered essential to the health of the greater
biogeochemical cycles including nutrients and metals landscape and the planet as a whole (Wu 2013b).
(Grimm et al. 2008). Landscape designers have an important role to play
Until recently, ecological sciences have focused on in delivering these sustainable solutions, by connect-
cities as the source of environmental problems, at odds ing science to practice and ultimately to policy
and competing with so-called natural areas. In most (Nassauer and Opdam 2008; Swaffield 2013). Chal-
cases, cities draw in valuable resources (e.g. food, fuel, lenges arise, however, as scientists, policy-makers,
water) and export the undesirable waste products designers, landowners, and other stakeholders struggle
including greenhouse gases. While this situation may to communicate effectively and find a scale appropri-
be true in a broad accounting of resources, opportu- ate to take action (Ahern 2013; Dramstad and Fjellstad
nities exist to find solutions that would close some of 2013). To deal with this problem, better methods are
these loops at a smaller scale. Highlighting the role of needed for visualizing, communicating, and compar-
urban ecology, Grimm et al. (2008) summarize the ing different sustainable design alternatives with land
idea well: owners and managers (Dramstad and Fjellstad 2013).
Social sustainability is particularly important to the
‘‘Cities are concentrated centers of production,
long-term success of designed landscapes. The human
consumption, and waste disposal that drive land
connection to the landscape will be strengthened by
change and a host of global environmental
efforts to: (1) integrate diverse public preferences,
problems…Thus, our hope is that cities also

1450 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

(2) educate people on sustainability through nature desirable goal than the conservation of the current
interactions, (3) recognize the importance of the developmental trajectory.
people’s intimate and personal connections to the Tidball and Krasny (2009) propose that urban
landscape, and (4) improve human health and well- community greening in particular can play an impor-
being (Selman 2008). Thinking of a city as an tant role in resilience by supporting self-organization
‘‘ecosystem’’ with humans as one component, as and creating constructive positive feedback loops.
promoted by Ann Whiston Spirn in the seminal book, Self-organization creates a situation in which local
The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human residents are empowered to manage their own
Design, offers a basis for urban planning that resources. Positive feedback loops occur as commu-
addresses the complex interactions between societal nities acquire new knowledge and skills to improve
needs and environmental health (Spirn 1984). their environment and optimize ecosystem services,
leading to adaptive learning. The collective manage-
Cities as social–ecological systems ment of these ‘urban commons’ can promote diverse
learning streams and environmental stewardship
The ecosystem concept continues to evolve as it relates (Colding and Barthel 2013). Urban community green-
to the urban context. Recent literature focusing on ing might actually serve as a community-based tool to
resilience and transformability could be particularly promote resilience through innovation, adaptive man-
relevant for planning cities to be more sustainable, with agement, and social learning. Examples include com-
increased core biological and social diversity provid- munity forestry projects, community gardens and
ing the buffering capacity necessary to withstand a farms, and living memorial gardens that all require
shock to the urban ecosystem, and even to move active participation and investment by local residents
beyond the disturbance into a more desirable future in the initiation of projects and the planning and
state (Folke 2006). Social–ecological resilience has maintenance of the spaces (unlike a city’s formal
been defined as ‘‘the capacity of a social–ecological parks). Ecologically, these landscapes support a high
system (SES) to continually change and adapt yet degree of biological diversity and spatial heterogene-
remain within critical thresholds’’ (Folke et al. 2010). ity with many small, distributed patches (Tidball and
A resilient system is one that can persist following Krasny 2009). Socially, they support human diversity,
disturbance (Holling 1973), while a vulnerable system by engaging community members from a variety of
could suffer dramatic negative consequences under the cultural and ethnic backgrounds (Colding and Barthel
same perturbation (Folke 2006). The original work in 2013). They further support the retention and trans-
resilience emphasized the adaptability of a system, or mission of ecological knowledge and practices among
‘‘the capacity to adjust responses to changing external community members, strengthening the resilience of
drivers and internal processes and thereby allow for the system (Barthel et al. 2010). In the case of many
development along the current trajectory’’ (Folke et al. community or allotment gardens, the spaces even have
2010). Recently, however, there has been a shift to a productive component that could contribute to food
consider opportunities for positive change that may not security and agricultural knowledge. As a place-based
exist along the ‘‘current trajectory’’. The term trans- approach, community greening can ultimately serve as
formability is being used to describe this ‘‘capacity to a platform for organizing residents for action and
cross thresholds into new development trajectories’’ learning that could improve their capacity to transform
(Folke et al. 2010). This type of thinking could have and improve under conditions of uncertainty and
important implications for planning sustainable cities. change within their own communities (Tidball and
Instead of viewing disturbances (e.g. flooding, climate Krasny 2009; Krasny and Tidball 2012).
change, economic crises) as tests of the resilience of a Community greening projects also can lead to
system, they could actually be considered as opportu- social and ecological transformation at higher levels,
nities to realign resources and organizational structures with implications for the equitable distribution of
by drawing from the innovation and knowledge resources, including ecosystem services. Community
concentrated in the impacted area. For disinvested gardens, for example, can serve as sites for political
inner city neighborhoods in particular, the transfor- mobilization and resistance to marginalization and
mation of the existing SES may be a more neighborhood disinvestment, where disadvantaged

