PDF Power BI Cheat Sheet12

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English version - October 2019

Power BI Cheat Sheet https://bit.ly/cheatsheetpbi (PDF download)

https://bit.ly/PBICheatSheetGitHub (Contribute to the cheat sheet)

Power Query Data Model

Tips & Tricks Tips & Tricks
1. Give every step an explanatory name and merge steps of the same type, for better manageability. 1. Always use a separate Date table in your data model. Mark it as a Date Table.
Some people prefer to not use spaces in the name of a step, for a better M coding experience. 2. Only use DAX Calculated Columns when it’s not possible to create it using Power Query. This
2. Give queries and columns user-friendly names, as they will become part of your data model. improves clarity and manageability of your report as transformations are located where you expect
3. Make sure that each column has the correct data type. Making the model smaller and faster. them. It also improves query speed of the model and reduces refresh duration.

4. Remove columns you are not going to use in your report. Prefer ‘Remove Other Columns’ above the 3. Give measures a prefix (%, #, €).
‘Remove Columns’ option, for lower risk that structural changes in your data source break the query. 4. Use abbreviations like YTD, LY, PY, PP as a suffix, to keep the base fields together in the sort order.
5. Maximize the use of Query Folding for faster and more efficient queries. With Query Folding, multiple 5. Hide columns that are needed but are irrelevant for the user.
transformations are merged as one query and then sent to the source. If ‘View Native Query’ is not 6. Hide the key at the many side of a many-to-one relation (e.g. [OrderDate] in the ‘Revenue’ table).
available, Query Folding has stopped before that step.
7. For each measure column in your data model, make a DAX Calculated Measure instead of using the
6. In general, prefer “Import” over “DirectQuery”. Unless the amount of data is too large to import, or ‘Default Summarization’, then hide the original column. This way all measures will have the same
when there are other requirements (like real-time insights). icon. And it enables you to easily change the calculation in the future (e.g. adding a filter condition).
7. Use Date.From instead of DateTime.Date to extract a date from another field, and to make sure Also, it is easier to reference this measure in other DAX calculations.
query folding won’t break. More info on this blog post: http://bit.ly/DateFrom. 8. Always use the table name when you refer to a column, for example: ‘Product’[Category].
8. Turn off ‘Enable Load’ for queries/tables that you don’t need in the Data Model. 9. Use DIVIDE() to prevent division by 0, and to improve the speed of your divisions.
9. Re-use Power Query code and lower impact on your data source by using Power BI dataflows. 10. Use IsInScope to get the right hierarchy level in DAX (read all about it in Kasper de Jonge’s blog:
10. Turn on the Formula Bar so you get familiar with Power Query (M) code. https://bit.ly/KasperOnBIInScope).

11. Automatically beautify all column names in a query, e.g. “CustomerName” → “Customer Name”, by 11. In DAX: (un)comment DAX lines by pressing Alt + Shift + A or CTRL + /, and Shift + Enter for line breaks.
using the Power Query function Alex Powers shared on his GitHub repo: http://bit.ly/PQSplitByCase. 12. Use aggregations to keep your model small and performant, and still have all detailed data available.
Note: he also has a function to replace underscores in all column names automatically. 13. Use Tabular Editor to make changes to your Power BI file (currently unsupported by Microsoft). Also,
make sure to check-out its best-practices analyzer.
Code examples (don’t forget that Power Query / M is case-sensitive!) 14. Avoid bi-directional cross filtering and make use of measure filters http://bit.ly/MeasureFilters.
• if T > 0 then A else B 15. For very large models, group measures or fields in display folders for better usability.
• try A/B otherwise 0 16. Use DAX Studio to capture all DAX queries executed on your Premium Capacity.
• #table( { “X”, “Y” }, { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } } ) 17. Keep your PBI desktop file fast and small by using TOP N (http://bit.ly/ImproveReportBuilding) and
• DateTime.LocalNow() switch underlying data source in PBI service after publishing (http://bit.ly/ParameterizeDatasource).
• Date.From( DateTime.LocalNow() )
• Excel.Workbook(Web.Contents("[url]/[filename].xlsx"), null, true)
• #shared to list all functions and get PQ documentation • Increase the readability of your DAX calculations: https://www.daxformatter.com.
• Use DAX Studio to analyze and tune your calculations: http://daxstudio.org.
Resources • Find all about DAX expressions: https://dax.guide.
• Power Query M Formula Reference: http://bit.ly/PQMReference. • Use Tabular Editor to easily build and manage your models: https://tabulareditor.github.io/.
• Repo by Imke Feldmann with a lot of custom Power Query functions: https://github.com/ImkeF/M/.


