Experimental Study On Rubberized Concrete

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 4, May-June 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Experimental Study on Rubberized Concrete

Chetak A. Waghmare1, Dr. P. P. Saklecha2, Prof. M. M. Lohe2
1PG Student, 2Professor,
1,2Department of Civil Engineering, Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Sevagram, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Chetak A.

Modifications of construction materials have an important bearing on the Waghmare | Dr. P. P. Saklecha | Prof. M. M.
building sector. Several attempts have been therefore made in the building Lohe "Experimental Study on Rubberized
material industry to put to use waste material products, e.g., worn-out tyres, Concrete" Published
into useful and cost-effective items. Success in this regard will contribute to in International
the reduction of waste material dumping problems by utilizing the waste Journal of Trend in
materials as raw material for other products. The present proposal involves a Scientific Research
comprehensive laboratory study for the newer application of this waste and Development
material in the preparation of fibrous concrete. The primary objective of (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
investigation is to study the strength behavior i.e. compressive strength, 6470, Volume-5 | IJTSRD43718
impact resistance of rubberized concrete with rubber chips. Volume variation Issue-4, June 2021,
of rubber chips with replacement to course aggregate. The proposed work is pp.1730-1732, URL:
aimed to study the effect of volume of rubber chips on the compressive www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd43718.pd
Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: Rubber chips, rubberized concrete, compressive strength, light International Journal of Trend in Scientific
weight concrete Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution License
(CC BY 4.0)
(http: //creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)

About one crore 10 lakhs all types of new vehicles are added an experimental study is proposed to be conducted by using
each year to the Indian roads. The increase of about three crumb rubber as sand in cement concrete.
crores discarded tyres each year pose a potential threat to the
environment. Hazardous materials can be classified as
Aim:- To determine the compressive strength of concrete
chemical, toxic or non-decaying material accumulating with
when it is replaced with aggregate in various percentage i.e.
time. The accumulation of rubber and plastic can be
5%, 10% & 15%.
considered non-decaying materials that disturb the
surrounding environment. However, a positive method for Objective:-
disposing of this non-decaying material, such as reuse in To make proper use of waste rubber.
concrete mixes, would have a beneficial effect. One of the To help environment from harmful gases which emits
major environmental challenges facing municipalities around after burning of rubber.
the world is the disposal of worn out automobile tyres. Most To reduce the cost of concrete and used in light weight
discarded tyres are buried in the landfills. Only fewer are traffic.
used as fuel or as raw materials for the manufacture of
rubber goods. Burying scrap tyres in landfills is both wasteful
Sulagno Banerjee, Aritra Mandal, Dr.Jessy Robby:-The
and costly. Disposal of whole tyres has been banned in the
aim of their investigation was studies on mechanical
most landfills because they are bulky and tend to flow to the
properties of tyre rubber concrete. In their study they made
surface with time, so tyres are often shredded.
a concrete of M25 grade by replacing 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%
If tyres are reused as a construction material instead of being and 25% of tyre concrete with coarse aggregate and
burnt, the unique properties of tyres can once again be compared with regular M25 grade concrete. The properties
exploited in a beneficial manner. In this context, the use of of fresh concrete and flexural strength of hardened concrete
tyre chips in lightweight concrete is considered a potentially were identified. So they concluded that flexural strength
significant avenue. Thus, the use of scrap tyres in concrete decreases in concrete. In 7 days’ flexure strength, there is not
manufacturing is a necessity than a desire. The use of scrap much variation seen between conventional and rubberized
tyres in concrete is a concept applied extensively over the concrete. So there was not much difference in strength of
world. The use of scrap tyres rubber in normal strength rubberized and conventional concrete.
concrete is a new dimension in concrete mix design and if
Khatib and Bayomy (1999):- Investigated the workability
applied on a large scale would revolutionize the construction
of Rubberized concrete. They observed a decrease in slump
industry, by economizing the construction cost and
with increased rubber aggregate content by total aggregate
increasing the worn out tyre disposal. It is with this intension,
volume. Their results show that for rubber aggregate