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463 1451

groups resist dominant paradigms of land use plan- including food, animal feed, fiber, biofuel, and medic-
ning, urban development, and urban design at the city inal resources. The performance of a multifunctional
level (Baker 2004). Community-initiated green infra- landscape improves as different functions are sup-
structure projects such as community gardens and ported through a diverse set of landscape features; the
farms may empower local residents, help to build stacking of functions across the three dimensions
community capacity, and begin to repair the social allows for a wide range of successful solutions (Lovell
fabric in disinvested neighborhoods in cities such as and Johnston 2009b; Lovell et al. 2010) (Fig. 1).
Detroit (White 2011). They are not, however, a The concept of multifunctionality is distinguished
substitute for a comprehensive economic revitaliza- by four primary characteristics: (1) the functions
tion plan for these neighborhoods. Instead, they can interact beyond just shared location, (2) the interac-
complement such initiatives. tivity is positive and synergistic, (3) the landscape can
provide products and services beyond cultural associ-
Landscape multifunctionality ations, and (4) rural and urban regions are considered
together as a continuous matrix (Selman 2009). By
Landscape multifunctionality can serve as a frame- merging the traditional rural–urban divide, the concept
work for the co-transformation of the social and of multifunctionality is particularly germane to
ecological dimensions of the system in ways that planning for urban ecosystems. The multifunctional
benefit humans—including disadvantaged social landscape approach could in fact contribute to the
groups—and the environment. Ecosystem multifunc- development of urban ecosystems in several important
tionality has long been recognized as a condition for ways. First, by respecting and supporting the cultural
sustainability in unmanaged systems (De Groot 2006), functions offered by landscapes, humans are valued as
and recently the interest in multifunctional landscapes an integral part of the ecosystem. Secondly, the
has expanded to intensively-managed ecosystems approach encourages the incorporation of new func-
(Brandt and Vejre 2004; Zander et al. 2007). Managed tions often not considered for urban ecosystems, such
ecosystems, like natural systems, can provide impor- as food production and agrobiodiversity (Lovell
tant functions that represent ‘‘the capacity of natural 2010). A third advantage of landscape multifunction-
processes and components to provide goods and ality is the development of a framework for evaluating
services that satisfy human needs, directly or indi- landscape designs—those from the past, in the present,
rectly’’ (De Groot 1992). Selman (2008, 2009) empha- or for the future—based on specific goals or targets for
sizes the importance of multifunctionality as a improving landscape performance (Lovell and John-
fundamental property of sustainable development, ston 2009b). One of the most significant contributions
particularly as we see a blurring of the urban–rural of the landscape multifunctionality approach is the
dichotomy. When applied to a landscape, the concept emphasis on the land owner and users as primary
of multifunctionality is more tangible than ‘‘sustain- stakeholders, suggesting the need to strongly consider
ability’’, although the goals for ecosystem health often
overlap between the two frameworks. Landscape
multifunctionality consists of three key dimensions –
cultural, ecological, and production functions. Cultural
functions, which represent the social realm of sustain-
ability, include recreation, visual quality, cultural
heritage, education, and other benefits directly expe-
rienced by humans. Ecological functions represent the
environmental realm of sustainability and include
climate regulation, carbon sequestration, water infil-
tration, biodiversity conservation, nutrient cycling, and Fig. 1 Comparison of the concept of sustainable with that of
other benefits for environmental health. Production multifunctional. Sustainable is often represented by the over-
lapping of environmental, economic, and social pillars, whereas
functions are related to the economic realm of
multifunctionality can be envisioned as the stacking of
sustainability, as these functions typically have some ecological, production, and cultural functions to achieve greater
market value through their agricultural products overall performance

