Power BI Assessment Dashboard Walkthrough

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Assessment Dashboard in a Day

Visualizing Assessment Data in Power BI

Fred Burrack, Ph.D. | Director

Chris Urban | Assistant Director
[email protected]
Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

This walkthrough demonstrates a process to create a basic assessment dashboard using Power BI.
This guide should be considered a template showing key steps and functions that can be adapted
for programmatic or institutional contexts.

Part I: Create the Data Model

Build the Fact Table

1. Create a new report and get data

Open Power BI Desktop and click Get Data

Select Text/CSV, then click Connect.

Choose the Scores Export Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 file and click Open. Then
click Edit.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

2. Use the Query Editor to Transform the Data

Rename the Query to Fact Scores

Remove unnecessary assessment id and attempt columns. While

holding Ctrl, click column headings to select columns for removal.
Then right-click on a column heading and click Remove Columns.

Because this is a fact table, we need to convert some columns into

duplicated row values by Unpivoting Columns. Select the columns
to unpivot (all of the criteria columns) then right-click on a column
and choose Unpivot Columns.

Unpivoting converts these columns into rows.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Rename the unpivoted columns. Double-Click the Attribute column

and rename it to Criteria. Rename the Value column to Score.

Change the data type of the Score column to Whole Number. Click
on the icon next to the column header, then select Whole Number.

3. Click Close & Apply to load the Fact Table to the data model

FactScores will show up in the Fields pane. Click the icon to view
the FactScores table in the Relationships view.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Build the Dimension Tables

1. Connect to additional source files.

Click Edit Queries to return to the query editor.

Click New Source, then select text/csv file and connect to the
Student Demographics source file.

Rename the query to DimStudent and click Close and Apply.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

DimStudent will show up in the Fields pane and will connect to the
FactScores table in the Relationships view.

Repeat these steps to create DimCourse and DimTerm from the

Courses and Terms source files.

2. Create a table to define achievement levels associated with scores

in FactScores. Click Enter Data and type in the following to create

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

3. Extract the list of outcomes.

Right-Click FactScores & click Reference. Rename the new table to

In DimOutcome, right-click the Criteria column to bring up the

menu and choose Remove other columns. Right-click Criteria again
and choose Remove Duplicates.

The table will now contain a single, unduplicated column of criteria.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

4. Create Additional Fields

Select the Criteria column. In the Add Column tab, click Extract,
then First Characters. Extract the first 3 characters and rename the
resulting column to Code.

Select the Criteria Column. In the Add Column tab, click Extract,
then Text Before Delimiter. Enter a period (“.”) as the delimiter and
click OK.

Rename the resulting column to Outcome Letter.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Click the Outcome Letter column to select it. In the Add Column
tab, click Conditional Column.

Enter Outcome Text as the new column name. Then enter the
fields as they appear below.

The Outcome Text column will appear in the table.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

In the Add Column tab, cilck Merge Columns. Choose a Custom

Separator, enter a period (“.”), and type in Full Outcome Text as
the new column name.

5. In the Home Tab, Click Close & Apply to load the Dimensions to the
Data Model

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Confirm Data Model Relationships and Create Additional Key


1. Check that the Correct Fields are Connected. Switch to the

Relationships view. Note the tables are not arranged in a star
schema. Move tables by clicking and dragging the table names.

Click and drag from one field to another to create a relationship

between DimOutcome[Criteria] and FactScores[Criteria].

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Right-click on a relationship to delete it. Do this for the relationship

between DimTerm and DimCourse.

Double-click on a relationship edit it. You can also use the Manage
Relationships button to edit and create new relationships.

Relationships must include a unique set (unduplicated) values on at

least one side of the relationship. They must be one-to-one or one-
to-many. Try to create a relationship between
FactScores[CourseID] and DimCourse[CourseID]. You should
receive an error.

This happens because CourseIDs are reused and there are multiple
courses with the same ID. We will create a new key field that
combines CourseID and Term in order to connect these tables.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

2. Create a new key field.

Click Edit Queries to return to the query editor.

In DimCourse, hold Ctrl and select course id then semester. Then

click Merge Columns in the Add Column tab.

Repeat these steps in FactScores to create the

CourseIDSemesterKey field in that table. Then click Close & Apply.

Use the new key fields to create a relationship between FactScores

and DimCourse.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

The assessment dashboard data model is now complete and shows

up as a star schema.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Part II: Create the Report

Write DAX Measures to perform calculations and aggregate

1. Create Count Scores Measure.

Right-click on FactScores and click New Measure.

The Measure editor appears at the top of the screen.

Enter the following in the box to create count scores. Then hit the
Enter key.

Repeat the previous steps to create the Count All Scores measure.
Note that this measure references Count Scores.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Create additional measures:

%Scores – Divides count scores and count all scores

Count Students – Uses DISTINCTCOUNT to count individual students

Count ALL Students – Total number of assessed students

%Students – Use in charts that show % of students by demographics

After creating each measure, click on the measure and set it to the
correct options in the Modeling tab. For example, %Scores should
be set as a Percentage data type with 1 decimal place. Its home
table should be FactScores.

Create the Visualizations

1. Create Score Breakdown Chart

Under FactScores in the Fields Pane, check the box for %Scores.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

In Visualizations, click to change the visual to a Stacked bar chart.

Add the Criteria and Score Text fields to the visual by dragging and
dropping them into the field wells.