Data Visualization Miscellaneous
Tips & Tricks Tips & Tricks
Themes & Colors 1. Edit your report in Power BI Desktop and not in the Service. Making sure there is one golden version.
1. Use a theme file (.json) with branding of your organization (visit https://powerbi.tips/ for a generator). 2. The best way to share your Power BI solution with others is using Apps. Prefer to use Security Groups.
2. Always pick colors from your theme file instead of recent colors. Otherwise you will break the 3. Create the same data source in a gateway multiple times, with different credentials based on the
relationship with your theme file for this object and changes in your theme file will not be applied. required security context for each one.
3. Use a Power BI Template file (.pbit), to bring consistency in the look & feel of reports in your 4. Make sure you have versioning for your Power BI Desktop files (local OneDrive sync works well).
organization (e.g. add a default background, add common data sources). 5. Use dataflows to host generic Power Queries and reuse the table output across multiple data models.
4. Don’t use noisy images as a background. They distract from the data. 6. Optimize usage of the dataflows compute engine. Read details here: http://bit.ly/DataflowsCompute.
5. Apply colors with a purpose and not because it looks fancy. Consider the interpretation of colors (for
7. Want to test-drive Power BI Premium? The Azure Power BI Embedded A SKU will give you the
example red is usually associated with a negative situation, green with a positive situation).
Premium experience, without the long-term commitment and up-front costs.
6. Think about colorblindness (8% of male, 0.6% of women have red-green color blindness).
8. Only use Publish to Web when your data can be out in the open. Browse the Gallery of Public Reports
7. Use HEX color codes in your dimensional tables or DAX expressions to apply color formatting. Read all and more information about the risks of this feature on https://bit.ly/ModernDataPublishToWeb.
about it on this page: https://bit.ly/DataMarcAdvancedControls.
9. Be aware that users can also access your data model through the Q&A, Quick Insights and Analyze in
Excel functions. That’s great, but think about data protection using (dynamic) row level security.
Report layout
10. Use the Power BI admin API to get an overview of Power BI content within your tenant and monitor
8. Try out Figma for wireframing/prototyping of your report pages (https://bit.ly/Frigma).
content usage by using the Power BI Audit logs.
9. Put slicers on a consistent place on each page for user-friendliness and recognition.
11. Getting started with Power BI? Visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/guided-learning/.
10. Give all relevant visuals a clear and explanatory title, this will show up in the selection pane and will
12. Thinking about embedding Power BI visuals in your custom application? See it in action and try out
be used as filename when using the export option of a visual (you can hide the title after renaming).
all the options in this live demo environment: https://bit.ly/PBIEmbedded.
11. Use the new grouping functionality to group object together and easily maintain your report.
12. Use the ▲ and ▼ buttons on the Selection Pane, to change the display order of visuals and groups. Resources
13. Use drillthrough and tooltip pages to add extra context. Hide drillthrough and tooltip pages from your • Follow these Power BI product team members: Amanda Cofsky, Arun Ulag, Chris Webb,
navigation bar. Give the ‘back button’ extra accent for clear report navigation. GuyInACube (Adam & Patrick), Christian Wade, Josh Kaplan, Justyna Lucznik, Kasper de Jonge,
14. Disable visual header for a clean look-and-feel and drill up/down using right click. Kay Unkroth, Kelly Kaye, Kim Manis, Lukasz Pawlowski, Matt Mason, Matthew Roche, Miguel Martinez,
15. Use Canva's drag-and-drop feature to design one or more-page layouts (https://bit.ly/CanvaLayouts). Nikhil Gaekwad, Nimrod Shalit, Phil Seamark, Will Thompson.
• Follow these bloggers and influencers for tips, examples and news : Alberto Ferrari, Brett Powell,
Graphs & Visuals David Eldersveld, Devin Knight, Gil Raviv, Imke Feldmann, Ivan Bond, Jason Thomas, Ken Puls,
Ken Russel, Leila Etaati, Maegon Longoria, Matt Allington, Marco Russo, Maxim Zelensky,
16. Prefer graphs over tables for better insights. When you do use tables, apply conditional formatting.
Melissa Coates, Miguel Eskobar, Paul Turley, Prathy Kamasani, Reid Havens, Reza Rad, Rob Collie,
17. Think about using relative date filters, such as “Last Month” or “Rolling Year”. Rob Farley, Ruth Pozuelo (Curbal), Nicky van Vroenhoven.
18. Need a special visual? Check out https://charticulator.com/ and create bespoke chart designs
without programming. Free and Open Source from Microsoft Research. Contribute!
19. When using custom visuals, test the impact on the performance of your report. Also, check when it
Do have suggestions or questions regarding the Power BI Cheat Sheet? We’d love to hear from you!
was last updated by the developer. Strongly consider using only certified custom visuals.
Contact us on LinkedIn or Twitter, or send an email to [email protected].
20. Check and improve all ‘visual interactions’. Prefer cross-filtering over cross-highlighting. You are welcome to submit your changes via GitHub: https://bit.ly/PBICheatSheetGitHub.

• OK VIZ Visual reference: https://sqlbi.com/ref/power-bi-visuals-reference. Dave Ruijter Marc Lelijveld
• SQL Jason Financial Times Visual Vocabulary: https://bit.ly/SQLJasonVisualVocabulary. linkedin.com/in/daveruijter linkedin.com/in/marclelijveld
twitter.com/daveruijter twitter.com/marclelijveld
I’VE GOT THE POWER BI https://moderndata.ai/ https://data-marc.com/

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