1452 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

their preferences and desires in planning (Otte et al. including parks, forest preserves, greenways, alley-
2007). This aspect is particularly important (but also ways, and roadside right-of-way zones. Mell (2009)
complicated) in urban ecosystems, where green spaces suggests that green infrastructure can promote urban
are highly managed, humans live in close proximity to sustainability by providing flexible development
one another, and the ‘‘land owner’’ may be the city options that can be retrofitted into the existing fabric
government expected to represent the interests of the of the city, including those interstitial spaces that have
broader public. little value otherwise. This strategy, however, would
Finally, and particularly relevant for the discussion require a transition toward policies that promote a
here, the development of multifunctional landscapes holistic approach to urban planning that would recog-
can serve as an adaptive strategy to address unknown nize and connect multiple social-ecological systems
future conditions including climate change, water (SESs) (Mell 2009). Principles from urban ecology,
scarcity, food insecurity, and limited economic sustainable development, and landscape multifunc-
resources. These conditions are expected to heavily tionality could guide this holistic development of green
impact urban environments, and certain vulnerable infrastructure, to create spaces that promote connec-
populations will be at extremely high risk of negative tivity, accessibility, physical activity, learning, social
consequences to their health and well-being (Shonkoff cohesion, and other desirable functions (Mell 2009).
et al. 2011; Lissner et al. 2012). Ecosystems could be Green infrastructure programs, however, have been
made more resilient to the disturbances associated criticized for a narrow focus on storm water manage-
with these conditions if greater complexity and ment that ignores opportunities for multifunctionality
biodiversity were built into the system through a (Newell et al. 2013), for limited success in institution-
multifunctional landscape approach (Fischer et al. alization (Young and McPherson 2013), and for
2006; Folke et al. 2010). With respect to climate neglecting private spaces and their owners or managers
change, multifunctional landscapes play a role both in for expanding open space benefits (Young and McPh-
adapting to new environmental conditions and in erson 2013). We propose the concept of green infra-
mitigating the problem. Adaptations include reducing structure should be expanded to include unplanned
flooding, intercepting and storing rainfall, absorbing open space in both the public and private realms,
solar radiation, and cooling urban microclimates (Mell considering a wide variety of ecosystem services
2009). Multifunctional landscapes can contribute to beyond storm water management, and drawing on
mitigation by sequestering carbon in above- and input from diverse stakeholder groups. The domestic
below-ground vegetation, reducing energy required garden, for example, has been found to play an
for cooling, and reducing vehicle emissions by important role in the provision of ecosystem services
supporting alternative transportation such as bike in a city (Cameron et al. 2012). Vacant lots have also
paths (Landscape Institute 2009). In urban areas, been proposed as a contributor to green infrastructure
multifunctional landscape design strategies should be that could improve the health of the city—encouraging
adjusted to allow for continued function and ecosys- new markets for fresh food, supporting social interac-
tem services provision under changing conditions tion, and improving human health through physical
(O’Farrell and Anderson 2010), while also incorpo- activity and access to healthy food (Schilling and
rating strategies to reduce greenhouse gases. Logan 2008). While food production on vacant lots
will not replace the businesses and industries that were
Green infrastructure once a foundation of now disinvested neighborhoods,
Folke et al. (2010) suggest that such small scale efforts
For a city, the multifunctional landscape approach can enable resilience or lead to transformation at a
might best be applied through ‘‘green infrastructure’’ larger scale, with isolated projects inspiring broader
planning. Green infrastructure can be defined as a efforts that diffuse through the city. Consequently, a
network of green spaces planned and managed as an focus on small, manageable systems may be the most
integrated system to provide synergistic benefits productive approach to navigating transitions (Folke
through multifunctionality (Landscape Institute et al. 2010). A city-wide effort to support small-scale
2009). The concept is typically used in reference to transformation would require coordinated planning
the ‘‘planned’’ open space existing on public land goals and policies, capital to rehabilitate underutilized