The resulting chart will show up on the report canvas.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

To override the alphabetical sort order of the legend, click on Score

Text in the Fields pane. In the Modeling tab, set the Sort by
Column to Score.

The legend will now be sorted by the score value instead of


Set the Formatting Options for the chart using the Formatting

Chang the data colors and turn the border and data labels on.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Change the title and legend text and format them.

The resulting chart will look like this:

Add Full Outcome Text above Criteria in the Axis field well to
enable drilling up and down between levels.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

The drill buttons now appear at the top of the visual.

Drilling up and down displays data by criteria or outcome.

Add Count Scores and Count All Scores to the Tooltips field well.

Count Scores and Count All Scores will now appear in the tooltip
when mousing over the visual.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

2. Create Proficiency Rank Chart

Click on the %Scores visual. Use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste
the visual on the canvas. In the new visual, replace Score Text with
Proficient Status in the Legend field well.

Use the Formatting Pane to change the Data colors and Title.

In the Filters Pane, uncheck Not Proficient under the Proficient

Status visual level filter. This will cause the visual to show only
Proficient scores.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

The resulting visual will look like this:

Select the visual and click the Ellipsis (…) icon. Then choose to sort
by %Scores to sort lowest to highest. You may need to click the AZ
icon next to Sort By to sort the correct direction.

3. Create Demographic Charts

Click a blank spot on the canvas so that no chart is selected. Then

click the Donut Chart icon from the visualizations pane.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Add Current Major and % Students to the chart.

Change the Formatting Options and view the new chart.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Copy and paste the student chart. Replace Current Major with
Transfer in the Legend field well.

Set the Formatting Options for the Transfer Chart.

Add Count Students as a Card visual.

4. Create Slicers

Add Semester Title as a slicer visual. Slicers are interactive and

allow users to filter the data on the page.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Use the slicer menu to switch between options. Display the

semester slicer as a Dropdown.

Some slicers work better when data is grouped. For example,

displaying every course may not be useful, but looking at <400 level
courses and >400 level courses could provide some indication of
differences between formative and summative assessments.

Create groups using a calculated column. In the data view, click the
DimCourse table.

In the Modeling tab, click New Column.

Enter the following formula to check create a new column that

shows whether a course is <400 (lower level) or 400+ (upper level).

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

The new column will appear. In the report view, add this column as
a slicer.

Groups can also be created using the Groups option. To create

groups of lab and non-lab courses, right-click on Course Name in
DimCourse and click New Group.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Create groups by selecting the courses you want to group and then
clicking Group. Rename the groups by double-clicking the group
name. Then click OK.

The group will appear as a new column in the table.

Create a slicer from the new group. Copy and paste another slicer
to carry over its formatting options.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

5. Align and Distribute Elements. As elements are added to the

canvas, they may not be aligned appropriately. These two slicers
should be even top to bottom. Instead of aligning these manually,
use the built in formatting tools.

Select the elements you want to align by holding Ctrl while clicking
each element. In the Format tab, click Align, then choose an

The slicers will now be aligned to the top.

Use the Distribute tool to create even space in between three or

more selected visuals, either vertically or horizontally.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Format the Report

1. Add a Title. On the home tab, click Text box. Then type the title in
the box and change the text format.

2. Add a wordmark.

Click Image. Then select the image file. Resize the image and place
it in the correct location.

Create a Page with Tables

1. Rename the Page and Duplicate it.

Double-click the page tab and type in a new name.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Right-click on the page tab and click Duplicate Page. Rename the
new page Tables.

2. Delete the proficiency chart by clicking on it and hitting the

Delete key. Click on the score breakdown chart to select it.
Change it to a Table visualization type.

Change formatting options and fields as necessary to make the

table look presentable. The final table will look something like

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Test and Finalize the Report

1. Test the report. Test your entire report before and after publishing
and sharing to ensure it functions correctly and that viewers can
easily understand and navigate.

Test and change how visuals interact with each other.

By default, clicking one visual will filter all other visuals on the page.
To disable this, first select a visual. Then click the Edit Interactions
option in the Format Tab.

Then use the icons at the top of another visual to change whether
the interaction filters or does nothing to another visual.

2. Verify data confidentiality. View the additional resources

document on ensuring confidentiality in Power BI.

Update the report using new data

1. Add the new data.
Click Edit Queries to return to the query editor.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Click New Source, then select text/csv file and connect to the Fall
2017 and Spring 2018 Scores Export

Rename the query 2017-18 Scores Raw

Right-click the query and unselect Enable Load. This will prevent
this raw data from loading to the data model.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

2. Append the data to FactScores so that all the existing

transformations are applied.

Click FactScores. In the query steps, click the Changed Type step.

Click Append Queries. Appending adds another table as new rows.

Click Insert to clear the warning message.

Select the 2017-18 Scores Raw Table and click OK.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

3. Update the Terms source file to add a new term. In the windows
file explorer, navigate to the Terms source file and open it in Excel.

Type in additional term information for Fall 2018.

Save the file with its original name and location to maintain the
connection in Power BI.

In the Power BI Desktop Query Editor, select DimTerm. Click

Refresh Preview to see the new Fall 2018 row in the table.

Assessment Dashboard in a Day with Power BI

Click Close and & Apply to load the new data to the report.

If the table doesn’t update, manually refresh by right-clicking on the

table and clicking Refresh Data.


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