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43718 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1730
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
contents of 40% by total aggregate volume, the slump was 2. Fine Aggregate- When the aggregate is pass through the
close to zero and the concrete was not workable by hand. 4.75mm sieve, it is called fine aggregate. Fine aggregate
Such mixtures had to be compacted using a mechanical use as an inert material and also fill the voids of concrete
vibrator. Mixtures containing fine crumb rubber were, and improve the workability.
however, more workable than mixtures containing either
3. Coarse Aggregate- The aggregate that retain on 4.75mm
coarse rubber aggregate or a combination of crumb rubber
sieve, it is called coarse aggregate. It reduces shrinkage
and tire chips.
and occupies the 70-80% volume of concrete.
Siddique and Naik (2004) and Senthil Kumaran et al
4. Crumb Rubber- Crumb rubber is recycle rubber,
(2008):- presented an overview of some of the research
produce from automotive and truck scrap. Crumb
published regarding the use of scrap tires in the manufacture
rubber is often used in artificial turf as cushioning.
of concrete. Studies indicate that good workable concrete
mixtures can be made with scrap-tire rubber. 5. Water- Water is use as a lubricant, cleaning agent,
sealant, heat transfer medium, as a solvent, and air
Eldin and Senouci (1992):-Reported that, in general the
pollution control medium.
Rubberized concrete batches showed acceptable
performance in terms of ease of handling, placement and V. PREPARATIO OF SPECIMENS:
finishing. However, they found that increasing the size or Batching: All cement, sand, coarse aggregate and coconut
percentage of rubber aggregate decreased the workability of shell measured with digital balance. Water is measuring
the mix and subsequently caused a reduction in the slump cylinder of capacity 1 lit and measuring jar of capacity 100
values obtained. They also observed that the size of the ml and 200 ml..
rubber aggregate and its shape (mechanical grinding
Mixing of concrete: The ingredients are thoroughly mixed
produces long angular particles) affected the measured
in concrete mixer. The sand, cement and aggregate are
slump. The slump values of mixes containing long, angular
measured accurately.
rubber aggregate were lower than those for mixes
containing round rubber aggregate. Round rubber aggregate Moulds:
has a lower surface/volume ratio. Therefore less mortar will Concrete moulds are cubes (150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm),
be needed to coat the aggregates, leaving more to provide cleaned first and oiled for easy stripping. The moulds for
workability. They suggested that the angular rubber conducting tests on fresh concrete were made ready and
aggregates form an interlocking structure resisting the inner surface was oiled.
normal flow of concrete under its own weight; hence these
Placing and Compaction: To avoid the bond formation
mixes show less fluidity. It is also possible that the presence
between moulds and concrete just clean and oil the moulds
of the steel wires protruding from the tire chips also
before pouring concrete. Place the fresh concrete and tamp
contributed to the reduction in the workability of the mix.
each surface 25 time . Clean the mounds and apply grease.
Topcu (1995):-Included low volumes of rubber aggregate Fill the concrete in the moulds in 3 equal layer
during the preparation of the concrete, while Rostami et al
(1993) appeared to use larger volumes of rubber aggregate.
After leveling the fresh concrete in the mould, it was allowed
Their results indicated that concrete densities were reduced
to set for 24 hours. The identification marks of concrete
to 87% and 77% of their original values, respectively, when
specimens were done with permanent markers and the
the maximumamounts of rubber aggregate were used in the
specimens were removed from the mould. The moulds were
cleaned and kept ready for next batch of concrete mix.
Ali et al. (1993):-Reported that when rubber aggregate was
added to the concrete, the air content increased considerably
Curing is an important process to prevent the concrete
(up to 14%). 8) Fedroff et al (1996) and Khatib and Bayomy
specimens from losing their moisture while they are gaining
(1999) observed that the air content increased in
their required strength. Inadequate curing is also the cause
Rubberized concrete mixtures with increasing amounts of
of unexpected cracks on the surface of concrete specimen.
rubber aggregate.The higher air content of Rubberized
concrete mixtures may be due to the nonpolar nature of VI. COMPRESSIVE TEST RESULT:
rubber aggregates and their ability to entrap air in their %Replaced
jagged surface texture. This increase in air voids content Days Cubes 0 % 5% 10% 15
by Rubber
would certainly produce a reduction in concrete strength, as C1 21.87 20.42 19.34 16.43
does the presence of air voids in plain concrete (Benazzouk Compressiv
7 C2 21.60 19.76 19.92 16.78
et al 2007). Since rubber has a specific gravity of 1.14, it can e Strength
Days C3 21.35 20 19.50 16.55
be expected to sink rather than float in the fresh concrete (N/mm2)
Avg 21.80 20.06 19.58 16.58
mix. However, if air gets trapped in the jagged surface of the Table No.1 Result of compressive Strength of
rubber aggregates, it could cause them to float (Nagdi 1993). Rubberized concrete after 7 days (N/mm2)
This segregation of rubber aggregate particles has been
observed in practice. % Replaced
Days Cubes 0% 5% 10% 15%
by Rubber
IV. MATERIAL PROPERTIES C4 25.67 .23.45 21.98 18.87
1. Cement – Confirming to IS 8112-1989 OPC of grade 43 Compressive
14 C5 25.40 23.10 21.67 18.87
was used in this experiment. Cement is a binding Strength
Days C6 25.30 23.01 22..35 18.54
material use in construction to bind other materials like (N/mm2
Avg 25.45 23.18 22 18.77
coarse and fine aggregate.
Table No.2 Result of compressive Strength of
Rubberized concrete after 14 days (N/mm2)

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43718 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1731
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
This research indicate that there is a great potential for
utilization of waste tyres rubber in concrete mix in
different percentages varying from 5% to 10%&15%.
Rubber waste can be used with non-structural concrete
such as light weight concrete or fill concrete.
This research was done by preparing single graded
rubber aggregate of size 20mm. The effect of different
sizes should be study in future.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43718 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2021 Page 1732

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