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463 1453

spaces, and community empowerment to envision development and management of individual open
creative and unique landscape designs that meet local spaces of varying scales (http://www.sustainablesites.
needs. org/). Online resources include descriptions of eco-
system services impacted by site design and manage-
ment, a collection of pilot projects, and a handbook of
Planning for multiple functions ‘‘Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks’’. The
handbook includes a rating system of credits earned
Implementing a strong multifunctional green infra- for sustainable practices, which could be used to
structure plan requires a multi-scale approach. At the compare sites or alternative designs for a single site. A
scale of the whole city, urban planning can play a key wide range of other tools have been developed or
role in establishing strategies to conserve existing adapted for landscape design and urban planning at
habitats, develop new green spaces, and connect various scales, including Life Cycle Assessment
isolated fragments (Lovell and Johnston 2009a). (LCA), the Multifunctional Landscape Assessment
Urban ecologists recommend planning cities to Tool (MLAT), and the Urban Forest Effects Model
enhance heterogeneity and ecological functions, while (UFORE), each of which serves a different purpose
maintaining and restoring remnant ecological pro- but could contribute to the early stages of green
cesses that support ecosystem services (Cadenasso and infrastructure planning.
Pickett 2008). Landscape heterogeneity (diversity of LCA may be used to evaluate or compare the
habitats) has been proposed as one of the most environmental impacts (e.g. energy and material inputs
promising metrics for assessing landscape quality and outputs) of distinct green spaces. LCA seeks to
across human and natural systems, for predicting account for a broad range of categories such as water,
biodiversity (Jorgensen and Gobster 2010), for energy use, greenhouse effect, toxicity, resource extrac-
increasing ecosystem function and resilience (Fischer tion, and land use based on international standards (ISO
et al. 2006), and for improving visual quality (Drams- 14040 and 14044). A more focused LCA—the Carbon
tad et al. 2001) and landscape preference (Poudyal Footprint calculation—targets only CO2 and other
et al. 2009). At the scale of individual sites such as greenhouse gas emissions, facilitating the evaluation
urban parks, landscapes can be designed to support of something as complex as a landscape (Cucek et al.
specific ecosystem services that benefit the local 2012). The approach can be used to compare landscape
community, fully integrating social sciences and design and management alternatives, weighing the
ecology (Breuste et al. 2008; Lovell and Johnston implications of diverse activities such as tree planting
2009b). Urban patches, even those as small as or removal, fertilizer use, and irrigation (Smith et al.
individual residential yards, can also contribute to 2012; Ingram 2013). Carbon Footprint analysis, for
biological diversity in the city by supporting native example, has been applied to urban agriculture in an
vegetation and species richness (Werner 2011). effort to compare GHG emissions from a local farm
Despite the growing evidence that society will benefit versus a commodity food production system, consider-
from ecosystem services and biodiversity provided by ing a variety of fresh market crops (Kulak et al. 2012).
multifunctional green infrastructure, we often lack the Examples of more refined tools developed for landscape
empirical data, tools, and guiding principles to design design and management include the Farm Carbon
these landscapes to perform well across a range of Assessment Tool (FCAT) (http://www.soilassociation.
different functions. We know, for example, very little org/lowcarbon) for improving farming practices and the
about the ecology of a feature as ubiquitous as the Climate Leadership in Parks (CLIP) Tool (http://www.
urban backyard (Cook et al. 2012). for
inventorying greenhouse gas emissions in U.S. National
Decision support tools Parks based on activities such as purchased electricity,
landfill waste, fertilizer application, forest management,
A number of resources are available to support and oil and natural gas activities. One weakness of LCA
decision-making related to green infrastructure devel- and particularly Carbon Footprint assessment is a lack of
opment. The Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) is a consideration of cultural values and social justice issues,
useful source of materials and tools for sustainable although some attempts have been made to include these

1454 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

dimensions as part of the broader LCA in an effort to software was developed to assess forest structure and
better align with sustainability goals (Cucek et al. 2012). functions, and the tool can be used to plan tree
Another tool appropriate for the assessment and establishment to support desired functions. The
planning of green infrastructure is the MLAT origi- assessment of urban forest structure is conducted
nally developed by Lovell et al. (2010) to evaluate the through aerial and ground-based (random sampling)
design of agroecosystems. The tool is intended to help measurements to determine area of tree cover, number
landowners and planners make informed decisions of trees, species composition, tree biomass, and other
about land use that take into consideration the relevant factors (Nowak et al. 2008). Participatory
multifunctionality of the current system and the approaches involving non-professional citizens in the
potential future functions. The inputs include the area inventory process may be used to supplement sam-
of each habitat type, its functional attributes, and pling by providing data on tree structure from photo-
ratings of each attribute based on user perception and grammetric measurement (Abd-Elrahman et al. 2010).
expert assessment depending on the site-specific From the assessment data, UFORE can calculate
context. Figure 2 shows an example of how the functions provided by local urban forests, such as air
MLAT could be applied to a small urban neighbor- pollution removal, carbon sequestration, volatile
hood park. The accuracy of the results can be extended organic compounds (VOC) emissions, and energy
by providing empirical data beyond subjective ratings, conservation for nearby buildings (Nowak et al. 2008).
to quantify the benefits (ecosystem services) of each One limitation is that the tool is designed for woody
green space to indicate overall performance. In plant cover, so it does not account for other types of
addition, a weighting of the relative value of different vegetation and cover. This tool also focuses heavily on
ecosystem services can be incorporated based on input ecological functions, mostly neglecting cultural and
from landowners, nearby residents, and experts (Lov- production functions.
ell 2010). The MLAT is limited in its ability to capture All of these tools have the potential to contribute to
multiple spatial and temporal scales simultaneously; the planning of multifunctional green infrastructure,
however, multiple ‘‘runs’’ of the assessment could particularly in the early stages. No single tool used in
demonstrate differences in time and space dimensions. isolation, however, will provide the level of sophis-
Determining the appropriate ecosystem services to tication required for large-scale urban planning.
include in the MLAT or other planning tools is critical Therefore, using a combination of tools that are based
to quality of the output. In Table 2, we identify and on a common theoretical framework is likely to be the
describe a broad set of services that have been best strategy (Gil and Duarte 2012), connected with an
recognized in recent years as providing value in urban iterative process involving input and response from
areas around the globe. These ecosystem services were the community (see next section). Later stages of the
also selected for the relative simplicity of measure- planning process will require more advanced tools for
ment at a raw level, as a good starting point for modeling and testing potential investment or policy
considering multiple functions simultaneously. choices, by forecasting land use changes and impacts
Urbanization has been shown to impact these services, on ecosystem services (Deal and Pallathucheril 2009).
so the context of the urban setting is particularly
important. Local experts and stakeholders, however, Engaging the community in a participatory
should be involved in determining the specific planning process
ecosystem services to target, as well as their relative
importance (weighting) based on the local context of Planning for multifunctional green infrastructure must
the ecosystem. Such a place-based approach ‘‘pro- engage the community—including diverse groups—if
vides the context in which the problems can be the outcomes are to be socially sustainable. Histori-
recognized and articulated, and within which different cally, the urban landscape, including urban green
values can be understood, conflicts resolved and spaces such as Central Park in New York City (Gandy
choices made’’ (Potschin and Haines-Young 2013). 2003), has been shaped and re-shaped by geometries
At a larger scale, the UFORE can assist in green of power favoring the political and economic interests
space planning, specifically for urban forests (http:// of privileged groups, the reproduction of capitalist This freely available relations of production, and the accumulation of

