Complete List of Connectives and Discourse Markers For IELTS Speaking

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Danial Daghianoosi

Complete List Of Connectives and Discourse Markers

For IELTS Speaking
Danial Daghianoosi

Giving a personal opinion:

- Well, …
- Well, I guess …
- Well, I suppose …
- Well, I reckon ….
- Well, I think ...
- Well, as far as I’m concerned, …
- Well, to be honest, I think ….
- Well, between you and me, I think …
- Well, it could be that …
- The way I see it,…
- In my opinion,…
- To me,…
- In my eyes,…
- In my view,…
- From my point of view,…
- From my viewpoint,…
- From my perspective,…
- From where I stand/stood,…
- To my perception,…
- If you ask me,..
- What I reckon is,…
- I’d say….
- Personally speaking,…
- Technically speaking,….

Adding information:

- Also, ...
- And, …
- Another thing is….
- Another good example of this is, …
- Another reason for this is ,
- And one more thing,…
- On top of that…
- As far as I know…
- To my knowledge,…
- Another thing that comes to mind,…
- Besides,…
- Additionally,…
- In addition to…
Danial Daghianoosi


- Actually,…
- In fact,…
- As a matter of fact,…
- And here’s the thing,…
- I think one important thing is….
- I really think…
- For sure, in my eyes,….
- For sure, in my view,…
- I firmly believe that…
- Absolutely.
- Definitely.
- Without a doubt,…
- Without a shadow of a doubt /without a shadow of doubt…
- There’s no doubt ….
- Undoubtedly,…
- Hands down(=Undoubtedly),…. (appears at the end of a sentence)
- Undeniably,…
- It’s undeniable…
- I’d go as far as to say,…


- What I mean is…

- What I want to say is…
- What I’m trying to say is…
- As I was saying…
- To explain,…
- To illustrate,…
- In other words,…
- My point is that,…
- More specifically,…
- Let me put that another way.
- To put that another way,…
- That is to say,…
- I shouldn’t also forget to mention that…
- If we’re talking about ……., I suppose……..
- When it comes to ……, I should say…
- Regarding …., I’m of the opinion that…
- As for myself…. (specially when saying sth opposite)

Contrasting and making concessions:

- I’ve got mixed feelings about this, I suppose ……………., but then again, ……………
- I’ve got mixed feelings about this, I suppose ……………., but on the other hand, ……………
- I’m in two minds about this, I suppose ……………., but on the other hand, ……………
Danial Daghianoosi

- I’m in two minds about this actually, I reckon ……………., but then again, ……………
- First and foremost…………….,but…………….
- Well, for starters, ……………,but…………….,
- At first glance, ………………., mind you …………….
- At first sight, ………………., that said …………….
- On the other hand,…
- But…
- However, …
- Mind you…
- That said…
- At the same time…
- While….
- Although…
- Instead of,
- Despite,
- On one hand, …. on the other hand, …
- In the opposite way, …
- In contrast, …
- Whereas…

Sequencing ideas:

- Well, first of all,…

- The first thing,…
- In the first place,…
- First of all,
- First and foremost,…
- Well, to be honest, first of all, …………….,
- Well, to kick off,…
- For starters,…
- To begin with,…
- To start with,…
- The next one,
- Moving on to the next reason,
- Secondly,
- Thirdly,…
- Subsequently,
- After this,…
- Finally,…
- Last but not least,…
Danial Daghianoosi

Discussing a controversy:

- That’s quite a controversial question. I think …………….

- I was mulling this over recently and I think ……………. (mull over =contemplate, consider)
- I’ve been thinking about this quite a lot recently and I think …………….
- Well, this has been a controversy over the past months/years.


- Yes, we might as well, …………….

- I guess so.
- I suppose so.
- I completely agree with you.
- I couldn’t agree more.
- I agree with the idea that…
- I’m in favor of …
- I support the fact that….
- I see where you’re coming from and I’d also like to say that…


- Well, to be honest,…
- Well, honestly,…
- Well, frankly,…
- Well, actually,…
- Unfortunately,…
- I’m afraid,…
- Definitely not.
- Basically,…
- Sadly, I’d have to say…
- I disagree with the idea that…
- I’m against the idea that…
- I don’t support the fact that…
- I see where you’re coming from but…
- I’ll have to disagree with that I’m afraid because….
- I feel the exact opposite way.

Time phrases/signals:

- Now,…
- At the moment,…
- At present,…
- Right now,…
- These days,…
- Nowadays,…
- In the past,…
- Before
Danial Daghianoosi

- Prior to …
- Then,…
- At that time,…
- Years ago,…
- When I was younger,…

Predicting/speculating (discussing the future):

- I don’t really think something like that would ever happen because…
- It’s highly likely that…
- I really doubt whether…
- The probabilities of something like that taking place in the future are very slim because…
- It’s highly/quite likely that this will happen …
- It seems probable/likely…
- Well, there are possibilities…
- There’s great likelihood that…
- I’m absolutely/quite sure that this will happen.
- I’m not (too)sure that this will happen.

Expressing degree of certainty about the future:

- It’ll certainly/definitely/surely be an issue if… (100%)

- It’ll almost certainly/definitely/surely solve the problem if we… (90%)
- It’ll probably provide opportunities to … (80%)
- Well, it’ll possibly be the case ... (50%)
- It probably won’t happen because … (20%)
- It almost certainly/definitely won’t take place because … (10%)
- It certainly/definitely won’t cause problems when… (0%)

Expressing plans, intentions and hopes for the future:

- I plan to ...
- My plan is to ...
- I plan on + gerund…
- I intend to ...
- I hope to ...
- I'm going to ...
- My life-long ambition is to ...
- My immediate goal is to ...
- My ultimate (= final) goal is to ...
- My dream is to ...
- Ultimately, ...
- Hopefully, ...
- Ideally, ...
- I expect to ...
- I’d like to ...
- As an alternative, I might ...
Danial Daghianoosi

- If all goes well, I'll / I should ...

- If everything goes according to plan, I'll / I should ...
- It's always been my hope/plan/ambition/dream to ...
- My heart is set on + gerund…

Causes (reasons), effects (results) and solutions (ways):

- I guess it’s because…

- The main reason is…
- Due to the fact that…
- Mainly because of ….
- It was caused by…
- Because…
- One of the consequences of … is that …
- As a result, …
- Because of this, …
- Therefore, …
- Consequently, …
- So, then…
- For this reason,…
- I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is…
- I reckon the only answer is to …
- The best way to solve this is…

Giving examples:

- For example,…
- For instance,…
- Such as…
- Like…
- Take … as an example,…
- Taking … as an example,…
- Let’s take …. as an example…
- A great example of this is…
- A clear example of this can be seen…

Stalling for time:

- Let me think about that,…

- That's a difficult/interesting question, …
- I haven't thought of that before,…
- Well..., actually, …
- Well, basically,…
Danial Daghianoosi


- Similarly ,…
- In the same way,…
- Equally, …
- Likewise, …
- In a similar fashion, …
- If I compare it to …
- I guess one difference is…
- I suppose the main difference between … and ... is…


- Generally,…
- Generally speaking,…
- Broadly speaking,…
- As a rule, …
- On the whole, …
- It is often said that...,
- In most cases, …
- The vast majority of,…
- A small minority of
- The great/vast/overwhelming majority of …
- There are ways to approach this matter, the one I’d think is ……
- Well, there’s a range of advantages for …
- It depends on….
- It actually varies…


- By and large, I think …

- In a nutshell,…
- In general,…
- Overall, I reckon…
- All in all, I’d say…
- All said and done,…
- At the end of the day,…

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