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463 1455

Fig. 2 Multifunctional Landscape Assessment Tool (MLAT) multifunctionality of the park with bar width proportionate to
applied to a neighborhood park including: (a) the map of landscape spatial extent of each landscape feature and bar height indicating
features in GIS; (b) the worksheet for rating different functional the performance across cultural (purple), ecological (green), and
indicators for each landscape feature; and (c) the output displaying production (orange) dimensions. (Color figure online)

private capital (Keil and Graham 1998; Gandy 2003; urban environmental change and to identify ‘‘alterna-
Hagerman 2007). The uneven development of the tive, radically emancipatory forms of urbanism that
urban environment has been the focus of different are latent, yet systemically suppressed, within con-
strains of critical urban theory, particularly urban temporary cities’’ (Brenner 2009).
political ecology, which seek to excavate the histor- An emerging literature critiques contemporary
ically contingent and politically mediated processes of urban green infrastructure projects as reinforcing the

1456 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

Table 2 Urban ecosystem services and their measurement strategies as they might be applied in evaluating the performance of a
green space
Ecosystem Metric Methodology

Plant Species Richness or total number of taxa; Plant Along a transect or random sampling plots (often with
Biodiversity Diversity or Evenness indices—account for abundance subplots for herbaceous plants), determine presence
of species (e.g. Shannon Diversity Index) and abundance of taxa and characterize native and
invasive species (Boutin et al. 2002; Barrico et al.
Production Yields of individual crops per area; Market value of Harvest, weigh or count units, and record yields.
yield Calculate value based on market prices (Vitiello and
Nairn 2009).
Microclimate Air temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, and Gather data from weather stations located in different
control wind velocity zones of land use to compare conditions continuously
throughout year (Mahmoud 2011).
Soil Infiltration Infiltration capacity and soil compaction Estimate relative infiltration rates using an infiltrometer.
Compaction estimates based on readings from cone
penetrometer (Gregory et al. 2006).
Carbon Above ground biomass and carbon balance including For biomass, sample trees and measure diameter at
sequestration emissions from maintenance and decomposition breast height (DBH). For carbon balance, calculate
emissions from site practices based on fuel used by
equipment and estimate vegetation carbon based on
type, life span, growth at maturity (Nowak 2002;
Townsend-Small and Czimczik 2010).
Visual Quality Preference ratings for different scenes Traditional approach uses photo-questionnaires with
visual simulations of settings with varying qualities
(Kaplan and Kaplan 1989). New approaches allow
modeling of virtual landscapes (Tyrvainen et al.
Physical Activity level with self-reporting of type, intensity and For self-reporting, conduct surveys of green space users
Activity duration; estimate metabolic equivalent of task (MET) or local residents. For estimating MET units, activities
based on observation of activities are documented through observation (Cohen et al.
2011) or tracking (Fjortoft and Sageie 2000) and
activity level determined from averages in the
Compendium of Physical Activities
Social Capital Social networks from self-reported ratings; Social Survey residents/visitors for self-reported social
interactions through observation activities and networks (Fan et al. 2011).
Ethnographic observation of interactions between
individuals (Bagley and Hillyard 2011).

political and economic interests of urban elites and the labor discipline in Victorian England (Gaskell 1980),
state, which are often one and the same. Pudup (2008), to the incorporation of school and community gar-
for example, argues that contemporary community dening into programs of assimilation for African
gardens should generally be construed not as sites of American, Native American, and immigrant commu-
community resistance to marginalization, but as nities in the United States in the nineteenth and
garden projects organized by ‘‘non-state and quasi- twentieth centuries (Lawson 2005).
state actors who deliberately organize gardens to At larger scales, contemporary green infrastructure
achieve a desired transformation of individuals in projects, such as the greenways and restored water-
place of collective resistance and/or mobilization’’ fronts associated with urban redevelopment, have
(Pudup 2008). Gardening as a form of social control been characterized as token green interventions into
and assimilation, however, has a long history, from its the fabric of the postindustrial city. Nature is repack-
promotion among the working classes as a form of aged and symbolically re-inserted into the city as part

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463 1457

of the discursive and material construction of the framework for green infrastructure planning (also
‘‘sustainable’’ or ‘‘liveable’’ city. These interventions using a participatory process) will help to ensure that
erase or rework the city’s industrial past (and associ- projects at the neighborhood scale contribute to an
ated working class populations) and construct land- integrated city-scale system with synergistic benefits.
scapes of consumption in the place of spaces of Various approaches have been developed to help
production. Politically, they divert public attention support community engagement. Planners may facil-
away from the expenditure of public monies to itate the development of community-initiated projects
promote private development and from the negative through initial outreach and community networking
consequences of urban ‘‘renewal,’’ such as the activities followed by design workshops in which
displacement of marginalized populations from rede- planners, design professionals, and other ‘‘experts’’
veloped land (Hagerman 2007). Working class help stakeholders realize their visions for their com-
natures, even those that support the green infrastruc- munity (Semenza et al. 2007) or discover new visions.
ture goals of public agencies, such as squat gardens Alternative future scenarios can be developed based
and farms on vacant land, may be displaced by middle on expert analysis and/or community input and used to
class natures perceived to be more legitimate by urban represent plausible landscape futures and associated
planners (Domene and Sauri 2007). implications resulting from different drivers of
In a truly democratic participatory process for urban change, such as new land use policies (Steinitz et al.
green infrastructure planning, all participants—includ- 2003; Tress and Tress 2003; Shearer 2005). These
ing ecologists, planners, designers, and users—must be scenarios are used to inspire and inform decision-
cognizant of and acknowledge existing geometries of makers of the opportunities and impacts of different
power, the potential mobilization of ‘‘green’’ planning alternatives through spatially specific models (Santel-
discourse in the service of urban elites, and the mann et al. 2004). Visualization techniques including
vulnerability of the process to the uneven distribution photorealistic designs (Tress and Tress 2003; Nassau-
of power. In this context, the decision support tools er and Corry 2004) and 3-D models (Lewis and
described earlier have the potential to empower Sheppard 2006) have been used effectively in combi-
marginalized groups and local communities in the nation with scenario descriptions to communicate
production of urban environments that embody their proposed landscape changes to stakeholders and to
ideals, values, and aspirations. Ideally, local green solicit input on alternative landscape scenarios (Tress
infrastructure projects are initiated by community and Tress 2003).
members, and participatory planning is used to identify Although many studies show positive benefits of
and represent the interests of individuals and groups participatory approaches to urban planning, special
often neglected in the planning process (Tress and care must be taken to offer a transparent and truly
Tress 2003), leading to socially just alternatives participatory democratic process that includes input
(Tippett 2004). Engaging the community in planning from less powerful neighborhoods and residents, as the
and design encourages commitment from citizens, participatory planning process has been criticized in
increases satisfaction with results, builds trust, and some cases for supporting elite views and reinforcing
creates more realistic outcomes, while also allowing relations of power. Advocacy groups promoting spe-
ecologists, planners, and designers access to commu- cific urban planning goals may be composed primarily
nity expertise and local knowledge and community of members of privileged social groups with the time,
members access to professional expertise (Al-Kodma- resources, and vocabulary to articulate their ideas to
ny 1999; McCall and Minang 2005). A bottom-up decision-makers (Carr 2012). Engaging underrepre-
approach, in which communities initiate (and are sented populations in participatory planning can be
encouraged to initiate) projects, helps to ensure that difficult. Traditional, passive strategies for engaging
planning ‘‘solutions’’ are not imposed from above. the general public, such as posting notices of public
Community involvement in the planning process from planning meetings—even in the native languages of
problem identification through landscape design and underrepresented stakeholder groups—are insuffi-
management can further result in more successful and cient. Language barriers, apathy, a lack of familiarity
durable green interventions in the urban landscape. At with government institutions (particularly the public
the same time, the development of a broad, city-level planning process), prior negative interactions with

1458 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

such institutions, and a lack of time to attend public through innovation, adaptive management, and social
meetings can all be barriers to participation for learning. We expanded this idea to consider how the
members of disadvantaged or minority communities entire system of green infrastructure of a city might
(Howard et al. 1994; King et al. 1998; Oshun et al. be designed and planned to support a broad set of
2011). Planners must actively engage stakeholders ecosystem services that could enable transformation
through innovative strategies such as the use of and empower communities.
planning outreach liaisons to ensure meaningful par- This paper offers specific tools that can be used for
ticipation and a democratic outcome (Oshun et al. decision-making during the planning process. Build-
2011). ing on previous work on urban ecosystem services (c.f.
Bolund and Hunhammar 1999; Lovell and Johnston
2009b), we propose a set of ecosystem services
Discussion appropriate for many urban ecosystems around the
world. These ecosystem services, which cover eco-
In this paper, we proposed a strategy for supplying logical, production, and social dimensions, might be
ecosystem services in urban areas through a partici- used as indicators of sustainability of existing sites or
patory planning process targeting multifunctional as design targets for future sites. In the case of
green infrastructure. We reviewed and synthesized comparing existing sites, we offer the quantifiable
literature from urban ecology, resilience thinking, metrics and associated methods for measuring current
multifunctional landscapes, and green infrastructure to performance. For planning future sites, the alternative
make a case for viewing urban green spaces—not only scenarios might be characterized and compared using
formal parks and nature preserves, but also interstitial rankings, with the decision support tools discussed
spaces such as vacant lots, right-of-way zones, and earlier (Lovell et al. 2010).
green roofs—as having potential to contribute to the Finally, this paper makes a case for a participatory
social and ecological health of the city. Because planning process at multiple scales, from the neighbor-
planning for multiple functions can be a major task hood to the city and region, to guide decision-making on
when many diverse social groups are involved, we green infrastructure. Such a multiscalar approach could
explored decision support tools that could be applied be used to identify and represent the interests of all
to green infrastructure planning to engage the public stakeholders–including those from marginalized or
and encourage action toward implementing a pre- historically underrepresented groups—in the green
ferred solution. Strategies for engaging underrepre- infrastructure planning process, potentially leading to
sented populations were reviewed as an important more equitable and sustainable outcomes with broad-
component of a planning process to support healthy based public support. Local scale participatory planning
SESs. must occur within a city-level framework that is also
developed through a participatory process, to ensure that
Contributions local projects synergistically contribute to an integrated
city-scale system. We argue that, when appropriate, this
This paper broadens the conversation on SESs, by approach to planning could and should be comple-
considering the potential for multifunctional green mented by a community-based strategy of green
infrastructure to contribute to greater resilience in the infrastructure management, as a form of civic environ-
face of an unpredictable future challenged by climate mentalism promoting social cohesion and empower-
variability, food security, and availability and equita- ment, ecopsychological health, and the development of
ble distribution of resources. The concept of ‘‘trans- an environmental ethos among community members
formability’’ suggests that the disturbances related to (Leigh 2005). Participatory planning and community-
this unpredictable future could actually serve as based resource management are not, however, a pana-
opportunities to realign resources and organizational cea. Planners and other decision-makers must be
structures by drawing from the innovation and cognizant of residents’ differential access to social
knowledge concentrated in urban areas. Tidball and resources and the vulnerability of planning for and
Krasny (2009) suggest that community greening could managing green infrastructure to unequal power
serve as a community-based tool to promote resilience geometries.

Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463 1459

Implications (Lyytimaki and Sipila 2009; Escobedo et al. 2011;

Pataki et al. 2011). Some researchers have attempted
Our work has important implications for urban to capture ecosystem services and disservices together
planners, landscape architects and designers, commu- through landscape assessments (De Groot 2006;
nity organizers, and researchers. For urban planners, Dobbs et al. 2011), but it has been difficult to expand
we offered several themes that could help guide a more beyond narrow market economics which do not
holistic urban planning process to prepare for an adequately address cultural functions. Overall, we
unpredictable future: (1) to develop multifunctional need to recognize that the net effectiveness of green
green infrastructure by integrating a broad set of spaces in providing ecosystem services may not be as
ecosystem services, (2) to use the concept of ‘‘trans- great as expected, once a full accounting of costs and
formation’’ to guide the planning process for a more benefits are considered, and much uncertainty still
resilient system, and (3) to legitimately involve all exists in the magnitude of effectiveness of many
stakeholder groups in decision-making, with special ecosystem services (Pataki et al. 2011; Roy et al.
consideration for engaging underrepresented groups. 2012).
The implications for landscape architects and design- Another limitation is the potential for trade-offs
ers are related to the complexity of transforming sites, among ecosystem services, particularly in urban areas
while considering the broader costs and benefits with intensive human activities. In an analysis of the
beyond the site. Simple themes such as conserving Beijing area, two types of ecosystem service bun-
biodiversity, establishing ecological connectivity, and dles—the ‘‘natural’’ bundle (carbon storage, soil
planning for multifunctionality can guide the design retention, and habitat conservation) and the ‘‘artifi-
approaches (Ahern 2013). We hope the material cial’’ bundle (production and population support)—
provided in this paper will help in developing specific were found to represent the tradeoffs in the landscape
goals and objectives that will lead to sustainable (Wu et al. 2013b). Other researchers have also
solutions. For community organizers, we suggest that documented interactions between different ecosystem
urban green space could serve as a visible platform for services, uncovering situations of both synergies and
action and social and ecological transformation tradeoffs, depending on the services and the context.
toward a better and more sustainable future. And While the identification and assessment of complex
for researchers (as we are), this work may be a relationships among multiple ecosystem services will
guide for interdisciplinary evaluation of a complex require integrated social–ecological approaches, the
urban ecosystem, considering multiple functions appropriate management of these relationships could
simultaneously. improve the resilience of urban ecosystems (Bennett
et al. 2009).
Limitations In addition, the success of this approach is limited
by the true potential of urban green infrastructure to
One limitation of the framework for multifunctional contribute to certain ecosystem services at a mean-
green infrastructure is the difficulty in accounting for ingful level or extent. Focusing narrowly on carbon
the negative externalities, or disservices (those nega- sequestration by urban forests, or food production
tive for human well-being), from urban green spaces. from urban gardens, might lead to the conclusion that
Ecosystem disservices can have an important impact the contributions are miniscule and insignificant
on the way green spaces are perceived, used, and compared with those of vast old-growth forests or
managed (Lyytimaki and Sipila 2009). Potential contemporary agricultural systems. Considering mul-
disservices from urban green spaces include: estab- tiple ecosystem services simultaneously, however,
lishment of invasive species that threaten other will help community members, investors, and deci-
ecosystem services, spread of allergens or toxins in sion-makers come to some agreement on the best land
plants, wildlife animals transmitting diseases, physical use for a specific site. Even so, we must recognize that
damage to built infrastructure by decomposition or a city-wide transition to a more sustainable, efficient,
tree roots, depletion of water resources due to and healthy state will indeed require major commit-
irrigation, nutrient runoff from fertilization, or spread ment from urban governments, and the results will
of contaminants through soil and plant material take time to be revealed. Certainly, those cities that

1460 Landscape Ecol (2013) 28:1447–1463

strategically plan for greater efficiency will be much changing climate, food insecurity, water shortages, and
more competitive in the future (Troy 2012). energy limitations. In particular, we should explore
those opportunities to build on the innovation capacity
Moving forward of cities to develop a multifunctional green infrastruc-
ture that could allow communities to adapt and even to
What needs to be done to move a multifunctional green transform to a more desirable development trajectory.
infrastructure forward? First, we need to gather the data Appropriate planning tools and a shared language will
that will convince community members, land owners, help to translate across multiple scales, and in many
investors, and decision-makers that this strategy is cases, the small-scale, grass roots projects might guide
worth-while and deserves a long-term commitment. transformation on a broader scale. Governmental
Valuation of ecosystem services and disservices agencies could play a role in establishing the green
through cost-benefit analysis could help cities to justify infrastructure to support smaller, manageable systems
the investment in multifunctional green infrastructure and to empower local communities to transform their
in the eyes of the public (Vandermeulen et al. 2011). SES through action on the landscape. Participation in
Engaging the public throughout the process will lead to planning for and managing green infrastructure must
a greater understanding and acceptance in the new be broad and truly representative to help guarantee that
directions of tax revenue spending that could build a environmental change benefits all social groups,
more resilient system able to transform in a positive including historically disadvantaged and underrepre-
direction even when faced with disturbance. sented populations. Innovative strategies for identify-
Second, when large-scale commitment is absent or ing and engaging potential stakeholders in the planning
failing, individual ‘‘early-adopters’’ can take the leap process and for encouraging communities to initiate
and implement innovative solutions on their own, even green infrastructure projects can help to ensure a
if the technologies have not been fully proven. These democratic and just outcome.
innovative technologies may then diffuse outward,
transforming the urban landscape. Several landscape
ecologists have proposed the idea of ‘‘adaptive References
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